Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s going on…

Okay, earlier this week my Publisher hired a Publicist for me. This is a good thing and will eventually lead to increased book sales and untold wealth whereby I can by my secret lair under a volcanic island.
After not hearing anything for a day, all the Publicist has been busy.  I’m lined out on Radio Interviews. 

Today, I’ve just done a few, but tomorrow will be rather heavy.  The topic at hand is the Chris Dorner case in California.  This case is a big snarly one that needs to be examined carefully.  Not just about how and why Chris Dorner snapped, but also the LAPD’s response and how they pursued him.

The case is interesting on several fronts, but only until you read the Manifesto does it become clear that this wasn’t just a man with grievances  but a man that was smart, educated, and he just went completely nuts.  In one part, he details his grievances very clearly.  In another he pretty much declares war on the LAPD.  And then another he gives Shout Outs to Celebrities… His letter has great detail on some things, but then tracts off course into wild tangents.  What it is, is he was saying goodbye to the world.  He had no intention of being taken alive.

Regardless of how freaked out the LAPD was, it did not justify some of their actions.  Lighting up trucks that looked like Dorner’s for example.  Target Identification anyone?

Shooter 2.0 Females

On Facebook yesterday, a lovely young girl posted a picture of herself shooting an AR-15 .22.  She was proud of herself for getting out there and shooting.  I think her name was Kelly.  Pretty girl.  Cool rifle. (An M&P15-22)
And being a Novice Shooter, she held the rifle in the classic New Gun Girl Stance.  Meaning her cheek weld was directly above the rifle butt.  I’d post the picture but she pulled it down.

Why did she pull it down?

Was it her Liberal Friends who were giving her hell because she was shooting a gun?

Nope.  It was from Shooters who Dog Piled on her for her posture.  And it was a dog pile… Every experienced shooter felt the need to point out how wrong she was.   This was patently unnecessary.   This is not how we encourage new shooters to come back and pick the rifle back up and try again.  Why would she?  Why would she chose to associate with “Real Shooters” who acted like a bunch of Pricks?   This is now how we Recruit for our Team.

Some of these same Guys commented on another photo that hit Facebook.  A Woman with very large breasts, shirtless and rubbed down with oil, covering her nipples with a pair of handguns, fingers on triggers, pointing the guns into her breasts with an expression that she’s Mid-Climax.   All the guys comments were about how hot she was and not about the blatant Violations of Safety, which were pretty much 3 out of the 4.

Yet Kelly was piled on for just Bad Form?   What the hell is this?  It’s all okay if you show us your Tits?  Come on Guys!   I’ve no problem with a little Cheese Cake myself, but when you mix in Firearms we have to Throttle Back on the Inner Pig and take things just a little more seriously.  I’ve been known to post some Girl with Gun pictures myself.  But none Vulgar and none showing Firearms Safety Negligence.

What Message is this sending to new female shooters?  Daughters of my Friends?   We can’t let there be any double standards on this.   We need to treat all new shooters… Especially the Girls… with the utmost respect.  We want to grow and fill our ranks of proud Second Amendment Supporters, not chase them away.   I know this was happening on Facebook, but Facebook is freaking huge.  More people use it than Google.  So we can either make FB our Tool, or it can be used against us.  We gotta watch what we say.  People are watching.

Here’s how I filter my email

For Email… I open my client, look at all the pages of email. Usually between 8 and 12 a day.
I hit “Show All” so it’s all on one page.
Then I hit “Select All”.
Here’s where I take a moment. I scan down the emails, looking for anything that looks interesting. I’ll uncheck those.
Then I hit “Delete Selected”. Poof all gone save for those that looked interesting or important. This parses it down to about one page.
Then I spend a couple hours answering and responding.

I’ve come to hate email. If you are one of my close friends, just send me a txt or use my gmail account. I may miss your email if it looked boring.

Video Gurus…. Request Assistance.

All my cameras record in .MOV format. That’s hardwired and I can’t change that.
Sony Vegas 9 Platinum has been importing and splicing them up nicely. No problems.

These new POV cameras I have… BOTH the EPIC 1080HD Carbon and the DRIFT HD, also record in .MOV format. However both cameras record files that lose the Audio Tract as soon as I put them into Vegas. I can play them and hear them via Windows Media Player just fine, but once brought into Vegas, the sound is gone forever.
What’s stranger is that if I Drag and Drop, I can sometimes get SOUND but no Picture, and then it wont import any images after and it’s just sound until I restart Sony Vegas… Which as been updated, and no I don’t want to buy 11 Pro or whatever the hell the latest is.
Going back to older files, captured on my Cannon or Sony cameras, none of this happens and it just works. Again, also .MOV files.

Just in case you didn’t know

Cosmetic Enhancements are not actual “Upgrades” to your firearm. Milling in grooves that form neat designs does not make the gun function more reliably or more accurately. It just makes the gun look different.
This is like putting stripes on your Car.
Your car is not generating any more Grip, Power, or Braking… It’s still your same old car, but now with stripes.
With your firearms, Cosmetic Enhancements do about as much good. Don’t waste your money.

That being said, some Upgrades can help enhance your firearm’s performance over all. SLIPSTREAM, as applied by Crusader Weaponry, can make a gun that was less reliable, into a gun that is perfectly reliable.
Some finishes, such as Cerakote, will encase the firearm in a tough finish that makes is very difficult for corrosion to set in, and this enhances a firearm’s longevity.
Other’s out there such as NP3 make the gun attractive while more importantly providing a new finish that is slick and tough… again… enhancing reliability.

Don’t blow your money on Stripes.

Winter Riding

Yes, I ride in a Utah Winter. I am not crazy. I’m just cold. The trick is to watch out for patches of ice.

Notice in the first video I am in Vernal, heading home. I pulled out of Cafe Rio’s parking lot where I had a cup of soup… Tortilla Soup. And a Vanilla Coke.  In the second video, that’s actually me heading into Vernal, to go get a cup of hot soup. Hey, I like their soup. 

The Soup warmed me up so I could handle the ride back home.  As I rode west, homeward, there was some bad weather rolling in. It was getting foggy and started snowing again.  After I got home, it dropped 6 inches on Ogre Ranch. 

Man… I hate Winter.