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I finally got it. The Mossberg 464 SPX.

I have already put a box of rounds through it, and I’m quiet happy with it.  Functionally it was flawless, which was a huge step up from the last Lever Action I bought, the Marlin 1895, which immediately had to go back to the factory for 6 weeks.

The accuracy was very good. I have to say that I really like the way this thing shoots.  It was shooting very accurately off hand.  But I need to get to a range that actually has a Bench so I can really see what this thing will do.

20150218_133628As you can see, I didn’t get the version with the flash-hider.  Because I thought about it and admitted to myself that I will never be doing anything with that threaded end anyway because if I want to go quiet, well, I’ll be using a very different weapon for that sort of work.  This is going to strictly be for hunting.  So I saved 50 bucks on got the shorter option.  I like the shortness of it.  It feels extremely short.  And light.  WOW, this rifle is light.  Seriously… it’s like 1/2 the weight of a Marlin 336.  I threw a tac-light on it just because, well, I can.  Other than a sling, that’s going to be the extent of add-ons.  I’m not decking this thing out.  In fact, I may remove the rails all together.  I’ve not decided yet.   The stock has GOT to GO!  I really can’t tell you how much I hate this ATI stock.  It detracts from the entire rifle.  I thought I had a Magpul CTR stock here at the house, but I think I remember that I had given it away back in Jacksonville to a guy in my church.  So I will be needing a replacement stock as soon as possible.  I don’t care if it’s a standard M4 stock or even a TAPCO… anything is a step up from this ATI.  Stocks should not rattle and wobble.  Ever.
Along with the rifle, I grabbed a box of Remington HOG HAMMER ammo, as well as my favorite Federal Blue Box stuff for further plinking work.   I was going to get some Hornady LEVERevolutions for it… but I’m well familiar with how they perform, and wanted to try something new.

This gun will be used to harvest some delicious Venison this fall.  And with the Carolinas not having a limit on White Tail… I think I’m going to be harvesting a lot.   At least that’s the goal.  The hope.  One buys a rifle like this not for the collector value, but for the hope of adventures that one can have with it.

I think I’m going to paint it.  Just need to decide on how I’m going to go about it.

The End of 2014.

So, here’s i’m sitting in my office at the last moments of 2014.  At my fingertips is a Mac, and laying across my lap is an 870 Police Magnum. I’m in South Carolina and I am bewildered how I came about to be here.  A series of unfortunate events and fortuitous events played in such a way that I am in a place that I could never have imagined before.

A couple years ago, I was in a small old house in rural Utah, in the middle of no where.  Chopping wood and splitting wood daily.  Riding a motorcycle through snow.  Never warming up until late March. And to be honest, I was depressed as hell.  I felt stuck… trapped.  I had good friends around, but being stuck in a rut that was going to lead no where.  I found a chance to go to North Carolina, and I jumped on it.  Looking back, that was a mistake.  However I knew it was only a stepping stone.  So I stepped.

Now, I’m in a warmer place, in a new home that’s 4 times the size of that old Ogre Ranch… and the fireplace?  Runs on Gas.   I’m warm.  My joints don’t hurt.  All my old injuries don’t flair up like they used to and I’ve not had to use my cane for a great long time.   This is good.

2014 was a most interesting year.  Some of my worst lows in 2014.  Some of my best times.  I have cherished memories from 2014 now.

I can’t wait to see what 2015 has to offer.


Remington’s R1 Carry Commander.


I have handled the R1 Carry Commander again… This time taking a good hard critical look at it.  Dang if I can’t find a fault in it.  The action is super smooth, not too tight, not too loose – it’s totally Goldilocks.  This is just about the most flawless Commander I’ve seen for production 1911’s.   The finish inside was excellent.  I’m impressed, Remington.  Very impressed.  This gun is a contender for the next 1911 I get.   It really is.  If you get a chance to look at one at your local gun seller – take a good look at it and tell me what you think.

Scary Season.

Omen_ver4October is coming.  The Month of Scary Movies is almost here.  Time to turn the lights off and pull the blanket up to your chin.

The problem is what horror movie to watch?

I’ve not seen a really good new scary movie in a long time.   Some start out good, or at least interesting, and then go straight to “Pants on the Head Retarded”.

I hate jump scares.  If you are a Director, and you have to use them, you suck.  You suck, your script writer sucks, your producers suck.
Found Footage and Documentary type horrors are the worst.  They are as Cliche as the “It was all just a dream” dodge.  It was unique at one time, with the Blair Witch Project and now it’s just a crutch for the unimaginative.

Hollywood is all about doing Remakes… Either remaking older films, or remaking foreign films.  You know what?  If you are going to do a Docu-Footage Horror, don’t.  Do a Remake.  Because with as little artistic credibility as you are going to have, might as well emulate something actually good.

And if you do a Remake… I’m still going to hate you.   Hack.

So what movies are we going to watch this month?   I suggest the old classics.  Black and White.  My top pick?  The Omen.




Build the Want

You’ve got to look at the firearms like how Hooter’s uses their lovely girls. The girls are what brings the guys in, they are not making any money from the girls themselves. Stay with me here. You have a store full of Merch. For most Gun Stores most everything else in that store is a higher Margin item than most every gun you have in inventory.

Continue reading Build the Want