Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mike Kupari’s “Her Brother’s Keeper”

Mike’s new book, “Her Brother’s Keeper” is a fantastic mix of old school sci-fi and modern genre-blending.  I was highly enjoyable.  I  used an Audible credit to get the “Book on Tape”… having forgotten I had ordered the paper version.  So now my boys are reading it – and they too are enjoying it.  Get this book.  It’s an excellent Sci-Fi.  You will love it too.


The gun is of course my Ruger GP100 Match Champion.  The Blade is… some Benchmade push dagger… I forget which.  The patch, was Mike’s “Team Duchess” patch.   It’s one of my favorites.

SIG Rising

There has been a lot of chatter about SIG’S quality control lately.  Statements that call it to question.
SIG started this themselves when they started offering a lot of 3rd party crap with the SIG stamp on it.  Holsters,  cheap Red Dots, bulky, overpriced lights… terrible stuff.
But this is mostly all in the past now and SIG has learned that lesson and taken it to heart.  What they are doing now is incredible.
SIG wants to be the best.  They want to offer the best to the American Gun Owner.  And to this right, they have to do it themselves.   This means they are bringing things in house. 
Optics.  SIG is quietly making some amazing optics, after headhunting the best talent in the USA for the project.
SIG is also rolling very high quality ammunition.
The QC on their guns remains stringent.   Any 22X gun is going to be top quality.   Questioning maybe their rimfire stuff… debatable.  But SIG’s core gun lines have never faltered.  And honestly probably better than ever.  Better than even the legendary “German Stamped” guns.  Yes, I went there.   I’d happily take a new M11 pistol over any German marked 228 or the like.  I have full faith and confidence in SIG firearms.  And SIG is one of the very few gun makers I’d bet my life on.

Home Built

There’s been tons of chatter about using 3D Printers to build your own gun at home.  Unfortunately there’s a problem with these… and that’s quality.  3D Printed frames are just not that strong.  And if you can afford one of the big fancy metal printers that make strong parts… well, you could pretty much buy any numbers of guns you wanted for that astronomical price.  And even then, those parts are still not as strong as factory forged or cast frames.
Then there are the Ghost Gun mills.  That’s going to take your 80% Lower and finish it.  Or a block of material and carve out that AR lower for you.  That’s good.  Certainly a step up.  But that’s still not where I’d want to be… Even though I have seen some very good results.   It’s very limited.  A small CNC Mill is certainly where it’s at, but the Desk Top mills are not quiet there yet.

I like where this is going.  This article is about Plastic Casting.  And I think it’s got greater potential than current 3D Printers that are within reach of the DIY crowd.    If you can Cast plastic… You can cast Aluminum.  If you can cast Aluminum, you can cast steel.   There are videos on how to make your own forges and smelters and pretty much anything you need to melt metal.

Ruger builds some awesome firearms using a Cast process.  One that can be replicated on a small scale in your back yard.   Now here’s where this gets interesting… You can cast just about anything.  Any part.  The small parts you can’t cast, you can order in.

I’m really digging the exploration people are doing in the making it yourself movement.  We’ve seen some crazy cool things come of it.  I’m expecting any day now to see someone build something truly unique in their back yard.

Under the Bus.

Some psycho kills 9 people and the 10th victim is American History.

I was pleased to see that the potential for Anti-Gun Politics to flare up didn’t happen.  The shooter had a photo with the Confederate Flag on his Facebook Page, so obviously the Bad Guy here is the Confederate Flag…  So in order to stop Hate, people are pulling down all the Confederate Flags everywhere.
You know what?  I’m fine with that.  Let’s throw the General Lee’s Battle Flag under the bus.  That’s our Scape Goat for this horror, so be it.   But then they started talking pulling down books, movies, and video games.  And there’s talk of pulling down statues and a National Monument.
Wait one second.
American History may not be all Rocket’s Red Glare… but it’s our History.  We need to OWN IT.  For good or bad, it’s our history… OURS.  We need to Remember It.  We need to Learn from it.  So we don’t need to Repeat it.  Glossing over the bothersome bits… glossing over the parts we don’t like… the parts that make us uncomfortable… is intellectually dishonest.

What is called the Confederate Flag was really not the Confederate Flag.  It was Robert E Lee’s Battle Flag during The War of Norther Aggression.    To some, it’s a symbol of Hate.  To others it’s a symbol of Rebellion.  To others, it’s a symbol of Southern Pride.  And to others it is a part of our collective American History.   To the Democrats, it’s all about that Southern Pride.  The Democrats with deep ties to Racism and all it’s ugly collateral that goes with it, loved the “Dixie Flag”.  Bill Clinton’s campaign used the hell out of it.  So did so many Democrats around the south.   Personally, to me, it’s the Rebellion.  The standing up to and fighting against the Federal Government.   BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT IT WAS.

I don’t care if you like it or not.  You don’t have to like it.   But you should respect it.  Before you call for it’s removal, you should understand it’s significance.  Censuring that flag as a symbol of hate is just ignorant.   Especially when other things are not censured.  Such as the Swastika.  Che Guevara T-Shirts.  Censuring one and not all… means your offended Self Absorbed Holier than Thou situational Moral High Ground is a Fraud.  It’s False.    So that means that you are either ignorant or dishonest.  One or the other… maybe both.  If we’re going to censure hate – there’s so much out there that also needs to be censured.  And if that’s what you’re wanting to do… Then you become one of those tyranical, hysterical book burners and you’ve just become that very thing you’ve been against.  Congratulations, you slobbering moron.

Own your History.  Learn from your History.  And don’t Repeat the bad History.

Pistol Needs

1. Ruger GP100, 4″.
2. SIG M11a1.
3. Ruger SP101 2.5″.
4. Chiapa Rhino 4″.
5. STI Texican.
6. Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag, 5″.

The Texican is really the only STI gun I really lust over. The Rhino is a strange but persistent fascination. The Redhawk is just for shear power.
The SIG is because its just about ideal for me. And the other two Rugers… would become my EDC guns.

Going to the Gun Show in Charlotte, NC tomorrow.

I’ve not been to a good gun show in YEARS. In 2013 I went to a gun show in Wilmington, NC that was the saddest little gathering I’ve ever seen in my life. The last good one I went to was a Crossroads of the West in SLC… well, actually far south of SLC, but never mind… That was a gunshow where Crusader Weaponry had a booth and it was good… had fun.  Nothing since then.  Wilmington doesn’t even count as a Gun Show.
Now, I hear that these gun shows in Charlotte are big deals. We shall see. Evidence that it’s a big deal is that I tried to get a table for Point Blank Range and was told that they sold out last Feb. So that’s a good sign that this will be a lively event.
I’m going to be there, and I’ll be handing out some coupons for free gun rentals… So if you see me – make sure get that coupon.
I may take something with me to sell or trade as well. Bartering is the fun part for me at these events. Finding those killer deals, leveraging them and flipping them and leaving the show with more money in my pocket than when I arrived. If the show is fluid enough. So we will see… we will see.

The passing of a Villain

safe_image So Sarah Brady has finally kicked the bucket.  I can’t really say that I care one way or another.  She was a Villain of the Constitution.  She took a tragedy in her life, and twisted it into a weapon to use against millions of others to hurt them and hinder them.  She’s been a pain in our collective asses for decades now.  But let’s not start singing Ding Dong The Witch is Dead…

madame-medusa-rescuersShe even looks the part of a villain. Right out of a Disney movie.  I don’t feel enough one way or another about her passing to get worked up.   I feel indifferent.  Completely indifferent.  Some are cheering.  Some are passing around high fives.    I just don’t care.  Here’s my prediction though.  Come Monday, there’s going to be flags flown at half staff and Sarah Brady will be granted Sainthood by the Liberal Left.  There will be long speeches about what a fantastic person she was.  Much like Chi.  I also predict Gabby Giffords will be crowned the Heir to this Legacy.   Buckle up for a new Gun Control surge – in her memory.

New Job: Point Blank Range

11000395_838593676176594_1416655401949180606_nAs some of you know, I am no longer with Blackstone Shooting Sports.  I left a couple weeks ago and I am happy to announce that I am now with Point Blank Range, as their new Marketing Manager.
This new job is going to be a lot of fun, doing all the things I love to do.  So I am really looking forward to this!
So if you are going to visit the Charlotte, NC area, head to the Point Blank Range South Charlotte location in Matthews.   I’ll be there most of the time starting tomorrow.