I have mentioned before that I like wearing Hoodies. I have a bunch… Let’s see…
UnderArmor… I have 3. One brown, one green, and one digital camo.
Browning… 2. One green, one brush camo.
Carhart… 1. Black, oversized even by hoodie standards and super warm… one of my favorites.
2 Generic store brand hoodies in a forest camo.
1 from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
And I have 3 from Basin Sports, one black UnderArmor with a zip up, one brown, and one black again.
I think I have a couple more that I can’t think of right now… Oh, one from Ugly Stick…
None of these Hoodies have anything to do with association or support of Gangs or Trayvon Martin or anything else like that… I like to wear them because they are comfortable… not because I am occupying Wall Street or looking for Zimmerman’s head. I am at the moment of writing this, occupying my couch while wearing a Browning hoodie because it’s a cool spring morning after a night time storm and I’ve got the windows open and I am listening to the birds singing and chirping and cooing… (I have doves at Ogre Ranch… see… I’m all about Peace) If wearing a hoodie indicates my support of anything – right now you could say that it’s Browning Firearms. Under this hoodie is a Glock model 20 in 10mm with 2 spare mags on my belt. This is another bonus of wearing of a hoodie… I can conceal an M4 Carbine under here, let alone any handgun I fancy to carry.
Where are the Tactical Hoodies? With inside straps for spare mags and flashbangs? With Velcro areas for the addition of Patches? I want to put my Patches on a Hoodie… and be able to take them off again and change them. Let’s see… MHI, EOD, INFIDEL, PORK EATING CRUSADER… I got a lot of Patches here that need a Tactical Hoodie!