Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bank of America should not get our business

I’ve been increasing displeased with some banking institutions.  Mt. America, Zions, Nations, and now Bank of America.   BoA just dropped McMillan because they are a Gun Company.

The SHOT industry (Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade) is huge… there is a lot of money in it and a lot of Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Enthusiasts earn and spend a lot of money.  And Bank of America should get none of it.  Not a penny.  Everyone that any account with BoA, should pull their accounts and open new ones in a Gun Friendly banking institution.  Vote with your Wallets.

But I thought…

The Secret Service Snafu has me wondering here… The Agents apparently broke no laws.  So why are they being punished?  Most of the people who are “Outraged” about it are the same people who dismissed Bill Clinton’s actions in an Intern as “Just sex, and none of our business.”  If that’s the standard, then what about if there wasn’t even any of that?  Just “Escorts” and some drinking and carrying on like what goes on in behind the curtain in a lot of professional cultures where the public front is a perfectly worn suite and a poker face.  Just ask Japan.

The men were off duty.  No laws were broken.  I don’t see a problem with that.  The only problem that I have was the apparent loose handling of Confidential Information.  That’s not cool.  But whooping it up while off duty?  I don’t care.

I also don’t care that another SS Agent post pics of Sarah Palin saying “I’d hit that” or whatever he was going on about.  I wouldn’t fire him.  I’m send him to work counterfitting cases or something, because that was in poor taste to do what he did… but again… he violated no laws or sacred trust.   And most guys offended by what he did all agree and were thinking the same thing.


Monday I received another concussion. Hit my head… I thought I was doing okay, headaches, but taking it easy I thought I was doing pretty well.
Today I decided to take short ride to warm up my motorcycle’s chain so I can lube it up… As I was pulling back into Ogre Ranch, I felt like I was falling to the left, so I leaned right, and very gently, very slowly, very ignobly… laid my bike over on it’s right. No real damage but a bend in the brake lever, and I popped a connector on a fairing.
As of right now, I am still dizzy as hell.


I have mentioned before that I like wearing Hoodies.  I have a bunch… Let’s see…

UnderArmor… I have 3.  One brown, one green, and one digital camo.
Browning… 2.  One green, one brush camo.
Carhart… 1.  Black, oversized even by hoodie standards and super warm… one of my favorites.
2 Generic store brand hoodies in a forest camo.
1 from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
And I have 3 from Basin Sports, one black UnderArmor with a zip up, one brown, and one black again.
I think I have a couple more that I can’t think of right now… Oh, one from Ugly Stick…

None of these Hoodies have anything to do with association or support of Gangs or Trayvon Martin or anything else like that… I like to wear them because they are comfortable… not because I am occupying Wall Street or looking for Zimmerman’s head.  I am at the moment of writing this, occupying my couch while wearing a Browning hoodie because it’s a cool spring morning after a night time storm and I’ve got the windows open and I am listening to the birds singing and chirping and cooing… (I have doves at Ogre Ranch… see… I’m all about Peace)  If wearing a hoodie indicates my support of anything – right now you could say that it’s Browning Firearms.  Under this hoodie is a Glock model 20 in 10mm with 2 spare mags on my belt.  This is another bonus of wearing of a hoodie… I can conceal an M4 Carbine under here, let alone any handgun I fancy to carry.

Where are the Tactical Hoodies?  With inside straps for spare mags and flashbangs?   With Velcro areas for the addition of Patches?  I want to put my Patches on a Hoodie… and be able to take them off again and change them.  Let’s see… MHI, EOD, INFIDEL, PORK EATING CRUSADER… I got a lot of Patches here that need a Tactical Hoodie!


I’ve not posted about the Trayvon Zimmerman shooting, because I don’t have the details.
I still don’t.  But enough people gave asked, so I will give you my two cents.
Zimmerman, no matter what he did wrong in following after the police dispatcher told him not to, was violently physically attacked.  Police on the scene evidently thought it was a good defense shooting, because the man was not arrested. 
Trayvon however wins this, because Zimmerman gave him something few thugs ever get… Remembered. He will probably be remembered for a good ten to fifteen years.  Most thugs are forgotten in a matter of weeks.


I need some more music for my MP3 player.  I’ve got Nightwish… And Honest Engine.  But I need some variety. 
I need Operation Mindcrime, Empire, Final Cut, Pulse, Delicate Sound of Thunder, and some newer more modern albums of the same epic nature.

The Tap Out Affliction

I think Jersey Shore has washed up in the Uintah Basin like an unwanted fist pumping oil slick.  Vernal is a few years behind the rest of the country… thanks to a self induced communal isolationism that Vernal as a community is proud of.  When things wash in, it does so like Katrina into New Orleans… The Jersey Shore thing is all over now, yet the local Young Ones are not quite sure how to apply it.  So we have the Hair and the tight Tshirts that have print that look like enlarged French curtains, as if thats the coolest thing ever… then tight jeans only half on their buttocks and Carhart boots while the guy jumps down out of his Dodge 3500 Diesel as the sun glints off the metallic sticker that they carefully leave on their perfectly flat brim ball cap.  What I don’t get is that most of these guys have literally never been further outside of Utah than Craig Colorado.

My words of advice to these Young Ones… Guys, just be yourself.  You live in Utah.  In the country.  You are surrounded by Cattle and Oil Fields.  The biggest thing that happens here in Vernal is the annual Rodeo and NRA Banquet.  Embrace who you are.  Because if you strip off the Imported Faddish Sillyness – You guys are Cooler than Jersey Shore.  You are better than that.  You ask the JS Crew to get anything done and they’ll ruin it.  Ask you guys to get anything done… and you will repair a Diesel Truck to move an Oil Rig and then gather up a herd of Beef and get it loaded into a trailer… all before breakfast and the next day you’ll go out and hunt a trophy elk and tag it and bag it.   You guys Get Shit Done.  You are independent.  You are capable.   Be proud of that and don’t lower yourself to emulate a pack of slobbering useless idiots on TV.

Random thoughts

Tx requiring voters to show I’D.  Of course its discrimination… That would mean the Democrats could only vote once.

Rachel Welch says America is a bunch of porn addicts.  Blah blah blah… I just wanted to see her naked.

Windmills are killing Eagles again in California.  Why not catch the freshly killed birds and roast them to feed the homeless and poor?   Liberals already mock everything else… Why not gobble down Eagles too?

The Energy Secretary says he’s done everything he can to lower gas prices… The guy doesn’t even own a car.  I’m sure his efforts were all in earnest. 

10 grand a plate dinner with Democrats… And they were saying the GOP is out if touch.   Republicans had a fundraiser dinner that I went to… It was 10 bucks.  Hmmm…