Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blog Roll

Getting ready to filter the Blog Roll once again.  If you have a blog that you like to see included, your own or a favorite that isn’t listed, post it in the comments below here.  If you see a blog that is listed that is dead or unworthy, let me know below as well.

It’s been suggested that I do away with them altogether.  Naw.  Since I set as my home page, I use it as my Book Mark list and I know several other guys that do too, so it’s not going away, just refreshed.

Dear Adobe

You are fucking obnoxious. All I need you for is to read PDF’s. Yet you are constantly updating and being a fucking attention-whore about it when you are doing it. I can’t put you into the background or minimize you while you’re do your shit… you have to be on top of everything, in my way. If I slide you over to the side, you pop back up into the center. I’m trying to write a book over here, or look at funny cat videos – and you are always getting in my face. Judas Priest, man! You are like those Mexican Porn Flier People in Vegas. Can’t walk down the Strip without those clowns snapping their little fliers in your face… Adobe – you are just like that. And then you ask me to Reboot. Really? I’m in the middle of doing something and you are interrupting me, getting in my way, and then you want me to stop what I am doing. Are you serious? This isn’t Windows 95 anymore. I am getting really tired of you, Adobe.
Knock it off or I’m uninstalling your shit.

The Avengers

I liked it and I didn’t like it.  First off, let me go over what I didn’t like…

I hated the stupid flying aircraft carrier that turns invisible.  Okay, the Carrier was cool to a point… that point being right up till the moment it started to lift off up out of the water.  That suspension of disbelief request by the film makers was just too much.  Then on top of it… it can go invisible.  No… I don’t think so. You have all this great technology but still can get shrapnel out of Tony Stark’s chest?  Really?
The huge amount of CGI with so much crap happening on the screen all at the same time… it gives me a headache.  This is one of the reasons I didn’t like GI Joe and it looks like the same people that did that did this.
But what I liked –  Joss Whedon’s script.  The dialog and the way he wrote the interaction between the characters was absolutely brilliant.  You have Super Heroes here, which requires a lot of suspension of disbelief already, but you have dialog that makes them human and makes them real.

I also liked how you have these super heroes with earth-bending powers… and a chick with a pair of Glock’s can keep up.  In her tight black cat-suit. Wish her hair was longer like in the last Iron Man, but still.  I liked Hawkeye too.  The actor, the lack of high collars and capes on him… I liked that.  The Arrow Head selecting quiver was a bit much… but it was still good.

Ultra Concerns

I have to agree with our friend Rob Pincus.  Rob is one of the most active trainers in the Gun World.  He’s always on a range.  And he’s describing exactly what I’ve been seeing as well.

I’ve only had and seen good results with small 1911’s from two sources.  SIG and Detonics.  None of the others have run properly.  I don’t know exactly why that is as I am not a Mechanical Engineer. I’m a Low Brow Knuckle Dragging Gunslinger… I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen more failure to function with 1911’s than any other handgun type. In fact, I’ve only seen one 1911 run through a course without a failure. That was an STI in 9mm run by our friend Larry Correia. His “Cheater Heater”. Anyways, back to the caution on these Ultra Compacts. Be careful with them. Find loads that run in your pistol. Lubricate them with Slipstream Weapon Lubricant. Find how many rounds you can go through before the gun starts acting up and needs to be cleaned again. If your gun is not reliable – then for the love of all that is good in the world… Don’t use it for defense. Just Don’t. To do so would be to make a Jump with a Chute packed by the kid that takes out the trash at Wendy’s. Not Bright. If you have an Ultra and you like it… and it isn’t quite reliable. Have a Gunsmith go through it and tune it up.

Quiz: Shire to Mordor

Your backpack is full of all the essentials.  Your party is outside waiting for you.  You have a long walk ahead.  You open your Arms Locker… It is full of your life’s collection… all your favorites… with magazines and ammo to spare.  But you can only pick one, because you are going to have to carry it a very long way.

You don’t know what you will face… but you know that out there… outside the borders of The Shire… are dark horrible things and you could run into some or all of them.  Orcs, Trolls, Uruk-hai, Dunlendings, Goblins, Olog-hai, Easterlings, Wights, Wargs, Ring Wraiths, Nazgul, Skin-Changers, Giants, perhaps a Dragon and Balrog (with wings… because freaking Balrogs have wings, damnit), and if you are unlucky… a Tom Bombadil .

You reach in, grab the gun and head out.

What was it that you grabbed?

This was a question asked in the very early days of… I remember it well because I thought about it a lot before I answered, and I have thought about it still since then.  My answer at the time was a Krinkov.  Smallish, Lightish, but reliable and potent.  I think it was a good answer then.  I think it’s a good answer still.


Got this from a friend.

I became confused when I heard the word “Service” used with these agencies:
Internal Revenue ‘Service’
U.S. Postal ‘Service’
Telephone ‘Service’
Cable TV ‘Service’
Civil ‘Service’
State, City, County & Public ‘Service’
Customer ‘Service’

This is not what I thought ‘Service’ meant.

But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to ‘Service’ a few cows.

I’m done with it

This image just sets the tone with me for 2012. I decided that I was going to get those things that I’ve always wanted – screw what anyone else would say about it.  I’m done with trying to impress anyone.  I’m done caring about what anyone else thinks.  I only have one life… I’m going to live it.

So I got rid of the Cruiser and got a Sport Bike.  I got a 10mm.  Why?  Because fuck it – I wanted it.  I don’t care what anyone else thinks… I got music that I like.  I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it – I do.  I’ll wear a Hoodie because I like it.  You don’t like it?  Don’t wear one, that’s fine.  I’m not being selfish here – I’m just being Me.  I’m being the Genuine Ogre.  This is the real me and I’m not trying to fit in with your expectations.  I want to live up to Mine.  And everything I have – I’ve paid cash for.  Later this year – you might see some other surprises.

Bank of America should not get our business

I’ve been increasing displeased with some banking institutions.  Mt. America, Zions, Nations, and now Bank of America.   BoA just dropped McMillan because they are a Gun Company.

The SHOT industry (Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade) is huge… there is a lot of money in it and a lot of Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Enthusiasts earn and spend a lot of money.  And Bank of America should get none of it.  Not a penny.  Everyone that any account with BoA, should pull their accounts and open new ones in a Gun Friendly banking institution.  Vote with your Wallets.