Couple weeks ago I went through my DVD collection and pulled out all my Rated R movies. These movies were put into a box, leaving only the lesser rated movies. The purpose was to clean out any movies which did not uplift or teach a valuable and morally justifiable lesson.
After reviewing the films remaining and those removed, I quickly found that the R rating was no watermark for judging a movie’s content. Some movies I put back on the shelf. Some for the lessons or historical perspective or moral object lessons provided… Rob Roy, Saving Private Ryan…. among others.
And then I looked at the rest that remained… Films rated PG-13 and such “Safe” movies. Many were light minded, vapid, or every bit as deserving of an R rating due to content and language. Many had no historical lessons or held any moral justification. Many I felt were more spiritually damaging than some which had been culled.
I didn’t have time to finish the filtering… but will do so later. But my goal is to leave movies which have a purpose. Talking about this with my Bride, we determined that the deciding factor would be “What lessons do we want to our sons learning?” Movies, like literature often carry lessons for life. These can shape one’s views and opinions which can effect future moral decisions. Don’t try to tell me that Film is a weak medium and has no effect on Character. Film is visual literature and literature helps mold Character one way or another.
Take a look at the films in your homes. What lessons are you getting from them? How is that R Rating matching the lessons you want to share with your prodigy?
My Grandfather served in World War II. Saving Private Ryan, while a work of fiction, gives a very realistic interpretation of some of the things my Grandfather experienced or witnessed. The story it’s self walks through a series of some things that had actually happened in that war. And while no documentary feature, I feel it is a good example of that era in history. It also tells of of the moral of service and sacrifice and duty to causes higher than one’s self. That’s just an example of a rated R movie that is probably worth keeping. I’m keeping it.
Mormons as a whole try to avoid R rated movies in general. But I tell you what… I’d rather my kids watch The Patriot or The Last Samurai than Dumb and Dumber or Twilight.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Fox Says
Ask me what the Fox says one more damn time…
I’ll break you in half, shove your head up your ass, and throat punch you in your dick.
And since I’m now a kinder and gentler Ogre, I’d then forgive you and spend the rest of the day on the beach sipping peach iced tea.
Go see it on the Big Screen. Bigger the better. This weekend… Go.
I want to play a game of D&D with Vin Diesel, Jack Black, Felicia Day and Rob Zombie. DM’d by Christopher Lee.
Who is your Celebrity D&D Party?
I hate Conspiracy Theories…
Some of the biggest and most asinine conspiracy theories out there are really getting on my nerves.
9-11-01. The Government was in on it.
No, It wasnt. 9-11 happened because everyone was asleep at the wheel. Flight Instructors to Federal Agents. All the signs were there and nobody said anything. Interagency communication wasnt happening. No one really cared because it was a different world at the time. No could actually imagine such a thing really happening.
The Colorado Theater Shooter was a false flag attack. No. The Government doesnt need to randomly kill people… unless they dont obey the Capitol Police in DC… That was an act of an individual who went crazy. Probably did some drugs. Lost his mind. Whatever happened to him, there was no Smoking Man behind it. It wasnt a False Flag Attack. That catch phrase has been used, forgive the pun, to death and its not been the case.
FEMA Rail Cars in Wyoming. If you’ve not heard this one…. FEMA has prison rail cars to tranport prisoners to concentration camps, and they keep them hidden in Wyoming. Or Montana. Ive heard both. They often show a picture of an automobile transport railcar, which is unusual looking. They say the railcar is full of shackles welded inside. This is ludicrous. While FEMA does have refugee camps ready for use in the next Katrina Incident, they are not planning on Red Dawn Like Prison Camps for those of different opinions. They would have to imprison half the population. If such rail cars existed… as described… the people of Wyoming would burn them down to the tracks.
FEMA Coffins. Only partially right. They are grave liners that coffins go into. But its not FEMA behind these , its Morticians. And its not a conspiracy, its commercial business. Go ask a Mortician. Or not… because one day you will see for yourself. But it’s a nice conspiracy… The Government is going to bury everyone in nice sealed coffins now instead of the common mass graves. Thats American Exceptionalism at work right there.
Why Spam this?
GTI Forums,GTI Forum,VW GTI Forums,VW GTI Forum,Golf GTI Forums,Golf GTI Forum x |
Submitted on 2013/10/06 at 8:48 am
Generally I don’t examine content upon weblogs, on the other hand would want to claim that this write-up extremely forced me to have a look from and accomplish that! Your publishing flavor is impressed everyone. Thanks, extremely wonderful posting. |
A lot of spam is out there to sell something… I got this spam this morning.
Oh, I deleted it as spam, because that’s just what I do, but I am also fond of the GTI, so I took a look. 1 Thread, 1 Post. This is the most useless spam I’ve ever seen. I just had to laugh. This is spam, just for the sake of spam.
Ogre’s Movie Alphabet.
A: Is for Aliens. Who mostly come out at night. Mostly.
B: Is for Blade Runner. Tell him I’m eating.
C: Is for The Cell. Jlo’s only good movie.
D: Is for Die Hard. Yippie Ki Yay, major flubber.
E: Is for Event Horizon. Where you don’t need eyes to see.
F. Is for Full Metal Jacket. Seven point six two millimeter.
G: Is for Gladiator. Are you not entertained?
Kenya & Evil
Like many of us, I watched the reports and read the articles, and looked at the photos of the Islamic Atrocity in Kenya.
I was going to write a scathing open letter to Islam, calling for peace. I’ve thought about this all day. How I was going to illustrate how Islam’s fundamentalists lead to hatred and extremism, and fosters violence in the fervent, the ignorant and the enthusiastic. The more I thought about it, the more hopeless the effort became, because it would fall not on deaf ears, but ears that choose not to hear. Ears on the heads that have already decided.
I am reminded of Matthew Chapter 7, Verse 16. I’ll link to a wider translation, than just the King James version which I prefer. Also, Luke 6:44.
These actions are happening for a purpose, for a reason. They are fulfilling the goals for which they are directed. These are people who are being lead to do evil, by evil. Because their fruits are obvious.
Top 10 movies that need to be made.
10. At the Mountains of Madness. By HP Lovecraft. Directed by Guillermo Del Toro. |
9. The Black Library’s “Horus Heresy” series. The first 5 books. Directed by James Cameron |
8. Man Kzin Wars. By Larry Niven. Directed by JJ Abrams. |
7. Stephen King’s The Gunslinger. Directed by Quinton Terantino. |
6. Starship Troopers. This time, following the book. Directed by Micheal Mann. |
5. Larry Niven’s Ringworld. Directed by Ridley Scott |
4. The Iron Druid series. Directed by Stephen Speilberg |
3. Monster Hunter International. Directed by Joss Whedon |
2. The Grimnoir Chronicles. Directed by Bryan Singer |
1. The Uprising Saga. Directed by Tony Scott |
Guns, Coffee and Butthurt
We shot ourselves in the foot over the Starbucks issue. There are many articles and blog posts about Starbucks and Open Carry popping up all over the place. Starbucks was never Pro-Gun. They wanted to remain politically neutral on the issue. The whole “We will follow the local law” policy was a smart one. It didn’t take a side. But so many people used their business as a political soapbox and forced them to take a side.
You guys don’t carry an AR-15 into the Gun Store to buy Ammo or a Cleaning Kit – Why the hell do you need to bring your AR-15 Rifle into a Coffee Shop for a cup of Caffeine? Seriously, Why? This is called Grandstanding. Among other less kinder terms. Because of this they had to, as politely as possible, ask you guys to stop. And now some of you are excessively butthurt. “Boycott Starbucks!” you’re yelling. Boycott them for what? For not wanting to be your Photo Op? Do you want people who you don’t know, bringing rifles and shotgun to your house or non-gun industry business?
I don’t see guys taking pictures like this in front of Sporting Goods Stores. I don’t see pictures like this in front of WalMart or Cabella’s. Why do you think it’s appropriate inside a Coffee Shop, who’s Corporate HQ is in the heart of the Liberal Holy Land of Seattle Washington? Honestly, what did you expect would come of this? Where is the Moderation? This morning I noticed driving past the Starbucks in town, the line was just as long today as it was the last couple of days. They will remain in business.
I’m all for the Right to Carry. I even advocate appropriate Open Carry on Armed American Radio when the Host and other guests are against Open Carry… I see their arguments against, and for the most part agree. But there are times and places you can open carry just fine, and other times and places that it’s just unwise. As a whole, we’ve been unwise when it came to Starbucks. It went too far. The whole “too much of a good thing” came into effect like a Triple Espresso with a side of Jolt Cola and a Rip It.
Moderation, people. Keep Calm, and Carry On… appropriately.
These pictures would be awesome in the right setting. Enthusiasm for the cause we all love… but in a Starbucks? GO TO THE RANGE! Where’s the LOCAL GUN DEALER APPRECIATION DAY?
Update: Some people have called my position cowardly. So those of us who say taking an AR-15 into a Coffee Shop, just because it’s technically not illegal to do so yet, is pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior, are cowards?
Gentlemen, there is the problem. To get people to accept guns in polite society as acceptable, by pushing unacceptable behavior with extremism, is not winning anyone to our side. And as this case shows – worked against our cause rather than for it. The fact that so many Patriot Brothers can not see that is the problem.
Open carry to make a political statement is not Open Carrying. It’s political grandstanding. And it’s counter productive. Instead of showing people “See, no one got killed by my AR here today”… how about showing people that Gun Owners are normal people like everyone else? How about that for a change? Let’s see how that works.