Tag Archives: MRD

I took the plunge

When I acquired my Echelon 4.0c, Springfield Armory had a GEAR UP promotion rolling on it. They offered a free Range Bag, 3 spare magazines, and a Micro Red Dot. The MRD had 2 options. 1 being a little unit from Crimson Trace, and the other from this outfit called Hex and the unit was called the Wasp. I’ve seen the CT unit before and hated it, and I’ve heard some not so great things about it… and for the Wasp, well, I didn’t know anything about it and had not even seen one before. So I rolled the dice on the Wasp.

I’ve honestly never seen myself owning a pistol with an optic on it, but since it was FREE, well, might as well give it the old college try, eh? Well, the Gear Up promo took some time to get to me. SA says 8 to 12 weeks. Not sure how long it was for me… but just over 8 weeks seems about right. I had honestly forgotten about the promotion until I received an email from S.A. saying it was shipped.

Credit given to where credit is due… The mounting system S.A. has on the Echelons is very clever. I needed no adapter plate and the optic mounted low enough, I still have my Sights. And that’s important for a reason I’ll mention in a bit. The trick to the mounting system is the pre-drilled hole patterns that allow most MRD’s to get mounted. What makes it work are the different Pin Sets that, when changed, alter the base dimensions for support contact and stabilize the optic. After a few moments of “WTF is This?” it all dawned on me and was a breeze fixing the MRD to the gun nice and secure.

And I immediately hated it. Because it’s different and I’m not used to it. But as I said, I’ll give it an honest go and see how I like the whole pistol optic thing. What do you guys think, a 200 round trial or should I go 400 to 500 before I make a decision?

If I do decide that a Pistol Optic is my Jam, I have two other pistols that might get them. But regardless of if I like it… The little Wasp will be getting replaced. Here’s why. There’s no Seal on the bottom and as good and solid as it mounts – water will be able to ingress and cause problems. And by problems, I mean kill the sight. There are other units that are better suited for South Carolina weather, and I’m not about to spackle on Flex Seal on this. Although, that is a good idea for other applications! I’ve not shot this pistol with the optic on it yet… But will soon enough.