Tag Archives: Health Care

Sopranos Health Care

tony-sopranoIt started out as Free Health Care.  That whipped the unwashed, low information masses into a frenzy.  Got a lot of people in on this idea. Garnered a lot of support.  Then they changed it bit by bit.  “You can keep your old plan.”  And “You can keep your same Doctor.”  While never telling anyone that in fact, no, it’s not free.

Then it turned into something else… Like something out of the Sopranos.  It’s more like, “So, you’re gunna buy this health care policy.  You have until the end of the year.  Or else.”

Unless your part of The Family.  Then you get exemptions. It’s universal for everyone else.

This is like a Mafia style Protection Racket.  It’s not lowering the cost of anything.  In fact, for most everyone, it’s more expensive.  A lot more expensive.

I fully expect to hear Joe Biden come out and say “That’s a nice Health Care Plan you have there… I’d hate to see anything happen to it.”