18 thoughts on “Uprising USA on Amazon”

  1. Even though I have a book on Kindle (Shamless Plug Alert: “Recon of Worlds) I don’t have one yet. When can we get the hard cover Og?

  2. awesome!!! I can’t wait till its available on NOOK. Having read the Original from the first day it was “out”, all I can say is that if anyone likes “adventure” books, buy this !!! You will not be disappointed. I will be picking it up in “dead tree” format as soon as its available.

  3. Got the Kindle edition…
    George… some HAVE to be signed in red pen… it is a Moral Imperative.
    The small group in on it would would cheer and possibly attempt to carry you around town on their shoulders.

    Dude, I cant express how happy and proud of you.
    You are an inspiration.
    *Bro Fist*


  4. Congrats.

    I still need two when the hard copy comes out. Love to have one signed for my son. I showed him your artwork today and that’s got him pretty stoked. He loves the idea that an author actually had the stones to insert himself into the story.

    Ogre and his hoard stomping mudholes into zombie skulls.

    Does it get any better?

  5. Congrats George,

    Looking forward to it after reading the posts on WTA. Unfortunately I don’t do Amazon ebooks. Any chance Baen might pick this up?

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