I’m a Mormon

Message on FB: “Why you bragging about being Mormon?”
My response: First off, I wasn’t bragging. I’m proud to be a Mormon. I’ve taken it for granted in the past. Forgot who I was. I remember now. I was born LDS. I served an LDS Mission. But I’ve not always been Mormon. There is a difference.
Even if you are born into a Mormon family, there is still that moment when you are “Converted”. I remember that moment when that happened to me.
While looking through the scope of a rifle on an overwatch and feeling so empty inside. I prayed that there had to be more to life. The feeling that I got after that – I can’t explain it. Here, let me tell you what Chocolate tastes like. But I do know what that feeling was and where it came from. I can’t just put that away anymore.
I decide that I was going to be Mormon or I wasn’t. No more in between.
I’m Mormon.

If you don’t like that and can’t accept that, then you are not, nor have you ever been, my friend.

I’m proud to be a Mormon. We have an awesome history in this country and around the world. We had a State give an official Extermination Order against us, yet we remain Patriotic Americans. We’ve be been reviled in society yet we remain helpful to the community. It’s a tough example to live up to. But I’m trying.

15 thoughts on “I’m a Mormon”

  1. Now being a religious minority after moving I would imagine would strengthen your belief. You’ve always been a good guy in my book…and being a Mormon makes no difference.

  2. George, I’m not Morman. I’m Evangelical Presbyterian (that is not an oxymoron), and quite involved in church leadership.

    I have huge respect for my Morman friends and have quite a few. We are all in this together. Differences in how we see God, as dimly as that is for any of us, ought not stand in the way of recognizing Him, of holding to high moral values, and the importance of family. Those are qualities we share and ones that have made this country great. Be proud to be Mormon.

  3. I’ve been Mormon for 43 years. I would say for 35 of those years it was a major topic of conversation / debate amongst religious circles around whether it’s more mainstream, it’s a cult, etc etc ad nauseum. Not so much anymore. Except for the general election, and maybe down in the South, it’s hardly an issue anymore. With the erosion of moral values and the traditional family under such rapid attack in the last 5 years, it’s now religion against intellectuals instead of denominations and sects.
    “Traditional” Christianity is now under assault much like Mormonism has always been. You’re now labelled and ridiculed if you have a belief in a higher being and stand for something. You’re better off gay in the military now than a Christian.
    So welcome to our world I guess… it’s better we all stand together before the freedom of worship is next up for debate.

  4. I was born Catholic. Never understood why someone’s religious beliefs should make you dislike them. I tend to dislike people in an individual basis. I work in Florida with a large Mormon contingent, they are as a group polite, intelligent and hard working. From what I know if you, you can also be described in the same manner and you should be proud of being a Mormon as it us obviously something you take seriously

  5. I was raised Catholic and never understood if you really listened to those teachings how you could despise someone just because of different beliefs. Personally I dislike people on an individual basis. I now work down here in Florida with a rather large Mormon contingent. As a group they are honest, intelligent, hard working and caring individuals, more than I can say for many”catholics” I have known. From what I know of you, those descriptors of the Mormons I know can equally be applied to you, you should be proud of your faith especially if it is as important to you as it is.

  6. Looking back, I have noticed that for some reason the people who exhibit a lot of the values that I hold and try to live up to happen to be Mormon (also pro 2A and Libertarian, but that’s obvious). I was born and raised Catholic (another group that gets flak) and I remember reading about Larry Correia and how he started off Catholic but converted to Mormonism, in my opinion that seems like not a bad idea….*shrugs* Time will tell I guess.

  7. Cool and congratulations! American Baptist PK/MK – Preacher-Kid/Missionary-Kid, born overseas and sent off to boarding school. I always believed that I could never be President, so lowered my sights. 🙂

  8. Interesting thread George.

    I am still unclear on why all these libturd/media types have such an issue with LDS. Every Mormon I have ever knowed, except one black sheep, are top shelf stand-up folks. In my life I have been welcomed into people’s homes without even an offhand glance or any questions about my faith, and treated like a good friend by every family I ever had the honor to visit. I’ve seen nothing but strong loving families full of happiness and fun. With that one exception. The father of my wife’s son was born into a family of LDS types, but he found every opportunity to be a failure, as a father and as a man.

    But you just can’t fix stoopid, you know?

  9. I am not LDS, nor Mormon. I grew up in a predominately LDS neighborhood, and most of my friends were in the church. I never understood any of the animosity that either my friends or the LDS church received. I have nothing but respect for a community that teaches self reliance and preparedness, and takes care of one another in the hard times. Every one of my friends grew up to be honest, hard working men who care for their families and would give you the shirt off their backs if you and yours were in need. Who could ask for better friends and neighbors? To anyone who gets in a tiffy about you being LDS, I say they should look at their own morals\families\failings and STFU.

    P.S. John Moses Browning was LDS, ‘nough said. 🙂

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