Talk Radio

It’s become the Cool Guy thing to rip on Talk Radio. Even when quoting – it’s important for Cool Guy to distance himself any association with Talk Radio. That’s fine. That can be your thing. Eat your Peanut M&Ms by the bagful and then complain that it has nuts in it. Go ahead.
Me, I love talk radio and most of the time my radios are tuned to an AM Talk station… When it’s not, it’s on a Classic Rock station but usually that’s just when the Talk Radio is doing Sports. Not that I have anything against Sports – it’s just that I find that Radio is a poor venue for Sports. Unless it’s Jim Rome, and then he’s about Talk Radio again.  And you guys know all about my involvement with Armed American Radio, with Mark Walters, a 3 hour live radio talk show about firearms related news, politics, and hardware.  Most of the time I come in during the 3rd Hour Round Table.  I’ve also been quoted on other radio talk shows and have called in (had been asked to) to several others as well.  I basically grew up around Talk Radio… so much so that it’s almost a Parental Figure in my life.
I don’t get to listen to Talk Radio as much as I’d like. You heard that right. I like to listen to Talk Radio and would do so more if it was possible.
Here are my favorites for Weekday Talk Radio:

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