Tag Archives: SCOTUS

How I hope it plays out…

  1.  Hilary and Trump finalize as the Candidates…
  2. As we get near October, the FBI pushes for the prosecution and Hildabeast is Indicted.
  3. The DNC scrambles and whoever they put up gets soundly trounced by Trump.

    Here’s why I hope Trump Wins:  SCOTUS Picks.  Specifically for this guy:

Thomas R. Lee, Utah
Born: 1964
Position: Utah Supreme Court
Background: Justice Lee, who has held his current post since 2010, is the brother of Senator Mike Lee of Utah (who endorsed Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican primary) and the son of Rex E. Lee, who was United States solicitor general under President Ronald Reagan.

I’ve had the opportunity to meet with Senator Mike Lee a few times, Back in, what was it?  2010 when we were both running for office.   Mike Lee impressed the hell out of me with his absolute in depth knowledge of the Constitution, his reverence for it, and his love of the freedoms that it gives America.  His patriotism was clear.  He had said that he was “Raised that way”.   If Mike was raised that way… then his brother Thomas was raised that way too.  And THAT is the kind of man we NEED in the SCOTUS.

Trump will have the pick of 1, and probably 2 more Justice seats.  This will fundamentally make or break our Nation.  If we get in 1 liberal… it’s going to suck.  If we get in 2 liberals…. Our Nation is truly finished.  I am not being overly dramatic here, but the fact of the matter is that the Liberals/Progressives/Communists will Legislate from the Bench everything they can’t get done in Congress and there will be zero hope for our country.