Tag Archives: Chaos


Sick of seeing Rioters run amok destroying cities
Here’s what makes me angry about these. They can be stopped. They used to be stopped.
You know what stops them?
Shotguns and the demonstration of the will to use them.  The Texas Rangers had a saying about this.  “One Riot, One Ranger.”  You know how one Ranger could quell a riot?  Because he wasn’t afraid to use his shotgun.  Riots ended real quick when a Texas Ranger showed up.

Such will is not long in existence in the USA. So Rioters have no fear. There will be no repercussions. There’s no reason for them to stop rioting. Why would they? In a Riot, they have all the power and control and cops can just back away. No because of fear of the Rioters… but because of Fear of Liability and Prosecution.

In the mean time, it serves as great entertainment for those that are entertained by it.   It gives the Media something to do other than dodge owning up to their lack of coverage on Hilary and Obama scandals.   And they act so shocked when they themselves get attacked and robbed.  Too funny.