I wish. If you do go, check with Henry Repeating Arms, rumor has it they are finally releasing some models of their lever guns with side loading gates. Reply
ME!! I’ll be getting in on Monday afternoon and staying through Friday afternoon. Is there going to be and ogre-bash or a crusader gathering? If so I would love to be in attendance! Reply
I was under the impression it was for people in the industry only; not normal peons like yours truly Reply
I wish.
If you do go, check with Henry Repeating Arms, rumor has it they are finally releasing some models of their lever guns with side loading gates.
I’ll be there after lunch on Wednesday through Saturday morning.
I’ll be getting in on Monday afternoon and staying through Friday afternoon. Is there going to be and ogre-bash or a crusader gathering? If so I would love to be in attendance!
Wife and I. We haven’t gone anywhere since Dec. 2005, and we really need a little break.
I’d love to go but can I get in? It’s only 2 hours away from my house.
I was under the impression it was for people in the industry only; not normal peons like yours truly
That is true.
Zug zug.
A buddy from High School is going. I on the contrary am a peon like Marc.