has been rocking the F2 Theme. The F2 Developer pushed an update this morning and now the theme is just screwed up… going from my classic 3 coloms to 2. So now I’ve got to switch themes and rebuild my site’s look. Thanks F2. Thanks a lot.
thats a relief, thought my brain was going funny for a minute there….
That’s just the lack of caffeine and bacon.
Looks like your theme got mixed up the the German version mein Herr Ogre!
Who pays attention, as it’s the only thing he can afford…sigh!
I was wondering what happened
Please go back to old format, this one does not allow for easy navigation from post to post.
I’m not liking this format much at all either.
I forgot to mention I hate white on gray background. Almost as bad as when SoF started getting artsy and camflaged the text and made it unreadable back in the 1980s.
Whose wife is playing difficult to get out the door and to the store! ARRGGHHHH!