30 thoughts on “Dear Muslims”

  1. Your calls for a calm ration discussion offend my culture and GOD… I have to burn something now.

  2. Why is it that muslims in thirld world countries & developing nations are the most radical? Have they got nothing better to do?

    1. Extremism often develops where people need an explanation of why things are happening that they dont like.

      Elaborate conspiracy theories and ideas that “God is punishing us for not being holy enough” are two common ones you tend to see wherever and whenever frustrated people need a sense of why something bad is happening.

    2. It’s not just muslims but extremists of all religious persuasions. The most extreme christians live in the less developed areas of the U.S. (doubly so in S. America and 10x in Africa). Same goes for the buddhists in Tibet and the hills of Bangladesh. Whatever the religion, the core of extreme forms tends to lurk in the boonies.

      I’d wager that part of it has to do with frustration and anger. Life in the sticks is tough but it gets a little bit more hopeful if you believe the guy about all the virgins in the afterlife. Not to mention that out on the fringe there’s a lot less people to contradict and offer alternatives to the local radical preacher.

      1. please tell me when Budhists kill innocent people and storm embassies. And to be honest I cant realy remember when christians in the thousands took to street and randomly burnt down chicken-vendors either.


          1. I would say that the “Troubles” are probably contain more of a political element. Outside of NI, most Catholics and Protestants get along very well.

      2. Yes … please … examples of “less developed areas of the U.S.” where Christians swarm the streets by the thousands to burn, maim, and pillage because their God or religion has been insulted?

        1. Well, to be fair, most of the world is a shit-hole, by American standards. “The poor” in America would be in the upper half of middle class, if they were even in Europe. Homeless Americans live better than most of these rioters.

          And their “leaders” have convinced them that the reason their lives suck is because of “the Great Satan.”

          Christians did some horrific things during the 1930’s and 1940’s, when they were in a similar situation. The lesson is: no one is incapable of evil – the possibility always exists, and the best that flawed humans can do, is try and stamp out those who take advantage of it.

          Best solution is probably to put bounties on the heads of those who are supplying the incitement to the rioters. Those who actually incite riots are never in the front row; they’re cowards, and run away as soon as possible. Take the violence to them, and keep doing it until no one dares incite riots.

  3. A lot of the extreme radicals in the world, are born raised and trained to be this way. They truly believe they are right. It’s not always their fault. A rabid dog is not to blame for what has happened to it. But, they are both dangerous and can’t be reasoned with. I feel sorry for both. But, if they try to kill innocents, they have to be dealt with.

  4. Oh boo hoo, someone has insulted my religion, i’m going to go and kill innocent people and burn down a KFC. Seriously, grow the fuck up and learn to roll with the punches.

  5. It all boils down to education. The less educated you are, the poorer you are, the more easily swayed you are to be whipped up into a frenzy and believe wild and fanciful things. Think Africa, Asia, or any 3rd world country. It’s still the Dark Ages for these people, the same it was for us in our past.

    We’ve had our own problems regarding violence and an uneducated population. KKK, Black Panthers style movements, Japanese civilian internments, 1950’s official racism, Slavery, Salem witch hunts, Indian relations, etc etc ad nauseum

  6. I’m coming around to the idea that this might have little or nothing to do with a video.

    It seems like it was at least loosely organized before hand.

    Let me be clear, I don’t support violence as a means of political protest. (well…)

    But… (oh there had to be a but)

    Who is telling us that this is about a video?

    What if (this means it’s complete speculation) the folks getting all rioty, really do feel that they have legitimate grievances which are not being addressed, and this whole “it’s because of a video” line is a way to dismiss those grievances.

    I’m just saying, maybe we should hear these people out before deciding they are crazy.

    If it turns out I’m wrong, we can still shoot them. (but only in self defense)

    1. Our media is telling us we are the good guys and they are the bad guys…

      Another thing to consider is this.

      What other method do these people have to communicate their grievances.

      It’s not they can write the embassy with a carefully considered list of concerns, which will be seriously discussed by US policy makers.

      I guess I’m trying to find a level of empathy. How much shit would I tolerate before I started burning up stuff? I might have a different standard than these folks, but I still think they’d have to be pretty pissed off to get to this point.

      While our baser instincts are to dehumanize them and then crush them under the soles of our tanks, our long term goals might be better served by providing a constructive forum in which they can have their grievances heard and addressed before things escalate to burning, killing, and all the rest.

    2. What if the headlines read something like: Muslim groups around the world enraged over civilian deaths from US unmanned drone strikes.

      How would that change the narrative on the situation?

      Again I’m just speculating.

  7. The video has nothing to do with this.

    This attack was planned by AQ months ago.

    The video was picked at the last moment as a tool to inflame mobs.

  8. “I’m coming around to the idea that this might have little or nothing to do with a video.”

    Umm ya, all “spontaneous Riots” bring RPG’s, mortars and AK-47s which they mostly fire at a hidden safe house within the embassy compound that no one was supposed to know about on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 to the day!

    “What other method do these people have to communicate their grievances.”

    They don’t have “grievances” they have a well thought out plan for world domination enslavement that is working with the help of the POTUS.

  9. Increasingly apparent that these fanatics got rick-rolled by a video which may or may not exist.

    Completely deserving of a whap upside the noggin.

  10. Hey, you guys remember back when the Mormons all rioted and bombed stuff for a week when that South Park episode critical of Joseph Smith first aired?

    Yeah…me neither.

  11. I have believed that the 9/11 “attack” on the US Embassy in Libya was orchestrated by that great “Islamist” HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (because one of the “Benghazi Four” was on the Clinton’s “Hit List” — remember the HIT LIST?). We know now that the CIA were there in DROVES. She used CIA agents (disguised as “protesters” disguised as “terrorists” as an additional level of cover if need be) to, in my opinion, do the dirty deed…. Hillary’s murderous streak (remember Vincent Foster?) and blood lust apparently remains unquenched to this day. Who else must die before she is found out as the biggest FRAUD of the past 25 years+????

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