Institutionalized Racism.

I hate this sort of stuff.  Institutionalized Racism is pretty much standard issue with our Governments.

The ATF Form 4473 is a shining example of this.  Check boxes for RACE.  These always piss me off… because Celtic isn’t a choice.  I guess all us White Guys look alike to them, eh?

It’s not just the Feds because the State of Utah has this as well when we are doing the Web Check after a customer fills out the 4473.  But Utah doesn’t have “Latino/Hispanic” as a choice, so we were told we put those guys in as “White”.

Well, now the 4473 has a question with two check boxes separate from the other Ethnic question.  “Are you Latino/Hispanic or not?”  This is question 10A I think?  Well you look in the other pages where it explains the questions, every question is there save for those.  Guess you are on your own.  Well I have Black and Indian in my Ancestry.  None of their skin shading, but the blood is there… So from now on, I am checking all those boxes… Because you can now.  Instead of having to pick just one, you can check all that apply.  Game on.

I don’t like this new version of the form and I think those questions should go away altogether.  They should also be removed from every government database, form, questionnaire, and census.  We have a Black President.  We can put Racism behind us now.  How about just one simple Yes or No question?

“Are you AMERICAN?”

That’s all we need to know.  Race doesn’t matter.  Color doesn’t matter.  What country your family came from a dozen generations ago… That doesn’t matter.  You can keep your Culture, you can keep Tradition.  But in the Great Melting Pot… Your AMERICAN and that’s it.

11 thoughts on “Institutionalized Racism.”

  1. The purpose of the 4473 is to allow the BATFE to search for gun owners in the microfisched files in their Falling Water WV facility.

    Of course they have to put race on the forms, otherwise they won’t be able to identify properly the people they will want to seize guns from in the future.

    1. This is BS information. The 4473’s are not going to the ATF. They are stored at the Dealer’s Location for X numbers of years and then destroyed. We don’t send that info anywhere.
      What info the Gov gets is when we do a Background check, Utah BCI knows we did a Background Check. That’s it. Not what’s bought, or how much. And that info is flushed after 30 days.
      Now, the ATF IS notified when you buy more than one handgun within a Week’s Time. Two or More forces the Dealer to fill out an additional form and fax that to the ATF. So if you want to go under the radar – spread out your handgun purchases.

  2. “What kind of government asks questions about race? The kind that intends to make policy based on race.”

  3. “I don’t like this new version of the form and I think those questions should go away altogether. They should also be removed from every government database, form, questionnaire, and census. We have a Black President. We can put Racism behind us now. How about just one simple Yes or No question?

    “Are you AMERICAN?”

    That’s all we need to know. Race doesn’t matter. Color doesn’t matter. What country your family came from a dozen generations ago… That doesn’t matter. You can keep your Culture, you can keep Tradition. But in the Great Melting Pot… Your AMERICAN and that’s it.”

    Fuckin’ Amen.

    “Ask where is the box to check for aryan. I hear they love that…”

    They also love it when they ask you if you’ve ever renounced your citizenship, you reply with “No, well, never when I’m sober.” That does not fly well.

  4. “If you are a racist, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a racist President somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable racist American system that we have that allowed you to be racist. Somebody invested in the KKK and Democrat party. If you’ve got a racist business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. Internet racism didn’t get invented on its own. Government racism created the Internet so that all the racists could make money off the Internet.”

  5. Back in college I wrote in “Human” under race. Registrar didn’t like that. Ended up at tail-end of class selection.
    I encourage all my younger friends to leave “RACE” blank. The less data the government has the weaker its ability to dictate policy.

    1. That might work some times… but on the 4473, if you want to buy a gun – you have to check the form. And don’t be a dick and refuse to do it, knowing the Dealer cant sell you a gun with an incomplete form. Because if the Dealer misses that, and sells you the gun – The ATF gives him a Fine. He has to pay because you decided to be a dick. Don’t do that.
      On other forms – absolutely. Go for it.

  6. Roger that. Mustn’t hurt your neighborhood gun shop.
    The 4473 requirement to mark “Hispanic Y/N” is very troubling.
    It’s those forms bureaucrats in HR, all levels of govt. (particularly social “services”) and other bean counters make their living off of that must be left blank. Starve the race hustlers!

  7. It’s funny because I was picking a sammich up today and I chuckled as I always because of the race box and the shop owner put two and two together and said,”the government the racist not me”. I might note that the older gentleman looked about as opposite as possible from myself.

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