
Imagine a new American version of The Spanish Inquisition… You are an Inquisitor. You have no rules, no restrictions, no oversight.  You can Question anyone… with any dark age outcome you want, any enhanced methods or just straight up burning at the stake.
Who would you put in the chair?  The question… Why did you let America fall?  Why did you sell out the American Dream?  Etc. 
Who is your top five to question? 
Mine? Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore, Harry Reid, and George Soros. 

20 thoughts on “Inquisition”

  1. This may be one of the most bad ass blog questions ever.
    Flex-cuffs? Check. Full canteen? Check. Skivvy shirt? Check.

  2. I have to add Eric Holder in there somewhere. The real problem with this question is how to nail it down to just five. We could add in liberal professors and questions about why they sewed the seeds of the fall into our youth. The list never ends.

  3. Obama, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, and Soros (my list is a heck of a lot longer, but since I’m limited to five…).

    Oh, and Ayers would be there too, but his only question would be “Would you like a blindfold?”

      1. Why bother?

        It would be fitting for him to meet his fate via a bomb, preferably one of his own design.

        ….and I kind of doubt his had a digital countdown display like in the movies….

  4. I don’t think I could limit it to anywhere close to 5… And I’m afraid that it would be more about the method than the actual questioning. Since I’m really not interested in learning anything from them.

  5. I would ask Bush I, Clinton and the U.S. Congress at the time, how much re-election money they received from the corporations who lobbied for NAFTA and GATT, the trade agreements which have destroyed American industry.

    I’d ask all of the 2012 presidential candidates if they think the War Powers Act and the First and Fourth Amendments should be curtailed because of the “unique” threats terrorism presents us. Then Americans could see how much all those arrogant asshats value the Constitution and by extension, our freedom.

  6. My parents, they are from one of the wealthiest generations and yet never saved a dime and now expect me to pay for their retirement.

    My grandparents, They fought bitterly against fascism and socialism in Europe, then came back and allowed fascism and socialism to take root and flourish here when it was to their benefit.

    Anyone who can do math would have known that social security was unsustainable from the outset, that medicare would make healthcare more expensive, that unions both public and private would destroy the engines of production, that policies which devalues currency through deficit spending undermine the core of the economy.

    Politics is a symptom. People not consistently living their espoused ideals is the disease. It was their compliance that made it possible for a relative handful of charismatic “leaders” to destroy everything they said believed in.

  7. Maybe we should do what Hemingway suggested. He stated that all the world’s problems could be solved by a two day open season on humans. This sounds at least more sporting than strapping people to a chair.

  8. Interesting question. I’m not sure which four I’d choose for the first, but I know the last would have to be myself. There aren’t too many things more un-American and un-constitutional than the inquisition and burning someone at the stake. That being said, there are many regimes throughout history that would approve of your questions and techniques.

    1. I’m with bmq215. Not liking where this is going.
      Maybe it’s because I’m a little past halfway through reading Gulag Archipelago.
      The similarities are chilling.

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