Crusader Racing: Looking for a Testing Volunteer

Crusader Weaponry is about to form a new branch of the company: Crusader Racing. We want to test out Automotive Slipstream product in the harshest crucible of automotive stress… Racing. We are looking for a Volunteer Test Subjects for Slipstream Racing products.
The Candidate needs to be involved in Racing of some sort… Car, Truck, Motorcycle… basically anything with an internal combustion engine and goes fast while looking cool. (Barstool Racing and Lawnmower Racing… need not apply… or any other racing that starts with “Hold my Beer”.)
We’re looking for a Racing Team Car, Truck, or Bike (4 Stroke, and one that doesn’t use a wet clutch!) that is getting ready to do an engine rebuild in the near future. Which is just about any racing team, isn’t it?
We’d like some Data in return. Pre Slipstream Data. Engine noise, vibration, power. And then same information after treatment with Slipstream. How it performs in a race. And then, when you do your rebuild, how the engine internals look.
We are also looking at doing a Racing Sponsorship down the road… so if this works out, you help us… we’ll help you. I don’t know any racing team that wouldn’t like another Sponsorship.
Post a link to your Racing Team, Site, or even just a picture of your Racing rig… or email it to me as some folks would rather do. We’ll pick one or two and get this set up.

8 thoughts on “Crusader Racing: Looking for a Testing Volunteer”

  1. It’s not racing but I could get some into the fleet vehicles of the transit authority I work for….

  2. i race go karts and have a 4 karts team and do have access to other drivers in my group. if your interested feel free to contact me. looking for new things all the time.

  3. I don’t race anything other than idiots in rush hour, but I am very interested in Slipstream as an engine and/or transmission oil additive. What are the company’s goals/expectations in terms of improved mileage? I am sure that it would improve durability, given that its purpose is to reduce friction, but with $4 gas and possibly higher on the way, mileage will be your biggest selling point.


    1. The goal is longevity, wear reduction, and smoother operation. We’ve already found this. Joe’s Suburban has proven it, but we need more testing.
      Other oil additives promise this – but have been taken to court because they are only hawking colored mineral oil. We’ve actually got something that works better than what we say.

  4. zombie post resurrection.
    good thing I have been using the slipstream on my firearms,
    thanks very much .
    ever since you guys posted you were using the nanobots 🙂 in your vehicles I have been wanting to test it myself.
    I am with Texan in being just an I-15 racer to work and back so I am not going to get in on the big fun but I would love to get my hands on some slick stuff to test in the home vehicles, starting with the wife’s 10 year old van.
    any eta on when you will be moving on the vehicular aspect of the slipstream testing?

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