Decent BBQ in the Uintah Basin

Smokey D’s BBQ joint right next to Strata in Vernal.  Where the old Polar King used to be.   I went there and had a Pulled Pork Sandwich which was the best I have had in some time.  But that isn’t saying much.  It was good.  Very good, but not Great.  There’s a distinct difference there.  Good BBQ will leave you satisfied and feeling amiable, much like how I felt there with the Smokey D’s BBQ.  I was satisfied.    However, Great BBQ should never leave you feeling like that… it should make you just want to keep eating and not stop until you make yourself sick on juicy BBQ goodness.   It should make you crave it so much that you want to go back only 2 blocks away.  That’s Great BBQ.  Also, the guy that makes the BBQ should look like he could kick your ass if you question his sauce.   Not a couple high school kids on their summer job.  But still, Smokey D’s BBQ was some very good BBQ and I’ll certainly go back.  I sampled pretty much all the meat they had… it was all very good.  In fact, it might be some of the best in the whole state of Utah.  The slow smoked flavor is there.   I can’t say that about the other BBQ place that was across the street… That was some weak stuff.

So if you are in Vernal, Utah and want some BBQ, Smokey D’s is the place.

6 thoughts on “Decent BBQ in the Uintah Basin”

  1. I love me some authentic North Carolina BBQ, which is very different than VA and SC BBQ. I like the more tangy, vinegary sauce. It doesn’t make the meat “heavy” tasting which makes me think that I can eat a full tray of the shreaded goodness.

  2. Matt’s right George, you ever get to NC I’ll take you to the Big Oak or Flip’s down in Wilmington. Trust me, it’ll satisfy the cravings.

    1. North Carolina BBQ is well known to me. That’s what this stuff was trying to be like, but doesn’t qualify.
      I should start a full blown food blog….

  3. Lexington/NC BBQ is one thing I have missed since moving from NC.
    The vinegar pulled pork should be a sin…
    It tastes THAT good.
    ALWAYS good to know where the goto BBQ joints are.


  4. Speaking of Great North Carolina BBQ, if you ever find yourself in the vicinity of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, you absolutely must go to Dillsboro, North Carolina. There’s this phenomenal BBQ place there called Dillsboro Smokehouse. Holy Hush Puppies, the food there is to die for. They do ribs, beef brisket, pork, chicken, plus smoked turkey and ham.

    Raptor Clan had dinner there once ’bout a year back. I remember it well: I had the Bar-B-Que Beef dinner platter, which came with 4 sides. I had 2 orders of Hush Puppies, Sweet Potato Fries, and Onion Rings. I think I died and went to heaven during that meal. I’ve never tasted brisket that mothwateringly good before, and I’d wade through a horde of zombies in my boxers armed only with a rusty shovel for another serving of those Sweet Potato Fries, which is saying something since I usually hate Sweet Potato Fries.

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