Project Gunwalker

Our friend David Codrea blogs at War on Guns an the Examiner. David has broken a story wide open that should be looked at very closely. He’s titled this issue “Project Gunwalker.” Let me break it down for you in a nutshell. The BATFE has been tracking illegal gun sales and gun trafficing into Mexico, including illegal gunsales that the BATFE ordered Gun Dealers to allow happen. Let me say that again… The BATFE ordered gun dealers to sell guns illegally. Thousands of guns.  Those guns were tracked into Mexico. Some of those guns were found at scenes of crimes, including the murders of US Border Patrol Agents. They ordered the Gun Dealers to make the illegal sales, so they could be tracked. And then the Main Stream Media makes US Gun Dealers look like the bad guys here. As if these crimes wouldn’t have happened if Gun Dealers would have been more honest. This is a farce. This is a breach of trust by the BATFE, and it needs to become public knowledge. Some media outlets are starting to pick up on this. David is going to be coming on Armed American Radio to talk about Project Gunwalker… this is staggering.

Good job breaking this story, David.  Keep up the good work.  And we will see you on the Radio!

One thought on “Project Gunwalker”

  1. This is so unbelieveable that I totally believe it. How can this happen? Did the dealers sign any statements releasing them from any liability and/or lawsuits? What if they didn’t comply? This is completely sick because when you think of it the BATFE was actually providing the means of murder to possibly innocent people who can’t, by Mexican law, defend themselves with equal (deadly) force.

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