How’s that working out for you Prez?

If we elect Barack Obama as President the entire world will love us.  That was basically the promise the DNC made America.  Everyone in every nation around the world will love us.
Obama cottels, aides and abets Extreme Muslim groups around the world.  Financing them and even giving them weapons.  Because he’s Obama and they will love America then.

Now we are closing Embassies around the world.

Tucking our tails GLOBALLY.   Obama is showing us his ass.  Not just showing us his ass… But right there at eye level like a cat walking away… With a Press Conference.  “LOOK AT MY ASS!”

People… His plan isn’t working.  None of his plans have worked.  The Democrats plans never work.  Look at Chicago.  Democrats Gun Free Utopia.  Murder Zone USA.  Look at Detroit.  Bailout City!  These plans don’t work.  Liberal Ideology Doesn’t Work.