Notes on the day…

Nothing important to say tonight.  Just some thoughts I had.  First, I am disappointed that I missed my goat of finishing my second book.  I got carried away in Uprising: UK.  My goal on this five day weekend I just had, was to write/edit until it was finished.  This didn’t happen. However, today I expanded U:UK by 10 thousand more words.  Sections of text, details, and lose ends that I felt needed tying up.  I still don’t have an ending.
Returning characters are Rebecca Hallbrook, Arizona Police Officer and Stacy Roth, daughter of the fighter pilot that killed a Chinese aircraft carrier, and Cadet Jackson, who was a casualty of some wackos from Wyoming.  Not all of these characters live to book three.  Speaking of Character Mortality, I rewrote the death of Paul, aka FMJ from WTA.  Paul’s role as a sniper comes to a sudden end due to a case of acute of thermal ingestion.  He goes out in a great ball of fire.  Mark Walters, our friend from Armed American Radio is seen taking part in the Invasion of France as he storms the beach with a sword and a Krinkov SMG.  He might make it to book three… hmmm….

Also today, I realize that I do indeed like the Glock 23 a great deal, so much so, that it just may have taken the place of the venerable 1911.  Examining the Defensive Power Factor of a magazine of .45 in a typical 8 round mag +1 and + a Reload, and comparing that to the typical magazine of .40 caliber… +1 and +reload… the 23 does indeed dish out twice the firepower.  (I reload with a Glock 22 magazine) Now, why would I be all over the Glock 23 over the 1911?  Well… Man, I have to say that I really like the trigger that Joe gave this Glock.  I had some trick parts in the Glock to start with, then Joe checked it out and freaking made it better.  Seriously.  He made it better.  I liked it before, but I love it now.  The break is super crisp with zero over travel… no safetly lever to get in the way or forget to swipe off.  I used to prefer a manual safety.  But I’m now moving away from them.  Glock type and SIG types, I think, are better for the modern gunslinger.

Two words to remember:  VULTURE DOWN.