The country we should invade

I have a little suggestion for the Administration.  Bring home every Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and Marine from Iraq and Afghanistan… and of course Libya.  Private Contractors can finish everything up just fine over there… but bring home all our  Armed Forces.

Then we invade Mexico.   Completely, totally, and utterly.   We go street by street, house by house… and we kill everyone having anything to do with the Drug Cartels, Terrorist Groups, or any Gang affiliation such as MS-13 and the like.   We finish this.  Two more American Citizens were killed waiting to cross the border back into the US.

If we could accomplish that, then we wouldn’t have to worry about border security save for ports of entry check points much like Canada.    But while we are there… how about a little regime change?  Process out all corruption in the bureaucracy there.  Okay, well, maybe not that.  We’d have to sort out our own first before we could point fingers on that count.

8 thoughts on “The country we should invade”

  1. Good call.

    Any chance you guys could spare a few divisions to invade Belgium?

    The EU needs sorting out once and for all and our own, spineless government either can’t or won’t.

    St Albans, UK

  2. If only it were that simple.

    There is a system supporting the problem in Mexico. Your proposal would interrupt but not alter that system.

    What we really need to do is defund the drug cartels. Legalize drugs? Stop buying drugs? Both? I don’t know but something.

  3. I’ve been saying that for a long time. Mexico can’t fix itself. Being on our southern boarder, their problems are our problems. If we could fix Mexico up, we’ll have a great trading partner and the work in reconstruction could create jobs.

  4. **Starts a slow clap**

    I wholeheartedly agree, although I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for anything remotely resembling that to happen.

  5. Obama is so “unconventional” that if the right people bring it up it could just happen. Now that the whole ATF debacle is coming to the surface there are only very few options to fix that incredibly STUPID operation…and a full-on assault starting at the border should top the list. As far as NATO, that concept is outdated and is nothing more than something that the USA throws money at. And don’t get me started on the UN. Most of the countries don’t even pay their dues, but naturally we do. They also need to get the F out of NYC. Why couldn’t they put a plane through that building?

  6. George,

    I love you man.

    I’ve been tempted to broach the same topic but feared massive rebuke more from the right than the left.

    Great F’n call.

  7. You got it correct.Mexico has become the biggest national security danger we have-EXCEPT the chicoms. We have been played for fools by the UN,the NATO countries-and,well,everyone,forever it seems.This process has just gone into overdrive under his grace,may peace be upon him.

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