What we are dealing with.


The Video is found HERE.  She is a complete idiot and thinks you can’t reload a magazine.  The problem that I have with this, is not that she’s rock hard stupid… but that idiots like her have force MagPul to relocate… costing Colorado 600 jobs, and a Private Business potentially millions of dollars in the expense  and interruption of commerce.  

Our Nation is being “Lead” by the most idiotic, self righteous, ignorant, and incompetent people we’ve ever seen.  These fools are in charge.

11 thoughts on “What we are dealing with.”

  1. This mindless witch has 1/100000000 th the intellect of the 15 year old in your prior story. What kills me is she is proud of it.

  2. With respect to your own thwarted political aspirations…

    I honestly believe there is something fundamentally wrong with a person who, in all seriousness, claims they have the wisdom, experience, and good judgment to impose their opinions on millions of people they’ve never met.

    Imagine a politician as just some person at a party.

    They’d talk about how they are experts on stem cell research, gun laws, economics, engineering, traffic management, public works, running a water system, healthcare… ect.

    Eventually you’d have to roll your eyes because clearly this person is full of them selves and some other stuff.

    I know the argument is that they have advisers, but how can a person with no competence in a discipline effectively choose an adviser in that discipline?

    I guess form my perspective, the desire for political power demonstrates a lack of intellectual humility which should immediately disqualify a person from having political power.

    I’d honestly prefer a random number generator select representative from the population.

    1. You’ve hit the nail on the head, George. But after some of the stuff coming out of the states lately, like Colo., NY, and Connecticut, I think these politicians are suffering worse than a lack of “intellectual humility”. There’s really nothing intellectual about anything they do.
      They are like the media continuing to see Obama as a faultless agent of ‘change’. They’re reinforcing each other like kids at a pep rally.

  3. As William F. Buckley once opined, ” I would rather be governed by the first 500 people in the Boston phone directory than the current congress. “. “Nuff said.

  4. I agree with all the commenters, and George. ‘Tards like this shouldn’t be within MILES of the levers of power.
    But….she got elected.
    Figure out how to stop that from happening, We may be.able to save the nation.

  5. Low information voters and elections by districts. An example:
    A city had its council members elected “at large”. Every member elected had to campain city wide and convince a lot of disparte groups to vote for them. They had to become “known.” What happened was that some groups cried they weren’t getting a “fair and democratic” chance to get representation for their interests, so they went to court and whined enough to get the office seats to be represented by districts.
    It is a whole lot cheaper to campaign for a district seat. It became possible for ideologues and crooks to buy seats. Council members became less known city wide and most people struggling through life don’t even know who their district council men is. Since the district council members don’t need as much name recognition they become anonymous and go do heinous things and not be held responsible.
    Eventually though things start falling apart. The lack of media investigation also covers them but that’s a whole ‘nother story. Say who is your rep on the school board anyway?

  6. How does she get her shoes on in the morning, does she have an advisor for that too?
    George, the thing that should frighten us (besides her shocking lack of knowledge on the subject) is that in her mind what she really wants to ban is ammunition!

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