It’s a box with a spring in it.

Evidently according to the Liberal Media, the font of all evil is a high capacity magazine.

A magazine, high capacity or otherwise, is a box with a spring in it.  They are simple to make… stamped sheet metal or injection molded plastic.   The technology behind the “Magazine” is a couple hundred years old.  We use it in firearms and Pez candy dispensers.

One would have to be real thick in the head to be worked up about a Magazine.

David Gregory, Simpleton.
David Gregory, Simpleton.

17 thoughts on “It’s a box with a spring in it.”

  1. That evil SOB waving that thing around sends HIS kids to a school with armed security.

    My uber-liberal mother is down for Christmas and just couldn’t help herself, she had to tell me and my wife at dinner among other things about how great it is that former nurse (LPN not RN) Carolyn McCarthy is so influential. I couldn’t help but take that bait and we were off to the races.

    Both sides in this debate are not morally equivalent and it saddens me to see most of my relatives turned against me including my own mother. So be it. My life is worth no less than theirs or that bitch mccarthy’s and if they wish to make it so by depriving me of the tools to protect against the attack that killed McCarthy’s husband, the sin is theirs.

    1. Yeah my liberal idiot mom pulled the same crap the first time ObAMA got elected. Halfway thru 2011. She got sick (lucky covered under a health plan I pay for) well guess who that Benedict went crying to…. Lib sister perhaps? Nope she came to suckle on the same vine that she once stabbed in the back. And being a good son, I financed her life even after she healed. This election she proudly told me,”I voted for Obama”

      I had enough, I told her that since I am such an evil guy that her majesty

    2. Yeah my liberal idiot mom pulled the same crap the first time ObAMA got elected. Halfway thru 2011. She got sick (lucky covered under a health plan I pay for) well guess who that Benedict went crying to…. Lib sister perhaps? Nope she came to suckle on the same vine that she once stabbed in the back. And being a good son, I financed her life even after she healed. This election she proudly told me,”I voted for Obama”

      I had enough, I told her that since I am such an evil guy that her majesty hated, she can go get some hope and change from him

      She got a job instead. Whodathunkit

  2. As the article notes: this was recorded in DC, where possession of that magazine is a criminal act thus he recorded proof of himself possessing and transporting a “high-capacity feeding device”.

    See how AWBs affect people who don’t feel the rules apply to them, Mr. Gregory?

    1. He is a lib. Nothing will happen to him , unlike the GI who got busted in DC when traveling with a personally owned weapon

  3. One would have to be real thick in the head to fail to comprehend the meaning of “shall not be infringed”.

  4. Hope I have some of those springy boxes under the tree this year.

    Merry Christmas Ogre!
    Please pass on my best to the whole family.

  5. Merry Christmas, have fun and turn off the news, especially us old farts with health problems.
    Movie marathon watching is an excellent idea.

  6. Heh, apparently quite a few people reported him. Here is the response one received and posted.

    “From: “DC Police (imailagent)”
    Subject: Email from DC Police (Intranet Quorum IMA00519327)
    Date: December 24, 2012 4:13:12 PM EST

    The Metropolitan Police Department is in receipt of your e-mail regarding David Gregory segment on “Meet the Press.” MPD has received numerous e-mails informing us of the segment. NBC contacted MPD inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazines is not permissible and their request was denied. This matter is currently being investigated. Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention.

    Customer Service – Metropolitan Police Department”

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