3rd Party.

Okay, let’s say there is this titanic miracle that Cancer is Cured, Aides gets a Vaccine, and both George Lucas and Uwe Boll are no longer allowed to even look at Cameras or get within 200 yards of a movie set….

And Ron Paul gets elected president by a sudden popularity swell thanks to all the Facebook Pictures of his face and clever captions.

What do you think that Presidency will accomplish? Fix everything all the sudden? Or will he completely embody the term “Lame Duck President”? He would have Zero support in the House and the Senate and he has no Supreme Court Justices to back him up. He would accomplish Diddly Squat. His presidency would amount to Jack Shit.

For anyone to effect anything – He would have to have Infrastructure under him… a foundation. A martial artists talks about his Stance and that being where he gets his strength from. Same thing as this… A sudden 3rd party sweeping the Whitehouse – Neat trick. But useless because he has no foundation. He would be useless and be made to look foolish.
And for God’s Sake – Find someone that doesn’t look and sound like a fucking lunatic like Ron Paul. He has to have Charisma. He has to roll fucking 20’s on Charisma. Ron Paul is a gigantic dork that doesn’t even wear a suit that fits him. You need someone that will bring voters FLOCKING to him by the Stadium full.
Like this:

You third party guys – Stop Aiming for the Whitehouse! It’s not TIME. You have to build your base. Get your guys into School Boards, City Councils, State Houses and Senates… Then go for Congress and once you have established a solid foundation – Then you go for the Whitehouse with a Chance in Hell to actually win it.

Stop wasting our time and stop splitting our VOTE! You guys are being used… by Media Matters and the like to Split our Vote… You are termed “USEFULL IDIOTS” by the Left because you are Serving Their Purposes. You split our vote and that makes beating the GOP and staying in power all the easier!

A Better Plan? And Easier Plan?
Let’s FIX the GOP and put it in the RIGHT TRACK. Make the GOP Conservative again.
How? Take some Seats back from them and push the Lean back to the Right. It’s DOABLE. We’re seeing it already working in some states. It’s far easier to fix the GOP than it is to establish a 3rd Party.

59 thoughts on “3rd Party.”

  1. I think it’s worse than that.

    You don’t want to be the last Captain of the Titanic. History will be unkind to you.

    I’m of the belief, based on the math, that we have already hit the iceberg. I’m not smart enough to know what will happen next, but I’m pretty sure rearranging the deck chairs isn’t going to help.

  2. We’re not going to fix the GOP by saying “bad dog!” when it feeds us RINO Presidential candidates, and then turn around and slip it treats by voting for those RINOs.

    We keep using that word, RINO. I do not think it means what the kingmakers think it means….

    Look, we’ve reached a point where more American voters are registered as some flavor of Independent than EITHER Democrat or Republican. That SHOULD send a powerful message, all by itself.

    But it hasn’t.

    1. The message is getting out there. Bob Bennet lost his seat in Utah. That sent waves. We get rid of Establishment players and elect new ones with conservative values. Like Mike Lee in Utah. That’s how you do it. One good man at a time replacing that Rino A holes. If we have good guys across the country replacing the bad… we’ve won in short order.

    2. You are making the mistake of assuming that a political party is some kind of trainable animal.

      A political party is a group of individuals who do the hard work of organizing the party and promoting candidates.

      If you want that party to choose nominees that you like, you must “take over” that party by becoming one of those precinct people and convention delegates that do the hard work.

      No amount of threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue ( i.e. threatening to voter for some loser third party ) will get you what you want.

      As far as the active party members are concerned, if you aren’t helping them do the hard work, then fuck your dumb ass.

      Want better nominees? Get a bunch of your friends together, and take over the party.

      I dare you. That gauntlet is sitting on the ground in front of you. Show up what you have. Show us how wrong we are. Pick it up.

      Fill yer hand, you son of a bitch.

      1. I can tell you for a fact that your Brave Pottymouth of Justice would be a big hit at every Party function I’ve ever attended.
        Or perhaps at real world events you morph into Thomas Jefferson and leave the Gen Y Jackass Aesthetic for your digital hearts and minds campaign, which I am certain is extremely effective. Being cursed at by an impotent manchild protected by the distance of internet magic has swayed millions of jaded and conflicted voters.

        1. Poor baby.

          And a bunch of angry people down voting me.

          That’s OK … the truth hurts.

          If you want to actually effect Republican Party politics, you need to participate. If you continue to sit on the couch and hold your breath for our failure to nominate perfect candidates, you will continue to have no effect on party nominations.

          But continue to whine and complain instead of actually picking up that gauntlet, Stomper17. Apparently you are too much of a coward to actually join the party and prove me wrong.

          Kristopher Karl Barrett
          Republican Precinct Committeeman, Cheyenne Wyoming.

          1. I’m impressed as hell with you kid.
            You’re a grand ambassador for Wyoming and a witty recruiter for the Party.
            As an official angry manchild, you likely bring in scores of active and serious participants. Who wouldn’t find you charming and engaging? I know I do.
            You’re absolutist simplicity, strange accusations and e-tantrums are positively magnetic. I bet your communication skills translate well face to face. If I was anywhere near Cheyenne I’d be honored to share a table with you.
            I hope those bad Libertarians don’t vote you down and make you complain to George again. You know, those Big L Libertarians have cutting edge software that filters the entire internet, locates non compliant posts and marks them down. It’s true. I’m not a tired old Republican, who’s disgusted with the political glass ceiling, I’m a Big L Libertarian who operates the BlogScan 190S.
            But your dashing verbal dance has turned my heart. I will shut down the BlogScan and vote for Mitt Romney. He’s a solid conservative who will obliterate Obamacare and protect the Second Amendment. But before I do, I’ll vote you up so you don’t get so cranky.

      2. They are Trainable. Absolutely. The Dems gave us the assault weapons ban under Clinton. And we then threw a bunch of them out of office. Ever since then they are not willing to do anything about guns… because we trained them.
        Sure, we have the usual suspects… Pelosi, Boxer… from Libtard Entrenched districts, but they have had little traction thanks to the DNC Spanking after the AWB.
        The problem is we’ve not trained the GOP.
        To do that, we need good men to stand up and challenge them in their home districts. Mike Lee in Utah did that… and smoked Bob Bennet. We need more good guys to run.
        Hey… I ran. I gave it my best effort. Perhaps I’ll run again next time. But I got my message out there and I made a positive influence on the GOP locally.
        I filled my hands. I battled. I debated. I got active.

        What else can I do?

        1. Voting out the Dems after the AWB did send a message.

          But what message does a Romney vote send? “It’s okay to be a RINO; we’ll still elect you” isn’t a healthy message.

          “Hand us RINO’s, and you lose our votes” sends a message, just like “ban guns and you get kicked out” sent a message.

          1. You don’t try to send that message in the General Election, guys. You send it to where it really matters. Your State Reps. State Senate. You Congressmen. Your Governor. The GOP will feel that – big time. Those votes don’t go through the Electoral College. That is where you can seriously effect change.

          2. I don’t see why the President should be immune to that.

            All that says is that we’ll accept RINO executives.

          3. We have Romney as a nominee because most of the folks that showed up at county conventions supported him. They got to choose who went to the State conventions as delegates.

            Paul did well at a few caucus states because it was possible to pack a caucus on a single day with libertarians and game themselves into the national convention without having to seriously organize.

            Did you show up at a county convention at all in support of your favorite?

          4. Kristopher, don’t try and talk politics with someone in NH. Like the old story goes, when the newspaper reporter shows up before the primary and asks an old woman who she likes, she responds, “well, I’ve only met the candidates two or three times each, so I haven’t yet made up my mind.”

            We live, eat, and breathe this stuff. And, despite having a full slate of candidates to split the vote, and Romney’s /four years/ of campainging here, Paul still won a higher percentage of the total population than he did in any other state – percentage of total population is important, because it means folks actually got out and voted, rather than sitting at home. If the primary was held a couple months later, after the race had narrowed, all the number say that Paul would have won handily. So yeah, we did the work here.

            And you achieved what, exactly? Sending delegates to the convention to support a RINO? That’s your achievement?

        2. You did exactly what is needed to fix the party. Join it, participate in it, and work to fix it.

          People who just wait for the general election to vent their ire aren’t getting it done.

  3. We whine about how we don’t like either candidate, but then vote for one of them anyway. Encourage people not to vote for the Duopoly. You’re a libertarian, and you know someone who leans towards free-market libertarianism? Tell them to vote Ron Paul. If you know someone who has environmental and anti-corporate leanings, tell them to vote Green Party this year. You want the Republicans and Democrats to start reflecting your values? Then stop voting for them!

    The “you’re just wasting your vote if you go third party” line is nonsense. The ultimate waste of a vote is voting for something you don’t believe in. That shift in popular mindset we’re waiting for won’t come until people realize they can vote for someone other than the two representatives from the Duopoly. That won’t happen until people like us who realize that having one more choice on the ballot than Communist Russia is bullshit start voting for someone else.


    1. This is not a time to flush your vote to send a message. Those who did so in 92 and 96 voting Perot gave us Slick Willie. The Ogre is correct in saying build a local base!!!!! Even the late Tip O’Neil,Dem Rep Mass. said that “All politics is local” The biggest reasons to vote GOP in the national election are: 1 Romney and Ryan both passed math class! They know the budget deficit is the greatest issue we have. 2. We can not have any more Supreme Court Justices like the current admin would force on us.

    2. Voting third party on the national level is nonsense and it us to the detriment of our nation. The goal here is to save our nation from civil war… Not to make myself feel better.
      Libertarian or not, I’d vote for Romney Ryan… Because they are our best option. Ron Paul is a fucking lunatic. Domestic issues, not bad… Foreign issues… He’s worse than Obama.

      1. Because Bush’s foreign policy was better?

        Ron Paul is a F*****g lunatic? You can’t call him that while simultaneously predicting civil war if Obama is re-elected. Need to tone it down some I’d say.

        Happy to debate the issues at hand though.

        If anything was going to drag us into a SHTF scenario (eventually), it’s a total collapse of the economic system. That can be directly attributed to these two wars that have bankrupted the country. History repeats itself, and every great civilization has fallen in the exact same way. It bankrupts itself through empire making.

        You may hate his message and the messenger too, but it doesn’t change the fact that it might be true.

      2. You guys seriously think Romney will be any different than Obama? Both are slaves to our corrupt political system. Neither will fix Medicare, Social Security, or reduce the deficit in any significant manner.

        Ron Paul or anybody else in the WH certainly won’t fix anything. But you need someone there to publicly shame congressmen who represent special interests rather than the American public. You need someone there to show the American people that they have other options than the Duopoly.

        This election is about throwing the bums out. Every last one of them in every branch of government. It’s not about voting for the less bum.

  4. If the GOP keeps offering up disingenuous, cynical, ideologically murky mannequins like this, then the GOP is not interested in getting my vote. The GOP is deliberately tone deaf and every bit as determined to rob the treasury as the Dems. Both camps of glorified con men are grabbing as many bags of coins as they can before the barbarians come, and I’m not willing to give my approval to either of them.
    I won’t vote for Romney. He does not represent anything I believe in, and doesn’t even do a convincing job of mimicking a human being. A Romney vote and even a Romney victory would be an emotional band-aid for a jilted electorate forced to applaud the sell-off of their country.
    It’s an ugly situation and an uncomfortable era, but history will decide who the useful idiots were.

    1. Indeed. There’s no practical difference between Mitt Obamney and Barack Obamney.

      Mitt will save us from Obamacare? He /invented/ it.

      Mitt will save our guns? Sorry, but living in NH, I watched what he did and said in Mass when governor… he’s a stereotypical anti-gun Masshole.

      Mitt and Barack are /both/ the “third party” options: they’re both die-hard, anti-American socialists, pretending to be a Republican and a Democrat.

      I’m almost tempted to say that Barack should stay in. This mess he’s created /will/ blow up within the next few years, regardless of who’s in the White House. He might as well be the one in the hot seat to take the blame, unlike Dubya getting blamed for Clinton’s recession.

      1. No, I’m not. You assume that some force or concrete logical proof can make me accept your either/or paradigm. I don’t, and I won’t. Voting for Obama requires me to go to a polling place and select “Barack Obama”. There’s no way I’m going to do that. This clumsy two-headed puppet show does not require my active, wiling assent for the show makers to present you with Punch or Judy.
        When awful events progress in an obvious, and seemingly unstoppable fashion, it is common to assign blame to more accessible, easier to identify parties.
        If voting for Romney satisfies your ethical code, then that’s your hand, but clutching to a thought model that has me voting for Obama really won’t be an effective salve for your political frustration.
        I feel the same frustration, but I’m not that interested in spreading blame via shaky ballot math.
        0 does not equal 1, no matter how much we dislike the Obama Administration.

        1. I don’t think you really understand how elections work.
          Your big “I’m going to do it my Way” approach is how we got Clinton, thanks to the Split vote with Ross Perot.
          It worked in our favors as well… when the Green Party split off enough votes that we just barely dodged an Al Gore Presidency.
          Its just a mathematical fact that if If you vote third party or don’t vote at all… you might as well be pulling Obama’s lever in November.

          1. I respectfully disagree, big Og.
            The GOP is not entitled to my vote and 0 votes don’t equal 1 vote.
            I understand how you feel, and it’s a bad set of cards to hold, but I just can’t make myself vote for that unconvincing OLD NAVY mannequin and his pungent political record.
            And for me it’s moot point when it comes to electoral number games. My district is so shamelessly gerrymandered that my vote is dissolved in a sea of Obamazoids.

  5. Ignore them.

    Political parties are successful because they organize. They recruit people to do the hard work to get people elected at the bottom levels of government, and then they organize themselves into a national organization.

    Libertarians and Greens are all good at writing endless screeds, and are smart enough to file candidates for the big offices as publicity stunts. But they can’t be bothered to do the grassroots organizing that makes a party successful.

    Ask a Libertarian who their precinct committee person is, and you will get a look like a puppy who is confused by a new sound.

    Until they are willing to get off their ass and do the real work, they are all noise and no action.

  6. At this point a vote for Barack is probably better than a vote for Romney. We know they’re both socialist stooges who are willing to lie about anything in order to gain power. The end result of either being elected will be the same. At least by voting for BHO we won’t be strengthening the RINO GOP.

    And no, I’m not voting for Barack. But I’m also not going to lend a hand in helping Romney take apart our nation.

    1. Yup. There’s zero chance that Romney can erase the last four years. But if he’s in there when things start to go to hell, Capitalism will be blamed, even though he’s just as much a die-hard Socialist as Obama.

      Far from saving America from a Socialist future, someone the Socialists can use as a scapegoat would be all that they need to make sure that Romney’s replacement makes Obama look like a lover of the free market.

      Four more years of this current idiot are a small price, compared to decades of totalitarian communism.

      If it’s down to Mitt Obamney versus Barack Obamney, I’m writing in None Of The Above.

      1. “If it’s down to Mitt Obamney versus Barack Obamney, I’m writing in None Of The Above.”

        Oh yeah, THAT will really show them who’s boss.

        1. My vote won’t be counted in favor of either of them. Nor will they be able to say, “well, you must have liked both of us, and that’s why you stayed home,” like they’ll do with all of those who stay home.

          If my employees were stealing me blind and insulting me, to boot, and all other available employees were of similar quality, I’d close my doors rather than keep writing them paychecks, or hiring identical replacements.

      1. Romney is a die-hard socialist. Romneycare, anyone? Obama’s “coup” – the biggest leap towards complete socialism since FDR – is something that Romney thought up.

        He’s made money by gaming the socialist system, shifting money around from one group to another, not by actually creating wealth.

      2. Skipping the obvious Romneycare there’s always his support and signing of bills to regulate and hinder the energy industry, his endorsement of Israeli socialist healthcare, and his history of supporting and extending gun-grabbing weapons bans.

        It’s not just CNN and NBC that are lying to you. MSM always has an agenda behind their spin (and there’s always spin). Open your eyes man.

  7. Trying to explain retail politics to big L Libertarians is an exercise in futility. They at most make up about 8% of the voters and they’ve really pissed of pretty much all the factions that make up the Republican party.
    The Club for Growth, L III, and various Redstate organizations have spent a lot of effort to knock our RINO’s in the Republican primaries. If Romney/Ryan have a good campaign their coat tails will bring a lot of them into the House and Senate. Mean while the Ronulans are trying to mess up the convention with the delegates that they gamed in the caucus primaries. Bring it on you little piss weasels.

    1. Heh.

      Looks like the Big Ls are showing up here to downvote people who call them out on their bullshit.

      You really do need to turn that post hiding feature off, George.

  8. F.Y.I. after the Republican convention, Ron Paul will not be on the ballot anywhere. He is retiring. You could write his name in but there are no electors for him. People think that they are voting for president. They are voting for electors who will vote for president.

    1. But the vote still matters. We saw that in Florida when Al Gore tried to steal the election. We watched Al Franklin steal his. Votes matter. The electorate system is indeed outdated and useless now, but still… votes matter. The guy with the most wins. Splitting the vote isn’t the way to get Obama out of the Whitehouse.

      1. We need to look at more than just “get Obama out.” The next 20 years matter far more than the next four.

        Another Obama term will not kill America, but it will create more energy to push for real change. A Romney term will sap what energy is there, and leave us worse off than before.

        As an analogy, my wife has cancer, and is taking chemo. The chemo is deadly poison, and they have to carefully control the dose to make sure that the medicine, itself, doesn’t kill her. But the end result is that she’ll be miserable for a year, but then the cancer will be in remission, and (statistically) she can look forward to another decade before it comes back.

        She could take the easy way out and refuse chemo and take a heck of a lot of morphine to kill the pain. She’d be fairly healthy for a year. Maybe a year and a half. Then she’d be a corpse.

        If there were a magic cure for cancer, that would be the best bet, but there isn’t. Nor is there going to be someone electable who can actually fix this mess.

        Romney cannot cure the disease. He can mask the symptoms, without treating the actual disease, the prognosis is grim. Another four years of Obama won’t kill us. Four years of masking the symptoms, will. If it’s down to Obama versus Romney, then the long-term prognosis is best if we leave Obama in there to crash and burn, just like taking deadly poisons to kill the cancer. It will make us miserably sick, but we’ll survive, in the lomng run.

        Let Romney in there to difuse all this energy that folks have, fighting for a change in America, and there will be no hope left.

        1. Another four years of Obama may put us in a civil war. But if Romney can strengthen the economy – like I believe he can… Companies can invest more into Cancer Research. Something tat has been in decline the last four years. Cancer and other R&D.

          1. The R&D money ain’t the problem. There are drugs that were invented in the US… that are made in factories in the US… that cannot be sold in the US due to the FDA. Europeans and others can derive the benefit of drugs that were developed here, but not those living here.

            And, as a typical Masshole, Romney has never met a regulation he doesn’t like. He won’t roll back the FDA’s nonsense. So we’ll have the same situation, where we have drugs that were developed, and have been proven safe for years, but which cannot get approved for sale in the US because of the corruption within the FDA.

            Romney has executive experience… so show me where he ever used that position to reduce the interference carried-out by his executive departments.

  9. The problem with politics is ussually those who are most qualified to do a great job have no interest in it whatsoever they understand what kind of a shark tank they would be jumping into and the ones who do get into it with the right idea tend to get blindsided by the forces that be. much like trying to dig a hole in the sand when the tide is coming in. Stand strong to your beliefs whatever they may be and voice your oppinions loud and often ,if enough people think alike things will change not overnight as this problem did not happen over night .Bad things happen when good men do noting is so appropriate here to say the least.

  10. Go ahead and not vote for Romney, thats your right, let Obama win. However you dont get to complain for the next four years.

    1. It doesn’t matter if Mitt Obamney or Barack Obamney wins. Neither gets my support, because they are both anti-American socialists.

      1. And you are a big L libertarian lunatic.

        Enjoy your irrelevancy.

        Don’t you have a dog-catcher election to try to win?

        Oops … my bad … voting is an initiation of the use of force, therefor no good libertarian should be voting anyway.

        1. Actually, I wouldn’t piss on the “big L.” The LPNH actually broke with the national LP because so many folks here couldn’t stand them and their ridiculous policies. As a result, there were actually two “L” options on the ballot last time around, since both entities had access.

          “L” candidates almost never win in NH. You have to run as either a “D” or “R” if you expect to have any chance at all of winning. Most anyone who cares about liberty runs as an “R,” since the NH Republican Party actually tends to abide by the Constitution. Some will run under a “D” ticket if privacy issues and such are their biggest liberty concern.

          That in mind, the majority of NH voters are undeclared. We tend to vote based upon the individual’s policies (and, if applicable, past record) rather than an irrelevant letter next to their name. Of course, we have one of the largest state legislatures in the world, so the ratio of legislators to constituents is very high. And, just to keep them from getting too full of themselves, anyway, we pay them less per year ($100) than you guys in WY pay them per day.

          Oh, and voting would be a use of force, but it is not an /initiation/ of force unless it is used in that way. The use of voting as /defensive/ force would, of course, be fully acceptable to any actual libertarian.

  11. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/who-called-romney-the-most-fiscally-conservative-republican-standard-bearer-since-ronald-reagan/
    While some of my conservative colleagues are criticizing the Romney campaign for one thing or another, I want to make a distinct point that is largely being overlooked: Mitt Romney is the most fiscally conservative Republican standard-bearer since Ronald Reagan.

    Looking back through his speeches, interviews, and programmatic proposals, I see an emphasis on economic freedom, free enterprise, low tax rates, deep federal spending cuts, and free trade, and a free-market approach to tough social problems, such as health care, education, and poverty. Meaning no disrespect to George W. Bush, John McCain, Robert Dole, and George H. W. Bush, not one of these former Republican leaders was the consistent and comprehensive free-market advocate that Romney has been.

    A few recent examples help illustrate my point.

    Following his trip to Israel, Romney released an essay called “Culture Does Matter,” which was printed on National Review Online. In it, he strongly defended his statement that culture plays a key role in creating prosperity.

    [Related: Romney’s Pick of Ryan Seems to Energize Both Sides]

    Romney wrote that “one feature of our culture that propels the American economy stands out above all others: freedom. The American economy is fueled by freedom. Free people and their free enterprises are what drive our economic vitality.” He added that “economic freedom is the only force that has consistently succeeded in lifting people out of poverty . . . the only principle that has ever created sustained prosperity.”

    The last Republican leader to talk specifically in those terms? Ronald Reagan.

    And when Romney walked into the NAACP lion’s den in July, he told the crowd: “Free enterprise is still the greatest force for upward mobility, economic security, and the expansion of the middle class.” He was booed at the beginning of that speech when he opposed Obamacare. But he received a standing ovation at the end, once people heard his overall philosophy.

    I recently asked the former governor about Obama’s now-infamous “you didn’t build that” statement. Romney blasted it by saying, “This is an ideology which says, ‘Hey, we’re all the same here, we oughta take from all and give to one another,’ and that achievement, individual initiative, risk-taking, and success are not to be rewarded as they have in the past.” He called it an upside-down philosophy that does not comport with the American experience. The language is clearly Reagan-like.

    [Related: Ryan a Smart Choice by a Savvy Executive]

    Programmatically, Columbia Business School dean and top Romney economic adviser Glenn Hubbard recently laid out the specific Romney economic plan. (Undoubtedly, the Romney campaign crossed every “t” and dotted every “i.”) The plan would lower the spending share of GDP to 20 percent from 24 percent by 2016, which is probably the largest proposed spending cut ever. The cumulative net savings of that cut could be a whopping $1.8 trillion, which not only would finance huge deficit reduction, but also would help pay for Romney’s pro-growth tax reform: a supply-side, across-the-board 20 percent personal-tax-rate reduction, a limit or end to various tax deductions for upper-income payers, and a dramatically reduced corporate tax rate, from 35 percent to 25 percent — perhaps the most powerful growth stimulant of all. Rounding out the economic program is a regulatory rollback, entitlement, trade, education, and energy reform, and a sound monetary policy (replacing Ben Bernanke at the Fed).

    (Credit: AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

    The liberal Brookings Institute seized on the tax portion of this plan, arguing that revenue neutrality would force Romney to end deductions and raise taxes on the middle class. Nonsense. That analysis completely misses the massive spending-reduction in the overall package, along with growth incentives for everyone and base-broadeners only for the upper brackets.

    [Related: What Does Ryan’s Nomination Mean for Health-Care Stocks?]

    And according to Hubbard, Team Romney believes this pro-growth economic plan would generate 4 percent annual growth and create 12 million new jobs in a first term.

    So Romney has set specific policies and connected them to specific, positive economic results. He is arguing that a free-enterprise, supply-side program will rejuvenate jobs and economic growth. And he backs this up with an unmistakable philosophy of economic freedom. It’s the backbone of his thinking, and it connects to policies that will restore American prosperity.

    Now, I’m willing to concede that Romney’s message has not been refined enough for the public at large. In particular, I would prefer that he harp on the word “growth” far more than he does. And he will probably have to winnow his key points even more (though he has brought them down from 59 to five).

    [Related: Will Ryan’s Selection Help or Hurt Markets?]

    So there’s more work to do before the big convention speech. But to suggest that Mitt Romney is not an economic conservative makes no sense to me. Look at what he’s saying. And look at what he’s proposing. And then think of Reagan.

    © 2012 CNBC, Larry Kudlow, all photos courtesy the Associated Press

    1. I think the problem with the message not comming across clearly is the fact that so many are looking for a hand out instead of a hand up nowadays and the powers that be are great manipulators of spin, nobody wants to do their homework anymore 🙁

    2. Oh, he can talk the talk.

      But he has an actual record, of what he actually does, when actually in an executive position.

      Whatever he /says/, we already know what he /does/. And what he does is to support and implement socialist policies.

      I’m sure he’ll come up with pretty speeches about why he has to ignore every campaign promise and keep Obama’s course, just like Obama was able to give all sorts of excuses to the anti-war Liberals who got him elected, as to why Gitmo stayed open and the wars did not promptly end. Just as he’s been able to carry out economic and social policies which are disasterous for Blacks, but still has the majority of their vote, Romney will carry out policies that are disasterous to the free market, but many will support him regardless, just because he has an “R” next to his name.

      And the message to the GOP will be, “just paste an ‘R’ next to someone’s name, and he’ll be supported, no matter what his actual record shows.”

      Romney has a record, and it’s not one of fiscal conservativism.

    3. Ogre, everything in this post is “Romney says” and “Romney wrote”. None of it is “Romney did”. This is just mindless talk from a guy who has vested interest in making you happy. You seem like someone who values action over talk, so why are you ignoring his actual record? Wishful thinking?

  12. I vote on a case by case basis (or … candidate by candidate basis) all the way from dog catcher to POTUS … have been for many years now. No more party lines for me, no sir. I’m of the mindset that two-party voters are the ones wasting their votes and therefore the “useful idiots” alluded to earlier. Either way, it doesn’t matter. The answer isn’t a political party/system … it’s more fundamental than politics or “the economy.” I’m doing my part by loving my wife as well as loving and homeschooling my kids. No stress here.

  13. “Cancer is Cured, Aides gets a Vaccine,” Am I wrong that it should be Aids? Didn’t know there was a vaccine for somebody that helps others on salary…..just saying and yes I’ll hold my nose and vote R and hope that Ryan is the next pick for POTUS or at least the one in 2020 if I live that long.

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