I called a friend the other day and his response was “Dude, you have never called me before… What’s wrong?”
Huh. Really? This has been bothering me ever since our conversation.
I guess what is wrong is that I’ve never called him before. We’ve been friends for over a decade… talk online all the time… but that’s not the same… its not really talking. Its sad because I consider him a brother. I suck.
And another friend… I only see when I need to crash at his place. Damn it… I really suck.
I have good friends, but I am not a good friend.
I need to work on this.
Any of my friends are cool to call me any time. If I can’t talk, I’ll call you back the instant I can. You don’t need to leave a message, I’ll return the call. You can send text messages. Now, if you call, and I answer, but you only hear wind… I’m on my bike with my ear buds in and I can hear you… probably… and when I stop… I’ll call you back.
Don’t worry. You’re still good in my book.
Thanks, Steve.
Good in mine too. Speaking of that, there are two more races recorded.
Nice… this week is booked up though. Next… were on.
I have a similar problem. I just don’t call people. Part of that comes from spending over 7 years of my life working jobs where I was on the phone constantly. I much prefer talking online (email, FB, Google+, and blogs are the ones I prefer) to talking on the phone.
Don’t put too much worry into it George…I’m sure your other actions far outweigh a phone conversation. Friendship shouldn’t be measured by how often you talk on the phone…if that was true then I wouldn’t have a single friend.
No problemo George. You can crash at my place anytime, whether you ever call or not.
Good. Admitting it is the first step. For the second step you must give each of your closest friends a big awkwardly long hug, in public, even if they pretend to protest. This will put you on the road to healing, or the ER.
I don’t need to get stabbed.
We can all send you “You suck!” texts … that way you know we are thinking of you.
You do already…
You are not H und K, Ogre.
You do not suck, and we do not hate you.
Life tends to get in the way especially with the distances some friendships hae to travel , we may not always have the time to pick up a phone and just shoot the s**t per say but they know when push comes to shove you’ve got their back and vice a versa. It is the long term stuff that counts. Now thats my ten second pep talk have a great day hug your kids kiss your spouse and relax
You have a point.
Nah….you’re busy. Work, kids, blog, books….it all adds up. I can’t seem to get any time for myself, except when I read a few blogs during the day. Kids are a HUGE time eater. I have very little time for friends at this stage of life.
You don’t have to tell your friends you suck. They already know ( grin ) and the rest of the world doesn’t matter, so there. As far as a phone call goes, there have to be allowances made for individual style – its not like there is no communication, you’re just not a bigtime telephone guy. I’m just the opposite – I’ll call you up to rag on you about your favorite team blowing it last night but your e-mail might not get answered for a week or two. So I guess I suck digitally ( grin ).
You suck digits?
I thought that kind of thing wasn’t allowed in Utah.
The good thing about the types of friends people like us have…is..we are all there for each other and know we dont need a call every couple of days. We are all busy, we all know what our life is like and can only imagine what the people we hold dearest are like. In that, we know, that no matter how much time has passed since we last heard the others voice, we are there for them and do what ever possible to lend a hand. THAT is what counts…not the number of minutes a month ya spend talking.
Amen Caryn.
This post popped into my mind when I was writing today’s post and I thought I would call it to your attention since I linked to you… http://www.balloongoesup.com/blog/2012/08/the-power-of-thought-and-getting-super-better/
Here is a little more food for thought…20 years ago if ya wanted to talk to your friends…they probably lived in the same town as you, if they didn’t, you either wrote a letter and sent it snail mail or telephoned. If they were in the same town, ya might have stopped by, ran into them while out or called. The world has changed. Our friendships are now carried many miles apart. Computers and text messaging has become the new way to correspond. You don’t suck…you and your relationships are adapting. People have time to answer a text…rarely do they have 20 minutes to 5 hours to be on the phone. ( yes I have been on the phone for hours a day here lately)
I will be the first to admit…I can’t handle or maintain relationships/friendships with people that need to hear from me more often than every few months…other than a few minutes here and there over the computer. When I meet new people…I always say..”Looking for cool people..needy ones need not apply”