The National Firearms Act

We need to toss out the NFA. It’s rubbish and completely useless.
Smoothbore handguns are illegal… But the Taurus Judge is okay.
Shotguns shorter than 18 inches are the spawn of Lucifer, but a 16″ .45-70 is perfectly fine.
Calibers larger than .50 are bad… But you get exceptions left and right.
Full auto is a no-no, but Slide Fire stocks are good to go.
None of this makes any sense.  It’s just stupid… Like all national gun laws.
I can’t sell a .22 pistol to someone from across a line on a map, even if they live in the same valley… State line… But I can sell them all the AR-15, .300 Ultra Mags, or tactical shotguns that they could ever want.
The laws don’t make any sense… But we have to follow them.  Laws written by the most ignorant if people about things they know nothing about… But they are still laws.  The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up.
We need to remove the NFA and all National Gun Laws.

11 thoughts on “The National Firearms Act”

  1. Wasn’t this law created around the same time in history that the Nazi’s enacted their revolutionary, modern gun control laws?

    Maybe we can acknowledge that the NFA is a relic from an unenlightened era, something we have in common with the Nazis, and that it’s something that should be left behind.

    Can’t be done you say? Well, Eugenics used to be cutting edge scientific thought, and was put into practice for a while in this country, but the Nazis kind of latched onto the idea that some groups of people were inherently superior to others, and that this could proven and measured scientifically, and *POOF* I didn’t even hear the word Eugenics until I was a freshman in college.

    We can distance ourselves from outmoded ideas if we really want to. Maybe the people who benefit from these laws don’t really want to? Maybe they like the tax revenue they can bring in, although I can’t imagine that it’s really that much money.

    1. I’d be shocked if the NFA taxes collected come anywhere close to paying for the cost of administering the program. Let alone enforcement.

      Attorney Paul E. Gutensohn cannot be sufficiently damned for not showing up to defend his district court victory in the Miller case, in front of the supreme court when the government appealed. We very likely could have avoided all this.

      1. NFA taxes were not supposed to pay for anything. They were supposed to ban things.

        $200 in 1934 ( about 10 troy ounces of gold ) is the equivalent of $16,700 today.

    2. The coin it brings in is not money: it’s power.

      That’s the wealth sought by those who support this stuff…

  2. I personally don’t believe that the Constitution allows for Federal gun laws. For more than one reason. But there are endless, smarmy, mobs of sphincter-mouthed, self-worshipping elitists out there who do. Not only that, but these functionally useless people think that the entire idea of a Constitution limiting what a government can do is dated, poorly-reasoned, and largely a myth told by people who aren’t wise enough to sleaze their way into a job inside the beltway.
    These caste-minded oligarchs care nothing for the liberty and dignity of the common American, and are focused entirely on worming their way up the neo-Aristocratic food chain. They congratulate themselves for their royal station and view any theoretical limit on what their caste can decree as pathetically small-minded and baseless.
    To them, Federal level gun laws are right, justified, unquestionable, and a tremendous comfort; a mental security blanket that keeps away the chill of a liberated peasantry.

  3. The reason for most of the insanity in the NFA is easy to see if you know what was originally on the bill.

    The purpose of the NFA was to ban machineguns and concealable firearms, such as pistols and AOWS ( cane guns, etc ).

    All of the SBS and SBR stupidity was put there to prevent people from legally making longarms into pistols. All of the “parts” laws were there to make conversions difficult.

    The NRA, in it’s first overtly political act, got the word “pistol” replaced with the word “silencer” at the last possible minute.

    When you consider that it was FDR’s intent to ban pistols as well as MGs, the logic of the rest of the crap in the NFA becomes obvious.

  4. Agreed. On all counts. Fluffing nonsense – enacted during a period when the entire world teetered on the brink of disaster by people who couldn’t do anything useful so they did this instead.

  5. I don’t believe the constitution allows for any gun laws!

    It really is too bad that none of our politicians are actually talking about this.

    1. Oh, there could be gun laws which would pass Constitutional muster.

      For example, “any Federal police officer who deprives a citizen of his or her firearms except upon judicial order shall be guilty of a felony and shall be imprisoned for the rest of his or her life without the possibility of parole” would be a gun law that would not violate the Constitution.

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