My Mormonism is better than yours

I’m Mormon by choice.  Sometimes its a hard choice…. Not because of the Gospel, but because of the People.  Some people.  They are always acting so bloody self righteous and acting as if their Moral Highground is higher than yours.  I’m sick of these people… Check this out…
My wife wrote, produced, and directed the school Christmas play. She took great pains to remove anything that could be offensive to anyone.   Well, thanks to these Super Mormons… Someone was offended.

In one number, children sang while holding hands.  That was offensive.  Third grade boys and girls shouldn’t hold hands. They shouldn’t sing “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Clause.” Even though its a family song about Mom and Dad having a tender moment together… But they think its about adultry.  How thick do you have to be?  And then their was the hanukkah song that was to immoral for their kids. It was nothing in the song, but because it was Jewish.  Don’t get me started about everything wrong with that…
These ignorant, self-righteous, jackasses are killing everything good about Christmas… Leaving only the empty consumerism.  Well that offends me!  But saying one is offended is useless… No one has a right to go around not being offended.  So instead of being offended, ill just say that you need to get over yourself.

My wife worked hard to make your little precious look cute. It would have been nice to have had a wife at home in the evenings this week… But no… She… We… Sacrificed our family time during this season so you could show us what a self-righteous asshole you are.  It’s people like you that drove me away from my faith before.  Not this time.  I’ll see you at church on Sunday.  And I’ll smile at you too.  Because me being there is more irritating to you than you being there is to me. After all, I’m half Pagan and I can worship all my Gods all at once while I’m there.  It’s one stop shopping for me.  Think about that while your glancing sideways at me, pretending not to look at me.
Merry Christmas.

36 thoughts on “My Mormonism is better than yours”

  1. I think us “Southern Baptist” Mormons are quite a bit less uppity than what you describe. There are some self-righteous snobs in the wards and stakes around Chapel Hill, Atlanta and Charlotte but the rest of us are on your level. I’m sorry you’ve had that experience but I applaude your attitude of not turning away and jamming it back in their teeth by showing up to church despite their jackassery.

  2. I’m not Mormon, but this afflicts most religions. In fact, it afflicts everyone…some people I know look down on be because their atheism is superior to my Christianity. (some of them even look down on atheists who tolerate religion)

    However, and not to be a prick, it should be “And then there was the Hanukkah…” (‘there,’ not ‘their’) 🙂

  3. Its a sad fact that half of the Christians out there don’t have a clue about what Christ was trying to say, regardless of which brand of Christianity they follow.

    Christ hung out with thieves, whores, and tax collectors. He said he was needed there, and not
    with the holier-than-thou sect. But these modern-day clowns wouldn’t understand that. They would
    be too scandalized~~~and OFFENDED~~~by the company He kept.

    And Ogre, if you go to church this Sunday, don’t you DARE remind them that Jesus was a Jew.

    1. There’s an old saying, along the lines of, “Jesus was a great guy; it’s his followers I can’t stand.”

      While I wouldn’t apply it as a universal to /all/ Christians, but it certainly applies to a large percentage.

      The man was a brilliant philosopher, and if I have to choose who to have around, I’ll easily pick those who follow what he said and did, whether or not they believe him divine, over those who are sure of his divinity, but hypocritically ignore what he was trying to teach.

    2. Jesus was a Rabi.

      One of the requirements for that position is to have a family. Part of Mosaic law, been that way since Babylon.

      No one in the current christian churches likes to talk much about Mary Magdalene, or her banned testament book.

      1. “One of the requirements for that position is to have a family.”

        Got a citation for that? I’ve never heard that one before, so I looked. It wasn’t there in anything I could find, either currently or from what would have been the requirements 2,000+ years ago.

        “No one in the current christian churches likes to talk much about Mary Magdalene, or her banned testament book.”

        I’ve never read it, nor frankly ever heard of it, but from the context of your comment it appears you are implying that Jesus allegedly had children through Mary Madalene. Two arguments against that. He came to do the will of the Father, and that was to save all mankind through his sacrificial death on the cross. Getting involved with a marriage would have been a distraction to that. He was very single-minded. Everything he did was in keeping with his purpose, so he could not have been distracted by a marriage. Therefore – never happened. Which leads us to the next aspect – if not married, children out of wedlock with Mary Magdalene. Which would have been a sin. Oh, wait. He was a sinless sacrifice in order to meet the will of the Father. So, he was sinless, therefore he couldn’t have had kids out of wedlock. Blows that option too, doesn’t it?

        Sorry Kristopher. Not buying that one at all.

        Oh, by the way, Rabbi is spelled with two “b”s.

          1. Sorry Kris

            First of all your link goes into much detail about how it is GOOD if a Rabbi is married, and BAD if he is celibate…but doesn’t once mention that it is a requirement.

            Second, the Rabbinic Tradition started when the Jews were forcibly thrown out of Jerusalem and scattered to the 4 corners of the earth the traditional religious leader group (the Pharisees…which were for the most part from a handful of families/clans) so every group had to find a religious leader in the absence of a priestly class. This was where the Rabbinical Tradition arises from.

            The destruction of the temple and the scattering of the Jews took place in 70 AD, and as the Rabbi position developed AFTER this one can conclude that Jesus was not a Rabbi

  4. Preach it George!
    You know, I always heard about that type of Mormon, but until I moved to Utah, I hadn’t run across any of them. After, I was surrounded by them.
    About the only thing good about moving back out of the state, was getting away from that.
    Now, I hang around with Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics and Jews, and we all laugh at each other over how silly each of our religions are.
    After church this Sunday, I’ll swing by the elm and burn some sage and mistletoe for you, my half Pagan brother.

  5. My wife told me that UT mormons are “special”. I said “Naaa”. That is when we met and lived out of state. I entertained the idea of converting (she is mormon). Then we moved here. She is completely turned off of the religion here and I now have no desire to try it. Yup, UT mormons ARE “special” Great ambassadors for their faith.

    The funny part is I often get the comment “Huh, I though you WERE mormon, you act like it.” My responce is that I don’t need the building to be good (or prep, or for food storage, or to be conservative, or to like guns) Then they proced to lecture me on the mormon faith and how I NEED to become like them……Special

  6. George. As a parent please THANK your Wife for her time. Thank you to your family for being gracious enough and talented enough to put on show for the little ones. I am not of one faith, nor do I even live in the same state as you and yours. But I have helped out at school functions with my own kids.

    I know it can be incredibly difficult. So just to let you and your Wife know…. Thank you for caring about CHILDREN.

    God bless and MERRY CHRISTMAS

  7. A Catholic priest I’ve known since I was a kid once said that if your religion was easy, it would not bring rewards here and hereafter.

    I’m half-assed religious at the best of times, but I’m willing to bet g-d notices the jackasses, and he notices you not changing to spite them.

  8. It’s a Utah thing. I mean you’ll find a person here or there in every setting but Utah is inundated with them.

    George the lord loves ya. Screw em. Go to church & worship. Let them deal with their issues.

    I’m EQP and its been interesting learning about the few who whine. Just know your leaders are aware of them. And could care less.

    Tell your wife you’re proud of her & hug your kids. They’re more important anyway.

  9. @Ogre: Im going to go out on a limb here and say it is more than a Utah thing, its a small town thing too. I grew up in your current place of residence, and have lived in (worse) other small towns to the East of of you over the state line. Mix the “more righteous than thou” attitude of the Utah Mormons, and the small town mentality of people who are stuck in a shitty little town and need to bitch about.
    Now you have a community of people who are better than you, and have nothing better to do that bitch about You.

    But then again, last time I went to church, that temple was just a stake center…
    Keep plugging Ogre.

  10. Hmm. I think you’re misunderstanding the issue. It’s not a Mormonism thing. It’s a human thing. We all have an asshole, and it’s a necessary problem. We all need one to keep the rest of the body clean. Just like every human body has one, so does every body of people you associate with. You’ll find an asshole in your church, your platoon, your school, your office, and in your extended family. Any group you belong to has to have an asshole. I mean, it stinks to be around, but you don’t want that shit coming out of your mouth do you?

    1. +1

      As a (now) Utah Mormon who grew up a Baptist in GA, I can tell you, this is true. There are Baptist churches, and there are swanky Baptist country clubs who look down their noses at everybody else because they have the bigger, more expensive church/clothes/cars, etc. I’ve seen things exactly like your regrettable experience from Baptists, Methodists, and others I can’t remember now.

      As NAM said, the church is not “a well-provisioned rest home for the already perfected.”

    2. Yeah, but in this case the problem is with assholes who are so self-righteous they think it’s bad for little boys and girls to hold hands and sing a Christmas song. You have to go to special places to find those kinds of assholes. I don’t think you’ll find them in your platoon.

  11. I have one for you George.

    “Those who take offense when offense is not intended are fools.”
    -Brigham Young

    Throw a little pres Young in their face. No Utah Mormon can deny pres Young…openly.

  12. You will find these people in every religion, not just the Mormons. Please don’t lump as all together. Don’t let these people create a reputation that follows us everywhere. Forgive and forget and don’t label as as just another “Utah Mormon”. Because we’re not. We are individuals who make our own choices!

    “People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
    If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
    If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
    What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
    If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.”

    Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

    In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

  13. There are people out there who look for excuses to be offended. It is no suprise to me that some of them have latched onto religion as an excuse for their neurotic failings. If that damages your chosen religion then keep in mind that a religion is what its followers make of it.

  14. This is a fine example of how a minority will control a majority. It sounds like this very small group of people are out looking to be offended, and just because a FEW people cry the rest of the people have to go out of their way to accomodate them. Young kids don’t know what adultry is and they think that mommy kissing Santa is cute and funny. That’s part of being “innocent” and it is these “offendees” who are stripping them of their innocence and taking away parts of their childhood. What world do these people live in? It must be under some rock in the middle of nowhere because the world I live in is pretty harsh at times and to survive one must have some thick skin and understand that the majority rules.

  15. At the risk of getting bashed, I only have this to say…

    Organized religion everywhere is about conformity. People who do not conform well in one way or another will have a degree of difficulty in any such organization.

    Remember, religion and its associated organizations are a creation of man. Faith is a matter of what’s in your heart. No man needs an Earthly organization to validate his faith.

    For my part, my faith (whatever that maybe specifically be) is for me. Not for others. I do not call myself Catholic, Baptist, Jew, Mormon, Muslim, Hindu… I call myself man. And men do not concern themselves with the faith of other men. They concern themselves only with what is in their heart.

    1. Indeed. Religion is flawed, because MAN is flawed.

      Religion is no more than man’s feeble attempt to ‘put God in a box.’ – Neat, tidy, and organized.

  16. a version for parking

    thanks for parking so close
    next time leave a fucking can opener so i can get my car ou
    assholes like you should take the bus

    Ive run into jackasses like this too, the worst is when their parking.

  17. Pity them George. I’m serious. When their little kids grow up, and life outside of that ultra-sheltered environment shows up, it usually doesn’t end well at all. I’ve seen it over and over and over.

    If the world thinks Utah Mormons are “special”, they should try “happy valley” Mormons, the Utah Mormons shock troops.

    And if anyone wants to take offense at this- go right ahead, but I was born and raised there, so I know of that which I speak, and it’s a discussion you DO NOT want to have.

  18. Religion is vehicle and faith is the fuel. Activate in a religion/church does little to build character but it sure does reveals it. But when you find the things (teachings) that strike a bond with your soul and you align yourself with that I believe your better off. I grew up Mormon and it took me 40 years to see, with a small amount of clarity, what it is to me.

    1. “I grew up Mormon and it took me 40 years to see, with a small amount of clarity, what it is to me.”

      Same here

  19. Just attended a funeral today for a good friend, who happened to be a State Rep from the next district over. It was a Catholic ceremony, but those attending were a diverse group, especially since a number of other Reps were there, in addition to the usual friends and family.

    I have to commend the priest and other members of the church, because they managed to pull it off without compromising their own beliefs, or alienating those in attendance. The day was about saying a last goodbye to a friend, and showing our love to his family, not about any group trying to shove their vision of the perfect ceremony down anyone’s throat, and those who planned it clearly had that in mind. It was a hard day, but their choices made it easier. I may not believe the same things they believe, but Jesus would be proud of their example, today.

  20. I understand your wife’s situation pretty well. I was at one time a Varsity Team coach. That means keeping 14 and 15 year old boys interested in scouting instead of girls. And around here, scouts means church of the Mormon persuasion.

    You know what? Some local members figured me for a bit of a heathen, but ALL of my Varsities went on at least two 50 milers, and 2 campouts per year, and ALL of them achieved Eagle rank. Every. Single. One. All are happily married now with jobs, wives, and families.

    Your wife’s in a similar circumstance. And I’m betting she did it right. Those who actually participated will remember, and be the better for it. It may take a few years to show up, but it will.

  21. Trying not to offend people is like trying to ice-skate uphill. You just end up looking like an idiot and an asshole.

    It’s THOSE PEOPLE that you mentioned, the highly offended, who drove my girlfriend out of the Mormon Church.

    It’s those same idiots who make me NOT VERY ROMAN CATHOLIC. Let them winnow down their society further and further by keeping their nose in the air and adhering to the letter of a law which was for a time without safe ways to cook and cure pork, or living in a desert.

  22. Good for you George! Written like that great disappearing creature that once roamed this continent from sea to shining sea: Like a free American.

    25 years ago ‘toonist Berkley Breathed published a Saturday Cartoon lampooning what he called, “Offensensitivity”. I’ll email it to ya if I can find it.

    Andy (hamm172) Rondeau

    1. I’m a Mormon that supports Agency. As in Free Agency. I will not force my morals on others – that’s what Lucifer’s plan was. Either way – It’s not the Government’s right to do that either.
      You are a bigot and a hater, and you can fuck off.

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