Guns & Ammo and Sportsman’s Channel

This report pissed me off.  I grew up reading Guns & Ammo.  Jeff Cooper and a lot of the prior generation writers were guys I looked up to in the Gun Community.  I wanted to live like how those guys lived.    So when I read this report I was filled disappointment and anger and a feeling of betrayal.
Okay, maybe not betrayal… G&A has had some pretty crappy reviews the last… Oh I don’t know… 10 years or so?  They’ve been taking the pigs to the lipstick for awhile.

Now, last year Dick Metcalf came out in support of gun restrictions.  Did so in an article that was published and the readers quickly raised a ruckus about it, and Dick was rather quickly fired.  Many people question why or how G & A went and published that.  This explains that.  This also explains why Dick felt perfectly confident writing that.  And then not apologizing for it, and in fact, insultingly, doubled down on his statements.   I bet Dick was rather shocked he was let go.  This was worse than Recoil Magazine’s SNAFU, because Recoil apologized and made efforts to Un-FUBAR themselves.    G & A pretty much just “we’re sorry you were upset” and brushed it off.  Sure, they let Dick go… but they were obviously not sorry about this.  They were only sorry people got upset.

Well, G & A and Sportsman’s Channel being in bed with the likes of George Soros… SCREW THEM.  I will never look at G & A or Sportsman’s again.