Still can’t stop thinking about it…

311606_3980500584336_2101987202_nI know I’ve talked about the Mossberg 464 SPX before.  I know I’ve said that I wanted it.  Passing fad sort of want… But lately I’ve been thinking about it a lot more.  Can’t get it out of my mind.  Stupid sort of thing… like a pop-song that’s stuck in your head.

Gah… If I’m still jonesing for it this hard later this week, I’m going to have to do something about it.  Something drastic and terrible.   Like just buying one.

Okay guys – now talk me out of it.

35 thoughts on “Still can’t stop thinking about it…”

  1. Okay, if you spend $400-$500, on this mongoloid abortion rather than buying the GP100 you’ve been wanting, then you’re a “balls on the chin”,” throat yogurt slurping” sissy.
    There, how’s that for talking you out of it?

  2. Thank Goodness!
    You’ve restored my faith in mankind, at least until Barry, Joe and FrankenKerry open their sucks again!

  3. I don’t think I want to talk you out of it. Sometimes a weird gun just seems like the right thing to get. That SPX is one of them. I’ve been wrestling with buying one for months now. It’s ugly, ungainly looking, and people will laugh at it, but dang, I want one.

  4. If you get it, you’d have to lose that horrid stock and get a plain black polymer traditional-style stock.

    It’s only a matter of time before Magpul designs furniture for leverguns…

  5. Didn’t you do a “tactical” lever action years ago?

    I always thought it’d be a fun idea. Though the Mossberg really is butt ugly.

      1. This one hasn’t been a winter at all. It is only bad if a moto with moose ears is your transportation.

  6. Can you get it in .44-40 and stainless? Stupid cowboy guns are too expensive. 😉 I’d swap the stock for a CTR if the buffer tube is the same diameter.

  7. It means you side with the Semi-Auto Grabber Goons?
    Who notes the price is high for what you get.

  8. Buy it and you will start wearing sandals with socks like the mope standing behind you in the picture. Reason enough!

  9. I would view it from the money viewpoint. What is your max for throw away funds? Some guns you can buy on a whim and get most of the funds back. What do you think resale would be if you got it and later decided to get rid of it? My last example was when I got a Sig P220 compact SAO. My thoughts are a Sig with a safety… COOL! Some people may not like the SAO, but it is still a Sig.

  10. Other than the fact its so ugly I need to wash my eyes out with bleach; I suppose there’s nothing wrong with it

  11. Take the wife away for a few nights for a Valentines weekend.
    What is more manly, buying a gun you may want to trade off in a few years, or spending the weekend just you and your woman locked in a hotel room ordering room service and making her glad she is yours.?

    My wife and I are going away for the weekend before we get too fat or old to enjoy it.

    It is a hard decision isn’t it. Try to do both.

    1. Did you ever buy a British Car?
      Who suggests putting your brain care man on DANGER MONEY!

  12. All that thing needs is Pickatinny rails all around, a 6-24×52 infrared scope, red and green lazer sights and a LED spotlight or two, a tactical three point combat sling, a folding bayonet/wirecutter and a digital matte camo paint job so it can look all “tacticool” like the guys with the New England breakbarrel single shot rifles do. My opinion, your mileage may vary.

    But hey, it’s your money and the important thing is to please yourself. My “cool” rifle is a Modelo 1912/61 Chilean Mauser in 7.62x51mm with a Williams reciever sight on it.

    Gerry N.

  13. Well if you are asking people to talk you out of it then you already have some doubt in your mind. Now if you said something like “check out the next rifle I’m getting” then you have a much better feeling about the purchase. Maybe subconsciously you don’t want it… and I don’t blame you for that because it’s butt ugly.

  14. I will take a different approach, and say ‘Go for it.’ You need a lever gun in your collection. Everyone does.

    The only thing you should be asking yourself is, ‘Is this THE lever gun I want in my collection?’ Do you want this more than a classic Winchester or a modern Marlin with a traditional walnut stock and a blued finish? If the answer is ‘yes,’ you need no further approval from the rest of us.

  15. Shudder you do realize this will require modifying a pair a Vaqueros with black plastic furniture, rails and a laser? Then one of those Chiappa 3-barrel hinge action shotguns in “personal defense” dress and a folding tacticool stock from Magpul.
    Who notes you must round out the battery.

  16. Shudder I just flashed on George, wearing a straw Stetson (TM) with a Canadian Crown and Bull Riders Brim (TM) in desert cammo, with crossed sabres on the front in polished brass. Full desert camo with his LBE featuring a pair of chest holsters for the Vaqueros, the 464 SPX in his hands and the triple barrel slung Ash style stock up, over his shoulder. Black polished cav boots with spurs of course. Geoff Who wonders if anyone can borrow a Budweiser (TM) Clydesdale for pictures. (Do they make a saddle that big?)

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