One of my least favorite
things at the gun shop is when some guy who we don't know, sends in
his wife who we don't know, to buy some “300”. We don't know the
people, so we don't know which 300 the guy might have. 300 generally
means a .30 Caliber of some sort and well, there are too many common
options to just pick one. During hunting season, this happens on a
regular basis. So guys, if you do send your girl into town to pick
up a box of ammunition – do your wife a favor. Rip off the end tab
of your last box of ammo and send that with her so the guys at the
gun store know exactly what you need, and we don't think of you in a
less than flattering manner.
Let's look at some of these
30 cal cartridges. There are 10 different common 30's. Each one has
its own strengths and weaknesses.
The .30-30 Winchester.
The Thirty really started as a market success with the .30-30
Winchester. This was the first serious high velocity metallic
cartridge using smokeless powder. It was a hot rod back in its day.
Shooters were amazed. These days, the .30-30 is often scoffed at by
those that don't get it. Personally, the .30-30 remains a favorite
of mine. It's mild, yet potent enough to take down an elk at 200
yards. Typically it fires bullets from 150 grains to 170 grains, at
moderate velocities from 2250 FPS to 2400 FPS. Accuracy is average
to pretty good from most rifles. Most of which are lever action
rifles with open sights. The best I've ever seen a .30-30 do was
half inch groups at 100 yards in a rifle that had about 250 bucks
worth of gunsmithing to tune it for better accuracy.
The .30-06 Springfield.
This is the classic .30 caliber cartridge that America has used
all around the world fighting for our freedom. The Aught Six as it
as loving called, has fathered more offspring cartridges than
anything else. Most notable is the .270 Winchester, which has become
the second most popular cartridge according to nationwide sales...
but that is another story. The Aught Six fires bullets usually
between 150 grains to 200 grains, but there are loads out there
going lighter or heavier... I've seen them as low as 110 grains and
as high as 225 grains. Velocity is high, but remember, this is not a
Magnum cartridge. Velocities are typically centered around 2800 FPS.
Accuracy is very good, but could be better because the case has a
lot of wasted space in it, reducing the efficiency of cartridge and
allowing for less consistent powder burn. This cartridge went to war
in WWI in our bolt action Springfield 1903 rifles, then into WWII in
our M1 Garands, and into Vietnam still in our 1903 Springfields that
were accurized and scoped and used as sniper rifles. Because of the
shear number of surplus rifles on the market, and because of the
almost universal acceptance, use, and general fondness of this
cartridge... it has become the Number One cartridge in America for
overall sales. Still today, it remains the Top Dog. Every company
that makes a rifle, makes one in .30-06. There are those that love
it with a passion, and there are those that don't really like it...
but no knowledgeable shooter disrespects it.
The .308 Winchester.
After WWII, the M1 Garand was altered and the action was tweaked to
fire from a detachable box magazine. This needed a cartridges that
was shorter for better feeding. This is where the .308 Winchester
came to the spotlight. This gives us almost the same performance of
the .30-06, but does so with greater efficiency and thus better
overall accuracy. Again, like the Aught Six, the Three'oh'eight
fires rounds from 150 grains to 180 grains like most of the .30 cals
going on... but does so at about 2700 FPS, which is only about 100
FPS slower than the Aught Six.
The .300 Savage. This
one goes back to 1921 and was the first “300”. It was hugely popular
for a time, and chambered in Savage's strange yet good model 99
lever action. It's a bit shorter than the .308, and milder, pumping
out 150 grain loads to a pleasant 2630. You can bump up the loads to
180 grainers, but the speed drops off a bit too much I think. So
while it's a lighter hitter than the .308 and a harder hitter than
the .30-30, it occupies a comfortable place in that middle ground.
It very well could be the ideal .30 caliber for light carbines.
Imagine a Model 7 Remington in this cartridge... that would be great
combination. The round is very accurate and just a pleasure to
The .300 Winchester
Magnum. In 1963 gun makers decided to go big in terms of
velocities. Winchester hit the home run with the .300 Win Mag, and
its the ballistic equivellent of the Mona Lisa. A work of art. And a
work by which all other .30 caliber magnums are compared to. It's
powerful and has a strong kick to it, but not too hard as to be
punishing. In a full sized rifle, it is quite manageable. You can
load a 180 grain bullet up to 3,000 FPS... a dramatic increase in
horsepower. People just call this round “The Win Mag” and most
everyone knows exactly what you are talking about.
The .300 Remington Ultra
Mag. Remington had to do something big, so they came out with
the .300 Remington Ultra Mag.... or the .300 RUM as I like to call
it. This cranks to the same slug as the .300 Win Mag about 250 to
300 FPS faster and hitting harder by about 600 foot pounds of energy
according to typical load data. This cartridge is a dragon slayer.
There are some out there that are hotter, like the .30-378 Weatherby
magnum, but not by much. If a scope is going to get bucked off a
rifle and break mounts and rings – most likely the gun is going to
be a .300 RUM. Around where I live, we call these “Elk Cannons” and
we sell a ton of them. For long range knock down, this has it. The
.300 RUM can body slam an Elk at a thousand yards.
The .300 Winchester Short
Magnum. When this one first came out a few years ago, I scoffed
at it. “Same ballistics as a .300 Win Mag? What's the point?” Well,
what it gives you is that classic Win Mag power, but it does so with
greater accuracy and with about 20% less felt recoil. I set up two
rifles exactly the same... Synthetic stocked Weatherby Vanguards,
using the same rings and bases I mounted the same scopes on each.
The only difference was that one was a Win Mag, the other a Short
Mag. The Win Mag kick was tolerable, but after 10 rounds I was done
shooting it for the day. I shot a sub 1 inch group with it and it
was great. Reaching out with that much crushing power, that is a lot
of violence to focus into a inch. Then I shot the Short Mag. I shot
a one hole group, and it was actually fun to shoot. Less recoil
enough to shoot all day... I ran out of bullets for it. Same speed,
greater accuracy, less recoil... this round has no downsides.
Marketing didn't come up with this round like I thought... this is
ballistics engineering at its finest.
The .300 Remington Short
Action Ultra Mag. Remington wanted to do something in a Short
Mag type platform and they came out with the Short Action Ultra Mag...
and it flopped. It's a decent round, just a tick behind the .300 WSM,
but it does so in a slightly shorter length, allowing it to be able
to be used in .308 length actions. This allows us to make
AR-10/SR-25 type rifles that hit like a .300 Win Mag. To me, that
makes it a winner. I think this is just about the perfect cartridge
for military applications in GPMG's (General Purpose Machine Guns
such as the M-60 and M-240). The US Military wants more power? Here
it is. Take our current crop of .308 caliber SR-25 sniper rifles and
rebarrel them to .300SAUM... presto. While I think the SAUM has it's
place, it is a commercial flop. The WSM beat it, but I think this is
more of a perception matter than performance. People hear “Ultra Mag”
and they want a dragon slayer, not just another Win Mag Mirror. I
think Hornady could lend a hand and blend some powders and do their
alchemy and come up with a Heavy Mag load for the .300 SAUM and it
would then enjoy a ballistic advantage... But that is neither here
nor there.
The .30 T/C. With the
trend for making all things short and chubby, someone had to do
it... so TC did. They made a .30-06 Short Mag. This cartridge
mirrors the classic .30-06 ballistics. But it is more than that. It
does so in a shorter, more efficient case. It's the same length as
the .308 Winchester but a touch chunkier. It is of course more
accurate thanks to the greater efficiency. It also does two things
that we are going to take as a bonus. It has less felt recoil, and
it's actually faster than the Aught Six by a few FPS, and in some
loads up to 100 FPS faster. Not much... and nothing to make me want
to run out and buy a new rifle in this caliber. It's a like a hot
handloaded .308, and in my opinion nothing more. TC brags that it's
the first cartridge with the TC head stamp, and that's fine. Bully
for them, but I'm thinking it's rather un-needed. Now if they had
taken this chunk of brass and necked it down to a 7mm, 6.5, or a .25
caliber – maybe we would talk.
The .300 RCM. The RCM
stands for Ruger Compact Magnum, and in the same 24 inch barrel,
it's a clone of the .300 WSM. The RCM uses a different powder blend
and gets up to speed quicker, meaning it works in shorter 20 inch
barrels. I guess that's nice. For guys guys that want short barreled
Magnum rifles... all three of those guys should be happy with the
.300 RCM. I have to be honest here, these last two rounds, the .30TC
and the .300 RCM... the .30 caliber market is crowded enough and
good, proven, classic calibers are being pushed out by these new
rounds that do things slightly different. Yes, yes, yes, it's
accurate. But so was the .300 Savage. I don't see a place for the
.300 RCM in the future, and I think the .30T/C is going to die out
as well, rather sooner than later. But that's just my prediction.
Who knows. It could really take off like the .300 WSM did. Now,
Ruger has a version of this cartridge in .338... the .338 RCM and
that has some serious potential there. I like that idea, but in the
.300 class, it's like just another boy band. We've heard that tune
before and looks the same as the others.
If I was to pick a new .30
caliber round for all around use, I'd pick the .300 WSM. It does
everything right, and nothing wrong. As a beer commercial once said,
“Tastes Great, Less Filling”.

G H Hill 1999-2012