I think the
tactical application of a medium to large sized revolver is highly
under rated. Most shooters think of revolvers in terms of small .38
back up guns, and large over powered wheel guns are just hunting
pieces, and single actions are just for guys in boots and big hats.
One of the most
common phrases I hear at gun shops and online in discussion forums is
“Just get a Glock”. This off the cuff remark really makes me question
the intellect of the speaker. Not everyone wants a Glock and a Glock
is certainly not necessarily the answer to every question. Yes, I
think Glocks are just fine guns for some applications, but they leave a
lot to be desired… wood grips for one thing. What did people carry,
and how did man kind survive before Gaston Glock saved the universe?
Most police
departments carried revolvers… mostly .357 Magnums, and did so with
good effect. Some may argue that, but everyone has their own
A revolver has a
greater power potential than an automatic, and a greater accuracy
potential as well. Revolvers are capable of putting a powerful, heavy,
hard hitting slug on target, with rapidity, at longer rangers than most
service grade automatics. Revolvers are capable of firing a greater
variety of ammunition without effecting reliability than an automatic
as well.
This gives the
revolver potential tactical advantages that are not lost on those
willing to open there eyes to see it… and if have ever in your life
said “Just get a Glock”, you probably have not seen it. Undoubtedly readers are astute enough to have seen it, so I am not
worried about offending anyone here. The US Navy SEALs sometimes use
.357 Magnum revolvers on a mission. This makes me curious about that
missions nature that made them want to use a revolver over the
automatic, but if they are doing it, then there is a tactical reason.
The .357 Magnum
has a great following, but the platform from which they are launched
offers other choices… such as the .41 Magnum, .45LC, and .44 Magnum.
These can offer huge take down ability, rivaling a rifle… But then
there is my new pet caliber… the old mostly forgotten .44 Special.
When the .44 Magnum hit the scene and especially thanks to the Dirty
Harry movies, the .44 Special just went Bye-Bye. Some makers still
rolled out a few guns for .44 Special… but for the most part it just
faded away. Kinda like the even older .44 that the Special improved
upon, the .44 Russian.
I have to admit
that I have really fallen for the .44 Special cartridge. It can be
loaded as mild as vanilla, or as hot as habeneros, with slug weights
from 165 to 300 grains. This gives you a wide ballistic spectrum to
play around in… one that even enters into the lower portion of the .44
Magnum spectrum. It’s almost a shame that the .44 Special has been so
overlooked… it virtually dropped off the planet once the .44 Mag rolled
out because the Special was “obsolete” as many have said. I don’t
think any cartridge is really ever obsolete… less commercially viable
is a different matter altogether and popularity has nothing to do with
effectiveness. I think the F-20 Tigershark was a fantastic jet
fighter… but since the Air Force didn’t buy any, it flopped. Too bad…
I liked it better than I do the F-16, but that’s another story. Rum
Raisin. Awesome icecream flavor that you never really find in a ½
gallon carton at the store. If you want it, most of the time you have
to go to an icecream shop and then only to the ones that offer a wide
variety of choices… but this doesn’t reduce the enjoyment of the Rum
Raisin’s flavor… or does it? Does the popularity of a think play some
effect on our perception of the quality of the item? To some people
it really does. To me, not a bit. When I was younger, all my friends
were getting into smoking weed. They enjoyed it. It was popular and
cool. I tried it. I inhaled. I didn’t like it, so I didn’t do it.
Popularity or not. During school I took music classes and could play
any of the Brass instruments, any of the horns. But the one I liked
the most was the *ahem* French Horn. To my ears it had the best sound…
the best tone… it was almost creamy when everything else sounded like
it had freezer burn to use the flavor context again. I still think
that today. Popularity has nothing to do with effectiveness or
quality, and my last case in point on that matter is Brittany Spears’
This lack of
popularity has created a downside to .44 Special, and that is in price
and availability. I can find .44 Magnums and .45 Long Colt all over
the place. I can’t find any around here save for one flavor of it, and
it’s expensive. I’m looking at $1.10 per round here. If I fire the
gun dry, that’s $5.50. Plus tax. Needless to say, you empty a
cylinder, you have just eaten your Happy Meal, because that was your
lunch money right there. Of course this is a locally inflated price,
but by the time I pay for shipping, I might as well buy it local
anyways and not have to wait for a delivery.
All is not lost.
I have access to a fully equipped reloading bench, which I have yet to
take advantage of, but will at the end of this semester. It’s good
equipment. Solid. Good condition… but old. It’s not the new
progressive style that does everything with one pull of a handle. But
this is just fine. I’m shooting a 5 shot and a 6 shot revolver and I
don’t have to worry about filling up a 30 round magazine. This is
plenty good enough for me, because my tastes are changing… just like my
taste in Bikes. I enjoy the ride for the ride, if you know what I
mean… I don’t have to attack the road and blitz the curves to enjoy
it. I can just enjoy the whole reloading process and the art of
reloading. I used this equipment before and found it to be an
experience worth savoring. My friend Steve has progressive press and
one day I went over and used it for awhile, and I was amazed at how you
crank the handle, boom, there is a round. Fast. But it really didn’t
give me the satisfaction that had felt before using the old fashioned
methods. There is really nothing else like it… I can’t explain it.
I’m looking forward to reloading when I can devote some time to it.
Reloading by hand, I can get the cost down to about 6 or 7 cents a
round… so the economic advantage (not counting time) becomes great.
But the real reason I am itching to reload the .44Special… Most of the
loads I have seen are loaded to meet specs from a 4 to 5 inch barreled
gun. I have a 3 inch. And there are other little revolvers that I
like that have even shorter barrels. I want to work up an ideal .44
Special Snub load… now if I can just find a chronograph to borrow…
The tactical
applications of revolvers maybe have become more specialized now, but
they are there. Ammunition flexibility, accuracy, reliability, no
ejecting cases… all features of a revolver that give it specialized
applications that can be a tactical advantage over an automatic.

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G H Hill 1987-2086