P99 QA .40
I wanted
to do a review of the guns of James Bond. Then this new James Bond
movie came out. Casino Royale, with this new guy playing Bond. I
didn't think I was going to like this flick... the new guy is blond
haired and blue eyed, and I'm not into card games or casinos. I went
into the theater with no expectations. In fact, my buddy and I went
to the theater to see a different movie altogether but once we got
there we found that it had already left town. I don't even remember
what that flick was. Let me cut to the chase, I loved the new Bond
movie. This one is like Batman Begins for James Bond, a total remake
of the character. The old James Bond movies became cartoons on
film.... this one fixes all that. Anyways, regardless of the stupid
plot lines and bad scripts, every guy wanted to be James Bond. Bond
was cool... Bond always got the hot chickybabes... Bond always one
the fights... Bond always has the slick gadgets... Bond always drove
the cool cars... and Bond never broke a sweet. This new James Bond?
No one wants to be the new James Bond. This new James Bond got his
butt kicked left and right. He got broken and bloody. He wrecked his
cool car. His hot chickybabe dies. Heck, he even died once. No one
wants to be that guy. This isn't your father's James Bond. Take
everything you ever knew about James Bond and toss it. This is why
I'm not going to review all the old Bond guns. This new Bond is the
only Bond worth the price of the movie ticket. Sean who? This is why
I'm only reviewing his handgun.
The newest
Bond gun is actually into the third Bond movie, but it is still
worth looking at. This is the Walther P99 and the one I'm looking at
is in .40 caliber. I'm not sure what caliber Bond's Walther is in,
but I suspect it is only a 9MM. I'm reviewing it in .40 for two
reasons. First is that I've done enough 9mm's and .45's lately.
Secondly because this is the only Walther P99 I had access to.
That's how this works here.
Let's look
at gun for a second. It looks cool. The design in deceptive. It
looks compact, like a small gun that might not be quite as effective
as it should be. The gun once in the hand, chances your initial
impression. It feels much larger than it looks. It has a good heft
to it unlike a lot of other poly-framed handguns on the market.
There is substance in the Walther that is not found in the XD's,
M&P's, Glocks, P2000's, or even the FN FNP I reviewed last issue.
One thing I didn't think I would like are the molded finger grooves
on the grip frame. Other pistols with these molded in grooves never
fit me right and my fingers end up riding high centered on the
raised portion. This is one of the reasons I don't like Glocks so
much. The older generation Glocks were great, but then they put in
those grooves and ruined it for me. The P99's grip frame fits my
hand wonderfully. The grooves work as they should and allow for a
firm grip on the weapon. The trigger guard is also nice and roomy.
Not an important detail for most folk but critical if you live in an
area that gets cold and requires the wearing of gloves. All my test
firing done on the P99 here was fired while wearing gloves... thick
gloves meant for cold weather and keeping your fingers from falling
off from frostbite. I had no problem firing the weapon or
manipulating the slide.
The gun
carries very well. For a gun offering full sized firepower, it
carries like a Compact. In automotive terms this a big engine in a
small car... a hot rod. Concealing the P99 is no more difficult that
concealing the smaller FN or the even smaller yet Kahr K9. Yet
neither of those guns offer the confidence of full sized duty grade
automatic like this.
There is
one thing I have noticed on the gun that seems to be completely
stupid... The decocker. This P99 is a essentially a Double Action
Only pistol. What Walther is calling a “Quick action”. And it is.
The striker is mostly cocked when the action is cycled and the
trigger only picks up the last bit before dropping it to fire the
gun. So why does it need a decocker? The position of the decocker is
another thing. The decock lever is small and almost hidden up on the
top of the slide in front of the rear sight. This is the worst
decocker I've ever seen. Other Walther P99's have a larger decocker
lever in the same location, but it seems Walther decided that since
it was obnoxious and disliked, they might as well just make even
more spiteful. This is really the only flaw the pistol has. This is
the mole on Cindy Crawford's lip. After awhile you not only forget
to be annoyed by it, but it becomes a character trait and even a
“beauty mark”. Cindy kissed me once. A chaste “please to meet you”
peck on the cheek. Trust me... I didn't notice the mole. When
handling the P99, you forget all about the decocker lever up there
out of the way and all you can think of is the pistols other
excellent qualities. At least it is not glaringly annoying like the
HK P2000's decocker lever sitting on the back of the frame like
Quasimodo's hunchback.
In order
to operate the tiny decocker, you would have to have a long
prehensile thumb with an extra joint. I don't know who designed this
thing, but they need to get one of those “what were you thinking”
slaps on the back of the head.
The only
thing that makes sense about the decocker is that it is out of the
way. I guess that it does have some use. To strip the weapon for
cleaning, you have to drop the striker. Using the otherwise useless
decocker instead of dryfiring does make sense for safety. In fact,
in talking with Smith & Wesson, the guys who import the Walther,
they told me that is exactly what the decocker is for. Just for
dropping the striker when disassembling for cleaning. So there you
The gun
sits in the hand with excellent balance. The design puts the action
further to the rear and lower in the hand that most autos. This
allows the gun to point naturally with a high grip that makes the
gun really handle well... like a sports car. Like an Aston Martin
DB5, if I might be so bold to say. If the P99 doesn't fit your hand
quite as well as you might like, the interchangeable back straps can
switched to allow a better hand to grip fit. Lots of guns do this
now, such as the P2000, FNP, M&P... but let me point this out,
Walther came out with this idea first. It comes with the medium
sized grip installed, but if you like there is a smaller one or a
larger one as you see fit. You choose. The medium one works well for
most folks, myself included. With the medium one, the gun points
naturally and instinctively. Making fast hits with a gun that points
this well is easy. I'm not into “Point Shooting” (Point Shooting is
a technique I'll let other editors talk about) as I prefer to use my
sights, but the P99 points so well, sights are only for verifying
that the gun is actually pointing right at the bullseye. When it
comes to front-sight-press the P99 is one of the best I've tested.
Reliability is excellent. Even with wide mouthed hollow points. Ball
ammo is child's play with the Walther. This is a huge improvement
over other Walther pistols I've tested in the past which did not
really care for hollow points. This gun loves to shoot and it seems
the hotter the ammo the better. This is bonus of the clever design
and high grip position. The gun doesn't just handle heavy recoiling
.40 caliber rounds well, but the geometry of the way the gun fits
the hand it just comes together with some wonderful German alchemy
that I wish other Teutonic weapons had.
is well above average. This surprised me. I didn't expect much in
the realm of accuracy and was guessing that the gun was only capable
of throwing rounds in the general compass direction I was pointing
the weapon. Why? Well, because the slide fits in the frame pretty
much in the same way that pinewood derby cars fit on the track
slots. This isn't just loose tolerances... Comparing the fit to the
FN I just tested, it's like the Odd Couple and the P99 isn't the
neat and tidy one. Sloppy. But the gun comes together and works very
well hitting the target where I mean it to. I can't ask any more of
a handgun that this. Especially a DAO handgun in .40. One of the
contributing factors to the accuracy has got to be the Walther Quick
Action trigger system. The pull is a little heavy at a solid 8
pounds, but it is reasonably smooth with a travel distance of only
.31 inches. This is a good trigger by any measure. Shooting the gun
quickly and accurately is about as easy as it gets in this type of
pistol. The only triggers better than these are on Single Action
pistols such as 1911's or High Powers. If you could lighten the pull
up – it would be even better.
The .40
S&W cartridge is not an especially accurate cartridge. It is not
even really all that powerful either. However it does fit the roll
it was cast to play, namely an intermediate option between the small
and fast 9MM and the big and slow .45. The .40 S&W cartridge can be
a handful to shoot. The recoil pulse is sharper, harsher, snappier,
with more flash and bang than either 9 or .45. For experienced
shooters it is a good option. Getting bigger bore performance more
like a .45 but with an increase in magazine capacity more like the
9MM. In most guns you only give up two or three rounds of capacity
by going to a .40 version. Some guys don't mind that trade off. Then
Springfield came out with the XD45 which has a mag capacity of 13
rounds compared to the XD40's 12 round capacity. In my opinion the
XD pretty much negated the .40 caliber argument. But then we have
the Walther P99 offering a good counter point. This intermediate
caliber's performance in a package that handles and hits this good
is something that will always be a weapon worthy of consideration.
I didn't
have any of my favorite .40 rounds for testing. My favorite was the
135 grain CorBon loads. So testing was conducted with 165 grain
loads... Winchester SXT, Blazer Brass, and some Speer Gold Dots.
I've found a fondness to the Winchester SXT loads. Federal's
Personal Defense loads are not worth the time it takes to load them
into your magazines.
On a scale
of 1 to 10, with 10 being the “The most fabulous object in the
world” and 1 being a Hi-Point .380... I'm calling the Walther P99 a
solid 9. This score shocked me. I honestly didn't expect it to rate
this high. I shot a 9MM P99 a some years ago shortly after it hit
the market and it didn't impress me that much at all. But at that
was before I starting writing for CCM and looking at the guns I shot
with a more critical eye. I might have to go back and start shooting
everything all over again.
OA Length:
Length: 4.1”
Weight: 25
.40 S&W
MSRP - $665USD, As Tested - $475

G H Hill 1999-2012