Limbsaver Barrel De-Resonator
Limbsaver has been well known in the archery
community for making vibration absorbing products that work very well.
Recently they came into the firearms industry with some very effective
recoil pads. So effective that they are now standard on many new
rifles, and just about everything from Remington.

Limbsaver has come out with something new
for rifles, called a Barrel De-Resonator. This is a soft rubber
grommet that slips over the barrel and gives the weapon a very George
Jetson, almost Flash Gordon kind of look. The idea behind it is
pretty simple, to pull the vibrations out of the barrel during firing to
make each shot more consistent.
How it works is the same way these things
work on bow limbs... it reduces vibration and shock by transferring the
energy and motion into the soft rubber which resists the motion at
first, then captures it and contains it. In a bow, it makes
the bow smoother and quieter during the shot.
This should theoretically work on the barrel
of a rifle. During firing the barrel of a rifle acts as a tuning
fork. Vibrations travel back and forth across the length of the
barrel and this can make shots inconsistent. To battle this,
barrels are made free floating, where nothing touches the barrel.
Or they are made heavy and fat, thus reducing these vibrations by shear
mass and rigidity. Or they are full bedded or bedded with a
pressure point near the end of the stock's fore end. The idea is
to let the barrel resonate as free as possible with the hope that it
will resonate the same way every time.
The problem with barrel resonation is that
it is effected by just about everything. Heat, humidity, air
pressure, the way you are holding the rifle, where your sling is mounted
and if you are pulling on it, the bullet weight and shot velocity will
also play an important roll in resonation. So being able to pull
some of that vibration out of the barrel would be a huge help in
The question is, does it work.
The test platform is my trusty Remington 700
Stainless BDL in 7MM Remington Magnum. For testing I picked up a
couple boxes of some cheap 160 grain PMC ammo. Each box was only
twelve bucks, so I thought, what the heck. It beats blowing
through my good stuff that I use for killing things that cost more than
twice that. The scope in a Nikon Buckmaster BDC which is zeroed
for 300 yards. The target is 200 yards.

I first fired a clean group without the
de-resonator on the gun. In the group above, you can see the three
shots and at the top is a hole made by splintered wood, not a bullet
hole. This is not a bad group for 200 yards for a guy that is on
some pretty heavy pain killers and shooting through heat waves.
I'll take this sort of accuracy any day.

To start out testing the de-resonator I
slipped it on all the way back to within an inch of the stock. The
shot group is actually slightly bigger. So far I'm not impressed.
If this was it, I would want my money back. But they say that you
have to tune the de-resonator by putting it in different positions to
find the sweet spot where it works the best. So we will do that.

Oh for the love of... I'm so not impressed.
This is with the de-resonator placed roughly in the middle. Again,
I'm about to ask for my money back. After this one I fire a couple
more groups just to verify that this is what the gun is doing. I'd
be better off having not have tried this out at all at this point.
Then I moved the de-resonator out further,
to within 4 inches of the muzzle. And this is when something
happened. Now, understand this... this is with cheap ammo that I
have always considered to be crappy...

I shot several other groups after this to
verify it... This is it. The Limbsaver Barrel De-Resonator
actually works. In the above photo that is a three shot group with
two shots through the same hole.. other groups were nice clover leaf

I'm pleased as can be. For a rifle to
shoot this good with crappy ammo... I am not just pleased, but I am
I can't wait to find some more coyotes now!
So, to answer the question... Yes, it works.

G H Hill 1999-2012