a "weblog" or "Blog" of sorts. Sometimes it's also a little more.
It's part journal, part "Zine", and part open letter to friends,
family, and the rest of the internet. It's a place where I throw
down my takes on what's happening around the world, and in my life.
I write it mainly in a conversational tone as if we're just hanging
out and talking. Excuse the vulgarity and profanity, because I'm
former military and the jargon sticks with you. Of course most of
my friends are former military as well and couldn't give a rat's ass
about colorful vocabularies.
format is simple. Newest stuff is at the top. This allows
easy reading of the most current content. You wont have to scroll
down through the history to get it. Older stuff gets archived.
Ogre's areas of interest are in Firearms, Automotives, Technology,
Politics, and anything else that bleeps on my interest radar at the
time. I'll talk about the headlines. I'll talk about what I catch
on the news. I'll talk about what I read on the web. I'll talk
about what I've been up to. I'm a pundit and have opinions about
everything and I'm not afraid to state them. I've never heard of
anything too dangerous to talk about... so I'll talk about anything
if I feel like it. This Zine is published and updated as I feel
like it. Sometimes, I'll even update it a few times a day. All
depends on what I have going on.
site started out in 1998 as a personal home page hosted by
HOTBOT, a part of Wired
magazine's online presence. This makes one of the
oldest "Blogs" on the internet. It was originally done for no
reason other than I was bored, and HotBot had a simple tool to put
up those kinda pages. You just filled in the form and presto... it
was done. Very lame. Hotbot also allowed you to do your own HTML
and after a week of the shake and bake site, I redid the whole thing
written on WORDPAD. Not much better, but I was doing it only for
myself. Still am.
site has grown and evolved in a manner of my liking. Again, I'm not
doing this for you, but for me. If I was doing a Pay For Content
site, then it would be different. Old links die and I don't keep
them up to date. I make no guarantees, so you are getting what you
pay for.
About Ogre.
I am a
gun owner. I am also a NRA Certified Pistol and Personal
Protection instructor. I am an American. I am also a
father. I served my Country in the US Army as an 11B Light
Infantryman. I served my God as a Missionary for my Church. I
believe the Constitution and the rest of what our forefathers did as
direct inspiration for God. That includes the Second Amendment.
Therefore, I take the Second Amendment very seriously, as I take
each article of the Bill of Rights.
think one of the big problems these days is lack of responsibility.
Something else is always to blame. No one knows how to stand up and
take it on the chin. If they have to - they will sue someone because
of it. You can get sued or fired for simply stating the obvious...
Personal Responsibility built this country and now the lack of it is
ruining it.
I am
often gregarious, but I don't really like people until I get to know
them... I make few friends, but when I do, I make friends for life
and will happily give them the shirt off my back. I'm often quiet
and reserved in most situations, soft spoken. Yet I've been
compared to as a cross between Steve Ballmer, Dennis Miller and even
Jack Nicholson.
enjoy good food and good company. Good movies and good books.
I like discussing politics and issues with people other than
Blissninnies. I am a conservative but I am not Republican or
Libertarian. I'm somewhere in between. I dislike the
Democrats, but I agree with several Democrat points of view. I'm
also a Mormon, and proud to be so. I'm also a Pagan, and I
really don't like the whole 3 hours of Church every week that other
Mormons seem enjoy.
I'm a
Lover and a Fighter. I'm not a Chess Club Geek, nor a
Jock... but I can hang out with either group comfortably. I like
Sci-Fi, but hate Star Trek. I like racing, but I hate NASCAR. I
had a Supra, and enjoy street racing... even enjoyed The Fast and
the Furious, but I find "Ricers" to be laughable. I'm full of
contradictions. I'm an Aries. And that gun I'm holding is a
Springfield 1911 .45 Government Model and yes, indeed, I know how to
use it.
I am
educated. I've studied at some of the finest schools the US Army
has to offer, (Advanced Infantry Training, Air Assault, Combat Life
Savers, Jungle Warfare and others) and various colleges and
Universities around the West. BYU, USU, UVSC, CNCC... I have also
attended seminar classes at other schools that I don't have time to
list. Such seminars involved high tech aerodynamics, nanotechnology
and robotics. I am continuing my education in the areas of History,
Psychology, Creative Writing, and anything else I damn well feel
like at the time of registration. Pretty much everything I have
done in my life has been so I can write about it... because above
everything else, I am a writer.

Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012
Graphic Artwork by Martin White