Emergency Medical / First Aid
Emergency Medical Kits. Ashley Emerson wrote a fantastic
article in SWAT magazine recently about survival kits. Ashley is THE
MAN when it comes to survival, and emergency preparedness and just
plain being outside. His article should be required reading.
However as good as it is, there is a small hole in it that I would like
to attempt to fill here. He only briefly mentioned a first aid
kit as something that you should have with you. This is an absolute
When it comes to preparation, too much is never enough when an
emergency comes up. If the chips are down and you and yours are
relying upon your “Bug Out Bags” then it’s very likely that your neck
deep in an emergency.
Before we go any further, a little resume time. I was trained as
medic in the Army, and I used to maintain an EMT certification as
well. While I am not an expert on the subject, I do know something
about it. I prepared all the medical emergency response gear for
several facilities such as the
Center of the Arts in Southern Utah, Trojan Explosives, Nations Bank
center in Richmond, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, and a few
other places. These preparations saved the life of one man that I know
of while I was still at the location. The main consideration for your
medical supplies has to take into account the response time of EMS to
where your at and where your going. But this isn’t an article about
facility preparation, but for your mobile first aid kit.
Depending on how big your party is and how it’s constructed, you
might want to have a few different kits. One main kit that stays with
your camp or vehicles, and another couple small mobile kits that goes
with your patrols, teams, or hiking/hunting parties. This will allow
you to render aid immediately, until better aid or care can be
administered as the case may be. Of course all aid only supplements
transportation to a hospital if that is required. Just because you
have a first aid kit, you are not a doctor.
So lets get to the kits. I’ll talk about 2 kits, one large, and
one small.
The Large Kit. This is the kit that stays in your truck or base
camp. It’s big and heavy and everything you need to treat your injured
extraction can be made or transportation to a hospital. I’m not going
to give you amounts of the supplies, just the items. The amounts will
depend upon the size of your family or group. What you carry these
items in is up to you. There are a number of bags purpose made for
medical kits, but any bag with compartments will do nicely.
Adhesive bandages (1"x 3")
Abdominal Pads (5" x 9")
Trauma Dressing (12" x 30")
Sterile Dressings (4" x 4")
Sterile Dressings (3" x 3")
Blood Stoppers
Gauze Rolls (3" NS)
Gauze Rolls (4" NS)
Waterproof Tape (½")
Waterproof Tape (1")
Elastic Bandage (3")
Elastic Bandage (4")
Triangular Bandages
Petroleum Gauze (3" x 9")
Maxi Pads
Kerlix (4 ½")
BP/Stethoscope Kit
Alcohol Prep Pads
Antibiotic Ointment
Antimicrobial wipes
Sting Kit
Snake Bite kit
Cold Packs
Bottle of purified water
Smelling salts
bandage scissors
splinter forceps
Rinse Gel
Nitrile or latex Gloves
Disposable Airway Kit
Burn Sheet
Advil and or Tylenol pain relievers
Pain relieving gel or crème
Cold packs
Heat packs
Space Blankets
First Aid book
your group is going to be far from EMS you will want to include more of
the above items, and a portable oxygen unit big enough to provide O2
until EMS is reached or arrives. Another thing that might be
important is to understand the regular medical needs of your group… who
is on what medications and such. This can be a life or death bit of
knowledge if one of your hunting buddies starts acting strange or
blacks out on you and he never told anyone he was diabetic. Your group
should have a designated “Medic” who is in confidence and holds this
information… the rest of the group doesn’t have to know anything
personal. You may have wondered about the Maxi Pads and Tampons in the
list. Well the fact is, they are awesome for first aid. They are
clean and absorbent and are perfect for making pressure dressings. The
whole “Shove a Tampon into a Bullet Hole” idea is bogus. Don’t put
anything inside a wound. A tampon would best be used inside the bends
of elbow or knees or some place a bigger pad is less than ideal. Some
surgical items might be a good idea too… such as lancets and scalpels,
needles and surgical thread. It’s better to have it and not need it,
than to need it and not have it.
Your small kits or trail bags will have some of most of the above
items. Some various bandages, an ace bandage, some pads, some cleaning
items, tweezers, a Sam splint, some pain relievers, bee sting kit, 550
cord and a space blanket. These items can fit in a small pouch like a
fanny pack or some such. I don’t like the idea of using a compartment
of a bigger bag for this, as sometimes the situation might be that the
first aid kit might need to be passed along or tossed to someone up or
down a cliff or something. This might be one of the uses of some of
that 550 cord… to lower the kit or other items like water or food or
Don’t ever skip out on the space blankets. I know they might seem
silly to some, but really they work… and most procedures for treatment
in the field ends with “Treat for Shock” and a blanket is required for
Now, all of this stuff will be a little expensive… you could spend
anything from 40 bucks to a couple hundred. But don’t balk at this.
You have this kit for the same reason that you have that 400 dollar
Surefire tactical light on your M-16. To help save lives. So don’t
give me that noise about money when you have a 200 dollar pocket knife
clipped to your pocket, a 150 dollar holster to carry your 900 dollar
pistol, riding in your 50,000 dollar SUV and then bitch at me about a
100 dollar kit that could save the life of someone you love. I don’t
want to hear it. After all you just dropped a sick amount of coin for
that fancy canteen you are wearing on your back.

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G H Hill 1999-2012