
IJ-17A Russian
Commercial Model, 8 round, adjustable rear target sights, .380
caliber. Article with photos published in
Concealed Carry Magazine.
I’ve had a lot of
people ask me what pistol they should get for concealed carry duty for
someone who is just about broke. The idea is that they want something
that costs as little as possible, yet is a good solid gun capable of
standing up to a lot of work, abuse, and the test of time... a proven
design with a good reputation. Not only should it be tough as nails,
but it also needs to be exceedingly reliable. Because what good is a
concealed carry gun if it wont “go bang” every time you pull the
trigger? Oh, and it needs to be accurate too, and compact so it can be
carried and concealed easily. Tough, reliable, accurate, compact,
combat proven and cheap. That formula points straight at the Mak. The
next thing they ask me is, “what is a Mak?”
The Makarov came out
shortly after World War II within the iron curtain and it was called
the “Pistolet Makarova”. Today it is called the Makarov in the common
tongue. Or just “Mak” by its friends and family. When it first came
out, it quickly gained popularity. Not that anyone had a choice in the
matter… you either liked it and supported The Party or you didn’t, and
the pistol was used on you. In fact, in the Soviet Union, the Makarov
was the #1 favorite pistol for dispatching political dissidents, spies,
or anyone asking for a second loaf of bread. (Thankfully times have
changed. Thank you President Ronald Reagan!) The Mak has a great
following around the world. Most any military force that uses or used
the AK-47 type rifle, pretty much also used the Mak. So this
popularity wasn’t exactly forced. It can stand on its own merits.
When the Mak was
replaced by more modern pistols (most of which are just Makarovs with
some alterations) surplus stock of these pistols came to our shores.
The importers thought these little pistols had some potential and they
were absolutely right. Thanks to its rugged design and solid steel
construction, these tough little pistols last forever. Thanks to the
fixed barrel, these things are also surprisingly accurate. For these
reasons, the Mak has gained a cult following that has grown like
popular underground movement.
The Mak was produced
in Russia, East Germany, Bulgaria, and of course, China. After the
wall fell, the Mak continued production in the reunified Germany. I’m
sure this little pistol is probably produced in other places, but
importers have and are bringing them in mainly from these sources. The
Mak, like most other successful pistols, has been cloned many times
with slight changes and modifications. One of the best examples of
that would be the CZ-83 which could be considered the pinnacle of the
design’s potential. Most Maks and the like can be had for under 200
dollars and I’ve seen some examples as low as $125. This makes it one
of the most economical CCW choices out there.
I’m not sure how the
design actually came about, but I have a suspicion that it had
something do with the Russian designer looking at the Walther PP,
slamming down two or three bottles of Vodka, and then trying to draw
the gun from memory. The other Russian engineers in the room, who had
also consumed large quantities of Vodka, cheered the design, agreed to
build it, and then handed the drawing to the Machinist who had not yet
had any Vodka because he just came into the room to see what all the
cheering was about. This was how a lot of Russian military hardware
came about, but if you ask them they will of course deny it.
The native round for
the Mak is 9X18MM. This is a hot little cartridge that is slightly
shorter and slightly fatter than the .380ACP. So don’t try mixing the
rounds, because you could suddenly go Palestinian. (meaning you could
blow up) This 9X18MM is also often called “9MM Mak”. Most gun shops
know it this way and might not know the times eighteen thing, but they
catch on as soon as you say “Mak”. So don’t worry, the ammo is good
and plenty and you don’t have to hunt through a gun show to find
imported surplus packed in plain brown boxes. But if you do, you will
be rewarded with some incredibly inexpensive ammunition.
I got this Mak from a
friend in California. He didn’t want it any more because it didn’t
feel good to him and it rusts when you look at it wrong. I said I’ll
take it… I’m somewhat familiar with iron curtain ergonomics (meaning
they don’t have any) and I have a new gun product called “CorrosionX”
that is pretty much made for stopping corrosion on firearms. When I
got the gun in, I could see what he meant by rusting easily. It had a
thin sprinkling of orange colored dust along the slide. That is rust,
my friends, a guns worst enemy. Under the rust was some pitting… where
the rust was actually eating into the slide. Not bad pitting… not
deep… but it was there. First thing I did when I got the pistol home
was to field strip it and examine it. The internals were fine and the
gun was mechanically sound. I treated the whole works with the
CorrosionX and have not had any problems with rusting since. This
stuff isn’t just a protective treatment, but it is also a cleaner and
lubricant as well, so the treatment gave me a nice slick function. The
only thing I had to work on after that was waiting till I could get out
and go shooting with it. That’s what I call “The Hard Part”.
The Mak that I have
right here is actually in .380. This unit is a Russian made pistol
intended for commercial sales to civilians. The fit and finish on this
example is excellent for a surplus import type pistol. There are no
tool marks on the outside and the slide is polished quite nicely.
Really the only difference here is the caliber and the adjustable rear
sights. The technical name for this model is the “IJ-17A”. It was
made in Russia by the IMEZ firm at the foothills of the Ural
Mountains. I thought it fitting that it would be test fired here in
the foothills of the Uintah Mountains. Okay, in reality it could have
been chiseled out on the steps of the Kremlin, I always shoot in the
foothills of the Uintah Mountains. That’s where I live.
Sorry if I sounded a
little curt right there… I’m a bit miffed at the moment. You see, I
brought my bride with me to do some shooting and to run the camera.
Deveni is the girl that you see named in my other articles for having
taken the photos. Not this time. I’m the one taking the pictures this
time, because she is doing all the shooting. No, I’m not irked about
that, she is a wonderful companion and a good shot too. No, the
problem is that she pretty much has laid claim to the Mak, so it’s not
mine anymore. Excuse me if I am a little brusque. “It fits my hands”
was the excuse. Yeah, nice excuse. How come that didn’t work when I
sat in the seat of that new Nissan Titan 4 door and wrapped my paws
around the steering wheel?
She is wickedly
accurate with this little pistol, so much so that I conceded firing for
fear of being shown up! She has fallen in love with this pistol, and
this is a rare thing. The only other gun she really liked was a
certain stainless 1911 .45 that I had. She’s a .45 girl at heart, so
this was a surprise. She hated my last Ex-Soviet handgun, a CZ-52. I
didn’t think she would take to this one at all. My hopes came up when
she made a complaint about the sights. While being adjustable target
sights, or the knock off Russian equivalent of target sights, the front
sight post is very small and gets “lost” visually. Not that it is
really lost, you know it’s there… somewhere… you just can’t see it. It
is kind of like a fun little game of “hide and seek”. This makes
accurate shooting a challenge. Especially when that problem is
compounded with a trigger that feels like you are dragging a piano
across a gravel road. Okay, it’s not that bad, I am exaggerating. A
little. Deveni still managed to pull off some impressive shooting with
it, and so do most other Mak shooters. So my hopes for recovering
“dibs” on the gun were lost.
We shot up several
boxes of ammunition of different sorts and didn’t have a single jam
with any of them. There was however one malfunction, and I caused that
myself when Deveni let me shoot her pistol. My thumb was riding on the
slide release lever when I fired the last shot, so the slide didn’t
lock back. This isn’t really a problem as it didn’t prevent me from
firing all the rounds. It would only have slowed down reloading a
second, and you really can’t even call that a malfunction. That’s
pretty much Operator Error right there, and I’ll take the blame for
that. Deveni didn’t have that problem and she is still smug about
that… yeah, even now while you read this she is sitting over there
looking at me over the edge of her book, “The Da Vinci Code” with those
eyes saying “neener neener neener”.
Some say that the
recoil from a Mak is brisk. This is due to the pistol’s method of
operation. It’s a straight blowback design. A blowback gun works by
using the weight of the heavy spring and inertia of slide to hold the
chamber closed until the pressure has reduced to safe level to open.
This means there is no mechanical functions in the gun to absorb recoil
energy that can reduce the felt recoil. This is a very simple
operation that is used even in “high end” small caliber guns like the
SIG P232, which is also in .380. The 9MM Mak caliber guns do feel a
bit sharper in the recoil because the native cartridge is much hotter
than most .380 loads. But don’t let this scare you… the recoil is
nothing to worry about. My better half wasn’t bothered by it at all.
There are a lot of
different loads out there for .380, and plenty for 9X18MM too. Lots of
good choices for defensive use. Silver Tips, Hydra Shoks, Gold Dots,
you name it. If you want cheap ammo for plinking (“plinking” means
informal recreational shooting) then look for a 9X18 Mak, because you
can get a whole case of ammo for the cost of a pizza dinner for the
The Mak is a very
simple design. Looking at the little manual (thankfully it is not
printed in Russian) I see that the whole pistol uses only 41 different
parts. And of those, 12 are just the sights. 3 are the grips and 4
others are the magazine. This is not a complicated gun. In fact, the
rear sight on this commercial model is more complicated than most of
the rest of the gun. Take down is about as simple as it gets.
1. Unload and clear
the pistol.
2. Cock the hammer
3. Pull the front of
the trigger guard down.
4. Pull the slide
back and lift it up off the rails.
5. Pull the slide
forward and off the barrel.
Done. That’s it.
Reassembly is the same sequence in reverse. It’s so simple that even
an uneducated army conscript from a cabbage farm can do it. That means
anyone; even a first time novice can do it. There are no “tricks” to
it. It really doesn’t get much simpler than this.
The controls of the
gun are even simpler. The magazine release is on the bottom of the
grip frame. This is called a “Heel Release” or a “European Style
Release”. It’s simple and effective and it works very well. It also
makes for a good system for a concealed carry pistol because you do not
have a button on the side the pistol that could accidentally be
pressed. There are only two controls on the side, one is the slide
release, and the other is the safety. The safety is mounted on the
slide as is popular for European handguns, but interestingly it’s
upside down according to the European style. Up is safe, down is fire…
just like on a 1911. The safety is also a decocker and a virtual gun
lock. With the safety on you can not retract the slide, pull the
trigger, or thumb cock the weapon. It’s locked up nice and solid. To
unlock it, just push the safety down like a gas pedal to go.
These pistols not only
have a following, but they have a shrine. For anyone looking to buy a
Makarov, or who owns a Makarov pistol, you need to check out There you can catch technical articles, reviews,
pictures, and anything you ever wanted to know about the Makarov type
pistol. They also sell spare parts and custom parts and even some
custom gunsmithing services for the Makarov and for the CZ-52. From
that website, I am going to order the fixed rear sight replacement, and
I might even have them cut in a dovetailed front sight as well. This
would resolve the hide and go seek game I talked about earlier. Oh,
and those custom wood grips look pretty snazzy too. Lots of options
and information. Anything you want for the Mak you can order there.
They even have holsters, but I think I would rather get a holster from Eric there knows Maks and knows how to make a
custom holster for it by hand better than anyone.

Shooting the Makarov
gave Deveni such a grin… when she claimed the gun, how could I refuse
her? How could I argue the matter? No, seriously… how? I want that
Mak back! *sigh* This takes me back to the opening of this article…
Thank heavens it’s cheap enough for a guy that’s virtually broke,
because I’m going to have to buy my own now.

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G H Hill 1999-2012