Free Advice from the Ogre.
Did R2-D2 really get you out of a ticket?
Yes. It was a 6 inch tall toy droid I picked up at Wal-Mart for 5
bucks. Read about it here.
I just got a fast computer. What game should I buy?
Read Ogre's Top Ten Games list in the Technology Section.
I'm wanting to buy my first handgun. This is just for plinking.
Pick out a decent .22 pistol or revolver. Handgunning requires a great
deal more skill to use well then a shotgun or rifle. A .22 will allow
a much greater volume of practice than any other. My preferences here
are for the Colt Woodsmen, Colt Cadet, High Standard, or SIG
Trailside. The Beretta NEOS is still up in the air.
I'm wanting to buy a handgun. This is for home defense and range.
Well, you need to decide if you want an auto or a revolver. My
recommendation would be for a .357 Magnum caliber revolver. They can
be found all over any gunshop or pawnshop. I'd go with a police trade
in S&W model 27... Which I've seen as low as $175 and as high as $550.
Shop around. You can fire up .38 special loads with it for fun, and
then stuff it with magnums for putting it into standby mode in your
night stand drawer. If your after an auto, go with the Springfield XD
in 9MM. 9MM is cheap and easy to shoot.
Q: Ogre, I want to get a handgun for concealed carry. What should I
get? I’m thinking the Glock model 26.
Okay, this is a pretty good question… mentioning the G26 tells me want
a small 9mm auto. This is a good place to start. The Glock is indeed
a good little option and is serving many in the capacity for which your
considering. However there are some other good options out there as
well. There are little pistols out there that are worth looking into
before you invest your hard earned dollars. Steyr makes a nice little
auto in 9MM. Springfield’s XD now comes in a subcompact flavor. S&W’s
P99 is also now available in a subcompact. They are all good and have
loyal followings by the owners. However which one is the right gun for
you – only you can know. This is a matter of picking them up with your
own hands and feeling them. Feeling the grip shape and how it fits
your hands… feeling the weight of it in your hands… the trigger
pull... Really this is a personal matter. You might not even like
these plastic framed guns… in that case Kahr makes small autos with
metal frames. Those might “feel” better to you. Selecting one of
these guns is not a matter of reading all about them in all the gun
rags you can find. No hack gun writer can pick this for you. Not even
the mighty Ogre. However you can be confident that any of my
suggestions are all quality firearms that I myself wouldn’t hesitate to
carry CCW. My personal favorite of these is the little XD, but what
fits in your paws is going to be different than mine.
How many hits do you get on your website?
Enough. I get more than enough really. I'm always freaked out when
people say they have read my web site. Even more so when I'm talking
to someone and they freak out because they just realized they are
talking to "the" Mad Ogre. This usually happens when I'm talking to
people and they start quoting me. It's unnerving. Seriously, this has
happened to me a number of times at gun stores, gun shows, grocery
stores by the magazine rack, at the gun range, at an auto parts
store... Even once while I was shooting out in the middle of the fucking desert. So, no...
I don't want any more hits. Frankly, I don't even want to know how
many hits I get myself.
Can I link to you? Will you link back to me?
If you wish and not if you suck. Lot's of inappropriate animated gifs
and midi sounds increase your suckage factor and reduce your return
linkage likelihood. Stale or lame opinions and comments also increase
your suckage factor. French, Liberals, Soccer Players, and AOL Home
Pages need not apply.
Do you ally have 5 sons?
Yup. My wife and I have already had our 10th year anniversary. All
boys. Two of them are twins. We have given up on having a girl.
Q: What do you look
Q: Where'd you get
your information that Mil Spec was "Minimum Standard"? Military
Specification is determined as the standard deemed necessary for actual
combat, which is what the military does. I've seen and read about
those pretty Baer and
guns having reliability problems caused by out of spec parts, and those
parts having to be replaced. Never seen that on a Bushmaster. Mil Spec
is developed by years of pragmatic, practical testing and research, not
by aesthetic or artistic reasoning. The Military usually requires much
more fortitude in their equipment than is necessary or typical for
anyone. They also require certain dimensions for parts so that they
are all interchangeable... something lost on the "custom" Wilson and
Baer buyers. Sometimes you don't want your shit to stand out, you want
it to be like everything else, so you can rip it apart and mix pieces
if you have to. It's not a ****ing toy, it's a life preserver. My
2cents. Doubro
A: Well, it all depends on what the specific standard
is your measuring… Often the Military standard is high, and rightly
so. But then again, often the Mil Spec standard is not even average
and easily exceeded. When talking about a “Mil Spec” gun – the
standards are generally dimensional to certain specified fractions of
an inch tolerances in manufacturing. Often “Custom” standards are
holding to much tighter tolerances. Or Mil Spec could be referring to
the finish and level of corrosion protection offered. Again, here the
Army’s specs are out classed buy the “custom” options available to
civilians… same with a guns acceptable accuracy. My point being is
that “Mil Spec” is not the holy grail of categories. A Mil Spec gun is
just a good place to start. Your right, custom hand-fit parts may not
be able to be fit back into the mix with run of the mill parts from the
assembly line’s parts bin… but then again they don’t have to. Guys
that get and shoot custom guns are not going to be dipping into the
parts bins anyways. Quiet often, Mil Spec IS the minimum standard.
Why would you take offense at the notion that “It can be done better”?
Everything can be improved. Even the beloved 1911, which Mil Spec
often refers to the standard original patterns with a parkerized
finish. If that is the kind of gun you want, then great. But again,
to me, it is a place to start and not the goal. I'm not so much of a
Gun-Snob as to say that Mil Spec is low class... I'm just saying that I
am not a fan of guns that are billed with the best selling point and
emphasis on the fact that it is "Mil Spec". I'm thinking "So freakin
what?" Because for me - that little bit of information just isn't
enough. The AR-15 is "Mil Spec" and I think the whole thing is a hunk
of turd. So, you will have to excuse me if Mil Spec doesn't impress
me. Note:
This dialog continued.
Q: Hi Ogre. I’ve
seen that you dislike the AR line as much as I do, but do you have any
thoughts on the AR 18? Also would you happen to have any thoughts on
the Springfield Mil Spec 1911-A1? also have you ever had any
experience with a Desert Eagle .50 AE? Evil Jesse.
A: The
AR-15 is a pathetic attempt of a target rifle trying to be a fighting
rifle. Not unlike Anna Nicole Smith trying to be an actress. AR 18?
AR 18 is Argon, one of the noble gasses. A colorless, odorless,
tasteless noble gas. It is the third most abundant element in the
earth's atmosphere. It is continuously released into the air by decay
of radioactive potassium-40. The pure form is obtained by industry from
fractional distillation of liquid air. Used in lighting products. It is
often used in filling incandescent light bulbs. Some is mixed with
krypton in fluorescent lamps. Crystals in the semiconductor industry
are grown in argon atmospheres. Enough of the Chemistry… I can only
assume that you are actually talking about the AR-18 RIFLE. Right?
Well, if you are, then you are talking about the rifle that Armalite
built to compete against the AR-15 rifle for the military contract
during the Vietnam War. This is a select fire weapon that has a lot
going for it. First off and most importantly it uses an operating rod
to push the bolt instead of direct gas impingement… meaning that the
potential reliability is higher by a factor of 10. For a civilian
shooter you can get the AR-180 which is the same thing only Semi-Auto
Only. If you have the chance to pick one up… go for it. They rock.
For the Springfield Mil Spec – good gun. Go for it too, if you are
looking for a single action auto. I prefer a few features that
Mil-Specs don’t have… These features are a beaver-tail grip safety,
extended safety lever, and a lowered, widened ejection port. These
improvements aide in handling and reliability. Now, the Desert Eagle
pistol? Okay, it has some good features… It has a fixed barrel that
gives it some good accuracy, and it is available in a selection of good
working calibers. The down side is that it is a very large handgun.
It is mostly seen in movies used by either the villains, or the action
heroes depending upon how cheesy the flick is. Also seen in just about
every video game. In reality it is much less common. The .50 AE round
is impressive in regards to ballistic energies… but if your wanting a
D.E. to actually shoot – consider either the .357 Magnum or the .44
Magnum options. Why? Simple. Ammo is fucking expensive and a gun you
can’t afford to load is almost useless.
Q: Mr. Ogre,
Why are so many people obsessed with accuracy? Most rifles today can
shoot better than their owners can, so what's the big deal? This
accuracy obsession even extends to assault rifles, where one is ripping
off a short burst at franticly gyrating enemy infantry. What gives?
Baal in Virginia
Because Baal... People are ignorant... Even the enlightened Shooters.
You see the problem stems from people reading Gun Magazines more than
actually picking up a fucking gun and firing it.
Q: Mr. Ogre, I
am a LEO with a lot of experience shooting 1911's. Due to today's
litigious society, my LE career has been dotted with Glock "one night
stands". The Glock is a good sidearm but now I have the opportunity to
purchase and carry a 1911 for duty/off duty use. I have the chance to
get a Kimber Pro Eclipse II very reasonably priced, but I have been out
of the 1911 loop for a while. I have checked out most of the
forums but all I can decipher is that most 1911 users that want to talk
are whiny-assed punks that think that if you don't have an expensive
Wilson or Baer you wasted your money. Aren't there any 1911's out
there that are worth the while without making you mortgage the farm?
A: No
– you don’t have to spend as much as a Wilson to get a “Real” carry
gun. Kimber makes a fine gun. Tacoma PD in Washington State has
selected the Kimber Pro Carry II… You can get it for a few hundred less
than the Pro Eclipse II. Make sure you have a good tritium insert in
the front sight and your set. That’s all you need for the gun.
Springfield has some good options as well, and I favor the Springfield
brand more than I do the Kimbers. The TRP is a personal favorite
as I used to have one and found it to be a dream come true. (wish
I didn't have to sell it)
Q: I browsed your site and I see you know a lot about .45s
so Id like to ask if getting a PT145 over a Glock 30 or 36 would be a
wise idea. I don’t like the Glock 30 to much. The PT145 is a lot less
expensive thanks.
A: Don’t
think about the cost – in a defensive weapon the most important thing
is to get the RIGHT gun. To do this – you will have to try out several
handguns of this type – compact .45s. Charles Daly has a compact .45
that is a polymer framed variant of the CZ-75. I recommend checking
that one out as well. Also take a look at the Sig P245. It’s more
cash – but it’s worth it… and if you shop around you can find them
about the same price as the Glock options. Springfield and Kimber and
others make very sweet subcompact 1911 types… Here is what you do –
you find a shop that has all these selections. Take a look at each one
in turn. Try the trigger – look at a spot on the wall and bring the
gun up to eye level – see if the sights are lined up when you change
your focal depth from the spot to the gun… If the front sight is high –
skip the gun. If the front sight is low – you can still consider it.
If the sights are right on the money – BUY THAT ONE.
Q: Hey Ogre,
other than TFL, what is your favorite website?
A: You
mean other than THR and Geeks with Guns and the other links in the
Selected Links box? That's a stupid question.
Q: Dear Mad
Ogre, I borrowed my Dad's Ruger GP100 (actually, it's a 141 if you
understand their model numbers) and it's really dirty now that I've
shot it a whole bunch and I need to clean it. It has a ton of baked-on,
caked-on black shit that won't come off. I have tried RemOil, BreakFree,
and Brite Bore. What should I use to get this black shit off of the top
strap and the front of the cylinder? Also... Do you have a generic
cleaning routine that you would recommend for use with *any* gun?
Thanks, Dave.
A: Well, it sounds like you have a lot of carbon build up. You need to
SOAK the gun in some HOPPES #9 solvent to help break it up... I suggest
letting it soak overnight. Then you need a great deal of Elbow
Grease. The area around the front of the cylinder is tough. That is
where the hottest and dirtiest of the gasses escape the gun between the
cylinder and the barrel. There is no easy way out of it.
Breakfree CLP is GOOD stuff, but what you need there is a good
solvent. Hoppes #9 is the way to go there... and after you clean it up
with that - then wipe it down with the BF-CLP stuff for the
protection. No - I don't have any generic routine save for a guns
bore. 10 times with a solvent soaked patch. 10 times with a bore
brush. Once more with solvent, and then 10 times with a dry patch.
After the bore is clean, I'll hit it once with an oil soaked patch (breakfree)
and then once more with a dry patch. This is the basic bore treatment
I use. Everything else depends upon the specific gun and such.
Q: The
Para-Ordinance LDA .45 has caught my attention and I am interested in
it. Do you think it would be a good gun for me to shoot? The cocked and
locked 1911 has never bothered me (I like my guns cocked and ready),
and I love to shoot the
but I would like to try this double action. It is the light trigger
pull that made me think I might be able to shoot it well. It looks
sweet. The picture I’m looking at is all black with wood grips- a cool
look for the 1911. My concern would be the grip safety. I’m not
familiar with it and don’t know if I would have difficulty in fully
depressing it before firing. Then again, you’ve got to try it to like
yeah it is a nice gun. It is still based on the 1911. (superior to
every other handgun on the planet? Maybe!) Now the LDA stands for "Light
Double Action" but this is not quite true. It's really NOT a double
action - but a fucked up Single Action. There is no "second strike"
action in the LDA because the slide action cocks the mainspring so all
the spring tension is caught up as in any normal auto pistol. What is
different in the LDA is that the hammer lowers while the spring tension
is held back. When you pull the trigger, you move the hammer back
to where it should have stayed in the first place. Because there
is no spring tension on the hammer at that stroke, the pull feels as
light as it is. Once the hammer gets back - then the mainspring
releases and the hammer falls under power. This is a clever
trigger system, and Para did a good job on developing it. Overall
its a fine handgun for those that have a thing against the locked and
cocked type auto. Oh, and about the grip safety... I have never met anyone with a
real problem
with that safety. When you hold the pistol properly the safety is
disengaged naturally. The purpose of the grip safety is to have
it safe while in the holster - not in the hand.
Q: Ogre, I
want to go buy a gun. What kind of gun should I get?
A: You
should go buy an Marlin Lever Action in .30-30. No... Kidding. How am
I supposed to know what kinda of gun you need to get? I don't know you
and you didn't specify what the gun is to be used for. Thus you will
get my default gun answer. If you have to ask... then get a Shotgun.
Get a pump action like a Mossberg 500, or a Remington 870. The
pump-action shotgun is the most versatile gun platform you can get.
Specific applications can be achieved with a few modifications from
stock form.
Q: I have 50
bucks and I want to buy some fun. Craig in Phoenix.
A: I
suggest some Weed. For 50 you can buy a bunch and even resell some of
it to recoup your initial cost. What? Oh, something LEGAL? How old
are you? Look. Just go buy a video game and stay out of trouble...
Okay? What game? Operation Flashpoint. When you turn 21, then your
options open up.
Q: Mad
Ogre, Sir. Your site just ROCKS! Keep up the good work!
Can I ask a question for your Ask Ogre?
A: Yes.
You just did. Fucking Idiot... NEXT!
Q: Dear, Ogre.
I Got 3 Questions. First, Taurus or Beretta? Second, 10mm
or .45 +P? Finally, any recommendations on a good auto-loader 12
gauge shotgun?
A: Taurus for better support. .45 for better load selection
and availability. And lastly a Remington 1100 for the common
availability of parts and accessories.
Q: I have a
Bushmaster AR-15 rifle. It keeps jamming and I am at a loss. I have
cleaned it lubricated it with Rem Oil. Nothing is broken and this
rifle in only a few months old. What should I do?
A: Sell
it and buy an AK-47 type rifle. Oh, and use
BreakFree CLP or a different lube instead. Rem Oil sucks to a
high degree. Now, go and sin no more...
Q: Dear Ogre,
Mary Anne or Ginger? Charles in Connecticut.
Both... Dumbass.


Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012