Sep 30th, Tuesday: 1700HRS:
Just brought Ranger home from the vet.
They cut his balls off!
didn’t want to know what they were going to do… so I didn’t look it
up. I didn’t want to know. Had I known, I wouldn't have let them
do it. I would have told them "He got hit by a truck." Or
something along those lines... or I would have taken him up to Flaming
Gorge and set him free to run wild with wolves out there.
Something. Anything. I don't know what... but I wouldn't
have let this happen.
They. Cut. His. Balls. Off.
Could they have just snipped his tubes and tied them off? Oh,
sure - but they didn’t. They took Ranger… my cool dog… and cut his
balls off. Castrated him like a fucking SHEEP.
poor thing is just laying at my feet… sleeping and alternately looking
up at me with his eyes saying “You fucking bastard!”
What did I do to my dog!?!?!?
keep telling myself, it was for the best. Ranger...
PLEASE, PLEASE, forgive me.
Fucking animal
Bruce Sterling is one of my favorite authors, but
I don’t always agree with him. He
wrote an article about 10 technologies that need to die.
Nuclear Weapons. I agree Bruce, but they are for now, a necessary
evil. Someday, Bruce. Someday.
Coal-Based Power. I agree. Unfortunately this means we switch over to
Nuclear Power. But before we do this, we have to come up with a better
solution for what we do with the nuclear waste, and get over the
liberal agenda to stall all constructions of nuclear power stations.
The internal combustion engine. Sorry Bruce. This aint going to fly.
Not yet… and not for a long time. When you can give me an alternate
fuel powered vehicle that can match my Jeep on capacity and all the
performance parameters… and the same range… then we will talk. Oh, and
my Jeep and Subaru are paid for. But I’ll trade you straight across.
Incandescent light bulbs? Of all the problems in the world… light
bulbs? Here is something that needs to be fixed first. I light bulb
is 50 cents. A florescent is like 4 bucks. When the one becomes as
cheap as the other, then the incandescent ones will go away.
Landmines. I want to agree with you, Bruce. I really do. They are an
ugly tool of war, but they have a purpose that so far we still rely
on. Area denial. Landmines are the easiest way of doing that. But I
am with you. If you can come up with a better way, call the Pentagon.
Manned Space Flight. You know, I’d like to get rid of almost all space
flights. The shuttle missions are bogus. Satellites can be launched
cheaper with just a rocket booster. There is no reason for us to be in
space. Come on. If God wanted us in Space, he would have put
breathable air in Space. Okay, that’s a bit glib, but we are spending
way too much for useless bullshit. I really don’t care what is on the
dark side of the moon or what is under the ice on Europa. Sure, it’s
interesting… but it’s useless information because we don’t have a way
to capitalize on it. It could be populated by sexy nymphomaniac elvish
aliens with baskets of gold, but it wouldn’t matter. We aint getting
any of it.
Prisons. Sorry Bruce. Prisons are needed. They will always be
needed. However what is also needed is a reconstruction of the entire
legal system because more than ½ the people in there – shouldn’t be
there. That and we also need a lot more executions.
Cosmetic implants. I disagree. I think there is a place of these. I
think the problem with them are the fact that they are not biological.
If they had living tissue that could be implanted, then that would be
different. Give it time… implants will get better. This is a matter
of personal choice if one wants them or not.
Lie Detectors. Interesting choice. I agree, but I would also take it
a step further and include wiretapping and other mass surveillance
technologies. Then again, I’d rather be living back in the 1950’s when
we didn’t have all these social problems that have made these
technologies attractive to those that have implemented them.
DVDs. WTF are you talking about? A DVD is a huge step forward from a
VHS tape… but you are correct, they are a flawed technology and they
need improvement. I would rather see DVD’s in a cassette form like a
ZIP disk. As for the content on the disks… the maker’s do that for
money reasons. I just wish greed wasn’t the prime motivation for
providing content for those guys. But it is. That’s the prime thing
that needs to die… Greed. Just be glad that these spam messages are
commercial in nature and not political propaganda like it could easily
be. *shudder*
The new Democrat war cry: THE RULE OF
LAW. Somehow a name was leaked to the press, and now the Democrats are
“outraged” and are crying about “the rule of law”. Okay, fare enough.
But first, let’s have a call about “the rule of law” regarding a few
other issues:
Missing FBI Files turning up in Hillary Clinton’s office.
Vince Foster turning up DEAD in public parks.
Perjury under oath.
Numerous campaign fundraising violations.
China-gate – the selling/giving of top secrets to our #1 threat.
Barbara Wise turning up dead, apparently tortured to death.
IRS-gate. Using the IRS the threaten political opponents.
Elian Gonzalez and using him has a political pawn.
Covering up phone calls from the Whitehouse.
Massive porn downloads on the Whitehouse computer network.
The bullet hole in Ron Brown’s head with a plane crash to cover it
Thrashing of the Whitehouse offices before the Clintons left the
Spending 36 Million on a trip to Vietnam. Where did all that money
Where was the Democrat’s outrage and call for justice then? How
convenient that the media ignored all these matters, and it wasn’t
brought out to the lime light. When it was in the news, the Media was
right there to Spin it faster than centrifuge. You know, I am so sick
and tired of the Democrats putting the needs of the Party ahead of the
needs of the Public or the actual rule of law. To them, The Law is a
political tool instead of the rules that we all live by. If they
can’t follow the law, they have no right to call for it. They think
they are above the law… and during the Clinton’s administration, they
were. They still think they are. They had better check themselves
before they cast any stones.
Never mind the fact that this is a
smoke and mirror issue with no substance. The chick was not even
an "Operative". Such bullshit.
29th, Monday: 1400hrs:
email talking about “blog-rolling”:
“Dear Mr. Mad
Ogre: Do I call you Mad or Ogre? I have enjoyed your weblog a great
deal. I found it off Google while searching for information on The
Matrix. Has it occurred to you that you would get better publicity and
notoriety if you joined a ‘blogroll’? - Andy”
Ogre is fine.
Mad is just my emotion, not my name. Yes, it had occurred to me.
No, thank you. Why would I? You just said you found me with
Google, not some other blog. What more would I want?
Look, if someone
links to me, and I find that I like their site, then I may link back to
them. If I like some other site, and they haven’t linked to me… I may
link to them anyways. is about my opinions on things. I
don’t care who is linking to who and who is quoting who. For example,
I have a link to The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. I have it because
that Misha cat is quite funny, and I like reading his stuff. Same
thing with Kim du Toit. (who has excellent taste in both guns and
women) I don’t expect them to link back to me. Blog-Rollers do for
some reason.
Remember back
when the internet had a lot of “Web-Rings”? Those were only moderately
useful devices to share information about a subject or item of
interest. Blog-Rolling is just a new way of doing web rings. If your
into that, then fine… but don’t be angry if I decline. I would rather
keep flying under the radar for the most part. Thanks for your concern
for my well being. But if you want to help, then please just make a
small donation into my PayPal “Buy Ogre a New Computer before his
machine flatlines completely” account. I'm one of the oldest
web-logs on the internet. I am also a low key web-log.
It wasn't until
relatively recently that I even started using tables to give me this
format... it was just like a note-pad scrawl. Check the
archives... oh... and I was web-logging well before I started to even
archive stuff. I used to just delete older content. Like
all the stuff I had on Paintball and other such things. At the
time, I didn't archive, so it's gone. But most of the old
original stuff has remained. If you look around you will find a
lot of stuff that was originally written in 1997. Lots of upstart
blogs less than 2 months old with Web-Log-Roll lists a mile long... it
lacks authenticity. I was Ogre, before Ogre was cool. remains pure Ogre. Essence of Ogre. 100% Prime
Grade A Ogre.
Yet more “What
about the Glock 36?” emails.
Guys, I only put up guns that I have first hand knowledge of. Meaning
that I have fired it, and not just handled one at a gunshow. How can I
suggest a gun that I have never fired? Look, the Glock 36 might be the
Ex-fucking-Caliber of CCW guns, but unless I have actually fired one
then I don’t really know that. Do I? And If I am recommending guns
that I have never fired and have no first hand knowledge of… then my
recommendations wouldn’t mean shit, would they?
Today is the day... Poor Ranger. He is going to the vet to get
fixed today.
He will stay over night and will be able to be picked tomorrow after
3:00PM. Poor thing. This is actually hard for
me to do! I don't want to take him in! Well, I do, but not
for this! I've noticed something on him I want to ask the Doggy
Doc about, and then to just get him checked out. Unfortunately I
have no choice in getting him fixed. This was a condition of the
animal shelter's rules regarding animal adoption. Oh well.
Maybe this will make Ranger a bit more calm. If it does, then
it's a good think I guess. Still... I do not like the idea of
legally required animal mutilation. This should be a choice, not
a requirement. I think the Animal Control people are a little too
full of themselves to mandate such a requirement.
expected, the emails are already coming in about CCW guns that should
have been on the list. But what really bugged was one who didn't
like my division mark of 9MM. ".32ACP should be the dividing mark
at the top end of your Backup Category..." Hmmm... Maybe so, but
that wouldn't change anything on the Duty side, and only limit the
Backup list, removing some fantastic CCW options for no better reason
than arbitrary lines in the sand. The SIG P232 for example is an
outstanding self defense gun, and one of the best ever made, but had I
drawn the line at .32ACP, it wouldn't have been mentioned.
(This is all discussed in yesterday's post if you are wondering where
this is)
Let’s just call this “Yet
Another Reason”:
Woman calls 911 about a shooting. Cops arrive… 12 HOURS later. Let’s
talk about all the things that are faster than that. My Pizza Deliver
is faster than that. My Plumber is faster than that… virtually any
call and come here business is faster than that. What can you do in 12
hours? Me? I could drive to Seattle in 12 hours. In 12 hours, I
could fly to Richmond, kiss my Mom on the cheek and fly back home in 12
hours. In 12 hours, I could be ½ way around the freaking world. And
these cops couldn’t roll 3 minutes to a freaking shooting call?
Excuse me? Look, if they can’t get there in 3 minutes or less, they
are pretty much nothing more than the clean up crew. Janitors with
badges. Oh, but let’s not forget something extremely important. The
police is actually under no obligation to actually protect you. Some
departments my have “To protect and serve” as a motto or on the patrol
cars or something… as noble cause as that is, it’s a fallacy.
Individuals joining the ranks of the Law Enforcement armada may go into
it with a feeling of such higher callings… but it’s short lived and
after a while, they are just as jaded as most. Sure, there are
exceptions, but I only know a few. I’m not bashing law enforcement,
I’m just making a point… Self Defense is a Self Requirement. It’s not
something that you can expect others to do for you, not unless you are
some elected official on Capital Hill.
28th, Sunday: 2200HRS:
I almost didn't get anything posted today.
It was a bitch getting my machine to boot up today. Everything
here is off my iPaq, so forgive me any errors you find. I am
almost ready to sell my iPaq, as much as I like it, so I can buy a used
MAC G4 off Ebay. If anyone has a used G4 that would like to trade
for a 3955, then I'm your guy. Let me know. Seriously.
Could some please explain to me the necessity of Winchester's new
marketing ploy?
The new short rounds... not just the new WSM (Winchester Short
Magnum) calibers... but the even newer and shorter WSSM (Winchester
Super Short Magnum) rounds.
Back in the day, these kinda rounds became popular with bench rest
shooters because they had an edge in accuracy. In a hunting rifle
that is fired off-hand or from
hasty braced position, you are not going to notice any differences in
accuracy. Sorry, but no, your not. If you have the magnum
equivalent of these rounds already, I don't see any reason to go out
and buy a new rifle that's otherwise identical to what you already
have. Just because these new rounds are different shaped, doesn't
make them necessarily better.
need to point out one disadvantage to these short-fatties... You can
fit fewer of them in your magazines. Fewer shots on tap isn't a
worthy trade-off considering the very slight-if any advantage you
might get from these rounds.
Of course, I may be wrong and the karma smiled on Winchester so the
resulting alchemy is greater than the sum of parts... But I doubt
I've had these thoughts about the WSSM rounds since I first heard of
them. I almost felt like "maybe I'm wrong" or "maybe I shouldn't say
anything". Then I read Jeff Cooper's take on these rounds and I felt
my opinion justified and validated.
have a small confession.
long time Readers remember me saying how much I said I disliked the
Hummer H2 truck? Well, how do I say this? I like the H2's
now. The wheelbase, the whole's all good.
Built from off the shelf GM parts? Even better. It grew
on me... I'd take one. No, really... I'm serious. Check
out the H2's angle of attack... That's nice. Just wish it
corresponding ground clearance... But hey. It's good enough for
99% of the stuff out there.
I'd rather have an H2 than a regular Hummer for most of the time. A
regular GI Hummer isn't really any advantage until you are out deep
in the bush, and traversing some really wicked terrain. I think
those traits are secondary considering the H2's advantages on road
and the fact it can do 99% of what the Hummer H1 can do. I'd rather
be comfy on that (fast) cruise to Denver than to be able to scale a
cliff that I could drive around if the going gets too tough. Just my
Top 10 CCW picks:
There are really two classes of CCW choices. I'm calling them Duty
and Backup. The relative size of gun isn't the dividing line, but
the caliber. Duty level guns are chambered for duty level calibers;
9MM being the marker. Anything smaller than 9MM is a backup
caliber. You will see as we continue that some guns in the Duty
category are smaller than those in the Backup category... Try to
play along with the caliber division, okay? Now, the other thing
you will note, is that I am not putting them in any order. I’m
giving you the nominations as I see them, with explanations to
follow. You can put them in your own order as you see fit.
The nominations for CCW Duty;
Taurus Millennium series.
Springfield XD Sub-Compact.
Glock 26/27.
SIG P-239.
Steyr’s “S” model.
CZ-75D PCR (With the P-01 as alternate).
Taurus CIA (or any other small snub .357).
Kahr M9/M40.
Beretta Cougar 8000, 8040, or 8045.
HK USP Compact
The nominations for CCW Backup;
North American Arms Guardian
SIG 232
Beretta 84/85 Cheetah
Beretta Tomcat
NAA Mini-Revolver .22 Magnum
Kel-Tec P3AT
Walther PPK
frame sized .38 Revolver (any)
Now, please don’t be offended if your favorite picks are not on the
list. There are so many good solid choices out there that it makes any
such effort to pick the best ones most difficult. This top 10 for the
Duty category could easily be the “Top 40”.
Most of these choices should not be any surprise to
regulars. I’ve mentioned most of them in the past. Some selections
here are unique.. such as the Kahr and Kel-Tec nominations that I
normally don’t endorse or even admit to liking… Really I don’t even
like the Kel-Tecs, but the new P3AT model is a great example of the
breed and it’s reported to be remarkably good for the Kel-Tec line.
The P-11 Kel-Tec, in 9MM is an iffy proposition at best, and I wouldn’t
carry it if my life depended in it.
rest of the choices here above… I would. I would and I wouldn’t really
worry about it. All are proven worthy.
Steyr S model, for example… Neat little gun. I really like it… Just
wish it fit my hand better. It’s the grip angle that doesn’t agree
with me. If I take a normal grip and bring it up to sight plane – the
barrel is pointing up above the target, so I have to bend the wrist to
bring it down onto the target. In my opinion this ruins the gun for
defensive work. For a defensive gun, you need to be able to bring the
gun up and it be on target. Because when it comes to crunch time, you
might not have even that very slight fraction of a second it takes to
make a sight picture.
I’ll admit that I was splitting hairs with the revolvers. I consider
the small .357 Magnum revolvers to be the duty options, and the put the
.38 revolvers in the backup… Your results might vary… .32H&R Magnum is
becoming very popular in some circles as an ideal backup gun, or a gun
for a female shooter, that could very well be your Backup choice, with
the .38 in the Duty and that would be just fine.
CZ P-01 is an interesting small automatic, but to be honest I have
never seen one, but if its as good as the other CZ-75 based guns – then
it would be a smashing success, and probably bump some other choice off
the list to make room for it.
Taurus Millennium series is back in good graces now that Taurus has
quietly and reliably fixed the issues that these guns initially
suffered. I’m still waiting for the Titanium slide version of the .45,
but I don’t think its coming.
Cougar is an option you can take in whatever caliber you like, they are
all good… take your pick. 9mm, .40 or .45... Where is the .357SIG
NAA Mini Revolver is an incredible little chunk of CNC milled
hardware. It is so small, that I used one as a key chain fob for over
2 years. (I really don’t recommend doing that, but hey, it’s that
small) Shooting wise, well, 4 shots of .22 Magnum to an aggressor’s
belly makes the aggressor much less aggressive. The proper why to do
that is to shove it into the middle of badguy’s guy at an upward angle…
Hitting the liver is good, but if you can hit the heart, even better.
Ideally, if the tactical situation allows it, you screw the barrel into
your attacker’s eye socket before you touch it off. This is one way to
insure a higher probability of a one shot stop. An Ear would do well
too, but there is a lot more bone mass to break through that way, where
an eye socket has a then layer of bone just behind the ocular orb.
The other NAA gun on the list is the
Guardian. Great gun, extremely well made... and available in 3
calibers. .32, .32NAA, and .380. My personal choice would
be the .32NAA or the .380. I really like the .32NAA for its
improved reliability and high muzzle velocity. I reviewed a
pre-production example of it and found it to be amazingly effective.
Mak is an interesting and excellent option. It could very well go on
the Duty side of the list. It’s round is similar to a .380, but much
more potent… however the rule was 9MM as the marking point, so I had to
stick with it. The Mak has served as the side arm of the Iron Curtain
for pretty much since there was such thing as an Iron Curtain. You
can get a Mak for very little jingle, and the ammo to go with it.
If you like the Mak, but want something more upscale, refined, and in
.380, then the CZ-83 is for you. It is an improvement over the
Mak in many ways. Nice gun, good choice, and they shoot very
feel bad about not putting the HK P-7 in here, as it’s a great CCW gun,
but like I said, there are so many solid options. Even worse of me is
to not mention any of the fantastic sub-compact 1911 options that are
popping up all over the place… The Ultra Compacts from Springfield,
Kimber, Para… you gotta be kidding me! They are all exceptional
choices, but for the sake of making an interesting list… I excluded
them. Otherwise this list would have been dominated by them. Para’s
LDA system makes for a unbelievably good CCW option and might be the #1
if I was to put them in order. Another item on the list that could get
replaced is the HK USP Compact. As good as they are, in whatever
caliber you like, they are trumped by what is just around the corner,
the P2000 and the P2000K. If they ever arrive.
little pistol failed to make it on the list, and I’ll use it as an
example of a breed of pistols that are not mentioned. Downsizer has a
little gun called the “Downsizer”. ( It’s a modern
version of the old Derringer concept. Super small, in full caliber,
but with only 1 or 2 shots. An American President was killed by a
Derringer (A cap and ball variety) and some of the most notorious
outlaws of the Old West fame have used Derringers as well. These guns
do have a place. They could be the ace up your sleeve when the chips
fall… But I would only put them in a Back-Backup category due to the
very limited capacity. They are worth mentioning if you are looking
for the smallest of small guns for very deep concealment. Because
sometimes even a very small weapon is too big.
Also worth mentioning is the value of a good defensive folding knife.
Knives for close in work have been extremely effective since Man Kind
figured out how to use the Thumb. If a gun is not an option, maybe a
knife is. Unless you are going on a commercial airline… then you have
ZERO options. I’d rather fly from a small unsecured commuter runway in
a crop-duster than fly a commercial aircraft again. Seriously. Or
better yet, I’d rather just drive myself. Don’t tell me all that shit
about safety records and all that. It’s about the principle of the
thing. I love flying, that’s not the problem… but the way passengers
are being treated now days… fuck’m.
Where was I? Oh yeah… guns. No matter what gun you choose, it does
you no good if you don’t have it on your person. This is why I made
these two lists. (that and a lot of people asking me to) Find a
gun that you can have on you ALL THE TIME. Don’t give me that “I carry
a 1911 Government Model all the time” bravado if you don’t really carry
it all the time. If you do – fine. But really, smaller guns are a lot
easier to carry all the time than bigger ones. If a SIG P-239 is too
big to carry all the time, get something smaller… just as long as you
have one of them on you. Even at home. If your on the couch watching
Mash reruns and some thug knocks your door in… your Seecamp .32 in your
bedroom doesn’t do you a damn bit of good, does it?
27th, Saturday: 2200HRS:
Just watched a really good flick called “Confidence”.
This was a pretty damn cerebral con artist flick, and really
enjoyable. You liked the characters, the dialog was pretty good and
the story unfolded so well with a really slick plot twist that just
nails this one to a 5 star rating. If you like flicks about criminals
picking on criminals, then this one is for you.
saw something that you don’t really see every day.
Three bright yellow Lamborghinis. One was a Countach, one a Diablo,
and one an older Miura. They rolled past doing exactly the speed
limit, with 2 cop cars trailing at a distance… just waiting for them to
go one over. Each car had a little Italian flag on the side that I
observed, just behind the front wheels.
don’t know anything about these cats, but I just hope they made it out
of town without getting pulled over. You gotta give the Italians
credit for style. Those cars commanded everyone’s attention… with the
ultra wide, low profile stance and authoritative rumble from what? 36
cylinders? Is it 28 or 36? I’m not sure about the Miura, is that a
V-12 or a V-8? I think it’s a 12. If you have never seen one, you
might have and thought it was a Ford GT-40… if you have ever seen one
of those… Never mind. Bad to the bone whatever it is. If anyone knows
why 3 Italian super cars would be cruising through BFE, Utah… I’d like
to hear the story!
Email came in asking about my Top 10 CCW choices.
Hmmm. I’ve not made a list of those, but I do have a top 10 handgun
list. Looking at that, I can see they are not all CCW options are
they? I’ll thing it over. I have 8 in mind, but to put them in proper
order and nominate 2 others… Let me think about that for a bit, I’ll
get back to you tomorrow.
I love choppers. I have always loved choppers. But no one makes
the chopper than I want. I want a stretched frame chopper with low
profile drag style handle bars... like you see in a lot of well done
choppers... but with the engine of a Honda VTX 1800. A little more
detail... I want a soft tail... I want a 5 gallon tank... If you build
it, I'll ride it. From coast to coast... stopping only for necessities
and more fuel and the occasional nap. This is the bike of my dreams.
Okay, I also want another Honda-hybrid-chopper... but with a 2.5 or 3
gallon tank, the engine out of a Honda VFR 750 that is over-bored and
supercharged. With this one, not so much of a rake on the front end,
and again with the drag style handle bars. I'm talking a smaller
chopper capable of attacking most bullet-bikes. That's what I want for
around town. Why the VFR engine? Because it is hands down one of the
absolute best cycle engines ever engineered. Smooth power, high revs,
lots of torque, good balance, and very little wrench time required. 4
cylinders in a V configuration, it even looks good.
These two bikes… If I was a rich bastard, I’d give Jesse James of West
Coast Choppers 250,000 to build these bikes for me. West Coast is
hugely popular now thanks to the Discovery Channel, but If you check
out’s history, you will find I was singing West Coast
praise long before Discovery’s shows. There is something about the way
he shapes his bikes that just speak to me… they are just right. For me
at least. You might prefer other styles, but Choppers have an artistic
quality that speak to people differently… and West Coasts speaks to be
the most. Know what I mean? Ogre’s dreams here… we all have them.
Harleys are fine if you are a fan of the Village People. But
I want to ride not wrench. And don't give me that line about new
Harley’s being more reliable... Feh! Look at the tag on the rear view
mirror of a new V-Rod. You have to check the oil every time you stop
for gas. If it loses any oil - the engine could be damaged! And that
little radiator? On a Harley? Just something else to go wrong… and
eventually it will… because it’s a Harley. There is only 1 Harley
that I would ever consider, and that’s the 882. I like the looks of
that one, even if it’s not the typical form of bike that I like. No,
no, I would not be wearing leather chaps with it… but I do like the
form of the 882. I'm not sure why.
"The M16 is to rifles as a banjo is to a guitar." – Jeff Cooper.
(Looking forward to some the hate-email I get on this)
26th, Friday: 1600hrs:
Email from Reader: “M.O.,
I agree that Luther had massive nuts. To defy the greatest power in
Europe at that time meant one thing. Well Done or Extra Crispy! Maybe
even a little tenderizing before hand. But imagine just how far in life
he would have gone if he picked up a sword instead of the pen? Did he
really change that much? We have a new offshoot of Christianity called
"Protestants" which means protesters! Did we get ride of the corruption
and greed any? Nope. About all that has changed is that Priests can
have wife's, which must make little boys everywhere happy. But I'll be
shucking out my 8 bucks to see it anyway. AMF John”
John, no need to be so formal… Ogre is fine. Or just OG for short.
Corruption and greed? Let’s see. Luther opens the doors for
Protestants, Puritans, and the Church of England. Church of England
being corrupt? A church founded for the sole reason to let Henry 8 get
a divorce? Naw. But let’s not go there. That’s a whole other debate.
Can of Worms that I am not opening at this time. Maybe later. Still,
we all owe Luther a great deal. If it were not for him, we would
all be Catholics if we liked it or not.
going to see this flick (Luther) in the theatre when it gets here.
There is another movie in the theatre now that I want to see, “Book of
Mormon”. I read the book, (me being Mormon it’s kind of expected –
unlike early Catholics and whatnot who were not allowed to read the
Bible… yeah, I have read that too, but come on... the BOM is more fun
to read, really it is) but I don’t know anything about the movie.
Didn’t even know it was made until I saw it on the billboard. The
movie has potential if it’s about what’s in the book. It’s as epic in
scope as Lord of the Rings in terms of heroes and battles and all that.
Another movie, of an unreligious flavor is looking so awesome to me…
Kill Bill. Can’t wait for that one either! Once upon a time in
Mexico… I’ll never be able to see that one. Salma and Mrs. Ogre do not
get along.
Another email mentioned a Physics Major who believes that a longer
barrel gives you greater accuracy.
This is untrue. There are many factors that contribute to accuracy,
but barrel length is not one of them.
Remember, class, what I said before… as long as the barrel is long
enough to impart a stable spin on the bullet, it can be accurate. That
length can be as short as 2 inches depending upon the caliber and the
load; be it rifle or handgun. In fact, the longer barrels have even
more problems than shorter ones. Let's review...
First thing is the bullet’s fit in the bore and how that bullet engages
the rifling. You might note that the super accurate match loads in the
old bullseye .38’s use a hollow based full wadcutter slug. The full
wadcutter (meaning its flat) profile allows the bullet to cut a clean
hole for scoring. The hollow base not only gives the bullet a more
stable center of gravity for it’s flight – but it also allowed the base
to open up and engage the rifling deeper. This is also what made civil
war rifles more accurate… the use of these hollow based conical shaped
slugs. There are documented shots of heroic accuracy that are still
enviable today.
This brings us to another accuracy factor… the base of the bullet. Any
deformation to the base of the bullet will adversely effect the
bullet’s accuracy. As the bullet flies through the air, spinning for
stability, even a slight deformation changes the air flow over the
bullet. This acts like an airplanes aileron or rudder and can throw
the bullet off. This is why sometimes we see weird things when firing
tracers at night… like shots that fly off like a major leaguer’s curve
ball, or a funky corkscrew pattern… because the base of the bullet is
burning asymmetrically.
Another factor is the barrel’s harmonics. When you fire a shot, the
barrel vibrates like a tuning fork. The longer the barrel, the more
vibration propagates. This is why during the 70’s 80’s and even today,
glass bedding became popular… and why pressure points were always
popular with rifle makers… the fact that the barrel vibrates isn’t the
problem, it’s the consistency of that vibration that makes the
difference. As the bullet leave, the barrel’s vibration can kick the
base of the bullet, causing an instability from the start. Consistency
is one critical element all rifle makers strive for. From Manlicher
style rifle stocks that have the wood flowing from the butt to the
muzzle, to our modern “Free Floating” barrels that doesn’t let anything
touch the barrel forward of the action… they are all ways to find
Then there is the muzzle’s crown. This is also critical. It does a
couple things. Most basic of which is to protect the rifling, but also
to help funnel the shot’s gasses like a nozzle on a water hose to
provide a uniform escape route as to not push on the base of the bullet
asymmetrically after the bullet leaves the barrel. (I’m going to get
emails arguing this, but this is how the late great Gale McMillan
explained it to me and if your credentials are not better than his, you
can just shut the fuck up) This is why your accuracy can go to pot if
you ding the muzzle’s crown… re-crowning is your only option to restore
that accuracy if nothing else was effected.
physics major that can explain how a 24 inch barrel is inherently more
accurate than an 18 inch barrel is either a bullshit artist, ignorant
of the science of ShootenologyTM, or a mad scientists that
knows something we don’t know.
However, this being said, I would like to hear him explain why a
Thompson Center Contender chambered and scoped for the same caliber,
using loads from the same lot of ammo… all things being equal… can be
just as accurate with barrels of different lengths. Ballistics is a
vast and interesting subject… this is why so many devote so much to
it. Fascinating stuff.
questions? Okay, your homework for the weekend is to go
shooting... take two rifles or revolvers of different barrel lengths
and see which one is more accurate. Then examine the guns and
write a paper explaining why. If you want to use two automatics,
you can, but they must be built by the same company to the same
standards... like Springfield's basic Commander length auto and
Longslide auto. Dismissed!
Took an exam today that really has me flustered.
I was actually angry. One of my classes has a Professor who is
actually a doctor in subject. Should be an awesome teacher, right?
Wrong. So very wrong. She is several chapters behind in her lectures
so she says to just read ahead and test off the book. WTF? If all I
have to do is to read the book, then what the fuck do I need to attend
the lectures for? Why am I even taking the damn class if all I have to
do is read the book? Why spend all this fucking money and effort on
the class at all, if all I have to do is order the book off
(for ½ the price it demanded at the book store) and read it at home at
my leisure while sipping lemonade! (not that I actually drink lemonade
– that was just figurative) Then the questions themselves are all
multiple choice with ½ of them either not in the book or with multiple
correct possibilities! I HATE TESTS LIKE THAT! You now know one of
the reasons why Mad Ogre is a Mad Ogre. I feel totally disenfranchised
with this instructor… and I am not the only one in the class that has
muttered the same frustrations. More like ½ of us. I don’t know about
the other ½ because I have not talked to them. Yet. I’m chilling out
now… I have a couple papers to write, but that is no big deal because
as you can all see, I have no problem with coming up with shit to say.
Speaking of shit to say… What about the political situation?
I got ten bucks that says Arnold wins California, and another ten that
says General Clark becomes the Sacrificial Lamb to open the door for an
easy Hillary win in the Democratic Convention for the 2008 election.
Hold this thought and lets see how it all plays out.
I’m not having any good vibes on this now. While the Democrats are the
Minority across the board, the majority of the Republicans are complete
Limp Dicks and wont be able to stand up for letting the AWB sunset.
Indeed they are a congress full of pussies… they couldn’t even get
Estrada approved and that man was pure gold. Something as inflammatory
as the AWB? Watch them roll over and die like a bunch of overheated,
cowardly, Frenchmen. Or more aptly, like a bunch of UN bureaucrats in
Iraq. “Oh no! We have Democrat Opposition! Oh No! We better surrender
now because we can’t get our fucking act together or grow any dicks
because we are all too busy choking on Tom Daschle’s!”
More and more people are becoming intolerant of the political parties
out there. There is not ONE of them that I can get behind. Not one.
The political boundaries can no longer be divided into left or right,
because we have no leadership from either side wanting to push
forward. All they want is to defeat the other side like a bunch of
damned Medieval Shogun fucking Samurai Warlords. No one cares about
any issues anymore… issues are not the goal, but the weapon now. I for
one have had it with the lot of them. The only candidate on any level
that I could vote for right now is Arnold… and only because he is at
least entertaining even if he is an elitist prick. And could someone
please give his wife a bloody sandwich, please? I am so pissed off
about the political world, that I am getting a headache. I’m not sure
if it’s the politics or that shitty exam I had to take.
There is an upside to all this… I am doing a project for my
psychology exam that involves guns. I have some volunteers lined
up from the local State Police and Sheriff’s department to do the
shooting for me while I play Head-Shrink. The variable is music played
and the state of calm or anxiety that it places on the shooters before
they enter the stage of fire. I’m looking for both speed and precision
of fire. My theory is based on the “Smooth is Fast” principle and that
the Officers who chill to Vivaldi played on strings and woodwinds will
give a better performance than those who got worked up listening to
Guns & Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle”. This is just a theory that
those listening to the classical music will be more calm, more precise,
better focus on the basic shooting fundamentals… while the rock and
rollers get the shots off quicker, do more missing, and thus perform
with less precision than the classically prepped shooters. So when
hitting the targets, the classical shooters knock all the pins down
first. The basis of this is that many shooters do great, but choke
during competition because of the stresses and pressures of the
competition and if music can help. Control group shoots with no music
before hand. Anyways, so this is my theory and if anything will be fun
to do while making it into a good grade. Psychology is more than just
lab rats in mazes. I will of course post the findings and whatnot for
the edification of all.
25th, Thursday: 1500hrs:
Email came in about AR-15 rifles… or more specifically about AR-15
Owners. “Hey
check this thread out. Now, apparently you can't use the phrases
"main battle rifle" and "assault rifle" to differentiate between
different classes of military arms. The AR-15 guys get all offended if
you imply their .223s aren't main battle rifles and fire an
intermediate cartridge.
Geeze. You can't even talk about rifles without them getting their
manhood stepped on. It's like, no matter what you're discussing, it's
always "The AR is just as good, and powerful, and lighter, and you
carry more ammo, and...and...and...YOU'RE A CALIBER SNOB!" Crimeny.”
Napoleon Syndrome. You are absolutely right.
Without reading the thread, I can imagine exactly how it went down.
Same way it’s gone down for the last 6 years of firearm discussions on
web forums. But here we see an example of the new trend... new
in this thread and others like it, is the attempt to redefine what a
battle rifle is, and what it fires. Let me clarify the terminology for
the new readers. When intermediate cartridge firing assault rifles
came out during WWII, these were new things. All the soldiers already
had Battle Rifles in the forms of the Springfield 1903 and the M1
Garand, and the Germans had it in the form of the Mauser. We also had
Submachine guns, like for example the Thompson. There was a big
difference there. The sub-guns (another name for the Sub-Machinegun)
fired pistol ammo, like the Thompson’s use of .45ACP the same as the GI
Issued 1911 pistol, from 30 round stick mags. The M-1 Garand fired a
full caliber rifle cartridge, the .30-06 from 8 round blocks. One was
good for close quarter fighting and the other for traditional battle
field long range work. The Germans cut it down the middle by creating
a rifle that could be used well in both situations because of it’s size
and weight and high capacity load of intermediate sized cartridges. It
was called an assault rifle.
M-16 is, at best, an assault rifle. No matter what is said about it,
or my whom, it’s still an assault rifle by definition. Making the
assault rifle longer and heavier still does nothing to change the fact
that it still fires the same intermediate cartridge. No matter how fat
the barrel is, it’s still a weak sister to a real battle rifle
cartridge. That’s not a matter of opinion; that is the facts of the
physics. The whining, sniveling, and moaning of the Napoleon Crowd
can do nothing to change these facts. Caliber snob? Please...
Face it guys - Size Matters. Sure, other things all play together
for the final resolution... shot placement, foreplay, yeah yeah yeah...
but it's big bullets and big dicks that bring home the Prom Queens.
To the amateur historians and AR
advocates, let me remind you, WWII was won 8 rounds at a time. We
didn't even have an assault rifle unless you want to call the M-1
Carbine one. And that's fine if you do, especially the 3rd
variant. The M-1 Carbine is a nifty weapon. But what
I don't understand about it is this: .357 Magnum is worshiped for
it's authoritative stopping power by handgunners everywhere. The
M-1 Carbine hits harder than the .357 Magnum. Yet the M-1 Carbine
is derided as being less effective in combat by the soldiers who used
them. Doesn't matter really. The M-1 Carbine is a unique
piece of history that you can still own... and a very worthy one at
I’ll admit that an AR-15, when functioning, is a fun rifle to shoot.
But it’s not battle rifle, just like the US Army’s new Stryker fighting
vehicle is not a Tank. But hey, if it makes them feel better about
themselves, let them call it whatever they want. They could call it a
Garden Weasel or Thor’s Hammer all they want. Just as long as it shuts
them up.
Speaking of the AR-15…
I see that Bushmaster is now making the Carbon-15 rifle. This is an
all plastic rendition of the AR-15 that was plagued with little
annoying issues with reliability and accuracy… but it was still a cool
little rifle. Very light weight and quick handling, the only drawback
was it’s use of the AR-15 system. Had this been designed around the AK
or FAL system, then it would really have been something special. For a
Ranger or Cop – the light weight might be an advantage. The caliber
and the lack of reliability or consistent accuracy are major drawbacks,
but usually they always fired the first round with no problems. Now
that Bushmaster is making them… wait a second… are they really making
them now or just parts of them and tagging the Bushmaster’s name onto
them? I don’t know. I’m curious to know if the bugs are all worked
out and if you can get it in a different caliber. By bugs I mean the
following: Star shaped bolt, plunger ejector, and direct gas
Computers. My PC has about had it, and I with it.
I need a new computer badly. I have got to have one for school.
This one is dying on me. It took 30 attempts before it booted this
morning. It’s getting harder and harder to get it to work. The
problem is that I am a full time student and have no job. I am tempted
to seek out a student loan for a new one. If I don’t have one, I am
royally hosed and wont even be able to finish the classes that I am
taking. On top of that, my Subaru is giving me fits again. This
morning it wouldn’t even shift out of 1st gear. So I need
a new computer and a new car. If I had my choice: A PowerMac G5 with
a Gig of RAM and a Ford F-150 extended cab, short bed, 4X4. Can I put
those on a student loan? No? Damn. I’m not even healthy enough to
sell my blood. Double damn. I wonder if a sperm bank would buy Ogre
sperm. Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to turn to a life of crime.
Just caught a news report on a TV showing Democrat Candidate hopeful
I laughed my ass off. He had more people behind him with hand painted
signs promoting Clark, than there were people in front of him listening
to his bullshit speech. I call it bullshit because he was typical of
the left... All he could say was Bush bashing rhetoric and condemnation
with no answers or ideas of his own. Not only that, but he refused to
answer any questions from the press. Funny that. Could it be that 4
Star General Clark is just an Ass-Muppet for the Democrats? I think
"Luther" A new movie coming out about Martin Luther. Should be
interesting. The guy had to have some massive nuts to do what he did.
If you don't know, study it. Fascinating story.
Okay, for those that wont bother looking up some history, back in the
day the Catholic church was it. The sole proprietor of salvation’s
word. They brought us the Crusades and the Inquisition and all that…
Well Luther had a list of questions that the church didn’t have answers
for. So he took that list and nailed it to the door of the church.
This started a movement. You have heard of the Lutherans? There you
main thing about the importance of this is that this opened the door to
religious freedom. Not all at once, but a step at a time. Soon you
had the Protestants. Then you had the church of England and the
Puritans. Then you had Puritans coming to the New World to setting in
America… colonies… the intolerable acts… the Boston Tea Party… and
George Washington on his horse and a new nation.
Colonization was rather slow before the Puritans started coming, and
colonial survival was an iffy proposition. An influx of some 20,000
Puritans in a years time helped the colonies a great deal. Why did so
many come? Because the Puritans were obnoxious and disliked. They
were assholes. They believed everyone was going to hell except them,
and then only if they were as pompous as possible. You can thank the
puritans for the Salem Witch trials that we all know about… but did you
know about the French Puritans and what they did? They slaughtered and
burned 15,000 people in one area for fear of them being Werewolves.
No, I’m not kidding. Look it up.
upshot is that this opened the door for other new churches as well.
Like it or not, the United States was founded on Judeo-Christian values
and principles on top of the philosophy of the Greeks and Romans. So
we all owe a great deal of gratitude to Martin Luther’s questioning
what was then the ultimate authority at the time. The same people that
imprisoned artists and scientists back then. Interesting period of
time. Funny how it’s called the Dark Ages, eh?
Iraq-Politics is turning very-very nasty. Surprisingly it is the
New York Times that ran the poll that things are actually going well in
Iraq. This was even mentioned by Bob Bennett during some congressional
meeting. Wait a second. Things are going well in Iraq? That's not
what is being reported by most of the media... Could it be that the
media is just a parade of Democrat/Liberal Ass-Muppets? I think so.
This is what makes this poll-report so surprising to me… that they
actually ran it.
24th, Wednesday: 0900 hrs:
Emails about shotguns have been flooding in. The first time I
mention that I am not strong with a weapon, that’s all I get in the
In-Box. Funny that.
First email that I’m posting is a shotgun testimony. I’m posting this
one because it mentions the slick Saigas that I like:
“Hey Ogre,
your comments on shotguns. Shotguns are probably one of the most
versatile weapons a person can own, don't require the focus and
determination in training and practice a handgun does. Yet still offers
quite a punch for home defense. But why am I telling you that...
I have a Saiga 12. Had it for years now. I tried to get these guns
waaay back in '97. I found a dealer importing them at that time, price
to me was $225 in quantities. Well the deal fell through, import buried
all the dealers in paperwork, and we didn't see the device for a couple
more years. By that time price was going for $450 or so. I believe they
are down to around $200 now days.
It's a novel idea, and has it's merits, namely you can quick load to
whatever type of shell you want. Got a pheasant out back needs
blasting? Load up the bird shot. Got something bigger than a pheasant,
that walks on two legs? Load up the 3 inch 00BUCK. So you got that,
and that it is semi. But of course that means you only have five
shells, thanks to the AW ban. That's about it.
But to be honest most of the time it just collects dust in the closet.
Whenever something is up I just grab me trusty ol' Mossberg 590. It's
hard to argue with 8 shots, and the fact that you never have to worry
about problems with the action cycling in time of battle. Plus you can
feed an extra shell or two between shots.
Figured I might also mention a company
selling bolt-ons for shotguns. They sell recoil reducing
stocks, pistol fore-ends, and drum fed magazines for the Mossberg
pumps. Worth a looksee, haven't bought anything…yet. For what it's
worth… Bryan”
Thanks for the email, Bryan. I have seen these (the Saigas) use 7
round mags. I have also seen them in regular “AK” configuration, but
with that, you are stuck using 5 round mags. I swear, gun laws make no
sense. There is a good article in one of the gun rags about the
Winchester lever action shotgun. Interesting thing, but your still
limited in round count and you have to load each shell individually. I
love the Saiga platform. I think it has great potential. It also has
it’s shortcomings. Slug Select drills are more difficult to perform,
but in real world situations, you probably wont have to do that in .34
seconds like you do at a 3 Gun match.
totally agree with you about the shotgun being versatile. I don’t need
to be sold on that. In fact, every time I get an email “Ogre, what
kinda gun should I get?”; I always answer with “a pump action
shotgun”. (check my FAQ) Simple to operate and can handle 99% of the
problems likely to be encountered, it’s a natural for home defense
work. You will get no argument from me about that. But then again,
that is pretty much the limit of knowledge about them. I am not saying
that I haven’t used them to good effect, I’m just saying that these are
not the weapons that I would call myself experienced with.
Should every home have a shotgun? Yes. Should every home have a .22
rifle? Indeed. With these two tools, you have the means of both
protecting and providing. The Mossberg 590 remains my absolute
favorite shotgun system provided it is fixed with 2 things. 1. A six
shell side saddle. 2. A folding stock from Butler Creek.
(specifically Butler Creek, as no other folder will do) This allows
the big shotgun the versatility it requires for going in and out of a
vehicle, storage in a reasonable sized locker or closet or gun case… A
590 is one bigass shotgun. Fully loaded it is freaking heavy to. It’s
like wielding a freaking I-Beam. For that reason, option 3 maybe
required if this is to be carried for any length of time. A sling.
don’t know a lot about the different shells and loads and all that.
But I do have some that I prefer. I like Winchester’s AA loads. I
like Federal’s Reduced Recoil Tactical loads. I like Federal’s solid
copper, hollow point, sabot load. 1997 was “waaay” back? Only if you
are young. I remember rolling around Richmond in a Caprice cruiser
with a 590 next to me. (Modded as described above) I can still
remember it clearly. If I can still remember it, then it’s not waaay
next email is a technical question about an automatic shotgun.
Remington’s 1100. A fine shotgun and one of the favorites of those who
favor the autoshuckers. But I’ve never owned one, nor would I really
care too. It’s not my cup of tea. I wouldn’t turn one down, but I am
not going to go out of my way for one.
have friend with a Remington 1100. The gun has always worked fine. The
problem is that he never cleans it. We took the gun apart and cleaned
everything. Put it all back together by the book and now when you shot
it, it will not cycle. We have used low brass shells and have yet to
try the high brass. It worked before with the low brass. Any
suggestions on what to try ??? Help me if you can, I hate feeling so
stupid about something like this.”
have no specific technical knowledge of the 1100, but here is a general
suggestion for any gun: If it's not working, and it worked before...
then obviously it wasn't reassembled right, or something busted. Take
it down again and examine each part very closely. Rub all the parts
down with a good lube while you examine them. Then take it step by
step, slowly putting each part back together again. Be careful to make
sure each part fits with the others as they are supposed to, check the
bearing surfaces. Lube where needed.
it STILL doesn't work - have a gunshop take a look at it. Maybe there
is something wrong and you didn't see it, or you are still putting it
together wrong. In case there is some tip or trick for the 1100, you
can email this poor fellow… what a gunsmith might call a “Basket Case”…
and offer your advice.
This is all I have for the day right
now. I have another paper to write, and a chapter to still read.
23rd, Tuesday: 0820hrs:
Anger Management.
This flick makes me laugh harder than any of the recent comedies out
there. Good writing backed up by fantastic talent. Mrs. Ogre bought
me the DVD today and tonight we had to watch it together. Talk about a
gut buster! My sides are still hurting. The DVD its self is one of
the best DVDs I’ve seen when it comes to the actual DVD authoring.
This is one to buy for the collection. Jack is amazing. The “I feel
Pretty” scene is classic.
School went very well yesterday.
well in fact, that someone returned my iPaq to me. I had totally
written it off. The fellow had not contacted me about it because he
did not turn it on to read the owner information in it, so he waited
until the class met again and came in asking who it belonged to. I was
stunned. Thing still had a full charge of juice. Note to self: Etch
my name and email address on the back of the case. How it escaped a
zippered compartment from inside me briefcase, I don't know. I
think I am getting this college thing down again. The only issue I
have is technical really. This PC of mine is still giving me fits. I
want a Mac. I don’t have the money for a Mac. It was suggested that I
get a student loan for one. Not an option. I don’t like loans.
Besides, even if I did… I’d have to buy all new software for it and I
shudder at the thought of buying software. Well, at least I have
Office for OSX… but other than that? I think I like the idea of
wanting a Mac more than the idea of actually changing to a Mac. This I
can live with. For now. Can you hook your iPaq to a Mac? I don’t
know. I love the iPaq, but for a pocket pc, if I was to buy a new one
I’d roll with the Dell handheld. It’s bigger, but you can hold it in
your hand and actually use it better. That’s an important aspect that
the iPaq overlooked. If Apple had there own PDA, that would be great.
Yeah, I know all about the Newton. I almost bought a Newton when they
first came out. I loved the hole PDA concept even back then. The only
problem is that Newtons are orphaned. Apple should roll a new Newton
and make it look something like the iPod, with the iPod’s storage
capacity… and the Sony Clie’s built in camera feature… If Apple did
that – It would shake things up.
keep getting questions about the Springfield XD-9 Sub-Compact.
Yes, it’s good. It’s very good. But I am not the expert on this gun,
just an advocate. Check out the forums over at
for more information. My opinion is that it’s currently the best
sub-compact polymer automatic on the market and my first
recommendation. However my recommendation doesn’t mean jack if the gun
doesn’t fit your hand. My opinion is pointless if you can’t grip the
gun well. This is why I always try to mention other options. Steyr
has a mini, Glock has a couple minis, and Taurus has a couple as well.
Try them all and see which one fits YOU the best. If you have a
quality firearm that is reliable and you can shoot it well – then you
made the right choice.
While we are on the subject of firearms, I was asked recently about
“The Missing Top 10 Lists”.
I think he was referring to Shotguns and I don’t know what else… Squirt
Guns? To be totally frank, I am not a shotgunning guru. Shotguns are
not my friends. I have only owned a few different ones, so my level of
experience… you don’t want to share any of it. I have my opinions
about what I like and dislike, but I don’t feel qualified to really go
there. I like the Benelli/Beretta shotguns, the Moss 500/590s, and the
Winchester 1300 Defenders… because I have owned them. That’s
about it. I would love to get one of those sweet AK based shotguns,
because I can reload a box mag easier than individual shells. That’s
about it on the shotguns… Let’s talk rifles and handguns instead.
21st, Sunday, 2100HRS:
guess I can say that I got what I deserve when it comes to my dog.
Ranger is a very cool dog, and when he wants to be, he can be an
absolute prince. The only problem is that he is rude and
rebellious the rest of the time. He has his own mind about things
too. Like earlier today when he and I went exploring a river bed.
The rocks there were nice round ankle breakers and I was wearing my
boots for the adventure, but the ground was still treacherous. At
one moment of off balance vulnerability, Ranger gave a strong tug that
I wasn't expecting.
took a spill and Ranger was off like a shot as soon as my grip on the
leash was at a minimum. He went tromping through the little pools
and trickles and had a great time. I didn't even call to him.
I just stood up and dusted my self off and watched the dog frolic.
After a few minutes I sat down on a large rock and considered the
situation. Chasing him would be impossible. The ground
prevented it, and my sore ankle forbade even the consideration.
After some time I gave one short but loud call. Wouldn't
you know it... he returned and happily let me take the leash again with
out a fuss.
Good Dog!
I found him some new dog food and he seems to like it okay, but not as
much as he likes the canned meat chunks. This is the stuff that
you pour water on and it makes "gravy". The stuff is foul and I
don't like giving it to him... but he eats it. That's all that
matters, right? This last picture of him makes him look small.
He isn't small. That's Ranger standing up next to my
wife in the other pics... yes, my wife is stacked, so don't even go
there. Yes, I am a happy Ogre. These pictures are taken
with a pathetic Intel CS110 webcam that CompUSA gave me because they
had a lot of junk crap they were getting rid of. The pictures are
just horrible, but this is the only camera that I have that works.
Anyways, you can't see his obvious German Shepherd markings, and
ears... but you can see the Siberian Husky markings on his throat.
He is turning out to be a good dog. Not bad for 50 bucks from the
Animal Shelter. To think they were going to put him to sleep.
other day I started getting a new kinda spam message.
your gas mileage 27+% with the “Fuel Saver Pro”. Guys, let’s look at
this for a second. With all the car companies out there now trying to
make cars more fuel efficient, do you really think for a moment that a
simple bolt on aftermarket product wouldn’t be something they would
already use? Don’t believe this.
atomizers as this looks to be work by misting the fuel. Unfortunately
this doesn’t do jack if your not mixing it with cool fresh air because
the fuel will just return to liquid even if it mists or atomizes at
all… because the fuel still has travel the rest of the way to the
engine. So if you’re misting the fuel before it gets to where your car
mixes fuel and air, you are wasting your time and money on this gimmick
because it will not do anything for you but to separate you from your
You want
better fuel efficiency? Remove all the junk from your trunk save the
spare tire and jack the important stuff… change your air filter, change
your oil and oil filter, pump your tires up to specs, stop running the
AC on MAX, drop a bottle of fuel injector cleaner into your tank, and
get a fucking tune up.
from a reader: “I
read your site often, You are the kind of person this country
needs...YOU KICK ASS! You don't bother being PC and that is what never
ceases to keep me interested in you site.”
Thanks. I don’t go out of my way to be
politically incorrect, I just happen to be that way naturally. Now if
you will excuse me, there is a cow in my back yard. I’m going to shoot
it, lop it’s head off, throw it onto my grill until it stops twitching,
then read both the Bible and Declaration of Independence while eating
rare meat, cracking the bones, and sucking the marrow. Oh… I’ll also
have a carrot to go with it, and I’ll eat it raw.
My folks
in Virginy still have no power. This concerns me. All the food stuffs that they had have
spoiled by now. This isn’t too much of a problem because they didn’t
have that much food in the fridge to begin with, but they did have lots
of cold diet sodas that are now warm and distasteful. They always eat
out anyways, but if they are out of power, are there any good
restaurants around that do have power? Man can not live on Chinese
buffet alone. Wait a sec… yeah you can.
other day I was at my folks house here in Utah… my inlaws… I call them Mom and Dad too, because they are
such awesome people and I love them a great deal. Well, I was standing
on their porch a couple days ago and went to step off it. Just as I
put one foot forward, I blacked out completely. I came to a second
later at the bottom of the steps. I wasn’t hurt but shaken by this
turn of events. I have had spells when I blacked out before… but not
in a long time. Maybe it was just because I was very tired or
something. Still, I’ve got an appointment Monday to get checked out.
Scared my wife to death when it happened… but I’m even more scared of
the Doc. I’m afraid of bad news or something.
19th, Friday: 2245HRS:
more thoughts about China. We have seen a very large ramp up of
military power the last 12 years, with the most being in the last 5.
There are 2 reasons for this.
First we
have The Wall coming down. This shook up the Soviets, ended the cold
war, and put everyone over there out of work.
all the sudden had lots of excess military hardware, and lots of
Ex-Soviet countries had a lot too when what they really needed was
capital. So they all started having yard sales. Well lots of people
started buying the stuff up. Tanks, APC, Weapons, all the goodies.
China picked up the higher dollar items. Cruisers, Destroyers,
Bombers, Fighters, all kinds of stuff. They did it quietly and rather
slowly… not quite a feeding frenzy unless you put it into fast
something else happened. This happened many many years ago. England
made a deal with China to borrow Hong Kong from them. A few years ago
the lease expired. China was just handed over a huge pot of gold when
they were give Hong Kong back. Now they have the money to do some
bigger projects. Like finishing up the carriers that I mentioned
before. So if we want to blame anyone else for China’s belligerence of
late, we can blame those limey Brits across the pond. Freaking
English. They are called French Fries, not Chips! Oh well.
What do you expect from an island nation that has the world’s oldest
came in from a reader.
He actually had the audacity to question me about my gun “Top Ten”
selections! No, I’m not making it up… he did! Here is his email to
prove it. Warning – Profuse use of exclamation points ahead:
guys have something against Glocks? Are AK's (the most successful
assault rifle in history) not good enough for you? Galil only halfway
down the list? Do I really have that much more to learn? (Trust me,
I've been there), or do you guys just want to be controversial and stir
us up? I do have to give credit where it's due.................. I HATE
AR's TOO!!!! P>S> Love this site.”
Note: After consideration I altered the list slightly… well, here is
what I said:
“Something against Glock? Naw. Glock us just Number 11. The Galil is
a fantastic rifle. The only downside it has is that it’s a little too
heavy for it’s caliber. That does give it an advantage in full
automatic fire, but still, it’s a fat chunk. Why it’s down in the
middle of the list is not a slight to the weapon at all… especially
when you consider the weapons that are ahead of it. The FAMAS is
perhaps the best example of a bullpup rifle anywhere. (This is opinion
as the AUG has a lot of good merits too, unless you have the Australian
version) The only thing wrong with it is that it’s a .22 caliber and
it’s from
France. If the FAMAS were Italian, Czech, or German, everyone would be
drooling over it. If it was in a heavier caliber, it would probably
top the list. #3 is the HK G3KA4. This is a shortened and refined
example of the one of the finest .308 battle rifles ever made. You
can’t question that one. #2 is the FN FAL. I shouldn’t have to
explain the FAL, should I? The G36 series… My #1 pick. This is was a
tough one. Here is what I like about it… it has an operating rod to
cycle the action in the exact way the M-16 doesn’t. The use of
high-tech lighter weight polymers for the receiver reduced the weight
of the weapon, and that’s a very good thing. I like the charging
handle up to so righties or wrongies can cycle the action easier… but
what I like the best is the integrated optical gun sights that make
engaging and hitting your target quickly and accurately much easier and
likelier. That’s why it’s #1. So it is no slight for the old AK
system to be in #5 position. However, I do need to change that… the
Galil, as good as a weapon as it is, isn’t crap when putting it next to
the SIG 550 series. I’ll have to edit my list next time I update.
Stir controversy? Me? Naw… Okay, I just called the Galil crap – if
that doesn’t stir the pot, then I don’t know what will.”
Then I got this in reply: “Looks like I've more to learn than I
thought. Thanks. I'll humbly learn my place on this newfound site!
Appreciate the info, and look forward to learning more.”
That is what I am here for, Cass. Oh, one important thing... there is
no “You guys” here… it’s all me, baby. 100% Pure Unrefined Ogre!
got loose again today and went after the cows. He wont hurt the cows, but has a lot of fun
shepherding them. He gets downright giddy about it too. Unfortunately
he has a problem with obedience, in that he will hear me call for him
and decide to go the other way. I’m at the end of my ropes here
because in our training sessions he responds flawlessly. It’s just
when we go outside and the chain is off, he hears the call of the wild
and he bolts like a freaking Patriot Missile after a Scud.
I talked to one of the Canine Unit deputies of
the local Sheriff’s Department and he suggests a shock collar. I’m
afraid that this is going to have to be the route I take with Ranger.
I don’t want to go there, but I don’t have a lot of options. I really
don’t want to hurt my dog – seriously – I really don’t. However if the
choice is such drastic training measures or Ranger getting gored or
trampled by a bull, or shot by the rancher and me getting sued for it…
I really have no choice. Well, I guess I could just forever keep him
tethered by chains for the rest of his life, but I think that is even
more inhumane. I don’t want a dog that’s bound with chains. That’s
not why I got a dog.
I want Ranger to play and be happy and have
some degree of freedoms, but going next door to chase a cat or to jump
the fence to chase cows… these things just can not happen. I’m looking
into the electronic fence thing, but WOW those are spendy! The shock
collar is the way to go. The only problem is that they are spendy as
well. A lot more expensive than we can really afford right now.
Ranger is a big dog. Over 60 pounds. Collars for a dog of his size
are a premium. 250 bucks for the decent ones. That’s a lot of
jingle, but considering the other options, I have no other choice.
We gotta get one. I don’t want Ranger getting
himself killed because he decides to ignore our commands. It’s really
a question of do we want to keep the dog or not. If we do, we have to
use a shock collar. If we don’t, I might as well take him up to
Northern Idaho and set him free out in the woods. I didn’t
get a dog for that. Ranger’s problem is that he was pretty much a
wild dog before Animal Control picked him up. He has had no discipline
until we took him. This is the second or third time he has gone after
the cows. Those bulls are getting even more fed up with Ranger than I
am about this. They are getting right pissed about it.
I talked to my folks out in Virginia today... they are doing
fine. The only damage they have is a rain gutter that was
knocked off. My brother is not so lucky. His chimney was
knocked in and it collapsed or something, so now he has a huge hole in
his roof. They have no power and the water in not safe to
drink, but other than that, they are doing okay. Well, if you
don't worry about the jackasses running around the hood firing guns up
into the air. And they are in the "good" area of the greater
Richmond area. In other areas they have active looting and
pillaging going on. And people wonder why I left Richmond.
Richmond is a big ass riot just waiting to happen. This is why I
am no longer there. My Dad had matter well in hand in case the
hooligans decided to break in. How? Did he have a phone
ready to call 911? Nope. He had a handgun at the
ready. He takes personal and home defense seriously.
However I think now he is in the market for a pump action 12 gauge.
I have a recommendation for one:
The Benelli Nova
Special Purpose.
16th, Tuesday, 2003: 1700hrs:
Did I
mention that my Subaru was up for trade? It’s a 1992 Legacy LS 4WD automatic. Has power
everything and a few quirks. Fast. Runs great. 6 month old skins on
the front, brand new skins on the rear. I am looking to trade it for
a pickup truck. I don’t care about the year or mileage of the truck,
just as long as it runs strong, is in good mechanical shape. I don’t
care about the looks either… Paint can be ugly, or no paint at all…
just as long as there are no chunks missing. Anyone interested? Let’s
I told you this would happen. I knew it, and said so 3 years ago.
If we push North Korea, would have to be ready to push
as well! I saw this coming way back. China, for those that don’t
know, is the absolute biggest threat to the United States next to
Hillary Clinton. I wrote up something I called,
The China Report way back then and some people scoffed. How do
you like me now? Scoff no more. Anything that what were even
thinking about doing to NK is now put in check. Here is what will
happen… let me outline this conflict for you. We push on NK. China
revs up and pushes back. We lose most of our assets in South Korea
and pull way back, basically running for their lives. China uses
advanced strike aircraft to fire standoff weapons at our carrier battle
groups. Expect to lose ½ our surface strength there or more. This Red
Tide washes over great portions of
Asia, including
Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. This is best case scenario. Worst case
would involve all the above with the additional use of Tactical Nuclear
Weapons. Basically what goes down is this – We shove NK, and China
shoves us to the ground, thus establishing China is the #1 global super
power. If I was POTUS, I’d move everything to that theatre, right the
fuck now. 80% of our boomers would be over there already… yeah… I said
80%. Almost all of them. The others would be placed to cover some of
China’s other assets. Can you say “Panama Canal”? I knew you could.
Let me make this brief… what you are looking at is a possible WWIII
right here. China HATES the US. Every single freaking dollar you have
ever spent buying silly plastic shit from China has gone directly into
military upgrades, new equipment, new weapons, more ammunition, and all
the fuel it needs to come kick our asses. I believe it’s the Jews that
has a little story about this… we create a Golem that wants to kill
us. How do you say
“Oh Shit!” in Chinese?
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