July 31st, Thursday: Lunchtime:
I think we need to take the terrorist threat seriously in this country
and stop with the “It Can’t Happen In My Town” way of thinking.
However we also need to make sure we don’t get carried away about it
and thus give up our essential freedoms for a little bit of perceived
safety. Ben Franklin put it best we he said that if we did that, we
deserved neither the freedom nor the safety. This is a lesson that
needs to be beaten into the heads of a couple politicos… hopefully with
a 15 pound maul. Namely Senator Mike Enzi, a Republican from the great
state of Wyoming, who is in lock step with a the Democrat Asshats
Schumer (see the Fecal Roster) and Frank Lautenberg from Jersey. What
the hell is a Wyoming Republican doing work with NY and NJ Democrats?
This is something he had best explain to the good people of his home
state before they “Get A Rope”. The issue isn’t guns or air travel or
boarder issues… Nope. It’s the hobby of science students all over the
world. Model rockets. Enema Enzi seems to think that a model rocket
is going to be the next big terrorist weapon. Model Rockets, rocket
propellants and Black Powder. He thinks Black Powder is a dangerous
High Explosive that could turn a toy rocket into a cruise missile.
Clever idea Enzi, but not workable. First off, Enzi, you’re a fucking
retard and I am deeply disturbed that a Republican from a state like
Wyoming could pull something like this out of your ass. You have been
sipping tea with the Democrats for far too long. Let me give the
obligatory defense of the hobby. I enjoyed it for a little while when
I was a young kid. I never used my rockets to take down a 747 nor did
I use them in rocket attacks against my school’s rivals. It’s about
science and exploration. It’s about learning. It’s about everything
that makes America America. Black Powder is not a high explosive like
your claiming it is, Enzi, dipshit. You are just trying to use the
ignorance of the public to your advantage. Black Powder is also
something that a clever young rocket scientist (unlike yourself) could
make himself with a small chemistry set. Ancient Chinese monks made
it by the ton. This is something that should not be regulated, I’m
sorry. Especially since it is a back handed slap at black powder
guns. Oh don’t give me that, “Potential Terrorist Weapon”. If your
worried about that, why don’t you ask the FBI where it’s 800 missing
firearms are? Hmmm? There is a new kind of terrorism in the US and
it’s legal. It’s a bunch of pussies with some authority ripping apart
our freedom because they know what is best for us. Sure, Sept 11th
was horrible and shocking… but our politicos are doing it the slow burn
way but it’s no less devastating and potentially lethal. If I was a
citizen of the State of Wyoming, I would be taking a hard look at this
retard you have representing you. It is said you can judge a man by
the friends he keeps… Not looking good Enzi! And if I might be allowed
one more insult to Enzi… he smells funny.
Great Wall is in the news again.
Not of China. Of Israel. Israel is continuing to build this great big
fence to keep the Mongols out. Er, the Palestinians. If this makes
them feel better, roll with it. I’m wondering why everyone of bitching
about it. It’s on Israel’s side of the property line. I guess they
are just pissed because now they wont be able to get close enough to
Jews before they pull the pins on the grenades they have in their
asses. I think I’d use something more concrete and less chicken
wire… but they are still building so we shall see. Hopefully they will
hook up some high voltage to it.
Arnold is getting more press than Davis is, and it’s just because he
said “no”.
That’s funny. This drama in California is the most entertaining thing
to come out of Hollywood in a long time. It’s like “Pirates” but more
realistic. *sitting back with popcorn waiting to see who wins*
Who the hell is this JD Powers and who are his associates? They
are telling people that the worst cars for needing repairs are Jeeps,
Audis, and Volkswagens with the worst being Land Rovers. I grew up
with Audis and have had Volkswagens and Jeeps. Hmmm. Maybe I need a
Land Rover. I never take my cars to the dealership for service.
Never. Sure, I have had to pick up special parts from them, but they
don’t fix them there. That is until I got my reportedly utterly
reliable Subaru. This Subaru has been in twice. Reliability in an
auto is a relative thing. I much prefer the once a month opened hood
in the drive way than the twice a year dropping it off at the
dealership. But that is just me. I’m not afraid that little lever
that pops the hood. Then again, I have never paid more than $5,000
cash for a vehicle either. Wait a second… maybe it’s closer to 3
thousand. I’m serious. I don’t see the need. When it comes right
down to it, I don’t see the need to spend such huge amounts of money
and financing to buy a new car that loses so much of it’s value and
requires expensive dealership service to maintain. I’d rather change
my own oil and filters and plugs… and save the money. And don’t talk
to be about time. You don’t have time to deal with things like cars…
then you shouldn’t be driving. More and more people are saying “I
don’t know how to drive a Stick”. More and more people are growing
into adulthood who have never used a clutch let alone popped the hood.
America is dumbing down big time. If BUICK is getting the JD Powers
best pick award, you know something has got to be seriously wrong. We
spend so much time on Sex Education in schools… what needs to be taught
is Vehicle Education. Seriously. Take a look at what kills people the
most, and its CARS. Not SARS, not Guns and not Ozone – it’s cars.
Usually it’s cars mixed with alcohol and stupidity. Kids need to a
detailed and thorough education on automobiles… History, Development,
Appreciation should be included as bonuses to the program.
Requirements should also be things like shifting without a computer or
a tachometer’s shift light. Understanding the engine and its workings
and requirements. How to drive a stick. How to deal with an
overheated engine. How to change a tire. How to change the oil. How
to change the air filters and spark plugs. Instead of these things
that might make a person self sufficient, they are only learning to be
good and needy consumers. To buy new cars and cell phone a tow truck
as soon as a light blinks on in the dash board or to push the On Star
button and call for help and then finance a new car because this one
has become a problem. My automotive heroes are the Cubans. When
Castro took over, the stopped getting in new cars. The newest ones
they have are from the 50’s. Yet they are still driving those same old
cars. I’m sorry, but that is very cool. Back to American Automotive
stupidity. On top of all the ignorance about vehicles is the attitude
that they are superior because of the lack of knowledge. The other day
I pulled over and stopped to help a young lady who was in a panic at
the side of the road. She was really upset because if a “Check Engine
Light”. I’m not making this up… I’m dead serious. The light came on
and she just stopped the car. Yet in all her helplessness she was very
proud to say “Oh, I don’t know anything about cars”. As if she was on
a higher aristocratic level because of this. As if there is nobility
in ignorance. It took me less than 30 seconds to diagnose her issue
when she was just dialing for a tow truck. The light came on because
it was time for an oil change. I explained that she could finish
driving the 2 miles to the shop to have it changed for her and she was
almost offended that I would suggest something other than a tow truck
or something other than “Her Dealership”. I got back into my 86
Cherokee and went on my way. Along with other little details about how
to live with a car… the biggest thing that needs to be taught is HOW TO
DRIVE. I’m not talking “Green Lights Mean Go” and that kinda crap… but
how to be a “Driver”. Teach them that Drivers do not need
ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMS. Cell Phones and Mirrors are bad enough, but in
dash DVD players and Play Stations? Excuse me, but if your in the
driver’s seat – you need to be driving the car and not playing games.
If you want to play games, buy a Gameboy and take the fucking bus,
okay? I’m all for personal liberty and personal responsibility, but
this is one place where I think some things should be banned. The
reason being is that it has a drastic effect on others when one is
being a retard behind the wheel. Because some dumbshit is not paying
close enough attention because driving is boring, they drive their
happy ass into the vehicle transporting a family. This is a life
ending/altering tragedy that never had to have happen if the driver was
paying attention. Hell, it’s not even just about distractions… it’s
about RAIN. You get a rain storm and people die. I’m not even talking
about winter conditions… I’m talking about just some rain. Fog is bad
enough. They don’t know what to do if the car starts to skid. People
don’t know how to drive in America. I could rant on this for days… I
just have to stop right now. Freaking Buicks.
Email from John: “Morning MO, I would have to agree with you
about the school for queers only. I remember VA tried get a Public
School for Blacks only and it was shot down. Basically you can send you
offspring anywhere you want, just don't expect me to pay for anything
special or perverted! But the real question is will these little gay
kids get a decent education? What kind of tests will they have to take.
I bet they'll do well on any Oral tests! Will the school have a mascot?
What would it be? Maybe a Pink Fairy or something cute. I also hope
that the custodians have a sandblaster ready for all the graffiti that
the school will attract! The point is, anything different will be made
fun of. Its a fact of life! I watch the Sparrows at my bird feeder
chasing away the Albino Sparrow. They shouldn't try to shelter people
from the cold hard facts of life. Normalcy is for the majority and its
a fact in nature! So go-a-head and pack fudge. Just don't expect me to
except or like you. John”
don’t care if people are gay or not, just like I don’t care what skin
color they are. What I don’t like is the expectation that I have to
make exceptions for it. For example, it is against the law and against
common decency for a couple to fuck in public. Yet people look the
other way when it is a gay couple. Regular people would be set upon by
authorities if they walked around with a bare ass… yet a gay man can do
that all he wants when he is being accompanied by another gay man.
This is becoming a problem in a lot of places, thank heavens it’s not
happening in Utah. Look, no one has a problem with you being gay and
holding hands… not anymore. It used to be that public displays of
affection, such as a kiss in public, was considered vulgar. Now people
are fighting to try to keep sodomy out of the public eye. Look, go
ahead and be gay if you want… but be gay in the privacy of your own
homes, just like straight people. Okay? And put some freaking clothes
on, because gay or not, your white hairy asses are still nasty.
Email from Michael: “About the bar question you were asked...
my mother is a bartender. Allow me to relay a little story about it.
Back in 1999, she was having a very busy night. There were two
bartenders and over a hundred customers in the joint (it was completely
packed). This college student comes in, and orders a drink. She cards
him, and gives him his drink. After she left, he gives the drink to his
18 year old girl friend (who's allowed in the bar under MI law, being
an adult, but can't drink). She gets tipsy, rolls her jeep on the way
home, and her family sues the bar for giving her a drink (even though
they didn't). My mom, the other bartender, and the two owners of the
place had to go before a review board of the Michigan Liquor Control
(The MI Liquor control is the very model of corruption). And, of
course, the guy that actually GAVE her the drink isn't held liable at
all. In the end, the bar owners were fined. My mother and the other
bartender almost were, but managed to avoid it somehow. The place has
since been sold and my mom works somewhere else. What's happened to
our society, Ogre? A person willfully gets drunk and blames the place
they bought the drink from. Is there no end to the stupidity?”
Dayum. I've heard of similar stories before... but not being
allowed to speak? WTF? I'd sue them. If it's possible. I'd sue the
state if needs be. I'm not sue happy... I just like fighting for my
rights. The problem can only be resolved by a national change of
attitude - Make people responsible for their own stinking actions.
What a novel idea! Again, this is a subject that I could rant on for
days. I’m stopping right now before I get really wound up.
Any knife ordered
now will get same day, or next day shipping. The number of
requests for custom worked knives are going to be a big too much time
wise so I am not going to do it. However I might take some time
to do one at a time, with extra embellishments and attention to details
etc. And these individual knives will be sold separately.
July 30th, Wednesday: Early in the morning:
Knife issue:
Some of the knives that I ordered are not available at the moment.
Hence a delay in the shipping. I was expecting them to be arriving any
day now, but when I called I found out they have yet to ship. They
wanted to ship them all together. *sigh* Good help these days, I
swear. The upside is that there are a few new designs that are even
better. I like them so much better in fact, that I am going to run
these new ones and not deal with the others. I’m keeping two of the
old ones and will run them with the new ones. I also found out that
the scales are in fact “G-10” just like Benchmades or other high end
knives. Check out the knives for
sale page and take a look at these new knives. Your going to love
them. This change doesn’t effect anyone who has already ordered a
knife… well, other than a delay.
Last night we took the boys over to a cousins place not too far away.
Dogs, Chickens, Rabbits, and horses. They were in heaven. All the
boys got to ride a horse and they loved in so much. Maybe this place
isn’t so bad after all? If we could just get into a house outside the
city limits and get out of this freaking apartment, things would be a
lot better. I hate apartments, but getting into this one was
pretty much an only option. We had to get out of our old house
before we were able to find anything else. Then we had to
do a 6 month lease. Not cool. Luckily that 6 month sentence
is nearing an end. This means we can look at other options.
Hopefully we can find something that has more space and allows pets.
My boys need dogs to play with. Need to get these guys some
puppies. I'm thinking a pair of German Shepard, Norwegian
Elkhound, or Doberman pure breeds.
Email from Steve:
side has their point. But both are using it to their advantage.
Underage drinkers are committing a "fraud" to get into a bar to get
drinks. Bar owners are trying to sue the students that they may or may
not have known were underage. Where do you draw the line. For
legitimate bar owners, if there are any, checking for an ID or two
forms of an ID is a burden placed on them. Now come the what if's.
What if the student had 2 forms of Fake ID? Can the Bar owner still
sue the student? This argument can almost be tied to guns store owners
and people that buy guns. If a person provides 2 forms of Fake ID, and
the BATF shut them down, can the Store Owners sue the person? I'm
still undecided on this as it makes me wonder about all the possible
scenarios. You can't please everyone. – Steve”
Obviously there needs to be a limit of liability. If the student shows
two forms of a fake IDs… then the student should be held in criminal
contempt. In Virginia the charge is called “Utterance” and is a 6th
degree felony. Not much worse than a misdemeanor – but it’s still a
felony with all the loss of rights that go with it. Including are year
or more in the hole. Even on something such as fake ID’s to buy beer…
it should still be “Utterance” and the liability is on the Student and
not the store since it’s the student that has made every effort to
defraud the store. (Excuse me if I am incorrect, but it’s been 5 years
since I have read the Virginia Criminal Code and even if I still have
the handbook on my book shelf, I’m not going to bother cracking open
the little grey book for this… I’m right, but might be off on a little
detail or something. If I am… just let me know how close I was and not
wrong, Okay?) Translating this over to a gun store… if a fellow does 2
forms of fakes, signs the federal forms swearing everything is correct,
and the store calls in the checks and everything shows up clear… yet
turns out some time later that the guy was lying… How can the store
owner be liable? It’s impossible to know the truth all the time in the
face of a dedicated effort to defraud. However the stores being able
to sue the person who defrauded them? I think that is golden. I say
“roll it”. Make the jerks suffer. I was never one to condone the
notion that College is just 4 years of drinking and screwing. That’s
BS, and that notion has lowered the property values for anyone holding
a 4 year degree. It’s bad enough when people with Master’s are in the
unemployment line due to the economy… but when more and more employers
are saying “A paper degree holds no water, we want raw talent and
experience”? Kinda makes the whole effort to get the degree seem
futile. Back to the bars… these kids are being stupid jackasses and
because of it, they can cost someone a business and the employees some
jobs. I think everyone that works for the bar should be able to sue
the punks.
29th, Tuesday: Noonish:
I had the strangest criminal dream last night.
The Libertarian push for a “Free State” has rolled forward and Idaho
was the selected State to make it happen in. Idaho isn’t a tropical
paradise or anything, but the advantages of the “Free State” concept
attracted hundreds of thousands and a great deal of media attention.
There was a problem politically and there were no guns being allowed to
be shipped into Idaho. So a plan was put into effect and myself and
some other gentlemen were assigned to a metal shop in Washington
State. We arrived there just an hour before a couple truck loads of
guns did. These were the guns that should have been sent to Idaho
FFL’s and transferred to owners. A couple moving trucks full. See,
they arrived with the intention of them being cut up – destroyed. But
because of our Libertarian network we had other plans. It involved a
large quantity of black plastic dummy guns, some made from quick
moldings and spray painted, but many from the old Stembridge gun rental
company that served Hollywood. With a slight of hand, each gun to be
destroyed was replaced by a fake. The serials of the real guns were
logged in the book while it was the fake that was cut up and the parts
tossed into the trash cans. Trash cans were loaded up, while the real
guns went out a chute to be loaded up in a different truck later. We
had about a dozen guys working on this all of us “Members”. Handguns
of all types, AR-15’s and AK’s… You name it… Thousands of guns. We
had to work in shifts. When it was over, there was bunch of pick up
trucks heading to Pocatello to be have the guns redistributed and the
intended owners all got the guns and the left over guns (they must have
came from other sources to be certified as destroyed) were distributed
to our group of “Militia”. It was the next day that someone in Seattle
discovered the destroyed parts were all plastic and all the sudden it
was discovered that everyone on the destruction crew didn’t exist
because of fake names and numbers. It was an interesting and felonious
dream. I’m not the criminal type and I’ve never had a dream about
break the law, so having a dream like this was quite odd. Just had to
share. I think this might be a crime just posting something like this!
have all heard now about the all gay public school in New York.
Judas Priest, what has America come to? I’m don’t care about the fact
that the school has students who are gay and bi-sexual… but what I am
worried about here is the fact that we are giving a special interest
group their very own school paid for by tax payers. Now, if we had the
school voucher system in place that allows enough kids to make that
choice to put them in this school – then that is different. But that
is not what is happening here. What we have here is a blatant abuse of
public resources to cater to a special interest group. I’ve heard
other’s takes on the subject, for and against… I’ve yet to hear any
good and valid point in the “for” category. This is just the
continuation of the Liberal agenda to allow adults to fuck kids.
That’s all this is. This is just another step in that direction. I
can only guess NAMBLA will have an office in this school some place.
What the hell are the sex education classes going to be like? 3rd
Period Giving Oral Sex classes? This is an outrage! Education should
be about prepping the kids for the future… turning them into candidates
for contributing members of society… not all about their sexual
preference. What is next? Schools for Boys who with a fixation on
girls? How about that? Or how about a school for the Vegetarians?
How about a public school for the animal rights activists? No… better
yet… how about a public school for CONSERVATIVES? *SHOCK!* Or even
CHRISTAIN CONSERVATIVES! How about a school like that? No… Of course
not. Because those schools wouldn’t be putting it into the kids heads
that it’s okay to bend over and take it in the ass from an adult for
his lunch break nooner. Talk about grading on the curve. Dayum. The
world is a sick sick place… The liberal agenda only serves to make it
worse. I’m just glad it’s in New York, a place far away from me.
Email from reader:
“Saw your take on Cowboy Bebop today. I also really enjoyed the
movie. I originally watched the series when it was a part of the Adult
Swim lineup on Cartoon Network. Usually I do not care for anime, but
Cowboy Bebop was an exception. I loved the attention to detail on the
firearms. The story, animation, and dubbing were all very good as well.
When I heard the movie was being released in the US, I was looking
forward to seeing it. Unfortunately, I live in Kansas and it was only
shown in a couple dozen theatres in major markets. I finally got a
chance to see it when I bought a copy at the local Suncoast video store
in the mall. I was not disappointed. Here's a link you might want to
check this out. This guy
has prepared an exhaustive guide to almost every firearm ever shown in
the Cowboy Bebop series and movie. He doesn't seem to be a gunowner,
but he has had a lot of help from readers that are and does a pretty
good job with it. He seems to think Vincent's gun is a Western Arms
Strayer-Voigt (SV) Infinity, not the Les Baer you mentioned. Brian”
Thanks for the email, Brian. Your right… it is an SVI gun… the magwell
gives that away. I didn’t look that closely when I was watching the
movie... I was ogling Faye.
Another email from one the Horde:
“Hey Ogre, thanks for the heads up on the headache article about the
gun laws in Utah. I followed your link and read the article and you
were right, that article is a real headache creator. I had to email
the author and basically tell him his article was BS. It probably
won't change his outlook on anything, but..... Below is a copy of what
I sent him (I don't live in Utah, but sending this helped ease my
headache) Mr. Knickerbocker your article titled Utah Law Tests Limits
Of Gun Culture In West in the Christian Science Monitor is probably one
of the worst pieces of so called "journalism" that I have read
recently. Your "experts" are not very knowledgeable concerning crime
and how concealed firearms affect crime. If they had actually checked
into the truth and reality of this perhaps your article might have more
of a ring of truth to it instead of sounding very liberally hollow. As
far as gun bans working to stop crime, look to our nation's capitol;
Washington DC is once again the murder capitol of the US. By the way,
Washington DC has a TOTAL gun ban in place. Or look to Chicago, or New
York, or Los Angeles, or.... Where there are strict firearms laws
there is rampant crime. Where these laws are few, the crime rate is
considerably lower. Perhaps you should read the book Slander by Ann
Coulter. You being a "journalist" might find it useful. Thanks Ogre
for posting information about these kinds of things, Mike”
Thanks for the email Mike. My reaction to the article would make it
unsuitable for some of the forums I visit, so I had to post it here.
You don’t have to live in Utah to have a desire for truth from
journalism. I considered sending this to the asshat in question, but
decided not to. While your right, It would feel good to do so, it
wouldn’t change his “opinion” and it wouldn’t reach his audience
either. Even if I did clean up the language. *sigh*
Another dispatch from the Horde:
“Hey Ogre. What do you think are good practical uses for
intermediate cartridge (5.56x45mm/.223 Remington, 5.45x39mm Soviet,
7.62x39mm Soviet, 5.8mm Chinese, etc.) rifles and carbines? You've
expressed before that infantry rifles need more power to deal with the
increasingly thick armors many soldiers will be wearing. (I can't tell
this enough to the 5.56mm guys, you don't WANT a battlefield bullet
that fragments. Sometimes bad guys hide behind trees.) But there are
also a number of 5.56mm rifles that you like (such as the AR-180 and
G36) so I was wondering what the official Ogre opinion on the subject
is. Most armies worldwide now use intermediate rifles; the AKM series
is the most common rifle in the world, with some fifty million in
production. And here in the west, we have the M16, Sig 550, G36, AUG,
etc. How would you equip an infantry squad, if you were suddenly in
charge of such things? Mike”
(Different Mike) If I was all the sudden in charge? First thing I’d
do would be to just reissue all the M-14 rifles we have in storage. We
have all the logistics to handle such a move with all the strategic
stockpiling. While we are using the M-14s again, then we could develop
or work on implementing a new battle rifle. And it wont be the XM-8.
The XM-8 would be rechambered for .300 Whisper and fitted with
suppressors for any special operation unit needing such a weapon… Such
as the Green Berets, Detachment Delta, and the Rangers. This is just
to start. I would have more important fish to fry… such as canceling
out of the Strykers and the V-22’s… but I think all the Grunts would be
happy enough to start with this. Good uses for intermediate
cartridges are for intermediate guns. SMGs in these calibers would be
just fine, since that was what they were developed for… largish SMGS
and squirrel guns. I think 7.62MM Nato is about “Just Right” for a
battle rifle cartridge. Looking at other rifles in this caliber, I’m
not really fond of any of them. They could all use some lightening and
shortening a bit. The best one was just a prototype made by Gale
McMillan. It was an M-14 action in a bullpup configuration. THAT
would be awesome. Of course with all the SOPMOD attachments for the
high speed guys.
28th, Monday: 1900HRS:
Journalism or just rampant bullshit in the guise of
journalism? I call it bullshit. Total steamy bullshit. I can’t
believe I was even able to withstand the accelerating pain inside my
skull from the pressure build up due to reading such complete bullshit!
Just reading the headline was the clue right then and there to down ½
a bottle of Excedrin Migraine before continued reading. It’s a good
thing too. Had I not done that, I probably would have had to be
hospitalized. “Utah
law tests limits of gun culture in West”. Oh man, here take a second
to down some meds… your going to need it. I’ll wait. Lovely weather
today isn’t it? Oh, your ready? Okay.
Here is
the link. Now, I have a few comments about this spewed-tripe… and
they start right in the first paragraph: “At the
Salt Lake City
Airport, a sign on the door warns people not to bring
firearms into the building. Yet just a few minutes away, it's easy -
and perfectly legal - to stick a loaded pistol into your pocket or
purse and walk into a public school.”
Sounds like Utah doesn’t have any gun laws doesn’t it? Hell, Utah is
just one giant Dodge City, isn’t it? Well, no it really isn’t because
the author of this disaster of an article is one Brad Knickerbocker who
doesn’t live in Utah, and wouldn’t know the difference between a Pistol
and a Revolver if you shoved them both up his flaccid ass. Utah
doesn’t allow “Open Carry”. Meaning you can not just strap a gun to
your belt and head on out the door. It is illegal. Doing so will get
you some nice legal repercussions. Also, you can not just stick a
loaded pistol into your pocket and head on out the door. Because if
you get caught you will garner some nice legal repercussions. The
only way for a civilian to be allowed to carry a gun in Utah is to be
licensed. More on this in a moment… back to the article for now: “Supporters
of a new law that loosens restrictions on the carrying of concealed
weapons in Utah assert that allowing teachers, janitors, and other
school staff to carry such weapons will add to school security. It will
deter or prevent Columbine-like tragedies, they say, even though those
carrying concealed weapons don't have to tell anybody they're doing so
and even though they aren't required to have any special training.”
At least asshat Brad got this part right. Absofuckinglutely… It
will prevent a Columbine-like tragedy from happening in Utah
because if something like that starts up and there is someone there
with both the gun and the balls – they can stop it. It's just common
sense! This has happened in another school where the teacher had
a gun in his car. He was able to get his gun and stop the rampaging
student… who was on his way to another school to continue the mayhem.
Of course you probably never heard that story did you? Just like you
never heard of the story about the armed airline pilot who stopped a
mid-flight hijacking before it got carried away? Hmmm. Figures. Guns
SAVE lives, people. It’s a proven fact. Lets continue: “Opponents
say it's just as likely that letting untrained persons carry guns in
schools will lead to accidents or the theft of weapons. School
security, they say, should be left to professionals.” Is he
talking about the same professionals that lose more guns every year
than all the civilian lost or stolen gun figures combined? Is he
talking about the same professionals that have more
accidental/negligent discharges than the US Army and Marine corps
combined? Not to down cops in any way, I am just point out the fact,
and this will be substantiated by most Ogre Readers… Cops do not get
this wonderfully magic Ninja-School gun training. I myself can out
shoot 95% of the cops I have ever seen shoot. Not only that, I would
be happen to face a challenge from ANY Utah police officer in any form
of Gun Knowledge, Gun Shooting competition. My point being – You
don’t have to be a badge wearing sworn officer to be safe or good with
a gun. In fact, wearing a badge has nothing to do what so ever with
your competence and safety with a firearm. I would submit that the
badge gives some cops a big head and a huge chip on there Kevlar clad
shoulders and are sometimes even worse because of it in terms of
firearms safety. There was a video circulating recently showing an
officer with a negligent discharge who could have killed both a fellow
officer and a subject in custody. Let’s move on: “Not so, says
John Donohue, professor of law at
Stanford University, who has researched the subject for the Brookings
Institution. In fact, he says, "criminals may become more likely to
carry or be quicker to use a gun in response to increased gun carrying
among prospective victims."
Well, John Donohue, who is safe and snug behind the walls of Stanford’s
acamania has no fucking clue what he is talking about. Statistics
prove time and time again that the presence of guns in the hands of the
citizens reduce crime, almost every single time. Because criminals by
nature are not just stupid… but cowards. This is why they prey on the
weak, timid, and the unarmed. When jailbirds were asked what they
feared most, number one answer was an armed victim. I suggest John
Donohue take some classes from John Lott. Or if he would like, I would
be happy to help reeducate him personally. By the time I am done with
him – JD will be a gun owner himself. Forward: “The
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence rates Utah as one of the worst
states "at protecting its children from gun violence."
Of course… you have to get a quote in from the Brady Center, don’t
you? If Utah is the one of the worst states at protecting kids… Let’s
run a statistical comparison as to who is “better” according to Brady
estimates, and who actually has the lower number of children injured by
“gun violence”. In all humility, I submit that Utah is one of if not
the safest places for kids when it comes to not just Gun Violence… but
ANYTHING. I would in all humility submit that Utah is one of, if not
the best place in America and on Earth to raise a kid. Sarah Brady is
an ignorant, ugly, and bitter, stupid bitch. That’s just my opinion, I
might be wrong. Forward: “"Utah also forces police to let people
carry hidden handguns in public, even into schools, and does not
require background checks at gun shows." The thing about concealed
carry is that you don’t know who has a gun or not. This isn’t
Tombstone so it’s more than likely that where ever you are, there is no
concealed handgun around you. However, luckily, your odds of another
good guy near you having a gun on him (or her) is greater than in most
other states. Utah isn’t forcing anyone because the poor oppressed
people don’t even have a fucking clue. This is a totally unsustainable
claim that should not be in any sort of self respecting journalism.
And in fact, Utah does require background checks at gun shows. If you
want to buy a gun from a dealer at a table, 100% of the time you will
have to not just submit to the back ground check, but also pay the fee
for that very check. Now, if the author is talking about between two
citizens in a private transaction – then the author is correct. Utah
doesn’t require background checks from private citizens in private
transfers of ownership. This is called a “Freedom”. This is a good
thing. However, if a private seller so wishes, at the gunshows there
are the means for a background check to be done on the buyer – if the
buyer wishes. Again, this is a freedom and it is a good thing.
Forward: “Part of it is the Western attitude toward firearms - the
right to keep and bear arms with as little government interference as
possible. It also may have to do with Utah's history of violence,
including the murder of Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Mountain Meadows massacre of
non-Mormon emigrants from Arkansas on the way to California in 1857.
Utah is one of the few states where those convicted of capital crimes
can be executed by firing squad.”
This is rich… The best examples of violence in Utah is from 146 years
ago. People, this is a damn good track record. Funny how people who
hate Utah ALWAYS dredge up the Mountain Meadows Massacre… something
that is fraught with conjecture with little evidence that Mormons
actually did it with nothing more than hearsay to point the finger...
Hearsay from people who hated the LDS church and looked for ways to
indict it. Instead of the MMM… Why didn’t this “Journalist” mention
the EXTERMINATION ORDER given my Governor Boggs of Illinois that made
is perfectly legal to shoot a Mormon on sight? Hmmmm? No mention of
that is there? No wonder Mormons are a little defensive. Forward:
“Yet, she says, "We're not the wild West anymore....There's just
places where guns ought not to be." No, this isn’t the Wild West
anymore… and that is really too bad. Back then there were no gangs of
truant youths rampaging across state committing burglaries and all
manner of dirty deeds all over the place. People didn’t have to lock
the doors at night because people respected one another and kids could
run around unsupervised… explore the woods and fields and mountains
with the only worry being a hungry critter or a loss of direction. Now
days in our much more advanced and civilized world – you don’t dare let
your kids out to play unsupervised. You don’t know what kind of sick
bastard is hiding in the bushes, or what gangbanger is waiting to
peddle drugs to your kids. This call of “It’s not the Wild West
anymore” is an indictment of our open minded civilized society. When
the Wild West was lost, it was a shame. The most famous Utah Bandit
was Butch Cassidy… outlaw and bank robber. But here in Utah, he was a
gentleman who helped people out and donated money to the local good
causes. I’ll trade a thousand Butch Cassidy’s for every one of our
local modern thugs and gangsters. Not the wild west anymore. No
kidding. Forward: "It's another example of the gun lobby using
senators as puppets to fulfill their legislative priorities," says
Chris McGrath, executive director of Handgun-Free
America, an organization dedicated to banning handguns nationwide.”
You mean this is an example of Politicos who actually listen to
constituents instead of special interest groups? You mean Politicos
who might have actually read the freaking constitution? How horrible
is that? Not at all if you love freedom. This last comment coming
from a fellow who is dedicated to destroying the second amendment?
This guy’s opinion is automatically voided… his stupidity is criminal.
Look, dickhead, I have a gun for the same reason the police have guns.
I have a handgun for the same reason Officer Todd “Barbrady” Rassmussen
has his gun… pictured in the article nicely tucked away in his belt
scabbard. The only difference between him and myself, is that I am
not paid to carry a gun. I used to be… but now I carry a gun all on my
own because it’s the right thing to do. Chris McGrath, and what say
you about any other lobbyist group? Are you lashing out at them for
there small legal victories? Gimme a break Chris! Wait a second here…
Countering this article has taken the pain tolerance of a
Kwisatz Haderach.
one more thing…
The Mad Ogre playing card pictured below… it was made by THR Member
MMcCall. Special thanks to MMcCall we are most appreciative and amused
by the talent and humor displayed. MMcCall is the man.
Puerto Ricans are still crying about the loss of income from pushing
the US Navy out.
Let me see if I can roll up a tear for the plight
of these really stupid people. Wait a second... almost... no.
No tears. Any sympathy? No? Dang. Not even a
spot of sympathy. Hey Puerto Rico... Look at it this way, at
least now you will be able to drive through those gates you assholes
ripped down any time you want to!
Fox has a
report on it. This is the most amusing thing I have heard all
In other
news, Drudge reported that the Kobi Bryant rape case involved anal
sex. Hey Drudge, thanks for that lovely little detail. I
didn't need to know that. Especially since it was posted on the
smoking gun last week. Anyways. I'm starting to form an
opinion on this case. My level of concern for it is still rather
low, but I am thinking that this is a case of False Witness. I
don't think he raped the girl. I think they had some freaky sex
and the girl then decided to dig for some gold and Kobi refused to pay
up so she cried rape. This girl is reported to have bragged about
this to friends at a party. This girl is reported to have 2 other
rape cases pending. This girl is totally void in credibility in
my opinion. I'm saying this not in defense of Mr Bryant... He put
his dick where it didn't belong. He made a grave error. But
I don't think he had to force sex upon this girl. Lot's of
people are making Bryant look like as holy as a Catholic Priest, and I
guess Drudge has given us a tie in to that... but let's not push for
his sainthood just yet. This girl is clearly a villain according
to all the leaked news and rumor. The thing about these kinds of
leaks is that most of it is actually true. Truth has a way of
bubbling to the surface. I just don't believe any of this girls
BASIC. Interesting
movie, but over done. It's worth it as a rental. However I
think the story was too forced and the writers were trying too hard and
as a result they over twisted the plot. Plot twists are fine...
but when you have plot twists that just come out of no where.
This was a story written by committee and it shows. Yeah, I
listened to the writer's commentary on the DVD and at first you think
this guy is brilliant, but then you realize that higher level studio
people started to hack up his story and now he is trying to defend it.
Just my opinion... I may be wrong.
Bebop, the movie. Rented it. Watched it. Liked
it. Probably the best anime out there. Oh, Spike's gun...
Jericho 941/Baby Eagle. You can tell by the controls and the
shape of the muzzle end of the slide and dust cover. Faye's gun
is clearly a Glock 30. You can tell that by the lettering "Glock
30" on it. I say this to point out the level of detail that is
given to this flick. Something you don't see in western
animation. Oh, and Vincent used a Les Baer "Monolith"
custom gun.
Had an
email yesterday pointing out that there are two other sources on the
net that are selling the same knives I am selling for a cheaper price.
That's fair enough. But if your going to sell something
you buy it at one price and you have to add a few bucks to the selling
price if you want to make a profit. That's just the way it is.
I never said it was the cheapest price available for these knives.
I'm not like PriceLine. I've made no claims to that effect.
I just said these are great deals. And when you look at the
suggested retail price that I posted... you can see that they are good
deals. I'm not giving these away because I want to make a few
bucks. I'll even tell you what I want the money for. I'm
selling knives so I can buy a new gun. Okay? Is that
alright with you? Yes, I am a greedy capitalist because I want to
buy myself a new gun. There. I said it. Are you happy
now? If you want to help me out, you can buy a knife or just
donate through PayPal... so I can buy another gun. See, as much
as I love my Beretta 92FS, it's not ideal for CCW. I want a gun
that I can carry concealed with easier. A smaller gun.
Your going to bust my chops for few bucks per knife? Sorry you
feel that way. However, even at the grossly inflated and
outrageous demand for 20 bucks per knife - once you get one - you will
find that they are worth much more than what I gouged you for and will
still be well pleased on the value. Bang for your buck is there
in spades. I am thinking about taking each knife and rework
it a little. Sharpen the edge, take the knife down clean and coat
the washers in moly, polish the bearing surfaces and reassemble the
knife tighter than how it comes stock. I just did this to my
example and the result is outstanding. I'd even compare it to a
Benchmade now. Seriously. I said Benchmade. But if I
did that, I couldn't sell it at 20 bucks because of the time
investment... but this is something anyone could do themselves.
If you do it... you will love it... opens with a flick of the wrist and
locks open solid with no play in the blade. For a twenty dollar
knife, these are KILLER. I don't think there is a need to haggle.
If these knives catch on and become popular, the prices are going to go
up due to supply and demand. The price I buy it at, will effect
the price I can sell it at. There is nothing I can do about that.
That's economics 101.
Remember my
past comments about the CZ-52? Well Magsafe is reported to
have released it's idea of defensive ammunition for it. Its a
prefragmented 52 grain slug that hustles 2120 feet per second.
DAMN! Guys, that is smoking! Consider this, the average
velocity of a round fired from an M-4 Carbine is just a touch better
than 2500FPS. And this round is almost as fast out of freaking
PISTOL! What would this do out of a longer barreled gun like the
Russian Bizon SMG? Judas Priest! Unlike the M-4 round -
this round WILL fragment. Stunning. Man, I LOVE the
CZ-52! And the best thing about it, it's a Curio and Relic type
gun. Means you can get them cheap. A magazine holds 8
rounds. They are slow to reload because of the heel clip mag
release... but since the guns are cheap you can buy 2 of them and when
you run dry, you can "New York Reload" and just pull the other loaded
Looks like
Cali will not get the Terminator as Governor. I
guess this is for the best... Ventura who looked good starting
turned into a big freaking limpy. Don't feel too bad, Cali, there
are still other "Predator" cast members to run as Governor.
July 26th, Saturday:
The Crossroads of the West Gun Show today was a gigantic disappoint in
terms of the show its self. I did bump into a few fellows that I
have not seen in some time. Chief among them is our good friend,
Correia. He found the show more than disappoint as well… along with
damn near everyone else he or I talked to. The gun show had a
wonderful gardening section this time, along with a fine selection of
imported east European crystal and stem wear. The petting zoo section
included a curious little creature called a Sugar Glider. It’s a small
flying squirrel type creature that is just cute as the dickens. One
observer is quoted as saying “the $250 Flying squirrels were pretty
damn cute...but that’s damn expensive food for my son’s python.”
Indeed. The most abundant weapon this time was the paintball blow gun…
Followed closely by the largest selection of tasteless sunglasses I
have ever seen. The only problem is that all of this has nothing to do
with a fucking GUN SHOW! I spent 5 hours of driving to attend (round
trip) that carnival and the damn Chiropractor that had a table at the
gun show wasn’t even there to lecture about his rolling skeleton and
how screwed up all of our spines are going to be if we don’t get
crunched regularly. So yes, Virginia, I am disappointed. Especially
since I paid 9 bucks to enter the gun show! NINE BUCKS! And it’s soon
going to be 10 from what I heard. All the good dealers that I knew…
the trustworthy and honest dealers that I have had satisfactory
transactions with… have skipped this show this time and probably wont
be back. I guess this is good for the lady with the damn scented
candles and the freaking clown that kept offering to clean my glasses
every time I stalked past with his magic dish soap based glass
cleaner! They will have more room to sell snake oil next time! Oh,
and speaking of oil - You want to buy some cleaning kit supplies? Like
for example – GUN OIL? There was only ONE table that I noticed that
had some to offer. Only ONE! My hell. You have a better selection
of gun oils from SEVEN FREAKING ELEVEN! I want my 9 dollars back.
(This entire rant is being sent to the Crossroads of the West people,
F-bombs and all)
I showed the
knife that I am offering for sale to several people and they were all
impressed with it. The consensus is that the knife is a
bargain considering the quality value. When I get the rest of the
line in stock, I will offer a special deal to all my MadOgre.com Horde
Regulars and of course to all the TFL Gathering Crew.
Gods & Generals. When I was out in Virginia earlier this year, G&G
was big. It was the thing everyone was talking about. I didn’t attend
the theatre to view this then, and I have only just now watched it.
Was this flick for real? No, seriously… Was this satire? It seemed
that this was an effort of satire. The movie was, in my opinion, an
utter joke. All the acting was blatant overacting and every damn bit
of dialog was either a speech or quoting poetry, scripture, or
Shakespeare… and some times all of it at once. The directing was
absolutely horrible. The battles scenes were poorly filmed with little
effort from the people in the costumes. One scene had a few extras in
the middle of the shot that looked like they were actually playing
patty cakes instead of acting like they were trying to kill each
other. Having seen what artillery can do – even old civil war
artillery – I can tell you that it doesn’t look like a sudden random
puff of white dust while everyone runs through it and past it
unscathed. Now, sometimes they would show the same plume of white dust
– and half the people on the screen would fall down. WTF? Stonewall
Jackson was indeed a noble character. But this movie made him look
like freaking MOSES. I don’t know, maybe he was… but it’s hard to tell
because around him, every other actor was pimping for an academy award
nomination and emoting Oscar-Slut performances instead of actually
acting like what someone in that situation would really act like. I’m
not sure what they would really act like, not being a General in the
Civil War myself… but one thing is for sure… and I know this for a
fact… when your about to launch an assault the farthest thing from you
mind is giving an eloquent recital of poetry and Shakespeare! No!
Instead your going to be checking your weapons, checking your gear,
checking your buddies gear, and doing a lot of kneeling chest crossing
and praying. Not standing majestically looking into the sunset while
giving lines from Julius Caesar! While I liked the films approach
that the Civil War was a war of northern aggression and not all about
freeing slaves… I found the whole thing to be utterly unrealistic. I
mean my hell… in one scene you have snow on the ground, and on the
trees, but right there in the front and center, you can see the people
flocking the trees could be bothered to flock the tops of the trees –
only the bottoms. Last time I was in Virginia – snow fell DOWNWARDS.
In another scene, we have the North building a bridge our of pontoons
to cross the river… yet a few cuts later you have a lone Confederate
Soldier walking out to the middle of the same damn river to share a cup
of coffee on Christmas morning with a Yankee soldier who walked from
the other side out on stones. Aw… the humanity and sentiments is
killing here. If you could just mosey across the damn river on rocks,
no realism, no real dialog, nothing TANGIBLE in this picture at all.
But please, someone call the Vatican because they need to make
Stonewall Jackson a frickin SAINT over here and build a damn cathedral
in his name! Seriously though, I always liked General Stonewall
Jackson… he had balls and brains. Something most civil war officers
lacked. Living in Richmond, I would often cruise Monument Avenue and
look up at Jackson’s statue as well as others… passing the statue of
some tennis player named Arthur Ash. I also liked how they made
General AP Hill look like a total boob. Having spent way too many
nights in the woods of Ft AP Hill, I consider this is richly
warranted. AP Hill was the worst Fort I have ever been too. I think
it is now just a big Boy Scout camp. In summary, Gods and Generals is
worth renting, but unless you’re a civil war buff, don’t bother
ordering it off Amazon.com.
Going to the gun show today.
Will comment when I return.
July 25th, Friday: 1630hrs:
all the silly news out there the silliest news comes from Puerto Rico.
You might not know it, but PR has been the 51st State thanks to the US
Navy for as long as anyone can remember. It's whole economy is based
on the Navy. Well PR just won the "Cut off your own nose" award. They
rabidly protested our dropping bombs on one of the small unused islands. They
sued the US to make us stop. And we did. Now we are pulling out of PR
and all the sudden the people there are saying "Whoa, wait a sec! We
still need your money!" And we said "Well, you should have thought
about our leaving before you stopped our bombing." Then they said "But
we didn't think you would actually leave!" *sigh* I guess it's America's
fault that collectively Puerto Rico is a dumbass. I guess that it's our fault we
gave them what they asked for. I guess it's our fault that this little
inconsequential island nation full of delusions of it's significance is
going to be left economically devastated because they bit off the hand
that fed it. Excuse me for not feeling your pain, Puerto Rico... but
you are a freaking dumbass. Really, what other use does the US Navy have
for your rather pathetic island other than dropping bombs on it?
No, really. Tell me. To be
perfectly honest we didn't even need to bomb your island anyway... We
were only doing for fun as a favor to you. If you haven't been
watching the news, for the last 10 years we have had a lot more
important things to drop our bombs on. Hey, look at it this
way... all that space we stopped bombing on? Plant some Banana
trees on it. My kids love "Nannas". You can sell them at
market and make at least some money off the ground. Not nearly
what you guys were making before... but something. Forgive me for
laughing at you but you guys were 100 Grand a Year business executives
that all decided to quite and take minimum wage graveyard shift jobs at
7-11. But hey, you can sleep better at night knowing the ugly US
Navy isn't banging away at your little freaking spot of ground out in
the middle of nowhere. Right?
Email from 14 different Puerto Ricans "I'm gunna cut you good, man!"
News has had both Palestinian and Saudi apologists on for interviews.
Regardless of the issue, the only reaction was a pathetic act of "your
hurting our feelings". Oh man, gimmie a break! You asshats kill
innocent people on a whim! Screw your feelings and answer the fucking
questions! If the Palestinians would stop bombing people, Israel's IDF
wouldn’t' be shooting back at you. This is called cause and effect you
retards. And Saudi… you guys need to straighten the hell out fast
because you are highly suspect and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if we
cut you jackasses off completely. Hey Saudi, let me put it this way.
No one trusts you, no one even likes you and the only reason we deal
with you is because of your stinking oil. Your not the only game in
town for oil either. Not by a long shot. You shitbirds need to take
an active roll in fighting terrorism and fess up to your sins of
supporting it. No… I changed my mind. Fuck you. I don’t want to deal
with you any more. I’m writing a long letter to all my politicos about
the benefits of tapping oil from our environmentally friendly off shore
resources and enjoy some awesome fishing since those platforms attract
fish like dung beetles to camel poop. Oh, speaking of camels… our
beautiful and scenic Alaskan fields will offer pleasant views for our
roughnecks and they can watch our majestic caribou instead of your
uglyass camels. My point being Saudi… your not as needed as you would
like to think you are and our patience is wearing really thin with you.
The Davis Recall just got the green light from the California Supreme
Court. Sweet! Forgive me a cruel chuckle. Everyone is now wondering
just who will be running for his slot. There are a lot of people
wanting it, but the most serious candidates are playing it cool because
Cali is in an economic shit-storm and they don't want to be the one to
be the stepping stone for someone else. Davis said "I'm a
fighter" and he is going to fight this. WTF? Davis, your
not a fighter, you a fucking pencil-neck prick who hides behind the
legal system. I know fighters Davis, and your no fighter.
However, I suspect it will be a fighter who replaces your sorry ass.
Arnold might be a likely choice if he wants to roll with it. A
Hollywood elitist prick who owns guns and a flock of big HUMMER SUV and
smokes cigars... but thinks you shouldn't be allowed to have any of the
above. He is a RINO to the Nth degree. (That means a
Republican In Name Only - because other than his registered party he is
as liberal as the rest of them) So a Liberal Republican who has
huge name recognition and will pretty much support all the liberal
ideology that is ingrained in the California power base - he would do
very well.
I just want to
point out something... The above recall effort was a Grass Roots
effort that caught on. It CAN work. You just have to work
hard for it and fight for it. Speak your mind and vote with your
feet and the ballot. YOU do matter. The good people in
California just might be able effect a positive change in Cali because
some people believed, and some people took action. WAY TO GO
Funny... Just a few hours after Bush announced the deployment of forces
to Liberia, the Liberians announced a cease fire.
This is a good sign, but then again I may be overly optimistic about
Liberia's want for peace and it's potential. Then again Liberia is
vastly different from other nation that we have dealt with. Liberia is
our national bastard child... I believe that we have a degree of
obligation in Liberia. I also thing this will be a very positive
mission with fantastic potential.
I have used the word "fantastic" in too many posts today... I have
to go look at color swatches and curtains now.
hey, check this out.
The two evil Saddam boys are still dead! These are 2 guys that I really
wanted to see cut down. However, there are still 3 other guys that I
also want to see stretched out... Saddam, Osama and that dwarf, afro
wearing, insane troll in North Korea, Kim. This just means to me that
we have a lot more work to do. Isn't it cool how the Democrats
are crying that killing Saddam's sons was wrong and a distraction from
the more important issue of the economy... and just a few short hours
later the economy just freaking soars! Excuse me if I thumb my
nose at you Democrats. If you think the economy had a spurt
because we killed the two boy villains... just you wait until we bust a
cap in Daddy's ass!
one last thing for the moment…
I still have these awesome
knives for sale. If you want one, let me know.
This is posted late
- I thought I had already posted this:
It’s about
freaking time. We are finally pushing into Liberia.
Thank heavens. This move has probably already saved lives. You might
not agree, but then again your probably less intelligent and would
rather bicker over other issues claiming that they relate… such as why
we didn’t go into a different country instead. Well, first off, get
the hell off MadOgre.com. We are there now and that is all that
matters. I’ve explained it before, many times. I’m not going to do it
again. I think this mission is worthy and I think it’s one we should
have done a long time ago. I have no worries about it. We should be
seeing Taylor stepping down soon and all the ruckus ebbing. It wont
take much effort (relatively speaking) to put Liberia in order and
anchor a much needed friend in the region as a base for future African
It’s amazing…
I am still catching shit from jackasses all over the place about my Why
I hate the AR-15 article. Come on… I didn’t even catch this much shit
about bashing on my Lando article. (Old Star Wars article) I really
find this amusing. The AR-15 article is the single most read article
I’ve ever written thanks to all the indignant AR-15 owners emailing the
URL to the article out to all the friends with a “Can you believe this
guy?” in the subject line. I think I will forever be locked into
this image of a seething assault rifle hater because of this and people
reading just that one page and not reading the rest of MadOgre.com. Of
course I can’t blame them in this. MadOgre.com is very large, with few
pictures and lots of words they don’t understand.
I am unable to sleep tonight. To be honest, I've not been
able to sleep for weeks now. My dreams are only nightmares now
and I can't even stand to close my eyes anymore. PTSD night
terrors. As soon as I get to the point where you can feel
yourself falling asleep, I suddenly hear screams and can feel something
grabbing at me. I see angry twisted faces in front of me, coming
out at me like bubbles in boiling water, biting at me. Man, I
really have to stop watching CSPAN!
this reason I wanted to make a list of all my top Movie Villains.
was going to make it a top 10 list, but the Honorable Mentions were
just too evil to let slide. So we have a top 15. I think you will
agree with me:
15. Dr. Evil,
Austin Powers. I don’t know why, but this guy is a leader in the world
of evil from some reason. Probably due to his invention of sharks with
lasers attached to there heads. I mean, come on, that’s pretty
fricken evil. Isn’t it? Throw me a bone people.
14. Ming the Merciless,
Flash Gordon. He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants to whoever
he wants and controls the whole universe with his will. That and he
can control people’s mind and give woman orgasms by mere thought. He
has people killed left and right for just thinking about opposing him.
This guy makes Saddam Hussein look like an alright fellow.
13. Darth Vader,
Star Wars. He kills people on a whim. He destroys planets. He kills
his boss is the Emperor of the, uh, Empire. He tries to kill of his
whole family… he kills all his old buddies. He can catch blaster fire
in his bare hands. He has the power to bend everything to his will.
He has James Earl Jones’s voice. To top it all off, he has the coolest
sword, ever.
12. Marcellus Wallace,
Pulp Fiction. The smooth criminal. Marcellus is down the way all
gangbangers wish they were. He has a nice house, a nice car, and a
hottie wife… he controls the criminal underground with a crew of slick
yet stupid hitmen yet unafraid of going medieval on your ass if he
takes you personally.
11. Sheriff of Nottingham,
Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. Anyone who cancels Christmas is very
very bad man. This Sheriff does just that. He Kills Robin’s Dad, he
takes all of Robin’s estate, he rapes and pillages the whole country…
“You ten o’clock. You ten thirty, and bring a friend!” He wields his
evil power like a drunk sailor on shore leave. We like that. This is
what we might do our selves.
10. Mok,
Rock & Rule. Mok is a unique villain. He is a superstar rockstar
obsessed with power he uses 80’s heavy metal rock music to summon a
demon. This makes all southern Baptist parents say “Figures”. He is a
little predictable, but has more than enough charisma to overcome it.
After all he is an egomaniacal super rock star that mixes Mick Jagger
and David Bowie with some kind of techno-sorcerer.
Hans Gruber,
Die Hard. He makes bank robbery look like a 7-11 hold up. He takes
out cops, he takes out a lawyer/salesmen guy. Wait a sec… he could
almost make the hero list for that move. Wait, no… he is too evil for
that. A German terrorist who wants to take all the money he can and
doesn’t’ care who he has to roll over in order to get it… including the
FBI, and an office building full of people at an office Chrismas party.
Agent Smith,
The Matrix. Nice suit. Cool sunglass. A relaxed self confidence even
when kicking ass… and to top it off, a fifty caliber automatic handgun,
and back up just like him. He can’t be killed. He can’t be bargained
with, but he will string you along if he feels like it. He is smart,
has great lines. And makes being the badguy in authority seem like
it’s the cool thing to be. I think he is also a Democrat. He trumps
the snot out of Terminator when it comes to unstoppable killing
The Wrath of Kahn. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and it is very
cold in space. The way Ricardo Montalban’s character says that line is
just chilling. Kahn is a genetically engineered super human. He is
strong and powerful physically, but with the mind of a genius. He
kicks Captain Kirks ass twice, and if it wasn’t for Gene Rottenberry’s
hard on for Kirk, Kahn would have killed him and taken the Enterprise.
This would have made for a hell of an interesting series and Star Trek
would probably have not been cancelled as we all would have loved
watching Kahn take control of the universe. He seduces Enterprise crew
women, and probably some of the men too… he kills off a whole starship
full of people and then a whole space station full of them too. But
worst thing… he puts giant mutant monster earwigs into people’s ears.
How fucking sick and wrong can you get?
Castor Troy,
Face Off. One of the coolest super villains ever. He dabbles in sex
and drugs and will kill anyone he wants when ever he wants. Has a soft
spot for his little brother… makes him a man of depth. Especially with
impeccable taste in handguns… a pair of gold Springfield .45s. This is
the kind of bad guy most bad guys want to be.
Tim Roth’s character in Rob Roy. This guy is a fantastic villain, he
is pure evil. He has sex with young boys, he rapes Rob Roy’s wife, he
murders Rob Roy’s friend and sets Rob up. He even shoot’s Rob’s dog
and burns down Rob’s house. What an evil bastard! This is a character
so vile, so slimy, so icky, that you just want to kill him… very
badly. More so because of his smug and foppish attitude. Few times do
you ever really stand and cheer when the bad guy dies… this is one of
those times. I did. I can appreciate a good villain, but this guy
made me want to cut his dick off and shove it down this throat.
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen,
Dune. Are you kidding me? The Baron is one of the creepiest villains
of all time. He is a twisted sort of huge morbidly obese homicidal
homosexual who is covered in randomly bursting boils and carbuncles and
gets off sexually on killing young men. Either with his bare hands or
by pulling out a plug he has installed into his victims hearts. He
plots evil plots trying to destroy his enemy, who is anyone who is
good. This guy is evil to the very core. He is much much worse in the
books. I suggest reading from the start of the Dune Saga, House
Atreides in order to really get an understand of how evil this fat
freak really is.
Count Dracula,
Francis Ford Copula's Dracula. Smooth and sexy when he wants to be…
haunting his women’s dreams and seduces them until they want him to
kill them. He can change into rats, bats, wolves and even into a fine
mist. Count Dracula is old school evil… Once being a Count who
defended the church was changed into an undead lord when he cursed God
and defiled an alter. He became immortal, a legend, a being who was
all but unstoppable. Played by Gary Oldman, Dracula is unforgettable…
this is Dracula’s best representation. No one did it better before or
Cardinal Richelieu,
Disney's Three Musketeers. Tim Curry gives us his best performance
ever as the Cardinal… Don’t give me Rocky Horror, that movie was just
retarded. I never liked it and think there is something wrong with
those that did. Back to the Cardinal. He plots against the young
king, had the previous King murdered, abuses his position as a man of
God and tries to seduce the queen. On top of his hypocrisy, he is
plotting to join forces with the enemy, the Duke of Buckingham! Being
of Scottish decent, this is outrageous and unforgivable until I
remember that the Cardinal himself is French, and that alone is an even
worse offense.
The Devil,
Time Bandits, Devil's Advocate and an assortment of other movies… What
can I say about Satan? Evil doesn’t get any eviler (is that a word)
than him. Hell, he invented evil. Come to think of it, he invented
hell too. This is the guy that all the other villains work for, want
to or not. He is the Don of Evilness, he is evil its self. Turning
people into part oyster and part carrot is just a hobby… but to be
played by Pacino. Flawless. Pacino makes a good devil.
Ferocious, isn’t he?
Well, there you have it. The Ogre's Top Movie Villains. I
tried to do a list of a top 10 female villains, but that didn't work as
they were all Walt Disney characters and I didn't want to do cartoon
characters. Well, other than Mok, because Mok is just that cool.
Symantec Anti-Gun? Decide for yourself. Sure looks
that way. This is troubling. Symantec is the best thing
going for anti-virus and personal firewall software. Not to
mention all the other utilities. If you don't have Symantec you
might as well not have a PC. I've not played with the content
blocking features... but I can hit all the listed sites with no
problem. Maybe they changed things since I got my version.
I don't know. Check this out.
24th, Thursday: 1900hrs:
dear. I looks like the AR-15 Zealots are going to be quite upset very
Rumor has it that Israel is going to be phasing out the M-16 series
rifles. (To the less educated, the AR-15 rifle is a civilian variant of
the M-16 series. Differing only in the lack of a select fire
capability… that means the AR-15 will only fire one time per pull of
the trigger, meaning it is not an Assault Rifle like the idiot fuckwit
anti-gun crowd would have you believe) They are going to be rolling
out the new and very good even if it is in 5.56MM IMI TAVOR rifle
series. The TAVOR is a super sexy weapon that makes me want to move to
Israel just to get the chance to play with one. Anyways, this is
especially bad news when considering the fact that
the US Military is going to be phasing out the M-16 series as well.
The US is going to be going with the XM-8 weapon system to go along
with the XM-29 weapon system. The same 5.56MM cartridge in an even
shorter barreled weapon. Don’t get me wrong… I like short barrels, but
I also admit to the drastic reduction in ballistic performance because
of it. This is something that the 5.56 Follower do not do. They
always talk about fragmentation of the round and how it’s a force
multiplier when it comes to wound ballistics… yet they never mention
the fact that these rounds don’t fragment all the time, or they don’t
fragment at all when fired from the shorter barreled M-4 Carbine rifles
due to the lack of velocity. Nor do the mention that the US Army
doesn’t even use the damned fragmenting rounds! Sure they have them…
but they don’t get issued. When your out in the field, you don’t get
your choice of ammo. You use what you are given. And the Army is
giving out what they have the most of… and that is ammo that doesn’t
fragment even from the full length M-16A2 rifles. Oh dear… poor
Zealots are going to be left with the argument “Well the Canadians are
using it!”. Tsk tsk tsk… I feel bad, I really do. Okay, maybe not.
The M-16 should NEVER have been adopted and the rifle has probably
killed more troops due to failures since it’s introduction than the
Chauchat machinegun of WWI infamy.
Questions about
the knives have been popping up here: The knives are good.
Damn good. I have the LEO model clipped to my pocket right now.
Seriously. I'm ordering in a number of the knives from the
importer directly. This is why I can sell them really cheap, even
if they are not cheap knives themselves. Like I said before,
these knives are just as good as anything you would spend twice the
amount for from Columbia River... I'm not exaggerating. In
fact, I think these are better because they have a better blade steel
then the Columbia River knives. The fixed blade knives will be
available shortly... I'm waiting to get more information on them and to
get one of each to see for myself if they are worthy.
AM Post:
I got everything set up to start selling a new line of high quality,
low priced folding knives.
Check them out. Everyone
needs a knife and these are excellent low cost examples of Man Kind's
oldest tool. The reason I am selling these things is because I am
so flat out impressed by them.
I'm getting
really fucking tired of all the petty little games the DemocRATS are
playing. They are now bashing Bush because Saddam's evil sons
were killed instead of arrested. Oh, BOO FUCKING HOO! Those
evil... I don't even have words for them... evil spawn of an evil
man... is there a word for that? I'll just call them shitheads.
Those evil shitheads didn't want to be arrested. They wanted to
die fighting. They fired on US Soldiers who were indeed wanting
to arrest them. Those shitheads made the choice. They knew
what the result would be but they made choice. There is no sense
in crying about them. There is no good that can come of ripping
into Bush or the US Army for the deaths of these vile murderous
shitheads. See, the Democrats think that they can make points
against Bush by making him look bad. When really, what they are
doing is insulting everyone who made the effort to get these guys.
They are making themselves look bad. They do this daily.
The Democrats are slipping so far and so fast that it doesn't matter
what they say or do anymore. They know 2004 is a lost cause so
they are just throwing out whatever spew they want along with the last
shreds of dignity and any hope for the party's recovery. Stand
back people... this is going to get ugly before it gets any better.
These people... these Democrats are only slightly better than a raging
case of jock itch. They are truly Anti-American to the very core.
They revel in suffering. They revel in sorrow. They revel
in disaster. They revel in anything that brings Americans down.
They are absolutely giddy at the prospect of any national bad news...
and even look for ways to perpetuate it. These people are vile.
These people need to be stopped. They need to be removed from
power. To do this we need good people of the Silent Majority to
stand up and take action. Political action. Protest what
you can when you can. Run for offices and take back the
government machine. Bitchslap a Liberal For America!
July 23rd, Wednesday: THR
has a funny thread going on right now. THR Card Game. It’s a riot. Well, I guess it is if you are a
THR member or long time lurker and know the people being poked fun of.
I laughed my butt off… and then got zinged myself. A little humor
break amidst all of life’s tensions. Especially with us
Conservatives. Conservatives are often a straight faced lot. Why is
that? Well, it’s because we have to take everything seriously. It
would be too easy being a liberal… It would be like just being high all
the time and it wouldn’t matter if what you said was right or wrong… as
long as it felt good when you said it. This is the price we have to
pay to be Conservative. We might not be that much fun at parties… but
at least we make sure you can have your parties. Your welcome… you
pansyass Liberals. (Shrek 2 is coming... can't wait.)
Couple up and coming flicks I’m interested in… First one on the table is called “Underworld”.
Vampires are against Werewolves in a flick that is like a combo of
Blade II and The Crow with the obligatory dash of Matrix. Looks fun.
The trailer looks pretty good. We are also liking the scary bade main
character. Between the two, I say the Vampires would kick the
Werewolves asses. Hands down. Of course this largely depends upon
which Vampire Universe your using. Rice’s with 0 solar tolerances, or
the original Stoker’s, with just a weakening of powers during solar
exposure, but a dependency on defiled old sacred earth. If it’s Rice’s
universe, well, those Vamps are Wussy. Resorting to hiding and
blending in with people and totally uninspired. Most Vampires are more
of the Rice family. Now, you have the Stoker Vampires… the real deal…
The OG. Those fuckers are going to get you no matter where you are.
They are smart, they are vicious, and can transform into bats, rats,
wolves, mist… anything they want. What ever it takes to get you. Then
there are the Werewolves. Or Wererats or Werecats, or Werebears… but
they are all essentially the same. They are all allergic to Silver
Injections. Should be a short, but entertaining fight. The other
movie that is looking really good is called
Range. About another fight. The only downside to this one is
Kevin Costner is playing another badass. This just doesn’t work.
Other actors that should have had that role would have been Brad Pitt,
Christian Bale, or if they wanted someone a little more mature… Bruce
Willis maybe. Or hey, you could have even rolled with a Vin Diesle…
but Costner? He is about as sinister as an Easter Bunny. Acts about
the same too. When Costner was younger, I have to give him credit for
his roll in Silverado. One of the better western flicks ever made.
But Costner pretty much ended his western efforts with Dances with
Puppies… because I am sorry, his Wyatt Earp flick sucked profuse ass.
Tombstone spanked it and put it to bed. Now, I have to give Costner
some more credits for producing this Open Range flick… Kudos… but
Kevin, you don’t have to be in it. Next time… try something called
“Casting”. And let someone else do it. Okay? I’d be glad to help
you on this. You can call me any time. The last flick I have got to
say looks the most promising.
The Last Samurai. This flick looks just awesome… In a way that
hasn’t been made since RAN or Heaven and Earth. I’m looking forward to
this one big time. It’s due out in December… same time as the RETURN
OF THE KING. Which will be the absolute best of the Tolkien series.
Just wish they would do The Hobbit… but I can see why they can’t.
Anyways… TLS looks amazingly good. And we are glad to see Tom Cruise
in it. Tom is a good actor… a bit over hyped, but good. Should be a
great flick. Before you watch this one, check out the others I
mentioned… and also Shogun. To get you into the spirit of things.
I've got some more
serious commentary to post tomorrow. But right now, I'm taking it
High Noon:
I woke today feeling somewhat smug.
Those evil sonsofbitches of Saddam are still dead. It wasn't a
case of mistaken identity or anything... Dental records have confirmed
it. What is this? 2 Aces in the deck? I got a
question for the Dead Hussein Brothers. "Who is your Daddy and
what does he do?"
Because of this... I just had to
go over to Grouchy Media and
download his two new videos. We all remember the Taliban
Bodies video, right? Right? Who said "No"? What pussy
out there said no? Go to grouchy, and download these videos...
Only Sissy French Liberals dislike these videos.
July 22nd,
Tuesday: 2000hrs:
from one of the Horde’s agents: “Its Sohan again...been a while since I emailed you. MY GOD!
You are the ONLY one that I know who thinks the FX45 is one of the
sexiest things on 4 wheels! My brother's friend was able to lease one
for a good price (single male, making a good living, not much living
expenses = lots of cash laying around). Just last week I was able to
ride along in that thing. I'm telling you, its the only Japanese car
that I know of that "grumbles." Its a really neat sensation; the car is
very quite on the inside, but yet, you can feel that 4.5 liter V8
idling, like its got some pent-up fury under that hood. Boy, does it
roar when you rev it up. Very intense. I think Nissan/Infiniti have
their stuff together now. They seem to be pulling out all the stops in
their performance market, doing things other Japanese auto makers
wouldn't dream about. Think about it, their 2004 full-sized pickup, the
Titan, will come with a 5.6 liter V8. That’s bigger than any American
truck in its class. From Nissan? That’s insane. Anyway, nothing new
has happened on my end. If you recall I bought Raven Shield a while
back, and I'm still playing it online along with Battlefield 1942.
That’s a great game if you don't care about realism and just want some
good hearty action. Just today I purchased a set of Klipsch Promedia
2.1 computer speakers. 200 watts, baby! This sounds amazing, and can
seriously be cranked up without any audio problems. I listen to jazz,
rap, techno, and a little metal, so it'll take one hell of a system to
accommodate my needs. The Klipsch's do so without missing a beat.
Definitely worth the $179.99 retail price tag.
Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. Still love
the webpage, keep up the good work! - Sohan”
Good to hear from you again Sohan. The FX45 is… sinister… isn’t it?
“Grumbles” the way a V-8 should. I would love to work on that engine
and open it up and see what the potential is on that thing. Put in a
custom exhaust and capitalize on the raw power. All in a package that
drives as good as it looks, and can carry and pull everything. Evil
knows evil. The FX45 is the only vehicle made after the 1990’s that I
would spend my money on. If I had that kinda money that is. 180
bucks for speakers? They better sound beautiful.
Personally, Ogre doesn't bother wiht the nice speakers. Being 1/2
deaf from firing weapons and being next to guys firing weapons without
earplugs... I couldn't hear the difference between those nice speakers
and cheap 20 dollar jobs. Word to the wise... firing
a weapon in a bathroom is like a rock group's concert tour rolled all
into one big all of the sudden event. You would want
to avoid this if it's at all possible.
What a great day this has been.
The Saddam boys got waxed. How wonderful is that? When I heard that
on the news this morning… I was doing a happy ogre dance in the
kitchen. It wasn’t pretty but I sure enjoyed the moment of frolic.
Those evil sons of bitches are finally dead! You know, I bet since
this happened, the attacks on US forces in Iraq will drop off. This is
just awesome! You know, I bet you anything there are lots of Democrats
out there kicking a dog about this. This is bad news for them.
Liberals are probably up in arms. I bet you they are calling it
murder or an atrocity. Well, hell, if you have warrant for your
arrest and the guys come to get you… and you say “no” and fire at them
with machineguns… you are going to get a “use of force” in return.
They reaped what they sowed.
Another bit of
good news... The Democrats got caught with a hand in the cookie
jar. Like in a scene from "The Matchmaker", the
Democrat officials were talking about prolonging the budget crisis to
keep the Republicans under pressure. They said this over an
open microphone for everyone to hear. This is funny. This
is very funny. When confronted the Democrat's excuse for planning
such an underhanded plot was "It was just a Bull Session." Well I
can tell you any time two or more Democrats are talking to each other
it is always a bull session. But in this case, its also an
illegal conspiracy. Fuck these guys, they should be in jail.
And the icing on
the cake?
The Eiffel Tower caught fire. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
What a great day this is! HA HA HA HA HA HA *GASP* HA HA HA
HA HA HA HA HA HA *Passes Out*
Monday: 2230hrs:
think my readers are well read enough to appreciate this little
Reading Frank Herbert’s Dune series, we know that the most important
element in the known universe is the spice malange. This is what
allows the Navigators of the Spacing Guild to fold space. We also
know that there is only one source of the spice, and that is Arrakis.
Without it, the empire would crumble. The Spice Must Flow! Well, I
have my own personal spice malange that I require for navigation. The
Caffeine Must Flow! Tonight I opened my beverage cooling apparatus and
discovered to my horror that our supply of this most important
commodity has run dry. The empire is already showing signs of
cracking! We can only hope that we can be resupplied in time. We
have already dispatched a Highliner directly to the source, but it wont
be until tomorrow that it will return with it's cargo! DAMN IT! I
suspect the Harkonnen are behind this. Where is my Duncan Idaho?
Hmmm… I could just run up the street and my a Mt Dew. *sigh*
Warning - Inflammatory Opinion Follows:
“Diversity” is racist. Affirmative action is racist. And those that
promote the same are also racists. If you liberals want to try to
claim the racially neutral moral high ground, then you have to be
blatantly and completely color blind. I think there is a lot less
racism on the conservative side than on the liberal side of things.
Abe Lincoln? Republican. Former KKK leader… Senator Byrd of West
Virginia… that’s right… he is a Liberal Democrat. Now, who is the
racist? Besides… guess what… Blacks are not the number one minority
anymore. You want to talk about minority issues… then you need to be
talking Latino issues. You need to be speaking Spanish my friends. (I
use the word “friend” sarcastically) The idea that giving handouts
based on skin color is diversity, is completely and utterly laughable.
If you want to talk equality then you DON’T talk equality. BE
COLOR BLIND. Race makes no difference? Then make it make no
difference. See what I am getting at? You’re diverse group is not
gaining any moral altitude because you are meeting your racial
quotas. What you are in fact doing is perpetuating stereotypes and
keeping the brothers and sisters down with your 1960’s attitudes.
“Let’s bring Franklin in because we have to have another black
person.” That is racism. If you want diversity and equality… then
race can have no part in it. I am sure “Franklin” would have much
rather been accepted with the comment “Franklin is perfectly qualified
with a solid education and background in this field… let’s bring him
in.” If you want to talk about a “Color Blind Society” then you
absolutely must base all such matters on merit and not a racial
quota. Don’t even give applicants the racial survey. Make race a
moot issue across the board and you will have real equality. The
better candidate gets the better job. This would be a boon to the
bleached white skinned albinos… those guys are always shunned and are
forced to live a life of crime. Seriously… watch any movie with an
albino in it and the albino is always evil. Okay, that was a poor
joke. The bad guy is always either bald or in a goatee. I’m both.
Shit. I better not miss any church meetings or I’m toast spiritually.
Anyways, back to race. People keep calling me "Caucasian".
What the fuck is a caucasian? I'm not caucasian... I'm scottish!
And fuck you if you say otherwise! Okay, I have Irish blood too.
I'm CELTIC damn it... not Caucasian. This means I'll wear a kilt
and stomp a mud hole in you after cutting you down with a claymore and
then spend the rest of the day in a pup making up a stupid song about
your sorry ass. Diversity. Feh.
one country on the entire continent of Africa that has a crush on the
US, is Liberia.
Liberia made a simple request. And we have so far seemingly turned
them down. Nice… And as a result, we are pissing them off. We
should send in an MEU, that’s all they want. Sent them in to keep
order and help make some changes. Someone in Liberia fired mortars the
US embassy. We already have Marines there. Let’s throw in some more
and have our guys start kicking ass and setting things straight.
Let’s do this while we still can make an easy job of it. I’m not sure
where the 26th MEU is… but they need to get into Liberia
NOW. President Bush is fucking this up and it’s already cost
American lives there. Get in there, get rid of that fuckrod Taylor and
bring people to the table and talk reconstruction. There is no
reason to dance around this. If we don't have enough "Troops" to
do this... we are "spread too thin"... fine. Send a National
Guard unit... the 29th Light Infantry. They kick profuse ass and
can handle Liberia easily. It's not like Pentagon is going
to send the 29th to Iraq or anything.
July 20th,
Sunday: 1611hrs:
Neverwinter Knights.
This is the only roll playing game that I've really been able to
sink my teeth into. When I first got the game it was new and the only
module for it was the main Neverwinter missions. It was good... real
good... but it left something wanting. Well, what was wanting was more
creativity and more scope. Here it is a year later and we now have
that greater scope. There are more modules out there than you can
download, and some of them are very good. Some are total crap, but
some are just excellent. I think the Dreamcatcher series is the best
one. If I'm wrong about that, let me know. Bang for your roll
playing buck, Neverwinter is your best bet. There is no monthly fee,
the graphics look freaking awesome, and you can download hundreds of
modules, characters, and even make your own modules. It doesn't get
any sweeter than that. It reminds me of the old pen and paper D&D game
that I played a couple lifetimes ago... But a lot better then what D&D
ever was. No dice rolling, no stacks of books... No circle of players
comprised of people you would otherwise not associate with. You can
play it totally alone or you can play with friends... it's great. I
really dig the Ranger character class. If you don't know what that is,
think "Strider" from Lord of the Rings. He's a well rounded character
class that balances sword play, stealth and ranged weapons like a
bow. High level rangers can even summon animals to fight for you. My
most successful ranger is a female character that can summon a pair of
"Dire Wolves". I'm liking the Cleric too. They can be... Uh...
Judas, I'm such a fucking geek. Anyways, when you are in a Utah summer
and its too damn hot to do anything that involves being someplace other
than right in front of a blowing AC unit... It's a diversion.
had a good question. What about the AR-180B?
Easily, it's one of the better 5.56MM rifles out there. I consider it
to be superior to the AR-15. While it still has a few shortcomings,
it's the better rifle for serious work and not just punching holes in
paper. The 180 stays much cleaner than a 15, meaning there is much
less carbon building up inside the essential internal parts... This
gives the 180 a much greater potential for reliability. Accuracy is
just fine. If you are popping rounds while in a position other then
benched you are not going to see any difference from a standard 15.
It's also less expensive then an AR-15. It would be my choice for a
working rifle in 5.56MM that uses the common M-16 type mags that you
can buy by the duffle bag full. Another option would be a Vepr K that
can be had in 5.56 as well... It's about the same dollar wise, but the
mags are more expensive. Accuracy is about the same as well. Between
the 2, I'd rather pay the extra bucks for the funky mags and go with
the Vepr K. While I'm at it... I'd get it in a different caliber
too. But that’s just me. With all the customizations available
for the AR, you can have a staggering array of configurations. I
bet all such configuration can be had with an AR-180B. I'd like
to see what a good gunsmith could do to one. I bet dollar for
dollar, you can build up one hell of a rifle that will smoke an AR-15.
We went
and saw Pirates. I admit it. I was wrong. It’s good. Very good. It’s a very
“Fun” movie that sets it’s self up with the attitude, “Look, this is
going to be fun so don’t take it too seriously” so you can just sit
back and enjoy this ride. It does take a couple scenes from the pirate
ride at
Land, but it doesn’t hit you over the head with it. If you liked
“Three Musketeers” then you will like Pirates. Lots of humor and good
swashbuckling action and good characters. I admit to being completely
wrong about it. Depp’s character is a instant classic. Expect to see
elements of “Captain Jake Sparrow” in many characters yet to come. He
smacks of “Porthos” from Musketeers. And the girls… I don’t know who
she is but she is a doll. Wow. I want the DVD on this one. I’ve not
heard from anyone who didn’t like this one. Best movie of the summer.
Blows T3 away. The T series was tired anyways, in my opinion. Still…
looking forward to this winter. November, Matrix Revolutions and
December it’s Return Of The King. Good movies are coming. If we can
just survive the heat of this Utah summer. Judas, its hot out here!
I still stand behind my assertion that a pirate movie about some of
the real pirates out there would be awesome. The two pirate women,
Blackbeard, Captain Morgan… there is so much material there, why it
hasn’t been tapped, I’ve no idea but consider it to be a huge
oversight. Instead they make moves about “Dude Where is my Car” and
“Dare Devil”… *sigh*
Email from reader: “With the arrival of my new computer, I
finally started buying all those great games I've been missing out on
for over a year. I picked up the "Game of the Year" edition of
Operation Flashpoint. First, some nitpicks. For one, Soviet troops
must all be star quarterbacks, 'cause they can throw grenades like two
hundred yards. That should be toned down just a bit. Also, the people
aren't modeled as well as the rest of the objects in the game world.
Other than that, though, it's an amazingly detailed game. I was
driving this jeep, getting bitched out by some NCO, and I could
practically smell the diesel. They've gotten so many little details
right that it should bring back a lot of memories to anyone who's been
in the service. (Oh yeah. It needs a FAL. I'm sick of using the
stupid M16 all the time.) Also, it's HARD. Just like real combat, I
suspect. You die quick and frequently. The game has a pretty steep
learning curve, actually, so I've shelved while I play Medal of Honor.
I like realistic first-person-shooters. Well, they don't have to be
super realistic. My number one complaint with most of them is that the
weapons are weak; I like weapons that'll kill a badguy with one shot to
the chest, frankly. I don't mind games with blasters, lasers, and zap
guns, so long as they're plenty powerful. (Though I hate it when
energy pulses from blasters move about as fast as you'd throw a
softball, making them practically useless as ranged weapons). What's
the Ogre Recommended List of computer games? I haven't gamed in a long
time. Anything I should pick up? – Mike”
Mike, you need to look into the OFP expansions first and foremost.
Look on the net for some downloadable mods too. There are weapon packs
and new vehicles… all kinds of stuff. Look to my Technology Section
for further recommendations… however don’t look at my Top Ten games…
it’s out of date. “WarCraft” and “StarCraft” have been trumped by some
others and “Dungeon Siege” needs to be replaced by “Neverwinter
Knights”. I also talk in some detail about Op Flashpoint with some
tips and tricks. One thing I love about OFP is the realistic bullet
flight model. You have to lead your targets and the bullet takes the
appropriate amount of time to reach the target… or miss it. The use if
realistic sights and breathing is also excellent. The number one FPS
games right now are Raven Shield and Ghost Recon. However due to FPS
Overload, I am into roll playing and specifically, NWN that I have been
mentioning often lately. After some more NWN… I’ll look back into the
FPS genre but I don’t see anything interesting on the horizon. Not
unless Clive Barker does another Undying in a realistic fashion. I’m
looking forward to Doom 3, but not as much as most guys. I don’t want
to have to drop 500 bucks on a Cray II Graphics card just to play one
game. I think computer games need to be more about the game design,
development, story, and experience rather than just sheer graphical
amazement. Remember MYST? Looked awesome on the screen… sure. But it
was about as playable as a fallen log. Same with all the other games
of it’s type. I remember one game that looked just awesome… Iron
Helix. Sucked. I am sure the Doom III cats are doing a great job, but
I’m not feeling that vibe right now. I want another Undying. That’s
what I want for an FPS game.
July 19th
Saturday: 0944hrs:
is becoming our new main military adversarial focus.
They are making nukes. This is frightening because the Shiite Muslims
are nucking futs. Those guys will scream “JIHAD” after they plunge a
dagger into your back just for not being Shiite too. Hell, for not
even being as devout a Shiite as him. And now these maniacs are
building nukes. Lovely. Something needs to be done swiftly. I
suggest the prolific use of MOAB bombs. Drop them like confetti at a
ticker-tape parade. Scorch the earth, and move on quickly. There is
no need to dwell on those fuckers. We are already mired in Iraq. Yes,
I said mired. Iraq is perfect environment for picking of American
soldiers. Especially since it seems Saddam is still alive. Iraq isn't
going to be over in a long time - or ever. Here is what I think we
need to do: 1. Allow our Intelligence machine to use a limited amount
of torture in our integration of high ranking Iraqi officers. We have
got to locate and capture Saddam. 2. Public execution of these top
officials for war crimes and mass murder... including Saddam. This is
harsh - but it's the only message these bastards understand. We shall
show these people in a way that they can understand a couple of simple
facts. Saddam is now really and truly d-e-a-d and his regime is
really and truly over... and America is not to be fucked with.
Ever. I think we should also get a little medieval on those that
attack Americans, solders or otherwise. Even if we already killed
them in a fight... hang the bodies. If they attacked and we not
killed... hang the bastards. Line the streets with the swinging
corpses of those that harm Americans. Those that comply
with our will... treat every Iraqi citizen like he was the King of
England, and every Iraqi woman like she was the Queen of Pooka Pooka.
Let them know that we are there to help... just DON'T FUCK WITH
AMERICANS. I think we can indeed send both messages. Most
of Iraq is glad Saddam is gone and they want Americans there to help
set everything back up. However we must use extreme caution in
any heavy handed approach. If we go to far, we will be no better than
what we replaced. We are doing good work there... the media is just
not reporting it... so we are all thinking Iraq is another Viet Nam.
There is a lot of resistance at home to our effort there, but the
effort is a righteous one. I heard many soldier’s wives are staging a
protest to bring the troops home. Oh, that is just what the guys over
there need. That is just brilliant. Stupid girls who married PFCs
want the boy toys home. Well, Honey, the fighting isn’t over and just
because your not believing in the war doesn’t believe your little love
soldier doesn’t either or that the war isn’t worth fighting. Because
if we just up and leave now, the Shiites are going to just take over
the whole damn place and turn it into one big fucking Iran. You know
why Saddam had so much power? Because we gave him all the aid required
to help him stop Iran! Iran was THE name in Terrorism long before
Libya and long before Taliban became well knows common household
words. It was all Iran. You could almost say Iran is The Fountain of
Evil, if it wasn’t for Washington DC competing for the title. Let me
paint the picture for you. We leave. We do just what the Peaceniks
want and just drop everything and go home. Within hours of that, riots
break out everywhere. Mayhem reigns. The Shiites take control of
everything through brutality that makes the Taliban look like a
Methodist Sunday School gathering in Georgia. (I went to one… lovely
affair with spring flowers and lemonade and little girls with white
dresses and big bows in their hair) Within a matter of weeks the
boarder between Iraq and Iran is just a line on the map. The Shiites
become a huge powerhouse. All none Shiites are subjected to inhumanity
that would make even Lucy Ferr wince. Bolstered by all of this, the
Nuke program rolls forward and the next thing you know they turn to
look at us… the Great Satan like we owe them money. And in a matter of
weeks after that, September 11th 2001 will look like a
freaking stubbed toe. That’s why we are not pulling out of Iraq just
yet, you fucking unibrow, mouth breathing, imbeciles! Because the few
lives being lost over there are protecting millions of lives over
here. Your watching the cost of your freedom being paid, right there,
in your home, in color, and live. Suck it up. What the hell do you
think all the flag saluting and pledges of allegiances were all about?
Open your eyes people. There is more to it than just Oil.
Infinity FX45
- The only modern vehicle that sparks my automotive lust. I saw one
here in my po-dunk little Utah town. Power and Glory on wheels. If I
was filthy rich... like a basketball star... a silver one. Oh yeah.
Motogasim just thinking about it. Speaking of basketball stars...
Kobi Bryant is now charged.
I don’t care. I’m not a fan of round-ball. Now, if this was Steve
Young (he plays real ball) then I would be most concerned. I love
football and Steve is the frickin MAN! But another NBA player getting
busted for putting his dick where it wasn’t supposed to be… I am
uninterested. This has happened too many times for it to be news
worthy. I don't care if some people think this Kobi person walks
on water. "NBA player busted" has been the subject of many a news
report the last 5 years. I think this is a result of poorly
educated persons being given waay too much money for playing a freaking
game in front of people.
Still getting this knife deal worked out…
I’ll let you know when I’m ready to roll on them. Just to let you
know, I’ve been using this knife here… exactly like the ones I’m going
to be selling. It’s good. I took it on a picnic yesterday and used it
to slice up ripe mangos. Very juicy mangos. Then some juicy apples.
I let all the stickiness dry on it. All the acidic juices had time to
work… and then I just opened the blade and threw it into the
dishwasher. This has just about ruined some knives I’ve done that to.
But not this knife. When the machine stopped and the door was opened,
the knife looked bran spanking new again. The action felt just like it
did when I first got it. For kicks I administered a couple drops of
FP-10. The knife was simply transformed. Smoothest thumb stud opening
folder I have ever felt. I am not exaggerating. Seriously. When I
start selling these for only 20 bucks… EVERYONE that reads this needs
to get one. It will be the best 20 bucks you have ever spent on a
pocket clip folding knife. And hey, if you don’t like it, give it to
your cousin or brother or buddy... the one with the Pakistani made flea
market knife… He will think you just gave him Excalibur.
We are going to
go see "Pirates" today. Taking the kids. I am told this
is a fantastic movie. We shall see. Some time ago
this subject came up and this is what I said:
“If they wanted to film a pirate movie, they
should have made one about Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard... a real
pirate that dominated the coastline of our southern states meeting his
end in the
Carolinas. Or better yet, what about the two women pirates? They were
quiet ferocious and when finally caught, they got off on the court's
mercy because they were pregnant or something. Interesting stories
could be had from real history instead of a lame amusement park ride.
And let's not forget the true nature of the subject matter. Pirates are
not nice people, heroes, or romantic icons. Pirates were horrible. Time
and Romance Novels have sterilized the Pirate's reputation... A cool
flick would be about not the Pirates, but the Privateers that hunted
the Pirates. If you want a cool flick about the old warships of that
era, check out A&E's mini series "Horratio Hornblower". Cool
characters, well written, and they did a fantastic job of filming it
all.” Well, there you have it. I'm a Doubting Thomas.
But I will admit I was wrong should I be wrong. We shall see this
and judge it for ourselves.
July 1st to the 15th is now
archived. July was getting long.
July 18th,
Friday: 1100hrs:
Did you
guys catch Prime Minister Tony Blair’s speech to Congress? Wow. What a fantastic speaker. I was
impressed. I wish GWB could speak like that. Bush was the right man
in the right job at the right time… but he isn’t much of a speaker. He
is more of a doer and that’s fine too. I guess Moses wasn’t much of a
speaker either and he set a lot of middle eastern people free too.
Right? Okay… I’m kidding. Bush is no Moses. But Blair… I had to
stop what I was doing and listen to that. Even the Prime Minister of
England said “America
must lead”. Whoa… wait a sec. A Euro Nation Leader just admitted
America is where global leadership comes from. Amazing. Now, if
France would just admit this… then Lucy Ferr could plan building his
first ski lift just of the banks of the Styx. France is trying to
position themselves as an international powerhouse in global
leadership. This is the funniest thing… They ruin the country and then
lop off the heads of everyone who knows how to run it… then for about
150 years they drag ass and finally build up some civilization only to
let it get stomped into a mud hole by the Germans. Twice. Then they
(after we give France back to the French) position themselves as if
they were the victors? As if they had the moral high ground? The
unsubstantiated air of superiority makes the French more foolish
looking then their own “Fashion Designers”. The only good thing the
French have come up with in the last 80 years is the FAMAS rifle. I
fantastic little rifle that while handy in all cases, is easily carried
on the back until the time it’s required to be placed on the ground
when they have to hold their arms high up in the air. The only good
French military unit is the Foreign Legion, that is do mainly because
they are full of people who are not French. They have even had some
military success. Nothing major… just some small African Bush War
stuff that really has no global significance. Yet these guys want to
be able to lead the world? Interesting. The whole country has
Napoleon Syndrome, but without the faculties to back up the bravado.
Now understand this… Mad Ogre is also a rational and forgiving Ogre.
An understanding Ogre. A generous and charitable Ogre. I think we
should give France the chance. No, really. Let’s GIVE
all the slack it needs. All the rope it wants… to hang themselves
from. And when they are swinging from it and their legs are kicking in
spasms… then we drop the UN on them. We move all the UN facilities to
France. Let them swim in it. The UN should never have been brought to
New York. I think the UN would be very much at home in France. I just
feel bad for England and Italy and Spain for putting it so close to
them. No one wants a garbage dump in their back yard. But it in
Iceland for all I care… let’s just get it out of NY. In it’s place,
create a new group. A group of those who know right from wrong and
appreciate democratic freedom. The US, England, Italy, Czech Republic…
Countries like Iran and Iraq and Libya need not apply. France, no
way. They are not even willing to be members of NATO anymore. Screw
France. Screw Germany. Let’s take out the trash. Let’s make room for
the real global leadership so we can get work done and not be tied down
by the bullshit that is the UN. When Tony Blair is no longer the Prime
Minister of
he can lead this new group.
I find
it completely typical that Grey Davis is being pampered even in the
middle of his last dance.
This guy is on the way out. He is obviously finished. Yet he is
digging in like the blood sucking tick that he is. His treatment by
the media is a clear picture of how biased the network news propaganda
machine really is. If Governor Davis was named Governor Jeb Bush, or
was simply just a Conservative… oh man… He would already be long gone.
This would have been pushed continually into he was rode out on a rail
and forced to sell sexual favors on some Las Vegas back street
corned. Yet Davis is pampered. He is treated with sympathy by the
media… as if
Davis was a child that just had a bad day at
school. There is a stark contrast between Davis and Bush. 1. Bush
isn’t a fucking idiot. 2.
Davis is
a fucking idiot. Yet your not going to hear that on the CBS Evening
News. We liberated Iraq. Let’s liberate California! People should
petition Davis personally to step down with some degree of dignity.
Davis should do this for the sake of the people of
Instead he is trying to bleed it and this is going to cost
hundreds of millions. Show some honor, Davis. Step Down!
France has banned the word “e-mail”.
There is no limit to French Foolishness is there? Email is now
officially to be called "courrier
Yes. That is much better. I wonder if they have a better term for
of this… Let’s look at something awful. It’s
Photoshop Phriday.
This time it’s all about Civil War madness. Some of these are subtle.
Look carefully. Some of them made me bust out laughing.
college course in Ever Quest?
You gotta have Ever Quest and a 3 month subscription. I know some
people out there who are working Doctorates on this. At least now it’s
And the
last piece of weird news…
They found her.
She’s dead. No wonder she has not been popping up lately. Big Foot is
in mourning. Yetti and Chupacabbra unavailable for comment. I
suspect foul play. I think the Aliens did it.
getting report that the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” is a fantastic movie. “Best in a long time” is the general
theme of these reports. I am surprised. I was expecting this flick to
be silly as hell. Now my curiosity is peaked. Depp has turned into a
great actor. I have liked all his movies since Sleepy Hollow. Well,
that’s too far. I have liked his work in all his movies since Sleepy
Hollow. “From Hell” sucked, but he did a great job in it. He was also
great in Fear and Loathing, even if I loath that movie. I think we
might take the boys to go see Pirates in a matinee tomorrow. Maybe.
Depends on what we have left over after paying bills today. *shudder*
Of course ANY movie is just a hold over until Matrix Revolutions and
Return Of The King come out.
July 16th,
Wednesday: 1500hrs:
Hatch is an interesting character. He has done some great things… then blows it with that
wanting to allow companies to hack people’s computers if they suspect
copywrite violations. But here is something very good he has just
done. I doubt it will get very far, but we hope for the best. I got
this from
John Spangler by way of email: “Sen. Orrin Hatch introduced the
Provisions include:
* Permitting law-abiding DC citizens to possess handguns and rifles in
their homes and businesses;
* Repealing the DC registration requirements for firearms and
* Eliminating DC criminal penalties for possession and carrying of
firearms in their homes and businesses; and
* Correcting an erroneous DC provision which wrongly treats some
firearms as if they were machineguns.
This is a bold, and long overdue, initiative to roll back restrictions
on law abiding citizens. It is blatantly obvious to any fair minded
observer that the District of Columbia's experience where virtually
every scheme of the anti-gun extremists has been in place for nearly a
decade proves one thing. GUN CONTROL DOES NOT REDUCE CRIME! Repealing
DC gun bans is one distinct issue. However, the greater
significance of Senator Hatch's introduction of this bill is that it
provides strong evidence that any further legislative efforts to
restrict law abiding gun owners is an ineffective and stupid idea.
This is true at the federal, state and local level.” Now Senator
Hatch, in all due respect, if would just be so kind as to put in some
legislation that actually helps people from THE STATE OF FUCKING UTAH
OLD SKINNY ASSED WANKER!!!!!! I would at least hope this
bill would allow Utah CCW holders to visit DC with a concealed weapon.
Because I guarantee you that I don't go to DC without one.
For some
unknown reason I reloaded Neverwinter Knights and played it through
It’s a good game but it can be difficult and long winded. I guess this
is what some Roll Players really like in a game. I like a good story
and a good overall experience. Neverwinter gives that to you. Along
with a nice interface and good graphics. Now, the best thing about
Neverwinter is something most gamers probably have never really tapped
into. The Modules. Specifically, THE module. I’m somewhat of a geek…
and that means I like Monty Python. Almost all geeks do. Well, there
is something for you.
It’s the Monty
Python’s Holy Grail module. It’s worth downloading, even if one of
the files is a large 10 meg beast… It’s worth the wait. There are two
files to get, one is a .hak and the other a .mod. Unzip these into the
respective folders in your NWN folder and launch a new game using
“Other Modules”. Doing this will give you a Python treat that is most
amusing. I played this through last night and found it to be the most
enjoyable gaming I have done since some at work LAN parties some time
ago. Anyways, just thought I would mention this. I know I have some
serious gamer readers here. The Brave Sir Robin, The Old Man from
Scene 42, The Chicken of Bristol, Dinsdale… if you like Python, this
module is for you. I’ve tried some other modules, and they are either
really stupid, really buggy, or really short. Luckily there is a new
official module that should make for a good adventure. The downside is
that you have to buy it on CD. I guess that isn’t so bad. Fan made
modules are all armature effort with some better than others. There is
the Dreamcatcher series and it’s pretty good. Then there is the Lone
Wolf series and I think its pretty lame. If there is one that you
really liked let me know. I’ll try it. But if it sucks, I will flame
you mercilessly for a month at least.
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