Nov 14th, Saturday: 1130 hrs:
Last night I watched
Matrix Revolutions.
I have a hard time
expressing my disappointment in this film. I have a hard time
understanding just how and where it went so horribly wrong. The
visual images from the film are stunning, and very cool looking… but at
the same time utterly retarded. First off, the battle at “The Docks”
looked like the video game “Galaga”
with the alien formations flying past you so you can blast them.
Secondly, I was expected Agent Smith to start talking about Planet
Houston and order Neo to “kneel before Zod”. Then you had Neo go to
the Machine
so he could talk to the MCP? I was waiting for him to start throwing
Frisbees at it! And then with those supposedly cool visuals… half the
time the lights were set to strobe and flash like a fricking disco. I
think a guy a couple rows behind me when into seizures or something
because he started to puke into his hands and had to run out. My wife
and I both got headaches from watching it. All is not lost and as bad
as it is, it still had things in it that made it worth while to watch.
4 things actually. #1, Hugo Weaving. Get your Hugo fix before LOTR
ROTK comes out. This guy acts with such cool intensity that there is
just no one else like him on screen… he rocks. His dialog is the only
good dialog in the whole freaking movie. Make that the last two
movies, next to the Frenchman with that wipe your ass with silk line…
that was great. #2, the
battlemechs in The Docks are very cool. Mix 2 parts
Battletech, with 2
Warhammer 40,000, add in 2 parts of crème of
John Woo
and you have it. I thought they were great. I looked forward to
seeing these in action when I first saw them in film #2 and they didn’t
disappoint. #3, the Asian cat in the white shirt and sunglasses – he
is very cool. We see more of his action, and best yet, he breaks out
two pistols that I am going to mention in The Guns of The Matrix
article, after I post this. So more on that later. And of course #4
Monica Bellucci. She is only on screen for 30 seconds, but it’s a
good 30 seconds. Her character is the one that aided our hero trio in
#2 and she does so again here in a way. Her character is deeper one
than what it looks like on the surface. She is a machine made program
in the Matrix that is sympathetic to the humans and has a thing for the
human emotion of love… and passion… as you can tell from her words to
Merv about how she knows Trinity is willing to die for Neo. It looked
like she was getting hot from it… like her nipples were about to perk
up. Anyways, so there are 4 reasons to go see it. And these are
reasons good enough to buy the DVD to round out the set.
Okay, the Guns of
the Matrix article is finished...
take a look.
Now that this has been
expressed, I must mention the other movies that Ogre gives the claw up
for: The
Master and Commander with Russell Crowe. I want to see this one very
much. I’m into that era and it just gives me a 3 masted woody. The
Last Samurai with Tom Cruise. I love Shogun and the other feudal
Japan movies and books… a lot. The Japanese have a very
cool history… and then they gave it up for Jelly Bracelets, Toyotas,
and YuGiHo whatever. When you banned Samurai – you lost something.
You really did. Anyways… this movie looks intense. Of course, then we
have the 3rd and best yet. Best ever… Lord of the Rings:
Return on the King. If it stick closely to the book – this will be the
single most incredible film of all time, and no film after it could
ever touch it. Kneel Before The Ring! Kneel!
So we have this
report from 1990 that links Saddam and Bin Laden. Interesting. I think this is the point were all the
Liberals attacking Bush for the war can fuck off and die. I see this
story on FOX News, but I can’t find anything about this on the other
news sites. Is it that they don’t know about it or are they choosing
to not bring it to light? These Liberal Democrate Socialist bastards
twist the truth to there fitting, out right lie, and do everything they
can promote the Liberal agenda. This shows a very large lack of
morals. I’m of the opinion that Liberals these days just can not be
trusted, should not be trusted. As Captain Kirk says “Let them Die!”
Okay, he was talking about Klingons… but his words ring true in this
setting: “DON’T trust them. DON’T believe them… Let them DIIIEEE!”
Bush pulls out the Democratic Party Playbook and looks under the
Economy Tag. He sees FDR with his effort to “Prime The Pump” to help
economic recover… that’s what his New Deal did. We talked about it
last week in my college history class. Then he sees JFK dropping taxes
to put more money in the hands of the citizens so they can spend it…
again… priming the pump… both instances aided in the recovery of the
economy. Bush does this… But NOW, because it’s a Republican that is
doing it, it’s a bad idea, George W Bush is an idiot, and 747’s are
going to fall from the sky like rain because he has pissed off the
Terrorists. I don’t care if a Liberal hands me 4 quarters and says
that I have a dollar – I’m counting those quarters and checking the
marks… then I’m going to bite them to make sure they are not made of
tin, and scratch them to see if they are painted. I don’t trust
them. They are willing to rewrite history and whatever else it takes
to deceive and beguile the ignorant people to vote for them and support
their agenda. They are wrong, on so many levels.
Nov 13th, Friday: 1430HRS:
I discovered that I
have recently been linked to from a site called “The
New American Revolutionist”,
so I went and took a
look at it. It’s good. A young blog, just starting out, but it’s
starting out right. He mentions Glazers, and for that, I have to add
him to my link list. This is one to keep an eye on. He had a link I
had to check out…, right off the bat you can see that this guy is one
of the Horde… or maybe in a Horde of all his own… but he is a crazy
fucker that made me laugh, and for that I have to link him. I’ll have
to go shooting with this guy some time.
While we are looking at other blogs, I need to link a cat that I have
been reading for awhile but have never linked to.
Probably because his doesn’t wear a shirt. Smart fellow. Have to
link him now while I am linking to other sites. The Blogosphere has
become interesting as of late and while I normally don’t talk about
what the other guys talk about… that doesn’t mean I’m not reading it.
One site, Boots and Sabers, I even comment in. Jed and Owen have a
good site going. Oh, and Kim… who I took down when he said he was
going to stop weblogging, then he couldn’t help it and started again…
and I’ve not linked him, again,
yet. I have to link him again because if anything else, he is a
gun nut like I am who also thinks Linda Carter is the shizznit. These
links will probably all go up in my Selected links section… or Odd
Stuff as the case may be. I’ll make those links shortly… they are on
my TO DO List.
For some reason
this gave me a craving for an old fashioned banana split. You know, with the 3 scoops and the sliced banana
on either side with chocolate sauce on it, with crushed peanuts and
some whip cream and a cherry on the two mounds… Wait, am I talking
about a desert or an orgy? I’ll leave that to the reader to decide.
(I’m talking about ice cream, Mom… No, really)
I would sue the living
hell out of this company.
show stewardship in the community”? What a dickhead. No, using
that million dollars to keep people in work would have shown
stewardship in the community. Executives taking pay cuts would show
stewardship in the community… This company is fucked up.
"I can understand those that might have
difficult time reconciling these two different decisions," he said.
"However we have to make decisions based on the long-term future of the
company and make decisions fairly and thoughtfully." You are right…
you do have to make long term decisions… but you made the wrong ones.
You should be fucking FIRED like everyone else you canned. Can’t
afford to pay you guys, see ya! Hey, let’s buy a million bucks worth
of tickets to a damned sporting event! SUCH BULLSHIT! MOLOLOVS
Had a discussion in
class tonight about a test question. “Question
#40”. It was about drugs. Which is most addictive and destructive…
Coke, Meth, Alcohol, or LSD. The answer was Meth… but this is
something I disagree with. I say it’s alcohol. Drunk drivers kill
more people that wars do on an annual basis. Drunks cause more
domestic disturbance calls to the police than anything else on a daily
basis. What breaks up more families and marriages and ruins more
lives? “AA 12 Steps” ring a bell? Drinking is not addictive or so she
says… chemical dependence, maybe she is right… But psychological
dependence I think is higher and more common than dependence on Meth.
If you want to talk about what causes the most damage nation wide… it’s
booze. Legally obtained, widely distributed, and well advertised. Was
the captain of that Exxon tanker high on Meth or drunk on booze? That
would be booze. To argue Meth is the bigger problem is to wear some
seriously huge blinders. I argued this in class along with some other
clear thinking students… and we were pretty much shut down for it. Oh
well… Fine… Meth then… but my opinion is still unchanged.
Things that make you
All I gotta say is that Sir Mixalot was right, and he was talking about
her. Now I understand why the cartoon wolf would howl with his eyes
popping out… She explains everything.
still working on my reports for my new revolvers… writing a little bit at a time. This isn’t just a
range report… but more of a discussion of the revolvers in general as
well. Stay tuned… it will top the weapons section.
I do have some thoughts about
revolvers in general, and some thoughts on the .44 Special... I'll post
them shortly in the Weapons Section.
Here they are.
Could it be that the
essence of liberalism is fear?
It occurs to us that those who are considered "conservative" tend to be
people who can cope with circumstances, while those who cannot cope
tend to be of the "liberal" persuasion. The pious man properly fears
God, but on the political scene the winner fears only the state. It may
be that the loser looks to the state for protection against the winner,
and only eventually discovers that he has identified the wrong enemy. –
Jeff Cooper.
So the
US Army really and finally, is going to be ditching the
About damn time. What I find really interesting was the comment by the
Officer about how the gasses don’t contaminate the action.
Really? I thought that
wasn’t a problem with the M-16. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA… All you idiot AR
Zealots can fricken BLOW ME. I dealt with your bullshit hatemails, and
your snide remarks on so many gun forums… Here is the guy in charge of
the whole thing saying that this is making an improvement in
reliability over the M-16! This isn’t opinion… this is Fact – and in
Factory. As in from the horse’s mouth, my foolish friends… So now we
have a tight little carbine capable of accuracy and reliability and
it’s almost perfect.
All it needs is a different caliber. Here is a discussion of this
weapon and the article over at
THR. That 6.8MM Rem SPC looks good, but I’d still rather have it
in .300 Whisper, with a detachable suppressor. Yeah, even for regular
infantry. Units like the Rangers and Marine Recon that are SOC could
take better advantage of it… then you got those insane cats out there
working as Cavalry Scouts… they could use that too… oh, and the
Pathfinders… and the Light Infantry… Lots of people could take
advantage of a reliable, accurate rifle that pumps out a nice fat heavy
slug, and that is quiet. I know I could have when I was in service.
That would have been my dream gun right there.
Nov 13th, Thursday: 1500hrs:
I read a thought from
Jeff Cooper the other day:
“You probably have as
many .45 autos as you need. However if you are thinking of getting a
new one, bear in mind that Kimber offers one a light rail, and a light
rail is a good idea.”
Thought from the Ogre: two words for you Jeffery, “Springfield
Operator”. Springfield was putting rails on 1911s long time before
Kimber ever did. I’m not that big of a fan of rails on guns… not
unless you specifically plan on actually attaching the light. Let me
say that again… not unless you plan to actually get the light and put
it on the gun. I think rails ruin the beautiful lines of the 1911. So
if your just a poser or collector and you want that 1911, but don’t
plan on getting the light – then don’t bother with one with rails. And
here is the thing… any gunsmith can easily put rails on just about ANY
handgun you could want to put a light on. So in my opinion, rails are
just a frivolous detail that is useless if not actually used. I think
of them as the same thing as a roof rack on your SUV. Racks are great,
if you use them. If you don’t use them, they are ugly, add weight and
drag and misshape the vehicle. Anyways… about Springfield vs Kimber
There is a thread on THR that talks about this… This is why
Springfield will get my money and Kimber wont. Let’s look at the
actual guns… Springfield has two Operators that I like. One is the
MilSpec Operator. This is a base 1911 with a rail. Perfect choice if
you want a simple railed 1911 or a gun to base your custom built on.
Then there is the TRP Operator. The TRP is just a fantastic 1911 that
I consider to be top of the class… and you can get one railed if you
want. I see no reason to deal with Kimber’s bullshit. Springfield,
Jeff. Springfield. Kimber doesn’t care about you, and Springfield
well go the extra mile to make you – the customer - happy. That means
a lot to me. That’s why I’ll go with
Springfield every damn time.
David Crane has an interesting article about the Marines new 1911
(a Kimber, the fools) and suggests the 9X23MM cartridge for it instead
of .45ACP. I think that makes a lot of sense… (I forgot to log in so
some of my comments supporting the idea are as Annon) in fact, I think
it’s a brilliant idea. Check out the pros and cons… the only Pro that
the .45ACP has over the 9X23 is a “bigger hole”. Now, normally for
that might be good enough, but when you put that up against all the
other Pro 9X23MM items, you see that the .45 is perhaps not the best
choice here. The 9X23MM makes a lot of sense and should be considered.
Speaking of 9MM,
again emails asking what’s up with switching from an automatic to a
read this thread on THR… look for my post with the bullet picture.
That’s why. So you can stop asking.
I read
G2Mil this morning, one of the best websites out there for critical
military thinking. But the problem is that
makes just too much damn sense. Some thoughts on his current issue:
The OV-6B Ranger. Smashing idea. I hope that the fact that this
little plane looks like a Mustang isn’t lost on any readers. .50 cal
guns and rockets would make this Mini Mustang and this has a huge
advantage when used in helping the guys on the ground.... A Mini-Gun
would do well too... mounted center line and bore sighted. It's
Observation use is granted... but the potential for fire support is
just amazing. The “Spads” and “Sandys” from
were legendary in the minds of the Grunts. When they needed help,
these planes delivered. Yeah, some of them got shot down, but that’s
warfare. Especially when you fly so low you need a Skyjacker 4X4 lift
kit. No other planes can do what the Sandys did. This idea just
makes too much sense. It's also too cost efficient for the US
Military... in order for this to fly, you need to make
contractor/congress pork... such as make a new plant in West Virginia
or South Dakota to build all new ones. That would get some additional
interest... the more it costs, the more America needs it... like the
Osprey. Rocket's from TOW launchers? Again... too much sense here.
Better to make an all new Rocket Launcher, and make it capable of
launching TOWs.
I think I found
my next laptop.
Love this thing. You know, I was willing to give up an iPaq
for a .357 Magnum… For this, I’d be willing – almost – to give up the
magnum. That is digital badass right there. Spanks an iPaq, has a
keyboard, does the flippy screen thing which is cool, but I wouldn’t
use it. Double the memory, slots for SD and CompF type II… and USB.
This thing has everything… its like Voltron. All it needs now is a
way to use that USB to connect to an external optical drive and BANG!
You got DVD movies on your PDA and your laptop can go into the trash
Nov 12th, Wednesday: 1330hrs:
In a pathetic attempt
to look cool and to get some good lip service from Jay Leno,
a noted motorcycle and cool-car junky,
John “F’d” Kerry borrows a Harley to ride onto the stage. He is
done up in leather and denim and some how still manages to look like a
complete retard. He said that he knows what he is doing and where he
is going… talking about his campaign. This is the same Kerry that
drops the ball eating a Philly Steak and Cheese, in Philly, eating it
daintily and nibbling at it like a nervous squirrel … so it’s no
surprise to hear him blow this tough guy image with “If I wasn’t in
public life, I’d have kept the bike.” Oh man… where do I begin on
this one? How about starting in Vietnam… he was in it, you know.
Yeah? Well so were a lot of other people too… and they are asshats
like you are, Kerry. This bike stunt really isn’t that impressive.
He rode a bike for 20 feet, and then scoffs it. What a dickhead.
This guy has NO IDEA what he is doing. He has NO IDEA of where to go
or what to do once he gets there. Let’s just all have a moment of
silence to pray that he doesn’t get even close to where he wants to
go. He doesn’t even know how to ride… he put the kick stand down with
his hand. It’s called a “kick stand” for a reason. You kick it down.
Of course, what can you expect from a poser who doesn’t even know how
to eat a sandwich. (Perhaps the BEST sandwich on the whole damn
planet!) You know, Kerry could have gone a long way if he had
purchased the bike himself, and rode his own bike… that would have been
cool. Instead, he made himself look like a dumbass.
In other news,
Italy shows us that it has balls…
They have announced that they are staying in the fight in Iraq. What
do you expect from the country that has given us the V-12 engine in a
vehicle that doesn’t look like a school bus? Way to go
One of my favorite countries, Italy. Pizza, Beretta, Ferrari, the
Spranos & Godfather… Love Italy!
Jimmy Carter wrote a revolutionary war novel?
You gotta be kidding me. I wonder what part of that history he
Emails worth posting
about Peter “somebody please just fuckin shoot him” Singer:
could swear I was reading a Phil Hendrie script reading about that
ass-clown. Unbelievable. – Matt.”
Phil Hendrie... take ALL his characters... roll them into one... give
that Frankenstinian creation a Princeton Tenure and a loyal following
from the Left side of Capital Hill:
You got Peter Singer. Scary.
“This singer nutsack is quite the butthole. Where does his reasoning
stop? First the disabled than the less intelligent after that the not
so smart final people not as smart or aware as peter singer(I don't
feel like capitalizing his name). The devil has many names, peter
singer might be one of them. Oh didn't the nazis start with this in
1939. The doomed were bused to killing centers in
Germany and Austria--walled-in fortresses, mostly former psychiatric hospitals, castles and
a former prison--at Hartheim, Sonnenstein, Grafeneck, Bernburg, Hadamar,
and Brandenburg. In
the beginning, patients were killed by lethal injection. But by 1940,
Hitler, on the advice of Dr. Werner Heyde, suggested that carbon
monoxide gas be used as the preferred method of killing. Experimental
gassings had first been carried out at
Prison in 1939. There, gas chambers were disguised as showers complete
with fake nozzles in order to deceive victims--prototypes of the
killing centers' facilities built in occupied Poland later in the war. I bet that Reichsfuhrer singer thinks that that would
be a good plan now. - Blake”
was looking for an email response exactly like this! You move up to
the front of the Horde! This is exactly right... this moves us in the
direction of liberal use of mercy killings, killing of infants for a
bad skin tone, freckles, wrong hair color... wrong genetic
attributes... This guy is opening the door for Gattica - and if that
isn't chilling - I don't know what is. Wait a second... Yeah, I do
Take a look at his other ideas... His Animals as Human equals really
puts a new spin on Animal Farm. Bestiality as main steam sexual
preference? Look, I'm all for Gay Rights - but that's as Liberal as I
am going to get. Marriage between Man and Mare? Don't laugh - that's
exactly where he is heading.
All the while... he is wanting to steal your property... he is
basically saying you can only have 21,000 (after he has taxed your cap
of 30,000) and that's all you can have. I don't know about where
you live, but that not even close to being enough to live on. That's
Rent and SOME utilities... that's not car insurance or food...
This guy would KILL the US Economy, and in turn kill the WORLD economy
(Remember how
freaked out when we just slowed down on the French Wine?) for what
purpose? So we can all live like homeless? Is that what Peter Singer
is after? To get us to all live like the animals so he can fuck us? I
suspect this sick bastard looks at a lot of “furry porn”.
think the back lash on this guy is that Conservative run businesses all
send notes to Princeton telling them that Princeton Graduates will NOT
be hired who have taken classes from this guy - and that Princeton
Graduates will not be hired as long as this guy is still on staff -
Period. Tenure? If this guy even gets another PENNY from Princeton –
all of its students are blacklisted.
Nov 11th, Tuesday: 1400hrs:
Add to the Fecal
Roster, a man named
Peter Singer of Princeton University.
Mr. Singer has got to
be the most disgusting human being in the United States. Indeed, he
tops the list… higher on the roster than Michael Moore, higher than Tom
Dash-Hole… Higher even than Ed Asner and even Bill Clinton. Do you
know why? This guy is so far Left on the political spectrum, he is
Infra-Liberal. My history professor at my college had given a lesson
about the political wheel of life… that politics is like a ring with
centrist moderates at the top and then right and left according to
tradition, and bending through Communism and Fascism on either end down
to totalitarianism.
Peter “Lennon Wasn’t Left Enough” Singer breaks this metaphor with
a sledgehammer. Prof. Barton is going to have to draw a new map to
include Peter Singer’s particular brand of nucking futs. I think the
Pie Chart of Politics is going to have to be shaped like a Frying Pan
now. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was just one super-liberal dipshit.
Here is the bad news. This guy is a Tenured Professor at Princeton
University… he is teaching his brand of Ultra-Bullshit to others… he is
the one that all these new young and impressionable minds are
following… this is the guy that is writing tomorrows liberal political
agenda. Brothers and Sisters of the Horde – I submit that Peter Singer
is the most dangerous man in the world.
Peter Singer is the Ogre’s #1 Most Wanted to Bitch-Slap with a
was living my life happily oblivious of this jack-hole,
Peter Singer. I learned of him through Hillsdale College’s
newsletter “Imprimis”. And I learned of Imprimis from Paul Harvey.
Thanks Paul. Now I can’t sleep at night.
Peter Singer’s Ideas:
#1: Middle Class Americans should pay 33% of your first $30,000 and
100% of everything over that.
#2: Infanticide: It’s a Good Idea! You have 28 days to think about
it after the birthday.
#3: Bestiality: Once you have Cat – You never go back! Doggie
Style? Be sure to lift up the tail!
#4: Animals for Food? That’s like the Nazi-Jew Holocaust!
I’m only comforted in the fact that
this lunatic is not just my own worry. This person should be
expelled from the United States… Preferably in a locked and weighted
duffle-bag into the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean.
Was at the store today… on the way there I noticed all the
American Flags posted in the front yards and on the houses and in the
windows all over the place. Maybe this little BFE town isn’t that bad
of a place to live.
Anways… at the store I saw a new razor for men… the Quattra or
something like that. In the attempt to trump the Mach III’s 3 blades,
these Quattras are featuring 4 blades. Holy cow man! What is next? 5
blades? A Lightsaber? A freaking hand held sized Thrasher from
International Harvester?
Judas Priest! I don’t want that many razors sliding across my throat…
I don’t care how close of a shave they promise! 4 blades? Shit… No
thank you. When it comes to shaving – the very best there is can be
found with the Mach III. I don’t care if it’s the Blue Mach III or the
Red Mach III or the Turbo Mach III or the original Mach III… And truth
be known – I’m not even all that comfortable with the 3 edges there.
That’s a lot of razors going on there.
As good as a Mach III is, it’s a bitch to rinse out… especially if you
shave after skipping a day or two like tend to do. The other day I
went to get new razors because my last good set of Mach III blades have
started to do that garden rake thing on my face… New blades… 7 bucks.
This was even at the “Family Dollar” store… they are 8 at Wally World.
*sigh* That’s a good hunk of cash just to knock the whiskers off my
ogerish face. Seven bucks, that’s a movie ticket… or the late fee at
my local rental joint… or a good lunch at Arby's… or a quarter tank of
Mid-Grade unleaded for my (POS) car.
So I picked up a pack of 8 “BIC METAL” razors. Single blades, but they
looked cool in a simple utilitarian way… Liking that metal “Roll Bar”
they have. The upside of the Bic Metal razors is that they rinse out
perfectly easily. The down side is that they filet layers of flesh off
your face like a fucking potato peeler. I’ve never cut myself so bad
shaving – ever!
My wife came in and screamed when she saw all the blood. I don’t blame
her. I looked liked “Carrie”. It was horrible. Not only that, I had
RAZOR BURN like MAD! These are things I have forgotten all about
since the Mach III had come out.
am NOT shaving again until I get a new pack of Mach III blades.
Things Ogre
likes best: MACH III, SOUTHERN COMFORT Traditional Style Egg
Nog, Brunswick brand Kippered Snacks in Louisiana Hot Sauce, Sobe
Dragon Ti juice, TDK CD-Rs, CCI Blazer Gold Dot, American Flags all
over the place. The old guys in the suits and the funny hats with
all the pins at the Veterans Monument at the Town Hall... and best
yet... seeing the guy next door's cat puke and shit all over his new
jeep. For something's, there is Visa...
Email about
Inoue from the Horde: "Hubba Hubba!"
Veterans Day:
Just a word to you cake eating civilians out there… You don’t say Happy
Veterans Day. You don’t say Merry Vets Day. But just because you
don’t have a meaningless Seasons Greetings for it doesn’t mean you
don’t say anything. This isn’t some fat bunny in a sled passing
around Jack O’Lanterns because it’s Santa’s birthday… This isn’t about
some old fable-become-tradition. Veterans Day is a day for those that
are still alive, and for those who are dead… those who died for your
freedom to flip soldiers the bird and to call them baby killers and
spit on them in the airport. Veterans Day is for the guys that died
fighting for your personal independent liberty… It’s for that Veteran
that walks with just a slight limp and seems otherwise fine, but he
doesn’t have a spleen because an enemy of our country blew it out his
back with an AK-47 so you can get 15% Off that new leather fat-ass
reclining couch that your going to sit on to mock the President from
while watching your 42 inch plasma TV flipping through the channels
trying to find some Friends rerun. Veterans Day is for the guy that
came home while all his friends didn’t. Veterans day is for the woman
who gave up the best years of her young adulthood so she could press
her hands over the sucking chest wound of some guy from her own home
town 6 thousand miles away from home. Veterans day is for that
old woman over there that raised 2 kids alone because when she was
young she sent her handsome young husband off to fight for your freedom
and came back as a flag folded into a triangle. That’s what Veterans
day is for… and what do you say to those people who served? You
just say “Thank You”.
“Hi there, I found your great article on the Guns of the Matrix and
found it an interesting read. I just went to see "Revolutions" last
night and I came to realize, "Y'know, I bet someone out there on the
internet has published something about each gun used in the Matrix and
why it was used." Sure enough...:) A Google search for "guns of the
matrix" brings up your site. Your Girls with Guns page (or, more to
the point, Asian Girls with Guns) is a nice browse too.
I scavenged an old picture for you that fits nicely with the theme.
For trivia, it is a Japanese supermodel named Harumi Inoue. Enjoy...
still need to edit that page and include those emails from the Key
Armourer… I’ll do that as soon as I am done with my homework I’ve been
procrastinating on.
Email from our
Norwegian Horde member:
“Hi MadOgre, Regarding that ship you wrote about yesterday, last year,
that ship came to Norway, on an exercise called "battle griffin". I had
guard duty on one of the ports that it visited (hommelvik). Although it
looks like a very impressing ship from that angle which those pictures
are taken from, it wasn’t that impressive when we could take a closer
look. Inside it still looked like a coastal ferry. The marines had been
riding it over the Atlantic, sitting in deck chairs, and they weren’t
overly happy with that. It could also not go as fast as 40 knots unless
the sea was fairly calm. Besides that I still think that ship is
filling a task in the marines duties, it can deliver troops fast, and
with a lot of equipment. It was very interesting talking and sharing
guard duties with your Marines, and while i am not that impressed with
the ship (it was also very hyped before it actually came to my port, so
we were expecting something very extraordinary). Myself and the other
Norwegian soldiers got a guided tour onboard the ship, everybody was
very pleased about that!
Thanks to the soldiersand officers who made that possible! I read
your site nearly every day, i find it quite interesting, something i
totaly agree with u about, and somthing i definetly not!
I first came across it while i was looking for Star Wars-stuff.
Maybe later one time i shall tell u whats wrong with american foreign
policy, but i am not up to it right now, cause when i drove home
tonight i got blinked by an automatic traffic control post(it takes a
photo of you and your license number if you drive too fast) , which
will probably result in a fine around 200$ and that pisses me off a
Thanks for the email Stig, Agreeing with me all the time is not a
requirement… and not even a wise thing to do. Sometimes I disagree
with myself after a couple days of further thought on a subject.
10th, Monday: 1600hrs:
Happy Birthday to the US Marine Corps: Making the Navy look tough for
228 years!
GUNS: Taurus had a thing going lately that you can email
suggestions for new guns and if they liked your suggestion and used it
(and you were the first one to send it in), Taurus would give you the
prototype. I made some suggestions… I’m not going to go over all of
them… but one in particular, I think was a very good one.
Take a look at it here.
Email questions about the 1911 platform and my pick. Well, my
money will go to Springfield. I’m a big fan of
and I think they make the best production 1911s out there at the high
end and they give you the best bang for your hard earned buck at the
entry level. There are lots of good options worth consideration, but
for me and my money – it’s
For some reason, probably my own misconceptions, I’ve always considered
the Kimber to be a Pretty Boy’s 1911. It even sounds like a girls
name. I’ve never liked them. Sure, they look like good guns – but are
they really strong handguns capable of serious real world work? Sure
they are. But you just don’t want to take it out into the woods
because it’s so pretty. Kinda like the BMW SUV… your not going to want
to take it off road – even if it’s quite capable of it. One thing I
really like about the Kimbers – well – one thing that they have come
out with… they have this new flat grey finish that looks sexy as hell
with it two toned with a black slide and black parts. Looks really
nice. Just because something looks like it’s wearing the firearms
equivalent of a tux, doesn’t mean it’s a serious duty firearm. But
for some reason I still feel that way. I don’t care if the LAPD rolls
with a Kimber… The FBI rolls with Springfield. Now the Marines are
looking at getting in some new 1911’s and they are getting in Kimbers
as well. Wait a sec… Marines are going with Kimbers? Damn. That
shows Kimbers are undoubtedly tough enough. But I still just like
Springfields better. The other choices abound… Now even SIG is making
a 1911. Would I buy a SIG 1911? Well, honestly… If I was making
100,000 a year and could get all the guns out there that I would like
to get… sure. Add it to the list, what the hell. But I’m not going to
go out of my way to get one any time soon. I really like SIG Sauer
handguns. I always have. As such, I’m not going to turn up my nose on
a SIG interpretation of the 1911. However I still have to scratch my
head as to why SIG chose to roll out a 1911 when they have the P220
platform that they could have tweaked… such as a SAO version, or an LDA
version… maybe even a Glock-like Safe Action trigger system… maybe a
P220 Tactical with a long slide or something.
Blackfive has a picture of an
interesting ship. I emailed him and asked him about it, but he
didn’t know anything… Forehead slap – of course not. Blackfive is
ARMY, not Navy… so I turned to “Dogpile” (My alternate to Google,
because Google pisses me off). Well,
here is another picture of it, with a little information… 40 knots…
wow. That’s fast for a transport. But it isn’t just a transport… With
this ships capability, it’s more like a real world version of the
Sulacco… a ship capable of putting fast reaction strike forces onto the
area of operation quickly and efficiently. In short – that is one
seriously badass ship.
Here is the US Navy’s information on this platform. That’s a cool
Paul Harvey was on the radio today… I love Paul Harvey, that old
cat is awesome. He is the only guy on the radio other than Tom Gresham
to mention the S&W 500. How old is Paul Harvey? I’ve listened to him
for as long as I can remember… He has a unique and sharp wit that is
unfortunately lost on the people who need to hear him the most.
You know how I
have a Star Wars section? I think I'm going to have a LOTR
section... I wrote a LOTR paper for one of my classes and I am tempted
to put it up.
Nov 9th, Sunday: 1300hrs:
Last night was
the final showing of Wait Until Dark. I’m glad it’s over only for
the reason that I am looking forward to the next show… I think I’ll
audition for another role. Ogre the Thespian? I don’t think so. I
just had fun with it. I am hoping they go with a Comedy. I’d like to
do a funny part and not the typical type casting I got last time.
“Ogre kicks in the door, gun drawn, slices the pie and makes a tactical
entry…” That’s been done to death. There are two shows I want to do…
One is “1776” and I would Kill for the role of Ben Frankin. The other
is “Funny thing happened on the way to the Forum” and for that, I would
really love to be Pseudolus… (but I’d take a Gloriosus part) Anyways…
I had fun being a part of the show… You should have seen Mrs Ogre – who
is a dead ringer for “Skully” from the X-Files – Especially with the
flashlight and gun. She used my S&W 66 .357Magnum to good effect…
looked awesome on stage with the flashlights and what not.
In the weapons section: I am putting in a little picture I
made from an XL file listing some ballistics from guns tested with
various ammo with a chronograph. I don’t know if it will help you or
not, but I find that I have sometimes pulled it out to check some
numbers on it from time to time. If you want the file as an XL file
and not a jpg – I can email you the file so you can work with it… add
your own guns and test results.
Section: I got the pics of the Official Racing
car posted... Dig it.
I’m at the end of my medication treatments… only one day left.
THANK YOU!!! If I wasn’t feeling so sick to my stomach – I’d be
feeling pretty good. Without going into details, this stuff is
attacking what was causing all my problems with my liver. This means
that after I am done, my liver should be able to heal and function
normally again. This means I’ll be able to get my strength back. I
should have done this 10 years ago… This medication has kicked my ass a
good deal, but it’s going to be worth it. I may have bombed my history
exam because of it, but that’s okay… this is worth it. Right? The
side effects of headache, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea and dizziness; all
that really goes a long way into preventing you from thinking clearly
about a question. It’s almost over… tomorrow is the last day and in
another 24 hours after that all the drugs should be out of my system.
You gotta love the new spamming schemes… I got an email from telling me that he can set me up with a hot date
with the woman of my dreams. Dude, I don’t need you to set me up with
her… I married her. And second of all, I don’t need you spoofing my
domain to tell me. Fuqq off. I have no “Jareds” here at “The Ogre
Institute for Advanced Ogrish StudiesTM”. For the
betterment of the Internet, I still want to sponsor January 3rd
as National Bitch-Slap a Spammer Day. Better yet, I’d love to see
someone actually burn down a Spammer-Company building… melt all their
servers and computers and all that… find out when they are late on the
Fire Insurance premium and then throw about 20 to 30 Molotovs through
their windows. Not that I condone arson or terrorism… but my hell…
something has got to be done about these ass-clowns.
Today is the Sabbath day, and over here at Ogre Manor, that
means we take it easy. The Bible says that it’s a day of rest… We
observe that. We try not to make trips to the store, and we try not to
get worked up. I don’t go shooting on Sundays, and I even try not to
cuss. I’ll have to try harder. I’m going to go kick back in the Black
Leather Lazy-Ogre Chair of PowerTM and watch a good movie
and eat a plate of some Mexican food.
Nov 7th: Friday: 1500hrs: has not been updated for week, and for that I apologize.
I’ve been occupied with a few things that have taken up much spare
time… I have been jotting down some Ogre Notes to be posted when I log
back in... so hopefully this will make up for it:
My health is coming around… my medications have kicked my ass, but I
think it’s working. The main side effect of these meds are that I am
really sick to my stomach in the mornings and evenings. This no big
deal… I’m almost done with this treatment… just a few more days. No
Congratulations to my brother Sage and his wife Allison. They now have
a beautiful baby boy and all is well… that is so awesome! Your life
will never be the same again… It will be better.
Thanks to Wizbang for including me in the
Bonfire of the Vanities. Even if he did miss spell “Ogre”. Only
one R, baby. I only need one. I like the Bonfire… It’s is a good way to find
new and very interesting websites out there, and read some of the best
comments. It was suggest that I should use “Permalinks” so others can
easily link to specific comments. I guess Date and Time stamping
isn’t good enough? I make no promises, but I’ll look into that. In
HTML isn’t that called an anchor? I’ll look at it and see… I wont permalink the past stuff, if I do this… but it would be a going forward
sort of deal.
From Boots and Sabers: “Four boxes protect our Liberty: they are soap,
ballot, jury, and cartridge.”
So CBS pulled the plug on The Reagans. Well, not really… they are just
not going to show it on CBS, instead they are going to show it on
Showtime, their cable channel. This means it’s still going to air…
they are just going to be able to milk it for more money in the long
run. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to see this… it’s just not
going to open on regular network TV. CBS will eventually make it’s
profit on this. Fuckers. I hate CBS.
Abortion: Partial Birth Abortion has officially passed and is now
completely banned. Thank heavens. Personally, I think all abortions
passed the 1st trimester should be banned too, but this
partial birth abortion is especially horrible. The best take on this
that you will see in the Blogosphere is from
Emperor Misha. He names names over there… All the senators who
support this violation of humanity… from Misha’s site, a graphic
description of the murder procedure:
“The baby's little
fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking.
Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the
baby's arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a
baby does when he thinks he is going to fall. The doctor opened the
scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked
the baby's brains out. Now the baby went completely limp.”
I apologize for posting that horror. My hell! H.P. Lovecraft wouldn’t
even write that shit – but that is exactly what Partial Birth Abortion
is. It’s infanticide… it’s a brutal murder on par with The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre. Those that have done it, there is a special place
in hell for these monsters. Now, it’s over. For now. Unfortunately
truly sick and evil people are filling lawsuits to protect these
atrocities… even if these people win – they are going to hell. I
believe in God… and I also believe there is a hell. Unfortunately I
don’t believe it’s a pool of fire and lava… but sometimes in cases like
this… I wish it was.
The Green River Killer is now in court. Evidently he has turned
himself in. Funny, I have always thought that it was Stephen King.
(Kidding) This guy is a complete sicko that goes beyond the pale,
killing, some 48 people. (Wow, with that high of a body count, I’m
surprised that the Liberals are not stepping up to support this
guy!) This was a big deal 20 years ago, when I was living in
Washington State. It was scary. Not all the women killed were
actually hookers either, and I think I remember one or two guys as
well. As sick and depraved as this bastard is and as horrible as his
acts were… they are nothing compared to the practitioners of Partial
Birth Abortion. The Mothers who wanted that done, and the Doctors who
did it. I think a rider to this banning of Partial Birth Abortion is
making it legal to lynch these fuckers that have done it. As Clint
Eastwood would say, “Hang’em High”! You know, if a woman really wants
have an abort, she should be allowed to do it, so long as she does it
with a Mossberg.
Howard Dean and the Confederate Flag. Dean really showed us that he is
an ignorant buffoon the other day when he said that he wants the votes
from the guys with Confederate flag stickers in the back windows of
their pickup trucks. He doesn’t know who these guys are, he doesn’t
know anything about them. He is so far disconnected from these people
that he isn’t even close to understanding them.
To make matters worse,
when he gets criticized for saying these things… he back peddles on
it. Wait a sec… Now he doesn’t want those votes? That shows he
doesn’t know what the Confederate flag really is… his back peddling
shows us all, and slaps guys like me smack across the face. I am a
Virginian living in Utah and I’ll always consider myself to be a
Virginian… (With a chunk of Texan thrown in too) I consider myself a
Southerner. Should we be facing another Civil War – I’d be a
Confederate without question.
Let me tell you why I think Dean
slighted me… Because Dean’s back peddling shows us that he thinks the
Confederate flag is a symbol of hate. This is an outrage… The
Confederate flag is the symbol of my Southern legacy and history. Dean
and Al Sharpton and their ilk have besmirched this history. Hold on a
second… let me back that up to Sharpton… Al Sharpton pointed his fat
finger at Dean and said “You’re sounding more like Stonewall Jackson
than Jesse Jackson!” And Dean took that as a rebuke? WTF? What a
comedy of fools we have here!
First off… Stonewall Jackson was flat
out against slavery. Sure he was a Confederate General… but he fought
for his patriotism of the South and of his State! To Stonewall
Jackson, slavery wasn’t the issue. His issue was Northern troops
invading the South. Now Sharpton is trying to make a villain of one of
the greatest Generals is American history? This indicates one of two
things of Sharpton… and that’s he is either completely ignorant of US
History… or he is a vile Revisionist. Either one is an abhorrent
characteristic of someone that is wanting to be a US President. And
Dean being just as ignorant is just as inexcusable of a wanna-be US
The Confederate flag is a controversial symbol to those with IQ’s
around room temperature. The only problem is that there are a lot of
fucking morons out there! To those that are more thoughtful and
learned, the Confederate flag means other things. It symbolizes
Southern Pride, it symbolizes the greatest trial our nation has ever
faced. It also symbolizes a warning to the Federal Government… that
their power is not absolute and can be challenged. It’s often called
“The Rebel Flag”… and that title is just fine to me. For those that
don’t understand the phrase Southern Pride… it has nothing to do with
racism. It has nothing to do with the KKK… If you don’t understand
that – please – please – please – go to your public library and get
some books about the Civil War and what was behind it. I don’t
have enough server space to explain it to you.
Note to Self:
Add a Confederate Flag sticker to my rear window with the
words "Fuck Dean" written across it in black ink.
Email from Horde Member: “Hey Ogre got something that you might find
interesting. My brother sent me this and it kind of made me think that
maybe we need to make a few changes to the benefits the politicians in
Washington DC are getting upon retirement. If you'd like, feel free to
post this so the Horde can read it as well. – Mike” Here is what Mike
Perhaps we are asking
the wrong questions during election years. Our Senators and
Congressmen do not pay into Social Security and, of course, they do not
collect from it. You see, Social Security benefits were not suitable
for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they should
have a special plan for themselves. So, many years ago they voted in
their own benefit plan. In more recent years, no congressperson has
felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan. For all
practical purposes their plan works like this:
When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die.
Except it may increase from time to time for cost of living
adjustments. For example, former Senator Byrd and Congressman White
and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that's Seven Million,
Eight-Hundred Thousand Dollars), with their wives drawing $275,000.00
during the last years of their lives. This is calculated on an average
life span for each of those two Dignitaries… Younger Dignitaries who
retire at an early age, will receive much more during the rest of their
lives. Their cost for this excellent plan is $0.00. NADA....ZILCH....
This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I
pick up the tab for this plan. The funds for this fine retirement plan
come directly from the General Funds; "OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK"!
From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid)
into, every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our
employer), we can expect to get an average of $1,000 per month after
retirement. In other words, we would have to collect our average of
$1,000 monthly benefits for 68 years and one (1) month to equal Senator
Bill Bradley's benefits! Social Security could be very good if only
one small change were made. That change would be to jerk the Golden
Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen, put
them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us ... then sit
back and watch how fast they would fix it!
If enough people
receive this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe good
changes will evolve.
Thanks for sending this, Mike, yeah, it’s frustrating to all of us not
sitting on Capitol Hill… This really is just a drop in the bucket…
consider this: Congress can vote themselves pay raises whenever they
feel like it… in fact, they have just done that again. Just like they
have for the last 5 years in a row. I don’t know about you guys, but
I think these bastards are paid more than enough. I also think that
the congressional compensation package should not be a matter of
Congressional Vote. These assholes have their fingers in the cookie
jar for everything under the sun, and this is them telling us that we
still have to GIVE them even more cookies. A long time ago I said
that the US Government is like the alien plant from “Little Shop of
Horrors”. This thing isn’t even like that any more… Now it’s like
Never Ending Story’s “Nothing”. It just consumes everything until
there is nothing left to consume. I’m looking out the window at my
car. I paid 1200 cash for it… it needs about 2,000 work to work on
it. It’s worth only 500 at best right now considering it’s condition,
and even if fully repaired, at best it could only be worth 2,000 MAX
because it’s a salvage title. But hey, it runs and gets me to school
and back so I can deal with it. I just spent the last of my spare cash
to register for another year… Maybe in 2 weeks, I’ll have
enough slush fund to take my boys to Taco Bell. Buying some more
ammo? I don’t think so. Not for awhile. You know, I should vote
myself a pay raise! Anyways, I’m sitting here with a pile of books on
either side of me – and I am wondering how in the hell do these guys
represent me. I’m not complaining – and I am not expecting any
handouts. Me and my family – we live within our means. We are not in
debt, we don’t use credit cards… In fact, I don’t even have a credit
card anymore because the last one I had I cut up. I use a Visa
Check-Card. If I don’t have money – I don’t spend it. Simple as
that. Then these jackasses that have huge multi-million dollar homes
all over the place… one in DC and one in their home states and another
in California and in France… Always having to tell someone to take that
New Car Sticker off the windows… Man… You know, it’s so easy to fall
into the Class Warfare ideology. You know what the US really needs?
Another President like Andrew Jackson. That’s what I’d like to see.
What was that Eddie Murphy movie? He was poor and wanted money so he
ran for Congress and won? Man – talk about Truth. You get into
Congress – You are made for life. I don’t think ANYONE deserves to be
made for life like that. Not even Presidents. Aarrgh… I’m so pissed
off my head is about to explode… time to change the subject.
have 3 words about “Yoo-Hoo Double Fudge”: One. Liter. Bottles. These
little 9 ounce things just don’t cut it. I want wide mouthed “Big
Slam” bottles of this stuff.
Email from one of the Horde: “Hey Ogre, Been a while since I last
shot you anything. Things have been a bit busier on this end. Working
toward a Masters degree, and what not now. Good news,
Wisconsin here
has just passed Concealed Carry in the Senate, and it's now heading to
the House this week. They're estimating a veto-proof bill. Take THAT
democrook governor! Damn glad I got out of IL, with Emperor Daley, and
his stooge in Springfield (not attempting spelling or pronunciation of it) Uncle Sam has one of my
brothers over in
Baghdad now, he's been there since May, and a second one is flying out
tomorrow. I agree, it totally whacks it
that our boys have to
go through all this, but what is the ultimate goal? That asshole
tortured and gassed his own people, then gave us the finger, and
collaborated with those who attacked us on our soil.... He should die,
plain and simple. I'm tired of the liberal media causing so much of a
spin against this. Have they forgotten what this is all really about?
I believe a while ago you had a link comparing the credentials of
Bush, Powell, Rice, etc with assorted outspoken celebrities. The sad
thing is that the media has been opting to lean in their direction.
Hell, CNN even admitted to washing over supportive evidence in favor of
"protecting their reporters." Bull! You pull them the hell out of
there and blow the whistle. Yes, bad things are going to happen,
that's the nature of the beast. I'm not about to say anything here
about "acceptable losses" or some crap like that. One soldier was one
too many. However, while we have our people there, we need to support
them. What do people need in order to remember WHY this is going on?
If we were just to walk away now, it would be a worse move than walking
from Somalia... a slap in the face for everyone who has fought and made
the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We have a job to do, and we
need to carry it through. If these people don't want to support our
troops then, they can join the Dixie Chicks and
move their ass to
France! Take
care of that sickness you got, and keep on with spreading the good
word! - Ray”
Thanks for the Email Ray. In my Psychology classes I am learning one
thing that stands out in regards to political ideology… (Other than
Liberals have about a 40 point IQ deficit on average) is that people
will believe what they want to believe – see what they want to see –
and hear what they want to hear – regardless of any fact or argument
against their belief. This is why some people see a balloon and that
drooling Liberal sees a UFO. This is why some people see Saddam’s
chemical weapons program and all the scattered pieces and can put 2 and
2 together… where the drooling liberal doesn’t see the large throbbing
ICBM and says “See, Nothing!” As Forrest Gump’s Momma always says,
“Stupid is as Stupid votes.”
I have a lot more
to post, but not the time to post it all. A couple more emails
and some other such things...
I’m put my
Top 10 CCW picks into the Weapons Section... Oh, and check the
Automotive section later this weekend for a treat! The NASCAR Official
the Lazy-Boy, drink some Bud, and eat some Pork Rhinds! Seriously,
thanks to Andy (Hamm172) Rondeau for these pics... and no, I don't have
time to kick back in the Black Leather Ogre Chair of Evil this
weekend.... I have 3 major things to work on for school... papers all
due this coming week. 3! So will get some
goodies as soon as I can swing it. That and I am out of
Yoo-Hoo damn it... have to go get some more!
3rd: Monday: 1300HRS:
Interesting phone call
this morning from THR’s Preacherman. He teaches disabled persons how to defend themselves. He is going to
use the Springfield XD-9 Sub-Compact for this purpose. This is
brilliant. I can’t think of any handgun better suited for this use.
Disabled persons with lesser hand strength or smaller hands have a hard
time dealing with handguns. The XD series is ideal… it’s safer than a
Glock, easy to grip for those with small hands, and the slide is easy
to cycle even for those of reduced strength. The little XD is fitted
with a small white light, making it the PERFECT self defense system for
the disabled, or anyone needing a compact solution. 9MM offers decent
stopping power without harsh recoil that makes shooting larger calibers
difficult. Now, this doesn’t have to be limited to the just the
subcompact XD. There is the regular flavor and the Tactical “Extra
Crispy” with a 5 inch barrel… That’s the one I want. Next XD I get…
Hold on a second – let me back that up. Yeah, I traded off my little
XD, but that isn’t a condemnation of the gun. I’m just a gun-slut and
want to get into as many different guns as possible… There are two
guns that I have got into and traded off two guns that I plan on
getting back – but in a different version. The XD is one of them.
However I want the 5 inch, .40 or .357SIG version of the XD with the
24/7 XS sights. The other gun is the CZ-97B, but that one I want in
the polished blue finish and not the black polycoat that I had. These
two guns are amazing pieces of hardware and I recommend them highly.
The XD for Duty, the 97 for Target work… and with a little tweaking –
for duty as well. There is another gun I want to reacquire as well,
and that’s the CZ-52… but that’s another story all together. Good
luck to Preacherman with training with the little XD – it should work
Today is Monday, and
that means downloading Gun-Talk.
I can’t get it on the radio, and I’m at church during the time anyways…
so streaming it does no good. But I can still hear it… Note to Tom
Gresham: Thank you for going to the expense of having these shows
online like this. I appreciate it.
Chinook Down. 16 dead
and 20 wounded.
This is an outrage, but it’s not something that has taken me by
surprise. People, this isn’t “The War On Iraq” anymore… that ended.
This is “The War On Terrorism” and it’s a full fledged shooting war.
This isn’t something that is going to be over any time soon… and this
is something that we can’t afford to loose. This has nothing to do
with Iraq anymore… Afghanistan is the same situation… it’s the same
war, just in two different areas of operation. Our resolve has to be
cast in stone… no… it has to be armoured in composite-laminate armor.
Some are saying that we need to pull out. These people are thinking
with their hearts and not their minds. They are not looking forward as
to what the implications of withdrawing would be. If we back out, this
Chinook full of our brothers will only be the herald of a new era of
terrorism. It will be this same kind of attack all over the place, and
here in the US as well – but it wont be military helicopters full of
people willing to pay the price – it will be airliners full of our
wives and children and friends… Yes, it’s horrid that our brothers
over there are paying the price… but that is the cost of our freedom.
The United States has a huge problem in the fact that we have forgotten
what a real war is like. This is a real war. Pull out? No! I say
we have to bolster our forces there. Send in more troops. We need to
fight this war like we mean to win it – there is no other choice.
2nd: Sunday: 2230hrs:
I’ve been reading up
on all the news about this new mini-series… “The Reagans”. It seems that the people making this series, CBS,
really hated Ronald Reagan. They hated him, and they hated his wife
Nancy. This series is an attempt to damage the history and the memory
of one of the greatest presidents in
America’s history.
They are doing all they can to do as much damage as possible. It’s
ugly. An ugly and juvenile act of post-political sabotage.
latest news is that CBS is back-peddling from it – redoing things –
saying Barbara Streisand wasn’t involved – and trying to cover up from
this FUBAR situation... mainly because CBS is getting more negative
feedback than it imagined.
What does CBS expect? Their only good show – Walker Texas Ranger – is
followed by people that loved Ronald Reagan. Funny how they are all
saying “It’s not my fault…” but no one is pulling the plug. I mean,
come on… James Brolin? That dip-shit is a worse actor than… than… I
don’t know who… I can’t think of anyone comparable. Anyways…
It seems that these cats at CBS think they can get away with lampooning
the president because they the Liberal Media and they can do whatever
the hell they want. I would like to put out a challenge… I’m tired
of “That’s My Bush” and “The Reagans” and all this shit from the left.
I would really like to see a Comedic send off, lampoon, mockery of “The
Clintons”. It wouldn’t be hard to do – the script writes it’s self and
you can even use a lot of actual news footage.
People say that Bill Clinton was a great president. I honestly can not
think of one single good thing he did while in office. Not a one.
Wait a second… He was in that movie “CONTACT” where the movie makers
edited his image into the film… I guess that was pretty good.
Processed and canned
isn’t that bad I guess… wait a second… no, that’s “Spam”. Crazy
Tasty! Just proof that with enough processing, even pork assholes can
seem appealing.
“The Clintons” spoof… who could we cast for this? I don’t even want
to think about that… because the
are caricatures of themselves.
It would have to be rated R for sure… for all the sexual content,
violent murders… Have a scene where Bill is riding some intern and
some one walks in and catches him… an hour later they are jumped on by
CIA ninjas and sliced into tiny bits and left in public parks... “For
National Security” of course.
Make the oval office look like a frat house – “The War Room” look like
some guy’s Superbowl Sunday… all the guys eating snack food, talking
about boobies and cheering the news when some bad shit happens… have
some female politician or lobbyist walk past and get oogled and all
that and have Bill say something smarmy and smartass and have them go
into the Lincoln Bedroom.
Hillary? Have her in a little orgy with Sarah Brady, Barbara
Streisand, and Janet Reno… then she orders Janet to “get rid of those
Christian bastards down in Waco Texas”. You could have a lot of fun
with the Clintons.
So this
morning I woke up sick as a dog and ended up in the ER. I just got
back a little while ago. I’m not sure if “Modern Medicine” really is
all that. I have a suspicion that the old practice if “bleeding” must
have had something to it… because if you go into the hospital and say
“I’m sick” the first thing they do is bleed you out. They say they
are going to run tests and all that… put the blood into a 6 pack of
nice little bottles… but I think it’s just to bleed you and they don’t
use a big bowl because it’s not modern enough. I was almost expecting
the doctor to say something like “You have a little demon-gnome living
up your ass” or something. Oh well. I’m on a very serious course of
Antibiotics. Heavier than I have ever had before in my life. 1000 MGs
of some unpronounceable shit that has the side effect of making me
thirsty, dizzy, tired, giving me a headache, and everything tastes like
you are chewing tin-foil. Nice.
those who have never seen a .44 Special before, here is a little
picture of one standing next to a .357 Magnum. The .44
Special is just about as long, over all length, as the .357, but you
can see the .357's case is actually longer by a good margin. My
new S&W 696 is a five shot revolver, but I think from these two
pictures here that you can see that I am not really losing anything by
being down one chamber. The bullet weights here are 158 vs the
.44's 200.
length of the slug is greater and as you can tell from the other
image... there is a huge difference in caliber. I forgot to throw
in a 9mm cartridge for the comparison, but just imagine a little bullet
next to these guys that's about half as tall. That's a big
improvement. So for those that are worried about my move from a
little ten shot 9MM, well, 5 shots of this .44 is probably doing the
same or greater damage.
I don’t remember where I first caught this little treat…
the End of the World explained. If you have a slow connection, the
load time is a little long – but it’s worth it. Funny. Watch out for
the use of the “S” word a lot… I laughed a lot watching it, so much
so I had to watch it twice.
Email from Reader: “Ogre, First of all, I’d like to say you
have a great site (though I kinda preferred it in green on black). It
is a good combination of your opinions (good ones, I might add) and
biting humor. The Weapons section is probably my favorite, though I do
wish it got updated more often (for example, w/ your top 10 CCW
pistols, and your latest acquisitions). Now, a couple comments: first,
Leon’s gun in Bladerunner might not really be able to be classified as
a sci fi weapon, although it was in a sci fi movie, it is a totally
unmodified modern gun (except for the fact that it fired 2 shots at a
time), the COP .357. Also, Halloween is not the only pagan holiday
around. Christmas is simply Yule, a pagan holiday, renamed, for
example. More about the weapons section: how about a top 10 Machine
Guns section? And is the M14 somewhere in the teens of the top
rifles? I apologize for this letter being a bit (well… a lot)
disorganized, but I’m just writing what comes to mind with very little
modification, and thanks for reading my rather random
commentary/ranting. Sean S.”
Thanks for the email Sean… Your right, Christ’s Mass is all about
Yule. Silent Night, Little Drummer Boy, all that… nope, it’s not about
anything Christian at all. LOL. No, seriously, the early Christians
used the winter time celebration and created a holiday that is accepted
all over the world. Christ’s actual birthday is believed to be in the
spring. Some theological scholars think the date is actually April 6th.
What does it matter now anyway? Now, Christmas is really all about
Sales and Marketing. Do you remember the South Park Christmas
special with all the Christmas songs? Cartman sang “Oh Holy Night…
Jesus was born so I could get presents”. As aweful as it that song is
– it’s basically true now.
Your absolutely right about the weapons section needing a good
updating. I have stuff to put in there and I just haven’t done it.
Yet. Check back to the weapons section in a day or two and you will
see some additions and changes.
This came via email
from Horde Member Byron:
Hillary Clinton gets elected President and is spending her first
night in the White House. The ghost of George Washington appears,
and Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Washington says...... "Never tell a lie."
"Ouch!" Says Hillary, "I don't know about that."
The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...
Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Jefferson says..... "Listen to the people."
"Ohhh! I really don't want to do that."
On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears...
Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"
Lincoln says...... "Go to the theater."
1st: Saturday: 1830hrs:
The trick’o’treating
was done last night, and this morning we are left with the aftermath.
Candy wrappers all over the place and kids just vibrating
from the sugar over load. They refuse to eat real food today, instead
they would rather fill their cheeks with gooey sugary confection that
just makes me sick to my stomach to look at. I don’t even understand
what it is about candy… Generally as a rule, I don’t like candy. I’d
rather have a chunk of beef-jerky. It’s not to say that I wont eat a
piece once in awhile… Swedish Fish and good chocolate are things that
I’ll sample maybe once or twice every six months or so. Last night the
boys all ate enough candy to get sick, yet are well on the way of doing
it again today. Easter and Halloween are all about candy for some
reason. Jesus, Witches, Rabbits, Bats, and sugar. I’m not sure what
the actual correlations are – but one would get the impression that a
Witch reanimated Jesus so that they could kick back with a bag of mini
Snickers. Sugar aside, it’s interesting that Halloween is the only
pagan holiday. It’s also the only holiday that where you still get
mail. Why is that? I think the ACLU should look into this. The only
Non-Christian – Non-History Holiday, and it’s the only one where the
banks and the Post Office still work. I mean, hell, they take the day
off for George Washington’s Birthday… Thanksgiving is just about eating
a turkey to give you the energy to do all your Christmas shopping the
next day… and people get days off for it. Why can’t we let the Pagans
have a day too? Especially since everything Christian is getting
knocked down. The Ten Commandments, In God We Trust, all that… you
would think that Halloween would be getting a promotion out of this.
How come the President
and COO of S&W is named Colt?
Question for LEO
administration: How come law enforcement agencies are willing
to destroy all the confiscated firearms regardless of value – even if
the gun wasn’t actually used in a crime – but they are willing in
selling off a drug pusher’s car at auction? The standard line is
that that don’t want the guns back on the street. Big gun makers
often have trade in programs… for example S&W’s. The police can trade
used guns in on new S&W guns to arm police officers. This is an
example of political agenda getting in the way of fiscal
responsibility. Especially when some of these old guns that get confiscated
are rare collectables and worth a kings ransom! But since it’s just a
gun – they are willing for the sake of political correctness to just
chop it into bits. Just a couple collectible guns could not just
flesh out any departments budge shortcomings… but actually pay for
programs that they couldn’t otherwise afford or even be used to pay
higher officer salaries. This being said, the department would have
to be very careful in it’s confiscations so that they are not just
being self serving… that rightful owners get stolen guns back, that
guns taken for other reasons, unless there is a legal reason not to –
are given back. Otherwise confiscations become outright theft.
AVP – The Movie.
Wait a second. No colonial marines… none of the good stuff
that made Aliens really cool… and it’s going to take place in
So when they finally go to make the movie – they pull out perhaps the
worst script possible. They could have done so much better just using
some kid’s Fan Fiction. At first I am thinking, “I gotta see this in
the theatre!” Now I’m thinking, “I’ll wait till it drops off the New
Release shelves.” How in the hell did they manage to make these
things look fucking gay? Note: If you want good Aliens vs Predator
action – get the game AvPII. It kicks ass, then rips your spine out.
Have a nice day!


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