Nov 30th, Sunday:
Email from Horde
Lieutenant Glock19: “Mr. Ogre: You are right .No question Bush did the right thing; It's
insulting to everyone as Americans to hear criticism for the sake of
politics. To the critics on the left, he can do no right, whatever he
does. He has the courage to do what needs to be done, which is more
than can be said about those asshats that just want to tear everything
down for their own gratification. If you do the right thing, and it is
also good politics, more power to you. Sad to hear all the critics and
whiners. - glock19”
The Left has done a very good job at alienating the very people who
they want voting for them. Minorities are seeing more and more that
it’s the Republicans that are looking out for them… Old people are
seeing more and more that it’s the Republicans that are looking out for
them… Everyone else is seeing this too. Everyone is looking at the
Democrats now and thinking “They are against everything now, so they
are not for anything anymore.” They are even getting tired of the
constant and relentless bitching about every little thing Bush is
doing… even when it’s things that the Democrats are supposed to be
for. This shows them the vacuum that is the Democrat Message. They
are seeing it. They are not becoming Republicans or anything, but they
are at least now starting to open their eyes… and this is a good
thing. The Kool-Aid drinkers are still there bitching and moaning
about Bush… but fewer and fewer people are listening.
Email from readers
asking me what I want for Christmas.
I was going to say things like new vehicles, guns, knives, DVDs, books,
and all that jazz… with some jazz… but no. I really want just one
thing… No, it’s not World Peace, because that will never happen. I
just want this one little thing… I want Ted Kennedy to have a
massive fucking heart attack. That’s it. After that, anything
else would be gravy.
Sorry I don’t have
much of a post today.
I was studying for my finals most of the day… and afterwards I had to
decompress by playing Grand Theft Auto. Favorite weapon in the game,
other than a Stallion Convertible? Molotovs. Oh yeah. Warms the
heart. The game is ultra gnarly, sure… but it is a sick kind of
addictive fun that just lets you get some hostilities out of your
Nov 29th, Saturday: 1430hrs:
President Bush’s trip
to Baghdad…
The Democrat’s biggest beef is that they are saying Bush did it for
publicity just to get some news. This is bogus, because everything the
President does already gets news, because he is the freaking President
of the United States. They are also bitching that “If Clinton did it,
the Republicans would be complaining”. WTF? Guys,
was over 3 years ago… but if you want to go to
– Let’s talk about Clinton. There is a difference between Clinton
going and Bush going. First off, Bush’s trip wasn’t staged. It was
ad-lib, on the fly, and “From the Hip” as we Shooters say. Clinton
would have parked a cool looking Navy ship just off the shore to use as
a back drop and have had staffers place fake tombstones around with
little flags, making sure one flag is laying flat so Clinton could look
all special by standing it up right. Bush, if you watched him, was
sincere. And the troops, if you leftist shit-bags cared, respect and
love Bush right back. Bush wept real tears of pride and joy and love
for the troops there. Clinton? He shit on the US Military every time
he had a bowel movement. Decimated the military strength, and
virtually ruined it. Bush is building it back up. Bush was proud to
be there, because he wanted to be there to show the troops his personal
support and appreciation… sure he was only there for 2 hours, but it
was 36 hours of flight time to have those 2 hours. Was it worth it?
My God, Man! Did you HEAR the voices of the soldiers? Look, when I
was still in and Clinton was my Commander and Chief – I couldn’t even
bring myself to salute the flag, let alone him. Neither did a lot of
soldiers… Many soldiers have gotten in a lot of trouble for refusing to
salute that jackass. Now, we have a real Commander and Chief in
office and saluting him is something that every soldier will remember
as a cherished memory. Yes… it was worth it. Clinton doesn’t know
sincere. To him, it’s just an act. Like that funeral service he went
to… video shows him laughing and smiling… then he sees the camera and
within one step, he has on a somber, reflective, sad face. Clinton was
a Used Car Salesmen of a President. Bush means what he says and says
what he means. We have not had a President like him in Office since
Reagan… George W Bush, even if he doesn’t get a 2nd term,
goes down in History as one of the best presidents America has ever
had… with his name right next to George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt
and Abe Lincoln and FDR. He is not a perfect President… but we can
only take what we can get. The only real issue that I have with Bush
is his stance on Gun Control and the AWB. If he was to say “I’m
against the AWB and I want it gone”, then I would fall to my knees in
prayers of thanksgiving for giving America such a President. Oh, and
the left is also crying about how only 15 reporters were allowed. This
is such a bullshit issue. Obviously the need for security was greater
than the need for reporters that wouldn’t be able to keep their mouths
shut. Fox reporters have a track record of following the rules with
all the embedded reporters during the Iraq war… the others have even
come out and said, if they knew Bush was going to go, they would have
reported it on the spot. Well, had they done that, then Bush wouldn’t
have been able to go at all. Those reporters would have done that to
stop Bush from getting any good press at all. Partisan bullshit like
that shows precisely why they were NOT selected to go, and why Bush’s
orders for such selections were absolutely correct! What Bush did was
AMAZING, and the Left can not get over that. The Left has NOTHING to
stand on politically anymore and all they can do is to criticize… they
have nothing productive to give. They are a bunch of bitter, unhappy
HBE Holsters:
Yesterday I visited
HBE Specialty Leatherworks. Eric there is right now finishing up a
neat little holster of a very unique design. When it’s done, he’s
going to put up a photo of it on his site and I’ll give you the link.
I’m calling this design “The Rhino”, not “RINO”. It is seriously one
of the coolest holsters I have ever seen, if not THE coolest holster I
have ever seen. Some thought about holster making… I’ve never really
put much thought into what it really takes to make a holster. Sure,
I’ve watched guys cut the leather, put it in the machine to get
stitched and pressed and all that… but to really make a holster by
hand… there is a great deal of cognitive work to be done before you
touch any leather. This is where Eric excels. This cat knows leather,
and he knows holsters… he is a gonzo gun-nut so he knows how a holster
should work. He loves packing his guns. This all rolls into his work
and is what makes his work exceptional. Take a look at his gun list
for the holsters he has molds for… if you have one of these guns and
need a holster for it…
HBE. He hand bones these holsters himself, by hand, with a bone,
the old fashioned way. Looking at the time and care he gives his work
– he doesn’t charge enough for them. He just doesn’t. Looking at his
box of “screw ups” as he called them… he had to point out to me what
was wrong with them… Little things… His screw ups are things I have
actually paid twice the cash for from other makers. Go now, and order
one of his holsters. If you have a CZ handgun – you have got to get
two things for it… just off the cuff, this is the “New CZ Owner’s
Rule”: #1, order an HBE holster. #2, order a set of Hakan Grips for
it. You will be glad you did. If you don’t have a CZ, don’t worry…
Eric can still make you a holster. Send him an email. Hakans? You
are just out of luck, sorry. AH! Here is the pictures!
Side 1,
Side 2. This is a funky design, but it's all about how it
works. Now you can see why it's called the Rhino. I love it.
Email from readers: “Ogrish
one, Happy T-day to you and yours! Let us be thankful that we have
thousands of brave warriors willing to lay down their lives so that we
may live in peace and freedom. Let us be thankful that we have a
president with a set of brass balls so big he's willing to step into
the hot zone with his troops even though he's the #1 target of every
angry loser east of the Mediterranean. Oh, almost forgot. You may get a laugh from this e-comic,
even if you're not a Punisher fan. Keep up the blogging! - Steve M”
Thanks for the email, Steve. Indeed, his trip to see the troops… I am
still amazed. More on this later. The Punisher… that is funny.
Someone has way too much time on their hands.
Another which was
marked as Confidential asked among other things my opinion of the Ruger
It’s a fine rifle for it’s type, but not my first second or third
choice. I’d rather opt for an SAR-1. These can be had for the same or
less as the Ruger, but uses standard AK-47 type magazines that can be
had on the cheap, good and plenty at any worthwhile gun show. Another
advantage to the SAR is the aftermarket AK parts that can be used to
upgrade or repair it. So logistically the SAR, an AK variant has the
advantage. It’s also more reliable and just as accurate as the Ruger.
So the only reason to get the Ruger would be only for it’s less
aggressive looks. But let’s be honest. The Anti-Gun crowd doesn’t
care about the wood. Hell, they get pissed over squirt guns so what
difference does it make?
Another Email:
“Hey Ogre, I’'ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and
I enjoy your commentaries, rantings, reviews, etc... I was reading
your entry for the 26th, and had to go dig out my Infantry ring. I
did my osut at sand hill (sand hotel), and we really felt for you
guys out in in harmony church. That was 20 years ago, but literally
seems like yesterday. Anyway, you can up the count of people you
know with an Infantry ring to 7. My 5 year old son is fascinated with
it at the moment, so I guess I'll let him keep it for a while, before
I put it back in the "memory box". Best regards to you and your
family. Good luck with your studies, and keep up the good works. –
Ah, Sand Hill. Yes. Stayed at Sand Hill for about a week... our last
week there actually. They decided to move all of us out when one of
the buildings had a stair collapse. We felt that we had been jipped!
Smooth unsplintered floors... real toilets! No broken glass to do
pushups on. Harmony Church gave me some unique memories that I
wouldn't trade for anything. Thanks for the email.
Things Ogre is
thankful for:
This year I have had a lot of blessings and trials. I think
I could honestly say that I am thankful for my blessings, but I could do
with fewer and lesser trials in the upcoming year. I’m thankful for
my improved health. This last week I have been feeling almost like my
old self again. I’m thankful for the chance I have to be going back
to school, but not thankful for all the mountains of homework. I’m
thankful for my beautiful wife, who backs me up on all my harebrained
ideas… including going back to school. I’m thankful for my sons… who
are all wonderful boys… who are also each and everyone “Evil Geniuses”
and have taken over my world. I’m thankful for Ranger, who like the
loyal and trusting companion that he is, chased those 3 damned cats all
the way up a telephone pole to help punish them for shitting on my
leather bomber jacket that my Dad gave me. (fuckin cats) I’m thankful
for my family in Virginia, my Mom and Dad… My brothers J and Z who are
cool guys and will one of these days illustrate one of my stories for
me… (hint hint hint) I’m thankful for my brother TC, who just gave my
Dad a Russian wristwatch that he can’t stop bragging about “Hey, this
Russian Watch says its time for you to find me a present as cool as the
one your brother gave me!” Uh huh, thanks TC. Kidding. I’m thankful
for my In-Laws… who I also call “Mom and Dad” because they are so
awesome. My In-Law-Sisters who are each wonderful people, smart and
funny. My In-Law brother for his new healthy son, and my
In-Law-Sister’s husbands who are all very cool guys too. I’m thankful
for my friend Steve who gave me this computer that arrived the day
before my old one popped sparked smoked and self destructed like the
blue R2 unit that Uncle Owen first got for Luke Skywalker… I am
especially grateful for it because without it, going back to school
would have been useless. I’m thankful for my guns. In the last 4
years, they have saved my ass twice, and many times before that… but
this last two times have been here in
Utah, one of the
safest places in the country. I’m thankful for my Church, and the
comfort that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to my life, and his
sacrifice for our sins. I’m thankful for my friends around the world,
some who I have met, others who I have not… Awesome people out there
who read and share interests in History, Liberty, and the
Politically Incorrect things such as our guns. I’ve got the most kick
ass readership of any personal opinion weblog.
Mrs. Ogre is busy in the kitchen and I can already smell some
good things… I think I’ll go join her.
Have a joyous Thanksgiving Day, everyone.
26th, Wednesday: 1700HRS:
Mrs. Ogre read the
last update and got a little miffed.
To thumb her nose at
me, she came home for lunch with new collars for her freaking cats…
with little fucking bells on them. So I went and got a new extra
length chain for Ranger. HA! Leather Jacket is at the cleaners now.
It’s going to take a week and 50 bucks before I get it back. I don’t
cotton to animal cruelty, but I have been most tempted. Email from
Heath suggesting .44 Special is good on cats had me thinking for a
second that I had not done any testing of this 200 grain Federal load
I’m using. I’ve ran the ammo through the gun and can make good quick
hits with it… but I don’t know what that LSWCHP slug actually does. 3
cats lined up side to side would make a good test…. but no. Ogre is a
right bastard, but he isn’t an Evil bastard. Well, maybe not with a
capital “e”. I will not touch, shoot, slice, blend, smash, fold or
staple the cats, as I promised Mrs. Ogre. But I didn’t promise
anything about pole-axing, so I do have a recourse if needed. For
now, I am content to having them banished from inside the house.
These kitties are now officially “Outdoors” cats. Of course I have
to chuckle… they are going to be awfully frustrated trying to hunt with
those bells. AH!
For some
Acidman posted a pic of his ring.
A Celtic pattern ring… looks nice. I think I’ll post a pic of my ring,
just for fun. I got it at Ft. Benning, GA another lifetime ago. It
has a long story behind it that I am not going to tell. The ring it’s
self is pretty cool… It’s a solid chunk of Stainless Steel that got a
little gold plated onto it, and it’s topped with an Infantry Blue
stone. One one side is an image of the famous “Iron Mike” statue in
his classic “Follow Me” pose.
On the other
side is the patch worn by the Cadre there at Ft. Benning in the ITC,
right under the crossed rifles of the Infantry… the symbol of the US
Army Infantryman. Around the stone it says “US ARMY INFANTRY TRAINING
CENTER”. This is my ring, I only know 6 other people who have this
ring, and I have never seen anyone else wearing one. I wish I
didn’t get the gold plating on it and just kept it stainless.
Before you die, you see This Ring.
I feel sorry
for the US Army Infantry grunts that trained someplace other than
Benning. Cause at Benning we had a name for those guys.
"Pussies". I was at "Harmony Church" there in Benning.
Harmony Church was the area with the barracks buildings built for WWII
troopers heading to Europe. I was in the very last Light Infantry
group to train there. After we left, they used it for "11 Mike"
training for a little while and then they leveled it for who knows what
reason. I was greatly saddened at the loss of history, but it
happens all the time. I guess I know how my Dad feels... who
looks up pictures of old airfields and stuff... places where he knows
all the details about and are now left to be overgrown. Even
though he knows who what when where why and how of how worked where and
when and why in all the old buildings there... he was *ahem* never
there. We never had this conversation either. Your PC
will self destruct in 5 seconds. Maybe less if you are running
Guys, I am pumped. I
am totally jazzed.
I have mentioned holsters from
HBE Specialty Leatherworks for some time now. Friday I am
going out to Bountiful to finally get one. A cross-draw rig for my
696. I am looking forward to this one. HBE rigs are some of the
finest available from anywhere, and soon I shall have my own example.
As Cartman says: “Sweeet”! Of course I had planned on wearing the
cross draw under my Bomber Jacket, but I’ll have to wait a week for
that so the Cleaners can get the cat shit out of it!
Tomb Raider:
Cradle of Life. Good movie. I think
Angelina Jolie looks even better in
this one... especially in that white leather outfit. I
liked this flick better than T3 that I rented last night.. Of course
the best thing about that one was the hot babe in the tight leather
outfit. Hmmm... something about leather just makes everything
that much sexier. Of course that leather clad chickybabe was the
badguy... but she really didn't look all that menacing. She did
that "I'm tilting my head forward and not smiling to look more evil"
trick, but it really didn't work. She just looked more tasty.
The Rogue Warrior has
totally ripped off
Look at this. Green text on a black background, just like
how I had mine before I switched. And
look at this logo. Just like my logo. Freaking sticky fingered Navy… I’m going to
kick his trash! I ranted about his in a private discussion and this is
what a friend said about this: “Immediately Dick would lose his MP5, or
it would jam, that way you guys could go hand to hand. Then for three
or four pages you would fight, of course Dick would be kicked in the
nuts several times, finally using his mad SEAL skillz he would break
your neck with some sort of judo move, either that or stab you with a
really expensive knife.” Okay, so maybe I wont kick his trash. In
case you read this, Mr Marcinko, I’m joking. Chill. And in case you
don’t… my guns don’t jam. Neener, Neener, Neener. Seriously though,
I respect the Rogue Warrior for his service to the country, but man,
dude, hire a new writer. I have to smirk at your site though… “Enlist”
to talk to you and your “Real Team”? It’s just a shill for some bucks
from the comic book crowd. You don’t want to really talk to them and
even you did, what would you talk about? How you’d splash the deadly
Bombay Gin over Britney Spears before devouring her? Uh huh… Get in
Cooper Leather Bomber
Jacket. I
love this jacket. It’s warm, woolly and furry, and all together a
great jacket. Last night I took it off and hung it up, right? Well,
somehow it fell. Then during night, one of the fricken cats that Mrs.
Ogre brought home decided it was pretty warm and cozy too… but instead
of snuggling into it, it shit all over the wool. Yeah. Her freaking
cat shit inside my freaking bomber jacket. So this morning I get to
take it to the dry cleaners… I was going to do other things… but no… I
get to take by freaking bomber jacket to the freaking cleaners to get
the freaking cat-shit out of it. I am so… disgruntled right now. I
am going to… I want to… these cats… !%%*@****&$#!$!@!@!#!!!! Ranger
is getting his Thanksgiving Dinner, today.
These cats…
I blame Mrs. Ogre for these cats. See, I had Ranger. Ranger used to
lay at my feet while I studied… but since SHE brought home these
fricken cats – Ranger has had to stay outside because Ranger hates cats
and we had damned Tom & Jerry thing going on until we could put the
chain on Ranger. Well… Guess what? These cats are outta here and
Ranger gets to come inside to lay at my feet again. Fuckin cats.
Email from reader,
long one:
“I have an issue that needs a forum and Madogre may be the place. I
received a ticket here in the great police state of
New Jersey for driving without my seatbelt.”
STOP, Stop, stop!!!
Wait a second. is my Soapbox! Don't get me started on
this, man. Privilege of driving... in the car you bought and paid for,
but unless you keep paying the graft of "Registration" - you don't get
the Privilege of driving it on the roads you pay for in your taxes...
And then they don't let you register because your car blows too much
carbon... even if it's over 15 years old and such requirements were not
on it when it was built and first purchased.
Or the house that you bought and paid for and lived in for over 50
years... you short the State 500 bucks out of 50 years of paying
property tax and the State takes your home and the land and sells it at
auction. "Welcome to Reality", my friend, in this modern
"property" is an illusion.
Where did this go wrong in the Land of the Free? When the North won
the Civil War... that's when the Government decided it had the biggest
balls, raped states rights and put in place the ultimate subjugation of
the "Citizens". Kinda makes one want to be an Anarchist, doesn't it?
Val Kilmer’s HK91
rifle in the movie HEAT.
Another email has come in suggesting the variant. Since that article
has been posted, I have received dozens of emails suggesting the
variant, and all of them have been different. Guys, listen to me:
A. There is no way to tell from the film just what it is. B. All
indicating clues can be swapped out by the film crew to make it look
different. My hell, you can put a PSG1 grip on an
SP89, but that doesn’t make it a PSG1. The specific variant is
really unimportant. We already know his character is an HK fanatic, so
he probably dropped the coin on some customizations and stuff anyways.
THR has a thread about over rated handguns. Undoubtedly the most over rated handguns are #1, Glocks,
and #2, Kimbers. HK’s and SIG’s? Yeah, they rate high, but they are
not over rated. By the way people speak of Glocks, you would think
they can only be defeated by kryptonite. Unfortunately,
Glocks are one of the most frail handguns you can get next to a pot
metal made Saturday Night Special.
Nov 25th, Tuesday: 1100HRS:
Zero Tolerance has
finally gone too far? Well
DUH! That’s what we have been saying from the
start! Hopefully this will do something to end the madness. Zero
Tolerance means zero intelligence. Anyone who says they have “Zero
Tolerance” is a flipping macaroon, and I wouldn’t recommend spending
much quality time with them because they might suck out your IQ.
So Congress has passed
the Medicare bill.
I can’t comment on the details because I have not read the bill.
However I am not sure that this was a very good thing. Bad spending
practices of a flawed program now gets a lot more money to create a
flawed revision of a flawed program. Being a Centrist, I’m a bleeding
heart Conservative. I look at a nation that is wealthy beyond
imagination… and I see a lot of Conservative talking heads crying out
about entitlements, and while I can understand where they are coming
from… I also see the people who need the help and I don’t understand
why its wrong for the richest country in the whole fucking universe to
help out the citizens who helped make it so. If people are in NEED,
then they are in need of HELP and I believe as a Nation we should
help. If you ultra conservatives want to stop spending on this kinda
stuff – then first and foremost we need to stop sending billions of
bucks to foreign nations to help them.
Then we need to check the out of control spending and put some common
sense into place. Okay, what would we have then? A balanced budget, a
non existent deficit… and then the US Government is just FLUSH with
cash. What are we going to spend the money on? Spitting walnuts at
Mars hoping they take root? Defense? Sure… but there is more than
enough money to put on where it needs to be put… Back into the
CITIZENS! Medical care, fine. Education, fine, retirement plans so 80
year olds don’t have to go to work… Yes! All that.
The Goal of “Smaller Government” doesn’t mean we have to shit on the
citizens. We are the most generous nation on the planet… to everyone
else. Foreign Aid? That should involve things such as we take over
what needs fixed, like power plants… they become US Power Plants.
Sure, we will pay to build it… but it’s ours and we send out the
bills. Water system? Same. Airports? Same. Our airports. We send
millions in Wheat because they can’t grow it… and they can’t pay for
it… fine. We get land. We’ll grow the wheat there, and sell it to
them after we develop our new land for that purpose. PRIVATIZATION is
the key to this.
Why can’t we have
cross between Teddy Roosevelt and FDR to lead the Democrats?
Our Government is just completely insane now.
The one thing that is still under my skin…
China still has Favored Nation Trade Status. Do you know who we
should give that to? Someplace that supports the US, cooperates with
us, needs the help and all that. China? No Freaking Way.
Nov 24th, Monday: 2330HRS:
This story has me a
little furious.
Michael Jackson’s defense plan is to discredit the accuser boy’s mom.
This is pathetic and despicable. I don’t care what the mom did in this
case. I don’t care if she knew what was going on, I don’t care if she
sold the boy to Michael… it doesn’t matter to this case. Regardless of
what the mom did, what Jackson did was illegal. If the evidence is
there, and Jackson really did do this thing… then he should be punished
accordingly. On the way to school tonight, I heard some radio where
this cat was yelling at Sean Hanity that this was a race issue. WTF?
This isn’t a race issue… this is a Sick Bastard issue. I don’t care if
the freak was Superman AKA Christopher Reeves… Poor helpless white guy…
Doesn’t matter. You fondle a kid, you get fondled in prison. That’s
it. That’s the rule of thumb here. That’s the only thing that
matters. And let’s not forget one little thing here… there isn’t just
one kid. Jackson did this before. Jackson had court documents that
show some of the most sickest shit you will ever hear… but Jackson PAID
the people off to drop the charges. The laws were screwed up to allow
him to do that, to pay it off and get away with it. Since that time,
and because of that time, they changed the state laws. This is history
enough to indicate a very serious problem with this sick bastard. I
only wish such offenses were executable.
John F’d Kerry’s team
says he needs to ride more motorcycles. Interesting. Well, first he will have to BUY ONE. And second, why
don’t they tell him to GROW A DICK and TAKE A STAND ON ISSUES instead
of WAFFLING around and imitating Howard Dean! MAN! This
spinelessness that these jackasses are showing really makes me sick.
Do you know who deserves to win the Democratic Nomination? Al
Sharpton. Because regardless of what that ignorant racist says – at
least he really believes it. He is a man acting on his own beliefs and
not what a bunch of dip-shits say he should act on. If he gets to be
the President, this will put us right back to Brown vs the Board of
Education… but at least there will be a Democrat in office with his own
mind. I think I just scared myself worse than when I sat through “The
The call them the “DC Sniper” guys. But they didn’t just prey
on the DC area. One victim was as far south as Ashland, Virginia.
Ashland is only about 5 minutes north of
Richmond, and was my
home town for some time. I know exactly where that guy was shot,
because I had stood there myself on many occasions. I only hope they
kill this guy slowly, and convict the other guy just as quickly.
Heard on the news that
a Tech Company is pulling back telesupport to the
US from
India, where
they had sent it.
GOOD. You Liberals want to bring back jobs, yell at these companies
instead of Bush. Thousands of jobs went to India because India could
do it cheaper. Hard to compete with 5 bags of rice a month salaries.
She is the turkey.
If a member of the KKK
shoots a member of the KKK,
is it a hate crime?
Soccer & Stupidity do not mix.
Been working on my story a lot more today. Fleshing out
snapshot scenes and filling in some blanks. Created a handful of
characters as well. Big story. I don't think I'll be able
to do this in under 400 pages.... more like 600.
23rd, Sunday: 1100hrs:
Forgive my lack of
updates yesterday, I had some things to do.
Went shooting, went to
the store, took the kids to see “Brother Bear”… and started on a new
story. Without giving away any details, this is a story that came to
mind yesterday morning, and by noon I had it completely outlined in my
head. Start to Finish. Normally when I come up with great story
ideas, they are only starts or middles or ends… But never the whole
thing. I don’t feel bad, because Stephen King has yet to write an
ending. No offense Stephen. This one is complete. So yesterday,
while my muse was still whispering to me… I began putting the text
down. Snapshot scenes from different parts of it to flesh out the
outline. So that took the rest of the day for me. This morning I’ve
been conceptualizing certain aspects such as character traits and
such. I’ll be writing more on it today, perhaps for the majority of
the day save a few hours where I shall be feasting at my In-Law’s house
on a huge spiral cut ham that we picked up for 30 bucks. Last year we
were in Orem, Utah and the same ham cost us 10 bucks. Food out here is
EXPENSIVE. Anyways, other than a couple school papers I have to write…
I’m working full time on this new story.
Let’s see what we have
in the email stack this morning:
News had
this tidbit. See you at the wake. - Wright”
They say that all good things must come to an end. This however is an
example of the ending of something that was never really good to begin
with. Yeah, I am all torn up inside… My heart is just breaking… I hear
the slow sweet sadness from a small violin. Wait a second. This isn’t
that kind of wake… This is more like a
New Orleans funeral with a band playing some jazz… and a couple
trombones and everything. This is a fricken party! WOO-HOO!
Unfortunately they are only saying that the M-16 is being replaced with
the M-4, which is nothing more than a compact M-16. I didn’t see any
mention of the XM-8 that will be seeing service in just a few years.
Brother Bear.
It’s a Disney cartoon. Total crap. This is one of the worst Disney
flicks I have ever seen. Hunters are “Monsters” and bears are just big
cuddly buddies needing a hug. Right. Lets ask the Wildlife Guru that
went to Alaska armed with only a Video Camera about how warm and fuzzy
bears are. Oh, wait a second. You can’t. That’s because he was -
eaten - by a bear! See, this Disney flick is the type of bullshit that
programs people’s minds and literally gets people killed. Stupidity
like this is unforgivable. It’s not just this that makes Brother Bear
so retarded… it’s the magic… lots of swirling colors and all that crap
that gave me a headache… the repeated and tired joke that the Moose are
Canadian Rednecks… Yeah, I am up on the Bob and Doug McKenzie Brothers…
Great White North gag. I watched it before when it was a sketch on
SCTV before John Candy got so big… I watched that movie too. It was
funny… the first time I saw it. Yes, two ignorant Canadian rednecks
with a beer fetish. And if you didn’t get this joke in Brother Bear…
yeah, they throw in a beer joke too. Tiresome. What makes it so
disappointing though is all the other things they could have done.
More gags with the talking animals… like they had with the birds and
the chipmunks… That was funny. How about a raccoon gag? You know how
raccoons will wash their food in streams and wash there hands too
sometimes? Why not a raccoon that has an obsessive compulsive disorder
and can’t stop washing things? I don’t know… do something FUNNY!
Riding woolly mammoths? Give me a freaking break. This concept had a
lot of potential but took the wrong turn. Same reason that Matrix
Revolutions sucked so bad.
Speaking of bears… got
an email from Stig.
He is our Artic Hordmaster in Norway, and he knows a thing or two about
bears. Here is his email:
“Hi MadOgre, Yes, we
do not tend too make the most noise! Thanks for what you wrote on the
site the next day! The last two years i have had the opportunity to
spend nearly a month in the extreme north of
Norway, the
archipelago, I'm going there next year as well. There I've been
spending most of the time outdoors, living in either a tent or in old
trapper huts. Being outside of the only "city" Longyear City, without a weapon are illegal, due too the fairly large
polar-bear population.
Yes, i have seen them and it felt good too have the hands on a rifle,
in case they decided to get too close. I have also shoot warning
shoots at them with signal-guns with varying results, some scatter and
some don't give a damn. One had to be shoot with Israeli rubber
bullets, from a Benneli shotgun, not by me ,I was using the signal-gun.
They left the scene. I'm driving a snowmobile over very large
distances, and too have a heavy rifle dangling from my neck 6-12
hours a day while riding is a bit tiresome. And it also affects my
handling of the snowmobile in difficult terrain. So I want something a
little more handy, and with sufficient stopping power to stop a 500+
kilo (approx. 1100 lbs, i think), hungry polar bear. A rifle is the
best, but its too bulky A shotgun wouldn't be to bad either, but its
also too large. That leaves a handgun! And here comes the big
question: Which handgun is big enough too handle this kind of animal!
In the extreme situation I would have to use it, it will be at very
short range, with very limited time to access it. Also the gun have to
endure very harsh weather, below zero temperatures, snow and ice, big
daily temperature variations and so on. I would appreciate your input
on this. STIG”

This photo is from Stig, those are his snowmobiles over there on the
left… looks like the Polar Bears are going over to check them out.
Yes indeed this calls for bear medicine. Knee jerk response would be
to get one of those new and absolutely huge .500 S&W X-frame revolvers…
You know the ones that the Anti-Gun lobby says can shoot down
jetliners, satellites, and near earth objects… This is jus the
automatic reaction because polar bears can be very scary creatures.
Stig sent me another photo that showed what a polar bears does to a
seal. (Non-US Navy variety) You see the hole in the snow and ice…
then you see all the blood stained snow extending for meters out in
every direction from that hole. Judas! What the hell does the bear
do? Must make the seal just explode! Hmm… No… actually what they do
is bite big chunks out of it… swing it around… and generally just
thrash the hell out of it. This is what they would do to a person
too. So when it comes to personal defense from this kinda fate – I
would want a really big freaking gun! Realistically the .500 is not
actually required. The recommendation I sent to Stig was for a Freedom
Arms revolver in .454 Casull. Hot Casull loads of the type that can be
fired in a Freedom Arms gun will be just fine for bears, polar types
included. Stig had a picture of himself… from the looks of him, he
doesn’t need a gun for polar bear. He could undoubtedly take one down
using a pointy stick and harsh language. Me, I’ll take a Freedom Arms
.454 and carry it in a nylon shoulder holster, perhaps with a flap to
help keep the snow out of it. I think this would meet all the
requirements for a hunting trip in Stig’s
Norway. Freedom Arms also makes revolvers in other
calibers… bigger calibers… even .500S&W. I’d look at those other
calibers as well. Barrel length? 6 inches. That would perhaps be the
best balance for scooting across the ice on a snowmobile while keeping
the bears off you. Walt Disney can kiss my ass.
Another email… no
bears this time.
“Great site and great article on the XD sub compact. I'm having
trouble finding a good, very high ride, very concealable holster, don't
want an IWB right now. Any ideas would make my day. Sincerely, Dave”
sent a brief answer to Dave suggesting the Viper rig from De Santi.
This is a high ride paddle back holster that is most excellent. It was
just an off the cuff holster solution that I know meets those
requirements. However thinking on this further,
I would send an email over to HBE and have Eric make me something nice.
Go take a look at his leather good. Excellent, and if I might say so…
smokes De Santis.
This is all the time I have right now... I've got to get back to
my writing... and it's almost time to go over for supper at the
In-Law's place. Mmmm... honey glazed, spiral cut ham...
Just thinking about it makes me as hungry as a bear!
Oh, wait a
second... I have 2 links I have to put up... take a look at them.
The first one is Spoons.
A solid fellow that has some good thoughts. And the other is "Heartless
Bitches". There we go... I'm outta here.
Nov 21st, Friday: 1830:
Two news items from
Drudge that sparked my interest.
First, Jermaine Jackson said “If
you handcuff my brother, you handcuff the whole family.” That’s an
acceptable bargain. The line forms to the left. The whole family
probably knew about it and should be looked at as possible
accomplices. “It’s a big fat lie” he says. Really? Then the whole
thing about the court documents from 10 years ago where it said your
little brother ate the sperm of a kid he masturbated and then paid off
to drop the charges… that was a lie then too? Even if the court system
had to pass new laws because of it? That’s all a lie? You, Jermaine,
are a pathological liar, a pathetic sack of offal, and you have no
talent… but I do agree with you. Let’s handcuff the whole family.
The other thing Drudge is reporting… the attorney for the State in this case is requesting that Michael
Jackson’s children be removed. This only makes sense. Yes, innocent
until proven guilty, but the nature of the case in question should
require that for the safety of these children, they should be removed
and placed in secure care. And questioned very carefully… by police
Oh, and one other
Spam Rage.
This cat in Silicon Valley threatened to send a package of Anthrax spores to the
Canadian company that keeps sending out Spam. The only think Booker
did wrong was to threaten the use of a terrorist-like action. I
advocate a more hands on approach to Spammers. Strangulation. This
article mentions counter-spam actions by hackers. Interesting that
there is no mention of how expensive spam is when your address gets
into their lists. All the bandwidth that spammers use to flood
everyone with spam over a system that we individuals pay a lot of money
for use. This isn’t like TV where advertisements pay for the
production of the shows… no… we users pay for the bandwidth to check
our emails for our businesses and personal responsibilities and such.
Spammers use that to make their own money off our dime. This is
morally and ethically corrupt. Spamming should be banned world wide
and the computers of those who send spam should be smashed with
hammers… along with the heads of the spammers themselves. I have seen
small business networks grind to a halt because they were overloaded
with spam. Fuck spammers… they should be hunted like the vermin they
We have a HUGE
storm rolling in on us tonight. Huge. High winds.
I expect power outages. We might go down for a day or two, but we are
well prepared for such events so it will only be inconvenient.
I stocked up on goodies and stuffs so if we get snowed in... hey... no
Email from the Frozen
and the Furious:
“Hi Ogre, Read your little rant today about
Europe, and cant
help, but get a little eh "disappointed" that my little country didn’t
get on the list of countries to like in Europe.
We do support operations in Afghanistan, our special forces have
done a tremendous job down there, as our F-16 also have done. Norwegian
Special forces are trained in just the same environment as exist in
Afghanistan, so they were very well suited for the task, they had more
days in the field than any other SF in Afghanistan. Support for Iraqi
operations are a little more complex, and public opinion are more
divided than towards Afghanistan, but we have troops there as well, but
they are more second line, such as mine-clearing and engineers. – STIG”
This was an oversight, Stig. I do seem to overlook the cold countries…
My bad. But you are absolutely right… Norway has been actively
supporting the Anti-Terrorist operations. Norway has good military
capability that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Italy pretty much
overshadows the other COTW nations because Italy has the hottest cars
and the hottest women… so you must forgive me if I am distracted. And
you have to admit that Norway’s policy of keeping a low profile pretty
much puts you in the shadows per your nation’s wishes. The article you
linked even points this out.
This NY Times article… After reading it a couple times, I have some
deeper thoughts on the matter.
Europe is still embarrassed that we had to bail them out
twice. France,
especially since we bailed them out, kicked there asses during
Operation Torch, and then bailed them out again… Europeans have a
nasty habit of putting there heads in the sand, instead of drawing
lines in the sand. They ignored Hitler’s rise to power and obvious
potential threats until it was too late, when they could have easily
have put a stop to it. Hitler then took all of Europe by the balls.
During both world wars, the only thing that stopped them was American
ResolveTM. After WWII the US adopted to policies that Bush
is following… I’ll let you search them out. The Truman Doctrine and
the Marshal Plan. (we just covered this in History the other night –
Thanks Prof Barton!) These two things formulate the American Foreign
PolicyTM that has been followed more or less for the last 50
years – this isn’t a George W Bush policy. This American Foreign
PolicyTM makes us the World Cops – Not George W Bush.
Ah, now I recognize why I like Bush in spite of his giving things to
the Democrats… he is acting like Teddy Roosevelt… he is speaking softly
and carrying a really big stick that he isn’t afraid of using it. Bush
would be much more accepted in Europe if he looked like “John F’d
Kerry” and acted like big stinking French pansy… because he wouldn’t
remind them of their own failures and shortcomings. Do we really need
anymore reason to dislike
Europe? No… But let me remind you of why we LIKE
Europe… I got three names for you:
Czech Republic, and Spain… the three leading European countries, other
than England, in the Coalition of the Willing. Looking at this
objectively… all the best things from
Europe comes from these three countries anyways. Scroo the rest of
20th, Thursday: 2130hrs:
Email from Hordemaster
John: “We share an appreciation of some of the good things,
Here is one. Of course, she can't hold a candle to Mrs. Ogre, but
at least Monica isn't taken (to my knowledge)! –John”
No, she is not a lovely or as graceful as Mrs. Ogre, but she is still
exceedingly lovely… and I’m officially not allowed to look at that
gallery according to Mrs. Ogre.
I’m writing my final
psychology project this weekend, most of the legwork and such is done…
just a matter of fitting it all into a report. It’s an interesting one that bares out that certain kinds
of music can improve your shooting. Soft soothing music can make you
shoot more accurately while harder music, like rock, can speed your
reaction time. This is tested by having shooters listen to one kind of
music, then shoots a string of 6 shots, timed, and the group is
measured. String one is the base line, string two is the Rock, while
string 3 is the soothing music. This plays out to the obvious results,
and after I finish the report, I’ll publish the findings.
In class tonight
other students gave the presentations on their projects... I think mine
has about 20 fathoms more depth than the other ones, and those guys are
getting A's. I think I may have put too much effort into this.
History class wanted an 8 page outline/reader journal of history
book... I turned in 25 pages... 10 point font. I don't
think this is what he had in mind... but I can't help it if I am over
zealous in things I like.
Some people sweat over
which bullet to buy…
they pour over Marshal & Sanow statistics and read every gun rag
article about bullet loads from Federal, Cor-Bon and
Black Hills… I’ve even heard someone scoff at Hornady because it didn’t
rate… Even if that specific load is a well respected choice for handgun
hunting… WTF? Please… Let’s invest a few coins of common sense here.
To me, the whole point is to make as large of a hole as you can, that
goes as deep as you can make it. Wiser men than I have said you,
“carry as much gun as you can handle.” This advice was given, when,
back in the 50’s? Still holds true. Guys, look, gun rags and
advertisements… it’s all marketing to keep you spending. Hell, most
Gun Reviews are nothing more than ammo reviews. Who gives a flip if a
gun fires 50 rounds from a Ransom Rest with 800 different kinds of
ammo? What matters if the gun can be fired accurately by a real
shooter and not a machine rest, and if the favorite loads are even
manageable or not in that gun. The rubber meets the road right where
the bullet meets the bone… it’s all about the hole because the gun and
the bullet is no different than a knights lance… it makes a hole.
How you make that hole, be it bullet or drill bit... it doesn't
matter. Hydrostatic shock, expansion, energy dump,
“DeathraytazerblastersTM” ... any other effect is just icing
on the cake if you get it... but it all comes down to that hole. If
you can't see daylight through it, it might not be big enough for a
guarantee of an OSS. So if you are not packing heat big enough to
shoot a hole through someone large enough for a trained poodle to jump
through... then what you need to worry about is where to put that hole.
Center Mass is the best bet. But if Center Mass is just the Left Big
Toe, that might not be good enough, but go for it. Ideally you want
your hole making process to penetrate through as much mass as
possible. If you have to go through that big toe to get there... then
do it. Take the best bet... aim center mass... and push it on
through. It's always a good idea to take more than one core sample, so
make some other holes for the best results. Remember, there
are no magic bullets.
Kim du Toit just picked up a K-11.
This is a seriously funky rifle. It’s a straight-pull bolt action,
with out the bolt handle. Instead of a bolt handle, it has a big ring
on the back that you just pull pack to cock the firing pin. Very
simple, but very effective and reliable. The round it fires is a
cartridge slightly bigger than .308, but lower pressure… A talented
gunsmith can convert these to .308, and that’s a good idea. A friend
of mine has a sporterized, .308 K-11 and it’s a great little rifle.
I’d love to get one like it and mount a forward mounted scope on it.
Call it the “Swiss Scout”. Oh, Kim’s wife got that rifle for him.
Obviously she is a woman of good taste. I think an appropriate gift
for her would be something of equal taste in return… Such as a leather
purse from Coronado Leather with a hidden holster.
This just in:
“Ogre, Sorry to hear about the troubles with your neighbors. This
short editorial by retired LTC Ralph Peters in the NY Post
should raise your spirits. He delivers a good, proper spanking to
our European critics. Keep up the fire! – Steve M”
That’s a damn good read. Thanks for sending it, Steve. Just in time
for the update for the “Institute of
Advanced Ogrish StudiesTM”.
Class, you have some required reading.
Don't worry about the vermin next door... He has already taken
his first class in Ogre 101: Ogre is not one with whom to fuck.
This course was taken by another fellow the other night... This
isn't the first time that this has happened to me. Look up "Mongo
and I" in the weapons section.
Weapon used: S&W 696, shots fired,
zero... this will go down as another unreported use of a firearm to
stop a crime: From my original venting of the incident that
"I was coming out of
the local IGA and walked around the corner to where I parked, and this
cat that was standing up against the wall grabs my arm really firmly,
painfully and says "I need money." He smelled very drunk and was
undoubtedly high on Meth which is very popular out here. He also had a
long Maglight, held in a ready to strike manner. He stunk of beer
and other strong odors... he was hyped, nervous, and ready to smack me
if I didn't comply.
I said "Sure, okay... here." And I reach back like I was going for my
wallet. Instead I grab the butt of my new 696, and I swing as hard as I
could. It connects across his face... upper lip area with a squishy
crackly sound and the guy dropped like a sack of wet dirt. I cover him
as I back my way to the car and get in. As I turn on my headlights the
guy gets up and runs off staggering into a near by apartment complex
holding his face. I drive home, pick up my wife, and we go out to see
the latest Matrix..."
Anyways, I don't want to report this as I don't want to get charged for
assault and I'm not posting this in public because I don't want this
coming back on me and have this cat come after me for cracking his
melon... but that's what happened. I've never seen this goblin
before and I've yet to see him again. Had the guy been armed with
a knife, or a little old lady walked out of the store before I did -
things would have been a lot different. Yes, if greater force was
used, then I would have called the cops... meaning: "Hey, I bagged a
Goblin for you... you owe me 5 rounds of .44 Special. Thanks."
Called the Sheriffs,
deputy came out.
He took the report, and took photos with a digital camera.
Then he went over next door and talked to the little troll of a lady
there. Then he got back into his Dodge Durango (marked, with light bar
on top) and drove off. So what happens next, I am just not sure. But
things are filed. So if anything happens next, this is all
documented. Let me rephrase that… so when the next thing happens…
I’m going to pray for them. I really am. I feel sorry for
people who are so unhappy and bitter that they are offended by a happy
family next door who has never crossed them. I’d get them a holiday
basket, but it would just be thrown away and they would just find some
reason to be offended by it even further. *sigh* I don’t CARE if they
like us or hate us… really I don’t. I just want my family to be left
alone. But it would be *nice* if they were at least polite.
If this guy swears at children and throws rocks at animals,
then he is *putting on my psychologist hat* an emotionally unstable
person. His mentality is in the adolescent stage, not yet even to the
propositional thought stage. Their marriage is probably dysfunctional
because of his and her deep depression because of his small penis and
latent homosexuality of which he is in denial. Police would call him a
“10-86”. While I wouldn’t call him “Snake-Shit Crazy”, I would say he
is emotionally disturbed and would recommend clinical therapy for him and
for his family. She probably drinks a lot of bourbon for lunch and is
in a similar mental state as him.
Okay, I’m done analyzing these people… for now. I’ll flesh
this out later and turn it in as my final project for one of my
Last night was the
last lecture night for my history class.
Fun class. The point
of the class is socioeconomic theory and development of American
History so we didn’t get into the wars… this might sound boring,
“skipping the best parts” but it really wasn’t… The Prof made it a lot
of fun… and very interesting. Mainly because he was enthusiastic and
energetic with his lecture. Great class. I enjoyed it a great deal
and learned a lot. This is weird. Feels like I just started and the
semester is about over. Tomorrow I have to select my classes for next
semester. Crazy.
The asshole next
door. That guy has been a pain in the ass since Day One. I came
home from school this morning to find a note on our door from the
Animal Control Officer. Evidently Ranger is a Barking Dog Nuisance.
Er, Ranger doesn’t bark. Ranger has barked a couple times… mainly when
their kids are shooting BB Guns in the back yard and scaring Ranger to
death… or when Chief Asshole throws rocks at him. I just got off the
phone with the Sheriff’s department about this guy. I like living
where I am living now… I really do. I’ve always – ALWAYS – had great
relations with everyone that lives around me. Never have I had such a
problem. This is absolutely new to me. These guys wont even speak to
us. They wont say one word to us. “Hey, your 2 year old picked up
that cat by the tail…” Really? I better talk to my two year old,
thanks. No, this jackass calls animal control for “Animal Cruelty”.
Wow. I’m not sure what I am going to do about this guy, but I am about
ready to file in court for harassment. If I do, I’ll sue for a few
grand for the cost of moving, paying off the remainder of the lease,
and getting into a new place away from them. The upshot of this… his
fucking cat got ran over this morning… it’s DOA in the middle of the
road about 2 houses south. I don’t like to see animal get hurt… but
this is poetic justice. No, I didn’t hit it. Happened before I even
defrosted my windshield. 10-1 says they are going to blame us for
it. What did I say about being Christian? You have to strive to
live it every day? Well, this is pushing my limits of turning the
other cheek… I’m getting really close to turning his. If he cusses at
my kids one more time, I’m calling the Sheriff and reporting a
Disorderly Conduct. Class 3 Mis. Maybe that might shut him up.
Really, all I want is for me and my family to be left alone. That’s
not too much to ask, is it?
Lots of rocks laying around Ranger’s house. Rocks of the sort and
color that I don’t have in my back yard… but he has in his. The only
for those rocks to have come across the fence, is if they were thrown.
These rocks are laying only around Ranger’s house. I’m calling the
police right now. Animal Cruelty for picking up a cat? What about
softball sized rocks? Asshole… Time to burn him.
Okay, so
Jackson is
about to turn himself in.
This whole mess is the ultimate in disgusting, and so is
Yeah, I know innocent until proven guilty and all that, but the
evidence is there enough to prove that he is one sick bastard. I have
never been a Jackson fan. His music holds no resonance with me. He
might be the King of Pop, but I’m a Rocker. To me, Wacko was wussy. I
grew up on Rat, Scorpions, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith… all that.
His “Bad” album? Who was he kidding? He never looked tough, or
dangerous, or threatening… he looked like a prettyboy. He looked like
a wussy brat that is role-playing like he is a tough guy. A fake. I
have never had respect for such a person. What was that one rock video
that he has where he has a hard rock guitarist come out and play his
electric guitar… with absolutely huge hair. If I remember right, that
guy never wore his hair like that before… but that was Jackson’s
interpretation of hard and edgy.
Being a budding Psychologist, I have some theories about Mr Jackson.
He is molding himself as the boy that doesn’t grow up… hence his
surgeries, his toys and zoo and even the name of his joint… “Neverland”.
He thinks he is Peter Pan. I bet he has a lot of Peter Pan themes that
the general public doesn’t see. The fact that he is a pedophile… Not
surprising. I'm just wondering what other disorders he has.
Just a guess:
Peter Singer, Ethics Professor of Princeton probably has all
of Jackson's albums.
Nov 19th, Wednesday: 0915hrs:
I’m going to pick up a brick of .22s and a box of .357 Magnum
Blazers in about an hour from now. I’ve saved my pennies just for this
reason. Saturday morning I’ll shoot it up. Go buy your ammo TODAY!
Email about the Vest
“Ogre, Before you go off on the vest issue you definitely need to get
informed. The issue at hand is Zylon. A high strength fiber many times
stronger than Kevlar or Twaron. The problem is that Zylon can lose as
much a 20% of it strength in as little as 3 months. As for the 5 year
expiration date on most vest is for liability reasons. My agency has
yet to see any including 20 year old Kevlar vests not stop rounds that
they were rated for. I am not however advocating wearing a 20 year old
There has been one officer killed in the line of duty due to round
penetrating his vest. The round was on that should have been stopped by
the rated vest. At least two others have been injured as a result of
penetrations. The prime manufacture had denied there was any problem
with Zylon vest until after the officer was killed even though many
people were asking questions years before about durability of Zylon.
Please read this summary of the Zylon issues at
– Raven”
Thanks for the heads up Raven. I didn’t know the particulars of the
issue. After reading what Kevin McClung’s report on the issue… I am
seething. I can’t believe this… Second Chance is the biggest
offender! WTF!?! The only thing I can hope is that Second Chance was
just ignorant of Zylon’s extremely rapid deterioration. I really hope
they were just ignorant and not knowingly put Officer’s lives in
jeopardy. That is the ultimate in asinine. Unfortunately, after
reading all the information, that’s what it looks like. Damn. Well,
either way… they are probably as good as done now as a business. BTW,
I wore Safariland, and used Safariland duty holsters. Thanks for the
heads up!
Found this on, Epson makes a tiny, micro robot helicopter. It’s about 2 ½ inches. Very cool. I love
technology… and I love aviation… so of course this sparked my interest
radar. The question is, what do you do with this? Well, you mount a
tiny wireless camera on it, and you have a spybot. You have a Seaker
from Dune, you have a spybot like in “Deception Point” or you have a
sentrybot like from “Diamond Age”… You could take one of these and fly
them through windows or down chimneys to get inside someplace too
dangerous to get into… Lots of things. Radmeters to search for nuke
leaks in a nuke plant… sniffers to search for chemical leaks in other
industries, or bombs… Put a bunch of them in a bucket and let them map
a tornado. You could do anything with this kinda technology.
Also from Fark, I got
this report:
An Arrest Warrant for Jackson. Evidently this 12 year old boy’s
story has found some degree of truth, the cops searched
joint and found evidence of this truth. Based on that alone, Jackson
is officially one sick bastard. I don’t think he can buy his way out
of this one. Multiple charges. Funny… no one can find him now.
This is unfortunate.
Iraqi Government Official assassinated. I’m surprised that this
hasn’t been done before. We will probably be seeing a lot more effort
by the goblins to target new government officials in an attempt to
stagger the whole new governmental effort. Saddam is undoubtedly
directly behind this, and this is nothing more than a terrorist
action. This makes Saddam himself a terrorist and nothing more. He
should be dealt with accordingly.
I got this from Kim Du
"Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms should be the name of a store, not
a government agency." AMEN! Er, not that I’d buy the booze or smokes…
if you could add a good books store, Mexican food café, and a good
computer store... then you would have something there!
A lot of people are
talking about Body Count.
I think it’s a good idea. We are being fed the numbers of Americans
killed over there… what about the numbers of enemy killed? I’d like to
know. Unfortunately this would be seen as being “insensitive” and
politically incorrect. And maybe so… but I still want to know.
Nov 18th, Tuesday: 1730hrs:
China is a possible threat?
No way! LOL, I spoke of this ages ago. I
humbly submit my article, "Special
Report: The China Military Threat" that I posted like 3 or 4 years
ago. Yes, China is a threat. China is a big
threat. China wants nothing more than to kill off America and
make it China. This is why we haven't kicked North Korea's
belligerent ass.
When I lived in
Richmond, I
used to go to an indoor shooting range all the time.
I had to laugh when I
found a couple people linked to me from that
shop’s website. LOL, I see Joel is still there… His photo is on
the Staff page. So if the Jerry, the CEO is Moe, and Dwayne is Larry…
then that means Joel, the token bald guy, is Curly. Adam? I don’t
remember Adam… he must be Shemp. They have really improved that
joint since when I used to frequent there. Last March I went back to
Richmond for a time and stopped in. Very different. They finally
managed to remove the “Dank” from the place. It’s a great joint for
going, doing some shooting, and hanging out. One of the best things
about Dominion – it has a good selection of rental guns on hand so if
you want to formulate an opinion on something you have never tried
before, you can try it out.
Just in the news:
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch is being flooded with
police… evidently the place is a crime scene. Interesting. Jackson
sleep with another kid? 12 year old boy? Molestation? I’m really not
surprised here. Are you? Wouldn’t surprise me if he ran off to France
and then won an Oscar. Sick fucker needs to serve prison time.
Mil-Stone around his neck? Sure… in the end. I’d rather see a mallet
to his nuts, then throw him into General Population and let him sing
about Billy Jean for all the nice thugs that do nice things to child
Why is “Police Body
Armor” in the news today?
Everyone knows soft body armor is good for 5 years… so why are they
investigating this? After 5 years, the elastic fibers can become
brittle, making them less effective at stopping handgun rounds.
However I am still unaware of any police officer killed by a shot fired
from a handgun that penetrated the ballistic panels of a vest. Rifles,
unfortunately, scoff at soft armor, and I know of a couple who have
fallen thusly. Police work is dangerous work. I admire those with
the grit to make it a career. I was following that path, but the
constitutional discrepancies could not be reconciled in my mind and I
became disenfranchised and left that path. If you have a warrant to
put up a sobriety check point, you check the DL Card to verify the ID
of the Driver, you smell for the odor of alcoholic beverages, and you
look quickly for anything in plain site, like drugs, open containers or
something of that nature… and that’s it. That’s all you have a warrant
for. This doesn’t give you the right for random vehicle searches. If
you have Probable Cause to search for something else – fine. But you
can’t take every other car and just search it on your whim. You can’t
demand answers to “Where are you going” question… because I believe the
Police have no right to ask that if there is no Probable Cause. I know
the questions are designed to get the driver to open his mouth and
speak so you can smell his breath – but too many Cops I observed went
far beyond that. That’s a constitutional violation in my book, and
beyond that, it’s harassment. I couldn’t tolerate this. Not in the
slightest. Anyways… where was I? Ah, vests. Only a dumbass
questions the 5 year lifespan that is the rule of thumb with ballistic
vests. Who is going to pay for this investigation? My vest had a
warning label on it… are they going to do the smoking thing and require
bigger warning labels now?
Master and Commander:
Yes indeed. I saw this movie last night, and if I had some
cash and time, I’d see it again. Great film. Fantastic. The
cinematography really made you feel like you were on the ship as a
member of the crew. This made it very immersive and allowed for an
instant suspension of disbelief. I swear that I could smell
saltwater… This total immersion into the movie made the combat scenes
all the more shocking. A cannon ball is hunk of iron the size of a
melon. They are often solid for penetration, or filled with
explosives. Other cannon rounds include chain-shot and grapeshot.
Grape was used to clear the decks of another ship… turns the cannon
into a huge shotgun. Horrific. Chain was two balls connected by chain
for use in crippling the other ship by destroying the rigging and
masts. I think all of these were shown in the movie… along with the
horrific results. Now, the simplest form of shot, the solid ball fired
through the hull of the other ship crashes through with tremendous
energy. The ball doesn’t cut through cleanly… far from it. Huge
chunks of wood splinters are sent flying. These splinters are every
bit as deadly as the ball its self. You see this as well. Naval
warfare back then was incredibly brutal… because once you get close to
the other ship you still have the cannons going after each other, but
now you have the sailors and marines getting into the action with
sharpshooters looking for Officers and gunners… we see this in the
movie… and then you have the boarding parties armed with sword, knife
and pistol. Yeah, we see these. Swivel guns get some action as well…
I’m not sure, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen another movie that used
the Swivel guns. Unless they used them in “Pirates of the
Caribbean”, but Master
and Commander kicks Pirate’s arse. The acting performances were top
notch. I have ZERO negatives for this film other than it ended way to
soon! I wanted to ride this ship all the way to home port! Books…
Patrick O’brian books… going to the Library tonight. (Have no Boarders
or Barnes and Nobles here)
Email in from
"I am so sick and tired of everybody
arguing over religion. Religion is something special...something
personal. You can't expect that bitching and moaning to somebody
else (take...say, Mormon bashers) and expect them to convert just
because you say they aren't REAL Christians, aren't REALLY
following the Bible, or don't have a cross in their steeple. WTF?
People are people...I don't care what the hell you are, I won't
judge somebody by the religion they follow. There's an amendmant to
PROTECT people and their religion, for crissakes!
Anybody who will judge you by your
religion, or your skin, or whatever the fuck else is different
about you is no different than Al Sharpton, Hitler, or Stalin.
Period. What it all boils down is this: We're HUMAN. And Mormons by
and large are good people...even if I disagree with their religion,
they lead GOOD lives (most Mormons, there are exceptions of course)
they teach GOOD morals. And in my book, that's not that fucking
bad. I've never seen any of them bashing anybody else for their
religion. I've never seen them shoving their religion fist first
down your throat. I've never seen them burn another church, or
lynch anybody because they had an opinion. Maybe I'm crazy, but by
and large I see LDS as one of the better religions out there. I
don't agree with their religion, but I don't agree with Buddhists
either, and most Buddhists are good people.
This religion bullshit has got to
stop...if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, PEOPLE
ARE PEOPLE. Mormons have put up with a LOT of bullshit from people
who call themselves "Christians."
P.S.: Sorry for the rant. I'm just
sick and tired of everybody considering Mormons second class people
because of the religion they chose."
Thanks for the
email Robert... We Mormons are used to hate. We are like
America's version of the Jews. Well... kinda. Okay, maybe
not, but we understand what persecution is like. No other group
or faith in America is so hated. Only the American Indians with
the Trail of Tears can really understand what Mormons have gone
through. No other Church has ever had a Governor issue and
extermination order. (Davidians in Wako Texas comes close) Anyways,
this is something that we have overcome and have moved past... even
though the ignorant keep it up. What's funny is that these people
haven't come up with anything new since the 1800s. What does not
destroy us, makes us stronger. I could go on and on about matters of
Faith. It could become a whole new section.
17th, Monday: 1515HRS:
Jim Henson called, he
wants his muppet back.
I’ve been trying to
pin down Wesley Clark for the last week as to where he is politically.
Face the Nation showed him to be flip flopping and contradicting
himself left and right… or should I say, left and left again. Then
this morning on FNC he exploded and denied that he said what he said
when what he said was clearly documented.
think I have found what Clark is… The DNC’s Court Jester.
Historically speaking, Jesters are also nothing more than “fools” who
pull off wacky hi-jinks in order to entertain or to distract the
audience from a scene change or something. This is what Clark is… the
Jester Ass-Muppet to distract us.
am seriously ashamed that Clark was not just in the US Army, but was a
General. There is a deeper and darker side to
Clark. I don’t
trust him one bit. Not for one second. I don’t like him. However I
think his act might do a little better if during his next interview he
threw some fish or introduces his assistant “Beaker”. Fuck
Rush Limbaugh was back
on the air today.
I caught a few minutes
of it. For some reason I felt better hearing him. Just like I prefer
hearing Paul Harvey on the radio rather than his stand in.
Health report: I’m
doing better.
A lot better. I feel healthier, and stronger. This weekend
I got sick a bit, but it passed and now I’m right as rain. Right now
I’m sitting here typing with tacks in my ears. I had some acupuncture
therapy this morning and the Doc used some acupuncture tacks that you
leave in your ears… interesting.
Almost as painful as getting your ear pierced, but it faded
out fast. Now it’s just a little itchy. I have 4 of them in each ear
all along the digestive system meridians. I don’t know about you guys,
but I really think acupuncture works. It’s helping me at least. And
if it doesn’t, my mind makes it works and that’s good enough.
The drugs are gone and out of my system and if anything, I
feel a lot better for that. Check this out… I baked sweet rolls this
morning and even ate breakfast. I never eat breakfast. Never eat
anything before
Noon. Today I did.
And I didn’t even get sick or puke from it like I had for the last
What is up with
Senator Kennedy calling people Neanderthals? Bush’s nominees… If they are Neanderthals, then Kennedy is a drunken
flatworm. I have a suspicion that it’s Kennedy and not the Clintons
that has his hand up
Clark’s ass.
of Clintons…
Hillary is a lying sack of shit. She said that she has comforted Iraqi
War wounded at Walter Reed hospital. She made an emotional story of
it… makes your heart break for those that are wounded. Oh, wait a sec…
she never went to the hospital. “I comforted troops…” I don’t
know about you guys, but there is no way in hell Hillary Clinton could
comfort anything, let alone wounded American soldiers. If I was in a
hospital bed, and she came to comfort me – I'd hit her with my filled
bed pan.
She is unique in the world of politics as she is the sum of all fears…
you take everything wrong with politicians, boil it down and pour it
into a female shaped mold – You have Hillary Clinton. No morals, no
ethics, lots of skeletons of her own making, and a long list of
corruption scandals. But saying she went to the hospital to comfort
the wounded – that is so outlandishly outrageous – it’s insulting to
the US Military. Then again, a Clinton slapping the US Military is
nothing new. Man... look at her face... Makes you want to
sodomize her with a naval 16 inch gun.
Got an email this
“Join the NRA Web Ring!” Had a “link button and HTML code to add to my
site to join the NRA ring. These attachments to the email were Klez
virus carriers and the email was of course from a bogus email
address. This is probably going around trying to target Pro-Gun
website operators. So if your Pro 2nd, and have a site…
watch out.
I’ve been reading some
of the forums over at Right Nation, and I am enjoying it. What I am not enjoying is the large amount of
Anti-Mormon bullshit that goes on there… not just there, but all over
the net. Pretty much any time someone mentions
Utah, or anything
close – someone is going to bash Mormons. My favorite one is “Mormons
are not Christian” and that we worship a “different” Jesus and Father
in Heaven. This makes me laugh every time… How can someone still be
so stupid to believe that? This is as archaic as Puritans accusing
someone of witchcraft. Well, maybe they might be right. We are not
violent enough to be “real” Christians. We never started a crusade, we
never burned people at the stake trying to bring them to Christ like
the inquisition, and we never hung people because they were witches.
As far as that kinda stuff goes, Mormons are really quite boring… we’ve
done none of that and in fact, we tolerate all faiths.
I’ve had stimulating discussions with Atheists, Wiccans, and even a
Satanist. I’ve attended mass many times at a Catholic church… and I
appreciated the insight given to me from the Catholics over the “woman
at the well” story. I have attended services for just about every
Christian denomination, and I found lots of “positives” at each one of
them. I explored Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Again, I found a lot
of positives. But when it came down to my own faith… after all of it
out there… I chose to be “Mormon”.
Mormon isn’t really the name – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. Jesus is in our name, and it’s in the name of Jesus that we
pray. “But you believe in a different Jesus.” No, I’m afraid not.
There is only one Jesus Christ and if anything, we just believe he
visited more people on earth than just in the Middle East. We believe
he did more than just what was written in the Bible.
Speaking of which, yeah, Mormons believe in the Bible. If you look at
the cover of the Book of Mormon, it says “Another Testament of Jesus
Christ”. That’s what it is... an addition, not a substitution or
upgrade. The Book of Mormon is an important book to us… of course it
is. But we read it WITH the bible. If you don’t believe me, get a
copy (they are free) and take a look at it – you don’t have to read the
whole thing if you don’t want to… just open it up and look at it. See
the footnotes at the bottom of any given page? They cross reference to
other verses in the Book of Mormon, our Doctrine and Covenants… and The
Holy Bible. We use the King James version of the bible because we
believe it to be the most accurate translation of the original texts.
We are very much Christian… We have statues of Christ in all out
Temples or in the Temple Visitor centers all around the world… go into
most any good LDS home and you will probably see pictures of Christ and
maybe a small statuette of Christ. To insist that we are not
Christian is to insist upon your own bigotry, hatred, and outright
stupidity. “Having paintings doesn’t make you Christian.” That’s
correct. Being Christian isn’t a club you are member of – it’s a way
of life. Being Christian is something you have to work on. It’s
something you have to strive to be every day.
Some of the best Christians I have ever met have been both Mormon and
Non-Mormon… one doesn’t even claim to be Christian, but other
Christians would do so well to emulate him. Look, I am Mormon and proud
to be Mormon. But I am not that great of an example of being a
Mormon. I’m more “J. Golden Kimble” than I am “Spencer W. Kimble”.
I’m more “Orrin Porter Rockwell” than I am “Orrin Hatch”. I even have
some different perspective on some doctrine points than other
Mormons. But I am still proud to be counted a Member, and I’ve sworn
to defend my Church and its Members for as long as I live.
You don’t have to agree with me. I only ask that you treat me with the
same dignity that you expect you and your church to be treated.
That's only fair.
After my classes
tonight, I’m going to go see Master and Commander. I’m looking forward to it greatly. In fact, I’m outright
excited for it. Tail ships, broadsides… oh man… that is so exciting!
For that era, nothing is more thrilling. Awesome! Crowe is a stone
cold serious actor that really strives to perfect his art and that’s
something I appreciate.
Nov 14th, Saturday: 1130 hrs:
Last night I watched
Matrix Revolutions.
I have a hard time
expressing my disappointment in this film. I have a hard time
understanding just how and where it went so horribly wrong. The
visual images from the film are stunning, and very cool looking… but at
the same time utterly retarded. First off, the battle at “The Docks”
looked like the video game “Galaga”
with the alien formations flying past you so you can blast them.
Secondly, I was expected Agent Smith to start talking about Planet
Houston and order Neo to “kneel before Zod”. Then you had Neo go to
the Machine
so he could talk to the MCP? I was waiting for him to start throwing
Frisbees at it! And then with those supposedly cool visuals… half the
time the lights were set to strobe and flash like a fricking disco. I
think a guy a couple rows behind me when into seizures or something
because he started to puke into his hands and had to run out. My wife
and I both got headaches from watching it. All is not lost and as bad
as it is, it still had things in it that made it worth while to watch.
4 things actually. #1, Hugo Weaving. Get your Hugo fix before LOTR
ROTK comes out. This guy acts with such cool intensity that there is
just no one else like him on screen… he rocks. His dialog is the only
good dialog in the whole freaking movie. Make that the last two
movies, next to the Frenchman with that wipe your ass with silk line…
that was great. #2, the
battlemechs in The Docks are very cool. Mix 2 parts
Battletech, with 2
Warhammer 40,000, add in 2 parts of crème of
John Woo
and you have it. I thought they were great. I looked forward to
seeing these in action when I first saw them in film #2 and they didn’t
disappoint. #3, the Asian cat in the white shirt and sunglasses – he
is very cool. We see more of his action, and best yet, he breaks out
two pistols that I am going to mention in The Guns of The Matrix
article, after I post this. So more on that later. And of course #4
Monica Bellucci. She is only on screen for 30 seconds, but it’s a
good 30 seconds. Her character is the one that aided our hero trio in
#2 and she does so again here in a way. Her character is deeper one
than what it looks like on the surface. She is a machine made program
in the Matrix that is sympathetic to the humans and has a thing for the
human emotion of love… and passion… as you can tell from her words to
Merv about how she knows Trinity is willing to die for Neo. It looked
like she was getting hot from it… like her nipples were about to perk
up. Anyways, so there are 4 reasons to go see it. And these are
reasons good enough to buy the DVD to round out the set.
Okay, the Guns of
the Matrix article is finished...
take a look.
Now that this has been
expressed, I must mention the other movies that Ogre gives the claw up
for: The
Master and Commander with Russell Crowe. I want to see this one very
much. I’m into that era and it just gives me a 3 masted woody. The
Last Samurai with Tom Cruise. I love Shogun and the other feudal
Japan movies and books… a lot. The Japanese have a very
cool history… and then they gave it up for Jelly Bracelets, Toyotas,
and YuGiHo whatever. When you banned Samurai – you lost something.
You really did. Anyways… this movie looks intense. Of course, then we
have the 3rd and best yet. Best ever… Lord of the Rings:
Return on the King. If it stick closely to the book – this will be the
single most incredible film of all time, and no film after it could
ever touch it. Kneel Before The Ring! Kneel!
So we have this
report from 1990 that links Saddam and Bin Laden. Interesting. I think this is the point were all the
Liberals attacking Bush for the war can fuck off and die. I see this
story on FOX News, but I can’t find anything about this on the other
news sites. Is it that they don’t know about it or are they choosing
to not bring it to light? These Liberal Democrate Socialist bastards
twist the truth to there fitting, out right lie, and do everything they
can promote the Liberal agenda. This shows a very large lack of
morals. I’m of the opinion that Liberals these days just can not be
trusted, should not be trusted. As Captain Kirk says “Let them Die!”
Okay, he was talking about Klingons… but his words ring true in this
setting: “DON’T trust them. DON’T believe them… Let them DIIIEEE!”
Bush pulls out the Democratic Party Playbook and looks under the
Economy Tag. He sees FDR with his effort to “Prime The Pump” to help
economic recover… that’s what his New Deal did. We talked about it
last week in my college history class. Then he sees JFK dropping taxes
to put more money in the hands of the citizens so they can spend it…
again… priming the pump… both instances aided in the recovery of the
economy. Bush does this… But NOW, because it’s a Republican that is
doing it, it’s a bad idea, George W Bush is an idiot, and 747’s are
going to fall from the sky like rain because he has pissed off the
Terrorists. I don’t care if a Liberal hands me 4 quarters and says
that I have a dollar – I’m counting those quarters and checking the
marks… then I’m going to bite them to make sure they are not made of
tin, and scratch them to see if they are painted. I don’t trust
them. They are willing to rewrite history and whatever else it takes
to deceive and beguile the ignorant people to vote for them and support
their agenda. They are wrong, on so many levels.


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