Saturday, Oct 30th, 2004: 2130hrs:
CZ-75 P-01: Right after I made the last post here, I checked
shipping and found that my P-01 arrived.
I ran out to get to get it pronto. When I got there, I found
that I had enough cash for the transfer the gun but not enough for a
box of ammo. Crap! So here I am, fondling this awesome handgun –
and I can’t shoot it because I poured all my 9MM into the Baby
Eagles. So I am flat broke, out of ammo (9MM) and I’m just itching
to go shoot this thing! The one I look at before had some wood
grips on it, and it looked nice. And it felt really nice too. I
fell in love with the P-01 right there. This gun arrived, still in
the plastic, still in the sticky goo. That’s what you call brand
new. I don’t think anyone has even touched the gun since it was
boxed up in the Czech Republic. The gun comes with checkered soft
rubber grips that are contoured very nicely to fit ones hand
perfectly. In my hand, it’s an absolute perfect fit. No, I’m not
going to get Hakan grips for it – these are perfect. I will have to
get a stainless steel guide rod from one of the Utah members of THR.
The gun points better than I remember, feels better than I
remember. The decocker lever that is in the position of a
traditional thumb safety is designed to allow a very high grip while
staying out of the way and not risking an accidental decock under
stress. It might look odd in pictures, but once you take a shooting
grip, you will see what I mean. This is different, and different is
good. All the controls are located properly and work as
advertised. Cycling the action by hand, it feels smooth and sure…
solid. It will feel even better once I get the packing grease out
of the gun, clean it up and lube it properly. This compact CZ also
fits perfectly into my old trusty High Desert Leather belt slide…
like it’s been waiting for it.
But I think I’m going to have to order a good scabbard for it from
HBE. If this gun shoots as good as it looks, fits, feels… oh
man. I think I may have just reached Handgun Heaven… Velocity
Valhalla. This will be the subject of my next review article I
1700hrs: SUSE
9.1 Personal Edition. It is drop dead
gorgeous. I installed it into a dual boot configuration on an old
Pentium II 400MHZ machine. I was going to try to get my AMD 2600+
machine running, hoping that the problem was just RAM or power
supply or something… Nope. It’s the CPU. The chip looked fine on
the top. On the bottom it was scorched black, like a blowtorch was
on it for a few minutes. The MoBo looked fine, and I even had
another 2600 on hand… a new retail chip. But for some reason I
didn’t feel right about testing it that chip on this board. I don’t
remember which board it is, but it’s a blue Gigabit board with a
chipset fan with “8X” on it… If the board baked that chip, then it
could bake another. The cooler was solid copper thin veined unit
that is really good at pulling heat off a CPU… so I am hesitant in
trying another chip in it. The board, at the time I got it, was the
best board by Gigabit. I’ve pulled all the hardware out of the box
and used it in other machines already. That HD is now in this box,
and the TI4600 is in that PII box with the Linux on it. Funny that,
the card is faster than the CPU, and it’s serious overkill… but it
runs great. I put in a DVD drive, but I don’t think it will play a
DVD movie even if I installed the software for it.
back to SUSE. Gorgeous. The install process was faster and
easier than WinXP is on a new machine, and it runs better – even in
that old box – better than some new boxes with XP on it. Speedwise,
it acts pretty much like XP with only 256 megs of RAM actually.
Pokey by some standards, not bad by others. Easy install… it
detected and automatically installed all the drivers and everything…
including the sound drivers that I could never find when I installed
Win98SE on it before… so all the sudden I had sound again. Wow.
Cool. With 98SE, I had to install the nVidia drivers manually off a
disk, that took a few minutes… then I had to install the monitor
again… then I had to adjust the color and resolution settings. It’s
a pain in the ass. In SUSE, it was automatic and took only a few
seconds. XP isn’t even that easy. To get and install SUSE 9.1,
here are the steps:
Download the SUSE 9.1 ISO for free.
Use NERO or Some other burning software that
gives you the option to burn an ISO to disk… I used program
called Acid or something like that.. I forget. It was only 2
clicks to burn the disk and out popped the SUSE 9.1 disk.
Leave the disk in the drive and push it closed
Hit the reset button.
Follow along for a moment, answer a couple
questions, go get a sandwich.
Click “accept” a couple times… Done. Enjoy your
new OS.
If you are new to Linux, it’s not a scary thing… and
if you installed to a different partition, your old Windows is right
there waiting for you when you reboot.
When you reboot, there is a happily green screen (I
like that!) that lets you pick which OS you want to boot up… Linux
is now the default, but if you want to take the blue pull, just hit
the arrow key down and there you go. If you can’t choose, just wait
a minute and the timer will book into Linux for you. Very slick.
In fact, it’s the slickest I’ve ever seen.
SUSE has a built in feature
that detects what you need, gets it for you, and installs it for
you. How slick is that? Firefox? Doesn’t come with SUSE… but I
told SUSE to get it and it did. 2 clicks later, it was installed.
That was it. Done. An OS doesn’t get any easier than that. It
just doesn’t. The desktop is stunning. The layout is a cross
between XP and OSX, so if you’ve used either, you wont be lost.
It’s using KDE 3.2 and the “Plastic” skin… or widget or something…
whatever they call it. Nice. Very nice. Fresh and clean looking.
All the applications are pretty familiar since I’ve started using
Open Office… it even has a few nice little games on there too.
Networking was a snap… not even that… networking is native to the OS
and I had no problem getting into the shop’s “Tech Box” and
transferring a file out of my folder. Just seconds after I booted
into Linux.
Just for fun and to test the Linux media player, I
browsed over into the Windows partition, selected a couple video
clips I had saved there, and Linux played them beautifully.
Browsing your files is just like browsing on the web. It doesn’t
get any easier that that. So much for complicated or hard to learn
file systems.
Some web pages rendered oddly in the KDE browser, but
they looked fine in Firefox. You'll want to get Firefox for
Linux, just like you'll want it on Windows... it's simply the best
browser going.
I’d love to see this run on a real machine instead of
this old PII. I’m going to install it on this one, but I’m going to
wait between semesters before I do it. Considering the dual boot
install on the PII was brainless and both OS’s run just fine (not
like Mandrake did last time I tried it) there is probably no reason
to hold on to XP in this one. The change is coming… I’m counting
down. Actually, I’m thinking about waiting and getting SUSE 9.2
Pro for this box. I know there are some other distro’s out there
that are like this… ease of use wise. I’m not sure if there is any
Distro one could call “The Best” but this one, I like. The fact
that SUSE is from Novell, a native Utah company – that is just icing
on the cake.
If your Windows box just pisses you off one time too
many, and you say “fuck it”… start downloading SUSE. I don’t think
you will look back.
Friday, Oct 29th, 2004: 2300hrs:
You guys know
that I’m in the last couple of years I have become a huge fan of
mainly their
handguns and especially the much overlooked Cougar. Well, I popped
over to the Beretta Forums and found this little gem…
one of the Fed agencies are issuing Mini Cougars to its Agents.
Sweet. Very cool. I’m not sure why I like the Cougars so much.
They are fairly wide for their size. They have retarded magazine
capacities. In the same discussion forums there is a thread about
the new Beretta pistol being developed. It’s like a Cougar, but
bigger, but with a narrower slide, longer barrel, light rail, and a
polymer frame. They are calling it the PX4 I guess. From the
photos, I like the look of it. From the descriptions, I like the
sound of it. Swappable back straps are nice if you have unusual
shaped hands and need a different fit. If that new gun comes out in
.45 – oh my. A definite SIG challenger right there. Interesting
thought was raised in that thread near the end. Since the new US
Army pistol search is going on… this might be a contender for that
slot. Think about it for a second… everything the Army wants…
familiar manual of arms… maybe using the same magazines… maybe even
the same holsters (the Army holsters are not exactly hand boned) and
other things. That would save the Army a lot of money. The rotating
barrel would reduce recoil and mechanical stresses enough to allow
the use of some very hot loads without bothering the sensibilities
of today’s new recruits who do night like recoil or drill sergeant’s
raised voices. Maybe in a 9X21 caliber which is what civilians in
Italy play with in the same size gun/magazine? That slight increase
could mean a huge difference in ballistics. Look at the .38 Special
next to the .357 Magnum. Just a little longer, but a lot stronger.
That could very well match what the US Army is going for. I know HK
is pimping for the Army contract… but Beretta might have an
advantage. Who knows?
I’m just looking
forward to something new from Italy. The CX-4 Storm is cool, but
the Beretta 9000 was less than impressive in my opinion. Not a bad
gun, but not up to the normal Beretta standards. Much like the SIG
PRO series of guns. Though I understand the PROs are now just fine,
but when I tried one of the early examples, it was chinsy and didn’t
feel anything like a SIG. I hated it right off the bat because I
was expecting a SIG and instead I got what felt to me like a cheap
Chinese knock off. I’ve not fired a SIG PRO since. Improved or
not, the interest is just not there.
Back to the
Cougars. My wife was outside tonight putting some stuff into the
Cherokee and all the sudden she comes running inside, “There is
something out there!” Within seconds I am outside with flashlight
and 8045 Mini Cougar in hand. Instinctively that was the gun I
grabbed. I’ve said “My Cougar is my Go-To Gun”. Well, tonight I
didn’t even think about it, I just naturally grabbed the Cougar.
What’s strange is that The Green Marlin is actually *right there* by
the door, ready to go. And by the Cougar was a regular buffet of
handguns… Even the two Baby Eagles which have never faltered in my
Outside I could
here the cattle mooing like crazy. Ranger was running back and
forth just ready to go, (BTW, he busted off the cable again today)
There was something out there in the field behind the Ogre Estate…
there is a full moon out tonight and the sky was fairly clear.
There was a lot of light, but the field was strangely dark.
Normally in a full moon you can see the cows and across the field
with no problem but tonight it was pitch black. My flashlight
couldn’t even penetrate. It felt very eerie. Ranger has now
settled down and the cows are quiet again… whatever was out there
has moved on. There might be a real Cougar out there again. The
couple we had last year liked to move through the treelines
surrounding that field on 2 sides. If it is another one, it had
best not return or it will end up lined up with the others.
I think with the
P-01 I might actually buy a “Tactical Light” for it. That would
make things less complicated the next time Ranger gets spooked. Or
I might just put a tac light on my Marlin. Who knows. Well, let’s
be honest… I don’t think I’d trust the Marlin right now. With it’s
jamming issue, it would be the last gun I grabbed. It has the
dreaded “Marlin Jam” thing going on now with a twist. I need a good
lever’smith to go through it. I know just the man in Alaska to do
it too. I just can’t afford it… so I am kinda hoping to find a
weaponsmith locally who has both talent and skill. A good gunsmith
– a really good artisan grade smith – is a rare and special thing.
Once you find one near you – put him on your Christmas Card list.
(just an expression – I don’t send cards because I suck and it’s
December 23rd when I think about it and say “Oh Shit” so
they never get sent. Even if I had them all filled out ready to
go) Maybe there is a guy like that around here that only the old
timers know about… That’s what I’m hoping to find. In the
meanwhile, the Cougar is up on deck at a moments notice.
This about made me
fall out of my chair laughing so hard.
Don’t be fooled.
There is only one way for the US to avoid future attacks. And
that’s to kill every terrorist we come across. Putting a bullet
through their skulls is the one and only way to insure peace.
Giving the bully your lunch money might stop him today, but what
about tomorrow? The only true peace comes when the threat is
eliminated, not postponed. I think most of America understands
that. I think most of the world understands that as well on the
individual level. The liberal media around the world would have us
all subjects to dictators and terrorists. Bush is against that…
that’s why they are against Bush. If they hate Bush so much – there
is no better reason to vote for him.
I can’t find
anything over here…
My wife cleaned the desk. What a horrible thing to do to a man.
Laundry and dishes are one thing… but my desk? There has been a
line crossed here! Kidding. Wow.. I didn’t know this desk was this
big! And nice fake wood grain too. I was setting up a new law
office today and had a thought… no one designs real computer desks.
No one. They are all fine desks, but not for use with a computer.
One of these days I’m going to design a real desk that is optimized
specifically for a real computer user. Nice wood, executive styling
so you can have it in your office and not look like a PC Tech or a
guy that just had his PC installed for the first time last week.
Desks are important chunks of furniture and they are just not being
thought out any more. They are making them the way they made them
50 years ago and only sometimes will you get a hole to pass some
cabling through. That’s it. No other change. Don’t get me started
on the chinsy pull out keyboard drawer that doesn’t let you type
comfortably… and if you put the keyboard on the top of the desk,
there is no room for it because of the monitor. Instead of
designing better desks, they made flat monitors. LCD’s are nice and
all, but I love my bigass Sony Trinitron. So what if it’s heavy
enough to bend a normal desk? So what if it’s so huge that it takes
up ˝ the desk? I love it. My furniture should not dictate my
technology. My furniture should bend to progress. I’ve seen the
custom work station desks some places have made. No thanks. My
name is not “Tank” and I’m not your “Operator”. I like to be
comfortable when I work and write. And I like wood… metal and
plastic isn’t comfortable or warm. Even if it’s fake wood, it’s a
step up in my opinion.
The batmobile.
Have you seen the new one?
Check out this thread on Amback for photos of the New and the
Old. I prefer the old one. I’m looking forward to the new movie,
and I have very high expectations. I’m not a Batman aficionado, but
I do know that the story line has potential that has not yet been
tapped. Not even close.
Looks like Nov 5th
is the deadline for my Baby Eagle article.
I need to finish it
up and get my photos taken. I have some, the ones of the range, but
not the detailed shots of the guns themselves. Those are the most
important here. My camera is fritzed out, so I might have to find
someone to borrow from tomorrow and get it done. So this weekend
I’ll be finishing that, 3 papers for school, and studying for 2
exams. Sheesh. I need 3 of me.
Thursday, Oct 28th, 2004: 2300hrs:
A good question:
“I would like to say that I agree with you on you point of gun
control is not an issue. However, I would like to know (please
don't take offense) how (and if) you justify private ownership of
weapons like the tec-9 (tec-dc9 KG-9 whatever name thy are calling
it this week) and similar assault weapons. This is for my
information not a trying to change you mind.
You might want to consider reading and gun reviewing some of the
Honor Herington series, interesting ideas. For the record Russian
guns come between American and German guns ( in most cases) 5.56
sucks 7.62 (whatever length) rocks Starwars kicks ass Rock on!”
Ah the Tec-9... the
seemingly vicious evil gun. You got to look at what the second
amendment is really about. It's not about hunting or the right to
self defense. It is about fighting. It's about the citizenry being
the 4th branch of government and being the ultimate "Check and
Balance" against tyranny. For the people, by the people. It's
about The People being able to stand up against tyranny whether or
not it comes in the form of crime, or Cuban Paratroopers landing in
Colorado, or the state overstepping its bounds. You can't do that
with a mere musket and the founding fathers knew and understood
that. They just watched a technical advancement in weaponry give us
the upper hand against the British... rifling... so of course they
would have expected private ownership to match. And up until the
1900's private ownership exceeded that of the military in terms of
advancements. The Henry rifle, the Winchester 1894, the first
revolvers.... etc. The Army was still using muzzle loaders while
civilians used repeaters at one point in history. So a pistol that
seems scary looking? Please. It's not a concern. Especially the
inaccurate and unreliable Tec-9. I'm more concerned with the IRS
buying assault weapons than I am about honest and hard working
citizens buying them.
Try out this search
Vivisimo. It takes results from google and other big search
engines, and it categorizes the results. This makes it easy for
finding just what you are looking for. I’m getting good results with
it. I think you will too.
The Al Qaeda terror
threat video…
Look at the guy under the mask… look at his eyes. Is it just me… or
does that look like Al Gore? That’s Gore, isn’t it?
Oh, I gotta vote
for Kerry now…
Bruce Springstink is batting for him. Feh. What a crock. “The
Boss” is a washed up loser who could never sing to begin with, his
songs have always sucked… and now he’s pumping Kerry’s ass? If he
gets any lower, he’ll end up in Vegas with Britney or in a J-Lo
Holy cow… I just
got a Pop-Up ad.
WTF? I’m using Mozilla and have never had a pop up ad before with
it. That link I just mentioned.. gave me a bloody pop-up for
University of Phoenix. I hope this is not a trend. Well, if it is,
the next version of Mozilla will block it. I hope. Pop ups, spam
and spyware… you know, most of the computers I’m working on are all
about these issues.
I’ve been using two
tools to combat this stuff at work… Ad-Aware and Spy-Bot. These
things do a pretty good job of killing this crap. If you guys know
of something better… some industrial strength stuff, I’d like to
hear about it.
Wednesday, Oct 27th, 2004: Very Late PM, early Thursday morning:
I’ve had a lot of
feedback regarding care package items…
specifically Beretta 92 magazines and springs. Thank you. I’ll be
sending a package around November 10th so if you want to
include something for the unit, you can send it to me for inclusion
in the box or you can send it to them directly and if you want I’ll
give you the address. (I’m waiting for the address myself, I should
have it tomorrow)
Correction about my
It seems that it was my Bro Josh that took the high scores with the
pistol, and Zack with the SAW… and I just found out he tore it up on
the MK-19 qualifications as well. That’s something I want for my
Bronco right there, the MK-19. Make rabbit hunting a whole lot
easier! Well, killing them yeah, but finding the little bits would
be a challenge.
I’m enjoying my
writing class.
It’s a breath of fresh air to be in a writing class with people who
are also actual writers instead of people who are just looking for
easy English credits. It’s cool because it makes me feel that I’m
not alone.
Well, it’s 0030 hrs
I’ve got to get up early to install a server and a network at a law
That should be fun. I’ve not done anything like that in how
many years? Sheesh. Oh, one more thing… I officially hate HP and
Gateway computers. It’s a toss up, but I think HP’s are probably
the worst. Even worse than E-Machines. I loath HP machines. Dells
and the generic open architecture type machines are a breeze… but
HP’s always cause problems. If you are in the market for a PC,
whatever you do, do not buy an HP or a Gateway. Seriously. Don’t
do it. You are asking for trouble. It’s like buying a new car with
the optional truck full of poisonous snakes. Eventually you are
going to get bit. Not “if” but “when”. I know some say the same
thing about Dells, but come on. Just look at downloading something
as simple as an audio driver from the factory website. Common
units… let’s say the HP 514N and the Dell 4500S. See which driver
is easier to find and faster to get. Set a timer. Go. I rest my
case. I’ve got to get some sleep.


Donate ogre at madogre dot com
via PayPal to support, or God will kill
a kitten. All donations pay for hosting, Mt. Dew, and Ammunition.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012
Graphic Artwork by Martin White