Aug 15th, Friday: 1600HRS MST:
last night’s remarks have sparked some ire in some people.
No, I don’t like big cities, so granted, I am biased against them. I
don’t like New Yuck, so granted, I am biased against it. But this
doesn’t change the fact that a city with the bad luck that New York
City has, is taken completely flat footed by a lack of electricity.
Sure, some had to walk out of a dark subway tunnel… some got stuck in
an elevator. I am sure it was scary. Scary not for the lack of
electric lights, but scary because of people freaking out about it. If
it’s one thing I can not stand, it’s panic. People who panic just
anger me. The whole city didn’t panic, but many did. The people who
should be admired are those that have taken the situation in stride…
adjusted to the new situation, and adapted. Those that can’t adapt,
deserve to sleep in the streets. Hey New York, Emergency Preparedness
is a personal thing and not a municipal thing. I’m done with NYC for
I had done some testing one lubes for corrosion and friction…
I was going to write it all up. I had all my notes on my iPaq. All
the hard data. A Hard Reset had to be done and the results of all the
work pretty much got erased. I’m more than a little upset about this.
The only thing I have is the conclusion… the winner in both areas was
FP-10 by a good margin. This is why I am often mentioning FP-10
instead of Breakfree CLP when I am talking about using a lube. FP-10
is slicker and protects better. Now, the one thing that was not
tested, is something that the Breakfree does better… and that is
cleaning. It has cleaning agents in the mix. This doesn’t mean that
FP-10 is the only thing to get now… no. I still think that your taking
to the field or range, Breakfree is the one bottle to throw in the bag
because it does everything. That is an advantage. However if your at
home, you just cleaned the gun down… maybe blasted it out with Gun
Scrubber or something… Then I’d rather wipe it down with the FP-10 when
putting it back together. I’m disappointed in the loss of the data.
I’m also disappointed in myself that I didn’t back up that data. The
iPaq is easy to back up – but I didn’t do it. If I was a liberal I
would say it’s Compaq’s fault for not including an automatic back up
feature. But I’m not, so I have to take it full on the chin. Back to
square one. Do Overs! I think I might have just enough BreakFree CLP
left to do it again. The results that were really surprising was the
Militec stuff because its so popular. But as a lube, it was a
disappointment out classed only by it’s lack of corrosion protection
that I observed. I was floored. To be frank, WD-40 was about as good.
Here is a good
story about a guy that fought back.
You can read the article here.
is sitting in his car waiting for the bank to open. A young lady goes
up to the ATM machine to make a deposit. You can do that you know…
even before the bank opens. So while this lady is getting ready to put
her money into the machine, a thug comes up behind her, shoves her, and
snatches the loot. She screams. Our hero jumps from his car with a
little NAA Mini Revolver in hand and comes to the rescue. He tussles
with the thug who is now in his car trying to run him over. Our man
asks him to stop a number of times… shoots the back tire twice, asks
the thug to stop again… and finally is left with no choice but to pop
the thug in the leg with a single shot of .22 magnum. You gotta love
the thug’s assertion that it was unfair that he got shot. Notice how he
didn't say anything about fairness when he shoved the 20 year old lady,
took her money and tried to make off with it. Notice how he didn't say
anything about fairness when he attempted to run Strickland (our man)
over with his car. Strickland's only mistake was not shoving the .22
into the guy's ear before pulling the trigger. The guy got away for a
little while… spend 40 bucks of his ill gotten gains probably to buy
some crack before he got picked up. No word on if the girl got her
remaining 360 bucks back or not.
Hmmm... today is
the 15th. I'll have to archive earlier posts soon. It
says right now that this page will take 647 seconds to load over a 28.8
connection. My cut off is 700, even though no one is still using
28.8. Still, at this rate, it's 351 seconds for 56.6. No
way is this that slow to load. Even when it gets really long,
it's only like 3 seconds, and my connection is not the fastest at all.
No, I can't sleep.
I started too, but a nightmare jarred me awake and I'm not exactly
wanting to shut my eyes again. Looking a the news...
just want to say, “Thank The Lord In Heaven for the GREEN PARTY!”
seriously… I mean it. I have said a prayer of thanks for the Green
Party. They are the ones that have saved The United States of
America. Because if it wasn’t for them, AL GORE would be in the White
House letting the ship sink, saying “Please don’t hurt us Mr Taliban!”
We would have no shred of hope for the AWB to ever sunset. Saddam
would still be murdering people and cheering on his sons while they
murder people… If you want to know what those guys were like, watch the
movie DUNE and think about the Barron. That’s what Iraq was, but in a
really cleaned up made for the Sci-Fi channel sort of way. And these
guys would still be flipping off America and funding further attacks if
it wasn’t for The Green Party ending Al Gore’s career. Those guys are
so far left, they almost wrap around… here is how it lines up… Greens /
Democrats / Republicans / Libertarians. Now if you write that out on a
slip of paper and tape the ends together… you will see that are
opposite from the center of the spectrum. Same thing can be said for
the Libertarians, but I think they have actual good points and have
good ideals in most areas. Okay, so you can’t really connect the two
politically and this has nothing to do with them… This is just me
sitting here thinking that if it wasn’t for the Greens, we would have
Al Gore at the helm of this ship with a destiny that makes the Titanic
look like a success. I think this because there is no way a career
schmoozer politico like Gore could have schmoozed over all these
disasters. 9-11-01, Gulf War II, Enron, California, and now, New York
State’s huge black out. That guy would have been running back and
forth like a panicked Roger Rabbit with nothing getting done and him
only making matters much much worse. Ogre gives the Greens a big
Thumbs Up! THANKS GUYS! You gotta love CNN’s coverage of this Black
Out. Photos of hundreds of people sprawled out in the streets… making
Americans look as pathetic as possible. I’m sorry, New Yuck, but you
need to get your shit together. If this happened out here in Utah, or
Texas, or some state with it’s head not up it’s own ass… we would have
been lighting candles and BBQ grills. You fuckwits are laying out in
the streets because you don’t know what else to do? Jeeze, man! Pull
your selves together! The lights are already coming back on! They
were only off for 1 night! New York City, you make me sick.
I was just
finishing up the two "Dune" prequel books... Honestly, it's
the finest Science Fiction that I have ever read. I say that with
a long and deep history of really good Sci-Fiction. Dune has
always been a classic, but because of Frank Herbert's son... Frank's
magnum epic just... goes critical mass... all the sudden the full power
of Dune is unleashed. Even the original Dune movie get more jazz
because of it. Because now you know the full story behind the
characters and the plots before the plots... all written in such an
excellent fashion as to make these two books required reading before
picking up Dune in book or movie form. Hence my Dune reference in
the above rant. Well, I think I'm going to go get back into bed
and do some deep breathing and try to relax again.
Speaking of
books. has basically run out of space. To
remedy this, I have removed several large and old image files.
Next to go are the PDA Themes for the Pocket PC in the Tech Section.
Then I am afraid I will have to kill the Library section as well.
This isnt something that I want to do... but will. Relatively few
people have hit those. Seems they are reading enough here
already. So if you want ebooks, get them now. I'll
probably delete them off the server this weekend. Then after
that, I am not sure. That will old me for a good long time
because those things take up a lot of space. Perhaps once
used images out of the archives should go to. I'm keeping the
Archives. I don't update those anyways... fixing broken links or
any of that. It's funny because just the other day I got an email
from the Ambassador of the Republic of Texas telling me that my link
from 2 years ago is now incorrect. No, I am not even going to
bother to fix that. But I will say that the Republic of Texas is
about as retarded an effort as Larry Flint running for Governor.
14th, Thursday: 1000HRS MST:
Yesterday I was reading the article while sitting in the ER at the
Huh? Oh, yeah, at the ER. My littlest one took a tumble of a
trampoline and hit his head on a bar and split his forehead open. Not
really bad, but it was a bigger gash than what I wanted to take care of
at home. I thought I should take him in for a couple stitches to close
the wound properly. I had the feeling that I should just close the
wound and use super glue to keep it shut. But I second guessed my
self. So after I got the blood flow stopped and all cleaned up we went
to the ER. Spent over 2 hours waiting and signing the same fucking
forms repeatedly before we finally got back in to see the doc. He held
the wound shut and used super glue to seal it. @$!#@$#@!!! I’ve been
using super glue for almost two decades now… I hate hospitals. If it’s
something that I can just super glue at home… I do. I asked what the
differences were between his super glue and mine. The Doc admitted to
practically none, but his comes in little tiny tubes, and is a one use
applicator and a tube at home is bigger and well, not as clean because
it’s not a one use applicator. Never mind the cost of his and the time
spent and all the BS when I could have just gone to 7-11 and picked up
a new tube and tossed the rest and have come out well ahead on the
deal. Speaking of heads… My little guy is a trooper and is doing just
fine. It’s a 1 inch cut that will probably leave him with a thin
vertical scar that will fade as he grows. No big deal. It hides in
his scowl lines as it is. He never even cried. Bravest 2 year old
History channel had on a show about “Bounty Hunters”.
It was actually pretty good but it didn’t tell the whole story. As one
who has done fugitive recovery work, the reality is generally less
romantic than what they portray on TV. However the History Channel did
do the best job of it to date. The full story should also include the
cooperation with the police. Some police departments cooperate with
the fugitive recovery agents and they work together in a mutually
supportive relationship. Others treat them as riffraff who are little
better than the criminals. And then there is this “Dog” bounty hunter
that has been on the news lately. Congratulations to him for catching
Mr Max Factor Heir. Also congratulations to him for making all of us
who do it or have done it to look like a bunch of freaking Trailer Park
Rangers. He has got to be the worst example of the lot. Seriously.
With his unbrushed and missing in action teeth to his Mohawk-mullet…
I’ve only met 1 guy doing the job that was like him in appearance, and
that guy was a complete moron. Never worked with him and never will.
The people I worked with were all very professional. We worked with
the local law enforcement in a spirit of cooperation. And unlike the
cops, we didn’t cost the community a dime. I would submit that
fugitive recovery agents are every bit as professional as the LEOs. I
would also submit that the number of “mistakes” they make are much
fewer than the LEOs. They just get a lot more airtime when it happens
because of the controversy and the phrase “Bounty Hunter” as if it was
an ugly and unneeded hold over from the ancient days. This is not the
case. The truth is that they are a desperately needed part of the
Justice System machine, and they help get the bad guys off the streets
and they do it for the community for free. The only person who pays is
the Bondsman who hire the hunters. If it wasn’t for them, bondsmen
wouldn’t be able to help people like they do and everyone who gets
picked up would have to just live at jail until the court date…
sometimes months.
history channel also gave props to the M-16 calling it a “Modern
Marvel” and Eugene Stoner a genius.
I disagree. First off, Stoner was indeed a clever man who made
materials changes that helped improve the industry. For that, sure…
I’ll concede the point. But when it comes to firearms design, the man
was an utter git. His rifle was over engineered to the point it more
resembles the results of inbreeding than improving a weapon design.
Stoner had other designs… better designs… but the AR-15/M-16 rifle
should never have been adopted and Stoner himself should have known
better. The history channel made all the problems with the rifle look
like it was all the Army’s fault. Maybe there is some part of truth to
that. But if it was all the Army’s fault, why did the Marines have the
same problems? And if the rifle was so freaking wonderful, why did the
simple difference in the type of powder cause so many problems? That
was never addressed by the history channel or AR-15 apologists.
Especially when the powder used was supposed to have enhanced the
rifle’s selling point of being “self cleaning” by pumping faster and
hotter gasses through the system. Right? Well, maybe this was the
case with a rifle that used an operating rod and not direct gas
impingement. I will also concede the point that the Army truly fucked
up when it believed it didn’t have to have cleaning kits with the
M-16. This tells me that the Army never spent enough time with the gun
actually shooting it before giving it to the troops. That was a huge
cluster. Because we all know the M-16 requires far more attention to
cleaning than any other weapon in history.
This heat wave going on in France...
As much as I dislike the French as a whole, I’m not pleased in any way
to see this. Some 3,000 people have died from the heat. Such heat is
not normal in France, and they just don’t know how to deal with it.
This is something that is learned quickly in Phoenix, but the French
must be slow learners. I’ll give the French as a little secret:
“Drink Water”.
Bush is getting ripped about the First Strike move he made?
The liberals are such a bunch of fucking retards, they should all be
booted out of the government. Bush’s tactic was simply the application
of long standing military doctrine. Command and Control has always
been a priority target in every military action since WWI. Stupidity
is no stranger to the Liberals. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Bush’s
move was a correct and just one. We are just disappointed it missed
the Hussein family… but it did take out a great deal of the C&C and
this saved American lives because they were unable to coordinate the
defense. If the Liberals are pissed about that then they are truly the
bunch of stupid Anti-American assholes that I think them to be.
I am going to
change something here on Mad Ogre. All the knife stuff will
get a subsection off the Weapons Section. This will improve that
stuff and not clutter this part... I don't like the appearance of
"Pimping My Knives". I'm not pimping them... if you want one
fine, if not, fine too. All knife commentary will get moved to
that new section. Also, I just want to make this clear, these
knives for sale... I'm only going to do it for a while longer and then
I'll be done with them. is not a commercial vehicle.
It was never intended to be that and I don't want it to become such.
I maintain no email list, I accept no advertising either. These
links you see, they are there because I want them to be there.
Notice the Ninja link is gone? It amused me for awhile and then
when I was done with it, I killed the link there. This is
something that I maintain total control over and wont be held to any
agreements. I like it this way. This goes for these knives
too. Anyways... out of all the orders taken for these knives,
there has only been one small error and it didn't effect the customer.
His knives shipped out on time, but the paperwork on the back end got
screwed up and it looked like they hadn't shipped! This error was
caught while we were printing out a shipping label to send 4 more
knives when it was discovered that with his knives did in fact get
shipped. Our bad. So the worst that would have happened was
he received 8 knives instead of his requested 4. Small
goof. The only goof. So far we are 99% Goof Free in this
knife business! Not bad. We also have 75% repeat buyers.
Not bad for pocket knives.
Aug 13th, Wednesday: 1047hrs MST:
Cop Movies.
There have been very very few good cop movies, but there have been many
many bad ones. There are 3 new ones out on DVD/Tape that you can pick
up. Showtime, a comedy, is really not worth talking about. Then there
is Deep Blue, with Kurt Russell. The only reason this is even
interesting is because they try to recreate the LA Riots after the OJ
verdict. And then there is NARC staring a couple familiar faces.
Remember the big brother that turns into a vampire in “The Lost Boys”
Jason Patric? Well, he is back and gives perhaps his best performance
ever. He will still be the Big Brother, but he does an awesome job in
NARC. Then there is Ray Liotta. I’ve always thought him to be a baby
faced punk. In this film he has gained some weight and grown older.
Not fat… he has just matured and is a “big guy” like many of us. Not
so baby faced anymore. Ray did a fantastic job here. Amazing. Deep
Blue pretty much sucked with the rest of the normal Cop movies. NARC
however is pretty damn good. Gritty, dark, realistic in many aspects…
and it has a good story that unravels chunks at a time. I think it
could have been better written, but I found it engaging. I liked the
characters, even if they were a bit cliché. NARC is worth renting.
Oh, of course there is the flick “Basic”. This movie has you spinning
all the way to the final credits. Good story… perhaps even well
written. Has a great cast too. But it’s the direction that totally
blows and could have ruined the film if it wasn’t for the talent
everywhere else. This and you get to see Samuel L Jackson get killed
in a number of different ways. Fragged, shot, stabbed, given AIDS… He
dies more in this movie alone than I think in all of his other movies
combined. Has he ever died in a movie? I don’t know. Does he really
die in this movie? No, but I blame the director and producers for
changing the story from how it was written. You can tell the story is
complicated and even though the directors and producers fucked it up
completely, in the DVD we get to see the writer try to explain
everything. A bit too late… once it’s filmed its done. You cant back
track the movie and say “See, here you should have picked up on this
and this and this…” Especially when it’s just a blink of an eye!
Yeah, it’s a cop movie, but more of an MP movie kinda thing. Still,
NARC remains one of the best cop movie that has been out in a long
time. I still like “A Man Apart” better.
Several emails along this line: “Ogre, why are pimping these knives so
hard?” Because I like knives, and I like these knives and I get a lot
of questions about them. So it’s a subject on my mind and that is
where I get my posts from. The other question is what knives are the
best/popular/what you should order… Hmmm… There is a distinct pattern
in the orders of these knives I’m “pimping”. I’ve sold at least 1 of
each to different people across the country, but the majority of the
knives sold and the majority of the feedback is for two knives. The
MT025 and the MT005 Stainless. I’ve had more orders for these knives
as pairs then for all the other knives put together. I’m going to
shoot myself in the foot here… let me tell you, between the two blades
my choice is the MT025. I have both and it’s the 25 that gets
carried. Reason for this is that I’m more of a mid sized folder guy
than full sized. The 005 stainless or coated is a large knife. (I
don’t like the black coating, personally) When I carry a pocket knife,
I keep it clipped to the right front pocket of my jeans or slacks and
there it rides… forgotten. I still use the pocket for my keys or what
not so I like the knife to be smaller and more out of the way. The 005
is too large for that. Sure it rides comfy and forgettable, but your
utility with that pocket is limited. This is also why I like my pocket
knives to be contoured so my hand can slide past the knife and back
out. Some knives you can’t do that with. The MT025, with a melt job
lets you do this easily. If you don’t want me to contour the G-10 on
your knife, that’s fine. But I urge you to try it yourself. It will
feel better in your hand, and carry so much better all the way around.
It’s a must. You don’t have to have any tools to do it either. Just
use an emery board… what your wife uses on her nails. Just round the
edges a bit. When I do it, I grind it more drastically than just
rounding the edges. I taper the edges as much as I can. The
limitations of this the taper is the position of the screws that hold
the knives together. I work the G-10 right to that point. This is why
I wont do a melt job on the MT028… the screws are too close to the
edges and there isn’t enough room for it. You could still “break the
corners”, but I’ll leave that to you. While the knife retains the same
thickness… it feels like its ½ the size in the hand. I also leave some
texture on those ground edges to keep it from slipping. I smoothed one
out too much and it was just too slippery. Now, when I say “some
texture” its not snagging material or anything… I just don’t sand it
smooth. The resulting surface is a good balance in my opinion. I’m no
expert on knife making, but I’ve been a life long user. Even packing
pocket knives even at school as a boy. Back when such a thing didn’t
make you a dangerous threat to humanity… you were just normal then. Oh
well. That too smooth knife got retouched with my little grinder and
it is in my pocket as I type this. If I had a webcam or something I’d
post a pic. I’m not an artist or anything, so these knives are not
works of custom knife art… they are what they are. Good knives for
cheap that should serve you well for a long time. The working knife to
spare your more expensive knife from mundane tasks like box and letter
opening or slicing that sticky fruit. I don’t want mango juice getting
into my “Boa” and this is why I have my MT025 with me. But if I had to
fight with these… It would be my Boa in my hand. Hmmm. Maybe not.
This Kerambit is a tank of a folder. I use a “Reverse Grip” and that
kerambit put the cutting edge away from me and out to where it will do
the most damage in that grip. For a fighting knife, its scary as
hell. I still have this one here with internal polishing and
slickerizing and external contouring. You knife fighters should take a
look at these things… especially if you work it like I did. If no one
wants it by Friday, I’m keeping it for myself even if I don’t consider
myself a knife fighter. That is what I have my guns for.
This is the best take yet on the California situation.
I’d vote for it.
like the guy. Grey Davis called Jay to ask to come on the Tonight
Jay said no way. This reason alone is why Leno is 10 times better
than Letterman.
I have some
corrections to make in my GUNS OF
HEAT article. Turns out I misspelled one guys name and
miss ID'd one gun. Wayne Grow's second gun, isnt' a Smith, but a
new Megastar in Stainless. Interesting... very interesting.
So he goes out and buys a stainless version of his first gun. He
must really like Stars. I like them too, but perhaps not as much
as he does. I'll update and correct that later today.
I need a little button graphic for this like my Matrix graphic there.
I can use MS PAINT I think. I'll also link both from my Weapons
Section. The next Guns Of article will be on the movie RONIN.
The reason for these selections are the number of various guns used
that are not all M-16s. Same reason I'll not do a "Guns of
Blackhawk Down"... because I write for an "Educated Audience" and means
Readers who are familiar with the subject matter... so everyone who
reads my shit here should at least be up on Standard US Military
weapons. After Ronin I may do one for Equilibrium... that
flick has a lot of different weapons that are not often seen in films.
Aug, 12th, Tuesday: 1800 hrs:
Gangs of New York.
picked up this movie for some reason and have been watching bits of it
at a time. I wish I didn’t. It was horrible. It had zero redeeming
qualities while being utterly depressing. One side you have the people
that have immigrated. On the other you have everyone else.
Slaughtering each other for no other reason than for striving to prove
who is more “American”. What a load of shit. This reminds me of the
Catholic-Protestant that has been raging in Northern Ireland. Such
violence is despicable. Such violence is self defeating. I would
submit that the True American was not shown in this film. The True
American is the one that would that have been saying that they were all
“Americans” now. I didn’t see anyone saying that. When that movie
first came out I had no desire to see it. My curiosity has gotten the
better of me… killed the cat you might say. This movie made me want to
puke. Don’t get me wrong… I believe in the practical use of pointed,
measured and focused application of violence. This use is for the
defense of our loved ones. Even if this force is used in an offensive
tactic, as long as it is a part of a defensive strategy. I hope you
see what I mean, even if you don’t agree with me.
Last Saturday I saw something that I really can’t get out of my mind.
A 1957 Pontiac Chieftain wagon. It has been 95% restored… but with a
new modern engine and transmission. It’s a 9 passenger wagon. 9!
Talk about a Family Car! I’ve seen the car around town and every time
I would rubber neck on it. The grill… oh man… huge chrome. Its
slammed, riding on big meats and mag wheels. A true hot rod in the
best sense of the idiom. All it needs is some TLC, and a fresh coat of
paint because it’s just primer dark gray lot most hot rods. But it has
a white top… very cool. And “wings” like a 57 Chevy. So freaking
cool. The car oozes character like no new car ever does. PT Cruiser?
That thing is a hollow imitation of the glory that is a 57 Chieftain.
Saturday, it had a FOR SALE sign on it. The price? You have got to be
kidding me! Only $3,000! Next time I see it, it will have been sold
and painted and the asking price will be $30,000. *sigh* Even at 3K
it might as well have been 3 million. Students don’t have the luxury.
I remain heart broken.
Speaking of heart breaking…
Took the boys to the Animal Shelter to look at some dogs. There were
no dogs I wanted. Some of the dogs were… well, this is their last
week. Mature Ex-Family dogs that used to know the love and warmth of a
child’s hug. You could see it in their eyes when they looked at my
boys. Any one of them would have made fine dogs for our family. But
they are not what we are looking for. Too old and unable to have
puppies. Well, there was one dog that I had my eye on. A chocolate
mix between a Lab and a Doberman or something. Really sleek looking
with a gorgeous coat, and shiny eyes. Healthy. If it’s still there
Monday, I might have to go back and take a look at it again. I had a
good vibe on it. There is another dog I am thinking about. A German
Shorthair. Nice dog… but it wasn’t one of my 3 selected breeds. It
would make a great companion for roaming the hills with a rifle in
I completed 2 knives today. I'll ship 1 out tomorrow but the
other is waiting.
The purchaser has changed his mind. This is a slight problem
because this was an Ogre Works Kerambit and I have some time invested
into it. Well, not really a problem. This means it's
available for immediate shipping. It also means I am not going to
start a special knife until after it's paid for. So, if you think
you would like a Kerambit, I have the perfect one for you with no
Funny this.
Chuck Taylor steps down and the very next day the rebels step
back. Liberia is not looking like it's going to be the huge
problem that the liberals were making it out to be. I must assert
my opinion that this is something we should have done a long time ago.
Something Taylor should have done a long time ago as well.
Liberals being wrong yet again. This makes me wonder. They
have been wrong on so many issues... are they right about ANYTHING?
Email from one
of the Horde:
“Once again the Greedy Hand and ever
watchful eye of Big Bro. is at it again. They have developed systems
that can track you with your phone and while you are driving around
town. But now they want to track the letters you send out! My GOD what
will it be next? Tagging us like Salmon, so they can watch us swimming
in the ocean! Ya know what? That Tin Foil hat is starting to look
better every day!
- John"
People take privacy for granted, until the loose it. John, you
forget the face recognition technology in large public venues.
Scans your face and meshes that with a huge database. It can
track you around watching you and where you go. Who you talk to.
Big Brother was a nothing. This is THX1138 now.
Massachusetts is nucking futs. Citizens there are having
to fight for the right to keep pepper spray. If I was a thug...
Mass would be the perfect place to go rampaging. People there
have no right to defend themselves and if they do, you could probably
sue and win for it. Man, I would have a field day out there if I
was a gangster or something. This article is a freaking joke.
People can not really be that stupid. "Pepper spray isnt a good
idea. A self defense course would be better." No... it
isn't a weapon is better than being unarmed. Better yet, having a
weapon and the training to use it is better yet. If that weapon
is a handgun and you are trained in how to use it properly...
outstanding. The big disappointment is Mitt Romney, a good
Utah raised boy who should know better. He raised the FID charge
to a hundred bucks! What an asshole!
Aug 11th, Monday: Noon:
been looking for dogs.
We are looking for a pair. As I
mentioned before, we are interested in 3 breeds. German Shepard,
Doberman, Norwegian Elkhound. If any of my readers come across “Free
Puppies” of any of these breeds, and your in
Utah or
close to it, let me know. 3 months ago I saw some kids giving away
German Shepard puppies. I didn’t get any because we are in an
apartment and such are not allowed. Now that we are going to a place
with some property, I want my boys to have a couple dogs. It’s good
for the boys and good for the dogs. So keep your eye out for me.
about a sore loser.
Old Chuck Taylor did indeed step down as the President of Liberia. But
one the way out the door, he made sure to take some cheap shots at
Read the article and check out some of the bullshit remarks this
fucknozzle is saying. "I
do not stop out of fear. I do not stop out of fright. I stop out of
love for you, my people," Taylor declared, adding, "I fought for you."
Oh that is rich. That is just funny. Uh, Taylor? Dude, if were
such a man of the people how come you have been saying “I’ll step down”
for the last decade? If you love the people so much, how come you have
armed rebels riding around taking control of ½ your country? Is it
because they just don’t love you in return or is it because you have
been screwing these people so severely that they have no choice but to
seek your removal from office? Give me a break, Chuck. Your leaving
because the people have fired you, and you just had to wait until it
was safe for you to make your escape. "They can call off their dogs
now." Taylor said. "We can have peace." Indeed. Now that your gone.
Don’t blame America for your flawed service to your country. Taylor,
you’re a piece of shit and the entire world is glad to see you go.
Funny, you can’t even stay in your own country. Why is that? Don’t
let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Email from a new reader:
“Ogre, great website. I was turned on to
you a few weeks ago. I especially love the knife I ordered from you.
My Benchmade Ascent is now resting in my sock drawer. Question for
you. How do I become a member of The Horde? - Kevin”
Thanks for the email Kevin, and I am pleased you like your knife.
You will like it even better if you do a little work on it. Sand the
edges of the G-10 down to round them off and break out a set of small
Allen wrenches and open her up. Polish the metal around where the
blade meets the washers, put small bit of FP-10 in there and then put
it back together and tighten it up to the point YOU like best. You
have the MT025, and I think it’s the best of the line… and it can be
even better. Now, as to becoming a member of The Horde. Being a
member is something earned on your own. It’s a matter of your own
personal Ogerization. When you become one, you will know it. [Insert
quote from the Oracle in The Matrix here] The Horde is not an
institution. It is a state of being. To be a member of the Horde, you
must be able to identify good from evil, right from wrong, be able and
willing and swear to defend the undeserving sheep around you from harm
from two legged wolves… even if they don’t deserve it. You don’t have
to like them, but you will help them and defend them because it’s the
right thing to do… even if you know they wouldn’t do the same for you.
You will stand in the gap when the goblins come to prey on the weak and
timid sheep anywhere you are, for you will not tolerate predators in
your prowling grounds. You keep your weapons about you in excellent
working condition regardless of appearance. You will render aid when
and where aid is needed to the best of your ability. This means
stopping when you see a damsel in distress with her hood open on the
side of the road, or if you see a struggling animal suffering from a
car strike crawling off the road… you will be merciful and end it’s
misery. You will love your Country. You will defend it in your own
way. Yet you will question all those in authority. You will question
all the rules being enforced by those in authority. You will scoff and
mock all those of “The Left”. You will strive to educate the
uneducated in matters of importance, such as matters found in the Bill
of Rights. You will be responsible for your own actions, and never
look to others to blame… and you will not accept such from others. You
will appreciate the finer things in life. Know what a good steak is.
Know the glory of a well grilled bratwurst. Yet you can also enjoy the
subtleties in the flavors of properly prepared sushi. The nuances of a
musical piece, the artistry of a dancer, the humor of a comedian. You
will have in your library a book of a collection of poetry. You will
stop and smell a rose… if you feel like it. You will note the color of
a sunset. You indulge the whims of a child and listen to them, because
they will one day be like you. You can even let yourself be misty eyed
while attending a show when the story is one of tragedy or loss,
because you can understand the full spectrum of the human condition and
relate with it. You will be in the eyes of the Liberal Sheep a low
brow, knuckle dragging, meat eating bastard. And you will be pleased
to be so. You will have honor and keep your self in honor, because
honor is something no one else can take from you, but you can throw it
away yourself. Those are the tenets of The Horde. So you don’t ask
me, if your one of us. You ask yourself.
Aug 10th, Sunday: 1700hrs:
Gregory Hines has past away.
Died of cancer. We are saddened by this. He was one of the
better entertainers out there. Truly a very talented man and an
inspiration to my wife's family who are also entertainers. Hines
had personally called up my mother in law not to long ago to invite her
to come to New Yuck and meet with him. Running Scared, one
of his movies is hilarious.
I'm working
on my Guns of HEAT article.
I'm posting it, but it is not complete. Things have
become interesting here at home as we are prepping another move to this
place out in the country. Large area for the kids to play with no
worries about who is hiding in the bushes. Especially since I am
looking for a pair of German Shepard dogs or Dobermans to watch over
them. I was up at 2 AM writing this while watching an old VHS
tape of the movie. I will have to get the DVD and verify my Gun
Email from a new
“Ogre, Just got turned on to your site this week and I love it!!
Finally a
site that has the cojones to call a spade a spade and screw PC for the
sake of well just screwing PC. Check out this link to the
article on the MP-5’s at the UN. Is this guy your typical dumb-ass
reporter or what? In this article, he calls these machine guns,
submachine guns, rifles, assault rifles and just all sorts of different
names. Obviously this guy has all the weapons knowledge of Sarah Brady,
and I ain’t sure that ain’t spottin’ ‘em a few points. This is what is
wrong with gun ownership in this country today. To many dumb-asses that
don’t know what the hell they are talking about scarring other
dumb-asses that don’t know enough to know that dumb-ass one don’t know
what he’s talking about. I am writing Newsmax and complain thought
you and a few other readers might want to go there too. Keep up the
good work. Gordon”
Thanks for the email Gordon.
I appreciate the
Let’s take a look at this article.
WTF is this?
“The MP-5 sub-machine guns, para-military assault rifles made by
Heckler and Koch of Germany” Why did he have to re-describe what he
just described? And do so incorrectly? The MP5 not (MP-5) is indeed a
submachinegun. He had that part right and then goes and screws himself
up. It’s not Para-Military… it IS military. And it’s not an assault
rifle either, assault rifles are select fire weapons chambered in
intermediate rifle calibers. As bad as his illustrated lack if
firearms knowledge is, the worst thing about the article is the core
matter. The ATF originally refused to allow the UN Body Guards access
to HK MP5s… but here is the nasty bit: “Through political pressure
coming from senior
Clinton administration
officials, the U.N. eventually got ATF to discreetly reverse its
denial.” Oh hell… Elitism at its worst. The ATF bowed to the wishes
of Clinton against what is written in the laws? Are you fucking
kidding me? The UN body guards do not get to pack around MP5s inside
the United States!
What kind of bullshit is this? You can write Newsmax… I’m writing
Senator Hatch. I know the Clintons have a hard on for the UN, but this
is against the law, but the ATF is letting it happen. The UN needs to
be kicked out of the United States. I suggest we take all the little
boats the Cubans are using to cross over to
Florida in, and but the UN asshats on them and push them out to
sea. If those countries want these dip shits back, they can go pick
their bobbing asses out of the water. You know what? The UN NEEDS
better fire power. Because they are so lucky we don’t go up to New
Yuck and throw them out ourselves. Fuck the UN.
Aug 9th, Saturday: Evening:
Take a look at my knives for sale
I put up descriptions of some of the custom work that I will do on
them. I also have one knife ready to ship with some custom work
done already.
Email from
reader: "Ogre, thanks for selling
the knife. It just arrived today. You were not kidding,
this is an awesome knife! - Brian"
Your welcome Brian. For those curious, he wanted an MT-025 with
the Ogre Carry Melt. He has also ordered 2 more of the same.
Thank you, Brian!
I watched a couple interesting flicks last night and today.
Last night it was THE DUNWICH HORROR. A movie based on the story
by HP Lovecraft. This would be a very difficult movie to make and
yet it was attempted back in the 70's. This is a film that should
not have been made then or anytime. Having read the book, I can
tell you there are things in the book that are what makes it scary
while at the same time they just do not translate to film in any way
shape or form. As a result, this movie ranks and the most rank of
all horror films. They took way too much liberty in making this
flick by changing the story and adding a major character to the film
that didn't exist in the book. Wilber was played as a charismatic
cultist instead of a nasty mutant. The new character is a cute
blonde that lets herself fall victim Wilber's charm/powers. She
was very sexy moaning and stretching on the alter, sure... but it
wasn't in the book so I don't appreciate her being included. Then
after it's all over, there is the explanation from the book that makes
absolutely ZERO sense according to the way the movie went. And
for special effects, they flash prints the film's colorized negatives
in such a way as to not cause stress or fear... but to cause shooting
bolts of pain right through your retinas. For your
own personal safety: Do Not Watch This Film. For the Love
of Lovecraft - Avoid this film at all costs! The other
movie was a remake of an older flick and I have to admit that I liked
it a great deal by the underlying and unspoken messages in it.
SOLARIS. With Mr George Clooney and that one Irish chick from
RONIN... She is so hot with that long gorgeous hair... Anyways,
it's a sci-fi thriller kind of an attempt, but really it's a romance.
I can't explain it, but this flick is a trip and well worth the rental.
If you have any problems with the movie, feel free to talk to me about
NEVER eat a bratwurst with sauerkraut after midnight.
man. Not good in the morning. I feel like I slept in one of those
NASA machines that spins you around. No brats & kraut after 8PM for
the rest of my life! But man, it was a great midnight snack. What
brand of kraut was that? Hebrew National? Whatever, it’s gooood
stuff. Really crisp with a mild flavor… I like to pile it on. Just
not in the middle of the night.
sad email has come to me this morning.
I thought that I had to share it. You might see more of these emails.
Me becoming a psychologist and all that. Think of me as Frasier for
Firearms… I'm listening. “I bought a Kimber Tactical Pro II after
doing some research. I thought I had made an educated purchase. Yes,
I'm somewhat new to guns. I guess these guns need break in time. I
have had rounds fail to feed and empty cases stuck in the extractor (an
external one). Kimber hasn't answered my email yet, and I feel like
I'm stuck with a piece of junk. Maybe I wish I had gotten a different
model? Do you think this gun can be fixed? By the way, I shoot
Winchester 230gr factory ball ammo at the range.
Thanks for listening to me cry. John”
The Tac
Pro II? Isn’t that an upper level Commander sized gun? I think so...
I don’t follow Kimber’s naming convention as they are not my favorite
1911 makers. However they are one of the better ones out there for
production 1911s. I'm just a Springfield man myself. The TRP,
fantastic! Your Kimber should NOT be doing that. How many rounds
have you fired through it yet? On 1911’s I don’t even start looking at
reliability or accuracy until AFTER 500 rounds, because yes, these guns
do need a break in period. However this sounds a bit more than what
you would expect even in an overly tight new gun. No, I don’t think
you have a piece of junk… but there is a glitch someplace there. I bet
it feels a bit too tight doesn’t it? Well, you have 3 options, John.
You strip it down, clean it really good, lube it up with FP-10 and then
sell it. That was option one. Two, is you clean it and lube it really
good, and then shoot the hell out of it and work it in using different
ammunition. Winchester .45 loads are not my favorite. Use different
ammo. Several different varieties. Blazer, Speer, Hornady… everything
you can get your hands on. If there is something wrong with a weapon
it either hygiene, ammo or mechanical. So by doing Option 2 you can
see if it’s H, or A. If it’s not and you surpass 500 with continual
issues, then you now it’s an M factor. Option 3 you can do now or
later. Call (800) 880-2418… email is slow with all gun companies.
Call them and talk to them on the phone. I’ve only dealt with Kimber’s
customer service once and that was 7 or 8 years ago. I’m not sure how
they are, but you have a warranty and they need to honor it. 1911’s
sometimes need a bit more consideration when you just get one. NEVER
pick up a pistol and just put it in a holster and expect it to work.
Never go in with an unproven gun. On Duty, or for CCW or for Home
Defense. 500 rounds is my count. After 500 rounds with no stoppages,
then I can start trusting it. So to sum it up, yes, it can be fixed.
As to if you got the right gun or not, ANY new auto pistol can have
some problems when they are spanking new. Most modern guns don’t… but
they can and if you read some gun forums you will find instances of
just about every gun make and model out there with someone bitching
about a rare bad apple. If I were you, I’d clean it and lube it really
good, shoot the hell out of it this weekend and then call Kimber Monday
morning. If you have “Lost All Confidence” in the gun, then take it
back to where you got it and trade it in on something different. Guns
are supposed to be enjoyable not headaches. There is no shame in
ditching a gun you don’t enjoy having. Get one that you will enjoy.
There are plenty of other good .45ACP options out there.
Personally, I'd break it in some more with different ammo and call
Kimber to talk to them about it. You have a good gun that you
should probably not give up on yet. It's worth sorting it out.
Also, with a new 1911 I like to use a good grease on the rails when
breaking it in. Let me know how it goes and what you decide to
Aug 8th, Friday: 1400hrs:
I have taken my personal MTech knife, an MT025 and have modified it.
I took it apart (again) and went nuts with it. I polished the
blade to a mirror finish, repolished the bearing surface, and carefully
reshaped the G10 giving it a "melt" job all the way around on both
sides. Then cleaned it all up and put it back together using
FP-10 inside the bearings and tensioning the unit till it is "just
right". It opens smoother than any other knife I've ever
had... and that includes some very high end knives. Locks up
tight and there is zero blade play. The new shape feels good in
the hand. Very good. Holding it with another one that is
not modified... the difference is amazing. My knife opens
smoother, feels more solid, more comfortable and it feels smaller.
Slipping it in and clipping it to my pocket... oh yeah, it's now "just
right". I just wish this knife had the "Speed Safe" mechanism
like my Boa. This knife will be carried now when I am going to be
doing things more rough with it. While the Boa is my favorite
knife ever, I don't want to get rough with it. This MT025 is a
knife I would be afraid to play dirty with. It's now my working
knife and the Boa my "dress knife". Hmmm... looking at both
knives together... I shouldn't have polished the blade. My
mistake. It took a lot of time to do and truthfully, the bead
blasted blade looks better. Oh well. I'm doing another one
right now... as custom job for someone, but I'm going to leave the
blade blasted. I remain very impressed with these knives.
I'm telling you, you need to get one. These are NOT the cheap
knives you find at the flea market. These knives are just as good
as Cold Steel or Columbia River. If you work on it... it's just
as good as Benchmade. Well, maybe not but that is because
Benchmade uses a better grade knife steel. Better, but not much
We have a new member of the family. His name is "Shinobi".
He is sleek, small, young, and a full blooded Ninja. He is a
Siamese cat. He comes with the house we are going to be moving
into at the end of the month. We are getting out of this
apartment because, well, it's an apartment and we hate it. You
know the old cliche about thin walls and you can hear the other people
having sex in the other apartment? Well, we are the Others in
this case and I want my privacy. I want my boys to be able to
have the freedom to run around outside with out the bother of the
children of the retards that live in the other apartments around here.
We moved here because it was the only thing available at the time and
we had to move. This new place as a huge area that is about a 100
yard square that the kids can run around in. No yard per say...
but that can be remedied with a little forced labor. I'll be
searching for a pair of puppies for my boys. The Cat? Well,
he lives there. It's his home. Long story. But my
boys have already adopted him.
Because of the hits to the Guns of the Matrix article, I decided to
polish it a bit and correct the typos I noticed.
I'm working on "The Guns of HEAT" right now. Mainly because
it stands out as one of the top Gun Flicks out there. Look for
that to be posted Sunday.
I was in a
discussion with someone about the Libertarian Party. While
liking some of the Libertarian standards,
find them to be very fundamentally flawed and can’t vote for any true
party line Libertarian. They support legalizing drugs while at the
same time cutting the legs out from under the poor and cutting
everything from the Federal Budget that isn’t military spending… like
funds for public education. I think the Libertarians are screwed up.
If it were up to them, I wouldn’t be able to go back to school. My
kids wouldn’t even have a school to go to because this BFE county we
live in doesn’t have to funds to even turn the lights on without
federal funding. Looking in a crystal ball, if it were up to the
Libertarians, the Crack Whore industry would become legalized free
enterprises that would be free to expand because there is nothing
illegal about them any more… the drugs they smoke or the acts they do
to get the money for the drugs. The rich would become richer as usual
sure, but the poor would become all the more poorer because they can’t
afford to feed or educate themselves. But man, they are “FREE”! Free
to starve to death, free to be abused and downtrodden. I don’t like
that. I think even dumbshits have right to some aid as such because
they have kids… Kids deserve every chance to become valuable citizens
in America. And they are not going to make it when they are cold,
hungry, and stupid. A true Libertarian Free State would be like a Post
Revolution – Pre turn of the Century France. To get an idea of what
this would all be like, read Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Yes,
I am down with personal freedom and responsibility, but I'm not down
with grinding people under with my boot heels. The United States
is the greatest nation on the whole fucking planet and there is no
reason for the poor and hungry to be poor and hungry when we have the
money to do otherwise. We just need to spend wisely.
Government Spending Control doesn't mean Government Stop Spending.
What we need to do is stop spending money on bullshit like the Space
Program, The V-22 Osprey, Counting African Gerbils in Oregon, Operating
National Parks With Federal Money when Privatizing would cost less and
improve everything... same with other Federal programs.
Privatization is the key to federal budget control... not cutting
everything. It's bad enough that booze is the #1 cause of
people getting killed on the streets... but they want to make drugs
legal? Fuck that. Legalization is bullshit. You want
to control drugs? Legalizing it isn't the answer. This
isn't Amsterdam. We need to control the boarders and take the
smugglers and just fucking shoot them. The Drug War is a whole
other issue... but surrendering to it is about as stupid as putting a
gun to your head and pulling the trigger saying "I think it's
unloaded". Keeping kids stupid and proliferating the
sexualization of them is the goal of the Liberals! Yet that is
what the Libertarians will allow! No Way! No Fucking Way.
Liberals, Libertarians... both Libs. Both would have long term
negative effects on the country. The only thing that makes
political sense in long term national effect is the Republicans.
anything, Arnold as a Governor will at least be entertaining. He
already is.
The Subaru
Starter issue is not yet resolved, but I now have the solution in mind
now. A remote start button. I can bypass the ignition
system with a switch off the solenoid. I have another little
problem.. very small. There is a little switch in the gear
shifter boot that locks the key unless your in Park or Neutral... yeah,
that was working fine before... but... uh... well... I, uh... kinda
ripped it apart yesterday. LOL... easy fix... but with half the
dash ripped out and the wiring exposed... to quote CR SAM, "It looks
stolen as hell".
Aug 7th, Thursday: 1400hrs:
So the Terminator is going to try for the Governorship after all.
Interesting. I wonder what made him change his mind. Its not the
money is it? Isn’t he taking a big pay cut if he becomes Governor?
Hmmm… Second thought… maybe not. All his last movies have been
stinkers. Has he done anything good since Kindergarten Cop? Please
remember, this fool is a RINO and is not to be trusted. He is an
elitist and that is not a complementary term. I don’t like him
politically and I don’t even really like his movies. Some of his
movies can be called some of the worst films ever made. The only
upshot of his winning the election is that he can’t do any worse than
Grey Davis. His ideas are good and bad. On the good side, he has a
lot of desire to improve education and while I think the political
public schools are so screwed up, I can’t help but to support any
desire to improve it. However he screws up big time when he says he
wants to bring back businesses to pay for more big programs. What they
need to do is to take a serious look at all the programs and trim the
fat and redundancies. But his biggest mistake is his unyielding belief
in Gun Control. One reporter said that “This wont be good for
Davis!” Please. As if that jackass has ANY hope of surviving this
election. We will probably be seeing several law suits and other
legal entanglements in the aftermath thanks to Al Gore and the
Floridians. We will also see all the tools of the Governor’s trade
get pasted. Stolen files, computers, software, office supplies, etc.
Just like the Clintons staff did, just like the Salt Lake City’s
mayor’s staff did when Rock Anderson took over. Democrats are poor
losers. Let me clarify that… they are good and loosing, they just
behave badly after the fact.
have noticed that my Guns of the Matrix article has gathered no moss in
the blogosphere.
It’s mentioned and referenced and linked in quite a few places.
Interesting. I’m pleased that it’s popular. I had a lot of fun
writing that one. More fun that doing little posts like this one every
day. Just to let you know, my full time classes are starting in just
a couple weeks. When this happens my updates are going to be fewer.
However bigger articles are going to still happen as I can. I still
have the Gun Lube Tests article that I am still working on… no rush on
it. And I have a lot of other things going on too but now isn’t a
time to discuss them. I am planning to do a “Guns Of” article for a
couple other of my favorite movies: HEAT, RONIN, and EQUILIBRIUM.
Any other flicks I should think about?
Email from my brother: “Hey, we just finished
watching Dog Soldiers. Once again, you proved your judgment. That was
freaking awesome. Where the heck do you find all these never heard of
movies? Those werewolves were sweet and for the most part, the military
part was on target. If you have any other movie recommendations, let
us know. We go back to school in two and a half weeks. Just counting
the days. Well, talk to ya later. Peace out.”
am glad you guys liked it. To give my readers a little background on
this, I suggest they watch a movie called “Dog Soldiers”. The
strengths of this movie are 2 fold. First, the excellent squad action
and gun handling in the first half of the movie. This of course fades
out in the second half, but the second have had it’s strength in the
werewolves. I think these are perhaps the creepiest werewolves ever
shown in a movie. This is hard to do because werewolves, like all the
“Classic Monsters” have all been done to death… so how are you going to
make them even remotely interesting? These guys did a stunningly good
job of it by simply breaking “The Divine Proportion”. Watch it and you
will know what I mean. These WW creatures are truly nightmarish. The
ending sucks, as most endings do, but I warned them of this fact.
Still, it’s a film worth renting if you find yourself with a Get One
Free situation. Not for kiddies. Put them to bed before you turn this
one on. It will disturb them greatly for many years. Scar them
emotionally. Any other good suggestions? Why, brothers, just take a
look at my Movie page. School starting… Yup. I am counting too. That
is scaring me more than a pack of werewolves. Regardless of my
arrogance and bravado, I am still human. Even for an Ogre. I suffer
from a dreadful feeling that I am not good enough to go back to
school. I think that I will fail or wont be able to finish the courses
and this will all be for naught. That is what scares the shit out of
me. That and my Grandmother-In-Law. *shudder*
Email from Reader:
are great regarding their motors and stuff like that.. It's not
uncommon to see them running around with 200,000+ miles on the
odometer. Plus some make great trail/mild off-road vehicles, which is
I suppose why you bought that car in the first place. They are common
in Australia and there are several aftermarket
companies that sell heavy-duty brush guards and small lift kits were
you can use small pick-up tires for the extra ground clearance. Here's
what I do if I have a jap car that has trouble with the neutral start
cutoff switch: Get rid of that switch. Ground that wire out so that the
car thinks it's in neutral all the time. Of course if the car has
different idle characteristics or something like that when it's in
neutral, then you can't do that, but I don't think that will be a
issue. Then you can do useful things with the starter, like in a
emergency or awkward/dangerous position were you can't start the car
you can use the starter motor to move the car a few feet. This is a
trick that is used by 4x4's that have carbureted motors that can't
restart after dying at extreme angles. Of course this reduces the life
of starter, so it should only be used in a pinch. :) To bad I don't
live in your area or I'd be considering buying your car.”
Well, you hit the nail on the head as to what I am trying to do with
the car already. The only trouble is finding just where that switch is
so I CAN disable it. It’s not to be found anywhere. As for the
starter trick, I’ve used that in the past in my Audis as a push to get
the car rolling to where I could compression start the engine. You
know, get it rolling and turn the key on and pop the clutch… believe
me, I have a history of needing to do that. Where out a starter?
Please. You can buy one with a life time warranty and replace it in 15
minutes once a year. I don’t give a flip about the starter. Two
wires, two bolts, done. The engines in a Subaru are unique… they are
actually certified as small aircraft engines… well, at least the one in
my car is. This engine is the only reason why I love-hate relationship
with the car. The engine is WONDERFUL. I just wish this car was a
stick and not an auto. If anyone has a stick that wants to trade, I’m
game. I would give up the power locks, windows, all that jazz for a
stick shift. Mainly because I like to feather the clutch when sliding
sideways around a curve… gives me more control of the car’s attitude.
As much as I like the engine… the lack of a clutch is why I would
trade it off.
Another email and a good question:
“I am trying to decide on a good 45 auto to buy for self defense. I
have carried a Sig 229 in 40 caliber for 4 years and am used to
something that is very reliable, the problem is I cant afford another
Sig or I would go with a Sig 220. What do you think about a
Springfield Mil-Spec or a CZ97? Will they hold up?
And what about reliability and accuracy? I have even considered a
revolver namely a Ruger GP100. I would appreciate your opinion.” Hmmm, a very good question, Marlon. As much as I love the CZ-97
for its feel and accuracy… I don’t think I would recommend it for
defense. Comp or Range, fine. Defense? Not yet. For a 97 to be
worthy of defense use it would have to be worked. I had some
reliability issues with mine that causes me to distrust it. However,
it was the most accurate handgun I have EVER owned. Seriously. A
Mil-Spec Springfield would certainly do the job, and has for the better
part of a century so I can’t fault it in the slightest.
Springfield has a warranty matched only in my opinion by Taurus. Now,
you mentioned the 97 as being an acceptable option, so this tells me
you have large hands and are not afraid of a large auto. You also are
used to a DA/SA trigger system. So here are 2 other options for you:
Taurus 945 offers a lot of variants
check them out here. There is one that is sure to fit your
bill. Taurus and
back their handguns better than anyone. That makes it a great value
that you can pick up cheaper than you would expect. About in your
range if you shop around a little. Don’t worry about the old opinions
of Taurus that they are second rate. This is no the case and hasn’t
been for almost 10 years. They had a bad reputation that is hard to
break in the Gun Industry. The Beretta 92 series has a bad rap for
slide breaks that was mostly unfounded and it STILL has that reputation
in spite of billions of rounds fired with no similar breaks. Speaking
of Beretta… the other option is also in your budget if you shop around
a little deeper.
The Beretta Cougar. It has the same round count as the 1911, 8 to
10 rounds. It’s a unique pistol that feels great in the hands and
feels good when shooting. I’d hunt or talk to your
favorite FFL and see if he can’t find one for you. Either gun is a
solid choice that is being used by police officers and other
professional gunslingers. You just don’t hear about them very often or
at all. Then there are the other regular choices of HK, Glock or S&W…
but the HK is more expensive and the others are further down on my
list. My first choice would of course have been the SIG P220 or the
smaller P245 for easier carry. Oh, the Cougar can be had smaller as
well for CCW. So my first admonition would be to shop around for a SIG
P220 or P245 and see if you can’t find one you can afford. Maybe even
saving a few months if needed. Barring that, take a good look at the
Taurus and the Beretta. Hope I aimed you in the right direction.
Let me know what you have selected.
6th, Wed: 1900hrs:
Sometimes you don’t want to inherit anything… no really…
Remember when I talked about the mother yesterday?
Well, this
one is a little different. What if you found at after your mom
passed away that she was really Norman Bates’ Mom? This story has
Creep Show written all over it and what makes it worse is that it is
all true. Mom dies. So daughter goes up into the attic and starts
going through things… find 3 chests full of potential treasure. Opens
them. Finds the bodies of 3 dead babies. Judas Priest! Really makes
you wonder about Mom doesn’t it? I could probably see this if this was
a case from back in the first half of the 1900’s. Like in the 30s with
the great depression and all that jazz. But Mom passed away in 1999.
This makes the story much more ghoulish. Just how old are these bodies
and who are they? Siblings? Still births? Or something more
sinister. Would make for an interesting book. By H.P. Lovecraft
This issue about this Gay Bishop.
Is this a case about the Church or this guy’s career? I think this man
in question needs to take a deep reflection as to what is best for his
church. There is a deep divide that will tear the church apart and
many members will fall off regardless of the choice made. This guy
needs to decide what is best for the church. Being voted in as a Gay
bishop, or being voted off as a Gay bishop. Either way, in my opinion
the best thing would be to drop out of the picture and make the issue
fade off. At least that is my opinion. UPDATE: Well, I wrote the
above early this morning and I had a lot of issues to take care of
today so it didn’t get posted. More on that in a minute. Looks like
this guy was voted in as was expected. The church playing politics
instead of being a church. The pundits and apologists make the case
that homosexuality as a sin is a matter of interpretation of the
Bible. Here is mine. It IS a sin. And as such, in my opinion this
guy should not be a Bishop, Priest, or even an Alter Boy. That’s my
personal opinion. This doesn’t mean I’m going to tie a gay guy to the
bumper of my pickup truck… I just don’t think it’s right that they take
a position of moral authority (in anything) in the church. I have no
problem with a homosexual being a homosexual… but please, no, I don’t
want them preaching to me about sin and repentance. You know, the
stuff you get lectured about in Church. Anyways, this doesn’t come as
a surprise to me. As said, I expected it to go this way. It was the
politically correct way to go. Remember people, there is no right and
wrong any more… there is just Political Correctness.
Well, the (fucking) Subaru is now parked outside where I will be able
to tear it apart and rebuild it at my leisure.
To get it out of where it was, it required a Ford F-150 to go into 4
Low and a tow chain that was more than 20 feet long. I think I have
whiplash from the several big yanks. Thank heavens this Sube has good
solid tow hooks in the front end or I would have been worried about
ripping out a transaxle or something. If ANYONE out there knows how
to permanently override the neutral safety switch, and the ignition key
release switch… I would appreciate the information. Yeah, I screwed up
the little switch that tells the ignition switch that I can take the
key out. What happened to the good old days when you could start the
car with a screw driver?
I remember we had a Chevy Caprice Wagon many
many many years ago that you could start with a butter knife or screw
driver. Now that was called “Practical”. These days? It’s like a
getting a committee vote. Oh, this is in a 92 Subaru Legacy AWD
autostick. A green one. I don’t know why that was important, but I
was asked that – the color – at a Sube shop in Virginia. I didn’t know
Sube made the different colored cars differently… but I hear the red
ones go faster. What I need is for a Sube shop to email me the
diagrams and information out of the shop manual for this car. No, not
the Haynes or Chilton manuals… the factory shop manual. This crap
isn’t in the Haynes or Chiltons – I already looked. You know, since I
am going to have to completely remove the dash – I might as well strip
this thing down completely and prep it for Rally Racing. Any ways, if
anyone even knows someone who knows where this little alchemy secret
is, get me a number and I’ll call them. The best thing about the car
is it’s engine. As much as this car pisses me off – once I am in it
and rolling – all is forgiven. This engine loves to rev and run hard
and I respect that. I can be beating the shit out if it and the engine
wont even hint at overheating. Kinda like my Jeep. I can flog the
hell out of it and the engine wont even get hot.
sun is getting low and it’s cooled off out there a bit… time to get
back into the Sube and start tearing it apart.
Aug 5th: Tuesday:
Funny how earlier today I mention that the Jeep is doing well.
And it still is. But it’s interesting how the Subaru has taken offense
to that. It’s now stuck indicating 3rd gear… regardless of
the actual gear. Since it’s not showing Neutral – the safety switch
isn’t open and this I can’t get my car to start – again. No matter
what I do. It’s not going into neutral or park so I can’t start it.
All week it’s been stuck in Neutral so I could start and stop with no
problems. This wouldn’t be so annoying were it not parked out in the
middle of the fucking desert with buzzards circling overhead. See, I
took my boys out shooting today. We practiced aiming and breathing and
tracking skills through the desert scrub. After a few hours of this,
we were all hot and tired and thirsty… so we jumped into the car to
rush back into town for some refreshment. This is when I noticed the
car was going to be a problem. There was nothing I could do to get
started. Nothing. It was a long march for the little ones to a
construction guy who had a cell phone on him. Called in an evac
mission and we were soon picked up with cold refreshment waiting on
board… in the trusty Jeep. If anyone wants a 1992 Subaru Legacy… YOU
CAN HAVE THE FUCKING THING!!!!! AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, not have, but I will gladly sell it to you cheap or trade
you for an old Jeep. Power everything, automatic. Make a reasonable
offer and you can come get it. I’ll give you the keys and you can do
with it as you will. I am so freaking done with it. As soon as I get
it running again – I am going to take it to a dealership and trade it
off. I’ve had it. I’d trade it straight across for a 1970 Ford… I
don’t care… as long as the Ford starts and runs drives with no problem
– I don’t care what it is. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not too much to ask is it? Just for something to take my
boys and I from point A to point B? That's not too hard is it?
Evidently it is. Shoulda stuck with that damned Mustang.
Maybe I should look for a Buick. FUCK!!!!!
28 email messages.
8 of which were actual emails to ME. The rest was SPAM. Let’s see
what the theme was today. Weight loss, penis drugs, Russian girls who
want to come to America to be my mistress. Hmmm. That’s interesting.
Usually they want to be Brides, but now just being the other woman is
acceptable. I didn’t know being a concubine was something to aspire to
in Russia. Hmmm What else? Symantec spammed me with an offer to buy
a download version of NAV. Which I already have. Lose more weight
faster… ah… it’s a carrot juice colon blow thing. No thanks. What
happened to Prune Juice? When did prune juice go out of style? I
thought everyone knew that it was prunes that greased the tracts?
Well, who am I to question such well written and promoted marketing?
The most interesting bit of spam… other than the financial programs
(admittedly I am tempted to get that Visa Gold Card with the name Mad
Ogre on it) was one that offered the secrets to paper cutting. Whoa!
This isn’t something you see every day. But you can cut out fantastic
patterns and designs out of paper… but only if you have The Secret.
Damn. I better not get the secret but if I had it, I’d probably tell
some one. Let’s see, what else. has been pimping us to sell
there. But I think the most interesting spam of the day is for “The
Lip Plumper”. “You can kiss your thin lip.s goodbye!
Painlessly stimulates your lip.s to produce collagen & hyaluronic
moisture, which results in LARGER, PLUMPER & more DESIRABLE lips!
Exclusive break through formula is DIFFERENT from any other lip plumper
- IT ACTUALLY WORKS! Easy to use, just glide it on to PERMANENTLY
double your lip size and shape naturally - everyone will notice the
difference! With regular use you will get PROVOCATIVE, POUTY lip.s in
30 days or your MONEY BACK!” With of course a tight close up of
Angelina Jolie's lips. Or is it “lip.s”? I don’t know… I think Ogre
might look good with provocative pouty lip.s. It’s only 25 bucks. So,
this is stuff you rub on your lips and it makes your lips swell up?
That has to be painful. With out spending 25 bucks, there are other
ways to get the same results. There is the famous capture a bee in a
jar and put you lips into it so the bee can sting them. There is the
stage method of just drawing a bigger mouth and filling in with
lipstick. Then there is the Alabama method of just getting a fat lip
from a sock to the mouth by some guy in a tank top. No thank you.
Sure Angelina’s lips are delightfully plump and provocative and pouty…
but I really don’t think they would look good on me. And just now in
popped another spam that asked “Am I Happy?” *Grrrrrr* I’d be a lot
happier if you jackasses would stop sending me so much fucking spam all
the damn time! I don’t give a rats ass about spammers rationalizations
for the deplorable practice. Spamming is the worse form of marketing
right next to telemarketing. I swear, if I ever find a spammer within
arms reach… I’m going to choke the life out of him with my bare hands.
Listening to a lot of conservative people talking and I hear a lot of
them mention
as an acceptable Democratic candidate.
Two questions: 1. Why is Lieberman acceptable? 2. How can ANY
Democrat be acceptable if they are still Democrats? What in depths of
Hades do we need a Democrat for when we have a guy in the big office
that is pushing Democrat programs? I humble submit that Lieberman is
patently unacceptable and that there is not a single candidate on the
left who is. Not for the Governorship of California and not for the
United States as a whole. While I am sure Lieberman is the nicest guy
on the planet, he is still of the left and a tool for their greater
goals which are all sinister in nature when you dig deeper and look at
the big picture of the Liberal America. No Lieberman. No Democrats.
No Left Turns! You know, I just wish this guy was a Republican. If it
wasn’t for the Left’s agenda, he wouldn’t be that bad. He is certainly
better than most other Democrats, but that isn't saying much.
“I think I
killed the baby.”
Not “I sliced my baby’s throat open”. Licensing for cars and guns…
Perhaps they should do the same for Parenting? This is absolutely
horrid. Another mother murdering her child. This is the most evil
thing ever. This is worse that man murdering a rape victim. There is
a sacred bond between a mother and a child… and for the mother to do
something such as this. Horrible. Her statement indicates a
disconnect from the victim. The word “the” in this case communicates
more than was spoken. With the word “The” she says she was emotionally
detached from the infant. She had no love for the child. She was very
cold and collected when she did this evil deed. As if it was just a
Postpartum Abortion. Yet when asked if she felt sorry, she said “Oh,
yes, I do.” No, if she was sorry about this her wording used “My” then
we could probably believe she was sorry. As the word “my” would
indicated ownership, custody, a bond. No, this was not a glitched
firing of neurons in her brain. This was not a traumatic emotional
breakdown. This was cold blooded, and probably premeditated murder.
The only thing she is sorry for is that she faces repercussions, not
that she lost her baby. Perhaps abortion is a good thing… so fewer
babies are born to such monstrous bitches… so they don’t have to look
at their mothers faces… so that they don’t have to suffer the ultimate
am going to be very sad one of these days, when its time to retire our
It’s a unique vehicle even when compared to other Jeeps. I had to
replace the exhaust pipe so I selected a stainless unit that is heavier
and fatter than what was originally installed. This pipe gives the
Jeep a very unique sound. It growls. It’s only a 2.5 liter 4 banger
motor… but it’s an angry little engine. The growl can be heard from a
distance and my wife who drives it the most is always announced in her
return. Constant leakage of power steering fluids shows where we have
parked. It’s amusing to me… what this Jeep has been through and
survived. It’s odometer shows over 250 thousand miles on it, and I
have documentation that indicates it has rolled. One and a quarter
million miles and still rolling… still growling. It has personality…
has character. In it’s time, it’s had some major things going on.
Paperwork shows it has had some engine swaps with one being a V-8
engine believe it or not. So in another time it was quiet the hotrod.
This makes it very personalized as I am the same way. Used to be so
“high speed and low drag” but have put on a lot of hard mileage.
Bullets, bad ankle, migraines and bad liver… and I’m still growling.
I still need to find a new driver’s seat for it. The back is broken
on it. A common problem with Jeep Cherokees evidently. I’ve talked to
other Jeepers and several have had to replace the seat too. Of all the
Jeeps in all the junk yards I have found, not one of them still has the
driver’s seat. I’m about ready to buy one on line… but that would be a
100 dollar saddle on a 50 dollar horse. Well, maybe this horse
deserves a nice saddle. If any Ogre Readers out there come across a
Drivers Seat for a 1986 Jeep Cherokee that is in a solid condition… let
me know. I think I might have to call Jeep and talk to them about
this. The newer model jeeps have fine seats. You don’t hear about
them breaking. Or in many other vehicles either. Oh well. It’s still
worth it. I love this Jeep.
4th: Monday: 2030hrs:
Best email of the day:
“Thanks for your expose on the M16 AR15.
My dad was issued one in 1966 and found out it was a very accurate
single shot. Since there was only one cleaning rod per squad they had
to pass it around during a firefight in order to return fire. I still
have the letters he wrote to my grandmother about what a piece of crap
it was. My buddy who was issued the A2 in 1989 mirrored exactly what
you said about the M16 shitting where it eats. In my drunken mongoloid
senility I was considering picking up a cool looking black rifle with
my tax refund when I saw your well written review of Stoners
Frankenstein. Thanks again for setting me straight. – J”
Thanks for the email J. If you want a cool black rifle, there are
plenty of good options. Stepping out of the caliber question, a VEPR
II is an OUTSTANDING AK variant that has accuracy that can rival most
AR-15’s and can be had in .223. Then again, if you really want an AR,
there is the AR-180B that remedies the AR-15’s biggest drawback. Or if
you want to get serious, there is the M96 Recon. One of the best
fighting rifles you can buy. It remedies even more.
Another email came in about the 5.56MM round and how it should be
classified as a destructive device instead of a little 55 grain twenty
two caliber poodle shooter.
5.56MM explodes! Guys, here is a little incident that happened some
years ago… I knew the bank guard in this case. He was shot through the
head by a bank robber armed with an AR-15. This happened a few days
before the big Bank of America robbery in California. There was big
running gun battle and lots of shots were fired. However there was no
video so when the BOA robbery went down on live TV, it was much bigger
news. Anyways, about the wound… the bullet went in one side and out
the other right behind his eyes. He was in the hospital for a few
days, and blinded for life. If the bad guys had used ANYTHING ELSE,
even lowly and often scoffed at pistol caliber carbine this guy would
have been dead meat. In fact, the 5.56MM rifle was probably the only
rifle that could have possibly gone in and out with such little
damage. Yes, the man was very lucky. Had also the shot gun anywhere
else, there would have been more damage too… but still. Just an
example how the caliber failed.
Read Blackhawk Down. It talks about the poor ballistic
performance. In case you don’t have a copy of BHD, I have it for
you. Be my guest to copy it all into a word document and read it at
your leisure. I have it on my iPaq actually.
heard on the news that the issue of the day for the racist bunch is the
naming of tropical storms and hurricanes.
There is no “Black Sounding” names in the list. Well HOLY SHIT! Even
the weather is racist now! Damn. Just another way The Man is keeping
a Brutha down. Let me axe you dis… when can ‘are be a disaster named
afta a brother? Huh? Cracker? Uh, let’s see… there are the all the
sports riots and the LA riots because of OJ. You guys want more? I
was joking there. Seriously. But this is a non-issue if there ever
was one. Racism will end when dumbshits stop bringing it up.
But this isn't what they want... because they bank on racism.
They make their living of promoting racism. They LOVE racism.
And notice something? The "white people" are not the ones that
bring it up. Racism is ugly... that's true. And
I am dead set against it. Discrimination is wrong regardless of
the factors involved, be it age or sex or faith. But if we really
want to be a color blind society, asshats need to stop bitching about
there being no hurricanes with black sounding names. The worse
thing than the person complaining... is the media that put her in the
news. I'm not even linking this story, I'm too disgusted.
Don Gwinn wrote a
poem called "Open letter to a Soccer Mom"
Read it here. Spectre has written a reply to it...
"Evil you are, for evil you bring
In your frightened, petty way
From your imagined height
Of lofty righteousness,
Wearing the armor of the unaware
And the laurel of the wishful,
But I know the truth. I understand your motivation
I see and smell the fear that drives you
For the children! For the children!
Oh, no- for you. Your kind can no more
Do an unselfish act than white turn black
So, cloak your malice in officious words,
Hide your fear in your "concern"
Turn your back on what frightens you,
And never, never look death in the eye
But it will come, and do not think
It will be any easier for your pretending
So, leave your fears! Let the pestilence of
The frightened fade away. Embrace instead a weaker courage,
A moral honesty to face the darkness and light the way
And truth will set you free, the truth that only the strong
Can be truly gentle, and your arms, like your spirit
Can be brandished or wither from lack of use."
Spectre, for those that don't
know him is a true Warrior Poet. Thanks Spectre, we are
looking forward to your next update regarding your time at the Yakima
Training Center. I've never been there.
Rush Limbaugh has been on the air with his “Institute for Advanced
Conservative Studies” for 15 years.
Kudos to Rush for being the single biggest thorn in the side of modern
Liberalism. This is an accomplishment to be proud of.
What is the deal with AR-15 Advocates always talking about the bullets
exploding in the targets?
US has only one load will “fragment”. It can break in half when it
goes through a target body. Notice I say that “it can”. It doesn’t
always and as I have said before, it only does this when fired at the
full velocity given by the full length rifle barrel and not the popular
short M-4 length barrels.
One snide remark was “Have you ever seen a wound from a 5.56MM?”
Yes. Indeed I have. Obviously, dumbass, you have not. As I have
explained before (Check the Magic Bullet article in the weapons
section) you can not bank on bullets doing anything other than punch a
hole into the target. If it does something else – great – if not, you
are left with a nice small .22 caliber hole. 7.62X39MM makes a bigger
hole. “Oh, it just tumbles once and exits leaving another small
hole.” I’m not making this up. This was a comment made to me over at
Geeks With Guns. Look at it this way, infant, this round got a
reputation for being a buzz saw in Viet Nam. Such a reputation that
people thought the bullet tumbled right out of the barrel. But now all
the sudden 5.56MM is the buzz saw and the 7.62 is what just makes the
little holes? This is either the result of some conspiracy to rewrite
history, or an unfortunate display of an astonishing amount of
ignorance. I think it’s ignorance. The only way a full metal jacket
bullet is going to explode is if it was fired into a block of C-4 that
was subsequently detonated. Because C-4 wont explode from a bullet
strike unlike what is shown in many action movies… but that wont stop
some fool from writing me to tell me it does and then question my
military experience where I actually used the damn stuff.
I got reamed by
someone via email. Because I am selling my knives for 20
bucks and someone on eBay is selling one for 15! *shock*
Your kidding me? And all the sudden I'm an asshole because
someone is selling it on eBay for less? Look, eBay is an online
auction. The idea is that more than one person will bid on it.
The idea is that this bidding will make the price go up. There is
an advantage to ordering from me. The advantage is that you know
who is selling it. You know that I will ship the same day or next
and you don't have to wait a week to see if your bid got out bid and
then wait for the seller to answer your emails and all that eBay crap.
No. Not with me. I get the order and I take care of it
ASAP. If you still want to eBay for the same knife... be my
guest. You expect me to match someone's eBay asking price?
You gotta be kidding me. Why don't you go to the store and tell
them you want the something cheaper because you saw it for less on
eBay. I have to sell the knives for more than I bought them
for. I'm not making much on these things... I'm really not.
It's really not even worth my time and effort. So yeah, I'm
trying to make some money on this deal. I have no obligation to
do otherwise. It's called capitalism. Now, here is
something your not going to get off eBay. I'm taking an
individual knife and rebuilding it. Tightening and polishing and
sharpening and improving the knife from the inside out. The
results on my own example is an improvement in the overall feel of the
knife. These knives are going to be sold one at a time. The
first few are spoken for. After these are done, the next ones
will be posted on the same knife for sale page as the others... but you
will notice a different price. A small premium for my time.
Just looking at what’s in the news today… we have some interesting
items. Let’s review the highlights:
Australians sunk one of our subs?
Your kidding me!?
Why those… Oh, wait a sec. This was back in WWII and we are still
not sure exactly what happened. All we know for sure, is that the USS
Triton is sunk. I thought the Nips did it, but someone else thinks our
friends did it. Interesting mystery if a pointless one. Even if it
was friendly fire, it’s unfortunate, but these things happen. We
recently shot down a friendly F-16 and bombed Canadian troops.
Mistakes happen. That’s a fact of war. War is hell and there is no
way to make it a sterile operation friendly to all and made for TV.
man in charge of running Hyundai has jumped to his death from his 12th
story office.
Interesting. Makes you wonder why? Did his application to Honda
get turned down? Or was he just taking responsibility for making
Hyundais? I wish whoever was responsible for the Pontiac Aztec and the
Ford Focus would make the same plunge. Hopefully from a more dramatic
Patriot Act is a huge problem for all those that love freedom.
Just the name is a slap across the face to most of us who read What it is all about is a simple removal of the Bill of
Rights whenever the Government feels like it. Search and Seizure is
what it’s all about. If the Government thinks “Hmmm… John Doe might be
a threat” then the government can be all over John Doe with no
restraint or no evidence. No Probable Cause. Nothing more than a
vague suspicion is required because that’s that the Patriot Act is for
– to dig up any evidence. An unlikely champion against this has come
forward to everyone’s surprise.
Your Library.
Burglars are getting serious now.
They don’t just steal everything in your house now… they will steal
your whole house. Wow.
Sucks to be
that guy! Guy has one of those PreFab houses and the bad
guys took it apart and made off with it. Dayum. See, this is why I
am wanting a Timber Frame home. It’s a lot harder to move 2 ton trees
than a prefab panel. Wait a second. Maybe I don’t want a Timber
Frame home. Thieves could still break in pretty easy. No… I want
real security. I want safety. I’m serous about this. I want
I want this. Now THAT is what I am talking about! This is
actually a really good idea. All the natural insulation would make hot
summers cooler, and cold winters warmer. But the best thing? You can
just mock the hell out of those telemarketers that call trying to sell
you vinyl siding. “Yeah sure… come on out and give me that free
estimate.” When they get there, you can just point and laugh. The
best thing about this, you have your secret location from which to
build your very own giant robot to help you take over the world.
we wonder why Public Schools are so screwed up.
The jokes just write themselves on this one.
1st: Friday: Lunchtime:
Well, this explains everything.
Newspaper in the checkout line has a cover story about an Alien who had
a “Steamy Affair” with Hillary Clinton. Suspiciously this looks like
the same alien that Bill had an affair with. I think this might answer
a lot of the Clinton personal questions out there.
CZ-52 pistol has been on my mind a lot lately.
Lot’s of discussion and emailed questions. This was a gun that my wife
hated. She said it felt evil and I have to admit there was a sinister
vibe to it. But I think perhaps it was because the one I had was a
little uglier than usual. Had dried blood in the holster. Not
kidding. Mine wasn’t the best example of the breed. I find myself
wanting another one. Now, when I eventually get another one, I am
going to get silly with it. I’m going to work it like it was a custom
1911. Custom wood, finish sights, all that. Hey, stop laughing. I’m
serious. I want to make the CZ-52 into a gun that attracts some
serious consideration by those who normally turn up there noses at it.
I was thinking of doing this with a Mak but the CZ-52 is just so much
cooler than a Mak. I’m going to strip the finish and polish everything
then refinish it in a Teflon finish. Crown the barrel. Have the
sights replaced. Replace the firing pin with the aftermarket match
pin, and have the whole trigger system detail polished by a good
gunsmith. If I have the money, have the lower refinished in NP3.
Remember yesterday when I said Americans do not know how to drive?
Well, there is evidence of this in a report that a woman is suing
Chrysler because it’s vans are defective. Claimed Reason: They
don’t handle well.
Reason: Idiot drove it off the road, panicked, over corrected
and crashed it like a dumbass. But it isn’t her fault. Chrysler
should have made it like a giant 4X4 school bus. If this doesn’t get
thrown out of court, America will we be seeing a lot more cases like
that. No, this can’t possibly be driver error. No way. Never
mind the fact that the driver was carrying paying passengers making it
a commercial vehicle for which she wasn’t licensed. Never mind the
fact that the vehicle was over loaded. I also suspect she was driving
too fast for the road conditions. No… this is all Chrysler’s
fault. BOGUS LITIGATION: Making Retards Rich
don’t have time to investigate this in detail, but here is something we
will be studying this weekend.
I’ll give you the text
book so you can study it so we will be on the same page when I rip
it apart. It wont be very hard, but I want to be thorough. Just
looking at in brief we can see right off the bat that it is poorly
written and full of rhetoric. Surgically examining this joke of a page
wont be difficult.
My kids are
watching the old classic Sinbad movie. With the Cyclops and
the dragon. You have to admit it, that was a cool movie.
Kids are loving it. Bad effects, bad acting, bad costumes,
bad casting... but it's just great.
Check archives for earlier


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