Monday, May 23rd, 2005:
Remember my
complaint about the Drudge Report popups? Well, an astute
Horde Member has
sent us resolution that I have tested and found to work as
advertised. I am well pleased.
While on the geek
topics... I am looking forward to Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
which is due out for the PC in just a couple of weeks. I am
excited. Also due out soon is
The Call of Cthulhu.
HP Lovecraft is a personal favorite of mine, and this game gives
all the love to Lovecraft. Considering that there is no Undying
II coming out anytime soon, this is on the Must Get list. And
there is more good news.... shortly after TCOC comes out, comes
Advent Rising. A.R...
a game written by Orsen Scott Card, of who's writing I am also a
fan. So there is a lot of awesome games coming out. About damn
time too. And neither if them will be a reskinned Doom 3. Both
are original developments and are deeply story driven rather
than just “kill everything and solve a couple puzzles” which is
great because I hate solving puzzles when the puzzles slow down
the action.
Looks like the Senate
has come to an agreement. Damn. I wanted to see the Nuke
Option used to blow away the Dems. That's too bad. I also think
the filibuster rule is outdated, especially since the blustering
senator doesn't even have to actually filibuster anymore, they
just say “We're filibustering” like they are a bunch of D&D
geeks rolling twenties. I'd like to see the rule go away because
I don't believe it's needed and it halts the democratic process.
We vote in a majority because that was the will of the people,
thusly if the majority rule on something, it is again the will
of the people. At least that is what I believe. But then again
sometimes I am a blissful idealist. I reserve the right to
change my mind in the morning after I sleep on it.
Ashley Creek is
flooding now.
Reports of it overflowing the banks have come in from areas
up river. I just checked the river near Horde HQ and the river
is only 1 foot below the dike that they built at the last
flooding. The water is flowing hard and is the color and
consistency of good chocolate milk. Icky stuff. It has washed
away trees and stumps and boulders... You white water guys don't
even think about this one. This river is death right now. All
manner of nastiness is flowing with it, things that would shred
you while you are washed away. Scrap metal, timbers, sometimes
rotted out vehicles. My level of concern is at condition yellow
right now. I suspect it will crest and flood later this week as
the heat puts out more runoff. I heard a bridge was taken out
already, but I've not confirmed that. Brutus should be able to
ford about 2 and a half feet of it... more than that, and it
would be a risk of getting washed away... the water is moving
that fast.
Firefly: I am very interested in the Shepard
character. He gets the Alliance to take him in to their
hospital, gets the needed treatment, and the Alliance let's them
leave unmolested. Book knows all the ins and outs of certain
things like space net techniques down to the last detail. He
knows how to handle himself in a gun fight. Knows how to rig
spotlights to cover an assault entry. Then a bounty hunters
spits "That's no Shepard." High level Ex-Alliance officer?
Hopefully the movie will tell his secret.
Sunday, May 22nd, 2005:
Afternoon: Star Wars Episode
III. It was typical of the new Star Wars movies, but yes, as was
promised it was indeed Darker. For one thing, it makes Darth Vader a
homicidal maniac, and I guess he was always this way even from 20
years ago. But after this movie, I don't think I can stand anyone
saying that Darth Vader is cool. The best line in the whole movie
comes from Padme. “So this is how we loose our freedom... to the
sound of thunderous applause.” Or something to that effect. That
really hit home with me. I can see how a lot of guys are saying that
it bashes Bush, and maybe that was Lucas' intent... but I really
don't see it as such... I see it more of a generalized warning to
everyone. Really this is what supporting the First and Second
Amendments are about and why we have to fight to keep them all the
time. Each and every freedom is precious. We can't afford to give up
any. The DNC doesn't see it that way and that is what is scary.
Palpatine was reminding me more of Howard Dean than George Bush.
As far as politics go, you can know
where a politician stand very clearly with just one issue. Gun
Control. After a politician passes that litmus test, then you can
examine his stance on the rest of the issues because it's quite
clear after that point. If a politico supports the second amendment,
then he understand the constitution and the bill of rights... if a
candidate is weak on or against the RKBA... then he is against
individual liberty and thus evil and must be defeated.
Simple as that really. As far as Episode
3 bringing Star Wars back and redeeming Episodes 1 and 2... no... I
don't think it pulls it off. Yeah it tied some things up, but it did
so in a very shoddy half-assed manner. Lucas wanted to make a movie
that made a lot of money, and that was what he succeeded in doing.
Lots more toys and action figures to collect, lots of marketing
widgets... Darth Dew... Yeah, after a hard day of slashing the kids
at the Jedi Temple, Anakin likes to kick back with a Darth Dew.
I think it's official, I'm no longer a
Star Wars fan. Firefly is much better Science Fiction, even if it is
a western.
Friday, May 20th, 2005:
According to
Beretta's website, the military just awarded them a
contract for another 18,744 M9 pistols and the option for another
5,109 more. These pistols are for the Air Force... this is
interesting. That's a lot of handguns for the few fighter jocks and
security police that would need them. Either they are banking on
continual M9 issuance, some General pocketing a huge kickback, or
these pistols are going to be going someplace else. We have read
reliable reports of the Army and the Marines looking for a complete
replacement of the M9 as these guys (who actually do all the
fighting) think the M9 is lacking. Let's look at the M9 for a
second... The Beretta 92FS. It is really and truly a fantastic
handgun. Very reliable, accurate, and easy to shoot well with, and
it has a generous capacity... a good choice for Air Force guys who
never get enough trigger time. I still think the military should go
with 9X23MM in high capacity doublestack 1911s. That would be just
too freaking cool. The only thing cooler than that would be for the
Army to bring back the P-51 Mustang for observation and close air
support missions. I bet a clever crew could figure out how to sling
a couple Hellfire missiles under the wings. It's not like they have
to fly from England to Berlin anymore... they could do it. I know,
it's silly... hey, it's a dream, okay? But it would still be cool.
(And I say Army, because the Army could do it... they can fly props,
just not jets)
While on the subject of
Military spending again, the Strategy Page has a report about
clever soldiers in the field operating their own UAV and Robots
using off the shielf items they order from Radio Shack and hobby
stores back home... RC cars and planes, fitted with wireless video
cameras are now serving hazardous duty in Iraq. Official versions of
these devices are starting at 20,000 and going up to damn near the
cost of an F-16. The pentagon doesn't care much about these efforts
as they don't get any kickback from them, but I think it would wise
for officers even down to the Platoon size to look into putting one
of these devices together... even if you are back home. It would
also be rather cool for guard units back home to build such devices
for their own battalions that are serving in the sandbox. Families
too... just an all wheel drive RC unit with some extra battery
packs.... maybe send your soldiers one or two. You would want the
big ones with the long battery life ratings and good range. When it
comes to nudging roadside bombs and crap... would you rather a toy
do it, or your soldier's foot? Just a thought.
No, no I've not seen Star
Wars yet. I will in my own time. Most likely tonight. Not sure.
We shall see what we can do about it... in the mean time... anyone
who sends spoilers about it... I will have you killed by the Horde's
slow method of “10000 Chops with a Cleaver”. It's much like China's
thousand cuts... but worse... much much worse. So many guys are
saying that it redeems Lucas for the last two movies, and really
does tie everything together. Considering the huge bloody gap
between 2 and 4, this movie had best be one dark epic of a space
opera, that's all I'm saying. Now if Lucas would just release a
“Jar-Jar Free” special edition DVD, then maybe I would say he is
redeemed... but its really not just about Jar Jar... but the whole
lighthearted happy go lucky crap that didn't end until the last 10
minutes of episode 2. Pretty much you can just pick up on the whole
Star Wars Saga right there... when the Clone Army starts clashing...
that's where it becomes Star Wars. Before that is just a lot of
useless garbage that we really don't need to know. I don't know...
maybe I'll see it.. maybe not. Afterall, UPS shows that my Firefly
DVD order is on the truck here in town and is “out for delivery”.
Tuesday, May 17th, 2005:
Evening: A
lot of guys thought that I was bit weird some time ago when I posted
about looking for the old style MS Natural keyboard. It has been
up until 10 minutes ago my favorite keyboard ever. I'm typing right
now on a new MS Natural “Multi-Media” keyboard. Two words: Love. It.
The feel of the keys are just outstanding, the layout is just right,
and the extra little buttons up top for everything are pretty cool
too. But what I like the most about it is that the layout while
being similar to the older style that I like, is just a hair smaller
so my fingers don't have to reach so far some keys and thanks to the
improved feel... man... I'm smoking! Seriously it's like I'm twice
as fast now. Now if I can just get it to not open iTunes when I
press the media button, then I'll be happy. I like the volume
control on the keyboard too... very slick. Looks like MS has another
product that I like. Their keyboards and mice, Mech Commander II,
and FrontPage. I've tried the Logitect keyboards, and they are
pretty slick, but they are not in the broken, “natural”
configuration that I like. That and I have come to prefer the
Logitec MX series of mice too. But so far, no one has made a better
keyboard. And I've tried just about all of them. So at least I am
now up to current modern keyboarding standards now. But I do miss
the clicking sounds that the older style made. Made me sound like I
was working harder. Any dislikes? The delete button is bloody
ginormous. I'll have to take a few minutes to get used to that
So Star Wars is coming
out this week. Tomorrow night actually. That's cool. What's not
cool is all the bullcrap marketing that hyping the hell out of it. I
went in to BK for a Whopper for lunch today... Got breathed at by a
life sized cardboard Vader. Nice to know that my burger is approved
by the Empire. Then at 7-11... Darth Dew? Come on, we all know Vader
drinks Dr. Pepper. It's all really sad. It's pathetic.
But not as
silly as this. Make sure your sound is up. I know a lot of guys
have been looking forward to Episode III for some time. And that's
fine and all, but
I'm looking forward to something else. (Speaking of which, I
just ordered the whole series on DVD from, but don't tell
Mrs Ogre that.... ssshhhh)
Suicide Bunnies...
these are pretty funny. Made me laugh.
With the Government
becoming even more and more partisan, bitter, and ineffective, I am
left to wonder as to just what it is that we are actually paying
them for. They have not been able to get much done and the
outlook for future productivity is getting dimmer and dimmer every
day. I think the Catholics have the best method for getting a group
of people to come together and make a decision... The council of
cardinals or whatever they call it... when they vote in a new pope.
They get locked up and every day they fail to make a decision, they
get less food and water. When they come to a decision, and put out
white smoke, then we unlock the doors and let them back out. Of
course with this crew, that would mean these folks would literally
starve themselves to death. Pitty. Well, hey, let's look at the
bright side of that situation. For American Citizens we could call
it a win-win situation. Okay, short of this drastic but most
excellent measure, we should just insist that they vote in term
limits. Term Limits would get rid of these fucknozzles like Kennedy,
Kerry, Reid, and all the rest. Sure we would loose some good guys
too, but that's the way it is. We are ready for real and drastic
changes on capital hill and that is no going to happen as long as we
have the same people that are always there saying the same crap. New
faces. New blood. And a new hope for America.
Another thing that
bothers me... is that these politicians judge themselves on how
many items of legislation they pass. That's not right. That's not a
good measure at all. We don't need any more laws. And a whole
congress and senate full of these idiots trying to make names for
themselves by signing any damn thing that has a chance of passing
from bill to law... that's a good way to get a lot of really dumbass
laws passed. Isn't it? These clowns get elected and get out there to
Washington DC and they seem to totally forget who they are, who
voted for them, and what it is we want them to do when they get
there. It's like giving a fat kid a credit card and sending him to a
candy store with the instructions “just bring me back something”.
No, that's not a good plan. That's unwise. Its also unwise to let
these fools stay in power. I say they get a limit of 2 terms at 4
years a term. Just like the president. Rotate them in, and rotate
their asses back out again. I don't care if they are doing a good
job! That's the danger. Career Politicians are exactly what we do
not need in DC. In DC we need leaders. Commanders. Instead we have
jackass con men who wrap themselves in our flag and strut around
like they are better than the rest of us. I'm probably the one guy
that has the least amount of trust for any politician. So maybe I am
biased. It's not that I hate them... I just... okay, well, yeah... I
hate them. You want to see a leader in action? Look at Utah's new
Governor... Huntsman. He's not exactly the most popular fellow in
some circles, but he is leading and getting the job done. He is
running Utah like a business. He's cut the fat and made big time
improvements in Utah. THAT is what we need in DC. And in cutting the
fat, it's best to start at the top with the Senate. How long has
Kennedy been in office? This is intolerable.
I picked up a box of some
new .30-30 ammo... at least new to me. I've been a huge fan of
Winchester's Super-X line of loads in 150 and 170 grains. Out here
in the Uintah Basin, I feel that the 150 loads do just fine and have
a better trajectory. But I opted for a box of Remington Core-Lock
150s. The bullet shape is more conical on these rounds where the
Winchester loads are much more blunt... this might mean that they
can glide through the air a touch better... maybe a little better
ballistic trajectory. I don't know. I'll find out. I'm also
wondering about the accuracy. The Winchester's have been awesome
performers... so much so that they have really improved my opinion
of the .30-30 round. Today it's considered a medium range rifle
round for medium sized game. Back in the day, when the round first
came out, it was one of the first (if not the first) cartridges to
come out in Smokeless... and compared to all the other rounds, the
.30-30 was the hottest thing going and had great range. Well, then a
lot of other rounds have come out that make the .30-30 look like a
slingshot. But it's still a solid round with good range. I've no
problem hitting my targets at 200 yards... even out to 300 if the
wind is not being fickle. I suspect that should I scope my Marlin
and find the right load, that it would just fine at even longer
ranges. But I'm not scoping it and I'm not even going to think about
trying to take game with it past 150. Not that I don't trust the gun
and caliber... but I don't trust my eyes to make a long range iron
site hit with reliable precision to insure a clean and humane kill
on any animal noble enough to grace my dinner table. Rabbits are
another story... and they can be taken at any range I can see them
at. Because anything I take just gets gobbled up by Ranger, my pet
timberwolf. But that's another topic of discussion.
Monday, May 16th, 2005:
Evening: US
Army needs: The Marines have got it right. I wasn't a Marine,
and I'm supposed to toss in some friendly nudging inter-service
rivalry jab... but I wont. At least not right now. The Marines have
set the example that the US Army needs to follow. You see, in the
Marines, it doesn't matter what MOS you signed up for. You are first
and foremost a Rifleman. After you become a rifleman, then they
train you on the job you want to do. The US Army doesn't do this.
The US Army thinks that it can save money by putting its people
through a general (and now totally wussified) basic training and
move people through as quickly as they can to the AIT. (Advanced
Individual Training) While this might seem efficient and cost
saving... in the long run it is not. Looking at the future of modern
warfare and how we have been fighting lately, we have been fighting
battles with no fronts. If we have no front, then we have no rear
echelon. That means we no longer have the luxury of having REMFs
that can get by with little actual weapons and tactics training.
I've talked a lot about weapons and systems in the past... but when
it comes right down to it, are greatest weapon/system/tool/asset is
the individual soldier regardless of what that soldier's job
description is. The Army has been really big on this “Army of One”
campaign... promoting the pride that one has in being a part of the
US Army... and that's great. But it falls very short. In Iraq we saw
PFC Jessica Lynch and we heard her story. Remember her? She was a
REMF and her unit go ambushed and she was captured. Think about all
the people that were killed and their families. This was the result
of the Army's current training standards. She is only 1 example of
thousands that we could bring out. What are the Tangos targeting? Do
they want to hit US fighting forces head on? Or do they want to try
to hit us where we are soft? The roadside bombs that are taking out
our guys who just joined up to drive trucks so they can get some
college education two years later... the communications specialists
who just work on radio systems. These are who at the most risk right
now. The cost associated with the losses of these people will
eventually outweigh the cost of more ammo and a skilled instructor
spending another couple weeks with them training them to fighters
first and specialists second. The Marines got it right. The Marines
are not taking such attrition risks. With this phase of asymmetric
warfare, each individual in the Army really and truly needs to be an
Army of One. Each soldier should be equipped with not just the
tools, but the talent... they should be skilled in their MOS, but
they should also be a serious threat to any enemy of our nation –
foreign or domestic. Each soldier should be given a sidearm and
several magazines of ammunition to be carried on their person at all
times. They should be instructed on how to use it effectively. And
they should wear it proudly as a badge of office. They should also
be given a rifle or a carbine that should be within reach or at
least within a close enough range for a quick and fast retrieval at
a moments notice. Let a radar operator be a radar operator in the
Air Force... but a Radar Operator in the Army should be a Soldier
first... a Rifleman first. The Army should look at the Marine's
training and we should model our own as such. If the Army is going
to fulfill Rummy's dream of becoming a rapid reaction expeditionary
force, then all of our soldiers must be able to handle fighting and
defensive tactics. This is what the US Army needs.
Sunday, May 15th, 2005:
Evening: The
creepiest damn thing ever:
Flying snakes. Snakes... that can fly at you. The horror.
Snakes... I hate snakes. Sharks with freaking laser beams attached
to their heads are nothing... flying snakes. This is proof that God
is an angry and vengeful god. Watch the videos carefully and you can
see the snake's flying skills. They jump out of trees, flatten out
their bodies into an airfoil shape so they can glide and turn in mid
air... holy crap. That's not right. Flying snakes. I'll
have nightmares for a week now.
Kid Rock: Never used
to like Kid Rock, and even found him to be irritating. My opinion of
him has changed, and after listening to a few songs I have found
that two of his have become favorites. I don't know the name of one
song other than “Track 6” and “I wanna be a cowboy”. It seems that
Kid Rock has become quite popular with the soldiers over in Iraq.
Namely because Kid Rock is a fan of them, and has gone over there to
do some shows a few times, hang out with them even. My bros over
there say that troops roll around with Kid Rock playing quite often.
This is all I need to know about the guy behind the Kid Rock name.
He can come shooting with me anytime. Track 6... if I had an MP3
player in Brutus, I'd wire it up to play that every time I started
the engine.
15 people die in riots
thanks to US News making a false report. Muslims burning flags
and rioting and all that. So what? They would have done that anyway.
I'm not concerned.
I've been reading a lot
of history as of late, and I am impressed more and more with one
thing. The American Infantryman. Throughout all of recorded
history, the Infantryman has always been slighted “in the press”.
The roll of the infantryman is not a glamorous one. It's not sexy or
flashy. The infantryman never gets the funding... the research...
the attention that it deserves. In fact, most often, it is the
infantryman that gets most of the BS that's rolling down hill on
them and suffer the most in budget cuts and policy changes. Look at
all the movies out there about the military... even the video clips
on Grouchy Media's site. It's all about the fast planes and boats.
The flashy stuff. All of this stuff is indeed critical in modern
warfare, certainly. And it gives the US Military the huge technical
advantages that it enjoys.... why our war in Iraq was so successful.
Now, I'm not slighting the fighter jocks and all those guys... no
way. But any student of military history will tell you – it would
all mean nothing if it wasn't for the infantryman. The guy on the
ground with a backpack and a rifle. That's what it all comes down
to. You have to have infantry if you want to take and hold ground.
This is a lesson we have learned repeatedly in recent history. You
can bomb something and kill everything there. But unless you send in
Infantry, the bad guys will just reoccupy that space. This is well
known to some, but the general American institutional memory of this
seems to be extremely short. Are ground forces have a few new
things... but nothing really all that new. We have some fancy new
communication gear. We have some fancy new body armor when it
actually gets to the grunts.... but we are still fielding the say
30+ year old rifle. Chopping the barrels down and putting on a
vertical foregrip isn't making a new weapon. The infantrymen make
do. Politicians debate and argue over filibustering judges and
spending good money on bad things... while our Infantrymen use
sandbags and scrap metal to add some degree of protection to their
oversized jeeps that the politicians call armored vehicles and
expect them to use them like tanks. Through all of world history,
the military with the best Infantrymen have always come out on top.
While American Infantrymen are becoming outdated, China is pumping
lots of cash into the individual soldier. China's grunts are better
trained, and better equipped. While our guys are playing with new
high tech gear in controlled environments, China is fielding it and
from what I am told by guys who know – it's better than ours. Simple
and more rugged, but performs just as good. I'm glad we are spending
money on the Osprey and the Stryker... that's all fine and well. But
we have got to throw some dollars into the Infantry. We still don't
have the 6.8MM cartridges... we still don't have the XM8... The best
new gear our guys have got are the WilyX goggles, and unfortunately
the fog up shortly after you put them on. Great. That's just great.
I think the all choices for weapons and systems should go through Ft
Benning first and last. If it doesn't past muster at Benning – it
shouldn't be fielded. Benning and Brag actually.
Check this out right here. Great weapon, made right here in
Utah... not chosen because officially they didn't include standard
M-16 type blank adapters. What's wrong with this? Everything. So
instead of trying to give a US company a fair run, they want to roll
with something from Europe. This gets off on a lot of other issues,
but what it should come down to is letting the troops fire it and
let them make the choice. Instead the choice is going to be made for
them by bureaucracy and red tape. This is asinine. These weapons I
linked to... They could be made available in a number of calibers...
whatever we need. Whereas the other options are specifically
designed for 5.56MM... .22 caliber slugs... when so many troops are
calling for a bigger caliber.
The only thing more
agitating than this stuff, is the partisan politics going on in the
news every day these days. I hate politics. I really do.
Unfortunately you can't ignore it because it can and will effect
you. I try my best to not let it get to me... but it does. I can't
stand the Democrats and what they are doing. It's
unconstitutional... it's just so low... so very low. Scum of the
earth, these Democrats.
And what are we going to do
to counter Hillary in '08? Cheney or Allen? Are you kidding me? Come
on! We have got to get Rice to run. She is our only hope. I'll say
it now... If Rice doesn't run, we are going to get Hillary Clinton
for president. I've listened to all the arguments for and against
Rice running, and my opinion is only solidified. The one fact that
proves my opinion that she is the one to pick... she doesn't want to
be the President. That's all the difference right there. She will do
the right thing instead of doing all the crap that has been plotted
out for her to do once she gets into the position that people are
pushing her into. Hillary has just had another one of her close
associates charged and is going to court. That tells you something.
You can know a person by knowing who their friends are. Look at
Bush, he has surrounded himself by some of the most brilliant people
in America... Hillary? The slimiest. That is all you need to know.
Hillary is poison for America. But we will most likely vote her into
office... like a dog drinking radiator coolant.
Friday the 13th, 2005:
Night: Do
you know what is going on in Iraq?
Check this out.
Some good news for a Friday the 13th!
Well, the Saiga that I
was going to get just isn't going to happen. The company that
was importing them has gone under.
As disappointing as that is, it's not too bad. As consolation, I'll
be getting a
instead. This is absolutely excellent. I'll still be looking
for a Saiga.
Since it's Friday the 13th,
I'll give you a
game to play. (hint: use the pointer to aim, and find the
zombies weak spots to make them go down faster)
The weather was very nice
today and we took a few photos for the magazine. First sunny day in
weeks, I'm not kidding. Some folks are saying that we could have a
flood next week.
We shall see.
Neverland Ranch.
“Nothing inappropriate happened.” Really? Showing porn to kids. An
adult other than the parent sleeping in the same bed with a child.
Jesus juice. Body guards saying they saw sex acts between Jackson
and a child. Nothing inappropriate? Everything is inappropriate! I
don't care if Mommy said it was okay for Wacko to sleep in the same
bed with her kid. That's flat out wrong. I don't care who you are or
what the conditions are other than critical onset of hypothermia and
EMT's are not available... it's wrong. Waaay wrong. Jackson should
be dragged outside by his hair, beaten savagely with large sticks,
castrated with an official Boy Scout knife, tarred, feathered,
hanged, burned, shot, decapitated, and his mouth filled with garlic
and buried in an unmarked grave with a stake through his heart. But
that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
This cartoon says it all. Hat tip to
Anarchangel. BTW, he
asks for the best .45 auto other than a 1911. His picks are
excellent, the SIG P220, HK USP, CZ 97B and other CZ clones... he's
on a good roll there, but my man trips and stumbles big time at the
end. He says Glock when he should have said Beretta Cougar. Well,
there is always next season.
Oh, about that cartoon.
If you don't know who Joss is,
you need to watch this. I am looking forward to
seeing this film greatly. I've never seen the Firefly series...
well, I did see like the last 5 minutes of one episode. I missed
out. Check that trailer, near the beginning where the guy says “on
this boat for different reasons”, check out the lovely nubian woman
holding a short barreled rifle. You can pause the clip right there
and look closely. It's pretty much just a chopped down Winchester 94
with a laser sight on the top. Might not be that far fetched for a
sci-fi movie... Hmmm, come to think of it it's not even that far
fetched now. If you want something like this, Wild West Guns makes
an even
better version of the concept. Any movie that has a weapon like
this... and lines like “I aim to misbehave” and “Let's be badguys”...
is right at the top of my MUST SEE list. Can't wait... can't wait...
I'll have to order the DVD set for the series soon!
Thursday, May 12th, 2005:
Late Night:
Lots of emails regarding Samurai vs Knights. It's all fun
speculation. Just wish we could have some way to really find out.
There is a
pretty good article here, unfortunate it doesn't take into
acount the cultural differences that would make all the difference
in this match up. Everyone can make up their own mind... and feel
free to do so. I only ask that before you tell me, you consider
everything involved and come up with a well reasoned opinion like
many of The Horde already have. Here is my personal opinion – The
Samurai would win hands down every time unless the knight was a
Byzantine who trained harder than the western knights who were much
more into the life of luxury that the privileges of the office of
Knight gave them.
Condi Rice. She has
come out and said she is a supporter of the RKBA, and for this we
are most pleased. But better yet, she says why and this is a
powerful reason.
Read it here. Gun Control is just flat out racist. She doesn't
say it... but the message is there. Along with the message that she
will be on our side. This woman needs to be the President. If she
doesn't run – she should be drafted! That she doesn't want to run,
so far, is just an indication that she is the ideal candidate. She
could kick Hillary's trash at a moments notice.
Open Office and Firefox:
New versions out that are locking up security holes. Download the
latest and greatest ASAP. One of The Horde has asked us which
Anti-Virus is the best. Grisoft's AVG is my personal choice. You can
get it for the Mac, Linux, and of course Windows. With the Windows
version there is the option for a free version. It's awesome. Smokes
dang near everything else including Norton and especially McAffee.
Get it, run it, love it. If you have McAffee, download AVG, install
it, then updated it and scan with it. See if you want to keep
McAffee installed. It's almost a given at the shop that any PC that
comes in with McAffee will have at least one virus hidden someplace.
There might be something out there better than AVG. Maybe. Trend
Micro has some good stuff. So does WebRoot. But AVG is free.
Oh, new shop record for viruses... 48,000 on one system. Yup,
they had McAffee. Nice, huh?
Well, I sent in my S&W
640 article. Now we just have to get the photos taken and I pray
that the weather will clear up for just a few freaking minutes! It's
been like Seattle over here... it's crazy. The sand dunes out here
are friggen GREEN now! I'm not kidding. It looks like The Shire out
here now. Oh, and they are saying that it could flood next week.
GREAT! That's what I come to look for in a desert... lots of rain...
flooding... greenier than Roanoke Virginia... yeah, that's my
Wednesday, May 11th, 2005:
Evening: Let
me explain Kingdom of Heaven some more. Especially my remark
about it being historically accurate. I was meaning the set designs,
props, clothing, the armor, the fighting, and the way they waged
war... for the most part it was very accurate. We'll call this the
Military side of the movie. There was near the end some
inaccuracy... it showed the Muslims as having and using massive
numbers of heavy infantry. This is not correct. While they did use
infantry, they were generally not as well armored as depicted. Heavy
infantry has been the key element of solid military campaigns since
the dawn of war. Let's look at the Templar Knights charging the
caravan. This was depicted very well. (even if the Templars would
never run down an innocent caravan) This shows the power of Heavy
Cavalry. You can see the Shock and Awe that they can produce. The
power in a sword that is swung by a heavy cavalryman at full charge
is awesome. It could – and did – cleave a man cleanly in two. I also
liked how it showed the knights with their swords, clashing sword to
sword at full speed. The old concept of these swords being too heavy
and cumbersome is incorrect and you would be surprised at how swift
they can really be. The high guard position that was shown was
period correct too. Lots of knights back then took that stance...
something you could get away with being fully armored like that.
This is one of the reasons I think 1 on 1, a Samurai would whip a
knight every time. But that's another debate right there. Back to
the cavalry charge. Shock and Awe, even if that's a new phrase
thanks to the Iraq War, is an old concept. And we can see the
effectiveness of it when it works. Because of the shock effect, the
resistance were not able to muster a united defense. As a result
they got mowed down pretty good. That happened a lot. What also
happened a lot was the infantry – especially heavy infantry – would
stand together, shields locked, and weapons up. Cavalrymen didn't
charge into that. For one, horses are intelligent and they will
throw their riders before they impale themselves on a foot soldier's
spear. For two, the cavalrymen values their horses and their lives.
They didn't like to do anything that would be too risky to their
rides. The proper comparison would be a modern fighter pilot. They
don't like to get too dirty. Cavalry has always been best used in
hitting the enemy in the rear or flanks... ideally mowing down the
archers who are not able to transform themselves into nasty walls of
spikes. Look at the movie “Braveheart” and the cavalry charge we saw
there. Remember how the Scots waited until the last instance before
lifting their spears? This is wait made that move so deadly for the
English. Had they seen the threat earlier, that charge wouldn't have
happened. A very good history book that talks about this is called
Carnage and Culture by Victor Davis Hanson. Get it, It's on The
Horde's must read list. Now, this defensive tactic was used against
the Muslims during the Battle of Poitiers in October of 732 by
Charles “The Hammer” as the Muslims crossed the mountains from Spain
into France and raided deep into the country. The Muslims favored
their light cavalry for their speed. Perfect weapon for their hit
and run tactics. Then they hit the wall of heavy infantry and that
pretty much ended it right there. The infantry kept advancing and
this kept pushing the pony-boys back over the mountains. Now
regarding the Political side of the movie... to understand this, you
have to have a brief understanding of “The Crusades”. There were 4
main “Crusades”. 1071 the Eastern Roman Emporer Romanus IV rode out
to do battle against the Muslims who were staging out of Turkestan.
The Muslims won hands down, destroyed the Imperial army and captured
the Emperor. The first crusade was launched in reprisal for this
after Byzantines begged for help to reclaim all the lands the
Muslims took along the way, including the holy lands and Jerusalem.
Despite all the bickering between the Byzantines and the Western
Empire if you can call it that at this point, this was for all of
Christendom... So they could stop fighting long enough to fight a
new enemy who wasn't Christian. (Again, another story right there.
Let's move on.) So we had our own Jihad... our own Holy War. Like
the movie said, you fight and die for the greater glory and your
sins are forgiven and you can go to heaven. Lovely... This crusade
wasn't' as large as people might think.. they had about 2,000 to
3,000 Knights, about 10,000 Infantry, and a whole lot of support
personnel (servants and prostitutes... because an army marches on
it's belly and rests on it's dick) bringing up the rear. This army
actually did pretty well considering that it moved through lands
that were already ravaged and tired from war. The biggest battle
they had was the battle of Dorylaeum which was mounted heavy knights
against mounted archers. Not an even battle. But it was in the name
of God so it was an awesome victory for them. Most of the Army's
losses were from hunger and thirst. When they made it to Antioch,
they took it mainly because they said “Oh come on, give us the
city.” And the city said “fine, if you want it that badly you can
have it... but we are not leaving.” To which the Army cheered
“Huzzah!' and they called it another great victory. It was on in
July of 1099 I think it was, when they finally took Jerusalem... and
the did so in a blood bath. So much so that it was said that the
Temple of Solomon was ankle deep in blood. I'm sure God was well
pleased with all that. They held Jerusalem for about a month before
the Muslims started attacking. The held the city through a battle
against an army from Egypt... and that's the end of the 1st
crusade. After the first crusade the Christians held Jerusalem in a
level of uneasy peace... during this time there were two military
orders. The Knights of the Temple (who came in after the butchery)
and the Knights of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. In 1128 the
knights of the temple were officially and formerly established as a
military/religious order by the Pope... and they were charged with
policing the Pilgrim Road which went from the coast to the holy
city. They were a militant monastic order... and like the movie
Kingdom of Heaven shown, they were charged with the chief function
of fighting Muslims. But they only fought Muslims who were
themselves fighting... Most of the people in the city were in fact
Muslims so they didn't just go around hacking everyone. There was no
money in that. Later a third order of holy knights came in, the
Teutonic Knights, but thats later...Uh, I think it was in 1198, but
I can't remember rightly. In 1187 Saladin did in fact bring in a
huge Muslim army and they marched out for Jerusalem. The King of
Jerusalem, Guy de Lusignan, exactly as the movie shows, foolishly
marched his army out into the desert against the council of Raymond
of Tripoli who advised to wait near water. As the movie shows, uh,
well, they lost. Unlike the movie, Guy was actually treated quite
well but all the Templars and Hospitalers were chopped up into
kibble. After this started King Richard and his Third Crusade. The 2nd
Crusade was just a constant trickle of adventurers coming in to the
holy lands to cleave heathens. The 4th crusade was
launched by Pope Innocent III which was just a giant disaster. There
was also the Children's Crusade where all these kids got together
and ended up being sold into slavery enmass. Nice times, The
Crusades. The end result of the Crusades was the evaporation of the
Byzantines and the loss of the Hagia Sophia... which is still one of
the greatest structures on Earth... only now a Muslim one. Now that I've
given you further light and knowledge... I'm going to get a snack.
Anyways, so yeah, the movie was pretty accurate even though some
historians would disagree on some points of the movie, overall it
was incredibly well done as far as movies go. The Orlando
Bloom character - take him out and you have a pretty good history
Tuesday, May 10th, 2005:
Late Evening:
I watched Kingdom of Heaven last night. Great movie.
Historically, it seems to be very accurate regarding period. But
there are some story line issues that I have some problems with.
Such as the hanging of the Templars. From my history classes, at
that time the Templars were in great favor with the church, and the
pope and the kings of the time. Not only that, but they grew in
power and influence, and it wasn't until later that they were pretty
much ordered to be hunted and killed by a king who didn't want to
repay the loan that the Templars gave him. But I could be wrong... I
didn't pay attention to the specific dates. But I'm pretty sure that
it was the Templars that did much to create peace in the area and
not the other way around. But I could be wrong. Very good movie. I
especially loved the way Legolas jumped up on that elephant like
that.. oh, wait, that was another movie. I'm kidding... Orlando
Bloom did a good job. But it was kind of a stretch.. ”Let's see
here.. The guy that wants to kill me and sent 3 knights to do so
will be arrested and executed and I get to take his wife who I've
been shagging with like a saucy monkey... Oh, and I'll be able to
become King as soon as her brother the current king dies tomorrow.
Naw.” RIGHT! But it was still a kick ass movie. The special edition
will be the most epic DVD set since the Lord of the Rings. Because
you can see they cut a lot of stuff out... with obviously bad
editing cuts. Not a perfect movie, but one of the best I've seen in
a couple years.
I've been working a lot
lately on some different things. I've got my S&W 640 article
written... it's in the first draft of course, but at least all the
text is there. I'll edit it and clean up all the errors tomorrow.
I've not taken any photos yet, because, well, the weather has just
sucked lately. And by sucking I mean gusty winds, rain, and hail.
Yes. Hail. I got smacked upside my head with hailstone the size of a
friggin golf ball. Damn near knocked me out. Ever since then I've
had the never-ending migraine from hell. It's tapered off now and
it's fading now... it's a 6 now, which is much better. It was at a
9-10 since Saturday. So because of that, I've not been in the mood
to blog and even looking at the news or listening to it is just
painful. Here is the news at any given time. “Liberals suck and
blame Bush and the idiots who voted for him for all the ailments in
the world today.” While in the mean time we actually have Bush going
to Russia giving pep rallies. I don't mean to sound bitter or
anything, but I don't give a rats ass about Russia. I really don't.
I'd rather see Bush go to Mexico City and give a pep rally there and
maybe motivate the Mexicans to stay in their own country and clean
up the corruption there.... take pride in their own country, which
they only seem to have when their Soccer Team is in the World Cup.
Today I played with a new
computer build using AMD 64 bit processor and Windows new XP PRO 64
bit edition. I tried loading a number of games on there to see
how they played. Doom 3, Call of Duty, DH Lore, Think Tanks, and
others... Nothing would run on it. Not only that, but it didn't want
to let Open Office install. Kept giving me failure errors. I'm down
with the 64 bit processing, but Windows XP64 isn't ready for prime
time. The 64 bit machine I loaded RedHat Enterprise onto... much
snappier and I didn't get any errors with it. The only problem I had
with it was the graphics. I couldn't get the card to display any
resolution greater that 800X600 even though it was a card capable of
1600X1200 with no problem on Windows or other Linux versions. Not
that this was any big deal for the customer, who would never go
about that 8X6 resolution anyways. So I wasn't worried. My top
choices for Linux OS remains SUSE and Linspire anways. Where was I?
Oh, yes... WinXP64. Totally blows. I'm sure someone out there thinks
it's the bee's knees, but come on... if you can't game on it, might
as well be running Linux. I think you get my drift. If it wasnt for
the whole gaming thing... I'll be honest... I wouldn't have a
windows partition anymore. Linux is coming up to speed with the
games... so I'll be patient. GTA-SA is coming out to the PC in a few
weeks... so there is a very good reason to keep Windows around. I
don't see any reason to upgrade XP 64 or Longhorn. In fact, I only
see reasons to avoid doing so. Microsoft is also working on a new OS
for PocketPC devices. I've not played with it yet, but the whole
built in Windows Media Player 10 is a put off for me. I'd like to
see someone put out a killer linux OS for the PPC. The version I
tried a couple years ago was not up to snuff yet. But a Pocket SUSE
or Pocket Linspire that syncs with your Linux desktop naturally,...
that would be nice. Make it compatible with Mozilla Firefox,
Thunderbird and Sunbird... and OpenOffice... man, that's all I need
right there. (BTW, all my word processing - including this update -
is done with OpenOffice's Writer and there a new version of the 2.0
Beta out, that you should get. Smokes the old version, smokes
WordPerfect, and I like it better than MS Office. It rocks. Get it.)
Been doing a lot of networking lately. Lots of wireless. I like
wireless networking... I think it's the way to go. Once you lock it
in and lock it down that is. And if you are not running it in
the middle of a hundred other people running their own wireless
networks with everyone broadcasting open and unsecured and as
"default". But that's another story right there.
Oh, check out the weapons
section. I've got a new update there and you can see what will
be coming around the corner... Cheers!
Saturday, May, 7th, 2005:
Evening: If you
get the chance to watch “House of Flying Daggers”, do so. It is
a great movie. For a Kung Fu flick, it has a surprising amount of
depth to it... unlike “Kung Fu Hustle” which is just flat out silly.
Silly or not, it does have one of the funniest scenes you will ever
see in any movie. Now there is Ju-On. The original “The Grudge”.
I've been told that it is much scarier than the American version,
but I didn't find this to be true at all. I thought The Grudge was a
much better crafted film. Not just with the special effects, but
with the story, directing, and the editing. There was another flick,
which was much like Ju-On as was advertised as “If liked Ju-On,
you'll like this one”. This sort of advertising pretty much makes me
not want to see the movie, but they did that with Equilibrium so I
had to give it a shot. It was filmed in chapter, much like Ju-On,
but shown in descending order. Kind of like Memento.
One of the things that
struck me with these Asian movies... specifically the ones from
Japan, is how “Americanized” the Japanese culture has become. They
love all things America over there, openly. While a lot of guys here
love everything from Japan. It's an interesting cultural mix that I
think can be healthy if it isn't carried away with. We also have
this cross culture mixing with Brittan obviously, and this also a
good thing that I have no problem with. In the south western states
we are also seeing a similar mix with Latin America. Mexicans that
are becoming Americans are bringing with them their own mix of
flavors that I think is wonderful. I don't have a problem with it at
all. A great Mexican horror movie is called “The Devil's Backbone”
and is quite good. Worth renting if you can find it.
Music and TV shows from
these other countries are also great entertainment. Even the ones
from Hong Kong where they do not believe in trained stunt men or
safety regulations on stage when making movies... I think it's all
great, and I say that in all honesty.
However I also think that we
have a huge problem with illegal immigration that has to be put into
check as soon as possible. I say that with out a trace of racism,
bigotry, or political motivations. Regardless of how talented and
entertaining... one can not just walk into the USA unchecked,
unexamined, and unauthorized and expect that they have any rights
what so ever. Protests about driver's licenses for illegal aliens?
What sort of snake-shit crazy nonsense is this? No! If you are not a
citizen, you do not have the right to drive. Especially since you
are most likely uninsured, untrained, and uneducated... I don't want
you behind the wheel of vehicle on the same roads my family drives
on. Sorry! I don't. If you want a DL card with your photo and
address on it... then you should come into this country legally. You
should take a driving course and learn the rules of the road in the
USA, and then apply for the card in the proper manner. If you do all
that and they still wont pass you, then you have the right to be
upset about it. At the same time, if you are a legal citizen of
another country and you come to the USA with valid passport, I think
you should be allowed to rent a car and drive it around and enjoy
yourself. Go see the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Arlington, and
Disneyland... knock yourself out. See if you can hit all fifty
You see, the problem is in a
word... just a single word. “Illegal”. There is a wide gulf between
the word illegal, and its root word. If you can't tell the
difference, President Fox, then you should stay the hell out of The
United States, because you are unwelcome here. Our freedoms are not
free and we earned them the hard way. We have thousands of men and
women over in Iraq paying the bill right now. Two of them are my
brothers... who are on their way back to Iraq to fulfill their
duties with honor.
I am proud of my two little
brothers... more so than I can ever express.
To Mr Reid, D-Nev, who
advocates Democrats become “more aggressive”: Considering that
Democrats are throwing pies, and making sexually explicit outbursts
whenever Conservatives are speaking in public.... Just how, sir,
should they become more aggressive? Swords and Maces? You sir, Mr
Reid, are fucking nuts. I am ashamed that you are a member of the
same church that I belong to.
Just a stupid
observation... Jessica Simpson is Daisy Duke in the upcoming
Dukes of Hazzard movie. Jessica is hot and all... but the original
Daisy had much better legs. Jessica's look short and dumpy by
comparison. That is all. Still waiting for a Wonder Woman movie...
not that I'd want to see it, but I'm just curious as to who they
would get to play the lead roll... because no one – I mean NO ONE –
can replace Linda Carter. Not even my Angelina.
Thursday, May 5th, 2005:
Late Night: Well,
here is some “Health News” that is actually good news.
I think men all around the globe have been praying for this one.
Now if they could just make bacon and cheese healthy, then I would
have to change to Well, that and for all
the Liberals to snuff it overnight. We can dream, can't we?
(Wife says that I can keep on dreaming... huh, guess she doesn't
like bacon)
You know, we just can't
win with these environmentalists. Now that the air is cleaner,
it might be worse for the greenhouse effect. Screw these guys...
everyone should go light up a stack of used tires and newspapers.
Smoke'm if you got'em! I'm tired of hearing about the environment.
It's bloody well fine and dandy and there is nothing we can do about
that short of lobbing nukes at everyone. The Earth takes care of its
self and the climate goes through cycles. It's madness to thing that
we can change it. From space, you can't even really see any of the
cities during the daylight cycles. Come on, get real people.
Interesting article about
China's ex Russian aircraft carrier the Varyag.
The fact they have it at all is irritating, but the chance that
it might just be all screwed up is delightful. The carrier is the
absolute key to projecting real, substantial, and sustainable
military power. China might have as many as 3 others, but if they
are not in any better condition then they might as well not have
any. It is the estimate of many that China hasn't pulled the trigger
on Taiwan because it's carriers are not yet ready. It looks like we
might have another year or two before they are ready. Of course
China has rehearsed military action without carriers... but that's
besides the point. If China wants to become the #1 world power, it
has to have carriers. Since that is China's ultimate goal, making
their carriers operational is a huge priority for them.
I stand corrected! Robert
Blake playing in “The Little Rascals” and was acquitted. See
what I mean about being funny? Cause that guy was guilty as hell.
This might fly with the
Air Force, but in the Army,
cat would get his ass kicked. Or as we call it, a “blanket
party”. This is where you take bars of soap and wrap then towels or
socks and beat the shit out of the guy repeatedly until they no
longer have to desire to act the fool. I never got one, but I did
organize several of them.
Hey check
this one out... is that really a ghost? I don't know... I don't
think so, but damn if that isn't creepy as hell!
Wed, May 4th, 2005:
Evening: Forgive
me for my lack of posting. My brothers have been out here in the
desert chilling for the last couple of days. Having them out here
has been a true blessing and has brought joy to my heart. They are
enjoying their hard earned vacation, kicking back, relaxing, playing
games, watching movies, and eating the best food that can be found
in Utah.
One of the things that I did
was show them the CZ P-01, and gave at least Jimmy the chance to
shoot it. You see, he has been wanting to buy a Beretta 92FS. That's
a fine handgun, and remains one of my favorites. But the P01 is a
superior weapon. After shooting the weapon, he has seen the truth of
this. He will now be picking up a P-01 when his duty is over. Once
they get back from Iraq, their enlistments will be over and they
will be leaving the armed forces with honor. They also now plan on
relocating to Utah. This is glorious news to me. I am very pleased.
When they get out here, I'll have FBMG get them the guns they want
and then take them up to HBE for custom leather.
We did a lot of movies...
watched the new Amityville and the new Hitchhiker flick. Scary and
Stupid, we enjoyed both. Looks like this summer we will be getting a
lot of good movies. Kingdom of Heaven, Serenity, Batman, Skeleton
Key, Fantastic 4 even looks good... and of course this new Star
Wars. Serenity and Kingdom of Heaven look to be my favorites.
Okay, since I've not
posted in awhile, I'll give you a secret. I have the secret for
all success, and political success as well. Hear me out here...
Let's look at some people... Ronald Reagan. 2 terms in office.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, took Cali by a landslide. Clint Eastwood,
Carmel, California Mayor. OJ, acquitted. Reagan did some comedies
with a monkey, Arnold did Kindergarten Cop. Eastwood did some monkey
comedies too... OJ, he did some Naked Gun comedies. That guy that
played Beretta and shot his wife? No comedies that I know of...
guilty. Donald Trump? He even makes fun of himself... millions.
Gore? Not a funny bone in his body... Lost. Kerry... Same thing,
lost. Bush, Bush is funny. Just look at him. Not famously so, but
more than those he beat. What do chicks dig? Guys that can make them
laugh. I'm telling you, that's the key right there. Be Funny. Not
like a clown, but just enough to keep people smiling around you.
That's the secret right there.
I've got another review
lined up after the S&W 640. It will be another Ruger, this
time the P345. I'm looking forward to this one as I am curious. I've
never liked a Ruger Semi-Auto before... at least not enough to buy
one. Let's see about this one.
Thursday, April 28th,
2005: Late Night:
The last few days have been interesting. My brothers have come
to town, finally. One was delayed a day and the other 3 days. Family
came out from Virginia, Southern Utah, California... and out of the
woodwork. Family I've not seen in ages, and family I've never met
before. It was a big reunion. My bro Jimmy got into town first and I
was able to spend some good time with him. He filled me in on lots
of details, with photos and video of certain events that I am not at
liberty to discuss. Let's just say that the News Media is absolutely
not to be trusted with anything you are hearing about what's going
on in Iraq, the nature of the conditions there, the nature of the
people there, and the nature of the conflict there... nothing.
Anyways, so we were pretty much waiting for my other bro, Z, to get
into town, but his 3 day hold up pretty much held up all my plans
for their R&R schedule. But It's all good. Z will have plenty of
fun... they will make the most out of everything.
It was good seeing all the
cousins and all their beautiful children that I've never seen
before. Great people, all of them and hanging out with them was a
blessing. Big George from Sac City with his lovely bride and two
girls, was worth the trip out to SLC alone... he entertained the
whole family and the whole restaurant. Snorting jello through a
straw through his nose... Freaking hilarious. My sides were hurting
from laughing so hard.
I had to come back home only
a few hours after Z got in, but it was good time spent... Driving
home while dodging all the deer in the mountains, I reflected on all
of them family that came out here. I've come to the conclusion that
I've got a kick ass family.
I've also got kick ass
friends... Friends like Steve, Larry, Carl, Ben... pretty much all
just waiting for the guys to get into town so we could throw
together a little gathering for some celebratory shooting.
Unfortunately it didn't pan out because of Z's delay. We shall not
complain because Z spend those 3 days stuck at the Baghdad airport
with other troopers waiting for a flight, sleeping on the concrete
pad with no food. The MRE's that they had were expired and spoiled
due to baking in the sun. They all subsisted on Vienna Sausages and
soda. Not fun. But everyone made it out alright once the flights
were cleared for take off.
Jimmy told me of his
transfer in Dallas to another flight... him and the other solders
walking through the causeway were applauded by all those who saw
them... fire trucks shooting streams of water over the plane, and
people clapping and cheering the soldiers. How awesome. They were
treated right there in Dallas. Not as Jane Fonda would have treated
them, but with real respect. Treated like the heroes that they truly
are, as they should be treated. I thank those in Dallas for that.
We did manage to stop by
Larry's home because we had a minute and were right near his place.
Larry was able to show Jimmy his shotgun reloading trick... which is
basically reloading 4 rounds at the same time. This will prove to be
useful once Jimmy gets back to the sandbox where he uses a Mossberg
590 on duty. While there I put an order in on a Saiga 12 through
FBMG of which Larry is associated. For those who don't know what a
Saiga 12 is, it's pretty much my beloved AK-47 converted to firing
shotgun shells... slugs or buckshot... all in semi-auto with a lot
of reliability.
I also traded a cousin
(pending a finalized decision after she test fires and all that) for
a .357 mag snubby, a S&W 640. S&W calls it the “Centennial Model”
but it's just a hammerless J-Frame. It's not a bad gun, but it a
very simple one. An article will be in the works shortly for CCW.
Speaking of which, since the latest issue is out, I'm overdue in
posting the last article in the weapons section. But I forget where
I am at in that schedule. This gun will absolutely require a trigger
job and a new pin to take out the slop in the cylinder.... probably
about 150 dollars worth to make it right. Then made have the
stainless bead blasted. Anyways, I'm happy, and I hope my Cuz is
happy too. Next time I go out there, we shall have to include them,
her and her husband, in our shooting group. Once I get that Saiga,
I'll be really happy. I've been meaning to get one since 2002. It
will join the other guns in my permanent arsenal, like the P-01 has
joined... and the Marlin 336CS Shorty.
I've lots to talk about but
I am exhausted. I got no sleep last night... I've a couple movies I
want to talk about and a couple situations in Iraq that I want to go
over with you. You wont believe it unless you were there.
Friday, April 22nd, 2005:
First thing in the morning, we'll be heading
out to SLC. My brothers will be flying in one at a time, but we
don't know when they are going to be arriving exactly. We will find
out more details later. They have to fly Standby for some reason,
and I don't like that. A US Soldier coming home from Iraq, even if
it is only for a brief leave, should not have to fly standby. They
shouldn't even have to worry about tickets. They should be able to
just show up, show them their green DOD ID card, and their orders...
and bang... they get a bloody first class seat on the first plane
heading to where ever they want to go. That's my opinion. If I ran
Delta, that would be the policy. “Flying home? Fly free. And THANK
YOU!” Anyways... we'll be staying with some family we have out
there. Sunday afternoon they should both be in town and we will look
to getting them well fed and well entertained. Movies, Food, Drink,
Shooting... whatever they want. They are going to want to buy some
guns too, either here now, or place a standing order for when they
return... so I'll be taking them to see
as one of the tour spots. They can swap some stories with Pvt Pyle
while they are there. I don't know. Whatever they want... Really
looking forward to seeing my bros... that's all I'm saying.
Another gun forum.
This one has affiliation with
Concealed Carry Magazine.
You can find it here: This is one you will want to bookmark. Forums
are all over the place of course... any subject you want to cover,
you will find a forum for it. It seems to be pretty new... not a lot
of members yet, but there is potential there. There are also the
Concealed Carry Magazine specific forums for discussion of the
magazine directly with the Publisher. I don't know how long it's
been there... I only heard of it when I was reading the magazine and
saw the URL. I joined and posted there, but I have no personal
affiliation with it and unlike all the forums I frequent, I'm not a
moderator there. Nor do I want to be. I don't have the time. I don't
have the time for any of the forums I moderate. I Mod over at
AmBack, in the
Street and Off Roading section, and over at because I
was asked to do so and I have a strong bias to CZ guns... Of course
over at TheHighRoad. I
also visit
FullSizedBronco, because the guys there rock and I get all sorts
of good information to help me get the most out of Brutus.
Regarding Brutus.
He is getting expensive to drive around in, but I still do. However
replacing Brutus with something cheap to run around in is still a
priority for me. A bike or a Jeep would be swell. In know Jeeps are
not the most efficient of vehicles either, but they will give twice
the millage of Brutus, that's for sure. I have this Cherokee, but it
needs a new engine. It sounds like a farm tractor, burns oil like
Brutus burns gas, and it leaks power steering fluid like a bucket of
water hit with a shotgun. If I wanted to get the Cherokee up and
running, it would require a new power steering box, transfer case,
engine, stabilizers, and rear leave springs. Might as well get a
different one. That and I still want a CJ. Not that I can afford one
right now. But If I find the right one, I'd do a quick firesale on
some guns and and buy it. Not that I want to part with any of my
guns, but it would be for the greater good. If anyone wants to buy a
thrashed and clapped out XJ Cherokee... I'd be more than willing to
sell it. Hell, I'd be willing to trade it for a good gun. Make an
offer and come get the damn thing. At least unlike the Subaru, the
Cherokee is still actually driveable. Just don't head out of town
with it too far. As far as bikes go, I'd have to have one of at
least 650 CCs. The more the better because it would have to have
long legs. All this talk of vehicles reminds me of the dialog that
AnarchAngel had today
regarding autos. The cut off point for cool cars was 1974/1975.
After that American cars
really took
a nose dive.
For those of you who have
downloaded Linspire 4.5 Live and have tried it.. and have found
it to be good... You are very welcome. I'll be showing
it off to some other folks out in SLC. We can count our converts on
two hands now out here in the Uintah Basin. I hope to add to those
numbers. Even one of the guys I work with is now interested in it.
Oh, if you want a seperate Linspire Box to play with, I have a
1.6ghz old Dell machine with 256 megs of RAM and a 10 gig HD that I
can sell you for 200 bucks. You can either pick it up or pay for
shipping. There is another one that's about ˝ of that machine that I
we could sell... but you would have to make an offer. Linspire runs
slower on this one, but hey, at least it isn't WINDOWS. If you want
a machine that will play your music CDs, send email with, browse the
web with... then this is the one for you. A little note... Linspire
has a precompiled DVD decoder that you can buy through the Linspire
CNR feature so you can watch your DVD movies on Linux. One click to
get it and install it. Very nice. I still can't get DVD's to play on
SUSE. That bugs the shit out of me.
I'll be back at Horde HQ
Wednesday evening I think... See you then.
Thursday, April 21st,
2005: Evening:
Looks like NASA has taken their lead from Public Schools. If the
tests are too hard, don't try to educate the kids to bring them up
to snuff... just lower the
standards. This is great! Because it's worked so well for public
education. Hey, if it's good enough for our students, it's good
enough for our Astronauts! Right? As Han Solo would say, “I've got a
bad feeling about this.”
I installed a pair of
Off-Road lights onto the front of Brutus. They look pretty good.
I've not wired them up yet, because it's starting to get dark and
I'm not wanting to get electrical work half done and have to leave
it. I'll tackle that electrical stuff tomorrow
before I drive out to Salt Lake. Not that I'll be driving Brutus out
there... no, I'll be driving that damnable minivan. I dislike that
thing... it has no soul. Brutus has a soul. We share the same
personality. We get along very well.
The ACLU pisses me off.
American Civil Liberties Union... the guys that want to open up
the borders to anyone and everyone is now wanting to bust Sean
Hannity's chops for stepping a foot past the border's fence. I heard
Sean talk about this on the radio and we claims that there is a 3
foot buffer because the fence is built all on US Soil. If this is
true, then Sean has broken no laws. If this wrong, and Sean did step
over... then he did so right in front of the US Border Patrol, who
did not arrest Hannity because they didn't think he had broken any
law. Obviously the Leftist ACLU jackasses are only gunning after
Hannity because he is a Conservative. Had Al Franken stepped over
the line and past the 3 foot buffer... then they would have been
packing him on their shoulders as a pillar of virtue, freedom, and

You guys have heard me
talking about Linux and the distro called “Linspire” which has
become a favorite. I've even told you how to get it for free.
But downloading the ISO and burning it to disk is one thing...
actually installing it on a computer is another. Most of you only
have one PC and are not going to jack with it. That's fine, I can
respect that. But for those of you who are still curious about
Linspire and would like to try it as long as it didnt jack
everything up... I've got something for you. Linspire 4.5 Live. To
get it, it's normally twenty bucks.
But if you go here and apply the coupon code “Liveraiser”, then
it will cost you nothing to download. A Live CD
is a CD that you can put into your computer, reboot, and presto...
you are running the new OS off the CD without touching the hard
drive... it wont jack with your box. You can test out Linspire...
listen to the audio tutorials... use it like you normally would...
browsing the web and all that jazz, send emails and stuff... then
eject the CD and reboot and you are back to your normal old and
tired OS. Give it a shot, try it out, and see what you think. I'm
seriously thinking about switching to Linspire. I'm loving my SUSE
Linux, but Linspire... is tempting me. I'm still waiting for Ubuntu
to show up. I've got the disks ordered, just waiting... any time now
you Ubuntu people.
Wednesday, April 20th,
2005: Evening: S&W gets a military contract
for the SIGMA? WTF?
Read the
details here. Discuss this there too. This is amazing.
What I want to know is how the hell did S&W pull this off?
What other guns were in line to be considered? The only
explanation that I have is that they wanted to send out the cheapest
guns they could get in bulk. No, I'm not a Sigma fan.
“So is
Concealed Carry a hard copy mag? or a web zine? I admit I don't
follow most hard copy mags. because they're lackeys to the firearm
industry "This is the gun you should buy this month." Actually the
only rags I read regularly/subscribe to, are The Accurate Rifle and
Precision Shooting. Concealed Carry sounds interesting though. Keep
up the good work. Rangers Lead the Way, AOS”
Concealed Carry Magazine is a printed, subscription based
magazine... like the ones you dislike. In this issue, there is one
gun review. I wrote it. The gun was the property of a private
owner... as are most of the guns I review. I know what you are
talking about though. It's as if most gun writers have never been
sent a gun they didn't love... and even though the gun has a street
reputation of spontaneous disassembly or jamming like crazy... the
writer has only glorious things to say about them. I'm not that kind
of gun writer. If I'm reviewing a gun and it jams up on me, I'm
going to mention it. In fact, I'm going to go out of my way to point
it out. I did that with the Kel-Tec P3AT that Kel-Tec sent to me,
and I did it with the gun I just finished reviewing and submitted
the article for. The other guns have not given me any trouble, and I
point this out too. Here is why I do this... Unlike Backyard
Plinkers Monthly, weapons for concealed carry have got to be
trustworthy and same with my reviews. I'll not put lipstick on a pig
and expect my readers to just play along. On the contrary. I have to
get it right... because my readers will rip me apart if I don't!
I've also got to make my reviews suitable for a wider audience. I
try to give a bit of a background, give more of my impressions of
the actual gun that to regurgitate measurements off of Ranson Rest
fired shot groups and chronograph readings. Those sorts of articles
tend to turn into more of an ammunition horse race than what I
consider an actual gun review. They serve a purpose... giving you
information about the different loads, but I want to write gun
reviews and not ammunition reviews. But CCM is much more than just
my reviews. I get two or 3 pages, and the rest of the magazine is
chuck full of good stuff. For example, in this issue there is an
article about the psychology of anti-gun wackos. This article is
pure gold and alone worth the cost of a year's subscription.... I'm
not kidding.
Another email:
“Ogre, The mad billionaire and
Marxist/Leftist George Soros, is now trying to re-write the
Constitution in his image. He wants all Americans to receive $80,000
on the day they are born, not to be touched until they reach 18
years of age. He plans on paying for this by taxing the fuck out of
the American wealthy. I say American wealthy because he does not
have a fuckin penny on American soil. It's getting to where we
should just run all of his ilk out of the country, or have them
swinging from trees like our founding fathers did to the British
aristocracy back in the day. - SGT Lowe”
Yes, indeed... I've heard of this and I've been meaning to talk
about it. This is a good time to do so. Pretty much the Soros
Constitution is one that would render honest Conservative folks to
be the slaves of those enlightened Liberals... Freedom would be
abolished. Free speech would be nonexistant. Property would no
longer be yours. Even your physical body would be subject to the
whims of anyone who wishes to abuse it... because you wouldn't have
the right to defend yourself or your loved ones. Rape might not be
legal, but pretty much illegal to stop it. Sounds great doesn't it?
Nirvana! How wonderful! I mean, look at it like this... no such
thing as personal responsibility... no worries about raising your
kids because they would end up being medicated to the gills and
institutionalized because Liberals consider Childhood a disease that
they can treat with drugs and they know more about your kids than
you do. The Ninny-Nanny State. You know... If the Soros Constitution
ever got past – I'd hope the Chinese would come in and kick out
asses. Because we wouldn't deserve to be our own nation anymore. I'm
not kidding about that. America is great because America is Free. If
we take that away, we have seriously mismanaged the 3rd greatest
gift God has ever given mankind. The first is Life, the second is
Angelina Jolie, and the third is America. Okay, maybe not in that
order.... But you get the drift. Guys like Soros, who hate America
and wish it to be destroyed... They should be Tarred and Feathered
and ridden out of town on a rail like they did up through the
1800's. Their assets should be seized and their homes burned to the
ground, salted and cursed. If they don't like America, then they
should get the hell out of it. They can go to Canada. While freedom
loving Canadians can come down here and hang with us.
The Heartless
Libertarian's wife is shipping out for Iraq.
They are both in the service, but he is stationed with a unit that
is not slated for deployment. He, and she, need to know what sort of
equipment she is going to need that will not be issued. If you have
desert warfare experience,
please head over there and give them some
pointers, tips, and tricks. Also, let's all say a prayer for them
that she will be able to return unharmed to her loving husband.
Our man, Correia
pointed out that I was wrong in my ID of the Detonics:
"George, look closer. In the publicity poster, it is a Rohrbaugh
R9. The guys at the Rohrbaugh booth at SHOT had the movie poster up.
It is the first movie that their gun has been in, and they are very
proud of it." Whothewhatthe? No, I looked closely at
the movie poster and the pistol was a Detonics. I went past the
theater and looked closely again... it is a Detonics. I'm not saying
Larry is wrong, because I've not known him to be wrong... but this
poster I looked at indeed has a Detonics strapped to Angelina's
thigh, customized with barrel porting and everything. If he isn't
wrong, and I am not wrong... then we are both looking at different
posters. So I looked them up on the net.
This image here is
just like the one
in the poster here in town... in this image, she doesn't have any
But in this movie poster here... you can see she has a gun...
of course it is a digital edit, but it is there. This is the best
image I could find of it. If you look closely – very closely – you
can see the rear sight on the little pistol... stainless slide,
blued sight. You can see the sight is moved up to just behind the
ejection port. Detonics.
But then in this promotional picture, we
see a gun strapped to that thigh... That's a Rohrbaugh R9 right
there. Looks like Larry and I are both right.
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005: Evening:
10 years ago, according to the
news, today was the day that we had our own home grown terrorist
blow up the federal building in Oklahoma. I looked around and I
didn't see mention that this is also the 12th year
anniversary of the Feds burning down the Davidian compound in Waco,
Texas.... killing 72 people, 17 of them children. I mean, if you
want to point out atrocity... let's point it out. Government kills
some people, some people kill the government right back. It's sad
that there was a day care and all that in the federal building...
but it didn't look like the Feds took that sort of consideration in
Waco either. I do not condone the actions against the government,
only point out that this was what the Federal Building bombing was
about. Still a touchy subject, Waco. To this day, you think of Waco,
Texas and you think of the Davidians going up in smoke. Yeah, David
Koresh was a full blown nut case... that's a given. But who was the
bigger nut? Him or the guy that ordered the assault on the compound?
Will very little effort in actual police work... maybe a little
patience too... they could have picked up David any time they wanted
in town. With no fan fair, no fireworks, and no flaming kids.... and
no Federal Building being blown up two years later.
Congratulations to the
Catholics who now have their new Pope. I hope you guys are
pleased with the selection. It seemed The Media was worried that
they might not find one. Cameras locked on smoke stacks and all.
They where more worried about finding a new Pope than they were
about finding WMDs in Iraq. We will overlook his Hitler Youth
background. That was a long time ago and he was a kid. The world as
moved on. As shall we. Well, now that we have that out
of the way, we can concentrate on the Micheal Jackson trial. But not
Congratulations to the Minutemen
Project. By all accounts they can be considered a huge
success. I am disappointed in this administrations response to
these guys, but that was to be expected.
Concealed Carry Magazine:
The latest issue is out now... with my review of the Ruger
SP101. It's weird seeing my photo in a gun magazine... still a
novelty to me. But that picture is nothing compared to the photo
that you are going to see in the next issue with my Springfield
Ultra Compact review. Good grief. It's bloody huge! Dayum, I'm
fricken good looking! I wanted the photos to be of my buddy Steve,
but they didn't turn out according to Maria, who does all the
layouts for the magazine. So now they got this photo that my wife
took as a lark... and that's what they went with. According to my
wife, it's the only photo of me actually smiling... so keep that
issue as a memento or something because you will not likely see that
again. Normally I only smile when a Liberal gets kicked in the nuts,
or when I find a great deal of satisfaction in a firearm, or when my
boys clean up their messes. How Mrs. Ogre got a photo of me smiling
is a great mystery. She must have told me that a Kennedy lost a game
of Roshambo. I have no other explanation.
time you are at your local theater, take a close look at the “Mr and
Mrs. Smith” poster. It's the
one with the picture of Brad Pitt and The Horde's favorite Angelina
Jolie. As I was walking past the poster, admiring Angelina's fine
form and lovely legs... I noticed that in the garter belt around her
delicious thigh, is a customized Detonics Combat Master. Excellent
choice of weapon, but I can't see how it could have been held in
place by such a small amount of elastic and lace. A Detonics might
be small, but they are not light. That lug, Pitt also had a
customized .45... but it looked more of a pimp gun than a anything
“Ogre, I whole-heartedly concur with your
assessment of liberal college professors. Having experienced the
liberal agenda as a student and now being able to better identify it
as an older wiser conservative, I believe you hit the nail on the
head. Partisan political maneuvering is tearing this country apart.
Some food for thought: is it even possible to enliven the moderate
centrist majority in order to regain control of our country? I
believe that all voters agree on at least a couple of the issues
that the "other" party considers important to their respective
political platform. These instances where the average voter is
“bi-partisan” do not always occur on issues central to the political
parties, but nonetheless it is only the fringes that are hard line
and refuse to march across the “aisle”. The government is supposed
to be the voice of the people and not of the lobby. The silent
majority needs to step up and become less silent. The most recent
major example of the effect of the centrist majority and its ability
to be the voice of the people is the actions of the congressional
body during the Reagan administration. Where, during this great
period in American History, the moderate and centrist thinking was
able to, at least as far as international policy is concerned,
defend and support American interests. Also, on the domestic front,
Reagan-omics is not a financial terror to the American people as
much as the Liberal Left would like the “sheople” to believe. (BTW:
I have added “sheople” to my daily political vocabulary. Thanks.)
The dichotomy of the two primary parties and the lack of centrist
voices in the mainstream media has and is perpetuating a great rift
in the political mindset of the American people, in my opinion. If
we as intelligent outspoken individuals fail to espouse our beliefs
and reactions to ignorance and/or fail to motivate others to be
outspoken regardless of the political and moral basis of their
opinions we fail America. I fear that if things continue to snowball
down the path that they are, we may see 1863 all over again. I
believe strongly that we can put that fire out before it flares
again. The peoples’ right (privilege depending on how you look at
it) is the ultimate check and balance. The voting booths are where
the voice of the American People has been and will be heard by all
and cannot be ignored. Praise Almighty God for this great country
and all it stands for. Keep on keepin’ on, Baron Imperialist
Warmonger P.S. Fuck whoever said the Marlin wasn't cool looking.
Since you went to all the trouble of custom mixing the stain you
should just get a hold of some black nonskid strips and tiger stripe
that beast. That would be friggin' cool, but what the fuck do I
know, I've never fired one.”
Thanks for the email, Baron.
I had only one email of dissenting opinion on this, but I lost it
along with a couple others in a momentary server glitch. Let me tell
you of my personal experience with a Liberal
Professor. In a philosophy class where the Prof proudly proclaimed
the classroom to be a Free Speech Zone where everyone's thoughts and
opinions were important... Within 2 weeks I was censured and
forbidden to voice my opinion. I was the only Conservative in the
class. Not only that I was the only one that wore military BDU's
because of my ROTC class. Sometimes I'd even have to bring my
rucksack and LBE gear in with me. This is probably one of the
reasons they all hated me right off the bat. I dropped the class a
few days later, when they decided to make me the object lesson of
America's violent, meat eating nature... but not after delivering a
15 minute speech that would have made both Dennis Leary and Dennis
Miller proud and sent several of the students and the Prof into
apparent shock. A class with open minds? As long as you agreed with
their opinions. I lost my tuition on that class because of I dropped
after the first week... but at least I didn't lose my pride. I will
not submit myself to Liberal brainwashing, or hear their propaganda
and not respond.
Sunday, April 17th, 2005:
Zombie Bears.
Looks like The Horde has nothing
to fear from Zombie Bears. Selected armaments against undead bruins
contain a wonderful mix of choices ranging from classic safari arms
such as the .505 Gibbs and the .600 Nitro Express, to more “modern”
arms such as .500 S&W Magnum revolvers and matching leverguns... on
up to chopped down semi automatic .50BMG rifles. One suggestion was
for an M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle... which is undoubtedly the SUV
of choice when rolling through Zombie Bear country. Some have
questioned where in the hell I came up with Zombie Bears. A good
question. Well, truthfully, I didn't. That seed was planted in my
mind by the Horde's Larry Corriea and I blame him. He has written a
very delightful little book called... well, I'll not give the name
yet as it isn't published yet. But the book reads like a Bruce
Campbell movie and I mean that as a high compliment. I read his
manuscript a couple months back and I guess the idea of zombified
bruins has stuck with me more than I would have thought. It's a fun
book and we hope Larry gets it out into print. It's a fun read. It
starts out with our hero working late at his accounting office when
his boss calls him in for a talk. His boss is naked behind his desk
eating human remains... turns into a werewolf... and they do battle
across the office. When this book comes out, it's recommended
reading. It would make for an awesome summer movie flick, especially
if directed by Robert Rodriguez.
Larry also has something
else up his sleeves... something that will be of even more
interest to The Horde.
FBMG. Book mark that link right there.
Suppressors, Rifles, Short Barreled nasty little goodies... they got
the fun stuff.
Recommended Download:
The latest Mozilla Firefox
release... version 1.0.3. This patches up some security issues, and
does so before they have been exploited... unlike MS security
patches which always and only come out after the fact. It's a good
release of course, and I've already been using it... if it was
pooched I'd have said “Avoid this one”. But Mozilla as usual, puts
out some damn fine software. If you like your 'Zilla straight up,
they also have version 1.7.7 which is a stable build of the full 'Zilla
suite. I like it, but I'm going with Firefox because that is what I
recommend to my customers. I'm not going to recommend something I'm
not using or have used with good success. This is why I also
recommend Open Office 2.0 Beta.
It's good. I use it at home and at work, and install it for some
customers who need an Office Suite that can't afford the normal
commercial distributions.
I just love it when the
customers bitch that since reformatting their systems, they lost
their MS Office which was pirated and they no longer have the disks.
Like that's my fault they can't use their illegal software. Cheap
bastards. Buy Word Perfect or use Open Office... There is no need to
use pirated stuff when the alternatives are free and just as good.
Pirated Photoshop? Don't cry to me. Just download GIMP and shut up.
Otherwise go buy the software! ESPECIALLY if you are using it in
your bloody business! Sigh... I swear... I hate people sometimes.
Cera, our Border Collie –
Rott mix has died yesterday. I was going to take her and Ranger
up into the hills to chase rabbits. I was thirsty so I stopped at a
gas station to grab a drink. I came back outside just in time to see
it happen. She was struck by a semi and killed instantly. She had
gotten into playing a game of chasing/playing chicken with trucks.
Well, she won... she caught her truck. A big oilfield truck, right
in the head. She was of course killed instantly. I didn't know she
had gotten out of the Bronco. Ranger had stayed put, as he always
does when we are out and I tell him to “wait right here”. When I
tell him that, he does just that. Cera hadn't had the chance to
learn that yet, and trucks excited her. Highway 40 has a lot of big
trucks. I blame myself. Damn it. I told the boys, and they were all
upset... but not surprised. I was going to put her on a chain
because she was almost getting hit at least once a day this last
week. Double Damn It. She was a sweet dog. Very smart. Very loving.
Very loyal. Always came when you called her... unless it was in the
evening when you were trying to put her out for the night. She was
always sitting on the porch waiting for me to come home. SHIT DAMN
HOWEVER: This loss is nothing like
the loss SWAT Magazine editor and chief Denny Hanson has recently
loss... His house burnt down, and took two of his dogs with it.
The house was a total loss, as was everything in it. Thank God
that no one was hurt. I've met Denny and his son Flint, who
are good people. They have received a lot of support and help
and all that and they are doing fine. If you want to help them
out at this point, I suggest ordering a couple subscriptions for
yourself and friends.
Bad things happen in life. That's
just the way it is. We deal with it and we survive it and we
move on.
I've already been asked if my boys would
like another dog... right now, no. We have not had any good
luck at all with dogs now save for Ranger who is a bit depressed at
the loss of his friend, but is otherwise fine. So no... no
dogs. Maybe after we eventually move to a new place with a
better yard for dogs. Maybe then we could do another
dog. Other than Ranger, I'm pretty much done with animals,
Special thanks to our man
Angus MacKay for his
contribution to, which came in the same day our bill
for hosting came in. The numbers are the same so that means is not all out of pocket this quarter. That was very
nice. Thank you Angus. I appreciate it, and so does The Horde.
The new Firewall box is
SWEEEEET. It's a FIREBOX SOHO 6... Plugged it in, turned it on,
hooked in the CAT5, and bang... I had internet access with no loss
of speed, and I had security. Setting up the configuration was a
snap. Pretty dang easy. Thank Scott.
That's the thing about it exists because of the support generous
contributions of The Horde. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't be
blogging like this anymore. Wouldn't be able to. Of course I'm also
typing this on my Dell box, which was also a donation from my good
friend Steve.
Several people have made
some rather harsh accusations at me lately.
Friday, April 15th, 2005:
Night: ; Weekend Fun: THINK TANKS, by Garage Games.
Download the free demo here.
Last night I had the
strangest dream, and it has been on my mind all day. I dreamed
that I was walking with my wife along a mountain trail. The trail
was familiar to us and close to home so that it wasn't but a
pleasurable stroll. We turned upwards, heading up a hill and Mrs.
Ogre was ahead of me because I had stopped to pick something up.
When I looked up, I could see her heading towards a big clump of
brown that didn't quite look like vegetation. She couldn't see it. I
called to her to stop, and she did. I was about to tell her to come
back this way... quickly. But before I could say anything she dug
into her purse and pulled out a noisy ring of keys that rattled and
chimed, and caused much noise. The brown lump rose up, angered at
having been rudely awakened. It was a fairly large brown bear. This
is where I would have liked to have pulled out a Marlin Guide Gun
and ended the threat... but I have no Guide Gun... I had no gun at
all in my dream. I had my Recon Tanto and my Kershaw Boa. That was
it. I pulled out the knives and started yelling and waving my arms
to frighten the bear. The wife, who still hadn't seen the bear
thought I had gun nuts and ran from me... towards the bear. When she
saw it, she of course turned around and ran to me again... but with
the big bruin hot on her heels. Going hand to hand with a Grizzly
isn't something I would choose to do... not in real life and not in
my dreams. I have no delusions of hunting bear with cutlery. But
this was a dire situation. I had to save my wife. So I intercepted.
I went for the throat, and cut deeply with both blades... This of
course caught the bear's attention and it turned from the lady to
me. We did battle, with me getting knocked and slashed and me
slashing and stabbing back.
Now this is where the dream
go really strange and kinda scary at the time. The more I cut the
bear, the meaner it got... and I noticed that even with deep gaping
wounds, the bear did not bleed. For it was already dead and had bled
out already from prior wounds.... this was a ZOMBIE BEAR.
Normally Zombies can be
easily dispatched with a shot to the head or a slash that would
remove the head from the neck. But this was no ordinary Zombie. This
was a Zombie Freaking Bear. When, in my dream, I realized that this
bear was unnaturally animated... that I awoke. How disturbing this
was. I mean, how do you fight a Zombie Bear? If you are bitten, you
are pretty much done for because you are going to become a Zombie
yourself... and if you loose the fight, you will still become a
Zombie... in the form of Zombie Bear Shit. This isn't a good thing.
Now, online discussion forums have often discussed the battle
between the armed good and the mass of zombies and other undead, or
living dead, or life impaired beings. But Zombie Bears? I know this
is silly, but I am having fun using the word Zombie and will
continue till I tire of it. Normal bears can be hunted readily with
rifles and large handguns with deep penetrating monolithic solid
slugs... and this is all good and well. But against Zombie Bears,
this might not be the ticket. You see, with a Zombie, you have to
destroy the brain. In an undead human, this is pretty easy. A bear
though, that's a different story. Bear skulls are thick boned, heavy
and hardened. Bullets can just bounce off if they are not hitting
solidly. Melee weapons are right out of the question. Shotguns are
also out of the question, unless loaded with slugs. .
Thursday, April 14th,
2005: One of the
things that has always confused me, is the Liberal College
Professor. I simply can not understand where these people are
coming from or who they think they are kidding. On one hand these
people are supposed to be the intellectual elite of society... they
are the bastions of higher learning. On the other hand, they espouse
Liberalism with a big “L”. The do so to the point that they are no
longer educating but are in fact Political Activists for Liberalism
and the DNC. To do so they have to turn their backs on Logic,
Reason, and Intellectual Honesty. The very things that these people
should be holding to the highest regards. They are so politically
motivated that when one of their own is documented and proven to be
a Liar, Cheat, and perhaps the very worst of Educational Institution
sins; a Plagiarist... they do not frown upon him, but boost him and
support him.
For these reasons I am of
the opinion that the very structure of what we call today “Higher
Learning” is of no use whatsoever to the Modern American Man seeking
Higher Education. He will have to seek out his own education
with fear and trembling, and by the sweat of his brow. .
Should you be running some
business and a job candidate comes to you with Credentials that are
little more than having earned a degree in a Liberal Arts college;
what can we know of this person? That he or she has been a solid,
hard working student who has triumphed amidst academic adversity? Or
do we know that he or she was able to pass through the Liberal
Conditioning and Self Righteous Egotistical Bullshit and appeased
the great institutional Conceit that is the Modern University?
Well, these days academic
grades are no true indication of a academic effort... but we do know
for sure that these new degree holding people are either fully
programmable or that they are willing to do anything and go through
anything and prostitute themselves if they think it is in their self
interests. A true Yes-Man, gift wrapped and ready for any mediocre
executive level position where you need someone that will never
question your authority or the size of your dick. There are very
few... very few people indeed who go through college, stand firm to
their belief, and challenge The System. These people often times
come out with a lower GPA, because their opinion was at odds with
the Professor's. Fewer yet are those that come through having made
the challenges and have triumphed.
The tough part is
determining which sort of person is presenting you the resume. You
have to separate the wheat from the chaff. How do you do this?
Perhaps in a job interview? What sort of questions do you ask to
give you the insight? You can't ask political questions... what your
Party is, or what their political beliefs are. That could land you
in hot water.
My favorite Founding Father
has always been Ben Franklin. He remains to this day, the greatest
liberal in American history. I use liberal in the classic since of
the word, not the modern political one. One one hand Franklin was
open minded and prone to intellectual exploration. Something a
Modern Liberal would shun away from like a Vampire from sunlight. On
the other hand Franklin was conservative in his morality and tried
his best to hold to his moral compass. He is the perfect example of
the Libertarian... and what every American should strive to emulate.
He is perhaps the most interesting character in all of American
history. To quote him and do him justice would be the core subject
matter for an entire website on its own, so I will not attempt to do
so. The counties of Europe can boast of their philosophers from ages
past... We Americans will do just fine with our Ben Franklin. .
Wouldn't it be great if we
had people who were like Ben Franklin standing in front our
University classrooms and lecture halls? Enough Liberal Arts as it
is now, but liberal arts as they should always have been. You could
go so far as to call it a Conservative Arts college. Because the
biggest problem with today's Liberals Arts colleges are all the
Liberal Artists. The name is supposed to be an indication of the
educational effort to open the students minds to new concepts and
ideas. Which is not the case. Liberals are the most
closed minded group of fools this side of the Taliban. I'd like to see the promotion of Universities which
honor true diversity, which is based on something other than the
pigmentation of skin cells. Where students can express dissenting
opinion and be free of the threat of academic retribution. I'm not
calling for a Right Wing College... while that would be nice and
help balance the equation, it's not what is best for our Nation as a
whole. Promoting Right Wing Universities would only serve as an
eventual maul to split the great political divide that is destroying
this country.
The more I look at the
problems facing today's students and young people looking to them as
examples... the more I am reminded of our greatest President's dire
warning and the one thing he said that we totally ignored. Avoid
Political Parties. The more you think about it... the more profound
the meaning under the words becomes.
This is why I favor History.
The education that History gives you, provides the foundation for
all the rest of the subjects to follow. Science to Civics. It also
infuses the student with pride in ones nation... something that is
void in the virtues of the majority of Liberal Arts Graduates.
It all starts with, and ends
with History.
Look at this... but I warn
you that it is the saddest thing we will read this week.
Americans are willing to give up the First Amendment.
“Censorship” should be the most vulgar word in the American English
language. I would rather here Chris Rock use the word “Fuck” 185
times in a row than to hear Censorship just once. After all, fucking
can be a good thing, but censoring is never a good thing. Ben
Franklin would agree with that.
On Factory Made
Dells restoration CDs? One disk is the OS only... straight up OS,
with no prepackaged software bundles like AO-Hell and all that jazz.
The other disk has the drivers and they are all set up as self
extracting executables, making re installation of device drivers
fast and easy. .
HP on the other hand, doesn't give you CD's, but puts them on a
separate partition on your hard drive and then makes a program that
extracts that to burn onto CD for you... so it takes up your HD
space in both partitions... so your 80 gig isn't really 80 gigs you
can use. Then to burn your CDs? Takes forever, and 8 CDs. Not just a
couple... or even a few... but eight bloody CD's! EIGHT! This of
course does you no good if your HD is pooched. Should this be the
case, your are screwed unless you happen to have another OS disk.
For the device drivers you then have to go to to download.
Unfortunately 2 devices that never get recognized and installed by
the OS are the Network and Modem drivers... so you can't get to HP's
site. The two others that have to get downloaded are of course the
Graphics and the Sound... so it looks like you are in Safe Mode and
navigating the websites are almost impossible anyways. So doing a
reformat on a Dell can take about an hour, where as a reformat on an
HP can take all damn day. But I've beaten HP at this game. When I
get time or Opportunity I always download all the drivers for any
different HP (Or Compaq) PC and save all those drivers for that
specific model and archive them so restorations are now rather
quick... Unless HP uses the same fricken model number for a whole
roster of different hardware configurations using generic and
unidentifiable bargain basement devices so you can never use a
standardized driver set for.
Funny how HP's CEO Mistress' big plan was to "Do what Dell does" and
yet she still managed to do it wrong. Honey, that's what you get for
trying to do it while using some of the worst components ever
assembled to build your boxes out of. Don't even get me started on
You want to be happy with your Dell? Here is what you do... buy your
Dell someplace above the Bargain Basement level builds that they
offer, max out the RAM, but only purchase it with a small HD and a
single optical drive. Then go to your local shop and buy a big
Western Digital HD and a Lite-On DVD CDRW Combo or DVD burner...
whatever you like. They will both install in very easy and fast. You
just have to attach the green rails and away you go. Done. Then just
make the new HD the Master and the Dell Stock drive the Slave.
Reboot onto a Linspire Linux CD and there you go... A Dell that will
last forever.
Wed, April 13th, 2005:
Late Night: ; There is a neat little game out for Linux that you can run on
Windows and Mac... I've mentioned it, had a question and got the
answers I needed... Dark Horizons: Lore, or DH Lore. It's like
MechWarrior but without the licensing issues. It's not polished...
still rough around the edges... but the potential for a great game
is there. Well, it's already a pretty great game I think. I finally
had the time to burn the disk and install it. Runs great on SUSE.
There are some glitches, but I think as the game develops those will
be ironed out. Runs pretty well on Windows too. I got that installed
and it's not quite as stable. But crashes just put you back to the
desktop and doesn't crash the OS too. You have a couple choices of
Mechs in the demo and a tank... you can change the weapons and alter
your armor/speed level. Just enough to make it interesting. The rest
of the game is straight forward, find the enemy and kill them a lot.
After a day like I had today, this was exactly what I needed. I tell
ya... I had to blow some shit up tonight.
Not that it was all that bad
of a day, just a long and a mentally challenging one. So it's nice
to get Low Brow after a day like this. .
Actually it was quite a
good day.
Tomorrow should be just
as well.l. I've got a lot to do tomorrow... repair jobs just kept
coming in today and I'm now backed up again. Busy as hell, but that
makes the day go by faster. Today I had a spare moment for something
a little extra. I had to reformat a laptop's HD, and I had the extra
time because I only had the one lappy to work on in my Laptop area.
So while all the desktops were doing their scans and crap, and
before I installed Win2000Pro onto this Dell unit, I took the time
to install Linspire. (I've not tried it on a portable before, just
towers) For some reason that version 5.0 that I downloaded is just
pooched. The disks look fine but wont boot (Scott, I'll be mailing
you out version 4.5... a disk that I know works fine... if you want
it. I think you snagged the 4.5 when I posted how to get it free.
Didn't you?) so I'm using the slightly older version. It installed
beautifully. Found all the devices, had drivers for them, and it
just worked right first shot out of the gate. NIC, Sound, Graphics,
USB, PCMCIA, all that. It was awesome. And it looked gorgeous. Linux
can really be a good looking OS. Kubuntu, I tried that but it
wouldn't load... not on the other machine I tried to load it up on
either. I must have got a glitch in the download. It happens. I'll
just wait for the straight up Ubuntu to arrive and give Gnome a
second chance. Oh, about Linspire... if you want to play DH Lore,
the game I was talking about earlier... Linspire's CNR allows you to
buy the full version at a discounted rate, only 19 bucks, and
downloads and installs it all for you with just 1 mouse click.
SWEET. After playing around with the Linspire Lappy for a few
minutes, I had to hold my nose and install Windows 2000 on it. Of
course after I got it installed and it was on the garish Win Desktop
I checked the device drivers.... damn thing gave me a whole
restaurant menu of devices needing drivers. NIC, Sound, Graphics,
USB, fricken everything. Pathetic. So that sweet Lappy was turned
back into a POS Lappy. Sad. Not that the owner will know the
difference. Or care.
Judas Priest!t!
Sometimes I just have to point at my self and laugh... listen to me.
For one with such a low brow thuggish background of making loud
noises and breaking things – I'm such a geek. Getting goofy over OS
crap and firewalls and games. Okay, that's it. Come Saturday, I'm
doing some serious shooting. Ranger and I are hitting the mountains
and we are going to blow through some ammunition. I've got this
Remington to work out and my Marlin with its super slicked up action
and trigger that breaks easier than a teenage girls heart. These
guns need a workout and I gotta blow the geek off of me.
I was asked how the
Microlon engine treatment is still holding up in Brutus.
It's doing very well. I'm going to write a full page report on this
for the Automotive Section. This weekend? It's worth
discussion, I think. There is another product that I am thinking
about buying and evaluating. But I'll not give that away until
later. This is not an additive or anything, but a device. No, not a
Fuel Saver Pro or a Tornado. This is different but the theory and
science behind it are actually sound.
Tuesday, April 12th, 2005:
Evening: I heard a
couple university students talk about religion and matters of faith.
They couldn't understand why anyone could follow Jesus around. Why
would these apostles drop what they are doing... leave their jobs...
to follow this Jesus guy around. I leaned in to their conversion and
said, “You guys never read the bible have you? The cat was at a
party and they ran out of vino, and he turned WATER into WINE.”
That seems to have been the deciding argument as they both nodded as
if I had just said the most wise thing ever spoken. He was at this
wedding party that had been rolling... they ran out of drinks... and
Jesus kept the party rolling. No wonder people followed him around.
If I found a guy that could refill my empty brass cartridges, I'd
follow him around too.
No, seriously, faith is
something you can't explain to someone who doesn't have it... at
least I can't. But faith is something I take seriously. .
I know some of The Horde are
Golfers. Well look at this, one of our own Hordesmen makes
custom clubs. Angus MacKay.
Very nice. Bookmark that link and leave it where your wife will see
it. I'm not a Golfer...
Golf takes more talent than I have. Not that I am totally devoid of
talent, on the contrary... I have an amazing talent at hitting a
ball that can fly 100 yards at exactly 1 inch off the ground, and or
making the ball curve in flight like it was a boomerang. I spent an
entire year trying to overcome this. I even once had a club
membership at a course in Wisconsin just so I could practice every
morning. Tiger Woods would have wept for me. I gave it up and I've
never tried it again. I've made up for this. I can hit a Golf Ball
at a hundred yards with a rifle. I consider this
skill good enough to balance things out.
had a couple emails over the last month or so asking about the movie
Brotherhood of the Wolf and why it is not on my list of favorites.s.
Guys, the
needs a hand. He still has a S&W revolver (a sweet one too) and
a Chronograph that he needs to get sold quickly. A Snubnosed .357
686... I'd be all over it if I had the funds. Chris
is a good guy, hook him up. If you don't have a need for a big
snubby, hey, it's a S&W, and you'll be able to get your money back
and more. It's an investment.
brothers in Iraq have sent a photo that I just have to post.....

I don't know why, but I
want one of these. Robots are cool... and unlike the ones being
made by carmakers,
these little guys don't creep me out.
Monday, April 11th, 2005:
Evening: Question to you computer geeks out there. I've
downloaded DH
Lore, and I can't install it. It's a .bin file and the
manual says just click on the set up file. Update: Burn bins
to CDs... got it. Thanks!
Yeah, I'm going to keep the Cougar.erested in trading. Of
course if I had a HEZI conversion kit, that would change things
Check this out. .
People talking about Linux distros have always had good things to
say about Ubuntu. They've got an updated version out now code named
“Hoary Hedgehog”... sure beats “Longhorn”, doesn't it? Anyways,
Ubuntu is not only free, but they will send you the disks for free
as well. Sure you can download it, but but why not get a pack of 10
CD's to give to your friends too? I've got a couple Mac and 64 bit
disks on the way as well as 10 X86 disks. Yeah, I'm going to have
some fun with that. If you are reading, go ahead and get
some disks and try it out. Order some and pass them around. Even if
Ubuntu is not your preferred distro... it's still better than any
version of Windows. And here is the interesting thing about Ubuntu...
it is based on a very solid Debian core... just like Apple's OS X.
But the Debian people are not exactly thrilled about this.
Because Ubuntu has changed it so much. I guess they have a point,
but still. It's worth looking into. The only downside that this
distro has is that it only comes with Gnome (its windows manager)
and I prefer KDE. Small matter. This new version came to my
attention thanks to The Horde's own Officer Russ, who sent us this:
the mushy "humanity to others" crud, the distro is based on Debian
but with out the problems of setting up Debian. So far, I like it a
lot. Clean and simple and fast. The install is still Debian-esque,
which is to say not pretty, but tons easier. Give it a whirl. Hope
your migraine gets better!”
My response: You know what I
like best about it? “We can finally say that there is something
positive coming out of Africa that doesn't require a hunting
permit.” Yeah, the Migraine is better... it's only a low level Guns
and Roses Concert inside my skull now.
Horde Commander Glenn
has just notified me that the shell holder for the Marlin's stock
has been shipped. We shall post photos of the mounted leather as
soon as we can. We consider this gift an honor. Thank you.

Sunday, April 10th, 2005:
No comments yesterday or
today. I'm just not feeling it. I've got a brutal migrate that's
beating the crap out of me. I've done some clean up around the old
website, and added a couple bookmarks there over on the left. With
such a headache, all I've been able to do is either nap, snack on
toast and jam, and play Rise of Nations.
Friday, April 8th, 2005:
Evening: Most
likely I'll be keeping the Mini Cougar. No really interesting
offers have been made. Beretta made an absolutely fine handgun in
the Cougar, but totally dropped the ball in marketing the things.
Really, they didn't market it. The just put them in the catalog, and
that's about it. I don't remember ever seeing an advertisement of
any sort for the Cougar. The 92's and what not got some press...
I've only seen 2 published review articles about them, and I wrote
one of them. It's one of the best pistols no one has ever seen. Like
my P-01, I've never had a jam with it. No, I'm in no hurry to let it
This gay sergeant that
wants to serve openly gay... I just want to know what the hell
he means by that. Considering that no one really cares, and
considering that he has to maintain the normal strict military
standards of Uniform, Code of Conduct, and Etiquette, just what does
he mean by openly gay? Being Gay is not being a Minority. Being Gay
means you have a different sexual preference then the main stream. I
like big tittied women on top. That's my Sexual Preference. Having a
sexual preference doesn't make different. That's like saying “I
don't like ketchup on hotdogs.” It's a preference... a matter of
taste. And guess what? No one cares! There is only 1 thing we can
get from this “Gay Soldier”. He is a self absorbed asshole attention
whore looking for 15 minutes. At best he got his photo up on Drudge.
That's just spiffy. That's also pretty much all I have to say about
Linspire 5.0, have you
tried it? Do you even know what it is?
here. Linspire is Linux. And Linux is good. I've shown it to
several people, and they have all been super impressed. I now have 4
Linspire users... people who “just do web and email”. These guys are
computer novices and don't want to have to take the time to learn a
whole new system. The all hit the ground running with Linspire, and
as an added bonus they don't have to worry about the viruses and the
spyware that is so prevalent with “Just web and email” on Windows
machines. I'm going to get my folks converted to it... and my
I've been wondering just
what I should say about this.
A reliable AR-15. Okay, theres one. I'm not going to kick this
around very much... I'm sure as far as AR-15's go, these are the
cat's meow. Sure, that looks like it was a brutal test. But it
really isn't. All the water rinses the sand out as it comes out and
is shaken off... the weapon isn't getting all that sandy. That and
in the water you have silt, and not so much sand. Silt is a much
finer particle than sand is... but we are not going to debate the
minutiae of this apparent feat. We'll take it at face value. There,
we have it now... evidence that there is 1 reliable AR-15 out there.
Congratulations. What I am interested in though is this baked on dry
lube finish that they have used on all friction bearing surfaces of
the inside of the upper and on the bolt carrier. What it is, and how
much they used on it... little details like that. What other lubes
they used... how they prepped the rifle before the test started...
what happened during that one editing cut you can catch if you watch
it carefully. Lots of questions. One thing remains, regardless of
reliability... its still just a .22.
Thursday, April 7th, 2005:
I hate
to say it, but I'm getting sick of hearing about the Pope's funeral.
That's all I'm saying. Let the
dead rest. Time to move on. Don't mean to sound insensitive to the
Catholics, but this isn't the the end of the world. What is amazing
is all the Anti-Religion people out there who act as if they are
terrible pained by the Pope's passing. Give us all a break. You guys
never cared one lick about the Pope or any Church or anything else.
Speaking of Catholics...
The Catholic-Protestant wars in Ireland that have been going on
for hundreds of years... We here in the USA are starting to get our
own version of that. But its Liberal vs Conservatives. I was on the
road today and I was listening to some guy on the radio, you might
have heard of him... Sean Hannity... talking about Liberals getting
violent against Conservatives. This is pretty funny stuff I think.
These pacifists and open minded people are turning out to be the
most bitter, closed minded, and violently hostile people out there.
The promote and provoke physical confrontations against
Conservatives... This could escalate into the same sort of inner
cultural civil war that they have had in Northern Ireland. Well,
wait a second... no... not really. Because Conservatives don't have
to do that. And wont do that. The Liberals... this is all they have
left. Pitching fits like a bunch of babies. You know, I say let them
escalate it. Cause I bet that 90% of all CCW permits are held by
Conservatives. Most of the Libs out there with permits are the
Celebs and Politicians. Bring it on.
I'm looking to trade my
Beretta 8045
Mini Cougar. I like
the gun, but I just don't carry it anymore. I'm
looking for some different... something interesting. Either
something more CCW oriented or another lever action or an AK variant
of some sort or an auto shotgun. I'll think about all offers. I'm
just bored with the Cougar. At least i am right now. If no
interesting offers come in that are worth the trade, I'll just keep
it. I'm not a “motivated seller” over here. Maybe one of these days
I'll send it to LTT for his Level I trigger job. It doesn't need
anything else.
Kim's post on a Marlin 62
had me spinning.
A .30 Carbine lever action? That is super neat. Very cool
indeed. With the right ammo, that would make for a perfect SHTF gun.
Hits harder than a .357 Magnum, but kicks like a squirrel rifle.
That is just slick.
Chopper Flop. I've
always been one to look twice, or thrice at a nice Chopper rolling
by. I love them. But ever since the Discover Channel has been
pimping the Chopper Lifestyle, it's all just gotten stupid. I'm
seeing O.C.C. And West Coast Choppers stickers on Mini Vans, and
Honda Civics... this morning, I kid you not... On a Ford Focus that
had a sticker of a butterfly on the back, and a “BACK OFF!” styled
in the “Fear Nothing” script. This person is either really confused,
or has a split personality disorder... or is the human equivalent of
a little Shitzu doggie that's all snarls with a bow on it's head. I
went into Checkers to buy some oil (Mobil 1 of course) for Brutus. I
just about tripped over the 5 or 6 Mini Choppers they had in there.
49CC Mini Choppers... You've got to be kidding me. Those things are
flat out stupid. I'm sorry if you like them and think they are
slicker than BreakFree on Butter, but they are fricken retarded.
I've seen a couple of them being ridden by adults. Adults who are
looking like a whole new classification of idiot. I'm almost
embarrassed to say that I love chopper style bikes. I mean,
really... seriously. That's like all the Patriots Fans that just
popped up all the sudden in the last month of last year's football
season... but worse. I've never owned a chopper, but I've always
loved them. Remember Indian Larry? Yeah, he helped me with a broken
chain once. The only guy to pull over and offer help, rode off, and
was back half an hour later with a new bike chain. I was on a
Yamaha. That was 10 years ago before the Discovery Channel made him
and his kind famous. But I was a fan of his even before that. “Arn't
you Indian Larry?” I asked. He just smiled, “Yeah.” Kinda surprised
I knew his name. Cool guy at the core. But when a church primary
teacher lady with a baby stroller rolls out to her Town & Country
with a fricken West Coast Iron Cross on the back window and a
husband that's about as masculine as a Little old lady shopping on
the day after Thanksgiving...
you know this chopper shit has gone too far. I got that link
from this one. You'll
want to bookmark this.
Last issue of Guns and
Ammo has one gun writer geeking out over a Marlin 1894 chambered for
.50AE. While this would indeed be a fine shooter, If I were to
be buying a .50 caliber Lever Action... I thing I would opt for one
that is chambered for the .500 S&W Magnum cartridge. The .500 is a
more powerful round, but more importantly it is factory loaded with
a wider range of bullet weights and types, making it more suitable
for an actual hunting arm as such a weapon is actually intended for.
.50 AE is nothing more that a cool factor generating curiosity that
a serious cartridge, in my opinion. Sure it has good ballistics...
but my local gunshop carries 5 different .500 loads that are all
known good and reliable hunting brands. They have no .50AE. Thinking
about it though... a Fifty caliber '94 would be a slick little
thumper, wouldn't it? Better gun to shoot that round through than
the Desert Eagle, that's for sure. Same issue has a review of the
.45GAP chambered Springfield 1911. This remake is interesting. On
one hand my reaction is a kneejerk response of revulsion and
disgust. On the other hand, I'm curious and think that this .45GAP
cartridge just might have a place in police shooter's society. But I
think the 1911 is the wrong pattern to put it in. Guns I want to see
this round in: Mini XD, SIG P229/239, CZ 75... and a couple others
like these. Potential. Lots of potential.
Wednesday, April 6th,
2005: 2100hrs:
Most of you may have heard
about the battle at Abu Ghraib.
On April 4th,
the terrorists thought that they could launch a massive attack on
the prison there and facilitate a mass escape of the prisoners. They
thought wrong. This was one of the biggest attacks that they have
made, but it was pretty much a fruitless effort. News sources such
as CNN reported only 1 “insurgent” casualty, but this is not the
case. My brothers were on the scene and were in different areas.
Here are some of the brief
reports that I got:
I don't know what the news is saying, but it was no small deal. I
was assigned to go with a group of Humvees and drive around, so I
pass up a few humvees and finally decide to get into one, get this,
*******'s in it! He just convoyed up from Bucca! So me and *******
were driving around together through all the morters and stuff! It
was great!”
i guess i can actually wear my combat badge without feeling guilty
now. i was up in a tower when the first mortar rounds fell. an ice
truck got hit in front of my tower so i grabbed my rifle, shotgun
and ammo and ran for the bunker. so i had ALL my ammo which was a
good thing cuz the guy i was sharing the bunker with didn't have
any. i spent the battle in a bunker covering the north gate. after
the firing died down a little i had to us the FN-303 to make sure
the detainees didn't riot. they rioted in other compounds, but not
mine. it was crazy shit man. don't believe what the news says, the
marines killed ALOT of people. i heard CNN say that only one
insurgent was killed...bull????. and despite what the news says, no
marines were killed. i saw the first mortar hit, and i was there to
see the last one. i saw the WHOLE thing, fun stuff. even though
******* is in camp Bucca way in the south, he happened to be up here
for convoy duty, so him and ***** where roving together. but the
battle really ended when the apaches showed up. after that they were
????ed, they were doomed. there are body parts laying around all
over the place outside. so im still doing good and I'm ok. wish you
were here! Well, the marines are actually going home in a few days,
so they don't need anything. only 3 marines were seriously injured.
one will lose an eye. the other two i don't know about.”
I think the news reports are saying that one insurgent died. Not
true at all. We only found one body, but that's because they drag
their dead away. However, there is a ditch surrounding Abu Ghraib
and the Marines that manned the towers said that they were literally
mowing fools down. IN the morning everyone saw the ditch, it was
filled with body parts. I'm sorry, but you find someone's jaw, I'd
count that as a kill, but I'm not the defense department. We'll tell
you all about it when we get to Utah. As for now, I'm doing good.
Oh, and please thank The Horde for me. the movies and music were all
very much appreciated! Adios for now.”
If we get any more details,
I'll post them up. My GOD, I am so proud of my
brothers... they are my heroes. HooAah!
now has 172 members. Outstanding. Tell your friends
about it... and tell your friends about these awesome weapons. You
can spend a lot more money on guns other than CZ, but you would have
to spend a hell of a lot of more money to get something better. I'm
not kidding. If you are a serious shooter, CZ will have
something in their lineup that will interest you.
Horde Commander Roberts
is sending us a neat little device. I'm getting all giddy and
shit over this one. I'm such a Nerd. I mean, damn, geeking out
over a firewall? Yup.
one is pretty freaking cool. I've been in need of a good
firewall. My Netgear box is fried and has to reboot a couple times a
day. My small Linux Live box for a firewall... it's got some
hardware issues too. Thank you Commander Roberts!
didn't get to shoot my Marlin today. This was a constant source
of irritation to me. An itch I couldn't scratch. We shall have to
remedy that as soon as we can. Perhaps Friday when I get a ˝ day,
I'll be able to break away and do some accuracy work. I might even
mount a scope temporarily just for the sake of accuracy
testing. I would of course pull it back off as
soon as I was done... because a scope on this fine levergun would be
a sin. Email regarding the Marlin:
“Hey, I
like any type of lever action rifle just so long as it holds within
3 MOA, is slick actioned and easy to pack. But green with a
slip-check forearm??? sacrilege!!! - Adams”
I'll be
putting in an order for some black synthetic stocks shortly. The
green was just because I was really bored and the wood was screwed
up already. I was always going to change it. Get the gun done in a
polymer bake on finish, and with synthetic stocks for a good all
weather gun. I was wanting a RealTree or Mossy Oak pattern stock, as
I've seen them before but I can't find them now... not at an
affordable price. Horde
Commander Glenn is going to make us a Leather Butt-Cuff... as
soon as I can find a dang ruler to make some measurements for him.
Glenn, I think black would do nicely. This lever gun is going to be
quite the sinister rifle once it is complete.
Tuesday, April 5th, 2005:
PM: Well, today was
interesting. You've read how
it started out... but everything got better as the day progressed.
Especially when my gunsmith called and said “come and get it”. Oh, I
sure did! The Marlin is just freaking AWESOME! To be honest, it
turned out so much better than I had hoped. This local gunsmith who
I had never heard of before... the cat is an artist. The action is
so light and smooth... the trigger even lighter and smoother yet...
and the crown is just amazing. Check out
the Marlin 336 page for the
details and some pictures.
Found a really annoying
bit of spyware today. It
hijacks your desktop background and disables your ability to change
it. None of the spyware scans picked it up. If you come across this
problem, do a search for a ZZTOP.exe and delete it. After you
reboot, you should have your computer background back to normal.
Spyware authors... I'd like to meet them in person. Just once.
Digital Fucking Terrorists. The deserve no mercy, and no quarter.
From me, they will get none. Just give me the following, Name,
Address, and 1st class plane tickets round trip from SLC
and I'll take pleasure in adjusting their attitude about advertising
and marketing strategies. I think we could quickly negotiate
alternative directions for their creative efforts, agreeable to
everyone. If they don't want to negotiate, I choke them to death,
and they are no longer able to create spyware/viruses/spam. Pretty
much as simple as that. I guess the negotiations would be pretty one
sided, but I can live with that.
AM: Some good
news. Check this out. We have a new Gun Forum out there that is
going to be a smash. Bookmark this link:
I'll be a humble Mod over there to help out as much as I can. I know
there is the CZ forum but most guys like me hate the software that
they are using to run that one. 12 Volt Man of JackAsh Custom fame
started this one. And he did so using some spiffy software. It looks
good. Now we just need some CZ Shooters to come fill it all in. Or
any shooters out there with questions about the line of CZ arms.
Also you can throw in anything and everything regarding Dan Wesson
handguns too. DW is now owned by CZ. This gives CZ a 1911 in the
lineup, and some kickass revolvers too. Combine this with CZ's broad
lineup of rifles and shotguns... CZ is a full spectrum Gun Maker.
I'm a huge fan of them.
Crap. Ranger busted his
cable again. How the hell he does this, I don't know. Brute
strength mixed with some magic or something. Have to go buy a new
cable this morning before work. No big deal... as annoying as it is,
he's due. It's been awhile since he has busted one. Damn wolf. He he
he. Cowboy Blob's
Ferret problems are nothing compared to this guy. He's running
around in the house now helping the boys get ready for school.

As I promised, a picture
of the rifle rack in my truck.
It's a very simple affair but the best layout I've seen that didn't
cost a fortune. And it allows for a very fast dismounting of the
weapon. The only downside is that you can't lock it. Well, I found a
way. Those cable locks that we are given for free every time we turn
around. I swear someone threw one at me at a gunshow once. I think
that was because I got the gun he was wanting to buy. But that's
another story. Running the cable through the trigger guard and
around the rack locks it up pretty good. No, it's not totally
secure, but nothing is. This is the best lock I can come up with.
Any better ideas?
Interesting. Just
downloaded the latest AVG update and did a scan. It found a Trojan
Horse virus, “BackDoor.Small.28.AO”. Guess where it found it? One of
my tools, “HijackThis.exe”. Crazy. I'll have to look into this.
Sunday, April 3rd, 2005:
Night: Sin City:
I just got back from seeing this flick. On one hand, it could
very well be the most violent movie I've ever seen. On the other, it
is one of the most incredible movies I've ever seen. The direction
was great. Thanks to Pulp Fiction style disjointed editings with the
help of QT, it never got boring and the pace never slowed down but
to catch its breath. Lots of skin, but more of an artistic way and
not pornographic. The lighting and the color effects were brilliant.
The cast was fantastic. The hole thing was awesome but you have to
have the stomach for it, kinda like a week in Vegas with only a 20
in your pocket. I'm buying the DVD. The Special Edition on this one
will be epic. The girls in the movie. Stunning. Every one of them.
Alba's dancing. Dayum. Springfields were in good effect here. Lots
of Government Models, and one Micro Compact. Uzis and other assorted
nasty SMGs were there... but the surprise star of the handguns came
from a couple Ruger Blackhawk revolvers. They were either on Alba's
perfectly sculpted hips or in Bruce's paws shooting. Some cool cars
too. You think you have the era pegged in where this film is trying
to come from and they roll out a car that turns your idea on the
edge. This flick is like a lot of Private Eye Noir films and some
Spaghetti Westerns all rolled up into one. I'm not so sure if there
is any moral or morality to this flick... but if there is any
message to it, it is a pretty blunt statement about how Frank Miller
feels about guys who hurt women and kids, and corrupt politicians...
and that the good guys should do everything they can to crush them.
This I can agree with. If you go see it, don't take a date... don't
take any kids. This flick is for the grownups who eat at the big
table. Robert Rodriguez did a masterful job shooting, directing and
cutting this one. In the opening credits he has his name under “Shot
and Cut By”. Appropriate. Rodriguez remains locked into my top 3
favorite directors. I don't think anyone but Micheal Mann could have
done this movie anywhere nearly as well. Mann and Rodriquez are
pretty much tied for first place with Kurt Wimmer a very very close
3rd place. My only question is why didn't they put
some makeup on Mickey Rourke?
News has it out that Ford
is “Brining back the Shelby GT500”. Unfortunately, the new GT500
only had Shelby in it when he sat in it for the photos. Shelby In
Name Only. On top of that, it remains not nearly as cool as the
original GT500. It's pathetic. Oh I'm sure that compared to the
other new cars with retro vintage styling lines, it will smack up
the competition. But it will have to kneel and bow its head when a
real GT500 rolls past. Ford is trying to say "Remember when we were
cool?" Yeah, I do. That was a long time ago. All Ford knows how to
do is to take something great, and ruin it. Look at the Mustang
after the year 1975. Look at the Contour. (Not a real crowd pleaser
but it was one of the best cars Ford has ever put out, and the SVT
version was a kick to drive) Look at the Thunderbird. Look at the
Lightning. Look at the full sized Bronco. Then they give us the New
Bronco concept. No soul. A 5 cylinder? WTF is this, an Audi? Where's
the beef? Call me when someone finally puts a V-8 into it. The new
Mustang... no soul. Doesn't even sound like a Mustang. Sounds more
like an Accord. A sad shadow of its former glory. Don't even get me
started on that pitiful POS they call the "Focus". I can't believe
anyone actually spends money on that thing. Oh, I'm sure it gets
great gas mileage. But I'd rather keep my dignity instead of trading
it for an extra few miles per gallon. Gets you there on the cheap...
so they can laugh at you when you get out of it at the end of the
California is wanting to
Blogging? Blogging is the Spear's Point of the Freedom
of Speech. If Blogging is regulated, then we no longer have
any freedom of speech. None. If they take away that...
then America is no longer free. Freedom will become only a
word in history books. If our grandchildren are still allowed
to read old history books that is. This is truly a sad and
pathetic state of affairs. This can not be tolerated.
Mid-Day: Dogs.
Late last night I was going out to
my mailbox. It was almost pitch black out side. Just as I was about
to get to the mailbox, I tripped/stepped on something large, heavy,
and kinda squishy. It almost sent me into a full face-plant. I
thought it was Cera, who will at times run under your feet. But Cera
was about 10 yards behind me, and she would normally be right there
at the box with me, as if someone had mailed her a doggy treat and
she was expecting it any day now. WTF? I looked at the ground, but
couldn't see anything because it was just all black shadows. I dug
into my pockets for my keys. On my keyring I keep a Photon. I
fumbled a bit, managed to blast myself in the eyes with the bright
LED. Blinking, I turned the beam downwards to the shadows that
tripped me. Laying there was the Basset hound from two doors down. I
knelt down and checked her out. She was dead... still warm, but
dead. 10 minutes earlier I had heard a truck go by awfully fast, but
I didn't hear anything else... This truck must have hit her. The
blood looked like it had only just stopped flowing from her mouth.
There was a thin trail out to the middle of the road, where there
was some splatter. That's where she had been hit, and crawled over
towards our house, expiring just off the pavement. The poor thing.
Cera didn't want to come near the dead Bassett. Which is odd, they
were good friends. I guess this kind of creeped her out. Well, time
to break the bad news. I walked down the street and knocked on the
door. I hate giving people bad news. The guy was saddened, but
didn't seem to be surprised. He mumbled an appreciation for letting
him know, and came and got his dog. It was really kind of odd.
Now this morning as I was
about to jump in the shower, Mrs. Ogre called from the living room.
“There is something wrong with Cera!” I walked in and found that
Cera has a stick stuck horizontally across the roof of her mouth,
each end wedged tightly between teeth on both sides. “Serves you
right, girl.” I said to Cera, who whimpered. Not because she was in
pain, but because she was frightened, being held down by Mrs. Ogre
who was trying to get the stick out. We tried together, but the dog
was getting too freaked out and started thrashing around. We let go
and she jumped up on the couch, smiling that A, we let he go, B, she
liked the attention, and C, she was on the couch and we were not
yelling at her to get back off. We'll go at it again a bit later.
Maybe let her drink a ˝ bottle of Nyquil. Ive done that before to
another dog that needed a little medical attention... knocked that
dog out cold for about 5 hours and I was able to perform the minor
surgery that I had to do. I don't know if I need to do that to Cera,
who doesn't seem to really be bothered at all by the stick save for
an occasional round of a licking fit, trying to get the stick out
with her tongue. When I said “Serves you right”, I wasn't being mean
spirited... no. It really does server her right. She will chew up
freaking EVERYTHING. Wicker baskets, are her favorite and it looks
like she has taken care of the last one we had around here, and the
stick is the last bit of wicker left. Whatever the hell wicker is.
She'll be alright.
Sorry about not updating
as regularly as I'd like. As penance, I have something to offer
First is a link to something
called The Box of Truth.
A bit dramatic in the name, but the site is an interesting read,
with lots of good photos. It is firearms related, so all of The
Horde's shooters need to head over there right now and study for a
few minutes. The Box of Truth as the author calls it, is a simple
pine wood construction that holds sheets of building materials... so
he can shoot them. From this the author draws some very obvious
conclusions. These pseudo-scientific tests are not all that
scientific, but they are interesting and entertaining. However after
reading this, I think my next gun purchase will be a shotgun...
loaded with slugs. See if you get the same vibe I did.
The next item is a web-comic
that I have found to be sick, disturbing, wrong, and pretty damn
funny. It's called the
Block, and I don't think you've ever seen a comic like this
before. At least I know I haven't.
Also I have to apologize for
sending so many of The Horde to hell. That Terri Schivo Blog thing
was wrong, and pretty mean... but I think the majority of The Horde
took a chuckle in it. Don't worry though, the parties in hell are
more fun.
Will I be doing a Guns Of
article for “Sin City”? You bet. And I'll be going back to The
Punisher and doing that one too.
Oh, I redid the Archive Index, for
easier viewing. Click the link below to see what I am
talking about.

Donate ogre at madogre dot com
via PayPal to support, or God will kill
a kitten. All donations pay for hosting, Mt. Dew, and Ammunition.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012
Graphic Artwork by Martin White