Oct 31st, Friday: Halloween: 1030hrs:
Oct 31st means SCARY MOVIES and giggling sugar-hyped kids.
I don't have anything on the menu today, but this day will end with lots of scary movies. I'll visit that
top 100 scary movie moments and pick out some flicks to go rent.
I despise snow. I
loath snow. I can’t stand snow.
And here I am in Utah,
with “The greatest snow on earth”. Guess what? It snowed last night.
I woke up to my wife saying “Your Worst Nightmare Has Come True.”
First off, you don’t say that to someone who is just starting to open
his eyes for the first time that day… I was afraid I’d open them to see
Janet Reno standing over me in a thong. Talk about starting your day
off on the wrong foot! Judas Priest! Then she said “It snowed last
night.” Snow? Shit… Sometimes, I’d rather have seen Janet Reno. I
looked out the window to confirm this fell news. Yep. I snowed.
Damnitalltohell. It’s wasn’t too bad, only a light 2 inches. But
it’s still snow. You know what I hate worse than snow? Actually,
it’s the reason why I hate snow in the first place… ass-hatted morons
who think that just because they have “Snow Tires” on the car, that
they can drive like fucking maniacs and ALWAYS end up sliding into
things… such as trees, poles, intersections, and other cars. Idiots
make winter 500% more dangerous. You have idiots in cars, trucks,
SUVs, police cars, and on snowmobiles. I don’t see what the problem is
– snow means you SLOW THE FUCK DOWN. I’ve lived in places with
completely horrid winters, and consider myself to be a very good winter
driver. But I can only drive my car. It’s the jackass sliding at me
sideways that I have the big problem with… I can’t drive his car… and I
can’t yell at him loud enough, “YOU STEER INTO THE SKID YOU FUCKING GIT!!!!!”
Well, I can’t yell loud enough for him to hear me. I love driving
on snow packed roads… if I am the only car on the road. If I was in
on a day like this – I would be. Virginia has a good system for Winter
Driving – it’s called DON’T. It snows out there – the whole state
(Excuse me – Commonwealth) says “Scroo’it” and they don’t go into
work. Everything is closed and you can spend the day under your warm
blankets with a good book. Well, for the ½ of the State that knows how
to read that is. The other half will be catching up on “Days of Our
Lives”. Snow. I hate snow. Have I mentioned that yet?
In answer to the
question about Sci-Fi Weapons, I have come up with two lists.
This took some
consideration, but I think that all will agree that two separate lists
had to be made. Here is what I have as my Top Ten Weapons and
Supporting Technology:
#1 Deckard's pistol from Blade Runner
#2 M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens
#3 Noisy Cricket from Men In Black
#4 Scout Blazer rifle from "Armour"
#5 Storm Trooper's blaster rifle from Star Wars
#6 Zork Industries weapon pod thing from 5th Element
#7 Leon's pistol from Blade Runner
#8 Grammaton Cleric's pistol from Equilibrium
#9 "Weirding Module" from Dune
#10 "Smart gun" from Aliens
Supporting technologies:
#1 Lightsabers: Star Wars
#2 Personal Shields: Dune
#3 Scout Suits: "Armour"
#4 Tricorder: Star Trek
#5 Transporter: Star Trek
#6 Speeder Bikes: Star Wars
#7 Taxis: 5th Element
#8 Drop Ships: Aliens
#9 "Seakers": Dune
#10 Star Destroyers: Star Wars
My new .44 arrived
yesterday safe and sound – and right before I had to leave for classes.
Just because class time was fast approaching didn’t mean I wouldn’t go
try out my new baby! I had already picked up a couple boxes of .44
Special ammo, Federal Classic 200 grainers. The gun is a S&W 696. It
is a stainless, 3 inch barreled, 5 shot, “L” frame revolver. It sports
compact rubber grips, a ramped front sight with a red insert, and an
adjustable rear sight with a white outline. Loaded, the cylinder is
just chuck full of hollow points. The smaller grip on the 696 fills
my hand and is more comfortable to me than the larger grip on my Model
66 .357.
Shooting this gun is a treat. These loads are really no problem to
shoot, and launch with about the same recoil as the .357 even though
the slug is much heavier and the barrel is shorter. Before I fired the
.44, I fired 6 rounds of .357 to warm up. The holes the .44 made in my
target looked like they were almost twice the size of the smaller
rounds, and after all five shots, there was a lot more damage to my
target than what the 6 shots of .357 did. I’ll admit that the 696’s
shot groups where not as neat as the 66’s. There are to factors to
this. 1, the 66 is the old school S&W action, with the firing pin on
the hammer and nice trigger job that together go to make the smoothest
double action trigger system even smoother. The 696 has the modern S&W
trigger system with a transfer bar safety, and it’s pretty much factory
stock… Nice, but not as nice as the 66’s. Trigger plays an important
part in a handgun’s practical accuracy. Another factor was that it was
fetching cold and I didn’t have on my jacked. So by the time I started
shooting the .44, I had already started a good shiver. I don’t think
the shorter sight radius in the 66 played any part really… at least not
from what I could tell.
As much as I like older 66, the 696 is definitely my new EDC gun. I’ll
put some pretty grips on the 66 and it will be my alternate carry and
BBQ gun.
30th, Thursday: 1600HRS:
Have you heard the
study that shows that 8 to 10% of people are gay? I don’t have any of the documentation, but it was
discussed during classes last night. That study was questioned and
another study was done, with a more random sample and a much larger
sample size. Guess what they found? That the number was actually only
3%. Funny how you never hear about this study. So if homosexuals
actually only number about 3% of the population, what I want to know is
how come they rate 50% of the air time? Okay, I don’t know how much
airtime they actually have, but it seems like “Gay” is almost always a
topic or something… Every show “deals with” the gay issue… there is
always a gay person in your face… and whenever they have a parade, it’s
always news. What’s up with that? That’s a very disproportionate
amount of attention for such a small percentage… and it’s all about
sexual preference. I don’t quite think that’s right. Gay Rights, you
want’m? Fine. But Gay Rights do not supercede the Rights of anyone
else. I’m sorry, but I am going to have to take the practical position
here. If Gay Rights mean equal rights… just like Civil Rights for
Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics… then Equal Rights mean we are all the same
and no one group or one person gets any advantage over anyone else.
Equal Rights and Racism are the same issue as I see it. If we are
going to look at everyone as the same creed and color – treat everyone
the same – sexism as well – then we have to do away with it all. “Gay
Day” and “Affirmative Action” and all that jazz… if we want to grow
past these issues then we have to grow out of them… like a pair of
pants. If they are too small, then we don’t wear them. And if you
want to talk small – then there is nothing smaller than the mind of a
bigot. Or the mind of those that wish to keep promoting these
Email came in from
Horde Master Mike:
“What's your favorite fictional or science fiction weapon? I'm not
talking things that are spawned from
foolishness, like the ceramic Glock 7 and whatnot. I'm referring to
weapons that were decently thought out and appealed to you in some way.
Anything cool that you've seen in a movie, or read in a book? I've
always been partial to the weapons of Aliens, myself, and the pistol of
the Grammaton Clerics from Equilibrium was really cool. I like your
good old fashioned, shoots-a-blob-of-energy blasters, too, but they're
not often well done on the big screen. I liked them in The Sixth Day;
really cool pistols plus a short carbine variant!”
That’s a good question… I’ll have to discuss this as an article. I’ll
put it, and the “Guns Of” articles all in the Weapons Section. I’ve
been meaning to move them there, but I have yet to do so. You guys
wouldn’t believe the homework I am dealing with now. Not only
homework… but holy hell it’s getting COLD out here!
The Puma Problem has become a “local issue” that is being discussed
by the ranchers around here. Last night I observed one. This
makes the second time in about a month that I have seen one. I’ve only
seen a puma once before in my life that wasn’t in a zoo… and even then,
I have only seen one in a zoo. Seems the critters are coming out of the
Uintahs and heading for town looking for easy pickings… like chickens,
sheep, or stray pets. Wildlife and the Pine Pigs “Are Aware” whatever
the fuck that means. When I saw this one last night at about 2300hrs,
it was about 50 yards away. You want to talk about “Aware”? Believe me,
I was fucking aware! I drew my .357, thumbed the hammer back – but it
was gone. Like a freaking ghost it went into a shadow and faded out.
For those that do not know anything about guns, and think people don’t
need them – a Puma is a Mountain Lion. M.O.U.N.T.A.I.N. – L.I.O.N! A
predator that can hunt just about anything it wants to in North
America. They are really big and really fucking sinister kitty cats…
They can hunt ELK, okay? You know what an Elk is? It’s something people
hunt with really big rifles… and these kitties just go at it with teeth
and claw, Okay? When you have classes that end at 10:30PM and sometimes
you don’t get home until 11:00 – well, let me tell you something – you
DO need a gun. Because one of these Mountain Lions could make quick
work of even an Ogre. They are quiet, stealthy, and fast as shit. You
wont know he is hunting you until you feel it on you. Probably knocking
you to the ground while it’s sinking your teeth into your neck. Yes,
Virginia, I need my guns.
Email back for John Bowring – the Key Armourer for The Matrix:
“Hi Ogre, I'm not allowed to let out anything about Revolution till
after the premier. In Australia this Sunday, my ticket is sitting on
the desk next to me. I can, say that you won't see to much in the way
of real firearms that you have not seen already. Unfortunately the two
later Matrixes we started in the US so an American armour got his foot
in the door and convinced the directors to bring him with the film to
Australia. This left me in the rather nasty position of being totally
in control of the weapons legally but the directors listening to him. A
consequence of this is Trinity using 2 micro Uzis instead of H&K MP7's
I even got guns number 15 and 16 from the prototype production run from
Germany to Australia to use in the film. Just to wet your appetite H&K
gave me 2 H&K 21's, 3 G36's, 2 MP7( they are actually marked PDW), 2
9mm UMP's & an AG36 in 40mm so that I could use them in the film. For
light entertainment when Revolutions comes out on DVD you can always
still frame the coat check. I'll take a picture of Mouses guns next
time I have the safe open and send it. Back to my costing, I'm costing
a Bob Cohen(the director from XXX) project called Stealth.”
This cat lined up a Glock 18, and I was impressed. Now he lines up two
MP7s? I’m seriously impressed. One of the reason why The Matrix series
is such a flick is the shear variety of weapons that you get to see… at
least to me. I’m not down with the whole Soylent Green Duracell idea,
but everything else is amazing. I’m really looking forward to
Revolution because of this very reason… the variety in the weapons.
John’s work provided the layout for the rest of the movies in this
series. Good work, John! I’ll be editing the Guns of The Matrix article
this weekend and correct the Mouse-Gun issue.
Speaking of gun articles, I have roughed out the article for the
flick “Equilibrium”. It will be shorter than the other articles,
because there are fewer guns types in this movie… but I am doing it
because I am tired of answering questions about them. As for other Guns
Of articles… look… I’ve had requests for every damn movie out there…
and I can’t do them all. Blackhawk Down? Call that Standard Load Out
kit Three. If you don’t know what an M-4 or an M-249 is, I can’t help
you. I’m looking at movies that garner a lot of questions about the
variety of guns used.
All the James Bond movie guns? Sure – send me the DVD collection and
I’ll do it. I’d be glad to. But it would take me a while, because I am
taking classes full time over here… but I’ll chew away at it as time
allows. After Equilibrium? I’m not sure. I was wanting to do Aliens and
Blade Runner, but they have already been done to death in various
forms. That and the guns are fictitious.
I heard on the news that our economy is now growing at a rate faster
than anytime since 1984. This kind of takes a lot of wind out of
the Democrat’s sails. Can anything else go wrong for the Left now?
Without the economy, what main issue does the Left have? Well, I heard
Al Sharpton come up with one… George W Bush was Selected Not Elected.
Nice… They are going back 10 steps now. I guess they are looking for
where they lost their way.
Let’s see, what else is happening in the news… the UN is pulling
out of Baghdad and attacks over there on US Troops are up 35%. I really
can’t blame the UN for pulling out. Considering that they are
completely fucking useless and are not doing anything over there
anyway… why not just leave the danger zone? I’m sure they can find
safer cafeterias to loot elsewhere.
My heart goes out to those in California near the fires. Such a
massive fire has ruined many lives, destroyed homes, and caused much
suffering. To the pro second amendment people there that are going to
have to rebuild… I have a suggestion. Rebuild in Nevada. Your newly
elected Governor-Elitist-Prick as said he will work with the Anti-Gun
crowd to try to further erode the RKBA and to see the AWB made
permanent. Just when you think you might start liking a politico, he
goes and puts his asshat back on. So, please, you victims of this fire…
take this a sign from God and Thomas Jefferson – Get Out While You Can!
I love RetroCrush’s top 100 Scariest Movie Moments. I agree with
many of these, but some I question…
I’ll let you come
to your own conclusions. Some of them, my mind has blocked out as a
psychological defense mechanism. Now that I remember them again, I’m
going to have to schedule some therapy.
28th, Tuesday: 1330hrs:
Let me talk about the WMD situation here for a minute.
Many folks on Capital Hill are crying out that this whole effort was
fraudulent because we have not found any WMD. This is nothing more than
a partisan bullshit attack… because these are also the same people that
declared Saddam had them before when Clinton himself attacked Saddam.
So if he had WMD then, why question that now? So what if he dumped them
just before we got there? We all know he had them. Not only did he have
them, but he had the means of producing it. WMD isn’t just nuclear… we
are talking about Biological and Chemical weapons as well. Nerve, VX,
Mustard, Anthrax, and many others… This shit can be stored in a JAR.
How do you search an entire country for a jar? You can put it in a
small glass vial and put it in your pocket.
Just because we didn’t find the smoking gun doesn’t mean anything.
Especially when you have the ejected case, the powder burn, the body,
and video footage of the shooting. Who cares if we couldn’t find the
Let’s put this in another perspective. Most WMD have a shelf life.
Think of it like a gallon of milk. It’s only good for so long. So more
important than just the farmer with a gallon of milk, is the farmer
with the cows and the equipment to produce more gallons of milk. So
while Saddam didn’t get caught with a few actual gallons of milk – he
had fields of cows and bulls, he had the barn, he had the hay, and he
had the equipment. So what if he didn’t have a gallon of milk? Makes no
difference. All he had to do was say “I want some milk” and it would
have been little problem and even less time to hand him a fresh cold
glass of it.
Say you live next door to some Hells Angles who are raising a pack of
pit bulls. Now they are in a fence? a tall one and you can’t see in.
But you can hear them and you can smell them.
Then one day the guy next door let’s the dogs loose on the post man.
Kills the post man.
Not only does he let his dogs kill the postman, but he also makes
threats to let the dogs loose on you, your wife, and your kids.
You call the police, but he has moved the dogs, they don’t see dogs.
They see the dogs have been there, but when asked, Oh, We got rid of
them. “Where did you get rid of them at? How did you get rid of them?
Oh, and look there, is that a puppy?” Well, we just got rid of them and
yeah, but it’s just a wee little puppy. So the police leave. Then there
are more threats and at night you can hear all the dogs again.
How would you feel living next to that? This guy is going to unleash
his dogs on you or someone else. It's just a matter of time. Now, just
put this on a much bigger scale… a global scale. Because that is what
this was about. What we did in Iraq was not only justified, but needed.
Iraq: A big part of me says “We need to pull out of Iraq. We don’t
need Iraq, we don’t care about Iraq, fuck Iraq! Americans are dying
over there! We can’t afford this!” Well, that’s my heart
talking and sometimes my heart and my mind don’t agree.
My mind tells me that we have got to stay in Iraq. Let me tell you why.
What we did in Iraq was righteous. Kicking Saddam’s ass was more than
justified, it was even demanded. There are two reasons why we can’t
pull out of Iraq. First, the job there is not finished. We can not
leave this mess undone, because if we did, it would make everything we
did meaningless… and every American life lost and ever dollar spent
would have been wasted. Second, if we bail out now – the Terrorists
will have won. Yes, Terrorists.
When Saddam was kicked out of office, he and his ilk became Terrorists.
Not only that, but Saddam’s boys have been bolstered by Terrorists from
all over the middle east. Why is that? Because they all want to kill
Americans. If we leave now, it will just reinforce the status quo that
Americans cut and run. Yeah, that’s what they think. They think that
because that is exactly what we have done. American is awesome at
kicking gratuitous ass when it’s lined up in conventional warfare
lines. But when it comes to fighting unconventional warfare – we can do
it, but as a nation, we don’t have the stomach for it and they can wait
us out. We are like “Andre The Giant” in “The Princess Bride”.
You don’t think so? Let’s take an honest look at the history. Vietnam,
Somalia, Lebanon, Beirut... We lost our national resolve, pulled out,
and now these jackholes think that if they keep it up – they will win
and we will leave. You know what? They might be right. If they hold out
and George W Bush loses the election next year, the Leftist slime bag
will pull us out of there – and they will have indeed won.
What we have to do is just stay the course. Because if we let them win
– they will be embolden and motivated to follow us home and hit us
again and again and again… That is unacceptable. That would be
surrendering to the Terrorists and if we did that, we might as well
just start digging the graves for another 9-11-01 kind of tragedy.
So let’s look back at what my heart is saying:
Fuck Iraq. Yup. Fuck’m.
We don’t need Iraq. True. We don’t. Scroo’m. We don’t need the oil or
the headache.
Americans are dying over there! Yeah, they are. But you know what? That
is the cost of our liberty and our continual freedom. It has been said
by a greater men than myself: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed
from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.” That is what
we are seeing over there right now. This is the price we have to pay.
We are just very lucky that we have people good enough and patriotic
enough to be willing to put it all on the line for the rest of us.
We can’t afford this. WRONG. This is very expensive, that is true. It
could even bankrupt us… sure. But one thing is for certain… we can’t
afford to give up – we can’t afford to let these Terrorists win.
Pulling out is exactly the worst thing that we could ever do.
I don’t care if we have to park a whole carrier battle group there
permanently – we can not lose our resolve now. This is something that
President Bush said before this started… We have a LONG fight ahead of
us. We have to steel our resolve. We have to grit our teeth and keep
swinging, even if we do have a bloody nose.
I have friends over there right now. I have them in Iraq, and I have
them in Afghanistan. Two different places, but it’s the same fight.
They are the ones on the line. They are the ones that are going to pay
the ultimate price… so what do they say about this? They all
universally say that what they are doing over there is righteous and
they want to finish the job.
That being said, what do we do? We support them 150%. We give them what
they need to keep fighting. We give them the emotional and moral
support that they need because – My God – They are representing the
rest of us! Here is what else we need to do – support their families
here at home. If you know a family who has a member over there, do
something for them. Give them service, some money, whatever you have to
give… but most of all… give them your love and support because when it
comes to sacrifice – no one is giving more. No one can give more. It’s
easy to give up your own life. It’s a hell of a lot harder to give up
your loved one.
Email came in from someone most unexpected: John Bowring. If you
don’t know who he is, check the credits at the end of “The Matrix”:
“I made & supplied the guns for the Matrix.
1) Mouse’s guns are custom made electrically driven 12g that run at
2) I chose Beretta 84's for Trinity as you said good little sister to
Neo’s 92's.
3) Larry & Andy, the directors of The Matrix, asked me who uses a 50AE
Desert Eagle. I said "A Wanka". Their reply, "Wankers in this film want
Desert Eagles. My reply, “your film.”
4) Wardrobe mistress wanted to change Switch’s pistol as she had and I
quote her, “designed the pistols for Romeo & Juliet" my reply stick to
designing wardrobes. (Beside the funding for Romeo & Juliet was got by
doing a small section of it to show what it would be like for which "I"
supplied stainless steel Beretta and that is what set the tone for the
guns in Romeo & Juliet)
You never know whose out there - John Bowring”
I sent this email back to him: “Thanks for the email, John. I am glad
you won the argument with the wardrobe mistress... if it's one thing
that The Matrix does need - it's more Berettas. Seeing a nice Hi-Power
was a welcome chance of scene and in my opinion, added some more depth
to Switches character.
This wardrobe mistress... she did R&J? So she is the one that printed
"SWORD 9MM" on the Berettas and gave them pimp grips? Evidently her
taste is all in her mouth. About Mouse's guns... I could have swore
they were Manvilles - I stand corrected. Can you give me some more
detail about them? When the movie first came out, everyone said they
were .50BMGs. Having fired .50BMG before, I knew that was less than
possible... it took me some time to get to the Manville answer. Now
you’re telling me I'm wrong. *sigh* I feel so deflated. Can you give me
any insights into what we will see in the "Matrix Revolution"?” I hope
he replies! Damn, I am going to have to edit that Guns of The Matrix
article. I’ll do that after I get some more information and I’ll
include these emails in that article. BTW, this isn’t just some cat
claiming to be John Bowring… it really is him. I was amazed. How does a
guy get a job like that? What do I have to do to get a job like that?
*bowing head – I’m not worthy! I’m not worthy!* Coolest job on the
whole fucking planet!
27th, Monday: 2200hrs:
Email about Mike:
That story about the guy "Mike" who was assaulted on campus--- First
off, there's one part of the story bothers me--how the heck did this
head of the art department know "Mike", at all??--he had to know his
name+face to file after-the-fact charges.... Was there some kind of
proir adverse relationship?? (this could muddy the right to clear self
defense) Most campuses, students are a faceless mass, and nobody on the
walk knows anyone elses name, much less face, so how would they know
his identity.
Apart from that, my first thoughts to resolve his situation would be:
--So he was verbally assaulted and threatened on campus?? Well that is
a crime, so report it.
1. He should file an official police report with the city/county
regarding said assault done by "parties unknown"....and then name that
prick staff member (head of the art dept) from the artfag school as an
EYE WITNESS!!! This establishes a legitimate "situation" involving
someone other than "Mike".
2. Then he needs to send a copy of this crime report to the
*Ombudsman*. The Ombudsman is your best bud at college. Let the
Ombudsman know what this artfag staffer is trying to pull, and then
file a *complaint* against the staffer for violation of civil
3. offer to drop the complaint against staffer if staffer drops his
complaint against "Mike".
4. It is imperative that Mike must admit to NOTHING, if he does,
then he thereby accepts total culpability, and they have him. (If this
guy "Mike" actually attended this discipline hearing (kangaroo court),
I guarantee he WILL be found "responsible" if he admits he did
*anything* at all. Then he needs to hire a good civil rights lawyer
ASAP and sue the skewl for a clean record.) What they have done is
place all the fault on "Mike", while the skewl stays squeaky clean. A
negative Ombudsman report by a student is to be feared by the skewl.
They hate negative student complaints filed with the Ombudsman, because
future students considering going to that skewl have access to these
sorts of records, and it makes the skewl look like a bad skewl to go
to. Use this against them, to leverage them into being reasonable. –
This echoes the advice I initially gave Mike. That validates both my
advice and Brad’s.
I have a couple cool sites I want to through out.
Sites that I have found to be worth while reads:
Dong Resin's Joint,
Armed and Dangerous,
Defense Tech.
Whoa. Tom Gresham’s
Gun Talk website has been totally redone.
Looks great. Way to go Tom. Here is my Monday Morning Ritual. First
thing I do is go to Gun Talk and go to the Archived Shows section and
Download the latest show. If you have a fast connection, it’s well
worth it.
Email about the Space
The space program has given us a lot more than Tang and pretty pictures
for your computer desktop. It has given us a deeper understanding of
the universe and our place in it. It is difficult to put a price tag on
such intangible benefits. This kind of basic research that you scoff at
has enriched all of our lives vastly. There's no profit motive to do
this kind of research. Privatizing the entire space program would mean
to restrict its activities to commercially profitable ventures like
communications satelites. The private space industry does these things
well, but there is no profit motive to go to Mars or study quasars for
example. Research into these things is worthwhile, even when it
doesn't produce velcro or satelite TV.”
"Intangible benefits" My point exactly. I don't scoff at it - I flat
out mock it. We have done so little... and what little we have done...
is small potatoes to what we could have done... All of this can be
done via Privatization and at no cost to the tax payers. No profit to
go to Mars? Are you kidding? Sure there would be. But we wont get
there via NASA. If we want to cut Government Spending while at the
same time make actual PROGRESS... then it's up to private ventures...
that's how we won the west - that's how we will win space. BTW,
“Satelites” are spelled “Satellites”. Thanks for the email.
Okay, here is the
situation that happened the other day regarding personal defense on a
college campus:
One of the Horde is attending school at a University back east. We
shall call him “Mike”. One day Mike was walking to class and he
accidentally stepped on a tube that was running across the walk way.
Some students from that school’s art department yelled at him.
Evidently this was a part of some art thing. Mike, being a peaceful
person by nature, moved to “disengage” by saying “Oh, Sorry” and he
walked away.
couple days later, Mike was walking across campus and came across the
same group of art students. One of the students pointed at Mike,
yelled “There he is! Get Him!” and charged at Mike in an overtly
aggressive manner. Now, considering this was the same cat that yelled
at him the other day, and now he is pulling this shit – In Mike’s mind,
he thought he was getting attacked. Wouldn’t you? School shootings
have occurred over less provocation.
Mike took a step back, pulled out his pocket clipped knife, and held
that behind his back and braced himself for the impending assault.
Note here: He did NOT brandish the knife. The Art Student never even
saw it. Well, evidently when the Art-Fart saw Mike wasn’t going to
run, he stopped and walked away. So did Mike, thinking the situation
was over.
Well, the head of the
observed Mike’s defensive posture and has decided to take action
against Mike, for “Disorderly Conduct”. Disorderly? Like Mike was
running around drunk without pants on or something… But as far as we
can tell, the Art Student who threatened Mike isn’t in trouble for a
damn thing. So evidently, threatening someone is not a problem, but
Gawd Forbid you make any move to DEFEND yourself while on school
Needless to say, I consider this situation to be completely
ludicrous. Mike is lucky that this situation is not going to appear
on his transcripts, but should another school (he is planning on
transferring out) was to call the Dean’s Office for a “background
check” then this situation would come up. Anytime you get something
like this, it’s not cool, because Mike has no way of telling his side
of the story… “He is marked as having a “Disorderly Conduct”
situation. That doesn’t sound good at all. We are waiting for his
final hearing with the Dean of Students on this situation… If this
doesn’t go well, I’ll post the school so we can all voice our outrage
in a very public and overwhelming manner. I don’t care what school
you go to, if someone yells “Get Him!” and runs at you – You have ever
right to not just take up a defensive stance – but to run at that guy
and mop the campus with his ass.
My personal reaction would have been to “Assault Through The Ambush”
and stomp a mud hole in him. Kudos to Mike for showing the restraint!
Email about The
“Ogre, If you do a 'Guns of' article for this movie, make sure the
DVD you watch is the "Uncut International Version", titled simply as
"Leon the Professional". It contains 24 minutes more than the
castrated American version, including a more in depth look at the weird
relationship between Leon and Mathilda and a whole sequence of them
going on hits together! (no seriously!) By the way, Gary Oldman's
portrayal of the crazy agent is probably my favorite movie character of
all time. Sorry if you knew all of this already, but I had to make
sure you didn't waste your time on the crappy more politically correct
version. Later, Chris (a fan)”
Thanks for the email Chris, I didn’t know this. Does anyone have this
on DVD? I’ll trade you for another DVD: “Original Sin” the Not Rated
version… Angelina Jolie has a couple pretty graphic sex scenes in it.
Only watched this movie once… Scanned Back about a 500 times though…
26th, Sunday: 1236hrs:
Miller smashes the Space Program.
It’s about time someone in the Media bashes it. I love Science Fiction
and the idea that there is a whole universe of adventure out there for
us to explore. However when I look at our Space Program as run by
NASA, I have to admit that I am left in the cold.
Take a look at NASA. These clowns spend obscene amounts of cash on
bullshit projects that have ZERO effect on our lives. Look, it’s like
this… The only thing that we have from the Space Program that is useful
is TANG. Photos of some nebula or other worldly moon really don’t do
anything for me. In fact, it hurts us. It’s killing our imagination.
Back in the 50’s the big thing was life on Mars. Super-Smart Martians
wanting to either kill us or take our women… Exciting stuff, that.
Now Mars is no more interesting than
Central Utah.
What fun is that? And even if there were little green gremlins on
Mars… what would that do to for the price of gas I have to pay at the
pump so I can continue my back and forth trips to Wal-Mart and my gun
store? Satellites are nice… useful things. Cell Phones that never
run out of coverage area, GPS so I know where I am, and things like
that are indeed useful… but NASA is spending way too much money to
launch the damn things and spend even more to go up to fix them.
NASA is an inefficient, ineffective, tax-dollar black hole. We can
still toss sats into space via much cheaper rockets than what NASA
uses… so what do we need NASA for? Why not privatize the whole space
program? If we want to conquer the Final Frontier, we need to
privatize it and take it out of Federal hands. Let’s look at the
American Frontier and what let us expand into it. Was it the Gold
Rush? In part… but what really allowed for the expansion into the west
was the Federal Governments economic policy that allowed private
enterprise to capitalize it. So much so that within only 50 years, it
was pretty much all settled in with supporting railroads and
infrastructure to keep it all alive. Sure, there was some monopoly
issues that came up from it, but that was easy to fix after the fact
that the expansion was complete. The same thing needs to happen in
Space if we want any meaningful expansion out there… We want a green
Mars? We want Condos on the Moon? We need to privatize the whole damn
Let’s look at Star Wars and NASA:
NASA: The aging fleet of Space Shuttles that are falling apart,
blowing up, and costing us billions of dollars while doing it.
SW: An aging piece of junk called the Millennium Falcon that can make
the Kessel Run in under 12 Parsecs.
NASA: An International Space Station that the US is paying for,
costing us billions of dollars in cost over-runs and is so far hasn’t
been completed or shown any sign of being useful in the first place.
SW: The Death Star. Fun filled dark grey metal moon… Bring the kids,
try the veal.
NASA: “In space we can make advanced drugs to fight disease.” Still
no sure for cancer or colds.
SW: Bacta tanks that you float in can heal you in a fraction of the
time… even if you got a beating from a Yeti.
NASA: Beautiful full color photos of the Horse Head Nebula.
SW: Amidala in a backless dress.
NASA: A little remote control car.
SW: R2D2 and Battle Droids.
There is no comparison – Star Wars can kick NASA’s ass. I know this is
a generally pointless argument… but the fact is that normally the truth
is more interesting than fiction, right? Well, when it comes to the
Space Program, this isn’t the case. I think the line from the movie
CONTACT is most appropriate here. All that is out there is dust and
noble gases. Well, if that is truly the case, and NASA as told us that
it is… then why spend the money to search it? It is utterly useless
and a complete waste of money. Yes, I am glad we have found no threat
to planet Earth’s sexy women from Martian tentacle rape – but really,
is there anything else worth knowing out there? I don’t think so. And
I think the cost of what little we are learning from Space is not
enough to justify our continued expenditures on the program.
Dennis Miller’s idea of putting the money into Bullet Trains…
interesting. I would rather put that money into a completely
restructured education program. State level – not Federal. I’d put
the money into places where we need it, not just here on Earth… but
here inside our 50 States. Reduce the taxes on gas and diesel fuel.
Subsidize private parties to convert vehicles to hydrogen or something.
Build more wind farms for clean power… anything but just blasting the
money out into space for nothing.
Coming up later:
Some thoughts about scary movies...
25th, Saturday: 2200HRS:
This morning
I woke up and went to school to take an exam. I think I did pretty
well in spite of a raging headache. Came home from that and took a nap
that lasted until late in the afternoon. Then I watched “28 Days
Later” which I considered to be pretty good. More on that later.
Have you seen the
Miss Afghanistan pageant contestant? Would someone PLEASE give
that woman a sandwich? I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Here is a news article about what I was talking about earlier: Democrats
going soft on gun control… Don’t believe this for a second,
people. Not one second. The Liberals HATE the fact that Conservatives
are armed. They hate it with a seething passion. They are only
espousing the appearance of “going soft”… but that isn’t enough… I
don’t want to go at all. Neither do all the other gun owners out here
in Real America.
The Left will say anything and do anything they damn well pleased in
order to get back into power. They will kiss babies and kiss ass and
try anything… and they are. If you watch the news (Meaning all news
sources and not just the evening news) carefully you can see The Left
scrambling for traction… any traction they can get. They are a party
without a platform now. Across the board they are universally clueless
as to who and what they are now.
Don’t think that we are going to see any change in this Democrat stance
on guns. This is what you call Campaign Lies. This is posturing.
Really, this is just too pathetic for words. Look, I don’t mind
Democrats when they make sense…. If you Dems are going to try to talk
to me – be honest with me and give me your issues up front, backed up
by a well reasoned train of thought. This is something the left is
just not capable of.
If they were to really switch sides on the gun issue what would we see
as the indicators? Support from the NRA? No – the NRA is a bunch of
limp-dick nancyboys – the real indicator would be switching policy in
Democrat held states. States such as Maryland and Illinois… They
would all the sudden go “Shall Issue” on CCWs and would see more states
adopting open carry and “Vermont Style” carry… meaning you don’t need a
CCW card… if you are legal to buy a gun, you are legal to carry it.
You know, that is truly the only thing that makes sense. Isn’t it?
Alaska adopted that, and I would like to see
and all the Square States to go that route as well.
Okay, “28 Days Later” I just watched this flick. I liked it.
It's pretty good. But it did leave a lot to be desired.
liked a lot of the direction and imagery. But it was the script that I
didn't like. The whole thing with the military being the badguys...
I've seen that way too often in B movies to appreciate it.
"Oh, I got a great idea for the movie! Let's have an army guy with a
hand full of troops - and they are mad as hatters!" I'm sure this may
have been a chilling concept in
but it's been played out to death here in the
like The Stand a lot better. I wish they made that into a movie - let
me restate that - I wish they remade that crappy campy made for TV mini
series into a real movie.
Wait a second. No... I'm changing that. I wish Hollywood and all the
movie makers around the world would STOP remaking what as already been
done before - and come up with some thing ORIGINAL.
There are SO MANY good books out there that would make FANTASTIC movies
- so there is no use recycling the 10 dozen worn out scripts.
Stephen King's The Gunslinger would make a great flick.
I'd like to see a movie on Dean Koontz "Seize The Night"... that would
be awesome. Let's try other writers besides King. Stephen King really
isn't that good. He is prolific and has a lot of great ideas, but I
have yet to read one other than Green Mile that the guy actually writes
a decent ending for. His ending are universally pathetic after he has
taken the time to create an interesting premis and characters you can
get into. Case in point: Dreamcatcher. Rent it if you want - but don't
say I didn't warn you.
love a good horror flick... and this one was pretty good... but there
are much better possibilities.
HP Lovecraft's Mountains of Madness would make a killer movie.
24th, Friday: 1800hrs:
I had been getting
worried because the S&W 696 hadn’t arrived yet. This
isn’t something that you want to get lost in the mail you know!
*panic* Well it turns out that it was never sent. Here is why: The
cat sending it had a freaking HEART ATTACK that morning! Damn! Not
all is lost for the guy or the gun. The guy is going to be alright and
the gun is going to be shipped out Monday Morning. *whew!*
Well, not quite... Our prayers are with him for a full recovery.
Emails from readers
regarding the issues:
“Ogre: Re: 1) Veggie Lady; 2) Ronald Regan; and 3) Cowboy Beebop
1) Bullseye! Thanks Ogre, for having the balls to put in
print thoughts and opinions contradictory to wot we 'ear from on high
(not that, after reading your blog, I expected otherwise.) I read last
week her Asshat husband has wanted to get married to someone else for
most of the time his wife has been hospitalized.
2) Hear Hear!
3) I thought anime was for kids and old pervs... But dammit, you've
gone and influenced me to watch not only the cowboy bebop movie, but
five of the six dvd's (the first 20 episodes) too.
Keep up the skeer Ogre. – Andy”
From Tracy: “I have an issue with the Liberals, and their
continuing effort to make us believe that the us economy is in a dive.
Well if that was true, why are there so many building projects going
on, every where I look. Down the road from where I live, not more than
two miles, is a neighborhood being built with lakes, curving roads, and
hills, with houses starting a $280,000.00. A whole neighborhood of
them. Down the road from that is a new college, and new hospital, and
two new malls. Every time I go to the mall, there are so many people
that trying to find a park sometimes, is impossible. So, how can the
economy so bad, if people are buying homes that start at $280,000.00,
and drive two and three SUV's per family, and shop at the mall all damn
day? Where is the slump at? It's not any where near me. You
mentioned that they are making a mini series about our favorite Pres.
Guess who is involved? Barbara Streisand, and her hubby James Brolind.
So you know it will be a fair and balanced presentation. It is just
sickening, how power hungry a man can get, that he deliberately lies to
himself, his family, his peers, and his neighbors. It is a whole party
of petty, little minded, selfish, power hungry, ugly people. They are
liars to themselves, and the world. What is scary is that some of them
really believe it. Just how far are they willing to go? I guess all
the way.”
just heard on the radio that the Veggie Lady’s Champion Husband is now
going to be represented by the ACLU. This doesn’t surprise me one bit,
not for one second. Why am I not surprised by this? I’ll tell you
why. Because if there is anything reprehensible, unclean, or anyone
untrustworthy – the ACLU seeks out these things. They are the
antithesis of the Boy Scouts. I guess a man should have the right to
murder his wife, shouldn’t he? Right? Isn’t that the 13th
Amendment? Oh, no, that’s about freeing the slaves… I guess there is
no freedom for a wife who can’t represent herself… No right to life,
liberty or the pursuit of fucking justice either! If there is anything
that can be said about the ACLU, it’s that they don’t surprise anyone
anymore. Fuck the ACLU.
You gotta love that movie Meatball made, “American President”. This is
the Liberal Feel Good Movie of the fucking CENTURY… Such statements
like “So a Five Year Old can buy an UZI” are all over the place – an
the illogic of it goes not just unchallenged, but taken as fact. Well,
at the end, during the speech when the Hero Liberal President says he
is a card carrying member of the ACLU… he goes on “Yes I am, and Why
are you NOT?” Then he extols the virtues of the ACLU and then says he
is “Going after the guns”. Nice. Where do I begin here? Okay, how
about this… the ACLU has none of those virtues and only exists as a
weapon of political mass destruction. It’s used to challenge all the
Conservative victories at any level in court. It’s the Liberal
Democrat’s Vinny and Guido Squad… looking for Right Wing legal kneecaps
to bust.
Fuck the ACLU.
sent us an email too, in it he mentions the movie “The Professional”.
(it’s called “Leon” outside of the USA) I just might have to write up
another “GUNS OF” article for this flick. It’s an older movie, but
it’s a classic. Gary Oldman stars in it as a badguy and is just
awesome. This is one of his creepiest characters in my opinion, next
to Dracula. I’ll do that if someone wants to send me the DVD. DVD’s
are so much better for trying to ID a movie gun because you can freeze
frame and zoom in on it. You can’t do that with a VCR.
I have two issues that
I wasn’t going to touch, but then I thought “Why the hell not?”
The Veggie Lady who’s on life support and Ronald Regan. Forgive me
for not going into any specifics or details – I don’t have much time.
I have some .357 Magnum that I gotta burn up… so I can reload it.
have hung back from this Right To Death issue on MadOgre.com so I could
take it all in and get a better picture before I made up my mind on my
opinion here. This case smells fishy from the start. Husband says
wife’s wishes were to die. If this was the case, why did the Husband
try to sue for 20 million so he could take care of her? He lost that
case. So, now it looks like the money to take care of her is burning
away (by him and his lawyer) he is saying she wanted to die.
There is evidence that she was put into this condition due to a beating
and strangulation… but the police wont look into this. Really there
is no evidence of anything in the favor of the husband. Nothing at
all… but there is a lot of evidence that this asshat is a truly evil
son of a bitch. I bet you anything that if this poor woman could
explain what happened to her, she would say “He tried to kill me”.
Using the Courts in a “Right to Death” issue is a huge smoke screen
that he is using to get rid of his wife and save some money for a new
truck or something. This bastard needs to be investigated to the Nth
degree for 2 counts of attempted murder. Who also needs to be
investigated is the Judge who ruled that the wife should be unplugged
when he himself saw video footage and heard testimony that shows CLEAR
evidence that this woman, while in a vegetative state is not just self
aware, but still conscious at some level. She knows what’s going on,
can hear, and shows a continuing sense of humor. Humor is the
indicating factor of higher order intelligence. She isn’t brain dead
or anything – she is there inside. And this judge knew that, but
signed an order to kill her in a most horrid way. This isn’t right to
death issue; this is conspiracy to commit murder. This woman does not
want to die. This woman is a victim.
Now, about Ronald Reagan. I have my personal favorites list when it
comes to US Presidents. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew
Jackson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. This man was
one of the greatest Presidents that this country – this planet has ever
seen. For CBS to make such a movie about this man is utterly
reprehensible. This film is nothing more than the Left trying to slap
Reagan’s legacy in the face. What it is actually doing – just like
every Democrat move lately – is slapping themselves in the face. This
is backfiring on them. What? No – this IS a politically motivated
effort. CBS is so Liberal, and this political motivation behind this
movie is obvious. Mini-Series – whatever you call it. It’s
transparent. Just look at the casting. So while the Liberals still
have hold over the media, and can exert influence – they will have
shows like this made in attempts to lampoon the Right. You know
what this is? This is a Liberal Hissy-Fit. A tantrum. They need to
be spanked an put to bed. This might happen in 2004.
23rd, Thursday:
love the feeling you get when all your homework is done and you are
ready to go to class swinging.
After 2 hours of mental grinding - shoulda lubed the synapses with some
Caffeine! - I am ready to battle. The other side of this coin -
feeling unprepared and not up on the details of the subject... I
guess that's what being Liberal feels like.
You will notice over to the right, a new link. Right Nation is
replacing Kim Du Toit who has decided to stop "blogging". This is
his choice and that's fine, but since he is no longer a daily read,
I've swapped that slot with another site that I like.
The S&W 66 arrived and I just got back from transferring and test
It's a damn good solid gun. Stainless, .357Magnum, it runs
well, great trigger, and it hits where I pointed it. I'm
satisfied with it. .357 Magnum is a good caliber for personal
defense, I don't care what anyone says about it to the contrary.
I have it loaded with CCI Blazer 158 grain hollow points. It's
not the most ferocious load, but it will do just fine for home
security/personal defense.
Now, if that model 696 would just get here, then I'd be able to set my
mind at ease.
I'm tempted to go back out and shoot some more and otherwise just
goof off now... Pattern some .357 shotshells or print how this
thing groups... But I have class tonight and I have to prep for it.
I guess I had best get back to work. Dang it!
22nd, Wednesday: 1330hrs:
Evidently Ogre is a
hard character to pin down.
Two examples of Ogre’s duality: Last night at a football game, two
ladies behind me decided to lecture me… (long story) They said that I
had too many “Free Radicals” and that I needed to lay off the “Carbs”.
My response was “First off, my engines are fuel injected – and second,
I like Nine Inch Nails, Jane’s Addiction, and Rage Against the
Machine!” For some reason I wanted to play the low-brow card only for
shock effect. Of course I knew what they were talking about, but I
wasn’t playing that game. That being said, both my answers are true.
Then today, I bumped into another student from one of my classes. (no,
not the one I mentioned the other day) She was working drive through
and I stopped for a soda. She leaned out to hand me the drink and all
the sudden looked like I hit her with a tazer. “What’s wrong?” She
stuttered “You, you, you’re listing to CLASSICAL music!” “So?” “You
don’t listen to classical!” “I apologize for not living in your
preconceived image of me…” and I drove off with her still hanging out
the window. Now I get to give her hell about the nickel she owes me.
I don’t want to be the kind of guy that can be pegged into a narrowly
defined category.
Email that deserves an
“Ogre, what is this S&W bullshit? If you want a revolver, why did it
have to be two S&W’s?” Oh man… Look, when it comes to revolvers, S&W
is king. The only two viable options are Ruger and Taurus. I have
nothing but respect for these guys, but they don’t make guns in the
configuration that I want. Ruger’s revolvers are beefy and a half, but
I don’t want another one. Taurus revolvers are sweet, but unless you
want a small frame, you’re going to get a huge barrel. Look down at
the two guns I am getting in (tomorrow hopefully) The 696 is a snub –
but a bigger framed snub just like how I wanted. And that model 66,
look at the barrel. It’s not a full length under-lug. I don’t like
full length under-lugs. Now if you are talking about "The S&W
Agreement"... that agreement is pretty much dead in the water.
Besides, S&W's agreement is something that in my opinion is a lot less
heinous than what Ruger did promoting magazine capacity limitations.
Ruger can be directly implicated for the current asinine 10 round
limit. This being said - fuck Ruger. I'll not spend my
money or trade anything for a Ruger of any sort. But yeah, the
GP-100 and SP-101 are great revolvers... the only thing wrong with them
are that they are Rugers. Taurus is perhaps the better choice
politically. I really like Taurus. That's all there is to
One of the
Horde has a serious issue... A situation occurred at an institute
of higher learned that involved self defense where no one was hurt.
(That might not make sense) He is now in trouble because he took
a up a defensive posture in anticipation for an attack. He has a
hearing coming in next week. Posting this might harm his case at
this point. If he is able to get this mess dropped, then I'll
post this. If this goes bad - I'll post this as well as his email
address so MadOgre.com readers can give him advice and support
directly. Hearing this case has makes me very angry. This
doesn't surprise me that this has happened like this. This could be one
of those outrageous stories you hear about in the news.
Birth Abortion is Murder. This isn't the removal of a
blastocyst or a lump of tissue that doesn't even resemble a fetus...
this isn't even a fetus... this is a baby. This is a human being
that is 99% born, a living being. With intelligence and a
spirit... a soul. So you have this person, almost all the way
born... and the doctor reaches in there, snips it's spinal cord,
vacuums out the child's brains, collapses or cuts up it's skull, and
then the corpse is thrown into an incinerator. This is murder.
This is brutal and horrible murder. A monstrosity. The
official position of MadOgre.com is that the life of this baby is of
greater worth than that of the mother, and that this partial birth
abortion procedure should be done to the mother and let the innocent
child live in a home without Jack the Ripper.
One of the Horde
Generals is taking my essay about Charlton Heston’s speech and is
spreading it around his university. I have has some comment back
from various sources and one theme of which is about the PC-Race
issue. I was basically called a dirty liar about this. Well, if that
is the case,
what is up with this news article?
Teacher reads an
essay about “The N-Word” written by a black student. PC-Police sends
in SWAT Team. The teacher, being white, is not socially allowed to
read out loud this essay… the black student who wrote it can say
“nigger” all he wants. Chris Rock can shout it at gathered thousands.
Yet, had Chris Rock wrote his standup routine down, handed it to this
teacher, and the teacher was to read it out loud – That would be
My point is that
this isn’t about the word “nigger”. Let me tell you something – I
don’t like that word. I have an uncle who is a racist and every time I
hear him open is pie hole, I want to fill it with a cinder block. I’m
not racist, and I don’t like people who are. I think racism is a
direct cause and effect indicator of both poor education and low IQ.
I’m not defending the word’s use here either. What I am pointing out
is the double standard bias going on that is now part of the unwritten
law regarding Political Correctness. This teacher will probably loose
her job or get stabbed or something. Because of political
Now I am not sure
what the essay in question said… but the article says that “she read it
like a black person.” What? Just how does a black person read? Oh,
she was using slang? She was using such pronunciations? Like “Let me
Axe you something?” How come this isn’t a concern when someone acts
“Scottish”? “She read it like a Scot!” If this is a case of a white
person acting black – then the PC-Police need to raid Eminem, the Icy
Hot Stuntaz, and just about every high school out there. You know,
if people really want a color-blind society, there can be no double
standards. This essay in question was written by a black student. Why
wasn’t the student brought to question for writing it? Another
question – would there have been any question if the teacher had asked
another black student, or the author, to have read it?
The PC-Race issue
is a hot button. It can ruin people publicly… unless you really were a
Racist and turned Liberal… then you could become a US Senator like
Robert Byrd! Racism is a Liberal tool… a political weapon… and unless
you have a carry permit for this weapon, you can’t touch it. Yes,
Chris Rock has this permit. But evidently this teacher didn’t.
21st, Tuesday: 1600hrs:
Big Bore Snubbys in the future:
Watch the flick "Bladerunner". Deckard's blaster... doesn't
it seem to be like he is using a giant revolver? Well we know
that he really is. A 4 inch Charter Bulldog... while not a snub
nose, but with that Steyr receiver dressing it up, it looks like a
snubby. Not sure as to the stopping power of this gun. It
has excessive over penetration, but not a lot of stopping power.
He must be loaded with 5.56MM or something.
Have you heard about the Left's new ploy?
They have said that they have been on the wrong side of the gun
issue... and that they are going to say that they are now on the right.
Watch it... Read again carefully... they are not actually going to come
out on the right side of the issue - they are just going to say it.
The Democrat party is truly amazing. I mean that.
Seriously. The left has a unique talent to dig even lower and
lower every day on any given issue. They can burrow like that
space-machine thing in that movie "The Core". Don't listen
to any Democrat. None of them. They are each one, vile and
disgusting creatures under the skin. Have you seen that old flick
"They Live"? Well, if you look at these creatures that look like
people with these special sunglasses, you see that they are in fact
alien zombies or something. Well, if you look at Democrats with
"Ogre-Eye", you can see that they are undead zombies too. Scary.
I took a look at the new .500S&W revolver.
Held it in my hands, examined it, and compared it to a similar gun, but
in .44 Magnum. Holy cow. That this is massive. You
have seen pictures of it, but until you actually hold one and look at
it in your own hands and feel the weight of it... you just can't really
appreciate just how fucking huge this thing really is. It's like
parking a B-1B on the flight line next to an F-16. And the
shells. Judas Priest! God Bless S&W for just making this
thing. Even if you can't actually shoot it do to health and
economic reasons... (It's so expensive it can kill you from sticker
shock) it's something to have to throw in an Anti-Gunner's face.
An Anti-Aircraft revolver. Stunning. I want one with a 3
inch barrel.
Do you need a holster?
I have a recommendation for you if you want a leather rig - check this
out. HBE Specialty
Leatherworks. Made here in Utah by a seriously good guy who
is also a
gonzo gun nut. His prices are more than reasonable - considering
the high quality work he is offering - it's a steal. He is
now doing this full time and taking all the risk of doing a start up.
But from the looks of his leather - I think he will do just fine.
I will be placing my orders for 3 different handguns as soon as I can.
If I had the money now, I'd order them right this second. Well, 2
of them... I'm still waiting for the CZ-RAMI pistol to come out.
It's waiting for ATF final approval and should be here by my birthday
early next year. I wouldn't think if carrying it in anything
Just got in a new spam message: Protect your children from
bad language with our software! Wow. Now that is a damn
good idea! Kidding... What's the point of putting a language
filter on your computer when the FCC has just said it's okay to say
"fuck" on network TV?


ogre@madogre.com via PayPal to support MadOgre.com, or God will kill a kitten.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012