Jan 31st, Saturday, 2004: Noonish:
Two emails have come
in that illustrate two points of view. "Once Upon a Time in
sucked. I went to sleep. Just like I did in "Tomb Raider 2". Yeah,
they both had extremely hot babes, but they sucked. At least "Tomb
Raider" was entertaining, as was "Desperado - John"
“After reading mad ogre and seeing as how you bought "once upon a time
in Mexico", we
figured we should see it. So we rented it. It was definitely one of
the best comic book action flicks. Depp's CIA character was the best
part in my opinion. One of the problems was that every gun had those
stupid silencers, including the revolvers. The Mexican army was
exceedingly unrealistic too. oh well, nothings perfect. Definitely a
sweet movie! - Josh”
This is one of those flicks you have to see and decide for yourself.
Just go in with low expectations, knowing that it’s a cheesy action
flick, and you wont be disappointed. And John, if you fell asleep,
you missed the other hot brunette police babe… You might have to go see
it again.
Another email came in…
last night. This one made me stop and think:
“I am writing to tell you that you have changed my life. For the
last ten years I abhorred guns of any type. This, in part is because my
brother committed suicide. I believed all that the media told me. That
all gun deaths are the fault of the guns, and that gun owners were
irresponsible, ignorant Neanderthals. You changed that. Thank you.
Today I went and bought the first gun I have ever owned in my life.
Sure I shot as a kid. My father took me to the old strip mine outside
of town and we would spend the day shooting with his buddies and my
uncles. I liked it just for the fun and the camaraderie. My grandfather
even took my cousin and myself deer hunting once. But I get away from
the reason for this letter. That is to tell you that not only have you
changed me for the better, but that in addition to that, you have
helped me down the road to reconciling the death of my brother. Now on
to the weapon itself. Simple. A Mossberg model 88 12 gauge. This is an
important fact to me since it was a Mossberg 12 gauge that he took his
own life with. I now understand that guns are not the savage killers
that the mass media wants us to believe. Personally I think that gun
education is an important thing. It is just easier for the media to
blame the object rather than a persons ignorance for a gun death. Oh
well, sorry for rambling. If you got this far, Thank you again. –
Frank” To be honest, I don’t know how to answer this one… Thank
you for the email… You have had a lot to deal with and overcome. I
couldn’t imagine that situation in my family. I don’t even want to
try. Don’t be disappointed if you see me dragging my knuckles once in
awhile… I reserve that right. Besides, it beats skipping.
This morning I
received the disappointing news.
One of our very own Horde Officers has decided to buy… hold on… have
to wipe something out of my eye… I hesitate to say this… I blame
He is going to buy an AR. I know… I know. If he lived closer, we
would have to hold an intervention for him or something. Hey, if he
wants to buy an AR, it’s his choice. This also means the Horde might
have to adopt a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Actually as far as
AR’s go, that one has a pretty good configuration. If I was to buy an
AR myself (and didn’t mind all that wasted time spent cleaning it and
recleaning it) I would get one in a similar configuration, but I’d opt
for a light profile barrel. The one he is getting is the M-4 barrel,
which is a heavy barrel that has a step down for an M-203 attachment.
That’s cool and all… but I don’t want an M-203. I’d rather have the
light weight. To me, that was the point of the AR… Actually, if I was
to get one… what I would really like is my old
CAR-15 back, dammit.
Another email:
“Hey Ogre, Looks like you had a wild couple days. I figured I'd
throw you one more for the reading if you are bored out of your skull
now. I was working late one night and googled up "shotgun vs rifle"
What would you use if you were
hunting Bigfoot? Got some real crazies on this one. Heh, I might
be the biggest...totally stupid but might be more entertaining than the
SciFi Channel. Later,
Who do I look like, Doctor Van Helsing? *sigh* I’d roll with a
Marlin Guide Gun in .45-70. Fast handling with a good combination of
accuracy and size... and it's got enough horsepower to blow a hole
right through those wookies. Backing this up would be a .44 or .41
mag Mountain Gun. Going a bit more high tech - perhaps a Remington
7400 and a 1911 set up for .45 Super. Upside - there is no hunting
limits on Sasquatch... Bag all you can tag. Downside - they are hard
to find and tent to rescue wounded and recover dead... so tag'm and
bag'm quickly, take lots of photos and video, drive the corps to a
truckstop or someplace and contact the media quickly. But what are
you doing looking up Bigfoot stuff? You would have to be like, totally
nuts to be doing that. What’s far more interesting is the old
abandoned CIA airfields scattered about. Besides… that’s where the
Bigfoots are.
Speaking of Van
Doctor Van Helsing is the character from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. He is
not a freaking action hero… He is a man of Science and Psychology and
Medicine… He is not fucking WOLVERINE. This new movie coming out is
total bullshit. If you want to see Van Helsing in action, rent
Dracula directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Van Helsing is played by
Anthony Hopkins and this is perhaps the best version of the character
ever played. Dracula is also well played by one of my favorite actors,
Gary Oldman… and again, this is perhaps the best version ever played by
anyone. Also in it is a Pre-Speed/Matrix Keanu Reeves and a Pre-Theft
Conviction Winona Ryder… and both do a good job in this flick,
surprisingly. Another upshot is that the goddess Monica Bellucci plays
a very sexy, weird and disturbing part... and she shows her magnificent
boobies! Yee-Haw! Hey, I need to buy that DVD. This new Van
Helsing flick is just looking retarded as all get out. I’m actually
offended by this outrageous remake of one of my favorite literary
While we are talking
about movies and stuff…
I gotta mention that I just found out that my wife does know who Ming
the Merciless is. She has never seen Flash Gordon before. *shock*
This is insane… Not knowing who Flash Freaking Gordon is?!?!? I’m
going to be renting it for her as soon as I can. If you have not seen
it – I really think you should. Get the one made in the 80’s with
music by “Queen”. It’s a little campy, but it’s very cool. In the
day, it was staggering. And it has some of the coolest music ever in
any scifi… well, next to Toto who played some music for “Dune” and by
the way, I have decided that the old version with Sting is the best
version… but you gotta watch the extended version. I want that on
30th, Friday (thank heavens), 2004: 1300hrs:
Springfield XD
series -
always, and I mean more consistently than the tides, gets kudos for
things like the ergonomics and the trigger and all that… but always
gets knocked for its finish. The XD’s finish is a good looking flat
black finish that is smooth and even… but it is less durable than other
gun finishes… Holster wear shows up quickly and some say it isn’t up
to snuff when it comes to corrosion resistance. I do have to agree
that the finish could be better… but it’s not the worst finish I’ve
seen one some guns of late. EAA’s Wonderfinish has got be one of the
worst. Well, it’s good in that it’s pretty tough and protective…
unless it peels off in huge flakes or is way too thick and uneven.
It’s the handgun equivalent of an Earl Scheib paintjob on your car. To
solve the XD’s finish problem, there are three solutions. Solution 1:
Just buy your XD with a Stainless Steel slide… since the slide is
stainless, and the frame is polymer… you have no finish worries at
all. Your done. Buh-bye. Solution 2: Just wipe the gun down with a
light coat of oil every once in awhile… this has been the habit of all
gun owners pretty much since the advent of the gun. Some of these new
modern ultra-awesome finishes has made us very lazy and somewhat stupid
I guess. Solution 3: Refinish the gun. Nowhere does it say that you
have to live with a gun’s finish. You can send your slide off to be
finished professionally with more finish options than you can imagine.
From poly-coatings to chromes to titanium… anything you want. For
just a slide… your looking at about a hundred bucks for most anything.
NP3, Black T, Roguard, Metacol III, parker… take your pick. Or you can
do it yourself. Brownells can hook you up with a number of refinishing
kits. I’d love to see someone scrub the old finish off an XD, polish
it like a mirror, and then blue it. That would be awesome. Of course,
with a blued finish, you will still get holster wear and you will still
have to stroke it with a light coat of oil once in awhile.
There is a shooting
trend that has developed that I find almost disgusting. Handgun makers, S&W and Taurus especially, are making
handguns way too light these days. Guns that used to weight almost 25
ounces are now closer to just 10. Even in smaller caliber guns like
the little .38s and the 9MMs… they weigh nothing these days. A gun’s
weight adds to the guns shootability. This is not something that is
understood by this whole new generation of shooters who start out with
a Scandium made gun or something. Because these super light guns are
less shootable, the owners don’t shoot them as much. And because they
are so light that they become overly snappy in recoil, these new
shooters are developing really really bad habits, bad flinching, bad
anticipation… it’s really quite pathetic. They put a target out to 7
feet, blast at it, and are all shits and giggles when they manage to
even get one shot into the black of a B-27 standard target.
Shot-groups that range all across the target from top to bottom and
everywhere else... no rhyme or reason… You can’t look at the target and
say “Looks like your jerking the trigger” because there is no
consistency to it. They might as well be closing their eyes. Do they
know what the sights on the gun are for? These people go to the range,
fire off only one or two magazines or cylinders… because they can’t
fire anymore thanks to numb hands from stout loads in featherweight
guns… and they call it good. These shooters need help. New shooters
need to be taught… guided… like an apprentice Jedi or something. If
you are a new shooter – Please do not be so arrogant as to not heed the
advice of more experienced shooters. Do not be afraid to ask for
advice either. If you don’t want to ask that stern looking fellow
shooting at the other end of the range – fine… Go ask the range officer
or someone else. They should be more than happy to help you.
Shooting is not just blasting away. Shooting is more than a sport.
Shooting is a form of Art. Shooting is also something to be enjoyed.
If you are not having fun shooting, then something is wrong… wrong gun,
wrong ammo, wrong stance or grip… something is wrong. An experienced
shooter can help you fix it, and you can start having fun with it.
Just like Golf… I mean hell, you got even more magazines about Golf
than you do about guns… more instructional videos out there… more Golf
ranges and courses than for guns… Lots of dedication to that sport.
Yet the same guy that is all devoted to Golf, will only give like 20
minutes to actual shooting once every few months at best. Shame.
Chuck Taylor, self
proclaimed Combat Master and firearms expert. I’m not his biggest fan. No… In fact, I think him to be a blowhard
hack. I picked up a gunrag the other day and started reading one the
articles… It was full of shit… then I noticed the byline and had to
shrug. Chucky T… figures. He said “The truth is that stopping power
is based upon the effect of shock upon the target’s central nervous
system.” Sorry Chucky, but your wrong. That is only a part of it, one
aspect. Stopping power is a much more complicated subject than that.
Chuck went on to discuss the matters of “Energy Transfer” and all that
bullshit. He says “The debate about stopping power never ends…” No,
there is no debate about stopping power… it’s idiots like you, Chucky,
that keep writing gun articles about it that are full of misinformation
that serves only to confuse, confound, sell someone’s new magic
wonder-bullets, and make you a paycheck. If you want to read about
stopping power, and what a bullet does to the human body, I’ve already
written something about that. I’m not an expert, but I’ve some
experience in the subject, and I have talked so doctors who could be
said to be actual experts in the matter. The article about
Magic Bullets in the weapons section covers all this. I think
Chuck Taylor needs to read it. I don’t know who made this guy an
authority on firearms… I was at one of his classes a long time ago…
before I even knew who he was. The cat did a remarkable combat draw
with spontaneous magazine ejection and fumble. It was great… once of
the funniest things I’ve ever seen… In one smooth move he drew the gun
and ejected the mag at the same time almost fumbling the gun… resulting
in the mag being flung about six feet out in front of him. I couldn’t
do that if I tried. It was like a Martin Short thing. I was not
impressed by the man, who strutted about in a semi-para-military outfit
that looked like it was a size or two too small. I thought him a
clown. I’ve taken classes from some other guys, some more or less
arrogant, some funny, some scary… but none I considered a clown. I’ve
got another little thing for you… Since after reading that Magic Bullet
article, you might be confused about which load to buy to stuff into
your gun. I’ve got a little too for you. I designed it to be as
simple as possible… a quick method to compare ammunition to figure
which load might be better. I call it the “Defensive
Power Factor” and it’s blatantly based upon the IPSC’s Power Factor
rating system. Chucky T has another thing that is sort of like mine,
but he adds all sorts of bullshit to it that makes it totally unusable…
The DPF cuts through the bullshit and gives you a tool you can actually
make use of. If you see an article written by Chuck Taylor… just skip
it. You are better off not reading it.
New Blog that looks
like an up and comer…
he’s just started… but he’s coming out of the gate strong with
sharp opinions. We will keep an eye on this one. Have I mentioned
this one before? Not sure if I have. Don’t remember. SGT Pundit.
Good domain name… has lots of potential. I’m down with the dentist
thing. I had a dental cleaning like two years ago. My first ever in
my life. It took two hours. It was torture. I never flinched or
winced… and this pissed them off… but I did break out in a cold sweat
after the first 30 minutes and this gave them some degree of a feeling
of success and prompted them to try even harder... They were trying to
break me. They said they would do this in two visits… but they kept
going and going, doing it all at once... seeing if they could get me to break. I didn’t give them the
satisfaction. Fuck them. I’ve not gone back… I don’t want to go
back. I’m armed and if they come for me, I’m fighting back. My
choppers might not be Bleached Pearl White, but they are in good shape
thanks to a sadistic brushing regiment. This is what pissed them off
even more… after the cleaning, they could find nothing wrong. Oh, they
hated me for that. They were all set for root canals and all sorts of
wickedness. Fuckem.
Check this out, from
Cockpit footage of the
F-16 ejection from last year. WHOA! There goes a quick 20 million
bucks. Did you see how close that guy came? That ejection
was only .8 of a second before the jet slammed into the ground.
Serious kudos to the pilot, who totally fucked up by starting the loop
way too low... but in those last split seconds pointed the plane in a
safe direction so that no one was hurt or anything else was even
damaged. He made a mistake, but showed extreme skills in that
effort to make sure nobody got hurt... in fact, he risked his life in
doing it... Lesser pilots would have punched out earlier and
possibly put others at risk. Whoever this pilot is... buy that
man a beer.
Email from Horde
MemberTM about the Dean Meltdown. “The most interesting aspect of the Howard Dean meltdown may be what
Gore and the other "big name" Dems who stumbled over themselves to
endorse Dean early on will do now that the rocket has fizzled. My
guess is that it will be somewhat like watching small children running
up and down the aisles after entering Toys R Us... "this is my
favorite one!... no, this one!" The real question now is how long it
will take for Gore to give Al Sharpton his seal of approval... its the
next "Gorelogical" choice. Not only did he roll snake eyes with the
Dean endorsement, the guy apparently didn't even have the gnarlies to
give his former running mate, Joe Lieberman, a
courtesy call before making the nod. And the Dems are proud of
this guy…- J” What’s funny about this is that the Media is now
taking punches at Dean, calling his meltdown the “I have a scream”
speech. That’s hilarious. And a perhaps a bit overly harsh on Dean.
If he wasn’t such a lunatic in his ideology, I could get behind this
guy. I liked his energy and his passion… it’s tragic that he is so
misdirected. I mean, Damn, the man has the energy of a WWF wrestler up
there and gets everyone pumped. But the real good that has come of
this is that the Media who normally forgets everything someone said day
before yesterday, has started to take a look at Dean’s actual track
record and where he used to stand on issues. This is great because
pretty soon it will be
Clark’s turn and
Kerry’s turn.
Clark is so completely full of bullshit that he has ZERO
credibility. None. How he is even still in this race is appalling.
Then you have Kerry… Throws his metals over the wall at the White
House during a demonstrations… Writes a bullshit book about
America’s “New
Soldiers” who are nothing more than drug addled hippies – his book was
utter bullshit and a slap to the face of everyone who has ever served
this country. Yet this is the same guy that wants to be Commander and
Chief? He doesn’t want to lead, he wants to suck Kofi Annan’s dick.
Kerry wants to get into bed with the UN so bad, he’s having wet dreams
about it. Clark? He already is, that traitorous bastard.
Clark reminds me of someone else, with a very strong resemblance…
Needless to say, I don’t trust him one little bit. He was booted out
of Europe and out of command for some reason… and no one is talking
about it… yet. I’m looking forward to the truth coming out on that
one. I’m looking forward to seeing why the people who booted him
absolutely hate him so bad. Why? Is what he did so horrible that
it’s now classified as a National Security issue? That’s
interesting. That’s going to keep Clark out in the end.
Utah Matrix.
Utah was part of a pilot program that created a multi state
information exchange that the local media is calling “The Utah Matrix”…
Well, the program its self was called “MATRIX” so that’s not much of a
stretch here. The idea was to put all of your personal information
about you into one big super database. Sure most of the information is
“Public Record”, but it’s also none of
Utah’s business. This isn’t just drivers license records,
but your insurance, credit, family, tax… all of it… your whole
identity… all into one easily tapped source. I don’t know why they
called it the Matrix… this reminds me more of “The Net”. But a little
more disturbing because The Net was fictional and this was-IS real.
The reason I don’t like this is because this is violation of my
privacy. They have no right to farm all of my personal data to put
into some mysterious governmental database. I don’t like that. I
don’t like that one bit. I don’t give a shit if it is going to curb
crime or save the whales… I don’t care. It’s not
Utah’s business. The reporter said that this database
doesn’t contain information such as medical or hunting/gun permits or
political party/voting registrations… But you know it can/does/will.
That’s exactly the kind of information they would put in there. And
since the reporter didn’t actually see the database, how does he know
it doesn’t have that information? He was only told it doesn’t have
that information. The reason that this database is so dangerous is
not just because it’s invasive into everyone lives… but because such a
think could so easily be misused and abused. You want to know who your
political enemies are? Just search the database. Who owns the guns so
we can go get them? Just print the list from the database. That’s
just too fucking Gattica for me. Such a thing should be destroyed.
I would love to see some Government Employee with access to it, who has
a conscience, go in and trash this database and totally destroy it.
Power drills to the hard drives and everything. The State doesn’t
need to know everything. Of course the argument is that this is all
“public information” anyways. That argument is bullshit. I have
metal pipes and wood and springs over here… doesn’t mean I’ll make a
weapon out if it. Time to jump on your local reps to make sure that
your state is not in this multi-state information exchange matrix.
Here is the killer thing though… The State Of
Utah didn’t even know
it was in the program. Because why? Because it’s a FEDERAL
program. Tap this Matrix in with the Patriot Act and the Federal
Government owns you.
Karl Malone,
leaves the Utah Jazz then he gets pissed because the Jazz’s mascot
lampoons him in a joke? He says that he will never forgive the Jazz
for it. The joke wasn’t an insult to Karl Malone. If you heard it,
you kinda understand that it was more of a tribute to Malone and
Stockton the two players who carried the Jazz for so many years. Karl
Malone is an arrogant jackass with absolutely no sense of humor. I’m
glad that asshole is gone.
Out of Area.
Telemarketers now have to clearly identify who they are and what they
are selling. This is nice… A good call, and about damn time. However
annoying that those calls are, I don’t have to actually pay for that
call should I pick up the phone… and I don’t have to answer that call
should I want to answer other calls too. SPAM is a different matter.
Spammers are deceptive as hell, spoofing email addresses and subject
lines and everything… sucking up my bandwidth with their unwanted
bullshit… and I have to download it if I want to download my real
email… and I have to pay to do it. Spammers are costing ME money.
Spammers cost Americans MILLIONS of dollars. If I don’t download
everything and clear out my emails from the server, it will be choked
in 2 days and real emails to me will be bounced. I think the FBI
should be tasked with the job of tracking down these spammers, dousing
them with high octane gasoline and lighting these people on fire. The
computers that they use should be taken and give to the nearest local
good cause… such as anyone using a computer that has a 5½ drive on the
front. If I was the President, I would sign an executive order not
only tasking this officially, but also putting a personal bounty on the
commercial spammers heads… Reward if brought in… Dead or Alive….
Preferably Dead. A guy with a small business that puts out a
newsletter to clients… that’s not a spammer. The real spammers are the
people who send out millions of emails that use scripts to spoof the
“from” fields and puts nonsensical bullshit in the subject line to get
past filters. Here is a hint – if you have to try to sneak past
filters… it’s obvious that your shit isn’t wanted. Watch out, I have
a can of gas and a box of matches. Pray I don’t find you.
Hasselhoff was totally ripped off.
We all know that the Berlin Wall came down because of his singing that
song about freedom. The Knight Rider should totally have a shrine in
that museum at Check Point Charlie… Not only that, but there should be
a bronze 35 and a half foot tall statue of him, striding across the
former border, holding the torch of freedom in one hand, held high, and
in the other, a small child representing all the repressed souls that
David Hasselhoff personally set free by his magically wonderful song.
This had nothing to do with that one Reagan guy… he was like a
president or something… demanding of Gorbachev to “Tear down this
wall”… What did that do? It’s all David, all the time. This is just
The Man keeping David down.
got some more stuff for today, but I'll post it later. It's all
gun stuff too so check back this afternoon.
Jan 29th, Thursday, 2004:
You have got to be
kidding me. Sweden has some sick individuals… 200 to 300 animals
are “injured”
each year? I thought this only happened in Oklahoma and West Virginia.
Email from LT Glock19: “Hello Dr. Ogre: Howard Dean--is he
going down? YEAHHHHHHHH
This from the Burlington (VT) Free Press. He can't pay his
staffers? LOL - Lt. glock19” Isn’t that great? The Mad Doctor
approached seems to have totally backfired on him. This is a common
Democrat political result. It's almost S.O.P. for them. Maybe if Dean
put up some valuable paintings for sale. Funny how we all thought
that that meant Kerry was at the last knot in his rope. Looks like Dean
is there now. Being the biggest lunatic out there next to Clark, I'm
not shedding any tears over here.
Lord of the Rings Condensed Script. You may have already seen
this. If not, it’s pretty funny. Sample:
EOWYN: I love you.
ARAGORN: Me? What? Oh. Um...listen, Ellen...
EOWYN: Eowyn.
ARAGORN: Right, Eowyn. You're a fine-looking woman, and I'm sure
somebody will say to you someday, "Erin -"
EOWYN: *Eowyn*.
ARAGORN: "Eowyn...you're the only woman for me. Be my wife."
EOWYN: But it won't be you.
ARAGORN: Exactly! It won't be me. I'm glad we understand each other.
Well kiddo, I've got to go. The Paths of the Dead beckon.
EOWYN: Don't do it! You'll never survive!
ARAGORN: Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has.
FRODO: Hey, I can remember the Shire again! Small comfort, considering
we seem to have about five minutes to live.
SAM: It's a shame. Now I'll never get to marry Rosie Cotton.
FRODO: (startled) YOU want to marry a girl? Really?
SAM: Aye. Why is that so hard to believe?
FRODO: It's just - er - well - you know, I think I must have
misinterpreted several things you've said over the past couple decades,
Sam. Forgive me.
SAM: No matter. Could you hold me in your arms before we die, sir?
FRODO: See - like that statement, right there. Oh, who cares...
FRODO holds SAM in his arms. They pass out, but GIANT EAGLES rescue
WISEACRES IN AUDIENCE: So, how come the eagles didn't just pick them up
in Rivendell and carry them straight to Mount Doom in the first place?
Why did they have to WALK?
Here is a link all you guys need to bookmark:
Laissez Firearm. Bookmark that site, and once a day go and read a
different article. Mark was a good guy. RIP. He still has the best
examination on the Bushmaster M17 on the internet.
R&R Arms: Order a box of ammo from these guys… great prices.
Lot’s of other good stuff there too. Check them out and support them.
I was asked what ammo I am going to run in the Cougar. To be
honest, I don’t know yet. I have to see which one works the best.
When finding duty ammo, you go about it this way… you buy a lot of
different brands and shoot it up. The ammo that is reliable goes to
step two and the ammo that wasn’t gets to be plinking ammo. Step two
is looking for the most accurate loads. Take the best 2 or 3 loads and
start over. If you can fire 500 rounds of a specific load with no
problems, then that is a pretty good indication that it might be
reliable in your gun.
Some of the ammo I’m going to try out, Gold
Dots, Hydra Shoks, Hornady Custom… Didn’t I already say this? Come on
now... get with the program. Read the page here. Sheesh.
Is professionalism
something that is too much to ask for in a small town?
I’ve transferred 3
guns in the last 3 months through the local gunshop here in my town,
and every time I go there – it’s ALWAYS a different program. Every
fucking time I walk in that shithole, it’s a different story.
*Counting to 10, calmly* This morning I go in there to arrange another
transfer and I get yet again completely different jazz. This time,
they don’t send FFLs for transfers, I have to come back to talk to “The
Boss” so he can sign it and give it to me and I do with it “whatever I
want”. I got a little pissed off at that point. I explained that I
didn’t have to do jack when I transferred a gun just last month, and
for the 60 dollar transfer fee I should get at least some degree of
actual customer service for it. Then this guy says, “Transfer fees are
only 20 here.” This is where I go from being a little pissed to being
Mount Fucking Saint Helens. Not only have I paid 60 the last two
times, but just the day before yesterday – Yes, that’s Tuesday – I was
told the transfer fee was 50. I don’t like being fucked around with
like a hockey puck in their little games. I’m not the only one
either. I talked to another cat about this joint and he said “They do
shit like that all the time”. Great. I’ve never liked that place
anyway… not since I first walked in. Not ever. It had a bad vibe that
I felt from the parking lot. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but the
place just crawled. Here is the catch though… it’s like the only place
around here. There is another little town 30 minutes out. I’ll have
to go out there and see if there is a good gunshop there I can do
transfers through.
The real problem when
it comes to transfers will be after I retire.
How do you transfer a
gun to a ship? Instead of buying a home or condo to retire to… I’m
going to retire to a boat. A small ex-Navy or sea going tug converted
to living accommodations. I’ll switch between docking near Seattle,
and down near San Diego depending on the season… maybe out to the
Chesapeake Bay, but not so much… I’d rather not get near a damn
hurricane in a boat. Every few years sail out to Scotland… That’s my
retirement plan. Funny thing is, is that this is like ½ the cost of
buying a house and paying property taxes and dealing with the asshole
next door. I think I’m going to name the ship the “Sulaco”. Either
that or the “Demeter”. I can’t decide. I have a few years to think
about it. I guess to do the transfers I’d have to do them through my “Home
perhaps in Washington State. Hmmm… Maybe
Again, I have some years to decide.
In case you are
wondering what gun I am getting in, it’s a Beretta Mini Cougar .45ACP.
This is a
little (a lot?) different than what I was originally wanting – I tried
like crazy to find a CZ P-01 to trade, but I had no takers there. Not
sure what the Retail is on the P-01, but the MSRP on the little Cougar
is $764… I don’t really care about the values like that when I do a
trade, but it just seems to me that this is a pretty expensive little
.45 and I get this offered instead of a much less expensive gun. Not
that the CZ is a cheap gun by any means… Hell no, they are excellent!
They are just less costly. Whatever. I’m looking forward to spending
some quality time with the Cougar. They are interesting pistols to say
the least… They use a funky lock system that is rarely used anymore…
instead of a barrel that tilts back, this one rotates. The mechanism
keeps the barrel inline and this should mean for a greater degree of
accuracy potential. In fact many Cougar shooters herald the Cougars
accuracy along with its reliability. These are two important factors
with me. The only downside to the Cougar is it’s magazine capacity.
These things should be able to hold almost twice the rounds that they
do… but that’s something I’ll discuss at a later date.
The other offer I was
going to take was for a Springfield XD Tactical.
This was my second choice, and then there was another Mini XD that was
offered too. The Springfield XD guns are just fantastic in my opinion.
They are solid, reliable, and are even respectable in the accuracy
department… even the little ones. So the chance of getting the
Tactical version was attractive. I just wonder why they call it
“Tactical” when really it’s just a Regular Joe XD that has an extra
inch in the barrel and slide. There is probably a penis joke in there,
but I’m not going to look for it. Anyways, this was what I was going
to roll with until the Cougar deal solidified. There is nothing wrong
with the XD series at all – no way. I consider them to be one of the
all time best handguns you can get, period. All you need to do is
decide on which size and which caliber. 9MM, .357, .40… and I
understand that the Mini XD’s are going to rolling with .40 calibers by
the end of February. So a .357 version wont be far behind… or maybe
available at the same time? Excellent options for CCW. You really
can’t go wrong with an XD.
Jan 28th, Wednesday, 2004:
John Kerry is now the
Democrats front runner…
We can ignore Howling Dean for awhile now. Thank goodness.
John Kerry could very well be the next President of the United States.
What kind of man is Kerry? We have seen him try to redefine his
identity and personality over and over looking for the persona that can
make him popular… much like a kid in Junior High School looking for
friends. A man that has only ridden a borrowed motorcycle for 15 feet,
can’t flip a pancake, and is uncomfortable around foods like Hot Dogs
and Philly Steak And Cheese sandwiches.
And this is the best guy they are offering at the moment.
*shakes head*
Where do they find these people? I swear. You got Dean calling
himself a “metrosexual” and then you got Kerry… who probably has staff
to have his sex for him. Forget all the other political issues out
there and lets look at where he is on guns.
A. He voted to ban assault weapons.
B. He voted for the Brady Bill.
C. He labels Gun Owners as a “Special Interest Group” and it’s funny
how he puts it in a negative light considering all the other Special
Interest Groups he bends over for.
D. Wants to regulate private sales. (Meaning your property is not
really your property)
E. Wants to require all gun show promoters to register with the
Treasury Department. (Just what the hell is that supposed to do other
than make having a Gun Show a huge nightmare of political red tape to
make gun shows impossible to have?)
F. He thinks Smart Guns are the answer and wants push these pieces of
shit and make them the future of all guns.
G. Wants to Ban “Racial Profiling” while cutting crime another 25% by
Check these yourself. Kerry gets a big red letter “F” on his
resume. If he can’t pass this test – he doesn’t qualify to take the
others. Here is why the Gun Control issue is so important… because it
sets the tone and attitude for the rest of your civil liberties. It’s
not about Guns… it’s about Control, and controlling YOU. Look at the
precedence’s these would set. Government regulation of all sales of
private property… houses, cars, computers, cell phones… Government
oversight and regulation of flea markets, swap meets, art shows…. Or
basically any time a bunch of people want to get together to barter and
trade… You don’t think that is a goal of these guys? They see people
swapping junk and they are thinking… “Hey, there is no sales tax
getting collected here!” Among other things they are thinking about.
Like a new government office to oversee these gatherings with required
enforcement and the ability to hold up any gathering they don’t like.
Things like Gun Shows are just the start. Sturgis, Bike Week at
Daytona… those would get regulated through the same door and pretty
soon you can bet your last dollar that
they will get shut down because some bureaucrat doesn’t like them.
What other things are out there? Home Improvement shows… Boat shows…
Bridal shows… All could get manipulated by bureaucrats thanks to graft
from competitors making bribes or offering kickbacks.
It’s all about political corruption and money to these Democrats.
That’s the end goal… And getting rid of all the guns means we would
have no means of resistance and would be slaves to whatever they want
to do… Just like the Iraqis under Saddam. You think I paint an overly
grim and fictional picture here? Think again. Look at some history
books and tell me such a thing isn’t possible, even here in the
John F Kerry should NOT be allowed to walk into the White House even if
he was in a Tour Group.
Hey Kerry, why don’t you go to Florida and go swimming?
You don’t see this
every day…
but in the back of my mind, I’m always afraid of it when I drive past
these things.
And these things. All of this is happening because of the Earth’s
magnetic fields starting to reverse. Has to be. Either that, or it’s
all George W Bush’s fault.
North Dakota.
Why would anyone really want to live there? It’s day time, and right
now it’s feeling like it’s -52 degrees. Holy crap. I know what severe
cold is like… I’ve been in Northern Wisconsin during the winter… the
U.P. of Michigan… and it gets really really cold there too… but in
North Dakota?
It’s colder there… and there is nothing in North Dakota. Nothing. Yet
people live there. I suspect these are people who are either really
stupid, or they lost a bet with God. I also suspect a lot of Witness
Protection people are there too… the assholes who cut a deal to avoid
prosecution by turning over an even bigger asshole… They get sent to
North Dakota. Justice is served with a side dish of Vengeance… a dish
best served cold. I think this is where we should send Kerry and Dean.
Email from Reader:
“Just wanted to say thanks for the review of the XD Sub-Compact.
I've been driving my store manager nuts trying to find out when the
sub-compact will be available in 40 cal so I can buy one. Love the
site. –
Tracy” Thanks
Tracy. I think a .40
Mini XD would be ideal.
An email from reader
about my chosen path in higher education: “Your path is commendable and really hits home for me. My Dad has
had undiagnosed PTSD for 35 years and finally got the VA to increase
his Disability from 30% to 100%. He suffers hearing loss from being
blown out of a truck sabotaged by the VC and was shot by the NVA during
the Tet offensive.
As he got older his
mood and personality began to change as he talked to more and more
veterans who had similar experiences. He is now getting counseling,
proper medication and is finally being compensated for the years of not
knowing why he felt so shitty. As you stated he is being counseled by
22 year old well meaning but sadly unknowledgeable "kids" who have no
idea what he is talking about. The way my dad explains his experience
in Vietnam as a M60 machinegunner is like this: Imagine you are the
driver of a carpool who picks up all your buddies for work in the
morning and as you drive to work there is a terrible accident and all
your friends die except for you. Now imagine that happening nearly
everyday for 2 years, sometimes carloads of people sometimes busloads.
I wish you the best on your education and I am sure you will be able to
make a huge difference compared to some of the other counselors out
there who can't find their ass with both hands. Best regards, JRS”
Thanks for the email J. I needed to hear this. I have a
big exam on Friday night that I am studying for. This is why I’m
Jan 27th, Tuesday, 2004:
I have decided I am
going to do another “Guns Of” article. This time it’s for another movie series… The Guns of El Mariachi (Or
how ever you spell it) El, Desperado, and Once upon a time in
Mexico. The reason I
am going to do this is that these flicks have a lot of different and
interesting guns… lots of fun… and I’m getting lots of emails asking
about it. That and I just really like these flicks. Especially these
last too with Salma, who has some especially fantastic guns herself.
Ahem. Anyways, I had to buy the Once upon a time in Mexico DVD last
night. I was going to buy the Aliens Special Edition DVD, but let’s
face it… Aliens, as good of a movie that it is, as a distinct lack of
any Salma in it. None whatsoever. Salma makes a movie Caliente, and
that’s what I like in a cheesy comic book action flick. So this is
going to be a project that I’ll have to work on in bits and pieces… but
just know that it’s already in the works. There was no hot sex scene
like in Desperado… so that was disappointing, but it was still
awesome. Depp stole the show with another really off-beat character
that just worked. Great movie.
Okay, back to
My ISP had to shut every thing down last night, so I have a backlog of
emails I’m dealing with. Gimme some time on this. Same issue as all
weekend. Not sure what they are doing over there, but they are saying
that they almost have everything under control again. Let’s hope so.
Should I seem to drop off the Web, you will have a good reason why.
Yes, my bill is paid in full, so that wouldn’t be it. No, this would
be me paying through the ass for this wonderful service that has yet to
live up to it’s advertising. Hey, ISP, if your reading this, I’ve
NEVER had the connection speed that you said I would have. Never. Not
too happy about it either. This is a damned DSL connection and I
should be getting speeding tickets over here. Especially with the
deal you guys gave me. You know what I’m talking about. Fix it!
Lots of offers for the
696 are coming in…
Possible Compact Cougar… Compact XD… and the most interesting trade, a
like new condition Colt CCO… So this is getting very interesting. I’m
looking to see how these offers want to work things out. I am looking
for a straight across trade, so if these cats think I am going to drop
extra coin… that’s a deal breaker. I don’t need extra cash on top of
the trade gun either… I’m not trying to be greedy. I just want a
square trade. I’m not sure which ammo I would roll with if I get the
CCO or the Cougar in .45… 4 inch barrels would mean I would probably go
between 185 or 230 grain loads. Hornady Custom, Federal Hydra Shoks or
some 230’s from Black Hills… you really can’t tell until you get the
gun and see which load the guns like best. Each individual gun will
generally shoot the best with a couple particular loads and the trick
is to find that favorite load. Once you find that load, that’s what
you carry and you can use the cheep stuff for plinking.
Oh, check this out…
after I hung this shingle out,
a Horde Member sends me this. 50 Rounds of .44 Special for only 14.74… and it’s reloadable! Had I
seen this before, I wouldn’t have put the 696 up for trade! In fact…
if I don’t find a nice Win-Win deal that is just right… I might not
trade it off at all. Let’s look at this load. 240 grain slugs… heavy…
It’s a Cowboy load too… so that means it would shoot like a real
pussycat from a beefy 696. If you have a .44 Special, this is a good
deal for some good ammo… go for it. Buy some up. I like Magtech ammo…
the .357 Magnum 158gr HPs are a good load for small game hunting and
personal protection work. Anyways, I’m not in any hurry to make a
trade just for the sake of making a trade… I’m looking for the right
trade for a Win-Win for both parties. Keep your offers for your pair
of Bersa .380s to your self. This is no slight to Bersa… they seem to
have really come up in quality this last, 8 years or so… I am sure they
are fine handguns. I just don’t want one. Capische? Since when does
“Cowboy Load” mean sissy little girly load?
Okay, I’ve got a 2,000
word paper to write. Back to work.
Jan 26th, Monday, 2004: 1600hrs:
I’ve had some internet
connection issues since last Friday. I went and talked to the cats at my ISP and they told me that some guys
using the service had some viruses that flooded the pipeline and shut
everything down. This was going on almost the whole time all weekend.
I couldn’t do jack and it was pissing me off. All because some wankers
didn’t feel the need to run Norton or MacAfee Anti-Virus. If you are
connecting your computer to the internet with a broadband connection –
You damn well better be running some anti-virus shit because if you
don’t, you are being very foolish. Not only that, but your lack of
Safe-Computing can and does effect everyone else. So to you slackasses
that caused me to lose my connection – I owe you a bitch-slap. Gimme a
call and make an appointment and I’ll fit you in for your slap as soon
as I can. Punkasses. I pay too much money for my connection to be
seeing “Resolving Host” errors.
Emails about the 696…
let me sum them up… No, I will not ship the gun to your home address
directly. No way. No, I wont consider your collectable matched pair
of Hi-Points with consecutive serial numbers. No, I don’t want your
Lorcin and a hundred bucks. Give me a freaking break! This is a very
nice gun and I’m looking for another nice gun… but the offer for 6
CZ-52’s was almost tempting. Almost. Again, look… I love the 696. I
am not trying to dump it. If I had a progressive reloading press set
up here at my house – I’d NOT be selling it. When I got it, I was
expecting time to go do some reloading but things got crazy and I was
never able to do it. Ammo is over $1.10 a round out here and I can’t
afford to shoot this thing. The offer for the XD in .357SIG –
Extremely Tempting… Very nice… but again… I wouldn’t be able to afford
the ammo to shoot it as much as I want to shoot. I’m looking for a 9MM
or a .45 because for 12 bucks you can buy 100 rounds of the stuff.
That’s better than anything else out here save .22 ammo. I’m jonesing
for a Beretta Cougar .45 or a Cougar Compact or a Mini Cougar... (see a
pattern there?) or a Compact 1911 by Colt or Springfield…. Commander
would be cool, but I’d rather have an Officer’s or sub compact or maybe
a Detonics Combat Master .45 (See another pattern there?) I’ve got a
couple offers I am considering, but I’m really looking for the guns
higher up on the list. I was asked about cash – how much will I take
for it? I don’t know… Maybe the best offer. I’ve not set a price.
There is a .45 Compact by Springfield here locally that is looking
really good, and it’s asking 550, so if you want to make a cash offer,
there is a starting figure for you. I'll collect the offers for a day
or two and take the best one. My goal is to get a nice gun that I
can go shooting with and carry every day. Another email just
came in… NO, I don’t want a Witness .45! If your going to make an
offer that is not on my list – make it an interesting offer. When I
say interesting… I mean really interesting. A custom knife is not
interesting. Pair that custom knife with a gun lower on my list… then
your getting interesting. I don’t mean to be a dick about it, but I
don’t want a POS gun your just trying to dump.
Email came in from one
of our newer Horde Members.
He suggested more discussion about ammunition, and my preferences. Now
that is a solid suggestion worthy of a new page article for the weapons
section… because my preference all depend not just on the caliber, but
the barrel length and sometimes even the gun. Let me sum it all up
pretty quickly right here… Typically I like my loads to be heavy for
the caliber for best penetration. However when the barrel length
starts to shorten, I like my ammo to lighten up a bit to maintain
enough velocity for better expansion reliability. Now, to me expansion
is a bonus, but I like to stack the deck to get that bonus when I
can. My ammo brand preferences… again, that depends. But this time
it’s not just for caliber, but also for the purpose because some
bullets are better at some things than other. Like a bag of Golf
Clubs, there are ideal clubs for each shot. Then again, after saying
that, there are some rounds that are 24/7 do everything all the time
rounds that are always good choices. I’ll have to write this article
up… should be a fun one.
Email from
Carlton Meyer
over at G2Mil about my take on the USS Pueblo: “They should have done that a long time ago. Now its
just pointless. The Chinese will take care of the North Koreans soon.
Not soon enough, my friend… not nearly soon enough.
I wish I could post
all my emails… but I just can’t.
I love talking guns and will answer any gun question that I can… since
my last update I’ve had questions about everything from a CCW guns for
little ladies to 7MM Weatherby Magnums for Elk. Some of you have
noticed that my postings have been a bit thinner lately… This is
because of school. Again, for the new readers, I’m back in school…
changing my life. In case you care, I’m going down the path for
Psychology specializing in Traumatic Stress disorders. I want to work
with Veterans… Veterans with PTSD or DESNOS… and the reason for this is
because most people who are working with the Veterans have no idea what
the Veterans have been through. I do, because I’ve been there myself
and I know what they are going through and I know that those guys just
can’t really talk to these cake eating therapists because they have no
clue. As a result these guys are not really talking to the therapists…
Try telling someone what Chocolate tastes like… You can’t do it. You
can say things like “Sweet and creamy and rich” but that’s Vanilla
too. This is why I’m heading in this direction. But to be honest,
switching to History and Literature is very tempting too… cause that’s
a personal love of mine. Anyways, so thanks to my studies, I’m not
posting as much here…. But I do answer all the emails that don’t get
filtered out.
Jan 25th, Sunday, 2004: 2100hrs:
I have this S&W 696
that I would be willing to trade... As much as I love it and the .44 Special cartridge - I just can not
shoot it as much as I want to. I love shooting and for the price of 100
rounds of 9MM or 45, I can only get 20 rounds of .44 Special. I thought
I would have more access to reloading, but time has always been against
me. Love the gun - but I just cant get out to shoot the thing. It's a
painful catch 22. Like having Monica Belleluci for a girlfriend but you
can only kiss her once a day. Here is what I am looking to get:
1911A1, Colt 1991A1 in Commander or Officers sizes. Detonics Combat
Master .45. Beretta 92 Compact, Elite II, or Cougar .45 Compact
preferred but other flavors would be cool. CZ P-01 or Blued 97B with
the old style bushing... but the 97 is lower on my list right now.
Springfield XD, 9MM, preferred Tactical or Sub Compact... but the
regular is cool too.
I caught a little FOX
NEWS this evening and I am wondering where Howard Dean is getting his
information that the Iraqi People are NOT better off now that Saddam is
out of power.
Let’s see… they are not longer having to fear secrete police coming in
and dragging them off to torture chambers never to be seen again… they
no longer have to fear that their cute daughters will get kidnapped and
brutally raped and murdered by Saddam’s sons… Prisoners no longer have
to fear they will be put into a C4 Vest and made to run out into the
desert to get blown up… They no longer have to fear being put feet
first into a shredder machine… But OH WAIT!!! They don’t have AT&T long
distance telephone service anymore so it totally SUCKS to be them
now!!! That BASTARD George W Bush! *Shakes Fist* At least with
SADDAM, they had AT&T!!! Howard Dean is a fucking lunatic. You look
at his eyes when he speaks… they are like googly Cookie Monster eyes
sometimes. The guy is completely off his rocker.
BOMB the USS Pueblo!
I had no idea that the USS Pueblo is still, after over 30 years, in the
hands of North Korea.
For some reason I thought it was returned or something. Bush
needs to demand it’s immediate return, and if its not returned – it is
either taken back by force, and I mean by some serious fucking brutal
force here… or nail the ship with cruise missiles or laser guided
bombs or both… and blow this ship into teeny tiny bits so that there
is not one little thing left floating. It is OUR ship… Sovereign USA
property being held illegally by a country that is outwardly hostile to
the US, yet is under US aide just to continue living… we keep them from
starving to death and every breath they breath is Anti-American… FUCK
North Korea.
As Captain Kirk says, “Let Them Die”. Bomb the
and deny the enemy there little trophy. OMG they have made it into a
freaking bragging museum! FOX NEWS showed all the bullet and shell
holes in it! And yet this ship is still on the Navy’s active service
roster! I say we send in a flight of B-2 Spirits and nail that bitch
with multiple 2,000 pound bombs and then drop leaflets saying “FUCK
YOU” in 20 different Languages… and if they so much as open their
fucking mouths – we cut off all food shipments until the SUN goes Super
Nova. Fuck North Korea. Fuck North Korea. Fuck North Korea. Fuck North
Korea. Fuck North Korea. Fuck North Korea.
I've been thinking
about this church gun ban.
You all know my feelings about guns... If you read MadOgre.com
regularly, you know my feelings about the Church.... To say the least,
I am conflicted. Here is what I'm going to do - I'm going to ignore
it. If I feel the need to pack my heater with me to church, I well.
This is what CONCEALMENT is all about, right? No one else has to
know... no one else will know. You cats with the Kel-Tecs and the
Guardians will have an easier time of it... but this is the only way. I
think now more than ever, you SHOULD carry in church. Especially if
they just made a nationwide official announcement that LDS Churches are
now safe targets for the badguys to hit... and in light of increased
hatred against Christians of all flavors - heck - just say Americans
Period... we are in a dangerous world. To quote Jack Nicholson, this
world has walls and on those walls are men with guns. Not all the men
have to actually stand on the wall. Some are sitting in the rows, with
arms folded and heads bowed like a penitent Air Marshal. I find this
to be a slap in the face… not just that the Church did this, but that
they are filing the paperwork to make me a criminal should I pack at
church. It was over ten years ago that my SIG SAUER protected the
Prophet and his wife… yet he feels I shouldn’t protect my wife and
children… This has me greatly upset.
I'm not the only one.
Wouldn’t it be funny
if NASA rolled one of these Rover’s over to the
UK’s Beagle
probe and too some pictures of the Rover parking a wheel on it?
Man that would be hilarious. If I was at NASA Mission Control, that is
totally what I would do. Get some laughs out of it… so at least we
would get something out of it. This new Mars Rover thing has already
sent back some photos… more red rocks again… fewer than at the other
Mars Rover site, so NASA will probably ponder on this for a couple
decades. If NASA really wants to see red rocks, they need to come out
to Southern Utah…
we are swimming in them. NASA could bring the kids and a picnic
basket… make a day of it. Wont take 7 months to get there either.
Fun for everyone and it would save the American Taxpayer billions of
With luck, I might be
acquiring a
Beretta 85 with wood grips.
(I know I put that
picture in with the Beretta 92 article, but it’s really an 85) This is
one of those guns I have always admired but never got around to
actually getting one. The only downside to the 85 is it’s caliber,
.380Auto or 9MM Kurtz, however you want to call it. I’ve got a thing
for Berettas, I just love them. Beretta, Springfield, CZ, and SIG are
perhaps my favorite gunmakers (not in that order). Anyways, hope this
deal goes through, I like the 85… not big on the caliber but Pro Load
rolls some ammunition in this caliber that hits like standard pressure
9MM so it isn’t that bad.
Two emails about the
Airlite .44 Magnum:
“Love the blog... anyways: You're right about that 329PD
stupid-light 44mag. I work at a gun shop/range in MN, and we had a S/W
rep come up for our open house last june. He brought one, one of our
guys put 3 cylinders through that thing. That's 18 rounds through a
28oz .44mag with hardwood grips. He had a very pronounced right-hand
tremor happening after that session. One certainly wouldn't care about
recoil if you got rolled by a bear or something more thugly, but I’d
take a little more weight (or maybe a nice stainless 4" taurus .41 Mag)
and save myself a lot of punishment. The .500SW Mag was a lot easier
to shoot, but the muzzle blast was ferocious. Thanks, Ern” And
then the other one here: “I agree wholeheartedly. I just
bought a airlite .38 M642 and it is PAINFUL to shoot with .38 special
target wadcutters. When a gun weighs 8 ounces there is nothing there
to keep the recoil off your hand. To clarify I am no wuss when it
comes to recoil. I shoot hot .357 out of my Taurus 66 and .44 mags out
of my 629 all day long. The beefy grips and all steel construction
absorb the initial recoil and take a "sharp smack" and turn it into a
big push. Would I carry a scandium .357 or Airlite .44mag ? Probably.
The weight difference and scaled down dimensions would make a huge
difference in carry-ability. Under extreme stress of a goblin
encounter I probably wouldn't even feel any recoil until afterwards
when the paramedics would have to get an extra stretcher for just my
hand.” The common theme in my emails about this is that it would
be a fine carry gun, but you don’t want to shoot it. The recoil while
under stress, true, you might not even feel it then… but still.
Personally I’ll take a stainless Mountain Gun and live with the extra
weight because I would be able to shoot it recreationally and not just
in emergencies. 28 ounces on a .44 Magnum. Judas Priest.
Underworld Email:
“Decent rental flick, but the lead "Deathdealer" (hell, everybody in
the movie) never bothered to with the sights, and they all had the
Hollywood "bottomless magazine." Yes, they showed reloading
(occasionally), but never before the shooter had run through at least
50 rounds first, usually in one continuous blast. (Shooting an escape
hole in the CONCRETE floor? PLEASE!) I give it a "5", tops.
Kevin” Yeah, but she looked good twirling around with the guns,
didn’t she? If I was to rate Underworld… even with it’s faults, I’d
give it higher than a 5… maybe 6.
I’m still collecting
my thoughts about this Church Gun Ban situation.
My church has
officially banned all concealed handguns just the other day. You know
my feelings about my church and you know my feelings about my guns… to
say the least, I am conflicted. Most likely I will continue to carry
when I feel like carrying. Soccer Mom bitching or not. I’ll discuss
this perhaps later… but right now I am just seething.
It’s snowing today,
and the forecast shows it will continue to snow through Wednesday.
CRAP! I hate snow! Sure it’s pretty and makes you feel all cozy with
the book and a hot chocolate thing… but CRAP! I hate snow! Evil,
foul, wicked stuff… looks pretty, but can kill you. Much like a Coral
Snake. (That’s the poisonous one, right? Like I care.) I gotta
change the tires on the two Cherokees now. Swap wheels… the one we are
driving around in has little worthwhile tread and the one that is dead
has practically new tires on it. Same with the dead Subaru. CRAP!
Where is my floor-jack?
Jan 24th, Saturday, 2004: 1100hrs:
I’ve mentioned
“Underworld” before.
I said that I liked
it. And I do… however it could have been much better. I liked the
Werewolf characters when they were in the human form. The wolfy form
of the creatures were not just lackluster, but completely
disappointing. If you want to see some really cool werewolves, you
really need to watch “Dog Soldiers”. That flick has good gunplay and
gun handling, but also the hands down creepiest werewolves I’ve ever
seen. Stuff of nightmares kinda werewolves. Underworld’s werewolves
were pretty much just really buff guys that growl a lot. They also
totally rip off “Aliens” in the whole “they can run along the walls and
ceiling” thing. These things could have been much more original.
Same thing with the Vampires. “Death Dealers”? Gag. It’s a bit
cheesy, don’t you think? And the leather trench coats? Come on… I
think most all of us can honestly say we have seen enough black leather
trench coats lately. Having said that, I have to give the movie props
for just about everything else. Good casting, and in most cases good
acting as well. The Direction was pretty good too, for the most
part. The DVD is nice. Good special features, but I’d have liked to
seen deleted scenes… if there were any. I bring this movie up because
it’s a popular rental now… lots of people watching it. Lots of people
asking me what the guns are. Come on, people… You should know these!
Beretta 92’s converted to full auto, and then two Walther P99’s that
are of course converted to full auto as well. The Werewolf guys are
using a mix of guns from Desert Eagles to Czech Skorpions. If you
have a specific question and your life just can’t continue living
without knowing… get a good clear screen capture of the gun you want
identified and send it to me… I’ll get the ID for you. Or I might
just tell you to get bent.
I sent some letters
out this morning to all my Utah State reps…
You can find yours… just click the button over there on the right
for the Gun Owners of America. This is what I sent: “I find it
highly inflammatory that in
Utah, if you
want a Concealed Carry Permit, you have to go through the Department of
Public Safety’s
Bureau of Criminal Identification. Utah State’s very own State
Constitution in Article 1, Section 6 says: “The individual right of the
people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family,
others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes
shall not be infringed.” Look at that again… individual right to bear
arms for protection… The state recognizes that gun ownership is an
individual right! Forget about the “militias”… it’s about “you”. Let
jackasses argue about Collective Rights… in Utah, it’s all about the power of One. I like that. However what I do not
like is the fact that
Utah not only requires the additional expense of criminal background checks
and issuing cards, but does so out of the Bureau of Criminal
Identification. So Gun Owners who want to exercise the right to carry
as granted in the State’s constitution have to register like a Sex
Offender? I consider this a great insult, and an injustice to the
good and honest people of the State of
Utah. I urge
you to promote and support legislation that allows the citizens of the
State of Utah “Vermont style”
carry. Vermont and
Alaska both
allow it and have good proven track records of it. What this means in
a nutshell is that if you are clear to purchase a handgun, then
obviously you are clear to carry it and are allowed to do so… carrying
it concealed without the necessity of a separate ID card.”
I added a few things to the individual rep regarding voting
history, but this is what I sent to each of them. Find your Reps… send
them your own messages. Monday I’m sending them all another message
about the Assault Weapons Ban.
Email came in asking
me about the S&W .44 Magnum Airlite as a EDC/Home Defense gun.
Think about this .44 for a second. .44 Magnum.... Airlite.... .44
Magnum..... Airlite... Magnum.... Light.... An Airlite .44
Magnum. Sure, it would do just fine as an HD gun and you could pack
it around all day long in a CABO holster and forget it's there. But
when it comes time to shoot it - Judas - It's going to be a handful!
You are not going to be enjoying long range sessions with that thing.
Super hot and heavy hunting loads? Painful. In my opinion Magnums
need to be beefy. Beefy for strength and beefy for recoil absorbing
weight. If the gun is too light, your shooting is going to suffer.
The painful recoil will teach you to flinch and to anticipate the
recoil and to even blink... these things ruin one's hand gunning
skills. I've seen big tough Marine guys flinching like little girls...
when firing .44 Magnums… it's just a physical reaction like a hit to
the knee-kick reflex. This in turns destroys your ability to engage
targets effectively past 15 yards. I'd suggest instead of an Airlite,
perhaps a .44 Mountain gun, which is beefier, or a 4 inch 629 which is
beefier yet. The Airlites are meant for guys that are actually just
shoot .44 specials in them... And that's fine. I love my .44
Special... but why bother with the extra size of the Magnum when you
can just get a .44 Special in a more size appropriate package? The
thing I like about the .44 Magnum is it's ability to put a heavy hit on
a target way out there... and if you can't do that... then I see no
point for all the added horsepower. And I really don’t think one can
do that effectively with an Airlite, even if you are Chewbacca.
Jan 23rd, Friday, 2004: Noonish:
I have an idea… I’m
going to do a page called “Ogre Eye for the Queer Guy”.
Have you seen the show
“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”? I’m going to do pretty much the
opposite of that, adding in the essential touch of Ogre. I got this
idea last night as I was… Now hold on for a second. I’m about to talk
about something I pretty much only do maybe once every 4 or 5 years
here, so don’t get bent out of shape… Mrs Ogre and I was shopping for
shoes online. Yes, I am firmly confident in my sexuality, manhood,
and lack of any metrosexualness… so I can admit that with the
assistance of my beloved bride, that I looked at Ebay searching for
shoes. I am wanting a pair of “tennis shoes”. I want something that
is not boring looking, but not so Buzz Lightyear. What I found was a
either Flash Gordon or Gerald Ford and nothing in between. Is it too
much to ask for just a normal looking shoe that is sporty without
looking like a clown shoe? I mean my hell, everything looking like
something a Japanese cartoon might wear. I didn’t pick or bid on
anything. They were all too awful.
Speaking of Awful.
Something Awful has a killer “Photoshop
Phriday” today. Very funny. They are doing a Part 2 to the
Painter of Light thing. Very clever.
Science has found that
the parting of the Red Sea was actually possible.
Interesting. I totally agree with the Scientist’s statement about
God using Science. Personally, that’s a belief that I’ve always held…
to perform his miracles and the creation, he used science to do it.
Just thought that was an interesting bit of news. Perhaps even more
interesting than “We might have found some trace elements indicating
the possibility that there might have been water on Mars”. Excuse me,
but don’t they make this announcement every year? I’ll be impressed
when the Mars Rover requests a towel.
This morning I had to
exercise my "Moderator Powers" and ban someone from a discussion
forum. I used to do that a lot, but this is really the first time
I’ve done this in over a year. I’m not happy about doing it, and I
wish I didn’t have to. But when I tell someone to get over something
and move on… and they instead push pack with threats and insults… I
really had no choice. This is under my skin today. It’s bothering me,
and making me wonder if I was too quick on the trigger. Maybe I was,
but I feel justified. Still not please with doing it. I
don't like doing that because it's divisive to the Firearms Family.
We are all on the same team weather we agree on other issues or not.
Email from Reader:
“Chase's Email on looking for a CZ85. May be of some benefit to let
the Blogs know that the best place find a CZ (used) for sale is the
CZ Forum classifieds.... Most all sellers are devoted CZ owners,
lots of advice and help. Prices are usually decent because most of
the buyers and sellers are knowledgeable about what CZs are worth....
In addition you can get feedback on CZ retail merchants from forum
members. P.S. Thanks for confirming that Ted Kennedy is still alive.
I just assumed he was one those wench chasing animatronic pirates from
Disney World whose latex skin had melted.” The
THR Trading Post is another good source. As for Ted Kennedy, he
may have only been moving because Clinton’s hand was up his ass… We are
not sure about this, and inquiries are being made.
The interesting news
today is about the National Guard.
The Guard is expecting an Exodus. I have mixed feelings about
this. #1 is my patriotism saying that these guys are lucky to have the
honor of being able to serve in
during this historic endeavor. Then #2 is the feeling of “Well, no
kidding… these guys are being shit upon by the Army and by employers at
home. These guys are dedicated soldiers… but at the same time they are
only Part Time soldiers. They have homes and families and jobs… and
these soldiers are losing those things. There should be repercussions
against companies that terminate employment or benefits while they are
away. Then again if you do that, companies will be reluctant to hire a
Guardsman… more so than they are already. It’s a tough situation and I
have no answers… but I suggest some very nice incentives for staying
on. Why? Because the US Military needs the guys who have been there
and done that… When you have an exodus like this, most of the people
leaving are the experienced NCOs. The very guys you need when you have
a crunch time. Loosing them is damaging to the Unit and the Unit’s
ability to perform any task – even a roll out inspection.
Jan 22nd, Thursday, 2004: 1100hrs:
Mythology is an
interesting subject…
but the Classic Greek
and Roman mythologies that is the common “Mythology” you hear about is
the most boring. The cool mythologies come from the Norse Mythology.
If you get the chance, study it a bit. It’s definitely the most
interesting. If you are a Lord Of The Rings fan, you have probably
picked up on some of it already. All of modern fantasy stems from
Norse mythology. Dragons, Elves, Dwarves… all Norse. Tolkien studied
Norse mythology and used it to create Middle Earth… and everyone else
writing fantasy took from Tolkien. Odin is Gandalf's Daddy.
Earth’s magnetic
field. So
I was watching NOVA late last night. Here is what I learned… the
Earth’s magnetic field is about to flip polarity, north to south. This
happens like every 200,000 years and it’s about to flip again now.
Okay. The Earth’s magnetic field protects our atmosphere from erosion
by the solar winds. Mars lost it’s magnetic field thanks to a rapid
cooling of it’s planetary core, and without it, the solar wind striped
Mars of it’s atmosphere…. That’s why Mars is now a dead planet. What
the hell any of this has to do with anything in the lives of any
mentally stable human? I don’t know. It’s interesting, but ultimately
meaningless because it has no direct effect on our daily lives. *ring*
“Hello?” “Hi there, you are late on your power bill.” “Ah, yeah…
power company… Look… I’m not going to pay you anymore because Mars lost
it’s atmosphere because it’s planetary core cooled off.” “Uh… but…”
“Hey, man… in about 300 million years the same thing could probably
happen to Earth!” “Bummer.” “Yeah, no kidding… that’s why I can’t
pay you anymore.” “Oh, okay.” *ring* “Hello?” “Hi there, this is
the Library. You have an overdue book.” Really I don’t think this
would matter at all to any of our normal daily lives. The only thing
that could possibly make a difference would be a comet hitting
But I somehow suspect I would STILL get a phone call from the Library
about an overdue book.
Jan 21st, Wednesday, 2004: Noon:
If you are thinking about taking courses online... Don't bother.
Online courses are completely fucking useless. Big fucking
mistake taking them this semester. Should have taken regular
classes. BIG fucking mistake.

I’m a MAD ogre this
morning. I
didn’t get the truck. Someone else snatched it, damn it. This is
probably for the best. I don’t need a classic old truck that looks
like it never left the showroom… I don’t need a nice Alpine CD player
in a truck. *sigh* I was only 1 thousand bucks short. Dang it… ONE!
FUCK! Oh well, it wasn’t a club cab like what we really need, and it
wasn’t even a 4X4 so I guess it’s for the best. Just need to keep
hunting. I’ll find the RIGHT truck. Moving on. Reluctantly...
Did you guys watch the
State of the Union speech last night?
I did, and I am glad I
did… George W Bush’s speech was solid. It was awesome to see all the
standing ovations. Funny how the Democrats seemed to be sitting on
their hands almost the whole time. They applauded a few times… even
stood up a few times. But you could hear crickets most of the time
from the Left side of the room. I loved the close-ups of Senator
Kennedy shaking his jowls and rolling his gelatinous eyes. That guy is
one giant sphincter. Hillary Clinton had to stand up and clap when
Bush finished a sentence about how we are all better off without
Saddam. She looked like she just got scolded by her Daddy. You’ve
heard the line that “Good News for
is Bad news for the Democrats”. This was so totally apparent last
night. “The economy is strong!” All the Republicans stand and
applauded, and all the Democrats looked like they just got kicked in
their teeth. The partisan and anti-American spirit that even my
unpolitical wife felt from the Democrats was so tangible… so real… it
pissed her off. I was expecting it and told her to watch the
Democrats… didn’t take long for her to get pissed either. Welcome to
Politics, Baby. After the State of the Union, there was the
“Democrat Response”. This pissed Mrs. Ogre off even more. She
observed the Democrat jackasses contradicting themselves and flat out
lying just to be counter-point to Bush. I heard several times, my
lovely bride saying “BUSH NEVER SAID THAT!” and “YOU JUST SAID THE
OPPOSITE!” Her eyes are open now. Hopefully she isn’t the only one
who watched this last night… because if you had been sitting on the
fence, you are now probably on one side or another. What is so
disturbing is the ease in which the Democrats will make things up and
flat out lie to you. That’s disturbing.
Email from Reader:
“I was cruising around Gunbroker turning over rocks in hope of
finding a nice CZ 85 (not gonna go through GB, just looking for a model
I can appreciate enough to track down locally) and
stumbled upon this. Shit like this worries me. 1. This is the
same jackass you had the "Rami" issues with on 8 jan 04. 2. There is
no livestock at the gun dealers I go to. 3. The bottom half of this
abomination is obviously from an L1A1 most likely from
Atlantic or CAI.
Neither instills much confidence in me. 4. "Jawja" boy expects $1600
for this weapon. For that many ducks I can probably have Krebs build me
a custom RPK. 5. The upper looks like it may have been an Ingram Model
10/11 in a past life...but I'm not really sure. (I consider myself to
be current on most things gun, but to assume I'm all knowing would be
both ridiculous and arrogant) 6. The guy just gives me the creeps
looking at him, and thanks to Madgore.com I know how he does business
too. I realize some of this may seem nit-picky at best, but alarms are
ringing in my head just looking at it. I also thought it was freakish
enough to pass along. – Chase”
This slimebag doesn't surprise me anymore. That gun is probably very
illegal in that it was probably built without licenses. I don't trust
the dealer, and I don't trust the gun. You identified the 2 base guns
just fine. But for the life of me, I can't see the motivation for
putting the two together. This is like putting a Honda Civic motor
under the hood of a Lincoln Towncar. The stock L1 lower receiver is
heavy and would ruin the balance of the final product. The accuracy
and reliability of this Morph is probably nonexistent. Not only that,
but the welds on the gun are the shittiest I have ever seen. This guy
is laughable... a total joke.
Jan 20th, Tuesday, 2004: 1300hrs:
I went by to go look at that truck again.
Man, I'm wanting this rig. It's a 1981 Ford F-100 shortbed.
Here is a photo of another one...
the one I'm looking at is red, but
looks just like this one. These are some good looking trucks, in
my opinion. And the general vibe on these trucks are that they
are real hotrods. I love it. Not really finding a lot
of information about these trucks... I've learned that it's called a
"Ranger" like the smaller trucks. But then again Ford put
"Ranger" on a lot of different trucks. I think this is a good
sign... my Dog Ranger will look really good sitting in the back of this
truck. I'm not sure about the color red, but I hear the red ones
go fasters...
This morning I read
the Drudge Report…
Has a sound clip of
Howard Dean.
What a freaking maniac! What the hell is that “YEAHHHHHH!!!” What
is he doing now? A David Lee Roth tactic? Freaking lunatic.
Remember when I
mentioned Walter Cronkite’s idea that cars should only have a top speed
of 20MPH to keep old people from plowing through people?
Check this out. Fark is doing an “If Old People Ran the World”
photoshop contest. Freaking hilarious. If you are on dialup, it’s
still worth checking out. Some of them are just amazingly funny.
Our friend Sylvia has published her book.
Congratulations! This is some cool news. Check out her site, and
order her book.
Email about the truck:
“Good luck, I hope you can get it. I wasn't much of a Ford fan
until I got my '83 F250 4x4. You are right, there is something about
the front end of this vintage of Ford. Not too square, but with a nice
set of angles that seem "just right". This type of truck is a perfect
match for your fine dog(note to self, need to get another big dog to
ride in the back of mine). The 351 is a good compromise motor.
Compromise in that it is much better for moving a full size truck than
a stock 302, without the abysmal 8-10(OK, I put my foot in the carb A
LOT, so I really get about 5) MPG you get out of the 460. Parts won't
put you in the poor house either. - Zane”
Another email about
the truck:
“I traded a PC for the exact same kind of truck a couple of years
ago. It had been equipped with a headache rack, brush guard, rifle rack
and fifth wheel trailer hitch. That truck was damn near
indestructible. The only thing was the exterior had been painted with
a roller brush and white flat latex paint. Easy to touch up though.
Since my son arrived though it wasn't the best choice for a family
vehicle, so I gave it to my dad who uses it to ram dead trees into his
bonfire pit and let the kids ride around in the back with hay bales as
a treat. - JRS”
Okay – you guys are making me want this truck even more! I’m trying to
swing it… I just have to be patient. I’m also thinking I want a topper
shell too. When I was growing up, that was what an SUV was. Kids,
gear, dogs, everything was in the back of a pickup with a topper.
That’s how I always went camping… Hell, even my DAD, “Mr. German Sedan
or it’s crap” had a pickup with a topper. I’ve never had one.
Seriously… never had. Crazy, huh?
Email about Romeo and
“I read your post on The Guns in the Matrix and loved it. I was
wondering if you have any thing similar for the 1996 Romeo and Juliet
movie. The guns and modifications are very interesting and unique. Can
these items be purchased or are they all custom items? Examples include
the Virgin Mary pistol grips, family seal magazine lock plate, and
see-thru magazine. I thoroughly enjoy the website, thanks for your
time. Sincerely, Christopher” Thanks for the email, Christopher.
These guns were designed by the costume mistress... The grips were
just painted, and the family crests were made on little pendants that
they "Hot Glued" onto the mag base-plates. These are not things you
would want on your own gun such as they are. See thru mags - you can
cut windows into your mags, but this is less than ideal as your spare
mags will catch all sorts of gunk in them... Not cool. If you want the
grips, get some wood ones, polish them smooth, and have an artist do
his thing on them... then paint over it in a clear acrylic. That would
work. But no, there is no ordering R&J grips and accessories. Thank
Some more fun for
Lord of the Rings mixed with cars over at
Something Awful.
Jan 19th, Monday, 2004: Noonish:
Last week I was
feeling pretty ill… all week long.
Woke up this morning
feeling like a million bucks. So right now I’m sitting here sipping a
cherry coke, eating some red grapes, feeling great, and listening to
Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Sun is shining, birds are singing, boys
are being just awesome… They are all home for the day thanks to a day
off from school for Saint Martin Luther’s Day. Or is it Martin Luther
King? Whatever.
Japan’s military is now in
Iraq on it’s
first deployment since Godzilla’s last attack in 2000.
They are very excited about this. The chance to train and fight
against conventional enemy forces and not some giant mutated creature
is a rare event, evidently. Good luck, Gundams.
Ogre likes
Have you seen Strongbad? I think they can be pretty funny.
John Kerry is now
selling all his home’s artwork to help pay for his run. Here is an idea, Kerry… use Ebay. You could get some huge
numbers, free publicity, and some hype. It would be a better stunt
for you than riding a motorcycle for fifteen feet.
Now this is weird.
3 liters a day? Holy cow.
Not much to post
about today.
Go have a fun.
Jan 18th, Sunday, 2004: 1730hrs:
“Don't be shocked by
tone of my voice. Check out my new weapon, weapon of choice.”
– Fatboy Slim.
Walter Cronkite is a
dimwit. He
says that carmakers need to make cars designed specifically for old
people. He says that in order to keep old people from driving their
overpowered panzerwagons through the local sandwich shop, such cars
need to have a top speed of no more than 20 MPH. He says that they
need to have Gas and Brake pedals that are “Clearly Marked” to avoid
“Confusion”. Uh, Walter… the traditional pattern for vehicle control
pedals is that the gas pedal is on the far right and the break is the
big one right there in the middle. How in the hell is this even
conceivably confusing – even to an old person who has been driving with
this pattern for the better part of a Century? Did Detroit suddenly
switch this around recently? I’m trying to remember the last time I
actually LOOKED at my gas and brake peddles when driving… I don’t think
I EVER have. Is this something old people do? Walter, let me put it
to you this way… If old people can’t handle the way it is now – having
been unchanged for almost a hundred years – THEN THEY SHOULDN’T BE
DRIVING ANY VEHICLE AT ALL! Look, Walter… Maybe I am a bit angry with
you when you started your remarks with “No one needs a car that can go
Zero to Sixty in 8 seconds.” You made me angry because I need a car
that can do that… and do it quicker. You don’t get to tell ME what I
need or don’t need. Not even my Dad can tell me that when it comes to
Cars… He told me I don’t need ALL Wheel Drive either. Then again he
lives out there is the soft and gentile Virginian countryside, while I
live out here in frozen-hell-wastelands of Utah. (I lost a bet) Maybe
he doesn’t need AWD, but I sure as hell do! Walter, maybe YOU don’t
need a car that goes over 20MPH, but if I want to make it to Salt Lake
City, I need a top speed well over 120… because I don’t have all damn
day doing the Horse and Buggy thing. I’m Mormon, not Amish… and this
Mormon drives like a bat out of hell outside of city limits. There is
good news for you, Walter. Such a vehicle as what you describe is
already made, and are even very affordable and rather common place.
They don’t go over 20MPH and they are so simple, there is only 1 peddle
to worry about… It’s called a “Golf-Cart”. With these, there is no
danger of driving through a crowded bus stop with an out of control
vehicle. Fair warning though, if you get on the freeway and get in
the fast lane in front of me – you are going to end up under the tires
of my Panzerwagon!
Speaking of
I am working on the acquisition of an 81 Ford pickup with a short
stepside bed, 351 V-8, “dried blood red” paint, and new tires on cool
wheels all the way around. It is in EMMACUTATE condition other than
some paint fade. Even the bed is in great shape. I saw this truck and
instantly fell in love with it – the front end of this style Ford truck
just roars “Brutality”. I want this truck. Mrs. Ogre even admits that
not only is it a good fit for me, but “Ranger will look good in the
back of this”. Yes, yes he would. I want this truck. Price is so
low, it’s shocking. I hope I can muster the coin before someone else
takes notice of this gem.
Two emails today about
the Beretta Elite II for CCW.
I'd have no problem rolling with an Elite II. But it IS a touch large
for a regular CCW piece. But if you can do it... Roll with it.
Outstanding gun. The Beretta 92 is already an outstanding and well
designed gun... the Elite II is just further refinements.... only
making it better. Go for it.
Regarding Politician
Politicians who fear the Constitution should be tarred and feathered
the old fashioned way, like the did in the 1800's... and then hog-tied
and thrown bodily onto the nearest train leaving the state. They used
to do that to bad politicians... I don't know why this practice was
Mozilla 1.6 is
Can it be that everything somehow looks better now? It kinda does.
Cleaner. Maybe not. Not sure what improvements I have… but I am
liking the email client better than I was before. Seems a lot faster
and the spam filtering is more accurate too. I give it a thumbs up.
Jan 17th, Saturday, 2004: 1600hrs:
A Fifty Caliber
It’s true. Brothers and Sisters… Something wicked this way comes.
Oh my… that is impressive. If all the 1911 makes start making guns in
this caliber, and other guys that have .45ACP carbines were to offer
.50GI versions… I think it could really take off. Especially if the
guns start selling and
Winchester puts out a
bulk pack for the ammo… *sigh*. Not holding my breath… I’m still
waiting for bulk packs of .380, .357 SIG, and .38 Special… So
basically this will end up in the same realm as the .38Casull… really
cool… but I am not buying one. I’m wondering what the ballistics for
the cartridge are. You are probably looking at a 250 grain slug at
just under 900FPS. Impressive ballistics for a personal defense
cartridge, but I’m not seeing the advantage of this over the .45ACP in
terms of practical application.
Taurus has a new gun
out now called the
My first impressions have been rather dry when it comes to this gun,
but I have to admit the more I look at it, the more I like it. I had
the chance to examine one today and it’s good. Very good. I looks
better than the new Browning Pro-9 pieces of shiat, and it feels better
in the hand. The sights are pretty good too. The trigger felt great
too, surprisingly so. I especially like the way the gun indexed for
me… good “fit” bio-mechanically speaking. The cat behind the gun
counter was a slack jawed part timer who should have been outside
sweeping the highway… so he was unable to answer ANY questions.
(Including, “what time is it?”) My overall impression is very
positive. I thanked the sap and took an ad copy.
The advertisement is almost as interesting as the gun. It has a list
of “Features” and the #1 feature is a “Flared Bushingless Barrel”. I
suppose this is different from all the other guns Taurus makes with
bushings? Another one is a “One Piece Guide Rod”, again to
differentiate this guide rod from all the other Tauri guns with two
pieces… As odd as that feature is, the one that gets me is “Tuned
Ejector and Lowered Ejection Port”. This of course is much better than
all the other version of the 24/7 without lowered ports? I assume
those would be the Mil-Spec 24/7’s? Is it just me, or do these
features sound familiar? You know, if I didn’t know any better, I
would say that Taurus is trying to evoke a custom 1911 vibe here.
Interesting... very interesting.
It’s other features are actually very good… user changeable sights,
loaded chamber indicator, picatinny rail (instead of some lame generic
rail that few things fit on) and low profile mag release… very nice.
I’m loving the manual safety… excellent… but what the hell are “Indexed
Memory Pads”? I can’t smack-talk them too bad on this 24/7 because
unlike so many new guns that have come out lately… I actually like this
one. (The only gun company that has made new guns that I consistently
like lately has been CZ with the PCR, P-01 and the 2075) I look
forward to getting a chance to fire one of these 24/7… because it looks
like Taurus has just put out a Duty grade service auto on par with the
best of them.
My main questions about this gun center on the accuracy, magazine
compatibility, and the long term durability. This gun is the direct
offspring of the PT-111 series and those guns (lets say it nicely) had
a little problem… (They would self destruct after 600 round) but all
reports have been positive of late so I would guess that Taurus has
figured out how to make a polymer framed gun. Hey, let’s be honest –
it took HK some time to figure this out too… While the VP-70 wasn’t
suicidal like the early Millennium Series pistols were, the VP-70 was
truly one horrible piece of shit handgun. Bad sights, bad trigger, bad
balance… it was… *shudder* like a hand held nightmare. (I owned one
for about a week. Shot it twice. Took me a week to get rid of it
because I had to wait for the gun show.)
Taurus a pretty dang good example of what a good gun company is. They
support their customers 100% and will take care of them. Everyone with
a problem Millennium got it fixed... everyone that called Taurus that
is. MSRP on these guns are a bit high… but one guy has reported a
selling price of $475. That’s not bad. If the AWB goes away and these
guns are able to be filled with full capacity… and if they are nice and
accurate thanks to that “Flared Bushingless Barrel”… then these guns
would be an excellent buy if they are not already.
Burn the Floor.
Holy moly! Have you seen this? Wow! It’s a dance video called “Burn
the Floor” and it’s pretty hot. Mrs Ogre teaches dance, you should
know this, if you didn’t, now you do. Anyways, from time to time she
reviews dance videos… and she brought home this one. It’s just nuts
impressive how luscious yummy delicious sexy
wonderfully stacked built shaped performed these
dancer-chicks performers numbers are. The dancers are
all dropdeadgorgeous great and the choreography is actually
excellent… but some of the numbers… *dayum* I can’t say any more for
fear Mrs. Ogre will cut my tongue out.
Jan 16th, Friday, 2004: 1000hrs:
US Army will
soon (within 5 years?) be replacing the M-16, finally, with the M-8.
This is a good move. This is a very good move.
HK’s website has some good information on the XM-8. They are
saying it’s to replace the M-4 Carbine, but since the M-4 is what most
troopers are packing these days, you can go ahead and say goodbye
M-16. About damn time too! I just hope that before this switch is
made, they roll it out in the new 6.8 caliber. Here is some more good
news about it… if the AWB dies – We civilians can get one too! WOO HOO!
X-men Team has the first candidate. Crazy.
Excuse me while I
laugh my ass off…
Clark only has a 3% vote? That’s frickin hilarious. Even the
Democrats think he is full of shit. Sells the war to congress, and
then tells people he has consistently been against it. See, this is
the problem with most of the Democratic Politicos… they really and
truly think Americans are stupid. The problem is that they are mostly
correct. Sad isn’t it? Because even if they don’t like Clark now –
should he some how get the nomination – all the sudden he will be the
best American since George Washington. They will be behind him 150%
and have all sorts of excuses for him. Just like Bill Clinton, when no
one wanted him during the primaries.
Great rant came in
that I have to put up:
“WHAT? Wes Clark was FOR THE WAR? Ahhhh yes. Revisionist History.
Yet another mighty sword to be brandished by the idiotarian lapdogs.
They usually keep it right next to Political Correctness. I would guess
the little tubes that carried the "outdated and now, incorrect"
information down to the incinerators in Orwell's 1984 are not far off.
Memories are short I suppose. Rant here... Mars is a fantastic
example of short memories while I'm bringing that up. Is the new rover
going to tell us anything significantly different than the last
(Pathfinder) rover? Anything much better than the Viking 1 or 2 probes?
Maybe something Mariners 4, 6, 7, and 9 missed? Yet you, and I, and
every other tax-paying and productive member of society gets to pay for
NASA to hurl an over-glorified, over-engineered, and over-priced REMOTE
CONTROL TRUCK freakin millions of miles across the solar system and
MAYBE have a chance that it will survive the landing. That cost per
kilo happens to be $10k by the way. Now we get to also pay for Mars
Express, 2001 Mars Odyssey, and Mars Global Surveyor? I'm gonna go out
on a limb here and state that between the lost Mariners, Mars Observer,
Climate Orbiter, Polar Lander and the successful(?) Vikings,
Pathfinder, and this new rover surveyor we will have deposited enough
material to establish a base on Mars with minimal effort once we get
people there. All they are going to have to do is walk around and
gather up the scraps. Throw in some Japanese scrap, among others, and
we could have a workable station in no time. I think I'd bring some
Duct Tape and a lot of welding rods on that mission, however. I liked
the old way NASA did business. Throw out some specs and wait for bids
and prototypes. Capitalism handled the rest. Now, its like you said.
"NASA overlooks and scoffs at all new ideas that doesn't come from
within". NASA has an 85 billion dollar budget over the next 5 years if
I remember right. Undoubtedly, much of this will go to R&D, and the
retrofitting of children’s toys intended for interplanetary
exploration. Oh the shit I could do with $85,000,000,000.00 – Chase”
Yesterday was
I was so sick I couldn’t stand it. On top of a category 5 migraine
headache and a sore throat, I just couldn’t get warm. I was wearing
more layers than Judd Nelson in “Making the Grade” while feeling like
Kurt Russell at the end of “The Thing”. Well, I’m feeling much better
today, thank you. Still a bit groggy, but a world better than
yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, last night I was flipping through
the TV channels (I really don’t watch TV very often, seriously I don’t)
and I saw my Mother In Law so I stopped. I didn’t know who this person
was, obviously she wasn’t my mother in law, but looked like it. She
had a talk show of some sort and someone in the audience asked her a
question. “How do you feel about Rush Limbaugh’s rehab after your
son’s?” Or something like that. The lady said “Oh I’m glad it
happened! Rush is a hypocrite blah blah blah… I’m very glad it
happened.” The person asking was a girl that looked just like Andre
the Giant in Princess Bride, but with big glasses… and this lady that
looks like mother in law is happy about Rush having chronic pain and
became addicted to prescription pain killers? What? I was thinking
“who the hell is the biatch?” A couple seconds later I discovered that
this was Sharon Osborne, wife of Ozzy. Wait a second, Rush’s addiction
stems from dependence upon legal prescription pain killers for his
chronic pain… and your ugly brat, Sharon, was treated for his addiction
for illegal recreational drug use – stemming from piss poor parenting,
you bitch. There is a huge difference and if you can’t see that… well…
obviously this lady is just as burnt out as her husband… she can just
speak coherently, some how. I turned the TV off… I’m not missing much
by not watching. I have a couple channels that I like, and of course
that I don’t have. The Discovery channels, Sci-Fi, and Fox News...
It seems everything else is just total shit. BTW, my mother in law is
much prettier than
Mozilla 1.6 is out.
I’m a dedicated 1.5 user… and I think it kicks Internet Explorer’s
butt. But I am not seeing any real solid reasons to go up to 1.6.
They say 1.6 has a lot of bug fixes, but I’ve found no bugs to worry
about. So unless there is a good reason to use it, I’m sticking to 1.5
and I’m perfectly satisfied in doing so.


ogre@madogre.com via PayPal to support MadOgre.com, or God will kill a kitten.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012