Mar 31st, Wednesday, 2004: Noonish:
Give me ONE good reason to soften my views about Liberals… Just
one. I just heard this on the radio: “We need to support the
resistance of Iraqis in Iraq… we have to see them as allies.” This
is the Liberal Mind… The Iraqis just killed 5 more US GI’s. My own
brothers are on the way to Iraq. Ergo – Liberals want to kill my
brothers. I’m so furious that I feel sick. I have so much to say
about this that everything is flooding and overwhelming me and I just
can’t put it all into any reasonable order. This is unbelievable.
Liberals are so blatantly Anti-American.
Email about the Liberals’ new radio bullshit:
“Greetings Ogre....... WTF! I almost puked watching Blitzer &
friends on CNN hyping Al (shitforbrains) Franken's start up "Liberal
Radio" this morning. And that asshole is using the name "Air
America". Probably doesn't remember that the real, original Air
America was a CIA funded group of superior pilots flying Helio Couriers
and other aircraft into dirt strips in Laos and other "fun places" in
the 60's. My money is on Franken's demise as a radio talk show host in
less than 6 months. – Bob” Liberal Radio - if anything else...
with soundbytes from the likes of Kerry "I voted for it, before I voted
against it"... it should be entertaining and like all other Liberal
ploys, will work against them in the end. “The
Gloves are coming off”? Bring it on! You want to take the gloves
off… Al Franken – just me and you… in the street. No gloves. To quote
Mike Tyson: “I’ll fuck you till you love me!”
I am thinking right now that we should just drop what we are doing in
Iraq, let them fend for themselves.
them. Killing soldiers is one thing… but targeting civilians
working in Iraq, trying to help these ingrate bastards… this is too
much. I’m really not happy right now. These fuckers are too ignorant
to work with.
Another thing I’m not happy about… My Marlin 336CS should have been delivered today.
Well, I got the tracking number and I find that the rifle is being
delivered to some fucking place in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’m about to
come unglued over here. I am really hoping that this was the wrong
tracking number.
I’ve got a lot of favorite writers out there…
one of them is Patrick McManus. This guy is truly one of the writers
that have inspired me to write. If you ever come across one of his
books – get it. It is a rare treat. You could call him an outdoors
humorist, or you could just call him really freaking funny. But when
it comes to books that make me laugh, His books totally do it for me.
Just found out he has one that actually about writing humor and how to
do it. I’m going to order it ASAP. This summer I’m going to be
taking an almost complete blogging break, internet break, game break…
and I am going to finish my book tentatively titled “Redemption”.
Maybe I can mix a bit of humor into the book… it could probably use it.
Dear God:
Why didn't you
save the school children at Columbine?
Dear Concerned
I am not
allowed in schools.
How did this
get started.... Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray
O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayer in our schools. And we
said, OK... Then, someone said you better not read the Bible in school,
the Bible that says "thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and
love your neighbors as yourself," And we said, OK... Dr. Benjamin Spock
said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their
little personalities would be warped and we might damage their
self-esteem. And we said, an expert should know what he's talking about
so we won't spank them anymore... Then someone said teachers and
principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. And
the school administrators said no faculty member in this school better
touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad
publicity, and we surely don't want to be sued. And we accepted their
reasoning... Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions
if they want, and they won't even have to tell their parents. And we
said, that's a grand idea... Then some wise school board member
said, since boys will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's
give our sons all the condoms they want, so they can have all the fun
they desire, and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at
school. And we said, that's another great idea... Then some of our top
elected officials said it doesn't ! matter what we do in private
as long as we do our jobs. And we said, it doesn't matter what
anybody, including the President, does in private as long as we have
jobs and the economy is good... And someone else took that appreciation
a step further and published pictures of nude children and then stepped
further still by making them available on the Internet. And we said,
everyone's entitled to free speech... And the entertainment industry
said, let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence
and illicit sex... And let's record music that encourages rape, drugs,
murder, suicide, and satanic themes... And we said, it's just
entertainment and it has no adverse effect and nobody takes it
seriously anyway, so go right ahead... Now we're asking ourselves why
our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong,
and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, classmates or even
themselves. Undoubtedly, if we thought about it long and hard enough,
we could figure it out. I'm sure it has a great deal to do with... "WE
"The American Republic
is finished when the Congress realizes that it can bribe the people
with the peoples money"
-- Alexis De Touqueville
Mar 30th, Tuesday, 2004: 1600hrs:
Email about oil and economy: “This tax would cripple our economy, I believe, more than any across the
board tax increase. A tax increase with a simultaneous decrease in
spending to pay down the national debt might have a neutral to positive
effect on the economy. However a spike in oil prices could bring our
economy to a screeching halt. The Fed Reserve can truly minimize the
effects of most "normal" business cycles through monetary policy. The
one thing that they are not able to deal with is increases in the price
of oil. It doesn't take a long look at history to see the strains put
on our economy through increases in oil prices because they (oil price
spikes) have such far reaching effects.”
Yup. That’s what I said.
this is one way to check out.
What a sucker… if he said he was Palestinian he could have got a cell
phone and 23 bucks to do it.
I installed the Mozilla 1.7 Beta. It’s fast. Noticeably faster than version 1.6 and IE 6.
Better too. Less glitchy so far. I think by version 2 there will be
absolutely no reason to use IE anymore. Normally I don’t like to roll
with Betas… but the way Mozilla as been developing lately… It’s worth
running. I am seeing a bit of oddness on Slashdot… but not too bad.
My online classes which are normally slow are now much better. The
Mozilla crew is saying a 7% increase in speed… in some cases this seems
much faster while others seem to be about the same. With the
improvements to the Open Source movement and outfits like IBM and HP
embracing Linux… Mandrake coming out of Chapter 11… and with Mozilla
kicking such gratuitous ass… Maybe this time next year I’ll be able to
say Buh’Bye to Windows altogether. What I would like to see though… is
one of these Unix type OS’s start trying to be more like OSX.2 and less
like Windows. I don’t get why they are trying to be like the OS that
everyone loves to hate. OSX.2 Jag – I think is perhaps the most
elegant OS I have ever played with. They should try to emulate that if
they are going to emulate anything at all. I’ve seen screen shots of
the next version of Windows – and I’m thinking that they are trying to
be more like OSX than Apple is. Since OSX is built on a UNIX core, I
don’t see why it couldn’t be ported to Linux and made to work with X86
architecture. Seems like a no brainer. I know Apple would pitch a fit
– but if the Linux version was tweaked right – it could be done. Okay,
maybe not on Linux… but on NetBSD it could be done and probably so with
little effort. Oh, sorry… I stopped dragging knuckles there for a
minute. My bad. Where was I? Ah… Mozilla. The only page that gives
me problems is
Geek With a .45’s page. Then again, His page never loaded
correctly with 1.6 or 1.5 either. I didn’t expect it to load right
with 1.7… but I was hopeful. Of course the page loads just fine in
This made me laugh my ass off. It shouldn’t have… but it did.
While on the same subject…
New magazine I am going to have to subscribe to.
Anyone in the Army anywhere near Washington DC?
Read this. Come on guys… get over there with some Brasso and a
buffing cloth! Come on – Move it – Buster!!! Look at this... aint
this some shit, now. The Marines are making us look bad over there!
This is on my TO-DO list next time I’m in Virginia.
I wasn’t going to post anything today…
I have a huge exam
tonight that I am studying for.
But something has come in that just made me come unglued. I
remember gas being 75 cents a gallon. Now it’s two bucks. I was in
an email conversation about this… I was wrong when I said we need to
tap Alaska… what I should have said we need to tap Alaska, the Gulf of
Mexico, and the California Coast – with a huge fucking offshore
platform right out in front of Barbara Streisand’s mansion. Even if
there is no oil right there – it would piss her off so much it would be
worth it. I’ll personally finance that platform myself just to have it
built there. Anyways… where was I? Ah… Unglued… John F’ing Kerry.
Look at the pump next time you gas up. How much are the taxes per
gallon? Last time I looked, it was about 50 cents a gallon. Kerry
wants to increase that tax by another 50 cents a gallon. Kerry is a
freaking LUNATIC. The man is so far out of touch with reality. Do you
know what that would do to me? That would destroy me! That would also
destroy a lot of other people to. Everything would become more
expensive… because shipping and transporting would all become more
expensive too. So we wouldn’t be just spending more at the pump… but
everywhere else as well. Light bulbs and hamburgers and all that…
because everything has to get transported by truck to get to your
store. When gas prices go up, it costs more to ship. Who pays for
that? We all do. And at the same time Kerry would raise gas taxes he
is also going to be raising all our other taxes and doing away with the
tax cuts we just got. This jackass would be in effect pulling up on
the parking brake on the national economy and on my economy. This guy
is a lunatic. He doesn’t know what it’s like to live on a limited
income. He has no idea. He is the richest Senator on Capital Hill…
mansions all over the damn world… he has no concept of what it’s like
being of average means. He wouldn’t know how to survive… so how the
hell do people think he can help the rest of us get by?
John Kerry is Anti-American… he wants to kill our national defense… he wants to kill our
national economy… he wants to kill our rights… and our privacy… and he
wants to turn us all into slaves. Fuck John Kerry, and if you think
you might vote for him – fuck you too.
Looks like the Cougar Club as gained yet another Member.
THR member Sox has followed my sagely advice and has acquired his own
example. As I have said in that THR thread, I am quite smitten
with this kitten. It’s a keeper… and since I have a Detonics again,
the only other compact .45 that I’m after now is a SIG P245. That
will pretty much round out and finish my little collection of duty
grade compact .45s. Maybe eventually I might look at the PT-145 again…
but I think this is it.
“Ogre, I see you are a gun guy. I have a Question regarding the
Para-ordinance and Crimson Trace Laser grips. The model LG 201 crimson
trace states: "Model LG-201 fits 1911 and 1991A1
Government and Commander style frames including: Colt, Kimber, Dan
Wesson, Browlin Arms, Olympic Arms, Les Baer, Auto Ordinance and Wilson
pistols" When a customer asked about the para on the CTC forums the
response was "not for double stacks". I’m confused because if you look
at the LG201 you will see its NOT A WRAP AROUND grip. Since the P13 is
a "commander style frame" Im assuming the length of the grip Of the
same. What difference does it matter if its single stack or double
stack on the panel style grips? I have asked their customer service
and posted it on the forums and no answer.... By the way, what is your
stance on laser sights?”
Yeah, I’m a Gun Guy. ;)
The P13 is a double stack. The grip panels are not perfectly
flat like a standard framed 1911… while the P13 might be Commander
sized, it’s not a Commander frame. Other single stack Paras would
work. Anyways… as for lasers… lasers are fine. I’ve used them… but
don’t have any right now as I don’t think they are that important
considering new laser grips are the price of a whole other handgun.
The value they offer is limited.
Mar 29th, Monday, 2004: 1015hrs:
I can not believe this… some fuckwad court in
New Orleans has pretty much torn up and tossed out the Constitution.
The have just ruled that cops can go into your home or
business and search for anything they want – without a warrant. This
is the most disgusting violation of the Bill of Rights because it’s the
last straw. Your home… they can just come on in if they feel like it.
This can not stand. This can not be allowed to stand for even a week.
This judge that made this decision – he needs to be thrown out. The
argument is for “Officer Safety”? WTF? I don’t see this as making
officers safer. In fact, just the opposite – this puts an officer in
deeper risk. Time to feed the hogs in Louisiana. Two judges have
called this a “Road to Hell” and they are exactly right. If this
stands – then the US Constitution is completely void. This is so
fucking outrageous, it gave me a damn headache like almost instantly.
My head is about to explode over here. No warrant – they can just come
right on in. Fuck that.
This is just as outrageous…
Protestors swarming Karl Rove’s house… pounding on his windows. WTF?
That’s not demonstrating – that’s a fucking mob. I don’t know about
Rove – but I would start depleting my 12 gauge ammunition supply right
there. If you want to protest – feel free. But you do it at his
office – not at his home. That’s way across the line. “The protest
was organized by National People's Action, a coalition of neighborhood
advocacy groups based in Chicago.” This group right here… they need to
be sued to obliteration. They took a political issue and turned it
into a personal assault by a mob at this man’s home. I’m a very
private person believe it or not. I like my privacy. I don’t like
unexpected visitors. Give me a call and let me know your on the way
and that’s cool… but to just show up and start banging on my windows?
That’s not kosher. I don’t even like my own church’s missionaries
knocking on my door. I can’t imagine what would happen if 200 people
were outside yelling and pounding on my house. I’d probably flip out.
“Palacios said that Rove was "very upset" and was "yelling in our faces"
and that Rove told them "he hoped we were proud to make his 14-year-old
and 10-year-old cry."
“Palacios, trembling and in tears herself, said, "He is very offended
because we dared to come here. We dared to come here because he dared
to ignore us. I'm sorry we disturbed his children, but our children are
disturbed every day.”
That is no fucking
excuse… that doesn’t justify this mobbing. Rove doesn’t come to your
house and pound on your windows. This is taking protesting too far…
way too far. That is so across the line, Law Enforcement needs to come
down hard on all of these people for trespassing extremely hard – and
make sure that other groups don’t try this sort of protesting again in
the future.
These 9-11hearings… this is such a pathetic partisan kangaroo court joke. It is infuriating
beyond belief. What is the point of these hearings anyway? What is
the goal here? Nothing more than to try to blame Bush for it. It
could have been prevented… well no shit. We all are well aware of the
whole parade of fuckups that allowed this to happen. From Intel screw
ups to giving student visas to the tangos in the first place. Yes, we
all know this. So what? We are all well aware of what happened… but
what is this commission going to do to prevent it next time? Nothing.
This is just a political attack machine. And this Richard Clark
asshole. This fucker needs to be bitch-slapped repeatedly by a platoon
of sumo wrestlers.
“You think that
your Liberals stink, Ogre? It is Tasos again, and this one you got to
hear. I just read an column in a financial newspaper. Supposedly the
future of a "strong Europe wil be reached through national
integration"(which means that we all end up speaking either German or
French in this Continent). -First of all I never asked to become
integrated. Even more outrageous to my simple, peasant, patriotic
greek mind is not the abolishment of my national identity, but the
second point in that particular article. "Corporate management must act
as a counselor to the State". -Now let me get this straight. Not only
my country is going to be governed by foreign bureaucrats that have
nothing in common with me, but they also need to be patronised by other
foreigners whose motto is the maximization of their corporate profit.
I guess it's best that
my grandfathers are both dead. I'd hate to have to tell them that the
Nazis won the war after all, and now we have to work for them. -At
least now I know why they do not want me to possess firearms. Yours
from Athens,
“From a(nother)
Left-Coast Ogre fan.........
The more I think about the sadder it really is and the more pissed off I
get...... Does anybody but the lunatic fringe really think that
if the President wouldn't have done something, anything to stop 911 if
he had known about it. No, of course not. Yet the "hue and
cry" from the "Radical Left" and the "Mainstream Media" has forced the
President to actually make a public statement to that effect. Sad
indeed. And then to really piss you off there is Condoleezza
Rice being raked over the coals the whole weekend by the aforementioned
two groups for (so far) not going before the (worthless/partisan) 911
commission in front of the cameras. This AFTER she has already spent
hours and hours and hours in private sessions with the panel. It
doesn't take a genius to understand why the aforementioned groups want
Rice in front of the cameras. I'll bet watergate veteran
Richard Ben-Veniste is just drooling in
anticipation of "grilling" her publicly. That Asshole!
– Bob”
$6 last I checked. Runs in Linux, Windows and Mac I think. Made by
the US army, they use it for recruiting. I haven't bought it yet, been
too busy. You mentioned Linux games awhile back. Sorry, I've been
working like a dog. Too lazy to post. There is also: Neverwinter
Nights, Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Return to Castle Wolfenstein,
Sin, Soldier of Fortune, Kohan, Myth II, Railroad Tycoon, Civ: Call to
Power… All of these run native in Linux. You are right they need vamp
up and get a native game that's killer, only available in Linux. AND
market the crap out of it. It would do for Linux what Grand Theft Auto
did for the PS2. Links: (P.S.) I bought a 3 month subscription
to all of transgaming's stuff. I ran all kinds of games no problem.
Funny, I never could get MS affiliated games like Close Combat (still
the only game I really play) to work. It's like $60 a year. Bryan out”
Another good blog
worth looking at:
I like this guy.
Britney Spears is
No way. She has a very sexy body… but she stopped being attractive
a long time ago. This routine of porn on stage and calling it art or
music or expression… this is pathetic. I don’t care what she does… I
don’t care of she even actually fucks people on the stage. She can go
ahead and just make porn movies for all I care… but what I don’t like
is that she is the pop princess for so many young American girls. She
is their idol. My little 13 year old sister in law used to listen to
her. She is a smart cookie and has taken down her Britney Spears
posters and stuff… but so many other girls have not. So many other
girls still look up to this slut and want to be like her. That is what
I don’t like. Our children need to remain children… just because a
little girl gets boobies doesn’t mean she is a woman. Just because a
boy’s voice cracks, doesn’t mean he is a man. We can not allow the
sexualization of kids. When you take even introductory classes in
Psychology it becomes obvious that most mental disorders all come from
the same source – sexual abuse or early sexual activity. Kids need to
be kids. I don’t even let my kids watch the Disney channel anymore.
Disney is trying to pimp kids really hard, and it’s not just that… but
every single damn show on that channel is all about adults being
stupid, kids being smarter than them and adults being obstacles to be
overcome. What about shows that teaches kids some moral values and
personal responsibility? Aarrgh… I hate pop culture!
Let’s buy all of our oil from South America and start pumping from Alaska.
I’ve said it before… we need to tap Alaska like a Frat party taps
kegs. We have all the resources to do it. If we can’t tap Alaska, we
can tap South America. We don’t even need OPEC. We don’t need the
middle east. OPEC is a bunch of damn criminals anyway. We shouldn’t
be dealing with them. If the CIA was forbidden to deal with shady
characters, why the hell are we still buying oil from them?
CZ-52 is a relic of the cold war. This was a weapon specifically
designed to defeat the body armor that had become popular by American
forces. It's pretty slick for an Iron Curtain gun.. you can get
these for 150 or less if you shop around. Fires like a .357
Magnum, 1600 FPS, and spits a huge fireball. Lots of fun.
You can get them slicked up and tweaked and they can make for a decent
carry gun. A lot of guys want a good gun for under 300.
There you go.
Mar 28th, Sunday, 2004: 1800hrs:
I think my Dad would have a heart attack over here.
Last Wednesday I topped of the Bronco and hit the trip odometer.
Today I topped off the tank again. Putting the fuel into the miles,
the math shows that I got 10.2 miles per gallon. Not bad considering
all the stop and go driving it’s done as a Demolition Crew Transport.
I’m fine with this… this is about what our Jeeps have been getting
lately. I’m guessing this rig could get up to 16 MPG if I was
straight highway and staying off the gas pedal. The
Subaru only gets better than that when it’s running on the highways.
The page got a
little long in the tooth so I archived it. Should have done
that a long time ago. Sorry about the long load times.
Two items in the news that are of no surprise.
First off, we have a
French Lawyer that is lined up to defend Saddam. Figures. This
is about as surprising as finding out that a suicide bomber was
Palestinian. I also find it repugnant that the French would step up
to do this. Let’s not forget that France was one of the biggest
violators of the UN Sanctions against Iraq… and now these assmonkeys
are going to defend him? Excuse the hell out of me, but I think France
should be prosecuted for those UN Sanction violations… Along with
France, Germany and Russia. If they are allowed to totally get off
scott-free then the UN Sanctions mean nothing. If they mean nothing…
then the UN means nothing. Oh wait a second… too late. These nations
got a pass, the sanctions meant nothing… so that means of course the UN
means jack shit.
Then we have this next
item… no surprise here… even
the Pope says there is a problem with John F’ing Kerry. Classic.
Even the POPE sees how fucked up Kerry is.
A guy came to the door last night selling Direct TV.
They had 3 special package deals going on. 35 bucks a month you get
Discovery and Sci Fi along with all the other junk channels. But if
you want Fox News, you have to go up to the 45 bucks a month. And if
you want the Outdoor Channel and Speed, then you have to go up to the
65 dollars a month package that has almost everything but the channels
you really want so you have to pay extra to add them. No thank you.
I just read that
the 82nd Airborne is rolling out some of the old M8
mini-tanks. These M8’s were once part of an old project that got
scraped… probably due to John F’ing Kerry. These Mini Tanks are going
to used in Iraq on the front lines there. This is good news. Oh, wait
a second… Why are they not using the new LAVIII based Strikers? Maybe
because these mini tanks are air-droppable and the Strikers are not?
If they are not air droppable per project requirements… why are we
putting Striker units together in the first place? It’s
a mystery.
Yesterday I took the whole family up into the mountains for some
Not very long… but everyone got a chance to shoot. I shot the Detonics
for the first time and it proved to be reliable. In true Detonics
fashion it was a handful. Very sharp recoil… almost unpleasant to
shoot. After only one magazine my hand was showing some redness and
some swelling. I’m going to have a modern style beavertail fitted to
help protect my shooting hand… BTW, with a Detonics, one mag full means
6 shots. This isn’t a range gun made for long lazy target shooting
sessions. This little gun is a pure bred CCW… Concealed Carry Weapon.
It carries extremely well, conceals extremely well, and with it’s
.45ACP caliber… and extremely potent weapon. I’ll write a full review
later. Mrs Ogre when she first felt the Detonics, fell in love with
it. She was impressed with the gun and this is a rare thing for her.
However after firing it, she came to the conclusion “I like the Cougar
better”. She was referring to the Cougar “For Shooting” and I agree
with her assessment. The Cougar is easier to shoot, more comfortable
in recoil, softer recoil, and more accurate than the Detonics. The
Detonics might be a good EDCG, but the Cougar is a much better range
gun… and is my choice (between the two) for a “Bump In The Night”
situation. (Personally a BITN gun means 12 Gauge or Rifle but I’m
talking handguns here right now) The Detonics is one hell of a little
.45 and I love it. I’m going to do some accuracy work with it
eventually and see what it can do, but so far I am impressed with it.
I was doing some informal plinking with it off one ridge and nailing
this hubcap sized rock on another ridge with perfect regularity. I am
looking forward to seeing what it can do at 7 and 15 yards… so far it
looks promising.
Finally a health plan I can agree with.
My wife hates me for showing this to her. He he he.
Mar 27th, Saturday, 2004: 1400hrs:
Email from Horde Member Dave:
“From MSNBC: "Polls show that jobs are the top issue with most voters and
that Kerry is viewed as best suited to improve the economy; terrorism
is No. 2, and most voters say they trust Bush most to protect the
nation." Well, WTF good is it to have more jobs if the nation isn't
safe? Ask any Israeli if they would rather have jobs or safety. You
can bet your ass what they would pick. The other thing that pisses me
off is that the economic policy of a POTUS is rarely, if ever, felt by
the economy in the short run. Clinton rode the swell in the economy,
and benefited from the previous administration's policies, and Bush
suffered from Clinton's lack of leadership (in regards to economic
policy, defense spending, foreign policy, etc). I'm not trying to
paint the rosiest of pictures about President Bush, but he's our best
option at the moment. I believe he means well. I believe he will
defend our country well. I don't believe he will waffle on every
decision like JFKerry. I don't think he will try to turn global
defense over to the UN like Kerry will. Why would someone as
conflicted as Kerry even talk about raising taxes on large
corporations, when he is funded by one of them? Simple posturing.
He'll never do it, but it sounds good. Sound familiar? He's been
doing it all his life. Bush may need a lesson in Foreign Relations and
International Trade, but Kerry needs an enema, a lobotamy, and someone
to light his lying pants on fire. – Dave” That about sums Kerry up, nicely.
I swear… getting this Boa from Spectre was bad news. I hate
this knife! Since that day – I have not been able to carry anything
else. I’ve tried. But the Boa ALWAYS comes back and ends up clipped
to my pocket. Every damn time. I used to carry others… SOGs,
Spydercos, Benchmades… even a couple Emersons. I had variety. I had
choices. I had freedom to carry any number of fine knives. Those days
are long gone… The Kershaw/Onion Boa has completely ruined all other
knives for me. The blade shape is perfect for just about any cutting
job… the blade’s steel is like magical or something… the handle fits my
hand like it was custom made for me! And the worst feature of all?
This Speed Safe mechanism. I can’t use a knife without it now. How
long have I had this knife now? Almost 2 years? I tried looking at
some other nice “tactical” folders… but if they are not a Boa, forget
it. The only knife I could see in replacing this Boa – is another
Boa. Dang it! My good friend Steve has purchased one of these knives
and I feel sorry for him. No more looking fondly at the new Benchmade
whatever… he’s done. He has his knife. Life time warranty too… It is
going to be on him forever now. It’s like a marriage. I carry
mine constantly. If I am wearing pants – I have the Boa. It’s like an
inoperable tumor. I've taken the thumb-studs off mine. Without them,
the knife slides into and out of the pocket easily and quickly... and
you don't need them to open the blade. The little "trigger" mechanism
works perfectly to open the knife and it's safer too, as your fingers
are nowhere near the blade edge. And since the trigger is on the
centerline, it's completely ambidextrous. Ken Onion sells his hand
made Boas (couple hundred bucks a pop) without any thumb studs... I
don't see why the Kershaw Production versions need them at all.
I admonish everyone reading this – Avoid the Boa at all costs! If
you don’t listen to this warning… it will be the last knife you ever
Discussion on THR.
Two righteous… Cracked me up and made me think. Murdoc
Online. Another blog I’m liking is “Airborne
Combat Engineer”.
Yesterday I ran out
of most of my gun cleaning supplies. I’m out of FP-10, Breakfree
CLP, all my solvents… all I have left is some Militec-1 oil and grease,
and some Action Lube Plus from Brownells. This stuff is fine, but you
can’t clean a gun with just grease and some Militec-1 oil. I’m going
to have to place an order for some stuff, but to be honest I am not
sure what I am going to get. An email came in yesterday talking about
Eezox. This stuff looks interesting, and it looks better than
Militec… I know a lot of Horde Members out there swear by Militec, but
in my own testing I have found it to be lacking. It’s not as slick as
the other stuff and it doesn’t protect against corrosion worth a damn.
Mobil 1 oil works better at lubing and protecting. In fact, here is
what I have done… Last time I changed the oil in my Jeeps (BTW, I use
Mobil 1 exclusively in all my vehicles. The Bronco is going to drive
about another 1,000 and then it’s getting an oil change… Mobile 1 Oil
“Truck & SUV 5W-40” and a Mobil 1 Filter.) I kept some of the oil… I
have a small medicine bottle that I washed out and it has a dropper on
it. I put the Mobil 1 into that and it serves as my oil bottle for
damn near everything. Hinges, Bike chains, everything… guns too. In
fact, I hate to say it… but I might not need much of a cleaning kit.
Just another bottle of Hoppes #9 and that should do it. The only thing
I would really rather have is a big old bottle of Ed’s Red… because
that stuff is a Do – Everything mixture but I’ve not used it in
awhile. I might still order some BF-CLP… but I really don’t have to.
Right now, I just wiped down my .45’s and lubed them all with Mobile 1
and the results are outstanding. The little Cougar even likes it and
those are finicky kitties.
Mar 26th, Friday, 2004: Noon
Tasteless and insensitive?
The Democrats have absolutely no sense of humor. None. They
strive to be the party of “the people” but more and more every day they
prove themselves to be far from that. So the joke was tasteless and
insensitive… okay…
but what about the face of the President of the United States as a
doormat? These guys want to talk about tasteless? That’s beyond
tacky and goes straight to disgustingly juvenile for an American
Political Party. That’s flat out shameful… just like the politicians
in the party.
I just wrote a long letter to my Congressmen…
Jim Matheson. Normally I contact only my Senators… but I wrote him for
the hell of it. I touched on several things… The V-22 Osprey that
needs to die, the XM-8 Rifle in 6.8MM that needs to be pushed through,
body armor for all the troops… that he needs to vote against any
measures that would prolong the AWB. Since he is also a Democrat I
also let him know that this DNC HQ doormat thing is reprehensible. I
write a politician every Friday and let them know my mind. So should
Email from our newest reader: “I like your web site, I am a talks show host/producer
here in CT on a non profit free-form radio station 88.1 FM WESU. Always
good to have a new source for rantings! -Ben” I picked something
up from Ben off of Ebay. Looks like he got something in return.
Welcome to the Horde!
Check this out.
Israel’s tiny spy plane.
Lots of study today…
and I'm going in to see the Doc about this killer migraine that I have
going on today. Just wanted to leave you with a little something:
Two Arabs are drinking coffee and chatting. One pulls out his wallet
and starts flipping through some photos.
"This is my oldest son, he is a martyr."
"This is my second son, he is a martyr too."
After a pause, a sip of coffee and a deep sigh, the second Arab
wistfully says, "They blow up so fast, don't they?"
Some new blogs to look
The Spoons Experience. I’ve not put Spoons in the “Selected Links”
section… Correcting that today. Sorry, Spoons.
Section 9. Stumbled on this one… Never heard of it before. Good
stuff… check it out.
Obsidian Wings. I’ve linked before but not as a selected link…
Veteran blogger. One of the best out there.
Sgt Hook. “This we’ll defend”. Indeed. Good job.
Beck in the Box. This cat is a Marine over There.
Junk Yard Blog. This cat is Air Force, evidently. Yet he has
some good points. I like it...
Go read Day by Day - Now.
Today is email clearing day. Over the past few days some of the emails I’ve had are just too good not
to share… normally I don’t do this, but it’s Friday. Here are some of
the choicest emails.
Email from Reader: “VIRGINIA VS. MARYLAND -
It's Safer in Virginia. Check this out and pay close attention to
this statement and everything that follows. 'While Virginia's crime
rate may be lower, it's easier for people there to get guns, according
to Handgun Control'. Um, hello? Anyone one home? That's why the
crime rate is low. – Orion”
Thanks for the email Orion. Yes, Virginia is safer than Maryland and
Maryland is safer than DC. Why is it Safer than DC? Because DC
doesn’t allow any guns at all. It’s like a “Criminal Wildlife
Preserve” where they are free to roam and act like beasts with no fear
of hunters. It is a very good example of the fact that Gun Control
allows for unchecked crime. DC’s solution to this? More gun control
laws. Project Exile. Which of course really has little to no effect
on anything, but at least they feel good about themselves for trying,
right? I bet you anything that you take the crime numbers… record them
accurately… then give DC Vermont style carry and allow citizens with
clean records to buy and carry handguns. I but you anything the
violent crime numbers will be turned around. There will be a period
of adjustment where the criminals are still getting used to the idea
that their victims might be armed… a few dead violent thugs but that’s
not really a bad thing at all. That period of time is short. Maybe a
couple months max. Then the numbers drop drastically. All the sudden
we have DC showing lower crime stats than Virginia. Of course that
will NEVER happen because DC will NEVER allow guns. So it’s a criminal
free for all there.
Email from Horde Captain Gordie. Very interesting email:
“Got this one
from one of my ring knocker contacts. Thought that some of you guys
might find it interesting.
Certainly, a different perspective than we get from ANY of the news
(Read top to bottom, permission to repost. LTC Kurt ******* '80 gave
this report to the West Point Society of SW Virginia on the occasion of
our Founders Day celebration March 13, 2004 at the Roanoke Country
Kurt *******'s report to us on his team of WMD searchers in Iraq was a
revelation of how far the truth lies from the public's perception via
the media. There were only TWO teams of a dozen soldiers each, deployed
to Iraq with less than a month's spin up. No TO&E, no equipment, no
training, no weapons. Just a credit card with a $2M limit. Less than 30
days to equip and train and deploy.
On arrival, they were fully occupied with identifying already declared
WMD inventory and determining where it was. There was, and are,
literally hundreds of tons of this stuff they secured and safeguarded.
He has nice before/after photos of yellow cake storage areas where
locals had dumped drums just to get the containers for water storage.
Of special interest was the portion of his presentation on media
activities in Iraq, and the striking disconnect that happened when the
embedded reporters were replaced with the Hotel Warriors. Kurt had a
split screen with "What I said" on the left, and "What the media said"
on the right. Right out of Alice's Rabbit Hole!
The most amazing aspect of this to me was the lack of structure and
organization we have at this planetary pivot of WMD, about which point,
we wage wars and economic Armageddon. No wonder we didn't know squat
about Libya.
Two teams of a dozen men each. To cover a country the size of Iraq.
And, they have now been disbanded. It doesn't add up.
If you missed this Founders Day, it'll be a long time coming before you
see its equal again! The best part was checking out Kurt with gear from
the night vision display when the lights were dimmed, to see how
strongly he glowed in the dark. Just a slight halo, and Nancy said
they're through having kids, so it should not be a problem. Besides, we
all know the government is prompt to care for veterans with radiation
Jack ********
WPS SW Virginia
From: Mike ******
Sent: Mar 17, 2004 10:01 AM
To: Kurt ***********
Subject: WMD Presentation
Hello, I am a classmate of Jack ***** '64 who is President of the SW VA
West Point Chapter. Jack provided us a riveting paragraph summarizing
your presentation along with a later comment that you were going to
perhaps provide a web-site access to the Power-Point and that you may
write a book about your hunt for WMD. I truly wish you well in that
endeavor. I provided Jack's paragraph to about 100 of my "closest
e-mail friends" -Ha! I have had so many responses - folks who wonder
why the news media hasn't revealed your actions (I suspicion it is to
be found in your presentation!) and why the current administration has
not trumpeted your finds and actions? Of that I have no guesses.
Anyway, I appreciate the work you did and will be most interested in
the Power-Point when you release it.
Mike ***** USMA '64
From: Kurt
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:44 PM
To: Mike *****
Subject: Re: WMD Presentation
Thanks for the note. I think there are two reasons the administration
doesn't speak out about what we found. First, the nuclear material we
secured was from their previous weapons program and was known prior to
the start of the war. So critics would say we didn't really "find" it.
Second, the material requires an enrichment facility in order to refine
it to the point it would be useful in a bomb, so the critics will just
claim that it would take years to turn this stuff into a weapon. There
is no hard evidence that they were actively engaged in developing an
enrichment facility (although there is circumstantial evidence that
something covert was going on). The fact that the material could be
used to build a dirty bomb is too subtle a point to argue. Basically
any country can do that, so you can't use that as a basis for the war.
The biggest problem that I had with the situation is that the UN let
Iraq keep 500 metric tons of U3O8 (yellowcake). The UN should have
required the Iraqis to ship the material out of the country years ago.
They had no use for it other than for a weapons program. They had been
caught with two covert enrichment programs in 1991, both undetected by
US intelligence. So leaving the material there ran the risk that they
would create a new covert enrichment program without our knowledge.
An interesting note in all this is that much of the yellowcake was from
Niger. Since this was obtained prior to the Bush State-of-the-Union
charge that Iraq was trying to obtain yellowcake from Niger, he cannot
say "see I told you so." On the other hand, the democrat's claim that
Bush misled the public about the Niger yellowcake purchase, while
technically correct, gave the US public the mistaken impression that
Iraq did not possess such material. So when I show pictures of tons of
Niger yellowcake in Iraq they are stunned. The bottom line is that both
positions were misleading.
It is becoming increasingly likely that we will never know the true
state of Iraq's WMD program prior to the war. But that was really the
whole point of the war in the first place. Our intelligence picture
inside Iraq was never clear. The only way to ensure that they were
complying with their UN agreements was through their support of the UN
verification process. When Saddam kicked the verification team out of
Iraq, we either had to accept Saddam's word on the state of his program
or take action. We had been burned too many times to do the former.
The media handling of this topic has been brilliant (from their
financial point of view). They know that controversy sells and that
they can count on the public's lack of historical knowledge to shape
the situation into a major controversy. They have convinced most
Americans that the intelligence was wrong, that Bush exaggerated the
threat, and that Bush's unilateral action was wrong. Many people
actually believe that Iraq never had WMD. This is mind boggling when
you consider that Iraq admitted to possessing weapons and the UN
inspection team oversaw the destruction of some of the stockpile. So we
know with 100 percent certainty that Saddam had weapons at some point
in time prior to 2003. The question is "where did they go", not "did
they exist".
While we have not been able to prove that Iraq still had weapons just
prior to the war, we have also found no evidence that Saddam destroyed
the weapons that he admitted to possessing and that the UN had caught
him with in earlier inspections. So there are 4 possibilities for the
disposition of these weapons: intelligence was wrong and Saddam
destroyed them long ago as ordered, Saddam destroyed the weapons in the
last few months preceding the attack, Saddam hid the weapons in Iraq,
or Saddam shipped them out of country. The first possibility, that
intelligence was wrong, has no more evidence to support it than the
other three, yet the press has presented it as fact. They ignore the
fact that there was unanimous consent that Iraq did possess WMD among
the world's intelligence agencies, including France, Germany, and
Russia. The UN also expressed their strong conviction that these
weapons existed. Based on this information, I would propose that the
three latter possibilities are more likely than the first. But at the
moment there is not enough evidence to support any of the four
theories, so we just have to say we don't know what happened to these
The media has also supported the myth that the Bush administration came
in with an anti-Saddam policy that was radically different from the
previous administration. This too contrary to the facts. Saddam was
clearly the number one threat under the Clinton administration. Regime
change in Iraq was a stated Clinton goal. Over his 8 years in office,
Clinton had used an increasing level of response to Saddam's refusal to
cooperate with the UN resolutions - diplomatic sanctions, economic
sanctions, and then limited military strikes. The next logical step if
Saddam refused to cooperate again would be full scale military action.
(Regardless of whether the next President was Bush or Gore.) When
Clinton authorized military strikes in 1998, the event that triggered
him was the expulsion of the UN inspection team. The same trigger Bush
was criticized for in 2003. Clinton approved military action without UN
approval. The same action Bush was criticized for in 2003. Clinton was
so confident in the intelligence data that he ordered air strikes
against WMD targets. The same intelligence picture Bush is now being
criticized for. Clearly Bush could not have made up the intelligence
about Iraq in 1998, two years before he would be elected. So it is
clear that Bush's intelligence picture was acquired from his
predecessor. In fact, one of the few officials that Bush did not
replace was Clinton's appointee to the CIA, George Tenet. The bottom
line is that the US position on Iraq did not change at all with the
change of administration. If the Bush administration entered office
with a pre-conceived notion to take us to war, as the media claims, it
was because it was the next logical step in the chain of action taken
by the previous administration.
One final topic before I finish my ramblings. People have been arguing
over whether there is any link between Saddam and Al Qaeda. While the
hunt has focused on detailed meetings, it overlooks the obvious. Our
response (or lack thereof) to Saddam's refusal to live up to his
international agreements, sends a clear signal to Al Qaeda and other
terrorist groups. If a guy like Saddam gets away with kicking out the
UN inspectors, that only serves to embolden the terrorists. Even if
there is not direct cooperation between the groups, the response to one
group sets the tone for the future. You have to wonder whether Al Qaeda
would have thought twice about the 9/11 attacks if we had shown resolve
in dealing with Saddam in the early 1990s rather than letting him thumb
his nose at us for 10 years. Our inaction may very well have given Bin
Laden the confidence to attack with impunity. Kurt *********”
Thanks for this
email, Gordie. Very interesting indeed. I still find it amazing that
after we seen images of all the bodies the thousands of people Saddam
with chemical weapons… Liberals still say “Bush lied” and “There were
no WMDs”. If a person is that intellectually limited, or self limited,
that person is just not worth arguing with or even talking to. They
really are not worth the effort. If you show them the photos (and we
all saw the photos on the news) and they can’t accept it… you are just
wasting time talking to them.
Email from reader: “Ogre......... Just came across this bit of information regarding
John F'n Kerry and his claim of the Bush administration sending jobs
abroad. Well, it seems that the Heinz Corporation, owned by F'n
Kerry's wife, has 79 plants where it manufacturers products and 57 of
the 79 are located in countries outside of the U.S. Gosh I wonder how
U.S. jobs are
lost here? These factories are located in:
(makes Heinz baby foods) Dublin,Ireland;
Lisbon,Portugal; Madrid,Spain; Milan,Italy; Monguzzo,Italy;
Athens,Greece; Warsaw,Poland; Pudliszki,Poland;
Wodzislaw,Poland; Miedzychod,Poland;
Moscow,Russia; Georgievisk,Russia; Cairo,Egypt;
TelAviv,Isreal; Haifa,Isreal; Elst,The
Netherlands and 6 other plants there; Brussels,Belgium;
Dusseldorf,Germany; Seesen,Germany; Turnhout,Belgium;
Rovereto,Italy; Chateaurenand,France; North
York,Ontario,Canada; Wheatley,Ontario,Canada; Caracas,Venezuela;
San Jose,Costa Rica; Johannesburg,South Africa;
Gaborone,Botswana; Harare,Zimbabwe;
Cheguta,Zimbabwe; Wellington,South Africa;
Melbourne,Victoria,Australia; Republic of Singapore;
Auckland,New Zealand; Tokyo,Japan; Guangzhov,People's
Republic of China (makes infant cereal); Qingdao, People's
Republic of China (makes infant foods, ketchup,mayonnaise & puree);
Inchon, South Korea (makes Heinz products and StarKist);
Bangkok,Thailand; Mumbai,India; Jakarta,Indonesia;
Surabaya,Indonesia; Manila, Philippines; Wanchai,Hong Kong.
These locations also recently purchased from Bordens to produce these
products: Classico Pasta Sauce; Aunt Millies Pasta Sauce;
Mrs. Grass Receipt Soups; Wylers Bouillons & Soups.
My goodness, just think of the conflict of interest a President would
have when is F'n wife owns business interests in all of these
countries. – Bob”
John Kerry is a lying bastard.
Email from Horde Member Mojo: “Dear Ogre, I enjoyed your: "I carry a gun for the same
reason police carry guns." With total respect to the police, here is
my take: Police are people with guns who show up to file a report about
what a criminal did to someone without a gun. – Wojo” Ouch. I
have friends who are police officers who I read this email too. They
all said “Well, yeah...”
Email from Horde
Member Dave:
“Ogre- I was laying awake in bed last night, at 0300 (my 5 week old
likes to be awake and screaming at that time), thinking about my tax
refund ($1800, although some of that belongs to the wife, and some is
already spent on her birthday present-Kimber SS Ultra Carry) and my
mind started wandering as it is wont to do at 0300...That $1800 is an
interest-free loan to the government. Interest-f#^$%ing-free. How the
hell is that right? If I screw up, and underpay the Infernal Revenue
Service, and they find out about it, I have to pay them interest on the
money that I didn't pay them. So how come they don't pay me interest
on the money I paid them (that I was forced to pay them) that I didn't
owe them? I loathe the phrase, "there oughta be a law" as much as any
libertarian-minded conservative, but bear with me here. This one could
just have the potential to kill the tax code, and massive government
spending. First, make the government pay interest on people's tax
refunds. I'm not a smart math guy, so I don't know how it would be
calculated, but base it on the average amount overpaid each month, and
figure the interest from there. Somewhere there's a math-geek who can
figure out a workable model for that. Primary shock effect from this:
the government doesn't like having to give people back any more money
that it has to (it cuts into the amount available for Congresscritters
to buy votes with), so they'll find out a way to avoid having to pay
interest. Best way to do that? Avoid having people overpay. One of
the possible ways to do that leads to: Secondary shock effects: End
withholding (at least for the income tax) and have people actually
figure out how much tax they owe and send in a check at the end of
every month. Which could lead to two more things: 1) Simplify the
tax code. Sheeple tolerate the headache of figuring their taxes when
they only have to do it once a year. Make them do it monthly, and
they'll demand something simpler. Flat tax anyone? 2) Lower taxes.
Most people don't realize how much tax they pay, simply because they
never see the money. Force them to write a check each month, and
they'll hate it. They'll realize how much all those "free" goodies
from Uncle Sugar cost Rational cost/benefit analysis is the foundation
of all economics. My gut feeling is, if they knew the costs, they
wouldn't want to pay them. And also, if they know the cost, they
probably won't demand a lot of what government now does. That's the
fevered imaginings of my brain. – Dave” Thanks for the email,
Dave. Wouldn’t it be nice if the tax code was simplified to the point
it could be printed on one page? We have people who’s sole job is to
try to stay on top of the tax code… and even they can’t do it. It
needs to be blown up and rebuilt from the foundation on up in a nice
simple and concise manner. But like guns in DC – it will never happen.
Email from Bob:
“Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry supports
extending the ban because, "When I go out there and hunt, I'm going out
there with a 12-gauge shotgun, not an assault weapon." Sen. Carl Levin
(D., Mich.) has said that allowing the ban to expire will "inevitably
lead to a rise in gun crimes." Ratcheting up the fear factor to an
entirely new level, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) says the ban is one
of "the most effective measures against terrorism that we have."
Kerry makes Clinton look good.


ogre at madogre dot com via PayPal to support, or God will kill a kitten.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012